hedydt collaborative learning summit 2014

David D Nowell PhD www.DrNowell.com How Exactly Did You Do That? Supporting Metacognition for Self-Regulation and Goal Management”

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Post on 06-Dec-2014




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Each of us has a very specific behavioral strategy - like a recipe - for our behavioral successes (like turning in our homework or showing up on time). These successes don’t just “happen.” And we have specific recipes for our behavioral failures, too. When we understand our specific behavioral recipes, we then have the option to change outcomes by changing just one ingredient of that recipe. This breakout provides an overview of Strategic Behavioral Inquiry - a curious and compassionate approach to eliciting our students’ and clients’ behavioral strategies. Dr. Nowell has shared this approach to thousands of breakout participants internationally. This Inquiry can be applied to clinical interviewing, parenting, counseling, and classroom management. With an ultimate goal of increasing that executive function we call “metacognition,” the approach we will review in this breakout affirms the unique interior experience of each student and client. And it boldly assumes that each of us has the ability to be in greater control of our mood, our choices, our mouths and hands, and our management of time! Implicit in the approach is the assumption that everyone is doing the best he or she can right now. Students do “better” when they have the skills and self-efficacy to do so, and when “worse” choices aren’t being rewarded. In this fast-paced interactive experience, we will apply the basic principles first to ourselves, asking of our successes and not-quite-successes: “How exactly did you do that?”


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David D Nowell PhDwww.DrNowell.com

How Exactly Did You Do That?  Supporting Metacognition for Self-Regulation and Goal Management”


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• Metacognition• Self-regulation• Goal management

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• Metacognition

• Self-regulation• Goal management

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Strategic Behavioral Inquiry

• How exactly did you do that?– Everybody’s doing the best he/she can– Every behavior problem is either• Skills deficit• Contingency problem

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Curious compassionate nonjudgmental evaluation

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Objectives of Strategic Behavioral Inquiry

• Specific behavioral strategy• What was the feeling-goal?• Motivational level on a scale from 1-10

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Benefits of Strategic Behavioral Inquiry

• Affirms the value of clients’ unique internal experience

• Emphasizes the culture of self-regulation• Encourages metacognition

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04/10/2023 © 2011 David D. Nowell, Ph.D. All rights reserved.


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Assumptions of Strategic Behavioral Inquiry

• Everybody’s doing the best they can• Behavior is not incomprehensible or random• Behavior follows patterns which reveal themselves to the curious observer free of prejudice or blame or theory

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How to do Strategic Behavioral Inquiry

“How exactly did you do that?”

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Personal Application

• What have you done that you are truly proud  of…and how exactly did you do that?

• What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago?

• What bad habit persists?   And How Exactly Do You Do That?

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Fall in Love with the Truth

• Self-monitor and collect data:– How long does your morning routine take, exactly?– How much time – exactly – do you need to complete 

expense forms?– How, exactly, do you follow through on commitments 

to others and not to yourself?• Learn from your To-Do list– Which things are not getting completed?– How – exactly – are these not getting completed?  How 

do you do that?

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Clinical Application

• Who in your clinic or classroom is demonstrating remarkable “resilience” – persistence despite significant obstacles?  And how, exactly, does he/she do that?

• What recurring behavioral problem is showing up in your clinic or classroom?

• Note:  we aren’t asking “why did you do that,” but rather “how exactly did you do that.”

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Q & A & D

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