happiness coaching overview september 2016 non-animation

1 Happiness Coaching To enhance individual effectiveness, happiness, health & success, sparking positive change & making it last! To ensure & enhance engagement, responsibility, organizational alignment and increased profitability for the company!

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Happiness Coaching

To enhance individual effectiveness, happiness, health & success, sparking positive change & making it last!

To ensure & enhance engagement, responsibility, organizational alignment and increased profitability for the company!

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Overview of this presentation

• Why Happiness Coaching?• What is Happiness Coaching?• Benefits of Happiness Coaching

• To Organization• To individuals

• How Happiness Coaching works• What does it include?• The Happiness Coaches • About Use Time India• Contact Please click on on any

slide to come back to this “overview” for easy navigation

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Why Happiness Coaching?

Totally Neuroscience

basedProcess driven &

hence predictable

Practical use decades of research

Focused on the individual

Measurable progress

Benefits for the

OrganizationEnhanced profits, in

dynamic & VUCA World

Enhanced alignment

Greater involvement & responsibility, volitionally

Inspired & inspirational leadership

Benefits for the Individual

Enhanced clarity in all aspects & areas of life

Achieve greater, stretch goals with ease

Continuous improvement as an individual

Enhanced happiness, satisfaction, performance


And yes! EVERYONE will benefitIf areas of improvement known, deliver results on

these areas

If a person is doing well, help them become better

Steady progress towards personal and

organizational excellence

Rigour and focus ensures measurable results

“Business coaching is attracting America’s top CEOs because, put simply, business coaching works. In fact, when asked for a conservative estimate of monetary payoff from the coaching they got… managers described an average return of more than $100,000, or about six times what the coaching had cost their companies.” - FORTUNE Magazine

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Happiness Coaching encompasses multiple areasExecutive Coaching• Leadership• Executive Presence• Change Management• Performance• Business Goals• Team Alignment

• Role enhancement

Performance Coaching• Professional• Personal • Sports Coaching• Education

Life Coaching•Work & Life Blend

•Time Management, Prioritization•Self, family•Health, Fitness,•Financial

Relationship Coaching• Emotional Management• Inspiring relationships• At Home, Work & Society

Happiness Coaching

"I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an individual, and which invariably finds a way to solve a problem previously thought unsolvable." ― John Russell, Managing Director, Harley―Davidson Europe Ltd.

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Benefits to Organization & Individual

For the Organization•Enhanced alignment•Better communication & relationships•Inspired and inspiring leaders•Responsibility for results owned by the individual•Better planning ability•Greater profits, consistently & predictably

For the Individual•Enhanced sense of purpose•Greater self acceptance, and enhanced “executive presence”•Better communication & Relationships•Awareness about self (Core OS, How it affects, Blind spots, Develop useful habits)•Enhanced relationships•Being inspirational, every moment, by choice•Reflective self learning ability

“If you want to build your business and at the same time have a rewarding personal life, you call a coach.” – Denver Post

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How Happiness Coaching works

• Practical application of years of research on brain & behaviour

• Scientifically evaluated processes

• Celebrates Individuality – no “one size fits all” approach

• Enables “reflective self learning” that links to Individual ownership

Neuroscience based

• Professional goals linked to company goals

• Measurable results, objective

• Personal goals also measurable & data driven

Data driven results

• Process ensures that individual identifies areas to be considered for change across work and personal areas

• Inputs from key stakeholders are used as guidelines

• Finally, & most importantly, Individual takes complete ownership for all goals

Individual ownership

• ROI – Results Orientation & Implementation

• Clarity – Focus - Completion• CoRe – Communication &

Relationships at all levels• - Emotional Self

Management• - Inspirational

Communication• - Relationship skills• - Negotiation Skills


“In a 2004 survey by Right Management consultants, 86 percent of companies said they used coaching to sharpen skills of individuals who have been identified as future organizational leaders.” - Excerpt from “What An Executive Coach Can Do For You” – Harvard Business School.

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Yes! Coaching for “Happiness” IS possible

• Different from “Pleasure;” refers to a long term “state”• 34,000 feelings in the body• Can barely label 12 of them• Vocabulary limitations• Encompasses all aspects of life• Requires understanding of each individual and customization therefrom


• Differs with each individual• No single formula – differs with each “individual”• Dependent on the choices one makes• Requires changes at the “core” of the person• Helps individuals makes appropriate choices• Any intervention must have a “long term” focus in mid

State of Mind

• Responsibility for self & happiness• Equanimity regardless of circumstances• Stay resourced & engaged at all times• Work – business, growth, goals, relationships• Family – relationships, inspiration• Self – Health, Fitness, Finance, Beliefs, Values, Goals, Contentment

Effects & Benefits

Science & research shows:• Happiness

results in Success!

• Happiness results in good health!

• Not the reverse!

“A study featured in Public Personnel Management Journal reports that managers (31) that underwent a managerial training program showed an increased productivity of 22.4%. However, a second group was provided coaching following the training process and their productivity increased by 88%. Research does demonstrate that one-on-one executive coaching is of value.” – F. Turner, Ph.D.

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Coaching, a powerful enabler

“Coaching” is a partnership (an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between the Coach and Client

Coaching is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize personal and professional potential.

Services provided in person, and through the use of video conferencing tools

Coaching may address specific personal projects, business successes, or general conditions in the client's life or profession.

Coaching includes:•value clarification, brainstorming, • identifying plans of action, obtaining answers to dilemmas,

•examining modes of operating in life, asking clarifying questions,

•making empowering requests or suggestions for action.

The coach will engage in direct and personal conversations throughout.

Successful coaching requires a co-active, collaborative approach between client and coach.

Coach is a facilitator of change; the client's responsibility to enact or bring about the change.

Periodically, the Coach and the Client will evaluate if the Coaching is delivering desired results and take appropriate steps to ensure that desired results are obtained

"For years, CEOs of some of the most successful and largest companies have relied on executive coaches. Henry McKinnell, CEO of Pfizer, Meg Whitman, CEO of eBay, and David Pottruck, CEO of Charles Schwab & Co., are just a few who rely on a trusted adviser". ― The Business Journal

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Coaching, a powerful enabler

“Coaching” is a partnership (an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between the Coach and Client

Coaching is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize personal and professional potential.

Services provided in person, and through the use of video conferencing tools

Coaching may address specific personal projects, business successes, or general conditions in the client's life or profession.

Coaching includes:•value clarification, brainstorming, • identifying plans of action, obtaining answers to dilemmas,

•examining modes of operating in life, asking clarifying questions,

•making empowering requests or suggestions for action.

The coach will engage in direct and personal conversations throughout.

Successful coaching requires a co-active, collaborative approach between client and coach.

Coach is a facilitator of change; the client's responsibility to enact or bring about the change.

Periodically, the Coach and the Client will evaluate if the Coaching is delivering desired results and take appropriate steps to ensure that desired results are obtained

"For years, CEOs of some of the most successful and largest companies have relied on executive coaches. Henry McKinnell, CEO of Pfizer, Meg Whitman, CEO of eBay, and David Pottruck, CEO of Charles Schwab & Co., are just a few who rely on a trusted adviser". ― The Business Journal

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Tools, Techniques, Methods used in Happiness Coaching

Happiness Coaching – Neuro Science Based

Psychology –

Behavioural, Sports etc.

Cognitive Behavioural

Therapy, Counselling

NLP & Kinesiology

Emotional Intelligence,

Positive Psychology

Language & Behaviour Profiling

Metaphors of Movement & Business

Integral Eye Movement Therapy

Use Time Proprietary HOPE & CoRe Methodologies

Proprietary Coaching Dossier

"Executive Coaches are everywhere these days. Companies hire them to shore up executives or, in some cases, to ship them out. Division heads hire them as change agents. Workers at all levels of the corporate ladder are enlisting coaches for guidance on how to improve their performance, boost their profits, and make better decisions about everything from personnel to strategy." ― TIME Business News

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What does it include?The Happiness Coaching Process

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Pre-Coaching Process

Coaching Chemistry• Client Assesses

comfort with coach• Coach assesses

Client’s "Coachability”• Coaching – things to

be aware of

Client Commitment• Client Commitment to

Process• Pre-coaching


Manager Connect• Tri-partite meeting

(Client, Manager, Coach)

• 3 Good things about “Coachee / Client”

• Areas for improvement

• Specific inputs for Professional goals

“Coaching takes a holistic view of the individual: work, corporate values, personal needs and career development are made to work in synergy, not against one another.” – British Journal of Administrative Management

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Initial SessionGoal Areas Identification• All areas & roles of life – Work, Family, Personal, • Filters - Satisfaction, Significance, Structure, Similarity• Arrive at Overall areas to consider for goals

SMART Goal Set up(Specific – Measurable – Action Oriented – Raise the bar – Time bound)• Define Goal – in plain language• Use Time Process for defining Measurements• Identify SMART Goals

Action, Strategies to achieve goals• Identify High Result areas for achieving goals• Filter and identify "Daily" actions needed• Set up Daily Growth Tracker

“"There was a moment in sports when employing a coach was unimaginable—and then came a time when not doing so was unimaginable. We care about results in sports, and if we care half as much about results in business, schools and in hospitals we may reach the same conclusion." Personal Best - New Yorker Magazine

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Structure of Coaching sessions

Initial Set up: Arrive at Coaching Brief (90-120 minutes)• Identify outcomes and expected results.• Clear, measurable and unambiguous goals• Aligned with overall purpose of coaching

• Identify Strategies & Actions to achieve goals• Identify High result areas (3rd level Pareto)• Create Daily Growth Tracker

• Identify boundary conditions• How will progress & development be measured?• Review mechanism (who, when, what, how), as


On-going Coaching (between 60-75 minutes per session) • Review progress towards action plan from earlier

session(s).• Identify areas needing support.• Confirm challenges, problems, issues.• Identify and generate solutions; Explore options.• Plan to implement actions.• Review lessons learnt.• Periodic reviews, with stakeholders to ensure

progress and course corrections, if needed

"Employees at Nortel Networks estimate that coaching earned the company a 529 percent "return on investment and significant intangible benefits to the business," according to calculations prepared by Merrill C. Anderson, a professor of clinical education at Drake University." ― Psychology Today

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The Coaches

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Cheenu is a “Happiness Coach” working with CEOs, CXOs, Executives and Individuals, spanning Life, Executive and Performance Coaching. He also specialises in mentoring and counselling persons from all walks of life to achieve clarity on issues they face. He also practices “Truth Healing” as a contribution, helping people manage and handle, physical, mental and emotional issues.

Cheenu brings close to 30 years of entrepreneurial, operations, management and mentor-ship experience. He also founded one of the very first BPO companies in India, servicing well known Fortune 500 companies and other leading companies in various verticals. He has always been passionate about the development of people and all who have worked with Cheenu have gone on to become managers of their respective business / operations units.

Cheenu is passionate about developing people, enhancing their skills and aligning their beliefs to achieving their potential and achieving results that they themselves did not think possible. He brings his blend of business management, entrepreneurial and leadership experience, insights and, above all, the mission of transforming people to truly utilizing their true potential. He is extremely good at aligning teams and ensuring that they work as one towards a common goal.

He is certified as a practitioner in many disciplines including NLP, LAB (Language and Behaviour) Profiling, NLP-K, Healing Corrections, Metaphors of Movement & Business and Integral Eye Movement Therapy. Cheenu is a Chartered Accountant and has worked in Senior Business Leadership positions with companies like Aditya Birla Minacs (COO-KPO), Genisys Software (VP, Head BPO) Scandent Group (now Xchanging), ATS Services, Professional Management Consultants and Citibank.

Happiness Coach:“Cheenu” G. Srinivasan

"More executives are beginning to request the service for themselves…as the negative connotation of coaching as a form of punishment for poor performance is replaced by the growing perception that coaching can help an individual or group to build sustainable professional and personal skills, better learn, overcome challenges, reach stretch goals and integrate leadership training." ― US Careers Journal

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Happiness Coach: “Kichu” KrishnanKichu Krishnan has been coaching people since 1979. In the last 3 decades, he has coached over 60,000 people through his programs conducted in India, USA, Italy, Nigeria, Australia, Nepal, Bhutan and Muscat. His commitment is to have people to discover and experience their potential on an on-going basis, to “have ordinary people perform extraordinarily in their lives”. His experience with Centers Network and Landmark USA in conducting workshops all over the world has added to his ability to work cross culturally. He has been sought after by organizations to conduct training programs that bring forth the spirit of the core values of organizations.

The spectrum of people he has worked with includes CEO’s, Managing Directors, senior executives and workers of large organizations, students, rural development workers, destitute children from remand homes and street children.

Kichu is a first generation entrepreneur with more than 25 years of extensive experience in various Businesses. He is the Managing Director of Sirius Controls Pvt. Ltd and Use Time India Pvt. Ltd. He has been the Official Representative in India for LEM DynAmp Inc. USA and P G Drives Technology, UK. He is the Managing Partner of Sri Krishna Kafe (A chain of Ethnic restaurants in Bangalore). He is also a Board Member of MAYA (An NGO for eradication of child labor).

He brings this extensive experience into his training added to his intense commitment to people and a unique disarming sense of humor.

"Employers are shocked at how high their ROI numbers are for coaching. He recalls a large employer in the hospitality industry saved between $30 million and $60 million by coaching its top 200 executives." ― Accenture, Alastair Robertson, Manager of worldwide leadership development

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About Use Time India

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About Use Time

Established in 1992

Coached over 80,000 persons till date on

Performance and Productivity – HOPE & Premier HOPE programs Communications and RelationshipsAccelerated ReadingAnd many more areas

Helping Individuals and Organizations to:

Enhance effectiveness and productivity Create enabling & empowering work environmentsUse methods that allow individuals and teams to contributeAchieve their full potential

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“Cheenu” G. Srinivasan / “Kichu” M. KrishnanUSE TIME (I) PVT LTD425, 1st Floor, 10th Cross, 18th Main, JP Nagar 2nd Phase,

Bangalore 560078.Tel: (+91) 80-26584415Email: [email protected]

[email protected]: www.usetimeindia.com