hbu admissions viewbook 2010 "a new creation"

a new creation

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Amazing transformations are taking place at Houston Baptist University.As we grow into one of the nation’s most comprehensive Christian universities, our studentsare growing, too. Together we are becoming new creations – in a dynamic learningenvironment offering what few other faith-based colleges or universities can. A diverse,real-world campus – where you’ll feel immediately connected. A major metropolitan area –brimming with jobs, internships, and opportunity. An engaging, hands-on education – wherestudents and professors work side by side. And, a vibrant student life – with a broad rangeof university activities, including NCAA Division I sports. This is HBU, a new creation amongChristian universities. Come here, and discover a new creation in you.


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a new creat ion

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Amazing transformations are taking place at Houston Baptist University.

As we grow into one of the nation’s most comprehensive Christian universities, our students

are growing, too. Together we are becoming new creations – in a dynamic learning

environment offering what few other faith-based colleges or universities can. A diverse,

real-world campus – where you’ll feel immediately connected. A major metropolitan area –

brimming with jobs, internships, and opportunity. An engaging, hands-on education – where

students and professors work side by side. And, a vibrant student life – with a broad range

of university activities, including NCAA Division I sports. This is HBU, a new creation among

Christian universities. Come here, and discover a new creation in you.

T h e re f o re , i f a n y o n e i s i n C h r i s t , h e i s a n e w c re a t i o n ; t h e o l d h a s g o n e , t h e n e w h a s c o m e ! – 2 C o r i n t h i a n s 5 : 1 7

A New CreAtioN Building on the Liberal Arts 2 Major Christian University 4 Programs: Undergrad to Grad 6 renowned Faculty 8 opportunity is everywhere 10

A residential Community 12 the Houston Advantage 14 Committed to the Arts 16 A Global Focus 18 impacting the world 20 HBU At A Glance 22

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At HBU, we equip you with the skills you’ll need for a successful career – but our mission goes beyond that. Our goal is to help you know and understand, to help you gain wisdom to live life appropriately, honorably and in accordance with God’s will. it is why we are transforming our university’s core curriculum, so that our students can receive the full benefit of a classic liberal arts education. regardless of their major, all HBU students will have a strong foundation in the arts, the humanities, languages, and sciences. it is an education that is rich and meaningful. it leads to a career, and a life, that is rich and meaningful, too.

You don’t necessarily learn critical thinking in a critical

thinking class. You learn it exploring Plato, Newton, and

Monet. You learn it discussing Faulkner, Nietzsche, and

Aquinas. You learn it in a liberal arts curriculum where

big questions arise, and students come face-to-face

with morality, law, ethics, community, government,

and truth. In HBU’s liberal arts courses, students and

professors take part in a great conversation that has

been going on for centuries. It is in these stimulating

and highly interactive courses that students begin to

think, to analyze, to articulate – to grow.

Talking Faulkner

How practical are the liberal arts? According to

a recent Fortune magazine study – very. CEOs

nationwide said the humanities are essential for

developing critical-thinking and problem-solving

skills. These CEOs understand the importance of

majors, but they realize, too, that careful reading,

writing, and presenting in the liberal arts develop

the capacities that make for successful leaders,

managers, and executives. Bottom line: businesses,

organizations, graduate schools, professional

schools – they want students who can think. A liberal

arts education at HBU. It’s something to think about.

Advantage: Liberal Arts

BUildinG On tHe liBerAl Arts

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there are fine Christian colleges all across our country that have a long history of providing outstanding Christian higher education. But for the student seeking a more comprehensive faith-based learning experience, the choices are much more limited. that’s why HBU is increasingly becoming an educational destination for students. we offer what very few can – a university setting, in a major city, with the highest quality academics, informed by a Christian worldview. HBU continues the excellence and tradition of our nation’s Christian colleges. And more.

Major cities are where the world is engaged. HBU

is located in Houston – the fourth largest city in the

U.S., a city with an economy larger than that of many

countries, and home to a diverse population speaking

more than 90 languages. Here is the rough and tumble

of life, commerce, ethnicity, languages, culture,

international trade, and more. Experience it. Learn

from it. Serve it. Be changed by it.

Major City, Major Advantage

HBU is a university with strong, Christian values oriented toward engagement with other views. Some Christian colleges have a tradition of requiring students to sign a faith statement. Instead, we have a time-tested philosophy of dealing with diversity. The answer is mutual respect and a winsome attitude. Conversation rather than confrontation is the key. We were founded as a university open to all faiths. That’s our tradition.

The unique Learning Cohorts program for freshmen allows you to easily connect with other first-year students during the fall semester. Each Learning Cohort, consisting of about 15-20 freshmen, takes two core courses together, sharing common areas of academic interest. Students work and study closely together, both inside class and out. They make instant connections, they find immediate support, they become integrated into HBU life – enhancing not only their freshman year, but their entire college experience.

Freshman Year Seminar (FYS) is a program that helps the first-semester freshman assimilate into the academic and campus life of the university. We take a highly engaged, interactive approach to helping students build relationships and rapport with both peers and professors. FYS also facilitates student success through personal strength assessments, career planning, community service, campus involvement, and spiritual discovery.

Dr. Louis Markos, a professor in English at HBU, is

a nationally recognized C.S. Lewis scholar and well-

traveled lecturer. He is an award-winning, and captivating,

teacher (he’s known to read stories aloud, acting out the

characters). And, on Thursday evenings, he leads a

Bible study for students in his home. What started as

a Bible study with just a few people, now barely fits into

Dr. Markos’ home. It’s amazing how students will engage,

when they meet teachers who sincerely want to engage

with them.

All Faiths Welcome

Making Fast Friends

A Great start

MAjOr CHristiAn University

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Thursday Evening Engagement

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As HBU moves toward becoming a comprehensive Christian university, we are continuing to grow our quality, faith-based graduate education. with strong graduate programs already in accounting, Christian counseling, education, liberal arts, theological studies, and business, we are laying the foundation for an even broader offering – training more scholars at the highest levels, enabling students to work with mentors who share their faith and interests, and, in the end, bringing a Christian worldview to an ever-broadening range of disciplines.

Academic advising is an integral part of an HBU

education. Prior to enrolling, you will have the opportunity

to attend SOAR (Student Orientation, Advising &

Registration) where faculty advisors will assist you with

course selection and exploration of possible majors. Your

advisor will work closely with you on a continuing basis,

assisting with career goals, course selection, internships,

and any and all issues to ensure your success.

This Way To Success

The Honors College at HBU provides a uniquely

challenging program based in the liberal arts.

Students examine the great texts and hone their

reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. They

engage in stimulating discussions with their peers

and distinguished faculty. They conduct independent

research. They study abroad. They participate in

diverse cultural opportunities. It is a solid foundation

upon which to build their selected majors – and a

lifetime of success.

Honors College – Dare To Be Wise

PrOGrAMs: UnderGrAd tO GrAd

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Whatever your passion, you’ll be able to pursue it at HBU, as we offer more than 40 majors and pre-professional programs.

AccountingArt StudioBiblical LanguagesBiochemistry/Molecular BiologyBiologyChemistryChristianityCommunication and RhetoricEconomicsEducationEnglishFinanceGovernmentHistoryInternational BusinessJournalism and Mass CommunicationKinesiologyManagementMarketingMathematicsMusicNursingPhilosophyPhysicsPsychologySociologySpanish

Pre-Professional Programs Pre-DentistryPre-EngineeringPre-LawPre-MedicinePre-OptometryPre-PharmacyPre-Physical TherapyPre-Physician Assistant

Major Choices

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teaching is, and always will be, the central mission of Houston Baptist University. our professors, passionate about their students, are committed, first and foremost, to teaching and mentoring. But our professors are scholars, too – leaders in their fields, capable of influencing the world with their research and writing. Maintaining an active research life keeps our professors current with the leading developments in their fields. it keeps them well connected to graduate schools, internships, and career opportunities for our students. these are renowned academics who serve as “salt” in the classroom, and as a “light” to the world, because of their Christian faith.

Ours is a deep-rooted culture of faculty-student interaction, collaboration, and mentoring. These close relationships are

born in small, discussion-based classes and develop as a result of a genuine interest in each student’s success. As one

HBU graduate remarked, “When I came to HBU, I expected to have relationships with my professors. But I had no idea

that I’d want to return five years later and tell them how they changed my life.”

Life-Changing Relationships

renOWned FACUlty

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How are HBU professors impacting their fields? They’re authoring books and textbooks. They’re publishing articles in leading academic journals. They’re writing papers and presenting at national conferences. They’re sharing their knowledge on expert discussion panels. They’re serving as elected leaders of national associations. They’re creating works of fiction, drama, music, and art. They’re leading foreign missions. And on and on it goes.

An art professor, a talented and passionate artist, inspires his students to love art as well. A psychology professor and practicing professional, in a discussion of disorders, opens students’ eyes with real-life clinical examples. A Christianity professor, described by students as “crazy” and “amazing,” runs around the classroom acting out stories.

A biology professor, who traveled to the Dead Sea to study organisms, shares his explorations and discoveries. A history professor, who travels often, uses her personal pictures and stories to bring history alive. A Biblical languages professor, who spends his summers teaching in Africa, brings a new perspective on the world to his students. A chemistry professor, an accomplished professional scientist, brings chemistry to life by relating lessons to the real world. A physiology professor, who often teaches in visual ways, uses simple cups and straws to explain the concept of systems. A math professor, described by students as looking like a “mad scientist,” is so excited about math, his students become excited, too...

One Accomplishment After Another

Prepare to engage...

...And Keep engaging

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HBU is a community – in every sense. inside our walls, we are a family, a very close one. Here, students, faculty and staff know one another well, respect one another, and share relationships inside and outside the classroom. But as much as we value our own community, we are tied to a larger community as well. And thus, we are growing our university, our population, our buildings, our programs, and more – to serve our own, but also to serve as the best possible asset to those around us. we are renewing our campus home, and we are renewing our greater community in the process.

There are so many ways to get involved at HBU.

Whatever your interest, you’ll find it here – as well as

plenty of friends with whom to share it. At HBU, you can

choose from more than 45 clubs and organizations,

and if you don’t find the exact club you want, we

encourage you to start one! Here, you’ll find an active

Greek life – with eight fraternities and sororities. And

you’ll find every imaginable campus activity – from

Husky Fest, Midnight Madness and Winter Formal, to

outdoor Movies on the Mall, Husky Revue and Spring

Fling. At HBU, there’s always something – and it’s

always a lot of fun!

An Active Campus LifeOurs is an education of the whole individual. At HBU,

you’ll find an open and caring Christian community –

one that is very intentional in its mission of growing

spiritually and serving others. In our Community Life

and Worship Program (CLW), students are required

to achieve CLW credits by participating in spiritual-

growth opportunities such as convocation, seminars,

community service, mission trips, conferences,

retreats, and more. It is our challenge to students to

grow in their faith, and to live out that faith in their

relationships and in their community.

Living Out Our Faith

OPPOrtUnity is everyWHere

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HBU competes as a member of NCAA Division I, fielding 15 men’s and women’s intercollegiate varsity teams. HBU also offers over a dozen intramural and club programs throughout the year.

Go Huskies! Men’sBaseballBasketballCross CountryGolfSoccerIndoor Track & FieldOutdoor Track & Field

WOMen’sBasketballCross CountryGolfSoccerSoftballIndoor Track & FieldOutdoor Track & FieldVolleyball

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when students study together, live together, and grow together, a campus becomes energized by this combination of scholarship, friendship, and Christian fellowship. At HBU, we are moving rapidly toward becoming a primarily residential campus. the Lake House, our new, modern residential college accommodates more than 370 students and supplements our current residence colleges and apartment-style living. And more is soon to come. Additional housing, state-of-the-art student-life and recreation centers, and green spaces across our campus will create a one-of-a-kind residential community where students can learn, grow – and thrive.

The Lake House offers students an exciting

opportunity for campus living. A six-floor learning

and living community, this innovative complex offers

both apartments and suite-style housing for freshmen

through upperclassmen. This modern facility is

specifically designed for today’s student with innovative

layouts, as well as all kinds of amenities – including

a chapel, parlor, aerobics room, and a variety of

comfortable and spacious gathering places.

The Lake House – A New Residence College

HBU offers a variety of housing options to students, from furnished suites in our residence colleges, to convenient on-campus apartments at Husky Village. All include over 80 channels of cable TV, wireless Internet, and non-stop activity – from video game nights and pick-up Ultimate Frisbee, to sand volleyball and American Idol pizza parties. It is a full, active, highly energized campus experience – with lots of friends, and lots of fun!

At Home At HBU

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A residentiAl COMMUnity

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Houston plays a critical role in the success of Houston Baptist University. the city of Houston provides our students access to immense opportunities – educational, professional, cultural, and social – that only a major city can. But, just as important as our access to Houston is Houston’s access to HBU. our university is becoming an important intellectual and cultural center for the city – a place for learning, debates, lectures, worship events, political events, concerts, theater, film festivals, writers’ conferences, and more. We are a part of Houston. And Houston is a part of us.

Here in Houston, one of the nation’s largest and most

vibrant cities, you’ll find it all. Every variety of restaurant,

café, and coffeehouse. Some of the world’s most

respected museums, theater, and art. Major concerts

and other entertainment. Every major professional

sport. Dynamic churches, large and small, an array

of outdoor activities, and shopping – we’re five miles

from the Galleria, the nation’s fourth largest shopping

complex! Whatever it is you enjoy, whatever it is you’d

like to discover, you’ll find it here in Houston.

Houston Has It AllForbes magazine recently ranked Houston the third best

city in the nation for launching a career or establishing a

business. And why not? Houston is home to 26 Fortune

500 companies (second most in the nation). Houston is

also one of the world’s largest manufacturing centers for

petrochemicals. The Texas Medical Center, the largest

medical center in the world, is here. As is Johnson Space

Center, NASA’s largest research and development facility.

Plus, there are more than 10,000 manufacturers, over

5,000 energy-related companies, and more than 1,000

computer-related firms. Houston, prepare to launch.

A Career Launching Pad

tHe HOUstOn AdvAntAGe

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National and international businesses. World-class organizations. Globally renowned health care facilities. The opportunities for internships in the Houston area are exciting, challenging – and, quite simply, unlimited. At HBU, you can gain valuable real-world experience in your chosen field, as we offer opportunities with literally hundreds of respected organizations – including the Texas Medical Center, Merrill Lynch, Deloitte & Touche, Bank of America, the Houston Rockets, Fox Sports Net, the city’s leading law firms, Houston-area school districts, and many, many more.

World-Class internships

Houston photos courtesy of Greater Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau

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the Christian faith has a rich cultural heritage, having inspired some of the world’s greatest music, art, poetry, drama and writing. At HBU, we seek to be a part of that creative tradition, as we invite students, and the whole community, to share in our admiration for the arts. in our new Morris Cultural Arts Center, we have the Dunham theater, a premiere facility for hosting musical and dramatic performances. our brand new studio-art facility is one of the finest of its kind. And our commitment is ongoing, as we foresee the creation of new academic programs in drama, filmmaking, screenwriting, the communication arts, and more.

The studio art program at HBU is truly inspired. Our art

students develop skills in five studio areas: drawing,

painting, printmaking, sculpture and ceramics. They

work each day with talented faculty who bring a wealth

of professional experience and individualized attention.

And, all this inspiration comes housed in a brand new

facility that is nothing short of a masterpiece. The

University Academic Center is a premier arts facility

with modern studio and classroom space dedicated to

our artists and faculty.

A Work Of Art

HBU’s School of Music offers a variety of programs

designed to provide students with experience and

training as a performer, an educator, or a church

musician. The programs are led by faculty who are

passionate about their art, professionally active

in their music careers, but, first and foremost,

committed to teaching and mentoring. The School

of Music presents between 50 and 70 programs

each year, including student recitals, faculty

concerts, major ensemble concerts and invited

guest performances.

A Program Of Note

COMMitted tO tHe Arts

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“Innermost Being,” oil on canvasby Deborah Norcom Burns, art education major

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our world is pervasively and increasingly interconnected, and HBU is responding with an education that is increasingly international in its scope. our students and faculty are traveling abroad for study, cultural exchange, and mission trips. we are emphasizing language competence within our liberal arts offerings. Along with global-oriented majors such as international business, we are adding others to equip our students to put their talents to work in today’s global work environment. the result? our graduates will be more likely to participate in mission trips, more knowledgeable about the world, more capable of understanding international news, more marketable, and better prepared to adapt to the challenges of an increasingly connected world.

Traveling abroad to volunteer, teach, study, intern,

or just trek around will not only help you acquire

critical cross-cultural skills, but it will expand your

intellectual horizons. HBU’s Center for Global Initiatives

in Education provides over 175 links to study abroad

scholarships, fellowships, grants, agencies, and

other entities that will allow you to roam the world

and immerse yourself in a foreign setting. Backpack

through a rain forest. Study on a Caribbean cruise

ship. Teach English in Nepal. We’ll help you find an ideal

program – a place you can go, and grow.

Go Global

One of the great strengths of an HBU education is its global nature – here at home. Ours is a rich, diverse student population. Like the city in which we reside, HBU is made up of many cultures, many faiths, many points of view. It is a comfortable and enriching environment in which to study and live – not only will you find others who are like you, but others who are different, and from whom you can learn.


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A Global Campus

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the years a student spends in a university tend to be life-changing and worldview-forming. it is during these years that young adults begin to decide who they are, whom they will marry, how they are going to vote, what their profession will be, how they will manage their money, and how they will live out their faith. HBU realizes the importance of higher education – and even more, the importance of higher education founded in Christian faith and principles. our mission at HBU is to be a shining light, sending emissaries into corporations, financial markets, ministries, schools, universities, governments, medicine, Hollywood, entertainment, law firms, the media – impacting Houston, our nation, and the entire world.

So where does one start upon a mission to impact

the world? Many at HBU begin at our Career Services

Center. Here, we help students explore themselves –

their personality, interests, skills and values – so that

they can make effective career decisions and plans.

Later, we help them arrive at those ends, with a

complete range of services, including help with resume

and cover letter writing, interviewing techniques, job

strategies, salary negotiations, as well as networking

and recruiting events throughout the year.

Career Services

iMPACtinG tHe WOrld

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On any given day, at any given hour, HBU graduates are making a difference in their world and their community. Below is just a sampling of where you’ll find our most recent graduates:

Associated Press/New YorkBank of AmericaBMC SoftwareChevronChurches & ministries around the worldComcast Cable CommunicationsContinental AirlinesConoco PhillipsDeloitte & ToucheExxon MobilFox Sports NetHabitat for HumanityHewlett-PackardHouston AerosHouston ChronicleHouston RocketsIBMJ.P. Morgan ChaseKPMGMarathon OilMerrill LynchMethodist Hospital SystemPublic and private schools, colleges and universities across the nationReliant EnergyShell OilSouthwest AirlinesStewart TitleTexas Children’s HospitalTexas InstrumentsUniversity of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer CenterWells Fargo

Graduate schools

Arizona State UniversityArt Institute of ChicagoBaylor College of MedicineBaylor UniversityBowling Green UniversityDuke UniversityHebrew University (Israel)New England Conservatory of MusicNew Orleans Baptist Theological SeminaryNorthwestern UniversityOxford UniversityPrinceton Theological SeminaryRice UniversitySouth Texas College of LawSouthern Methodist UniversitySouthwestern Theological SeminaryStellenbosch UniversityTemple UniversityTexas A&M UniversityTexas Tech UniversityTexas Woman’s UniversityTrinity UniversityUniversity of Houston Law SchoolUniversity of OklahomaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of TexasUniversity of Texas Health Science CenterUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical SchoolVillanova UniversityVirginia Commonwealth University

Where Are They Now?

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HistoryHBU was founded in 1960 with the mission of bringing Christian higher education to one of the nation’s largest cities. That’s still our mission today.

location Our 100-acre campus is located in Houston, Texas, the nation’s fourth largest city.

studentsOur more than 2,300 undergraduate students come from many different denominations and cultural backgrounds.

AcademicsMore than 40 majors and pre-professional programs.

FacultyAll classes taught by faculty, not teaching assistants. Approximately 70% of professors hold terminal degrees.

student-Faculty ratio15:1.

Personal Attention78 percent of all classes have fewer than 20 students.

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Honors CollegeHBU’s Honors College provides a challenging core curriculum based solidly in the liberal arts.

internshipsHBU students gain valuable real-world experience in their chosen field through a broad offering of internships.

Financial AidMore than 85 percent of HBU undergraduate students receive some form of financial assistance.


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We can tell you all about HBU – but seeing is believing. We encourage you to come visit us. Attend one of our information days or weekend events. Tour our campus. Sit in on a class. Meet our students. Talk with our professors. Come visit HBU – a new creation among major Christian universities.

To check out our special events for prospective students, schedule a tour, or reserve an appointment with an admissions counselor, visit us on the web at www.hbu.edu/visit.

Visit HBUAs part of our mission of preparing leaders to impact the world, we work hard to make an HBU education affordable. HBU offers a unique opportunity for you to be considered for our merit scholarships when you apply for admission. We also offer numerous leadership, music, art, athletics, debate, and church scholarships and grants. You can be sure we will help put an HBU education within your reach.

To learn more, please contact visit us on the web at www.hbu.edu/financialservices, or email us at [email protected].

HBU Made Affordable

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7502 Fondren Road • Houston, Texas 77074281-649-3211 • 800-969-3210 • [email protected]
