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Head and Neck Skull

Upload: fawad-khan

Post on 11-Aug-2015




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Head and NeckSkull

Skull bones• Frontal Bone (1)• Parietal bone (2)• Occipital bone (1)• Temporal bone (2)• Mastoid• process• Sphenoid bone (1)• Ethmoid bone (1)• Inferior nasal concha (2)• Lacrimal bone (2)• Vomer (1)• Nasal bone (2)• Maxilla (2)• Palatine bone (2)• Zygomatic bone (2)• Mandible (1)

Skull Joints

• The major sutures to identify are the:• coronal• lambdoid• sagittal

Methods of study of the skull

The whole skull can be studied from the outside or externally in different ways• Superior view or norma verticalis• Posterior view or norma occipitalis• Anterior view or norma frontalis• Lateral view or norma lateralis• Inferior view or norma basalis

Superior view or norma verticalis

• Shape: Oval in shape

• Bones: Frontal, occipital and parietal bone

Posterior view or norma occipitalis

• Shape: convex upwards and flattened below

• Bones: Temporal, occipital and parietal bone

Anterior view or norma frontalis

Shape: Oval in shapeBones: Frontal,maxillae,nasal bones,zygometic and mandible

Lateral view or norma lateralis

• Bones: Frontal, occipital and parietal bone ,sphenoid,zygomatic,Temporal,mendible,maxila,nasal

Inferior view or norma basalis

• Contents: Hard palate, alveolar arches and foramen magnum

Internal surface of the base of skull• Internal surface of the base of skull presents

natural subdivisions into anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossae.

Cranial fossae

Cranial nerves