halloween treats? how does sugar affect your body?

Halloween Treats? How Does Sugar Affect Your Body?

Upload: percival-gardner

Post on 30-Dec-2015




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Halloween Treats?

How Does Sugar AffectYour Body?

Metric Conversion

• One can of Coke contains 40 grams of sugar.

• There are 4 grams of sugar in one teaspoon.

• How many teaspoons of sugar are in one can of Coke?

What Does 10 tsp of Sugar Look Like?

• Can you imagine eating

16 sugar cubes in one sitting?

You probably have. That’s a little less than what is contained in a 20 ounce bottle of cola.

What Does That Much Sugar Do To Your


Sugar Has HUGE Effects on Your Immune System

• Eating or drinking 100 grams of sugar, the equivalent of two- and-a-half 12-ounce cans of soda, can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs by 40 percent.

• This immune-suppressing effect starts less than thirty minutes after ingestion and may last for five hours.

Halloween Candy

• A typical “fun size” candy bar, that will fill your bag this weekend, contains 12 grams of sugar: that’s equal to 3 teaspoons!!

• You only need to eat 8 of these to wipe out the function of half of your white blood cells for up to 5 hours!

Sugar also promotes sugar “highs”

• Sugar then causes sugar lows, also known as the “sugar blues”.

• Sugar gives you quick energy, but only for a brief time due to the rise of the blood sugar level. The body quickly releases a rush of insulin, which rapidly lowers the blood sugar and causes a significant drop in energy and endurance.

Sugar Intake and Diabetes

• Diabetes is caused by the failure of the pancreas to produce adequate insulin when the blood sugar rises.

• A concentrated amount of sugar introduced into the system sends the body into shock from the rapid rise in the blood sugar level. The pancreas eventually wears out from overwork and diabetes then rears its ugly head.

Sugar and Acne

• In a recent New York Times article, a scientific study confirmed that an increase in sugar intake can increase acne outbreaks.

Sugar and Your Teeth

• Consumption of processed foods (which are laced with sugar) cost the American public more than $54 billion in dental bills each year

More Sugar Facts

• The average American eats 61 pounds of refined sugar each year, including 25 pounds of candy.

• Halloween accounts for at least two pounds of that.

Is Sugar Nutritious?

• Refined sugar contains no fiber, no minerals, no proteins, no fats, no enzymes, only empty calories. When you consume sugar your body must borrow vital nutrients from healthy cells to metabolize the incomplete food. Calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium are taken from various parts of the body to make use of the sugar. Many times, so much calcium is used to neutralize the effects of sugar that the bones become osteoporotic due to the withdrawn calcium.

• 8.4 Metric Tons of sugar are produced each year in the United States

• More than 50% of that sugar is produced from beets.

How is Sugar Made?

• Sugar cane and sugar beets are first harvested and then chopped into small pieces, squeezing out the juice, which is then mixed with water. This liquid is then heated, and lime is added. Moisture is boiled away, and the remaining fluid is pumped into vacuum pans to concentrate the juice. The crystals are then dissolved by heating to the boiling point and passed through charcoal filters. After the crystals condense, they are bleached snow-white usually by the use of pork or cattle bones. ...During the refining process, 64 food elements are destroyed. All the potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphate, and sulfate are removed. The A, D, and B, vitamins are destroyed.

What About Sugar Substitutes?

• The scientists who discovered sucralose (now sold as Splenda) were originally trying to create an insecticide.

• An assistant in the lab thought he had been instructed to “taste” a compound he’d only been asked to “test”.

Halloween, You & the Flu

• Flu and cold viruses are in our community, infecting many, making those infected feel miserable for days.

• As you consume vast amounts of candy this Halloween, don’t forget its effect on your immune system.

• Without your helpful white blood cells around to kill viruses, the viruses will take full advantage!

Healthy Halloween Fact

•Pumpkins can help YOU glow!

Health Benefits of Pumpkins

• Pumpkins are orange because of the beta-carotenes they contain. Beta-carotenes are a member of the carotenoid family of plant pigments - strong antioxidants that have the added benefit of boosting immune function. The ability of beta-carotenes to boost immune function helps the body ward off cold and flu viruses

Halloween To Do List:

•Be safe•Have fun•Wash Your Hands (a lot)•Brush Teeth (really well)•Add pumpkin puree to your pancakes Sunday morning

•Eat lots of veggies for the rest of the day!

Be Safe, Have Fun, & Stay Healthy!