hepatitis viruses - 2013 (fn) [compatibility mode]

Hepatitis A-E Viruses Dr F Noordeen Department of Microbiology Faculty of Medicine Peradeniya May 2013

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Hepatitis Viruses - 2013 (FN)


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Hepatitis A-E VirusesDr F Noordeen

Department of MicrobiologyFaculty of Medicine

PeradeniyaMay 2013

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• Modes of transmission and the pathogenesis of viralhepatitis in humans

• Main clinical features of viral hepatitis

• Principles of diagnosis, management and preventionviral hepatitis in humans

Learning outcomes

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Viral hepatitis



F, G other?




Viral Hepatitis - Historical Perspectives

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Source ofvirus

Faeces Blood/blood-derived

body fluids


body fluids


body fluids


Route oftransmission

Fecal-oral Percutaneouspermucosal





No Yes Yes Yes No

Prevention Pre/post-exposure




Blood donorscreening;

risk behaviormodification


immunization;risk behaviormodification

Ensure safedrinking


Hepatitis A-E


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Hepatitis A virus

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Hepatitis A virus Non enveloped RNA virus Related to enteroviruses, formerly known as

enterovirus 72, now put in the family: heptovirus Only one stable serotype 4 genotypes exist but in practice most of them

are group 1

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Incubation period: Average 30 daysRange 15-50 days

Jaundice by <6 years, <10%age group: 6-14 years, 40%-50%

>14 years, 70%-80%

Complications: Fulminant hepatitisCholestatic hepatitisRelapsing hepatitis

Chronic sequelae: None

Hepatitis A - Clinical features

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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 12


Hepatitis A infectionHepatitis A infection

Total anti-HAV

Titre ALT

IgM anti-HAV

Months after exposure

Typical Serological Course

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Close personal contact(Household contact, sexual contact and child care centers)

Contaminated food and water(Infected food handlers & raw shellfish)

Blood exposure (very rare)(Injecting drug use and transfusion)

Transmission of Hepatitis A

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Laboratory diagnosis Acute infection is diagnosed by the detection of

HAV - IgM in serum by ELISA Past Infection i.e. immunity is determined by the

detection of HAV - IgG by ELISA

Direct Detection - EM, RT-PCR of faeces Can detect illness earlier than serology

but rarely performed

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Many cases occur in community-wide outbreaks No risk factor identified for most cases Highest attack rates in 5-14 year olds Children serve as reservoir of infection

Persons at increased risk of infection Travelers Homosexual men Injecting drug users

Hepatitis A Vaccination StrategiesEpidemiologic Considerations

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Pre-exposure Travelers to intermediate and high

HAV-endemic regions

Post-exposure (within 14 days)Routine Household and other intimate contactsSelected situations Institutions (Day care centers) Common source of exposure (Food prepared

by infected food handler)

Prevention – Immunoglobulin

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Hepatitis B Virus Enveloped DNA virus

Core - HBcAg and HBeAg

Coat – HBsAg

HBV - 8 genotypes (A-H)

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Incubation period: Average 60-90 days

Clinical illness (jaundice): <5 years, <10%5 years, 30%-50%

Acute case-fatality rate: 0.5%-1%

Chronic infection: <5 years, 30%-90%5 years, 2%-10%

Premature mortality fromchronic liver disease: 15%-25%

Hepatitis B - Clinical features

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Chronic Hepatitis B 1. Chronic persistent hepatitis -


2. Chronic active hepatitis -symptomatic exacerbations

3. Cirrhosis

4. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)

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HBeAg anti-HBe

Total anti-HBc

IgM anti-HBc anti-HBsHBsAg

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 52 100

Acute Hepatitis B Virus Infection with RecoveryTypical Serologic Course

Weeks after Exposure


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IgM anti-HBc

Total anti-HBc


Acute(6 months)




0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 52 Years

Weeks after Exposure


Progression to Chronic HBV InfectionTypical Serologic Course

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High ModerateLow/Not


Blood Semen UrineSerum Vaginal fluid Faeces

Wound exudates Saliva SweatTears

Breast milk

Concentration of Hepatitis B Virus in Various Body Fluids

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Sexual - Sex workers and homosexuals

Parenteral - IDU and health workers

Perinatal - Mothers who are HBeAg positive are much more likely to transmit to their offspring during deliveryPerinatal transmission is the main means of transmission in high prevalence populations

Hepatitis B Virus Modes of Transmission

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Diagnosis An array of serological tests are used for the diagnosis of

acute and chronic HBV infection HBsAg - Used as a general marker of infection Anti-HBs - Used to document recovery and/or immunity to

HBV infection anti-HBc IgM - Marker of acute infection anti-HBcIgG - Past or chronic infection HBeAg - Indicates active replication of virus/infectiveness Anti-HBe - Virus no longer replicating

The patient can still be positive for HBsAg HBV-DNA - Indicates active replication of virus, more

accurate than HBeAg Used mainly for monitoring response to therapy

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Treatment Interferon alpha Lamivudine Adefovir Entecavir

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Prevention Vaccination - Highly effective recombinant vaccines

Vaccinate those at increased risk of HBV infection (healthcare workers)Given routinely to neonates as universal vaccination

Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin - HBIG may be used toprotect persons who are exposed to hepatitis BIt is particular efficacious within 48 h of the incidentGiven to neonates who are at increased risk ofcontracting hepatitis – mothers HBsAg + HBeAg positive

Other measures - Screening of blood donors, blood andbody fluid precautions (ABC)

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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) A flavivirus of RNA genome

HCV has a total of six genotypes (type 1 to 6)

Genotype 1 and 4 has a poorer prognosis and response to interferon therapy

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Incubation period: Average 6-7 wks

Clinical illness (jaundice): 30-40% (20-30%)

Chronic hepatitis: 70%

Persistent infection: 85-100%

Immunity: No protective antibodyresponse identified

Hepatitis C - Clinical features

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Chronic hepatitis C infection

The spectrum of chronic HCV infection is essentially the same as chronic HBV infection

All the manifestations of chronic HBV infection may be seen, with a lower frequency i.e. chronic persistent hepatitis, chronic active hepatitis, cirrhosis and HCC

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Hepatitis C Virus InfectionTypical Serologic Course


Months YearsTime after Exposure

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Transfusion or transplant from infected donor

Injecting drug use (IDU) Hemodialysis (years on treatment) Accidental injuries with needles/sharps Sexual/household exposure to HCV RNA

positive contact Multiple sex partners Birth to HCV-infected mother

Risk factors associated with transmission of HCV

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Laboratory diagnosis HCV antibody - Used to diagnose HCV infection

Not useful in the acute phase as it takes at least 4 weeks for the antibody to appear

HCV RNA - Various techniques are available e.g. PCR and qPCR used to diagnose HCV infection in the acute phase and in monitoring the response to antiviral therapy

HCV antigen - An ELISA for HCV antigen is available It is used in the same capacity as HCV RNA tests but is much easier to carry out

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Treatment Interferon and Ribavirin in combination

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Screening of blood, organ and tissue donors

High-risk behavior modification

Blood and body fluid precautions (ABC)

Prevention of Hepatitis C

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Hepatitis D (Delta) Virus

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Hepatitis D virus (HDV) The delta agent is a defective virus

The agent consists of a particle 35 nm in diameter consisting of the delta antigen surrounded by an outer coat of HBsAg

The genome of the virus is very small and consists of RNA

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Co-infection– Severe acute disease– Low risk of chronic infection

Superinfection– Usually develop chronic HDV infection– High risk of severe chronic liver disease– May present as an acute hepatitis

Hepatitis D - Clinical features

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Hepatitis E virus

• Non enveloped RNA virus• Very labile and sensitive

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Incubation period: Average 40 days

Case-fatality rate: Overall, 1%-3%Pregnant women, 15%-25%

Disease severity: Increased with age

Chronic sequelae: None identified

Hepatitis E - Clinical features

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Outbreaks: Faecally contaminated drinking water

Large epidemics have occurred in the Indian subcontinent, China, Africa and Mexico

Hepatitis E -Epidemiologic features

Prevention and Control Avoid drinking water of unknown purity,

uncooked shellfish & uncooked fruits/vegetables Vaccine?

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Following serological data for a 42 year old male that had a history of unprotected sexual encounter during his travel 5 weeks ago to China presented with fever, jaundice and malaise.

Laboratory findings

HBsAg - positive IgG anti-HBc - positive IgM anti-HBc - positive Anti-HBsAg - negative

Your diagnosis based on these findings is?

A. acute HBV infection B. acute HCV infection C. vaccinated against HBV D. super infection with HDVE. chronic HBV infection