harworth & bircotes today jan12

January 2012 Delivered FREE Tel: Paula 01302 744278 www.todaypublications.co.uk.co.uk Community Magazine and Independent Directory of Businesses serving the residents of Harworth & Bircotes

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Community magazine for teh residents of Harworth & Bircotes


Page 1: Harworth & Bircotes Today Jan12

January 2012 Delivered FREE Tel: Paula 01302 744278 www.todaypublications.co.uk.co.uk

Community Magazine and Independent Directory of Businesses serving the residents of Harworth & Bircotes

Page 2: Harworth & Bircotes Today Jan12

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Already 2012 is upon us, I hope that all readers have had a wonderful Christmas. 2012 promises to be an exciting year for the UK with many events being planned for the Queens Jubilee and shortly after the long awaited Olympic Games.

Hopefully 2012 will also be a great year locally, with continued development of Harworth & Bircotes offering improved facilities and services for residents.

The next edition will be distributed to you from 28th January. Please ensure that anything that you would like to be included in it is with me by Friday 13th January.

Wishing all readers and their families a very happy New Year.

Best Wishes, Paula

Your Community, Your Magazine! www.todaypublications.co.uk

EMAIL: [email protected] Tel: 01302 744278

Want to lose weight

this January?

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BAWTRY Thursdays 5.30pm Bawtry Hall Conference Centre South Parade

RETFORD Mondays 5.30pm & 7pm Retford Labour Hall, New Street

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Page 6: Harworth & Bircotes Today Jan12

Eye tests & Spectacle Dispensing Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9 - 5.30

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A message from the Vicarage So, this is the year of the London Olympics! Can you believe that 2012 has finally arrived? When we won the bid to host the games I was living in

Cornwall. I remember the day the news came through very well. A former tutor from my the-ological college in Oxford was visiting me and we were waiting for the announcement on TV. Just as Kelly Holmes and all those gathered in London heard that we were successful and had started leaping up and down in celebration, I spotted the floor beneath the front window moving ominously and realised I had an enor-mous ant invasion to deal with. At that mo-ment I felt a sense of great jubilation mixed with the chaos and mayhem of sudden carpet and furniture removal!

Life at this time of year can be very much like that situation. We may feel joyful and expectant because of the hope each New Year brings, but that may rest uneasily alongside some difficult or complex realities of life that can be hard to face or deal with. Since we heard that the 2012 Olympic Games were to be held in our country, our sports women and men have been in training, preparing so that they reach the peak of their game at just the right moment. And Saint Paul used the analogy of a sports-person when he explained how we should live our life as Christians. He told us to run the race of life for Christ. That means that just as an Olympic runner strives through months of preparatory training to aim for the gold medal in face of fierce competition, so we should persevere and run with determination towards our promised life, life in all its fullness, even in the face of all that the 21st century has to throw at us.

It’s not easy I know, not easy at all. Those who say that Christianity is for the weak or those who need some sort of crutch should do a little

research into the Bible, church history and even more recent history. Being a Christian has never been easy, whether at the time of Christ within a setting of Roman occupation and persecution or now. Ask teenage Christians at school or college how easy it is to stand up for what is right and just, moral and decent in the midst of our media and celebrity driven era. Ask those involved in the situation at St Paul’s Cathedral recently how easy it is when faced with ethical issues relating to world economics.

As we move into this new year we know that there will be some good times, times of joy and celebration. But life also deals us the bad times too. It is my hope that you might be able to turn your thoughts from time to time to God, asking that He might help you through whatever comes your way this year. Take time, like the athletes, to prepare yourself better for the ups and downs, by getting to know God, by finding out how he can help you, by getting to know other worshipping Christians who can offer you support. I pray that we may all have a happy new year - but for those for whom 2012 will bring some sadness, be assured that God is with you and will bring you a peace which passes all understanding.

From your friend and vicar, The Reverend Jackie Johnson.


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As the last meeting before Christmas took place on 6 December, the group enjoyed festive mince pies!

Members were told that prior to erecting the promised Kick Wall on site on the Wimpey Estate, goal posts with nets are due to be erected any day now, and this is to be a trial to see how well used they will be, and then the Kick Wall can go ahead. So, come on you young lads, if you want the kick wall, get using the goal posts. We know it is dark after school, but get some use out of the goal posts at the weekends, and we should have the Kick Wall in place by next Spring. Sorry it has taken 18 months to get this far, but Bassetlaw District Council wheels grind exceedingly slowly.

The Committee reported that their Tombola stall had been very successful at the Christmas Lights event on Thursday 1 December. Our very own Santa and Mrs Santa were once again escorted to the Hall by our friendly Police team, and Santa’s Grotto was even more popular than last year, with Santa and Mrs Santa doing an excellent job, for which we received many compliments. The entire event had been very well attended and for once the weather was kind to us, making it better for everyone, stallholders and customers alike. There were some excellent stalls. Due to this success for our Group, and thanks to the generosity of Sheila Place, it has been decided to subsidise a trip to Retford Majestic to see Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, on Friday 6 January. A coach has been booked, and tickets will be allocated on a first come first served basis. It may be possible to get further tickets, as we have plenty of seats on the coach but have only purchased 30 tickets for the pantomime. It depends on the demand, and whether there are more tickets available from the Majestic.

Several members of the Committee had attended an excellent production of Jungle Book at the Town Hall, which they thoroughly enjoyed. The children enjoyed it too, although they were scared by the Tiger – just shows how good the acting was!

The Police gave their usual report, which will be reproduced elsewhere in this magazine. Our new PC Steve Porter was present to introduce himself to our members, and expressed the hope that he could continue with the very good relationship we have always enjoyed with the Police and PCSOs in Harworth/Bircotes.

There were discussions about what we could do to commemorate the Queens Diamond Jubilee next year, with one suggestion being a Clock Tower on the front annexe to the Town Hall. All suggestions will be reported back to the Town Council for consideration. The Town Council have set up a small working group to look into the possibility of running a small market either on the car park or on the paved shop front area, possibly three-monthly. Stalls would be something on the lines of a farmer’s market, but with the addition of bedding and towelling stalls, being something to compliment the shops we already have. The baker has already expressed an interest.

The group wish everyone a very Happy New Year.

Due to the Bank Holiday and closure of the Centre, the next meeting of the group will take place on Tuesday 10 January 2012, starting at 10.30 am, at the Devonshire Road Community Centre. Everyone is welcome to come along, help us to make Harworth/Bircotes an even better place to live, and maybe make new friends and learn some new facts in the process. Refreshments are available and a raffle will usually take place. We would particularly welcome anyone from an ethnic minority, or younger people with fresh new ideas. – so please come and join us.

Judy Turner - Chair (746393) Marilyn Knight – Treasurer (744182) Janet Flynn – Secretary (751628) Lynda Ridgway – Vice Chair (746279) Matthew Waddell (07773 582195) Margaret Ingram (752766)


At The Town Hall

Pot of Tea 50p Mug of Tea 50p

Mug of Coffee 60p Cup of Coffee 60p Toasted Teacake 50p Buttered Scone 60p

Jam 5p Open between 10 – 12 noon

Every Thursday Browse around our bookstall, Meet your friends for a chat

or read the newspapers Manned by the Harworth/Bircotes Tenants & Residents Association


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The Station, West End Lane Rossington, DN11 0DX

Monday to Friday: 9:30am-4:30pm Saturday: Please call to make an appointment

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S.T.A.R. Support the Adults Rurally

By Bassetlaw Mind

Coffee Morning Please come along to our coffee morning

session where you can enjoy a cuppa and a chat along with other various activities.

The session takes place at Harworth & Bircotes Town Hall on Mondays from

10am—12noon starting 9th January 2012

All welcome!

If you require further information then please do not hesitate to contact a member of Bassetlaw Mind staff on (01909) 476075

or email [email protected]

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Incidents of Note 1st November 2011 to the 31st November 2011 Burglary Dwelling 2 Burglary Other 13 Criminal Damage 5 Vehicle Crime 6 Theft Other 10

Overall crime in the Harworth and Bircotes area is showing a reduced level of 30% year on year compared with April 2010 to December 2010 and April 2011 to December 2011. Nottinghamshire Police are taking part in the Darker Nights campaign revisiting victims of Burglary and also increased patrols in hotspot areas where crime has been committed.

RECENT ARRESTS/PRPOSECUTIONS A prolific Burglary offender from the Harworth area has been recalled to prison to complete his sentence, where he will not be released until March 2012.

A Harworth Male has been found guilty at Worksop Magistrates court for Theft of cable and witness Intimidation where he received :- Community Order for 12 Months Curfew between 2000-0800 for 4 months 120 hrs unpaid work £75 Fine

2 Harworth men were charged to Court for theft of metals (Railway Fittings) in the area 2 Males were also recently arrested on suspicion of Burglary and found in possession of a large quantity of Cannabis, where another male was subsequently arrested for Burglary. All 3 Males are on bail and investigation is ongoing.

Neighbourhood Policing Team Actions on Issues in the area :-

Anti Social Behaviour Proactive work around areas and addresses within the area, that are generating or encouraging Anti Social behaviour in the area. Working closely with A1 and the Anti Social Behaviour Team to bear pressure on Council Tenants’ if found to be supporting this type of behaviour with a view to removing those responsible from the area. A suspended repossession order has been granted on a property in the Wimpey Estate which will last for 2 years. The order will run in conjunction with an Anti Social Behaviour Injunction which lasts for 2 years. Any breaches, which are evidenced will result in the tenants being summoned to court and potentially evicted from the property.

Under Age Drinking…. Operation Animism is a tool designed to target ASB/Underage Drinking issues whereby structured patrols are incorporated into officers daily tasking All calls of ASB are directed to these dedicated officers who will provide their contact (Blackberry) numbers to ensure those who fall foul to this type of behaviour can receive an immediate personal response should this be required.

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Local Off Licence establishments are encouraged to comply with current legislation and are supported by visits by Police/PCSO`s in this effort As a direct result of this support PND (Fixed Penalty Notices) have been issued to individuals who have been legitimately buying alcohol but then providing it to persons under the age of 18. These actions have been brought about by responsible support and guidance of the Off-Licence’s involved

Burglary…. Burglary Revisits are currently being conducted throughout the area in a concerted effort to “Target Harden” addresses. Leaflets have been produced in support of this, In addition “Surveys” are also being conducted during this process to help identify Neighbourhood Priorities and direct resources.


1) Its easy, it’s anonymous 2) It helps the police solve crime 3) Your call cannot be traced 4) You may get a cash reward if your information results in an arrest and charge 5) You won’t have to go to court. 6) No one will know who gave the police the tip off.

You can contact Nottinghamshire Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111


From the Recent Safer neighborhood Meeting held on October 11th 2011 the three local priorities have been identified from feedback received from the community by the priority survey forms regarding issues of greatest concern and issues the public wanted the safer Neighborhood Team to tackle. The three local priorities have been identified as :-

Priority 1 : Anti Social Behavior Priority 2 : Burglary (Dwelling, Shed) Priority 3 : Vehicle Nuisance

The Next Safer Neighbourhood Group Meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th January 2012 at 2pm at Harworth Town Hall. HAVE YOUR SAY MEET YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICING TEAM

Thursday January 12th 2012 (6pm) at Library, Scrooby Road Thursday January 19th 2012 (10am) at Harworth Parish Hall, Scrooby Road

Your local contacts are: PC2752 Jim Martin 07776460406 PC2883 Steven Porter 07595074259 PCSO9634 Kendra Jacob 07525226555 PCSO6364 Colin Haywood 07525226882

Evelyn’s Den

Bra’s from £5 sizes from 28AA to 46JJ

Basques from £15 Kids PJ’s from £5

Westmoreland Court, Milne Road, Bircotes


Enquiries Tel: 07514 962245

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Fish & Chips Homemade fishcakes/kebabs/pies/chicken/ Kids meals box’s/drinks

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Another note from the Vicarage! This year is going to be tough for all who worship at All Saints Church. Just as the cost of living is rising for you, it rises also for those who have stewardship of this sacred and historical build-ing and who provide a service, (and services) to our local community. We have just about reached the point where the congregation of All Saints, as healthy as it is, can no longer raise all the money we need to pay our annual bills.

In our home life there are some bills that have to be paid before everything else and we make sure they can be paid. For example it’s important to ensure that money is set aside for the rent or the mortgage and the Council Tax. It’s the same for the church. Before money is allocated to anything else we have to save up and make sure we have enough money for what’s called The Parish Share. This is the money each church pays the diocese to cover the stipend, (salary) of their priest and for the support given by ‘Head Office’, i.e. advice from the Legal, Education, Child Protection, Church Maintenance, Training, Children & Youth Work Departments & more at the Diocese. These are services which we as a church need regularly and would have to pay for privately if the Diocesan Office did not exist.

In 2011 our Parish Share was £27,000. In 2012 we have to try and raise our share by £5,000 to £32,000. Sadly, All Saints Church runs at a loss pretty much every month. We really need to raise around £40,000 to cover all our bills. On top of that we have the added concern of a crack in the Church Tower which will inevitably eat away at our resources.

For those who read this article regularly, and for those who receive our Parish Magazine or our weekly Notice Sheet, this information is not new. But I can’t apologise for saying it again, because the message becomes ever more serious as time goes by and some, (even within our own congregation), are misinformed and misunderstand the financial situation of both the local and national church.

Once again, if you want to worship in All Saints Church, or if you want to celebrate happy times like weddings and baptisms there, if you want a sacred and holy place in which to remember the life of a loved one when they have died, then we need you to help the weekly congregation to cover the costs of maintaining the mission and ministry of the church as well as the building itself.

I hope this alerts you to the difficult job The Parochial Church Council, our Fund Raising Committee and you Parish Priest have. If you come to any service at All Saints please leave a donation, and if you are a tax payer make sure you Gift Aid your donation by placing it in one of the pink envelopes provided, so we can get some money back from the tax man at no cost to you. Remember your donation pays for mission and ministry in this parish and helps to maintain this sacred building. Now is the time to offer your help if you want All Saints to be there for your children and your children’s children.

Thank you. From The Reverend Jackie Johnson

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Page 22: Harworth & Bircotes Today Jan12

WANTED Mature but fit lady sought to help us

look after our 82 yr old Mum in her own home from April/May 2012.

One month on live-in with own bedroom and bathroom; one month

off basis, to alternate with daughter, to allow our elderly Mum to stay at

home. Six months out of the year, therefore.

24 hour care, but no nursing experience needed due to full care

package in situ 4 x per day.

Cooking, shopping, cleaning, laundry etc. with companionship and

wheelchair outings.

Would suit kind, independent lady who would enjoy caring responsibility and half year working with reasonable

remuneration. CRB check and good references.

Send your details to [email protected] in first

instance for more information and a meeting date.

A Huge Thank You to the Blacksmiths Battle of the Bands team

The Children’s Centre would like to say a huge thank you to Pete, John and everyone involved with the Battle of the Bands summer event at the Blacksmiths Arms public house.

The team involved in the event have very kindly donated £349.00 to the Children’s Centre to be spent on activities for families with children un-der five in the Harworth and Bircotes area. This money will be used to fund the under five’s and the Mighty Men & Mini Me’s (male carers group) Christmas parties. The money has been put to good use paying for every child to receive a gift from Santa, a children’s entertainer and lots of party food.

It wasn’t only the Children’s Centre to benefit from the groups generosity £450 pound was always donated to the Bassetlaw Hospice.

If you would like more information about the events at the Children’s Centre or to find out how you can become involved with fund raising at the Centre please contact Amanda Need-ham on 01302 759062

Harworth & Bircotes Children’s Centre

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of beds

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Harworth & Bircotes Town Council Page

The Town Council unanimously agreed that from January 2012 that the Town Clerk's job title will be changed to Executive Officer. It was considered that the term "Clerk" implies a role of a secretarial type which does not reflect the work that Mr Steve Bowman does.

Council considered that the improvements made to Harworth and Bircotes including the clean up of the Droverdale Wood; large increases in income; introduction of financial controls resulting in an outstanding audit report; completion of the Town Hall etc etc since he was appointed three years ago had made a real difference to the Town.

June Evans - Chairman

The ANNUAL LIGHTING EVENT - 1 DECEMBER 2011. The event saw Harworth Brass Band perform and the Christmas Tree Lights were switched on by Mr Tash Wilson. Christmas Carols were sung by school children to the delight of those attending.

I would like to thank all the stall holders who attended and made the event so special. If any residents would like to help organize this event, in the future, we would be very grateful to hear from you. Council Raffle held at Lighting Event prizes still to be claimed All white tickets:- 20..........Whisky 438........Options Sandwich Bar 72..........Wine 470........Quality Sweet Tin 18..........Teddy Bear 602........Fox’s Biscuits B.P.L. SPORTS AND LEISURE CENTRE, BIRCOTES Sunday 4th December saw the annual Sports Award event. The main hall was packed with parents and children, and before the awards ceremony we were treated to displays from the children on the trampoline, springboards and an excellent Karate display. I was im-pressed by the ‘gold’ medals given out by local Councillors, and every child received a certificate, plus a present from Santa, who received a rapturous welcome; this was fol-lowed by a buffet clearly enjoyed by the children. So well done B.P.L. staff for your hard work in making this a successful day, and well done all those parents who have support-ed and encouraged their children to participate in a wide range of sporting activities. The answers to a few frequently asked questions

Q. Why aren't we having a proper Christmas Tree? A. Last year the Christmas Tree was being vandalized on an almost daily basis. One morning 22 bulbs had been deliberately removed and smashed on the road and shop fronts. On two occasions the yolks, which holds the bulbs, had been ripped off and thrown into a nearby garden! The potential for injury to a child was of such concern that it was decided to change to the new arrangement. Q. Why was the War Memorial flag pole in Harworth changed? A. The old flag pole was of wooden construction and required that the person putting the flag up had to use step ladders to attach the flag. This was contrary to Health and Safety Regulations and was clearly an unsafe practice.

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Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that data in this publication is accurate, the editor cannot accept any liabil-ity to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions. Today Publications Ltd can not be held responsible

for any errors or omissions and does not officially endorse companies, products or services appearing in this magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior permission of the editor.

Published by Today Publications Ltd, 19 Heather Close, Tickhill, Doncaster, DN11 9UU Tel: 01302 744278 Printed by Warwick Printing Company Limited, Caswell Road, Leamington Spa, CV31 1QD Tel: 01926 883355

Your Councillors Cllr Mrs June Evans Chairman 49 – 51 Bawtry Road, Harworth DN11 8PA Tel: 743239

Cllr David Challinor Vice Chairman 31 Gilbert Road Bircotes DN11 8DL Tel: 750969

Cllr Brian Letherland 7 Common Lane, Harworth DN11 8LW Tel: 744345

Cllr Steve Barns 133 Scrooby Road, Bircotes DN11 8AD Tel: 750256

Cllr Bob Turner 35 Beech Road, Harworth DN11 8JD Tel: 746830

Cllr Mrs Marilyn Knight 30 Devonshire Road, Harworth DN11 8JF

Cllr Mrs Janet Flynn 14 Festival Ave, Harworth DN11 8HF Tel: 751628

Cllr Mrs Sheena Dean 32 Alexandra Road, Harworth DN11

Cllr Mathew Wratten 31 Scrooby Road, Harworth DN11 8JW Tel: 742463

Cllr Mrs Elaine Nettleship 28 Baulk Lane, Harworth DN11 8PE Tel: 750939

Cllr Mrs Gillian Wratten 31 Scrooby Road, Harworth DN11 8JW Tel: 742463

Cllr Mrs Debbie Foote 29 Essex Drive, Bircotes DN11 8BS Tel: 743527

Cllr Mrs Jean Hogg 1 Bramble Way, Harworth Tel: 743880

Cllr Mrs Sandra James 10 Chatsworth Court Bircotes Tel: 741133

Contact the council by writing to: HARWORTH & BIRCOTES TOWN COUNCIL PO BOX 1310 BIRCOTES DONCASTER DN11 8XH Email: [email protected]

Town Clerk: Steve Bowman 752642 Deputy Clerk: Helen Rodger 759037

Emergency Numbers for Notts County Council 08449 808080 Bassetlaw District Council 01909 533533 A1 Housing 0800 590542

Q. When is the new ASDA arriving? A. I understand that work will commence early in the New Year. Q. When can I come and see Steve Bowman and where do I find him? A. You can phone 01302 752642; my office hours are Monday 10.00 - 12.00; Wednesday 10.00 - 12.00 and Friday 10.00 - 12.00 & at other times by appointment. Q. When can I see Steve's deputy (Mrs Helen Rodger) to make bookings for the Town Hall? A. Helen's open hours are 10.00 - 12.00 Monday - Friday and at other times by appointment. It is recommended that you make a appointment. Q. I would like to speak to the Town Council regarding a specific matter. A. At every full Council meeting there is an opportunity to ask a question on any matter. These meetings are held on the third Monday of each month (except August) and details of forthcoming meetings are displayed at the Information Centre, Scrooby Road (old Bassetlaw District Council building opposite Maxine's flower shop).

Steve Bowman Executive Officer Harworth & Bircotes Town Council

Town Council Meetings 2012 - Town Hall Scrooby Road Harworth. 16 January, 20 February, 19 March, 16 April, 21 May (AGM) 18 June, 16 July, 17 September, 15 October, 19 November, 17 December

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USEFUL NUMBERSUSEFUL NUMBERS Services Police Station (non urgent) 0300 3009999

Electricity - Emergency 0800 056 8090

Gas - Emergency 0800 111 999

Severn Trent - Emergency 0800 783 4444

BT Faultline 0800 800 151

Floodline 0845 9881188 Bassetlaw District Council - Worksop 01909 533 533 - Retford 01777 706741 Nottinghamshire County Council - Worksop 01909 533533 - Retford 01777 702681 Social Services - Worksop 01909 533533 - Retford 01777 716161 Sure Start 07971 307334 Tenants & Residents Assoc 01302 746439 Town Hall 01302 746464 Youth & Community Centre 01302 743914 BCVS - Retford 01777 869718 BCVS - Worksop 01909 476118 Benefits Help line 0844 415 3905 A1 Housing 01909 534484 Carer Support 01777 713800 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Crime Reduction Unit 01302 385462 Childline 0800 11 11 Citizens Advice - Worksop 01909 476049 Community Develpmt Team 01302 743796 Drug & Addiction Advice 08450 03 89 08 Job Centre 01302 367138 Bircotes Library 01302 742384 Age Concern 07790 230673

NSPCC 0115 960 5481 Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 Relate 08456 441027 RSPCA National Cruelty Line 0300 1234999 Alcoholics Anonymous (24hr) 0114 2701984 Alzheimer's Society Doncaster 01302 325628 Victim Support 01302 365531 Travel National Rail Enquiries 08457 484950 Bus Enquires 01709 515151 Stagecoach 0845 6050 605 Traveline - info 0870 6082608 Chris’s Cab 07764 141228 Health Doctors - Colliery surgery 01302 741860 Doctors - Oakleaf Surgery 01302 741820 Doctors –Dr Raheem 01302 741840 NHS Direct 0845 46 47 Hospital - Bassetlaw 01909 500990 Hospital - Doncaster 01302 366666 Schools & Nurseries etc Adult Education 01909 473561 Bircotes Pre-School 01302 759222 Harworth CofE Primary Sch 01302 742477 North Notts College 01909 504504 Serlby Park School 01302 742535 St Patricks RC Primary Sch 01302 743145 Groups & Societies Fellowship of the Services 01302- 742108 Rotary Club 01302 535165 Royal British Legion 01302-744345. Smiley Milers (Wed mornings) 01302 711100 Tickhill & Dist. Lions Club 01302 742843

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Services Police Station (non urgent) 0300 3009999

Electricity - Emergency 0800 056 8090

Gas - Emergency 0800 111 999

Severn Trent - Emergency 0800 783 4444

BT Faultline 0800 800 151

Floodline 0845 9881188 Bassetlaw District Council - Worksop 01909 533 533 - Retford 01777 706741 Nottinghamshire County Council - Worksop 01909 533533 - Retford 01777 702681 Social Services - Worksop 01909 533533 - Retford 01777 716161 Sure Start 07971 307334 Tenants & Residents Assoc 01302 746439 Town Hall 01302 746464 Youth & Community Centre 01302 743914 BCVS - Retford 01777 869718 BCVS - Worksop 01909 476118 Benefits Help line 0844 415 3905 A1 Housing 01909 534484 Carer Support 01777 713800 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Crime Reduction Unit 01302 385462 Childline 0800 11 11 Citizens Advice - Worksop 01909 476049 Community Develpmt Team 01302 743796 Drug & Addiction Advice 08450 03 89 08 Job Centre 01302 367138 Bircotes Library 01302 742384 Age Concern 07790 230673

NSPCC 0115 960 5481 Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 Relate 08456 441027 RSPCA National Cruelty Line 0300 1234999 Alcoholics Anonymous (24hr) 0114 2701984 Alzheimer's Society Doncaster 01302 325628 Victim Support 01302 365531 Travel National Rail Enquiries 08457 484950 Bus Enquires 01709 515151 Stagecoach 0845 6050 605 Traveline - info 0870 6082608 Chris’s Cab 07764 141228 Health Doctors - Colliery surgery 01302 741860 Doctors - Oakleaf Surgery 01302 741820 Doctors –Dr Raheem 01302 741840 NHS Direct 0845 46 47 Hospital - Bassetlaw 01909 500990 Hospital - Doncaster 01302 366666 Schools & Nurseries etc Adult Education 01909 473561 Bircotes Pre-School 01302 759222 Harworth CofE Primary Sch 01302 742477 North Notts College 01909 504504 Serlby Park School 01302 742535 St Patricks RC Primary Sch 01302 743145 Groups & Societies Fellowship of the Services 01302- 742108 Rotary Club 01302 535165 Royal British Legion 01302-744345. Smiley Milers (Wed mornings) 01302 711100 Tickhill & Dist. Lions Club 01302 742843

Mikes Plastering No Job to Small

Sensible Prices

Free friendly quotation and advice

Phone 07527 162091

D.I.Y? Interior & Exterior Painting

& Decorating Laying Laminate Flooring Kitchens & Bathrooms Floor & Wall Tiling Gardening Decking & Patios All General Maintenance & more

Contact Ivan on 07980 189985

or 01302 752523

Wednesday 7.00 – 8.00 Everton Village Hall

Friday 6.00 – 7.00 Blyth Memorial Hall



Page 30: Harworth & Bircotes Today Jan12


Accountancy LDH Accountancy 22 TC Accountancy 25

Aerial’s Aerial & Satellite Specialist 115

Building & Home Improvements AWM Building Maintenance 10 G & S Property Maintenance 21 Ivan Morley 29 JB Property Services 25

Car Repair & Servicing Atom Tyres 29 Atom Transmissions 29 MP Motor Repairs 23

Care Home & Carers Carer Wanted 22 Rose Farm 30

Carpets & Flooring All Floors 16 Carpets, Carpets, Carpets 23 Distinctive Flooring 9

Chiropodist/ Foot Practitioner Feet First 21 Cycles Bicycle Buddy 28 Hudsons Cycles 13

Driving Instructor Driving Focus 21 16Fay 10

Fascias etc Bawtry Fascias & Guttering 5

Fishery Scrooby Road Fishery 20

Funeral Directors WE Pinder & Son 14

Garden Services & Paving GreenThumb 4

Health & Fitness Aspire 3 Bawtry Health & Fitness 1 Big Hearted Zumba 7 Bircotes Leisure Centre 4 Styrrup Hall Health & Fitness 5 Zumba with Sharon 29

Home Heating Watsons Fuels 23

Kitchens Infinity Kitchen Designs 12 Ladieswear & Lingerie Evelyn’s Den 15

Letting Services Footprint Properties 19

Logs Tickhill Barn Dried Logs 3 Opticians Woolcott Opticians 29

Oven Cleaning Hobknobs Oven Cleaning Service 21

Painting & Decorating Michael Jones 30

Pet / Animal Services Scruffs & Mutts 25 Plastering Mike Harris 29

Plumbing & Gas Services A* Plumbing & Heating 21 AJP Plumbing & Heating 25 D Kelly Plumbing 23 James Winfrow 29 Sanderson 28

Post Office Harworth Post Office 20

Restaurants, Bars & Public Houses The Taj Cottage, Tickhill 2

Roofing EPG 25 Torchmaster Roofing 12

Schools & Colleges Doncaster College 31 Misson School 17

Security Lineker Security 10

Skip Hire Retford Waste 21

Slimming & Weight Management Aspire 3 Cambridge Weight Plan 3 Gastric Band Hypnotherapy 3 Slimming World 5

Soft Furnishings C&S Designs 11

Solar Energy Switch Solar 16

Television Repairs Telefix 21

Window Repairs Northern Window Repairs 19


Interior and Exterior Painting & Decorating

& General Maintenance

Over 30 years experience

Domestic and Commercial

Competitive Prices

No job too small

Tel: 01302 711638 Mobile: 07747 754196

[email protected]

Page 31: Harworth & Bircotes Today Jan12
Page 32: Harworth & Bircotes Today Jan12

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Closing date:

Friday13th January