haydn in london week 1

MUSI2112/3119 Haydn in London Dr Thomas Irvine [email protected] M 16-18 05/2015

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MUSI2112/3119Haydn in London

Dr Thomas Irvine

[email protected]

M 16-18 05/2015

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introduce you to Joseph Haydn’s sojourns in London in the 1790s

help you better understand the music he wrote there, and the music he wrote later that was inspired by English sources

introduce you to the cultural history of London in the closing years of the eighteenth century


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Objectives (what you will learn)Having successfully completed the unit,

you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

specific works Haydn wrote in England, for instance the 12 ‘London’ symphonies, operatic music, string quartets and canzonettas

the two oratorios (the Creation and the Seasons) inspired partially by Haydn’s experiences in England


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Objectives (cont.)

Having successfully completed the unit, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

concert life in London in the decades around 1800

the interaction of a major European city with a contemporary ‘cultural hero’


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Things I will do


group discussion exercises

tutorials (if student numbers permit)


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Things you will do

individual study of music, primary, and secondary literature

individual and group study of the assigned listening

preparing written assignments

preparing group presentations


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AssessmentAssessment type Number % final mark

In-class listening quiz(UNANNOUNCED). Repertoire found module scoop.it site under ‘weekly listening’ (2)

2 (one before Easter, one after)

10% each

Analytical/cultural-historical essay on Haydn’s Creation

Set: Week 3Due: Thursday, 14.03.2010, at 4 p.m. in the Music office


Final exam In exam period, date tbc



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Assessment in MUSI3119

Expectations are higher for third-year students:

Essays should a greater degree of focus and detail, whether of analysis, examination of and commentary on facts, critical insight, independent argument, or other factors.


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Assessment for 3119 (cont.)

Essays should demonstrate a broader knowledge and understanding of context, a more confident use of analytical and critical tools, and a more mature handling of argument, etc.

Optimal standards of presentation are required, in terms of spelling, punctuation, and grammar; sophistication of vocabulary; provision of footnotes; inclusion of full bibliographic and related details; physical appearance of work, etc.


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What does this mean?

2112 students will analyse a portion of the Creation using appropriate critical tools

3119 students will do the same, adhering to the above standards by, for instance, including effective and insightful summaries and critiques of the work of other scholars, demonstrating a confident control of standard referencing and bibliographic practices


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Schedule weeks 1-7 Week 1 (28 January): Introduction: Dr Haydn arrives

Week 2 (4 February): Regency dance workshop! In TSCH

Week 3 (11 February): A week with Dr Haydn (‘Oxford’ symphony, Notturnos)

Week 4 (18 February): ‘Miracle’ symphony (essay assignment set)

Week 5 (25 March): The Creation, Part 1


Week 7 (11 March): The Creation, Part 2



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A Regency Ball and Country Dance

In these performance sessions you will:

be coached on and perform Regency Dance Music Repertoire by experts

learn dance steps including quadrilles, waltzes, reels and minuets

You will dance a Haydn minuet before the afternoon is over (and so will I!)


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BB Site (announcements, assignments, documents, lecture notes, slides, and content I generate including some reading)

Scoop.it http://www.scoop.it/t/haydn-in-london-musi2112-3119

Content: ‘curated’ from elsewhere (listening via Spotify playlists, some reading)


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Joseph Haydn 1791John Hoppner. Commissioned by the Prince of Wales (later George IV). Royal Collections.


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Symphony 92 ‘Oxford’


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London 1746


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Locating London’s Past


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London Google Maps


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Haydn’s First Address18 Great Pulteney Street


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For week 3

Read:– NGII 2nd Ed. ‘Haydn’ Article – Dip in to Ackroyd, London: A Biography


Scores? IMSLP/Petrucci


Joseph Haydn Werke in Hartley (not complete!)20