healthcare consumerization

The Consumeri z ation of Healthcare The eHealth communications agency

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Post on 07-May-2015



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We are undergoing a period of significant change in the world of healthcare. With technological acceleration failing to impose itself upon the industry and the mindset of its operators, it is at the same time breaking - and in many ways expanding - the mould, forcing existing workers to embrace the change and to try and seize any new opportunities that may arise.


Page 1: Healthcare Consumerization

The Consumerizationof Healthcare

The eHealth communications agency

Page 2: Healthcare Consumerization

W e are undergoing a period of signi!cant change in the world of

healthcare. With technological acceleration failing to impose

itself upon the industry and the mindset of its operators, it is at the same

time breaking - and in many ways expanding - the mold, forcing existing

workers to embrace the change and seize any new opportunities

that may arise.

"e current process is similar to the spread of a state-of-the-art technology,

initially only accessible by professional markets given its complexity and

cost, to semi-pro and consumer markets.

"is trend could be described - to use a new expression, in the hope of

rousing attention and maybe even a sense of urgency - as the

Consumerization of Healthcare.

"e process starts with access to medical information - now widely

democrati ed by the vast number of possibilities created by the Internet,

followed by wellness-based tracking devices that are becoming increasingly

integrated with medical pro!les. It then focuses on the future of

self-diagnosis and self-healing.

It's a di$cult road ahead but one !lled with opportunity. "is article

touches on the trends that have already been laid out and takes a look at the

steps that lie ahead.


Copyright © 2012 Publicis Healthware International. All rights reserved 01

Page 3: Healthcare Consumerization

W e live on a small, interdependent planet with technologies that are enabling an increasing number of people to carve out their own destinies.

In such a world, it's hard to imagine that the pragmatic, top-down approach, channelled into precise mold with continuous roles of mediation, o%ers adequate resistance to those who would rather take a di%erent route.And this, which applies in all markets from IT to the automotive industry, couldn't be more true when it's our own lives and our health at stake.

In July 2010, I came across this talk | [...] | from TEDx in Maastricht. "ere aren’t many videos that have amazed me as much as this one did. Firstly because the

speaker should never have been there: Dave deBronkart, a cancer patient, was supposed to die years earlier.

What Dave recounted to the audience at TEDx, and the thirty thousand people who watched his talk online, was his experience with cancer. Dave, through information that he, as a patient, had found online from other patients, was able to change his own fate, going from having 24 weeks to live to making a full recovery.

Of course, his speci!c cure is not guaranteed to heal others. But his approach, perhaps.

Dave's moving message can be summed up in two simple, universal claims:


Give me my raw data!

Let patien s help!

Patients can help themselves.

Patients have the right to

complete access to diagnoses

and a transparent view of all

their personal data.

"e most underutilized resource

in all of health care is the patient,

and this has to change.

Dave deBronkart is certainly a special person: the archetypal ePatient. An equipped, enabled, empowered, engaged, equal, emancipated and expert patient. A patient "augmented" both by his motivation and by the Internet. But by nature, the ePatient | [...] | is not a completely new thing, as Dave recounts:

"at Fall of 1969, the Whole Earth Catalog came out. [...] We think of hippies

being just hedonists, but there's a very strong component -- I was in that

movement -- a very strong component of being responsible for yourself. "is book's

subtitle is: "Access to Tools." [...] Tom Ferguson was the medical editor of the

Whole Earth Catalog. And he saw that the great majority of what we do in

medicine and health care is taking care of ourselves. In fact, he said it was 70-80%

of how we actually take care of our bodies. Well he also saw that when health care

turns to medical care because of a more serious disease, the key thing that holds

us back is access to information. And when the Web came along, that changed

everything, because not only could we &nd information, we could &nd other people like ourselves who could

gather, who could bring us information. And he coined this term ePatients -- equipped, engaged,

empowered, enabled.

The dawn of the ePatient

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Author's note:

Whenever I use the term

"patient," I'm referring to the

"team of patient/caregiver." If a

patient is not well enough to be

an ePatient himself, he can do it

through someone standing at

his side, a "proxy ePatient." "e

end result is still the same: the

"team" that can be formed

around a disease includes at

least one ePatient.

03Copyright © 2012 Publicis Healthware International. All rights reserved

I believe that anyone who has the opportunity - as I did in 2010 - to meet with the author of the Whole Earth Catalog will understand the inspiration behind individuals such as Stewart Brand - and people like Steve Jobs - that enabled them to in(uence the thinking of an entire generation. Like it or not, we owe the Hippie counterculture more than we think.

"is hippie note helps emphasi e how seeing the ePatient as an insigni!cant role would be a double faux pas. Firstly, since it is an ingrained, long-established phenomenon. And secondly because phenomena which bene!t from digital advancement are rapidly approaching their tipping point | [...] |.

ePatients (their main conference can be found here | |), are prepared to do everything it takes to help save their own lives. Just like Dave.

“Not an enemy of the establishment, but another cog in an increasingly complex set of gears ”.

Looking at the opportunity that this change creates, you could say this democratisation and consumerisation of healthcare is not necessarily a bad thing.

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Giving ePatients this visibility of their disease through dynamic 3D maps, which read their data and reconstruct it in an accessible format so they can fully understand it, is opening up a new digital world which will create signi!cant new business opportunities for many years to come.

As an example of something closer to home (Publicis Life Brands Resolute UK), we recently launched a mobile application called "Positive Vibes"| http://youtube/4oExqVecvGk | .

The intersection of the Internet, social media,and mobile has created a new dynamic in healthcare.

Now there's no looking back.But why should we see this as an opportunity?We know more and more information is being made available online, even on clinical treatments. Consumerisation is here, and it's a developing process that simply cannot be ignored. And so it makes sense to become a channel, a medium, an application for consumerisation so that we can learn about it and jump on board.

An example of a large-scale project is | VIDEUM, Health in Any Language |. In 2011, one in three YouTube users (32%) around the world watched health-related videos. "ese videos are the sixth most-watched category on YouTube, and - given the virtual absence of control or adherence to applicable standards - they represent a

Positive Vibes is a support

network, an information

source and a place to share

experiences. It's a mobile

app that will connect you to

other teenagers with cancer

who will help you through the

tough times. Positive Vibes

aims to make life with cancer

a little easier. Whenever and

wherever you need it to.

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primitive consumerisation of video access to medical information.

VIDEUM is a project of Publicis Healthware/dotSub (the same company that translates videos from TED, NASA, Singularity University, Stanford Open Edu), which works by integrating the healthcare industry into social media to provide translations of content while adhering to tested models for the production, review and controlled distribution of information. More distribution through word-of-mouth and search

engines, more reliability thanks to its review process and more opportunities for healthcare providers to speak with ePatients.

Much more than just the next YouTube hit, Videum is a controlled consumerisation that has created an explosive opportunity for the entire healthcare industry.

Author's note:

Each page of Videum contains

the full transcription of each

translation available. "is

speeds up search engine

indexing in every available


Author's note:

if you're still not won over by ePatients, try reading this article from O'Reilly

Radar (one of the most-followed sources in the technology industry, the bible

for start-ups and VCs in search of new trends and opportunities): Epatients:

"e hackers of the healthcare world | [...] | You can

also &nd the ePatients White Paper (PDF) here |

Patients_White_Paper.pdf |

Page 7: Healthcare Consumerization

Some statistics published onJanuary 2012 by TechCrunch: (we love statistics even more than forecasts)

In monetary terms, in 2011, the area of mobile health applications alone was worth $718 MM.

Self-tracking is here... and it's about time

“ | PEW Research was

already reporting | that 17 percent of mobile phone users were using their devices to look up health and medical information, and | Juniper

recently estimated | that 44 million health apps were

downloaded in 2011. ”

“ In 2008 the number of devices connected to the Internet exceeded the number of people on Earth, and we foresee 50 billion Connected "ings in 2020. We call this new step: "e Internet of "ings. Self-tracking means that YOU are in charge. You are the &rst one to monitor your performance/conditions.

“ A main reason for the signi&cant growth is due an increase of smart phone users on the demand side, and the increase of mHealth applications on the supply side

Beyond the numbers, in terms of trends, self-tracking devices are typically well accepted by patients | [...] | with an increasing number of models and features available. "e image of the Apple Store in NYC from a HEALTH perspective, o%ering tracking devices for less than a hundred dollars, is a huge step forward.


T he process of consumerisation and new business opportunities do n't stop with ePatients.

Besides access to information (which is essentially the focal point of ePatients), there is the self-tracking of one's personal well being using connected devices: more wellness than healthcare, and perhaps even more consumerist. "is is soon to be followed by the delicate prospect of self-diagnosis and, soon enough, self-healing.

"e various aspects of this developing !eld are not clearly de!ned. ePatient applications are mainly found on mobile platforms, exploiting the enormous growth of the mobile industry in everything from uptake and variety of devices to the number and popularity of apps. I wrote about this phenomenon in our sister eZine Geeks of Health: "e Internet of "ings in Healthcare | [...] |

Self-tracking leverage consumer technologies instead of complex PRO medical device makes you the protagonist sharing on the web, giving you the possibility to be aware of the feedback that your "stories" are receiving. ”

which doubled since 2010.Many major health care companies have found mHealth applications as being an e'ective medium to promote and deliver health care products and services. More information on the mHealth application market can be found in the detailed 100 page report by Research2Guidance entitled, |"e Mobile Health Market

Report 2011-2016 |, which describes the impact of smartphone applications on the mHealth industry. ”

applications on the supply side applications on the supply side applications on the supply side applications on the supply side applications on the supply side applications on the supply side applications on the supply side applications on the supply side applications on the supply side applications on the supply side applications on the supply side applications on the supply side

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F or the moment, self-tracking and self-diagnosis seem worlds apart. While many patients are becoming ePatients and many are proactively arming themselves with tracking devices, this doesn't mean they want and actually know how to diagnose themselves.

And yet, here too, technology is banging hard on the door and, again, it could plant the seed of doubt in our minds.

Technologies from the world of Arti!cial Intelligence (AI) today have access to an unimaginable world of BigData that was unheard of just a few years ago. "e improvement in medical diagnostic support systems is clearly on the rise.

One [still experimental] case that has grabbed the headlines in recent weeks is described in the article: "Augmented Reality System Helps Astronauts Diagnose Medical Problems in Outer Space.”

As we may have read in the Geeks of Health article, "Stairway to Healthware" | [...] | “ Nothing in Space, is as easy as it is on Earth. ”Per questo motivo... “ "e European Space Agency (ESA) is working on an augmented reality system that will help astronauts better diagnose

medical problems in space. ” | [...] |

So, whether it's going to an expert system or a remotely-connected doctor, the information will get to exactly where it needs to be: on the augmented reality display.

As soon as these technologies are launched, we !nd them consumerised on our Smartphones.

"is has happened elsewhere before. "e following story came as a cultural shock to me. In the early 2000s....


Entrepreneur Henry Ihejirika o'ered the so-called bankruptcy expert system through his company Frankfort Digital Services and a series of Web sites operating under the names, and others. Ziinet described the bankruptcy service this way: Ziinet is an expert system and knows the law. Unlike most bankruptcy programs which are little more than customized word processors, the Ziinet engine is an expert system. It knows bankruptcy laws right down to those applicable to the state in which you live. Now you no longer need to spend weeks studying bankruptcy laws.

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Following a trial that eventually went in favour of the so6ware designed by Henry Ihejirka, the bankruptcy court in a | Feb. 27 decision | , a$rmed:

“ As the Wired blog | 27B Stroke 6 | notes about the case, Ihejirika used a *esh-and-bones attorney for his defense. But Seth at QuizLaw raises an intriguing question: What if the so+ware had &rst taken and passed the California bar exam? ”Whereas ten years ago so6ware that gave legal advice was blocked by a Court of Justice not because it would make mistakes, but because it wasn't a quali!ed professional, I think we will soon be seeing solutions

that expand upon projects like the symptom checkers of WebMD | [...] | and Mayo Clinic | [...] | linking them not to medical exam results carefully recorded by the patient from some automatically searchable third party, but to the user's own self-tracking data.

In this scenario, intelligence is provided by the giants. Systems such as IBM's Watson integrate Nuance's speech recognition and speech synthesis technology into medicine-based arti!cial intelligence programs.

From the Los Angeles Times...

Frankfort’s system touted its o'ering of legal advice and projected an aura of expertise concerning bankruptcy petitions; and, in that context, it o'ered personalized -- albeit automated -- counsel. ... We &nd that because this was the conduct of a non-attorney, it constituted the unauthorized practice of law.

Behind this is a speci!c business idea: the new partnership

“ between insurance giant WellPoint Inc (US largest insurer by membership). and IBM. "e company, with 34.2 million members in 14 states, also said Watson will not be used to make decisions about reimbursing patients or doctors for the cost of treatments. Physicians really need tools to

get better quality answers, said Lori Beer, a WellPoint executive vice president in charge of the initiative. We see this as a tool

to help them be more successful

in driving better outcomes for

our members. We’re not trying

to replace the physician. ”


Watson best known for

defeating “Jeopardy!” quiz

champions on the popular

television game show this year,

can si+ through millions of pages

of data and produce diagnoses

virtually on the spot. “IBM's

Watson supercomputer to give

instant medical diagnoses” |


com/ [...] |

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And the facts speak for themselves...

“ Watson will be able to analyze 1 million books, or roughly 200 million pages of information, and provide responses in less than three seconds. ”"e Watsons of this world are being connected to self-tracking devices chosen independently on the consumer market by patients. Like with this partnership between Body Media and IBM “ to help patients meet their personal &tness and weight loss goals by integrating biofeedback features into the Body Media FIT Armband. ” | [...] |

"is is no longer in the future - it's already happening.

From a futurologist's perspective, I would like to add:

“ At some point, with

Google Cars driving

themselves along the

highway, the average

Joe will "nd it hard to

entrust a diagnosis simply

to human experts. ”Self-drive cars could be upon us within 10-15 years. For now, the biggest boundaries are cost and legal constraints rather than the actual technology. Of course, there will always be boundaries. But how many things do we use that in certain contexts don't

work? Do we throw away our smartphones just because they're out of coverage? No.We improve them.

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I saved this last section for a link to the site of the NEXT REMOTO. 3D printing | [...] | is already widely used in healthcare. We regularly print medical models, surgical guides, hearing aids, dental applications and implantable devices.

We can soon get used to the idea of printing out an orthopaedic prosthesis at home. | [...] |

We're even looking down a microscope and learning how to print arti!cial blood!


“ A San Diego company is developing technology to "print" arti&cial blood vessels for transplant. "e initial goal: Create an arterial gra+ for use in coronary bypass surgery."e long-term goal is to solve problems in medical therapy that can't be solved otherwise, especially in organ transplants, where tens of thousands of people are waiting for donated organs, said Keith Murphy, CEO of the company, Organovo. ” | [...] |

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I nformation, tracking, self-diagnosis and self-healing are the steps which, in rapid succession, are and will soon be taken on and subject to change. Today we're still in the early stages with ePatients, which, having inspired a whole new category of digital communication projects, is creating massive opportunities for innovation.

The next stage, self-tracking, is already affecting the very definition of the medical device, generating a vast market of "medical" devices run by consumers.

Self-tracking and self-healing are yet to arrive, but failing to embrace these as new areas of development could lead to inadequate strategies being implemented by ageing medical stalwarts.

2012, is the real 'annus horribilis' for patent expiries | [...] |

And in the next few years, most "generic" drug patents are set to expire, a crisis which - based on the Japanese assimilation of risk and opportunity - will fall right into our laps.

To say that nothing is happening would be impossible, as the very perception of health is already shifting in the mind


of its main focus: the patient.

“ Twenty major drugs are set to go off patent whitin the next few years, pushing big pharma into a new era of R&D. This time with the patient and the internet included in. ”Few things have given me as much enjoyment as the lyrical waxing of Dave deBronkart in his ePatient rap, a cancer survivor singing in sunglasses from the TED stage to make our world a better place. As a technologist and designer (who you may have read in Geeks of Health), I can barely hide my excitement at the new innovations being made possible by this evolutionary phenomenon.



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Page 13: Healthcare Consumerization

Articles of interest

Digitizing Health Records, Before It Was Cool [...]

Money Ball for Medicine – Business Models for Healthcare [...]

Mobile Technology Is Transforming "e Health Industry, But To What Extent? [...]

Pharma forecasting: "e changing role of patients [...]

Images Source


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Page 14: Healthcare Consumerization

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Publicis HealthwareInternational

Publicis Healthware International (PHI) is an integrated agency focused on improving

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Founded in Italy in 1996, PHI is a division of Publicis Healthcare Communications

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!e PHI team, led by founder Roberto Ascione, is made up of more than 250 digital

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As an organization built from the ground up with a digital core and specializing in

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About Publicis Healthware International