hard ware 2

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
  2. 2. Hardware
  3. 3. Camera For the photos I used a Canon digital camera to take the images. I chose to use this camera as it had many features such as flash and auto focus that I could adjust to take an appropriate and perfect image. What have I learnt from using this piece of hardware: I have learnt how to take better images especially the feature of changing the aperture. I have found this feature changes the amount of light that comes into the camera this was important, I found, when trying to take high key light images.
  4. 4. Camera - front Adjustable screen so in awkward angles you can change the screen position to see what the image will look like The flash can make the setting brighter when taking the image. The view focus window helps to take images with out needing to look at the screen. The zoom helps to get the shot you want
  5. 5. Camera - back This knob lets you change the settings of the camera from auto to face recognition This button lets you look back at the images you have taken You can change settings and look at images quickly by twisting this button You can insert a device into the camera here so when you click to take the image the lights in the studio simultaneously flash
  6. 6. Apple Mac To assemble my magazine I used the Apple Macs because they were effective at using the software I needed to use. Plus, the graphics of the screen were bright so making it easier to see colour differences that needed changing. Also, it had many USB ports and photo card inserts which helped me get all my images onto the computer. A disadvantage of using the Apple Macs was when trying to work on the same thing on a normal computer it wouldnt load as the software wasnt installed so I could only use Apple Macs but sometimes I couldnt use them as other people were using them. What I have learnt: after using the Apple Mac I have learnt how to right click and copy and paste using the keyboard due to not knowing how to use the computer at first.
  7. 7. Apple Mac On the side there is a memory card slot On the back there are 4 USB ports and a microphone and headphone slot. On the side of the keyboard there is also another USB port
  8. 8. Studio lights I used studio lights when taking the photos because it brightens the image so giving me the effect I wanted. What I have learnt: I have learnt that to increase the brightness of the light in need to increase the intensity of the bulb to get the effect I wanted and if I wanted the bulb less bright then I need to decrease the intensity and power. Also, I have learnt that to get a high key lit image all the lights should be on and surround the model so no shadow occurred.
  9. 9. Studio lights There are two knobs at the back. One to control the power and the other to control the intensity. On / off button on the back Chord to attach to the camera so lights flash simultaneously
  10. 10. Scanner I used the scanner to scan in important documents like Model release forms and call sheets so I could add them to my blog. What I have learnt: I have learnt that when scanning the document it needs to be face down and the corner needs to touch the corner which the arrow is pointing at so the scan works.
  11. 11. USB stick I used this to save my work on top as a copy so if I did loose it on the computer I had a second copy on my USB. What I have learnt: I have found how to correctly eject my USB stick properly especially on the Apple Macs. Also, I found having a second copy of your work is vial so you dont need to start again.
  12. 12. Memory Card I used this to take images with. I would put it in the camera then take the images and then take it out and upload the images onto the computer from the card so I could upload them.
  13. 13. Software
  14. 14. Prezi I chose to use Prezi because of its wide range of presentation tools plus I thought it would give me the potential benefit of once embedding it into my blog that I would be able to refer back to it so I can use what I had found in my product. What have I learnt: after using Prezi I have learnt how to use the software and its tools especially when adding images to your favourites on Prezi. Adding images to your favourites makes getting the image on the presentation easier as you dont need to insert it again from the computer but need to just go into my content to get the image again.
  15. 15. Prezi These are the slides that you create when making the presentation The edit path button changes the order in which the slides are shown when presenting the presentation. This is good because if you add an extra slide between two other slides you can incorporate it into the transition path Re do and undo buttons are useful if you make a mistake and you want to un do it 1- Save button saves your work so you can go back to it and edit it 1 The insert button allows you to add pictures, videos and shapes. This button is useful because you can add elements to your presentation to make it more interesting and add extra information to the text you write. The customize button lets you change the theme and background of your presentation. This gives a more appealing presentation to watch.
  16. 16. Prezi Makes the text you write into the title/ subtitle or body format. This is good for showing audiences the difference between the title and the information on the presentation. These make your text bigger and smaller. This good as it makes it easier to fit text into boxes. This button changes the colour of the text. This is good because you can add emphasis on certain bits of text. These buttons make the text either bold or italic which is good if you want to draw attention to certain words. This button changes the alignment of the text This adds a background to your text. This makes it easier to read
  17. 17. Prezi Allows you to make further changes. This is good because if I found extra information I could always still add it to my findings Lastly, this button allows me to embed the presentation into my blog. This was good because it was easy to do so time wasnt spent trying to figure how to do it.
  18. 18. Blogger I chose to use blogger because it documents your work from day to day. Also, the main benefit I found from using blogger was that you could upload and embed a lot of different format software from pictures and videos to online presentations. Another point is its easy to go back and edit previous posts. What I have learnt: I have mainly learnt how to change the scheduled time so my blog posts are in order. Also, I have learnt how to embed a presentation into blogger.
  19. 19. Blogger See blog posts, this is good because you can then see what you have done and what you still need to do. Past blog posts can be seen here in a chronological order. This is good because its easier to find posts to view them. This button allows you to create a blog post. Its position made it quick and easy for me to find how to add a post so saving me time. The sign out button quickly logs me out of the site when Im finished. The pencil allows me to edit posts I have already posted. This is good because if you want to add anything else to the post you can with this pencil.
  20. 20. Blogger The compose button allows me to write text to post onto my blog. This is good because if you didnt want to present your finding you could quickly upload the text onto a blog post. This text box allows you to write a title for your post. This is good because when looking back for it you can find it in the list of posts. This button changes the layout of the post from a text format to where you can copy and paste an embedding code into the post. These buttons allow you to change the format of the text you write such as the: font, colour or bold. This is good because you can then emphasis words on the post. These buttons allow you to add pictures and videos from your computer. On the side you can schedule the time and date you send the post
  21. 21. Blogger When uploading pictures and videos you can choose files from your computer. This is good because if the image etc doesnt have a URL you can still upload it direct from your computer. You can add images that youve already uploaded using the from the blog button. The from Picasa web albums allows you to add images from the internet You can also upload pictures from your phone or web cam. This is useful because you can go outside take an image then be able to upload the image straight from your phone without needing to put it onto the computer first. Lastly, you can add images from the internet using the URL. This is useful because you can add images straight from the internet without needing to save them onto the computer and taking up memory space which could have been used for the product.
  22. 22. Real-time board I chose to use Real-time board for my course work because it had a simple layout so was easy to use plus I could embed the presentation into my blog. The downside for using Real-time board is you can only make 3 boards so I couldnt use it a lot for my work. What I have learnt: I have learnt how to use the tools on this software
  23. 23. Real-time board These buttons zoom in and out of the page. This is useful because you can add small details. This hand allows you to drag yourself around the page. This is useful because it saves you time getting around the page. This allows you to select things. This is good because you can then select and edit elements on the presentation. This allows you to annotate the presentation. This button allows you to add text to the presentation. This is good because you can then add information to the presentation. This allows you to add post in notes to the presentation. The redo and undo button is good if you make a mistake and want to reverse it.
  24. 24. Pinterest I chose to use Pinterest because it has a easy way of uploading images onto the board and the embedding it is easy to. The disadvantage of using Pinterest is that you can only upload images however you can add captions to the images. What I have learnt: I have learnt how to add a description to the images to explain what you are trying to convey.
  25. 25. Pinterest To add an image you just click on here. This is good because its easy and simple so making the process easier. The friends button allows you to let people see your board. By clicking this button you can change the layout of your images on the board. This is good because you can then make the board look aesthetically pleasing and you can change the order of the images. By clicking this button you can edit the board. This good because you can then change any initial details such as the board title and the category.
  26. 26. Pinterest When adding a pin or picture you can either choose from the web or your device. This is good because you can find images of the internet and quickly add them to your board with out needing to save them. And your device button is good if you have a picture form your computer or phone you quickly want to upload without needing to put it on the internet.
  27. 27. Emaze I chose to use Emaze because it was a bit different to PowerPoint plus it has some really nice graphics. Lastly, it was easy to use and to embed however you could only add a limited amount of slides before the space was full so I couldnt make a lengthy presentation. What I have learnt: I have learnt how to embed this software into my blog
  28. 28. Emaze These are the slides you make. Its good that you can see them on the side because if you want to go back and edit a slide you can quickly just click it. You can add slides here and group them. Grouping them is good because you can then quickly find the slide your looking for in the groups you have made without needing to go through all the slides you have made. Here you can add shapes, text and charts. This good because you can then add elements onto your presentation to make them look interesting. Here you can save your work. This is good because you can then go back to it later to finish or add to it. This button allows you to present your presentation. This is good because you can then show people your findings.
  29. 29. Survey monkey I chose to use this website because it was a quick way for me to send a survey to a lot of people. Plus it was easy to use with a variety of question formats to use. I also chose to use this software because it was easy to access the responses plus it would e-mail you to tell you when someone had completed the survey. What I have learnt: I have learnt how to set up a survey and have understood what the different question formats are
  30. 30. Survey monkey This is where you can click and add question formats, images and text. This was good because it gave you a wide range of elements you could add to your survey to explain what type of responses you wanted. By clicking next it will then give you a URL. This was useful because when e-mailing it to people I just needed to add the URL for them to complete it instead of having to copy and paste the survey to them. The preview and test button lets you complete the survey. This was good because you could trail your survey to find if the question formats you used worked.
  31. 31. Survey monkey By clicking analyze results you can then see peoples responses to your survey. This is good because you can then analyse the results and write about what I found out.
  32. 32. Slides I chose to use this software because I liked how the presentation could be controlled using the different arrows. I also chose to use it because the format was like PowerPoint's so it was easy to use and navigate around. I didnt like how there was no set order to the slides though. What I have learnt: I have learnt how to present it so generically you would click right to go to the next slide well with this software you can press up, down, left or right to go to a different slide.
  33. 33. Slides This button allows you to preview the presentation. This was useful because you could then watch your presentation and find faults with it and fix it. These buttons allows you to add text, images and shapes to the presentation. This was good because you could then present your work making it look interesting. The style button allows you to change the theme and colour of the presentation. This was good because you could then make your presentation more synthetically pleasing. The export button allows you to embed the presentation. This was good because I could then add it to my blog.
  34. 34. Photoshop Photoshop is a piece of software downloaded onto the computer where you can edit and compile images. I used this to create my product I chose to use Photoshop because it has a wide range of tools that can be used to edit and create images and magazines. The only disadvantage of using it was there were so many applications I could use that I may not have used Photoshop to its full potential. What I have learnt: I have learnt how to use a variety of different tools on Photoshop that I didnt know how to use before. Some of the links I visited when editing my magazine in Photoshop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNB9Mepi1VI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8XqJ8CQFVY http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/07/15/70-beauty-retouching-photoshop- tutorials/
  35. 35. Photoshop On the side there are tools to edit photos and add text and shapes. This is good because it can improve my magazine. These show you the layers on the page. This is good because it shows you what is on the page and whats in front and behind other layers so if you wanted to change this it would be easily done. This button changed the setting of the settings you were on for example typography to essentials. This setting changer made finding tools for images or text easier to so altering them quicker. This is where you can change the brush size and stroke. This was useful because if you were working on small details you could change the brush to adapt to what you wanted to do.
  36. 36. In design In design is a downloaded software that is used to compose magazines and alter texts. I used it in the production of my magazine I chose to use In design because it exports my magazine in the right format plus as a spread and it has a text feature to align it like a professional pop magazine article. However I found it hard to use as I found it hard to navigate around. What I have learnt: I have learnt how to text align like a professional magazine does plus I know how to export in this software.
  37. 37. In design These top buttons allow you to select and edit things on the document. This is useful because you can then change things if you want to. These buttons allow you to add text and shapes. This is good because you can then add elements onto the page to make it how you want. These allow you to change the view of the page from zooming to draging around the page. This is good because you can then go to the area of the page you want to change and change it. This is where you can change the colour and weight of the text. This is good because if you want to emphasis certain aspect you can with this.
  38. 38. Windows Movie Maker Windows Movie Maker is a downloaded piece of software that allows you to add text, sound and images or videos into one to make a movie. I used this in the evaluation I chose to use Windows Movie Maker in my evaluation because I found it was easier to explain what I was talking about when the images moved along the screen with the text. Also, I chose to use it because it was easy to alter timings when compiling the video. What I have learnt: I have learnt how to use this piece of software and add text to images. Also, I know how to change timings and create animation between slides. Some of the websites I visited to create this: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows-vista/getting-started-with-windows- movie-maker http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Simple-Video-in-Windows-Live-Movie-Maker
  39. 39. Windows Movie Maker Clicking this button allows you to add videos or pictures. This was useful because once added you can then add text and sound to explain what is happening. The animation section makes slide transitions different. This was good because it made the presentation look more interesting. This is where you can add music to go with the images.
  40. 40. You Tube I chose to use YouTube because it made finding my uploaded video easy to find as you just type your name in. Also, when researching it was good because you typed in your question and a step by step video would be found helping me resolve my issue quickly. What I have learnt: I have learnt I first need to export my Windows Movie Maker file into a compatible file before uploading it to You Tube so it can then be uploaded and embedded.
  41. 41. You Tube Quick and easy you just click there to find the file you want to upload. Then you press upload wait a couple of seconds where it confirms that it has successfully uploaded. Sign out then in the search bar search your username or video title to find it. Click on it then theres an embed button. This was good because it was quick and easy to get your video uploaded then embedded.
  42. 42. Poster My Wall I chose to use this because it was easy to use with a wide range of layouts to use. However, its difficult to save the poster as an image onto the computer and when beginning the poster you need to clear all the elements that were put on there and its difficult to find the delete button. What I have learnt: I have learnt that there are many different fonts on this software so if I need any fonts this software is a good one to use.
  43. 43. Poster My Wall These buttons let you add things to the poster like text, images and clip art. This was good because you could add what you wanted to make the poster look more interesting. You can also save the poster so you can back to it later. This was good because if you wanted to make more adjustments you could.
  44. 44. Poster my Wall If you click on an image or a bit of text this editing box appears where you can change and edit the element for it to have a shadow or a glow or to send it to the back. This was good because it had a wide range of options to change the element allowing you to create the poster you wanted to create.
  45. 45. Capture / Snipping tool Capture is a application on the computer that allows you to take a screen shot. I used this to evidence all the images I used. I chose to use this application because if the software I was using didnt save the image in the correct format for what I needed I could this application to take a picture of the image then save it as I want as it has a lot of saving formats. What I have learnt: I have learnt that this application is on all computers even Apple Macs and that to access it on a Apple Mac I need to look under the application folder.
  46. 46. Capture / Snipping toolThis is where you can find save as. This was good because the save as button could save the image in a lot of formats that I needed to use. This allows you to annotate the image. This was good because if you want to add notes around the image you could without needing to type them up.
  47. 47. Slide Share I chose to use Slide Share because it was the quickest and easiest way to get my Powerpoints uploaded so they could be embedded into my blog. It was also good for uploading multiple files at once.
  48. 48. Slide Share All you do is click here to select the PowerPoint you want to upload then you add a title and save it. It then gives you an embed code. This was good because it was quick and instant so no time was wasted.
  49. 49. PowerPoint PowerPoint is a downloaded presentation software. I used it for all my presentations I chose to use PowerPoint because Im familiar with the layout so making it easy to use. Also it has a lot of presentation elements to use which was good to make the presentation interesting. I didnt like how it couldnt be instantly uploaded from the computer to the blog with out using slide share as PowerPoint was in the wrong format for the blog. What I have learnt: I need to convert PowerPoint formats to get them onto blogs.
  50. 50. PowerPoint The slides show you what you have created. This was good because if you wanted to go back a couple of slides all you do is click on the slide you want to go back to making it easy to use. These buttons allow you to add a new slide, to delete slides and change the layout of them. This was useful because you could alter the presentation to fit you. These are all the shapes you can add. It was good having them there because you could just go to the top and click on what you want without needing to go through all the settings. This is where text can be changed. Having it on the top was handy because it was easy to access.
  51. 51. Word Word is a downloaded piece of software made for documents. I used this mainly in the research and planning I chose to use Word because when writing documents and forms it had the best variety in altering text. What I have learnt: I have learnt I need to convert the Word format to a different one so it will be compatible to be put onto my blog.
  52. 52. Word This where you can change the font and text size. Having them at the top was good because it was easy to get to so making text changes quicker. This is where you can highlight and change text colour. This was good if I wanted to emphasis words. You can change the style of the text to fit if it was a title or subtitle. This was good if you wanted to clearly show people what the document was about.
  53. 53. Scribd I chose to use Scribd because it was a quick and easy way to upload my Word documents and get an embed code for it.
  54. 54. ScribdAll you do is click here to select the Word document you want to upload then you add a title and save it. It then gives you an embed code. This was good because it was quick and instant so no time was wasted
  55. 55. Excel Excel is a downloaded software that is mainly used to create spreadsheets however I used it to present my survey results in a graph for my evaluation I chose to use Excel because I could create a table with my survey results then quickly turn my table into a graph or chart.
  56. 56. Excel It has text altering features. This was good to have because I could then title my graphs so I knew what graph was for what question. Once inserting the survey data you then press insert to change it into a graph. This feature was useful because I could then show my findings in statistical terms and not just numbers.
  57. 57. Paint Paint is a downloaded programme where you can draw images with its paintbrushes. I sued this for my planning. I chose to use paint because I could take advantage of the bright and block colours it offers that I wanted to use in my flat plan. What I have learnt: I have learnt that once you begin painting on a document you have scanned in you cant use the paint bucket to fill large gaps as there are no lines. So to fill the gaps you need to hand paint it all.
  58. 58. Paint The colours available. Having them on the top was good because it was easy to find and quick to use. It had a range of tools to use like paint brushes to shapes. The simplicity made it easy to use as I could quickly find what I want then use it. I could save the image as a JPEG as well which was handy as I could upload it straight to the blog.
  59. 59. Gmail I chose to use Gmail because in the address book it had everyones e-mail address so it was easy finding my target audience and sending my survey to them. What I have learnt: the easiest method of sending out the survey is just to copy and paste the link to survey on the e-mail instead of copying and pasting the survey onto the e-mail its self.
  60. 60. Gmail This is where you can attach pictures and documents to the e-mail. This is useful because you can then get images from your phone onto the computer or get the document your working on at home to the college computer so you can finish it. See e-mails you receive here. This is useful because when you log on you can instantly see if you have e-mails or not and your not scrolling through folders looking for received e-mails. You can add e-mails to folders. This is useful because you can organise e-mails into groups making them easier to find.