haematologica 2000; 85:1291-1307 malignant lymphomas … · 2009. 5. 29. · conditions that differ...

Haematologica vol. 85(12):December 2000 still insufficient for this approach to be applied in all cases, a biologically correct lymphoma clas- sification is not currently feasible. Despite this, many hematopathologists agree that by pooling morphologic, immunophenotypic, molecular, and clinical findings it is possible to enumerate a large series of distinct entities that can be rec- ognized and diagnosed in routine practice. In 1994, on the basis of the work of the Interna- tional Lymphoma Study Group (ILSG), a list of “real”, clearly characterized anatomo-clinical entities that can be readily recognized with cur- rently available techniques was published as a proposal for an up-to-date practical classifica- tion of malignant lymphomas: this list was termed the Revised European American Lymphoma (REAL) Classification (Table 1). 18 This classifi- cation has recently been adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an operative guideline for studying and diagnosing malig- nant lymphomas; furthermore, its methodolo- gy has been extended to the categorization of hematopoietic non-lymphoid tumors. 19 Histologic grade and clinical aggressiveness Before the advent of immunophenotyping and molecular biology techniques that have allowed the identification of many lymphoid neoplasms as separate entities, it was thought that non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma constituted a single generic disease with various degrees of aggressiveness that could be revealed on the basis of morphology and clinical findings. This concept encouraged the convinction that it should be possible to devise a single grading sys- tem capable of predicting the clinical course of the disease. This was the principle behind the Working Formulation, 8 in which lymphoid tumors were divided into three prognostic groups (indicated by grades of clinical malig- nancy) on the basis of the survival of the patients recruited in the original study. Never- theless, each of these wide-ranging categories is actually known to contain a large number of conditions that differ greatly as regards their eti- Haematologica 2000; 85:1291-1307 trends in hematology Malignant Lymphomas ABSTRACT The pathologist’s view point. Part I – indolent lymphomas STEFANO ALDO PILERI, STEFANO ASCANI,* ELENA SABATTINI, GIULIO FRATERNALI-ORCIONI, SIMONETTA POGGI, MILENA PICCIOLI, PIER PAOLO PICCALUGA, BARBARA GAMBERI, PIER LUIGI ZINZANI, LORENZO LEONCINI,° BRUNANGELO FALINI # Service of Pathologic Anatomy and Haematopathology, Institute of Haematology and Clinical Oncology “L. & A. Seràgnoli”, Bologna University, Policlinico S. Orsola, Bologna; *Institute of Pathologic Anatomy, Perugia Uni- versity, Ospedale S. Maria, Terni, Italy, °Institute of Pathologic Anatomy, Siena University, Siena; # Hematopathology Laboratory, Institute of Hematology, Perugia University, Perugia, Italy Correspondence: Prof. Stefano Aldo Pileri, M.D., Servizio di Anatomia Pato- logica ed Ematopatologia, Istituto di Ematologia e Oncologia Medica ‘L. & A. Seràgnoli’, Università di Bologna, Policlinico S. Orsola, via Massarenti 9, 40138 Bologna, Italy. Phone: international +39-051-6364562 – Fax: inter- national +39-051-6363606 – E-mail: [email protected] Background and Objectives. The REAL/WHO classi- fication constitutes a new tool for the better under- standing and treatment of malignant lymphomas. The authors focus on the key features of B-cell lym- phomas with an indolent behavior, aiming to con- tribute to the cross-talk between pathologists and clinicians. Data Sources and Methods. Each lymphoma entity is analyzed on the basis of the most representative contributions in the literature and the authors’ expe- rience gained in studying more than 20,000 lym- phoid tumors over a 20-year period. Results. Guidelines for diagnosis and areas of inter- est for future clinico-pathologic studies are identified and discussed. Within this context, selected data obtained by the application of novel markers are presented. Interpreation and Conclusions. The present know- ledge and organization of malignant lymphomas now make the development of tailored therapies a feasi- ble goal. ©2000, Ferrata Storti Foundation Key words: indolent lymphoma, morphology, phenotype, genoty- pe, behavior. S ince the 1970s, several very different clas- sifications of malignant lymphomas have been used around the world. 1-10 The result- ing lack of uniform diagnostic criteria for lym- phoid tumors has given rise to considerable problems both for pathologists and clinicians, and has seriously hampered comparison of the studies reported in the literature. 11-17 In theory, as with all other tumor types, lymphomas should be classified on the basis of their sup- posed histogenesis so as to provide maximum information on their biology, natural history and response to therapy. In practice, however, since our knowledge of the immune system is

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  • Haematologica vol. 85(12):December 2000

    still insufficient for this approach to be appliedin all cases, a biologically correct lymphoma clas-sification is not currently feasible. Despite this,many hematopathologists agree that by poolingmorphologic, immunophenotypic, molecular,and clinical findings it is possible to enumeratea large series of distinct entities that can be rec-ognized and diagnosed in routine practice. In1994, on the basis of the work of the Interna-tional Lymphoma Study Group (ILSG), a list of“real”, clearly characterized anatomo-clinicalentities that can be readily recognized with cur-rently available techniques was published as aproposal for an up-to-date practical classifica-tion of malignant lymphomas: this list wastermed the Revised European American Lymphoma(REAL) Classification (Table 1).18 This classifi-cation has recently been adopted by the WorldHealth Organization (WHO) as an operativeguideline for studying and diagnosing malig-nant lymphomas; furthermore, its methodolo-gy has been extended to the categorization ofhematopoietic non-lymphoid tumors.19

    Histologic grade and clinical aggressivenessBefore the advent of immunophenotyping

    and molecular biology techniques that haveallowed the identification of many lymphoidneoplasms as separate entities, it was thoughtthat non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma constituted asingle generic disease with various degrees ofaggressiveness that could be revealed on thebasis of morphology and clinical findings. Thisconcept encouraged the convinction that itshould be possible to devise a single grading sys-tem capable of predicting the clinical course ofthe disease. This was the principle behind theWorking Formulation,8 in which lymphoidtumors were divided into three prognosticgroups (indicated by grades of clinical malig-nancy) on the basis of the survival of thepatients recruited in the original study. Never-theless, each of these wide-ranging categoriesis actually known to contain a large number ofconditions that differ greatly as regards their eti-

    Haematologica 2000; 85:1291-1307trends in hematology

    Malignant Lymphomas


    The pathologist’s view point. Part I – indolent lymphomasSTEFANO ALDO PILERI, STEFANO ASCANI,* ELENA SABATTINI, GIULIO FRATERNALI-ORCIONI, SIMONETTA POGGI, MILENA PICCIOLI, PIER PAOLO PICCALUGA, BARBARA GAMBERI, PIER LUIGI ZINZANI, LORENZO LEONCINI,° BRUNANGELO FALINI#Service of Pathologic Anatomy and Haematopathology, Institute of Haematology and Clinical Oncology“L. & A. Seràgnoli”, Bologna University, Policlinico S. Orsola, Bologna; *Institute of Pathologic Anatomy, Perugia Uni-versity, Ospedale S. Maria, Terni, Italy, °Institute of Pathologic Anatomy, Siena University, Siena; #HematopathologyLaboratory, Institute of Hematology, Perugia University, Perugia, Italy

    Correspondence: Prof. Stefano Aldo Pileri, M.D., Servizio di Anatomia Pato-logica ed Ematopatologia, Istituto di Ematologia e Oncologia Medica ‘L. &A. Seràgnoli’, Università di Bologna, Policlinico S. Orsola, via Massarenti 9,40138 Bologna, Italy. Phone: international +39-051-6364562 – Fax: inter-national +39-051-6363606 – E-mail: [email protected]

    Background and Objectives. The REAL/WHO classi-fication constitutes a new tool for the better under-standing and treatment of malignant lymphomas.The authors focus on the key features of B-cell lym-phomas with an indolent behavior, aiming to con-tribute to the cross-talk between pathologists andclinicians.

    Data Sources and Methods. Each lymphoma entity isanalyzed on the basis of the most representativecontributions in the literature and the authors’ expe-rience gained in studying more than 20,000 lym-phoid tumors over a 20-year period.

    Results. Guidelines for diagnosis and areas of inter-est for future clinico-pathologic studies are identifiedand discussed. Within this context, selected dataobtained by the application of novel markers arepresented.

    Interpreation and Conclusions. The present know-ledge and organization of malignant lymphomas nowmake the development of tailored therapies a feasi-ble goal.©2000, Ferrata Storti Foundation

    Key words: indolent lymphoma, morphology, phenotype, genoty-pe, behavior.

    Since the 1970s, several very different clas-sifications of malignant lymphomas havebeen used around the world.1-10 The result-ing lack of uniform diagnostic criteria for lym-phoid tumors has given rise to considerableproblems both for pathologists and clinicians,and has seriously hampered comparison of thestudies reported in the literature.11-17 In theory,as with all other tumor types, lymphomasshould be classified on the basis of their sup-posed histogenesis so as to provide maximuminformation on their biology, natural historyand response to therapy. In practice, however,since our knowledge of the immune system is

  • ology, presentation, natural history, epidemiol-ogy and response to treatment. Moreover, eachsingle variety of lymphoma displays its own spec-trum of degrees of morphologic and clinicalaggressiveness. As a result, it no longer appearspossible to categorize lymphoid tumors on thebasis of a generic grading system that would betantamount to considering as a single entity dif-ferent types of lung cancer, such as the carci-noid, squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcino-ma and small cell carcinoma. Nor can the degreeof malignancy of a lymphoma be realisticallydetermined on the basis of cell size, as was envis-aged by the Updated Kiel Classification (UKC).9,10Indeed, this principle would lead to mantle celllymphomas and anaplastic large cell lym-phomas (ALCL) being interpreted, respectively,

    as low and high grade forms, in exact contrastto the findings of a validation study on the REALClassification promoted by the U.S. National Can-cer Institute and S. Salvatore Foundation in March1994, which demonstrated that mantle cell lym-phomas are associated with a 5-year survivalrate of less than 30%, while that of ALCL isabout 80%.20

    Clinical categorization of non-Hodgkin’slymphomas

    The large series of different entities that can bedistinguished on morphologic, immunopheno-typic and biological grounds and that are gen-erally included under the umbrella term non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma can be ordered on thebasis of various principles, including their sup-posed normal counterpart within the immunesystem, their morphologic appearance and theirclinical characteristics. For the practical oncol-ogist, the most rational criterion is their pre-dictable behavior. Thus, patients with lymphoidtumors can be divided into two different maingroups on the basis of the characteristics of theprocess at the time of presentation and thepatients’ life expectancy, as proposed by Longoet al.: indolent and aggressive lymphomas.21,22 Attimes, a further distinction between aggressiveand very aggressive lymphomas is made,depending on the expected survival - weeks ormonths - in untreated cases. This clinical group-ing is not mentioned in the REAL Classification.In fact, on the basis of what has been reportedin the literature, the ILSG members agreed thatthe aggressiveness of malignant lymphomasvaries significantly among different histologiccategories and within each category among dif-ferent patients. Such a variability is due to theinfluence exerted - singly or in combination - bybiological factors, such as cytokinesis (i.e. cellproliferation and loss), oncogene activation,presence of hybrid fusion genes, development ofmultidrug resistance, microambient, or correla-tion with micro-organisms (e.g. Helicobacter pyloriand hepatitis C virus).23-34 For all these reasons,the ILSG members preferred to avoid the attri-bution of grades of malignancy, thinking thatthey cannot be defined by pure morphology orstatistical analysis: the latter only informs on thenatural history of the disease or on its medianresponse to treatment and thus is neither pre-dictive of the single patient’s outcome nor sup-ports ad hoc therapeutic decisions (so-called tai-lored therapy).35,36 These concepts found sub-stantial confirmation at the VII International Con-ference on Malignant Lymphomas (Lugano, 1-5 June1999).37,38 In particular, 1,093 cases were gath-ered into indolent, aggressive and very aggressivelymphomas according to the above mentioned


    Haematologica vol. 85(12):December 2000

    S. A. Pileri et al.

    Table 1. The REAL classification in the form adopted by theWHO.

    B-cell neoplasms

    Precursors B-cell neoplasms• Precursor B-lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma

    Mature (peripheral) B-cell neoplasms• B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma• B-cell prolymphocytic leukemia • Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma• Splenic marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (± villous lymphocytes)• Hairy cell leukemia• Plasma cell myeloma/plasmacytoma• Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of MALT type• Mantle cell lymphoma• Follicular lymphoma• Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (± monocytoid B cells)• Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma • Burkitt’s lymphoma/Burkitt cell leukemia

    T- and NK-cell neoplasms

    Precursor T-cell neoplasm• Precursor T-lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma

    Mature (peripheral) T-cell neoplasms• T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia• T-cell granular lymphocyte leukemia• Aggressive NK-cell leukemia• Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia (HTLV1+)• Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type• Enteropathy-type T-cell lymphoma• Hepatosplenic γδT-cell lymphoma• Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma• Mycosis fungoides/Sézary syndrome• Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T/Null cell, primary cutaneous type• Peripheral T-cell lymphomas, not otherwise specified (NOS)• Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma• Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T/Null cell, primary systemic type

    Hodgkin’s disease (Hodgkin’s lymphoma)

    • Nodular lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin’s disease• Classical Hodgkin’s disease

    Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin’s diseaseLymphocyte-rich classical Hodgkin’s diseaseMixed cellularity Hodgkin’s diseaseLymphocyte depletion Hodgkin’s disease

    Only major categories are included.

  • clinical criteria.38 When the outcome within eachgroup was evaluated on the basis of individualhistologic subtypes, it emerged that clinicalgrouping is a rather rough tool: for instance,among aggressive lymphomas, the 5-year sur-vival rates ranged from 78% for anaplastic largecell lymphomas to 14% for mantle cell lym-phomas, with intermediate rates of 38% for dif-fuse large B-cell lymphomas and 68% for follic-ular lymphomas grade 3.38

    Indolent lymphomasBearing in mind the above mentioned limita-

    tions on the absolute value of the terms indolentand aggressive, in the clinical setting indolent lym-phomas are considered to be those associatedwith a survival measurable in years, indepen-dently of whether or not any therapy is applied.These lymphoproliferative disorders have veryvariable clinical presentations. Some are con-stantly systemic diseases, often with leukemicmanifestations. Others have an extranodal pri-mary presentation and can remain localized forlong periods, even in the absence of any thera-py. Yet others correspond to tumors with nodalpresentation, which can have widespreadimmune system involvement at the time of diag-nosis. This leads to the basic distinction of threefundamental subtypes of indolent lymphoma:disseminated leukemias/lymphomas, extranodalforms and nodal ones. On pathologic grounds,indolent lymphomas display low grade histologiccharacteristics with a strong prevalence of smallcells and a blastic ratio of less than 25% of thetotal population. Furthermore, the number ofmitotic figures is low, according to the criteria ofthe UKC,9,10 and constantly less than 5 mitosesper high-power field. A common feature of manydifferent histologic types of indolent lymphomais the tendency to undergo histologic transfor-mation into a high-grade form, with a corre-sponding acceleration of the clinical course. Inthe following the morphologic characteristics ofB-cell indolent lymphomas – excluding plasma-cytoma/plasma cell myeloma – will bedescribed; the subclassification is reported inTable 2.

    B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia/smalllymphocytic lymphoma

    B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL)is a well-known process, whose incidence isoften underestimated by pathologists, since thediagnosis is more often based on the examina-tion of peripheral-blood and/or bone marrowsmears.7,10,18 However, histopathology largelyconcurs to tumor staging and aggressivenessdefinition by showing the exact amount of bonemarrow infiltrate, cellular composition and

    growth pattern.7,10,18 B-cell small lymphocyticlymphoma (B-SLL) is the solid equivalent of B-CLL:18,39 it usually presents in the lymph node,but can infiltrate the bone marrow, also in theabsence of an overt peripheral blood spread.Morphologically,7,10,18,40,41 B-CLL/SLL is mainlyconstituted by small lymphoid elements, withthe contemporary presence of variable amountsof prolymphocytes and paraimmunoblasts (Fig-ure 1a), that represent the proliferating com-partment of the process and which in someareas can be numerous enough to give rise topseudofollicles (Figure 1b). These latter– detectable only in tissue sections – seem to rep-resent a worse prognostic indicator. In addition,prolymphocytes and paraimmunoblasts areextremely useful for the correct interpretation ofinadequately fixed samples, when small lym-phocytes assume a cleaved nuclear profile,which can lead to the wrong diagnosis of man-tle-cell lymphoma. In the REAL Classification,18the B-CLL/SLL category includes forms with fea-tures of plasmacytoid differentiation (Figure 1c)and listed in the UKC as lymphoplasmacytoidimmunocytomas. These forms, in fact, do not dis-play significant clinical, prognostic, morpho-logic or phenotypic differences that can justify aclear-cut distinction from typical B-CLL.42 B-CLLalso includes the rarer forms of B-prolympho-cytic leukemia (B-PLL): this decision is based onthe observation that over time B-CLL tends toenrich itself in prolymphocytic forms (the so-called prolymphocytoid crisis) (Figure 1d), insuch a way that – even when FAB criteria40 areapplied – the distinction between the twoleukemic forms can become quite arbitrary.39,43B-CLL and B-PLL probably represent the twoextremes of a single disease, provided with dif-ferent degrees of aggressiveness. In the WHOscheme,19 however, B-CLL and B-PLL are listedseparately. Finally, a diffuse large B-cell lym-phoma (DLBCL) can occasionally develop with-in the context of B-CLL/SLL. Such an event is


    Haematologica vol. 85(12):December 2000

    Pathologist’s view point: indolent lymphomas

    Table 2. List of indolent B-cell lymphomas.

    Disseminated lymphomas/leukemias• B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia• Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma• Hairy cell leukemia • Splenic marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (± villous lymphocytes) • Plasma cell myeloma/plasmacytoma

    Extranodal lymphomas• Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of MALT type

    Nodal lymphomas• Small lymphocytic lymphoma• Follicular lymphoma• Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (± monocytoid B cells)

  • commonly termed Richter’s syndrome and itsmechanisms are still controversial: in fact, insome cases the supervening large B-cell tumorrepresents the blastic transformation of thesame B-CLL clone, while in others it correspondsto a de novo neoplasm, whose occurrence mightbe facilitated by the defective immune responseof B-CLL patients.18 On phenotypic grounds(Table 3), B-CLL is characterized by the expres-sion of B-cell markers, such as CD19 (oftenweak), CD22, and CD79a.18 Conversely to thatwhich is observed in other B-cell tumors, thesmall cell component is very weakly stained forCD20 in tissue sections, prolymphocytes andparaimmunoblasts representing the only con-sistently positive components (Figure 1e).44 Thisfinding seems clinically relevant in the light ofthe increasing therapeutic usage of anti-CD20antibodies.45 The profile of the tumor is furthercharacterized by the presence of CD5 and CD23at the cell membrane level (Figures 1f and 1g).As these molecules may be expressed at differentdensities and are rather sensitive to fixation, theirdetection is greatly facilitated by the applicationof effective antigen retrieval techniques.46 In par-ticular, CD5 and CD23 along with other mark-ers allow the distinction of B-CLL/SLL from oth-er lymphoid tumors with different origin andbehavior (Table 1), such as mantle-cell lym-phoma (MCL) (CD5+, CD10-, CD23-, DBA.44-,CD68-), immunocytoma (IC) (CD5-, CD10-,CD23+/-, DBA.44-, CD68-), marginal-zone lym-phoma (MZL) (CD5-, CD10-, CD23-/+,DBA.44–/+, CD68+/-), hairy cell leukemia (HCL)(CD5-, CD10-, CD23-/+, DBA.44+, CD68+/-), andfollicle center lymphoma (FCL) (CD5-, CD10+,CD23-, DBA.44-, CD68-). As far as concerns B-CLL, CD23 expression is indeed much strongerin prolymphocytes and paraimmunoblasts thanin the small cell component (Figure 1g):47,48 this

    finding seems to have prognostic relevance, thecases with a high content of CD23+ elementsrunning a more aggressive clinical course.Immunoglobulin (Ig) expression is exceedinglyweak, thus preventing its detection on tissue sec-tions in most instances. However, cases withplasmacytoid differentiation are characterizedby a more abundant Ig production, withdetectable amounts at the intracytoplasmic lev-el. More recently, some additional markers havebeen proposed and found useful for the diag-nosis of B-CLL/SLL, such as cyclin D1, bcl-2 pro-tein, bcl-6 product, multiple myeloma oncogene1/interferon regulatory factor-4 (MUM1/IRF4),and PAX-5 gene product/B cell-specific activatorprotein (PAX5/BSAP).18,49-51 The search for cyclinD1 is often employed in the differential diagno-sis between B-CLL/SLL and MCL, since the lat-ter shows regular overexpression of the moleculedue to the occurrence of t(11;14) or bcl-1 generearrangement.18,52 On rare occasions, however,cyclin D1 positivity can also occur in B-CLL, afact that strengthens the relevance of CD23detection.53 The bcl-2 product is always strong-ly expressed by B-CLL/SLL: this finding does notcorrespond to the presence of t(14;18), butindicates a certain protection of neoplastic cellsfrom apoptosis.18 The latter finding along withthe low proliferative activity (as shown by the Ki-67 marking) is responsible for the typical slowprogression of the tumor. Bcl-6 is neverexpressed by lymphomatous cells:49 its presenceor absence is very useful for distinguishingbetween neoplastic pseudofollicles (bcl-6-,CD10-, bcl-2+, CD5+, CD23+) and residual ger-minal centers (bcl-6+, CD10+, bcl-2-, CD5-,CD23-). The application of the newly developedantibodies raised against the transcription fac-tors IRF4 and BSAP produce opposite pat-terns.50,51 Small lymphoid elements are BSAP+


    Haematologica vol. 85(12):December 2000

    S. A. Pileri et al.

    Table 3. Phenotypic profile of 90 indolent B-cell lymphomas.

    CD3 CD5 CD23 CD10 CD20 CD79a Bcl-2 Bcl-6 Bcl-1 IRF4 BSAP

    B-CLL – (20/20) + (20/20) + (20/20) – (20/20) + (20/20@) + (20/20) + (20/20) – (20/20) – (20/20*) + (19/19@) + (15/15)LPL – (15/15) – (15/15) + (3/15) – (15/15) + (15/15) + (15/15) + (15/15) – (15/15) – (15/15) + (15/15) + (15/15)MCL – (10/10) + (10/10) – (10/10) – (10/10) + (10/10) + (10/10) + (10/10) – (10/10) + (10/10) – (8/10§) + (9/9)FCL – (20/20) – (20/20) + (4/20) + (20/20) + (20/20) + (20/20) + (20/20) + (19/19) – (20/20) – (6/20#) + (15/16)MZL/E – (10/10) – (10/10) – (10/10) – (10/10) + (10/10) + (10/10) + (8/8) – (10/10) – (10/10) –/+w (7/7) –/+w (7/7)MZL/N – (4/4) – (4/4) – (4/4) – (4/4) + (4/4) + (4/4) + (4/4) – (4/4) – (4/4) –/+w (3/3) –/+w (4/4)MZL/S – (6/6) – (6/6) – (6/6) – (6/6) + (6/6) + (6/6) + (6/6) – (6/6) – (4/4) – (4/4) + (6/6)HCL – (5/5) – (5/5) – (5/5) – (5/5) + (5/5) + (5/5) + (5/5) – (5/5) – (5/5) – (5/5) + (3/5)

    Abbreviations: B–CLL: B–cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. LPL: Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma. FCL: Follicle center cell lymphoma. MZL/E: Marginal zone lymphoma,extranodal. MZL/N: Marginal zone lymphoma, nodal. MZL/S: Marginal zone lymphoma, splenic. HCL: Hairy cell leukemia. +More than 75% of neoplastic cells posi-tive. +/–: 50–75% of neoplastic cells positive. –/+: 25–50% of neoplastic cells positive. —Neoplastic cells virtually negative. @Small lymphoid elements are weaklystained, if stained; prolymphocytes and paraimmunoblasts of pseudofollicular structures are strongly positive. §Scattered positive cells. #Positive only in cases withplasmacellular differentiation. W: weak staining.

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    Pathologist’s view point: indolent lymphomas

    and IRF4-, while prolymphocytes and paraim-munoblasts (as easily seen in pseudofollicles)appear BSAP–/+ and IRF4+ (Figures 1h and 1i).The latter finding – detected by our group inlarge series of cases – fits with the recent obser-vation that more than 50% of B-CLL cases mightbe derived from memory B-cells as suggested bythe occurrence of bcl-6 and IgV gene muta-tions.54-57 In fact, IRF4 – that is the product ofthe MUM-1 gene – is physiologically expressedby B-lymphocytes following germinal center cellselection (i.e. by some centrocytes in the lightzone of the germinal center, plasmacytoid ele-ments and plasma cells). Cases without bcl-6and IgV gene mutations might stem from naiveB-cells, do express CD38, carry trisomy 12,occur more often in males and run a ratheraggressive clinical course.54-57 Cytogenetic aber-rations other than trisomy 12 are encounteredand consist in chromosome 17 abnormalities,5814q+, and a deletion in the 13q14 chromoso-mal region, involving a not yet identified tumorsuppressor gene and occurring in approximate-ly 60% of B-CLL cases.59 At the molecular level,mutation or loss of heterozygosity of the p53gene usually occurs in association with Richter’ssyndrome.59 C-myc, bcl-1, and bcl-2 genes havenot been found to be clearly associated with thedisease, although t(11;14) has occasionallybeen observed in “atypical” B-CLL.60,61

    Lymphoplasmacytic lymphomaThis has practically become a category by way

    of exclusion.18 In fact, it comprises neoplasmsthat do not display characteristics that wouldallow their inclusion among B-CLL/SLL, MCL,MZL or FCL.18 The immunocytoma of the REALclassification18 – termed only lymphoplasmacyt-ic lymphoma (LPL) in the WHO scheme19 – actu-ally corresponds to the lymphoplasmacytic immuno-cytoma of the UKC,9,10 since it is made up of ele-ments that range from small lymphocytes tomature plasma cells by way of lymphoplasma-cytoid forms (Figure 2a). The production andaccumulation of intracytoplasmic Ig leads to theformation of frequent hyaline inclusions in theform of Russell’s and/or Dutcher’s bodies (Fig-ure 2b)7,10,18 and, on occasions, to phenomenaof crystallization and phagocytosis by reactivehistiocytes.62 On clinical grounds, the tumor ismore aggressive than that of B-CLL/SLL,63 maytransform into a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma(immunoblastic)64 and frequently shows fea-tures corresponding to the original descriptionof Waldenström’s disease,65 such as diffusebone marrow involvement and a monoclonalIgM/κ component in the serum. The latter mayproduce a hyperviscosity syndrome or autoim-mune phenomena, more frequently in the form

    of hemolytic anemia. On occasions, LPL givesrise to amyloid deposits in several organs andapparatuses (Figure 2c):66-68 in the heart, thesecan cause severe arrhythmia with possible sud-den death.69 At immunohistochemistry (Table3), neoplastic cells strongly express B-cell mark-ers, including CD20 (Figure 2d), while they reg-ularly lack CD5, CD10 and CD68.18 CD23 isfound in a proportion of cases.18 Monotypicimmunoglobulins are present at high densityboth at the surface and intracytoplasmic level.18The bcl-2 gene product is expressed indepen-dently of the occurrence of t(14;18) causing pro-tection against apoptosis. The Ki-67 marking isusually low, with the exception of the cases thatundergo blastic transformation. The search forthe bcl-6 protein gives negative results in theneoplastic component, while it allows easydetection of residual germinal centers, which inturn are bcl-2-.49,70 Cyclin D1 is never overex-pressed.52 Neoplastic cells carry BSAP and IRF4,the latter matching with plasmacytoid/plasma-cellular differentiation (Figures 2e and 2f).50,51The above mentioned phenotypic profile differssignificantly from that of other small B-cell lym-phoid tumors, thus representing a basic tool forLPL recognition. Cytogenetic and molecularbiology studies have shown the occurrence oft(9;14)(p13;q32) in about 50% of cases.71 Thechromosomal breakpoints of the translocationinvolve the IgH locus on chromosome 14q32and – on chromosome 9p13 – the genomicregion containing the PAX-5 (paired homeobox-5) gene. Since this gene encodes BSAP, it is notsurprising to find expression of this molecule inLPL, which might contribute to tumor develop-ment.51 Recently, a 7q deletion has beendescribed in small cell lymphomas with immu-nocytic morphology.72

    Hairy cell leukemiaHairy cell leukemia (HCL) consists morpho-

    logically of small-medium sized B-cells, with vari-ably shaped, round, oval or cleaved nuclei with afairly wide cytoplasmic rim provided with thecharacteristic villous projections that give theform its name7,10,18 (Figure 3a). Occasionally, neo-plastic cells are a bit larger and show a small, butdistinct central nucleolus: this condition is com-monly called HCL variant and seems to have amore aggressive clinical course.73,74 The neoplas-tic population is generally confined to the periph-eral blood, bone marrow and the red pulp of thespleen, while the lymph nodes are only very rarelyinvolved.7,10,18 In the bone marrow, hairy cellsproduce interstitial infiltration with progressivereplacement of normal hematopoietic series andlow cellular density, due to the wideness of theircytoplasm (Figure 3b). Phenomena of edema and

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    S. A. Pileri et al.

    Figure 1 (page 1296). B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia/smalllymphocytic lymphoma: a) cellular composition; the red and yellowarrows indicate a prolymphocyte and a paraimmunoblast, respec-tively (Giemsa; ××600); b) pseudofollicular growth pattern (Giemsa;××50); c) features of lymphoplasmacytoid differentiation (Giemsa;××300); d) prolymphocytoid crisis (Giemsa; ××600); e) the expres-sion of CD20 is dim in small lymphocytes and strong in prolympho-cytes and paraimmunoblasts (immunoalkaline phosphatase tech-nique in paraffin sections; ××250); f) neoplastic cells are positiveat the determination of CD5 (immunoalkaline phosphatase tech-nique in paraffin sections; ××250); g) CD23 staining is muchstronger in prolymphocytes and paraimmunoblasts (immunoalka-line phosphatase technique in paraffin sections; ××300); h) BSAPexpression is limited to pseudofollicles (immunoalkaline phos-phatase technique in paraffin sections; ××150); i) IRF4 positivity ismostly expressed by small lymphocytes (immunoalkaline phos-phatase technique in paraffin sections; ××150).

    Figure 2 (page 1296). Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma: a) thetumor consists of small lymphocytes, plasmacytoid elements andplasma cells (Giemsa; ××600); b) a Dutcher’s body (arrowed)appears in the form of an “intranuclear inclusion” (P.A.S.; ××800);c) amyloid deposits in a lymph node (hematoxylin and eosin; ××50);d) CD20 is strongly expressed (immunoalkaline phosphatase tech-nique in paraffin sections; ××200); e) all neoplastic cells displaystrong positivity at BSAP determination (immunoalkaline phos-phatase technique in paraffin sections from a bone marrow biopsy;××300); f) the search for IRF4 produces a similar staining pattern(immunoalkaline phosphatase technique in paraffin sections froma bone marrow biopsy; ××400).

    Figure 3. (pages 1296 and 1297). Hairy cell leukemia: a) neoplas-tic cells show variability of the nuclear profile and a rather widerim of clear cytoplasm (hematoxylin and eosin; ××800); b) bone-marrow interstitial infiltration by hairy cells; note the low cellulardensity (Giemsa; ××300); c) neoplastic elements infiltrate the redpulp, sparing Malpighian corpuscles (Giemsa; ××50); d) DBA.44staining highlights the typical “hairy” cytoplasmic profile, thusallowing the easy identification and counting of neoplastic cells(immunoalkaline phosphatase technique in paraffin sections;××600).

    Figure 4. (page 1297). Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma:a) cytological details: centrocyte-like variant (Giemsa; ××400); b)cytological details: monocytoid-like variant (Giemsa; ××400); c)lympho-epithelial lesions (hematoxylin and eosin; ××600); d) the

    same as negatively shown by the application of the anti-cytoker-atin antibody MNF.116 (immunoalkaline phosphatase technique inparaffin sections; ××300); e) features of follicular colonization(Giemsa; ××400); f) the staining for bcl-6 reveals residual folliclecenter cells (immunoalkaline phosphatase technique in paraffinsections; ××100); g) content of CD4+ cells in a gastric marginalzone lymphoma of the small cell type (immunoalkaline phos-phatase technique in paraffin sections; ××100).

    Figure 5. (page 1297). Splenic marginal zone B-cell lymphoma: a)the exact amount of neoplastic cells and their intrasinusoidal dis-tribution are not easily assessed in conventionally stained prepa-rations (Giemsa; ××500). b) CD20 immunostaining allows the clear-cut assessment of the tumor burden and distribution (immunoalka-line phosphatase technique in paraffin sections; ××300); c) circu-lating neoplastic cells show the villous profile (May-Grünwald-Giemsa; ××800); d) neoplastic cells grow around residual Malpighi-an corpuscles and infiltrate the red pulp (Giemsa; ××100); e) thetumors consists of small elements with monocytoid appearance,intermingled with some plasma cells and blasts (Giemsa; ××400);f) IgD staining of a bone marrow biopsy (immunoalkaline phos-phatase technique in paraffin sections; ××400).

    Figure 6. (page 1297 and this one). Follicle center lymphoma: a)grade I form: note the follicular aggregation and very low contentof centroblasts (one of which is arrowed) (Giemsa, ××300); b)grade II form: the content of centroblasts exceeds the value of6/HPF (Giemsa, ××400); (page 1297). c) follicle center lymphomawith a high content of signet-ring-like elements (hematoxylin andeosin, ××400); d) CD10 expression by neoplastic cells; note thepresence of stained elements in an interfollicular position(immunoalkaline phosphatase technique in paraffin sections;××250); e) the same with the anti-bcl-6 PG-B6 monoclonal antibody(immunoalkaline phosphatase technique in paraffin sections;××250); f) overexpression of the bcl-2 product (immunoalkalinephosphatase technique in paraffin sections; ××250); g) high Ki-67marking in a diffuse form (immunoalkaline phosphatase techniquein paraffin sections; ××250); h) IRF4 antigen expression by neo-plastic cells; note the presence of stained elements in an interfol-licular position (immunoalkaline phosphatase technique in paraffinsections; ××250); i) follicle center lymphoma with features of plas-ma cell differentiation, as shown by the determination of kappa Iglight chain (immunoalkaline phosphatase technique in paraffinsections; ××250); j) the same field at the search for BSAP(immunoalkaline phosphatase technique in paraffin sections;××250).

  • hemorrhage are frequently seen. In the spleen,the hairy cells substitute the red pulp with pseu-dosinus formation (Figure 3c) and spareMalpighi’s corpuscles for a long time. In additionto typical B-cell antigens, hairy cells express thereceptor for interleukin 2 (CD25) and the CD103integrin (a cell-adhesion molecule).18,75 Unfortu-nately, these antigens are negatively affected byroutine histopathology technical procedures. Inparaffin sections, as well as being positive forpan-B markers such as CD20 and CD79a, theneoplastic cells often express the CD68 moleculeand are labeled by antibody DBA.44 (Figure3d).76-78 The latter highlights the typical hairy pro-file of neoplastic cells, which otherwise is hardlyvisible. DBA.44, however, does not react or onlyminimally reacts with the rare cases of HCL vari-ant. Immunoglobulins are rarely detected in rou-tine samples and, when detected, do not containδ-heavy chain. The bcl-2 product is regularlyexpressed, BSAP is found in the majority of cas-es, while the search for bcl-1, bcl-6 and IRF4always gives negative results (Table 3).49-53 The Ki-67 marking is extremely low, a finding in keepingwith the very indolent behavior of the process.More recently, monoclonal antibodies specific tohuman tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase havebeen produced and proposed as specific HCLmarkers.79 HCL represents one of the tumors forwhich it is of fundamental importance to moni-tor minimal residual disease (MRD) followingtherapy: this goal can be easily achieved by thecheap immunohistochemical assay in paraffinsections. Indeed, patients treated with the morerecent approaches such as interferons, 2-chloro-deoxyadenosine or deoxycoformycin have beenshown to retain isolated residual hairy cellstrapped within hyperplastic or fibrotic marrow,the recognition of which is difficult or evenimpossible at pure morphologic evaluation.76-78,80,81 Molecular analysis shows a high rate ofsomatic mutations.82 This finding does not com-pletely clarify the exact position of HCL in B-celldevelopment: it does, however, indicate that neo-plastic cells originate from elements which havebeen exposed to the hypermutation mechanismand have thus passed through the germinal cen-ter.82 Occasionally, genomic alterations havebeen described in the form of t(2;8), p53 genedeletion and trisomy 12.83,84

    Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma ofMALT type

    This is a new category, which has been intro-duced by the REAL Classification19 and main-tained in the WHO scheme.19 Histogenetically,the tumor can be traced to elements of the mar-ginal zone surrounding the mantles of normalfollicles, which is scarcely perceptible in the

    lymph nodes and clearly evident in Malpighianbodies in the spleen. B-cell lymphomas of themarginal zone can be divided into three cate-gories: extranodal, nodal and splenic. The extra-nodal forms correspond to the mucosa-associ-ated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphomasdescribed in the early eighties by Isaacson.85,86These are primary B-cell lymphomas most fre-quently found in the stomach, intestine, salivarygland, lung, respiratory airway, thyroid, ocularadnexa and skin.87-90 It is interesting to note that,with the exception of the intestine where MALTis normally present as Peyer’s patches,91 in theother sites the lymphoid tissue appears in anacquired form following infective or more oftenautoimmune inflammatory processes.87-90 Neo-plastic elements are usually small, have abun-dant cytoplasm and a variable nuclear profile, attimes resembling centrocytes (cc-like cells), attimes immunocytes (Ic-like cells) or B-monocy-toid elements (Figures 4a and 4b).18,85-90 Thetumor shows regular plasma cell differentiation,which at times is associated with amyloiddeposit92 or is so striking as to lead to a misdi-agnosis of extramedullary plasmacytoma.88 Thenumber of mitotic figures is low. Lymphoma-tous cells usually attack the epithelial compo-nent – giving rise to lympho-epithelial lesions(LELs) – and surround and colonize pre-existingfollicles (Figures 4c-4e).87-90,93 These findings areof value in recognizing extranodal MZLs. In thegastro-intestinal (GI) tract, the diagnosis madeon small biopsies performed during endoscopydoes not provide definite hints on the degree ofGI wall infiltration, which should be assessed byother means, such as echo-endoscopy. In thestomach, where the tumor develops within thecontext of Helicobacter pylori+ (HP) chronic gas-tritis,94,95 Wotherspoon et al. proposed adopt-ing a score system which highlights morpholog-ically suspicious lesions (grades III and IV),which do not yet represent overt lymphomas,but require careful follow-up with frequent biop-sies.94 MZL most often has a multicenter distri-bution within the organ of origin,96 a fact thatshould always be considered when taking ther-apeutic decisions (e.g. surgery vs. chemothera-py). In case of dissemination to local nodes88-90and spleen,97 the tumor frequently involves themarginal zone, sometimes without total efface-ment of the normal structure.90 More rarely itcolonizes other MALT sites (usually many yearsfollowing the original diagnosis) or the bonemarrow (reported incidence in different series:5-10% of cases).33 Recently, the ILSG membersstated that the term MZL should be restricted toneoplasms consisting almost exclusively of smallcells.19 However, at MALT sites large B-cell lym-phomas with or without residual MZL do also


    Haematologica vol. 85(12):December 2000

    Pathologist’s view point: indolent lymphomas

  • occur, as do MZLs with a certain number ofblasts.98 The former situation should be diag-nosed as DLBCL (with residual MZL, if present),while the latter is still matter of debate. Recentdata from the International Extranodal LymphomaStudy Group (IELSG) (Ascona, February 25-26,2000) suggest that a blastic component notexceeding 10% of the examined population doesnot affect the course of the disease. Furtherstudies are needed to assess whether the caseswith a higher number of blasts or clusters con-sisting of 20 or more blasts do actually run moreaggressively – as proposed by Isaacson et al. – ornot. At phenotypic analysis (Table 3),18,33,88-90neoplastic cells are CD19-CD22+, CD79a+,CD35+, CD11c+, CD68+/-, and DBA.44-/+. Theyexpress monotypic Ig at the intracytoplasmic(perinuclear) level, bearing µ or – more rarely –α heavy chain, but not δ chain. There is weak-moderate positivity at the determination of thebcl-2 gene product. The search for CD5, CD10,CD23, bcl-1, and bcl-6 turns out to be negative(Figure 4f). The content of Ki-67+ cells is low.IRF4 and BSAP are detected in a proportion ofthe neoplastic cells.50,51 T-cell markers reveal thepresence of a high content of reactive T-lym-phocytes, mainly of the CD4+ type (Figure 4g).87-90 The application of anti-cytokeratin antibodiesallows easy identification of LELs, which appearas negative images (Figure 4d).33,84 In case ofblastic transformation, the Ki-67 index isincreased; overexpression of p53 and/or c-mycmay also be seen.99,100 Molecular studies showregular clonal rearrangements of Ig-encodinggenes: in particular, the occurrence of numer-ous somatic mutations and the possible detec-tion of ongoing mutations assign MZL to thegroup of post-germinal center cell derived lym-phomas.101-103 Peng et al. have reported theoccurrence of a replication error (RER) pheno-type in 50% of cases, which might facilitate theonset of tumor.100 However, this finding has notbeen confirmed by others, who found no RERphenotype in gastric MALT lymphomas.104-106While t(11;14) and t(14;18) are absent (withonly a few exceptions, which are matter ofdebate), there is a series of recurrent aberrationswhich are thought to play a role in process oflymphomagenesis and include t(1;14)(p22;q32),trisomy 3, and t(11;18) (q21;q21).107-118 In par-ticular, t(1;14) causes overexpression of bcl-10,a novel apoptotic signaling gene that encodesan amino-terminal caspase recruitment domain(CARD), homologous to that found in severalapoptotic molecules.107,108 Wild-type bcl-10 acti-vates NF-kappaB but induces apoptosis, asshown in MCF7 or 293 cells. Bcl-10 expressed bylymphoma cells carrying t(1;14) exhibits a frameshift mutation resulting in truncation either in or

    carboxyl terminal to CARD, which activates NF-kappaB, but does not induce apoptosis.107,108Mutant bcl-10 overexpression might have a two-fold lymphomagenic function: loss of bcl-10pro-apoptotic effect may confer a survivaladvantage to MALT B-cells, and constitutive NF-kappaB activation may provide both anti-apop-totic and proliferative signals mediated via itstranscription factors.107,108 Therefore, greatemphasis was given to t(1;14) and bcl-10 over-expression as major events in the developmentof MALT lymphoma. Recent studies, however,suggest that bcl-10 mutations occur in a small-er number of gastric MZLs than originallythought, although they seem strictly related to amore aggressive clinical course and unrespon-siveness to antibiotic treatment.109-111 Thetranslocation (11;18) is detected in about halfgastric MALT lymphomas, while it is absent fromnodal and splenic MZLs: it causes the expres-sion of a chimeric transcript fusing 5’ API2 onchromosome 11 to 3’ MTL on chromosome18.116-118 Finally, p53 and/or c-myc mutationswould correspond to the final phase of blastictransformation.99-101

    Among MZLs, the gastric forms have gainedspecial interest both at the clinical and patho-logic level, because of their clear-cut patho-genetic correlations with HP infection.94,95,119 Inparticular, the infective agent causes the devel-opment of acquired MALT within the stomachand sustains a state of chronic inflammation,which shows varying degrees of activity– expressed by the amount of granulocytes – andpersists until HP eradication.120 The prolongedantigenic stimulation facilitates the outgrowthof clones, which produce autoantibodies againststructural components of the gastric mucosaand contribute to the maintenance of lymphoidproliferation.121-130 Within this context, granulo-cytes are responsible for oxidative phenomena,which cause DNA instability/damage and mightherald the appearance of clones with RER phe-notype.90,99,100 The occurrence of chromosomalalterations leads to the selection of more resis-tant clones (oligoclonal phase), one of whichgains advantage over the others and producesan overt small cell MZL (monoclonal phase).90 Atthis time, however, the tumor persists only in thepresence of HP infection and by the co-operationof CD4+ T-cells via a CD40/CD40L mecha-nism.122 Furthermore, it tends to remain local-ized at the primary site for a long time – withpossible local diffusion to the regional nodes –because of the peculiar circulation pathway ofMALT elements, controlled by the adhesion mol-ecule MAdCAM-1 and homing receptor α4b7.126Further late genomic alterations can make thegrowth independent of the micro-environment


    Haematologica vol. 85(12):December 2000

    S. A. Pileri et al.

  • and p53 and/or c-myc mutations can finallycause its transformation into a DLBCL.90 Basedon this model, it becomes understandable why:a) HP eradication produces tumor regression inabout 70% of cases (i.e. in cases which stilldepend on local antigenic stimulation and haveappropriate histologic grade and stage90,125,126)and b) untreated gastric MZL needs several yearsto transform into a DLBCL.90,98 The time intervalbetween HP eradication and lymphoma regres-sion is highly variable (from 4 weeks to 14months)90,127,128 and the histologic regression isusually associated with phenomena of sclerosisand hyalinosis of the mucosa. Prolonged follow-up studies have revealed that most patients whohave experienced tumor regression remain incomplete remission some years following thecompletion of the antibiotic treatment.128 His-tology seems to represent the best indicator forjudging the achievement and maintenance ofcomplete remission, since it has been shown thatpolymerase chain reaction (PCR) may display aclonal band even 2 years following therapy,which does not predict relapse of the disease andwill disappear in the long run.129 All these factorsare relevant for the therapeutic strategy which,at least initially, can be rather conservative, aswell as for patients’ management, implying indef-inite follow-up of the apparently cured cases.Patients who do not obtain tumor regression ordisplay aggressive histology or disseminated dis-ease should be treated according to convention-al strategies, which include total gastrectomyand/or chemotherapy, depending on individualrisk factors (degree of stomach wall infiltration,systemic diffusion, etc.).33,90,130

    Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma(± monocytoid B-cells)

    Since the cytological, architectural and phe-notypic features of the nodal variety do not dif-fer from those of the extranodal form, the dif-ferential diagnosis must be made by the exclu-sion of an evident MALT lymphoma in any of itscharacteristic sites.18,19 The nodal form appearsto have a higher rate of early relapse than theother marginal zone B-cell lymphomas and anoverall survival similar to that of FCL.20

    Splenic marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (± villous lymphocytes)

    Splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) wasincluded in the REAL Classification as a provi-sional entity, since the authors felt that furtherstudies were needed to shed light on its histo-genesis and in particular whether it was derivedfrom the marginal zone alone or tended toreproduce all the B-cell maturation steps physi-ologically occurring in the white pulp of the

    spleen.18 Although it is now quoted as an accept-ed entity in the WHO scheme,19 its histogenesisremains controversial. Several immunologic andmolecular data suggest in fact that the tumormay be unrelated to splenic marginal zone B-cells.131,132

    SMZL has rather different features from thoseof the two varieties of B-cell marginal zone lym-phoma quoted above.18 In particular, it mostoften displays: a) dissemination, with intrasinu-soidal bone marrow infiltration (Figures 5a and5b);133 b) presence of a leukemic component(with a “villous” appearance in about 50% ofcases) (Figure 5c);134 c) splenic involvement,both ring-like around Malpighian follicles andplurifocally in the red pulp (Figure 5d);135 d) avery indolent clinical course and favorableresponse to splenectomy.136,137 In particular, atmicroscopic examination, the tumor typicallyshows dimorphic cytology with an inner core ofsmall cells and a peripheral rim of medium-sizedclear elements, with a few blasts intermingled(Figure 5e). Features of plasmacellular differen-tiation may occasionally be seen. These findingsalong with the phenotypic profile (B-cell mark-er+, CD5–, CD10–, CD23–, bcl-2+weak, bcl-6-,BSAP+, IRF4–, IgM+, IgD+, DBA.44+/-, andCD68+/-) (Figures 5b and 5f) allows the distinc-tion of SMZL from HCL (which primarilyinvolves the red pulp) as well as from other B-celllymphomas (such as B-CLL, LPL, MCL andFCL), which may involve the spleen also pro-ducing a marginal zone pattern and imply dif-ferent therapeutic strategies.18,49-53,135 On mole-cular grounds, neoplastic cells display IgV(H)gene mutations, consistent with a post-germi-nal center cell derivation.132 In some cases,ongoing mutations have been observed in ele-ments obtained from the spleen: this findingapparently contrasts with a study showing thatblood-borne tumor cells from patients with cir-culating villous lymphocytes do not show signsof ongoing mutations.132 However, it is possiblethat ongoing mutations are acquired in thesplenic microenvironment. No examples ofSMZL showing the t(11;14) and t(14;18)translocations have been described in the liter-ature; by contrast, recurrent abnormalities ofchromosomes 1, 3, 7 and 8 are detected in morethan half the cases.131 Finally, a recent report hasproposed the existence of an aggressive variantof SMZL, characterized by an increased numberof blasts and frequent 7q loss and/or p53 inac-tivation: this variant should require a differentclinical management of the patients.138

    Follicular lymphomaThis category – termed follicular center lymphoma

    in the REAL Classification18 and follicular lym-


    Haematologica vol. 85(12):December 2000

    Pathologist’s view point: indolent lymphomas

  • phoma in the WHO scheme19 – comprises boththe centroblastic/centrocytic and centroblasticfollicular forms of the UKC.9,10 Their inclusion asa single group is justified by their shared histo-genesis (from follicular center cells), phenotypeand chromosomal abnormalities.18 Follicularcenter lymphoma (FCL) is usually characterizedby the formation of neoplastic follicles (Figure6a), which – in the lymph node – affect the cor-tex, paracortex and medulla.18 Conversely to nor-mal follicles, neoplastic follicles are quite homo-geneous in size and shape, tend to grow back-to-back (compressing the interfollicular areas) andlack well-developed mantles.7,10,18 In less than 5%of cases, the tumor is purely diffuse: the pres-ence of diffuse areas should always be reportedand quantified because of its impact on prog-nosis.18 On cytological grounds, FCL consists ofcentrocytes and centroblasts in different pro-portions (Figures 6a and 6b), which are ran-domly distributed within the follicles without thetypical zoning pattern observed in normal ger-minal centers and corresponding to clonal mat-uration and selection.7,10,18 In view of the variableratios of centroblasts and centrocytes and, as aconsequence, of the different clinical behavior(grade III FCL will be included among aggressivelymphomas) a grading system has been pro-posed, according to the Berard cell-countingmethod [grade I: 0-5 centroblasts/high powerfield (hpf); grade II: 6-15 centroblasts/hpf; gradeIII: > 15 centroblasts/hpf].18,19,139 Some centro-cytes are always comprised within the interfollicu-lar areas, a finding never observed under physio-logic conditions. Occasionally, centrocytes acquirea signet-ring-like appearance (Figure 6c), possiblyengendering a misdiagnosis of metastatic adeno-carcinoma.140 In other instances, the tumorexhibits plasmacellular or marginal zone differ-entiation at the periphery of neoplastic folliclesand/or in the interfollicular areas: these findingscompel the differential diagnosis vs. extra-medullary plasmacytoma and marginal zonelymphoma.141,142 Phenomena of sclerosis (morefrequent in retroperitoneal neoplasms) andnecrosis may be seen.143,144 In particular, in thepresence of a fully necrotic node the pathologistshould examine silver impregnated slides care-fully, since this stain can reveal an otherwiseundetectable follicular pattern.7,10 The latter isquite characteristic of a lymph node involved byFCL, which has undergone massive infarctionbecause of blood vessel infiltration. At pheno-typic analysis, lymphomatous cells carry B-cellmarkers, along with CD10 and bcl-6 gene prod-uct, i.e. molecules regularly found in normal fol-licular center elements.18,49,68,145-147 CD20 isstrongly expressed, while the staining for CD79ais weak-moderate (Figures 6d and 6e). FCL is reg-

    ularly negative for CD5, DBA.44 and CD68.18Monotypic surface and cytoplasmic Ig can bedetected only in a minority of cases, even apply-ing the more sensitive antigen retrieval tech-niques. On the other hand, in more than 95% ofcases neoplastic follicles carry the bcl-2 geneproduct (Figure 6f): this finding, which is relat-ed to the occurrence of t(14;18) or bcl-2 generearrangements, is of practical relevance, as itcauses protection of neoplastic cells againstapoptosis and – along with the above mentionedmorphologic criteria – contributes to the dis-tinction of FCL from florid follicular hyperpla-sia.18,148-152 The latter is in fact characterized bybcl-2 negativity, since the clonal selection occur-ring within the follicles produces elimination ofunsorted follicular center cells via apoptosis. Theamount of lymphomatous elements expressingthe proliferation-associated nuclear antigen Ki-67 varies from case to case and even from onefollicle to the other within the same case: on thewhole, the higher the number of centroblasts,the higher the content of Ki-67+ cells (Figure6g).153 In general, FCL is characterized by a lowproliferative capacity and a strong protectionagainst apoptosis, a combination which justifieson the one hand the resistance of the tumor toconventional chemotherapies, and on the otherthe application of novel strategies, such as anti-CD20 antibodies and vaccines.45 As to other bio-logical markers, FCL is negative at the determi-nation of IRF4, with the exception of rare caseswith plasmacellular differentiation, which showpositivity limited to the plasma cell component(Figures 6h and 6i).50 BSAP is strongly expressedby neoplastic cells: the detection of this mole-cule, along with bcl-6 and CD10, allows easyidentification of interfollicular tumoral compo-nents, thus contributing to the diagnosticprocess (Figure 6j).51 Finally, like normal cen-troblasts and centrocytes, lymphomatous ele-ments are accompanied by follicular dendriticcells: these are observed in variable amounts andcan be easily detected by the application of thefollowing markers: CD21, CD23, CD35, andR4/23.18 From 80% to 90% of FCLs cases carrythe t(14;18)(q32;q21) translocation, whichinvolves the bcl-2 gene.149-152 The translocation isnot exclusive to FCL, since it also occurs in a pro-portion of DLBCLs (see Part II). In particular, itjoins the bcl-2 gene at its 3’-untranslated regionto IgH sequences, resulting in deregulation ofbcl-2 expression. In about 70% of cases thebreakpoints on chromosome 18 are clusteredwithin a major breakpoint region (MBR), whilein the remaining ones they occur in the more dis-tant minor cluster region (mcr). The role of bcl-2 deregulation in the development of FCL is mat-ter of debate. It is likely that bcl-2 activation is


    Haematologica vol. 85(12):December 2000

    S. A. Pileri et al.

  • not enough for the onset of the tumor, whichshould require the occurrence of other geneticlesions or host factors, such as chronic antigenstimulation and selection. Deletion of chromo-some 6 is seen in approximately 20% of cases.154Accumulation of p53 mutations, rearrange-ments of c-myc or inactivation of p16 are fre-quently observed in case of progression to aDLBCL.155,156

    Contributions and AcknowledgmentsSAP was responsible for the conception and design of

    this review. SA and ES were responsible for drafting thearticle. GFO was responsible for the analysis and inter-pretation of morphologic data. SP and MP were respon-sible for analysis and interpretation of phenotypic data.PPP was responsible for analysis and interpretation ofclinical data. BG was responsible for analysis and inter-pretation of molecular data. PLZ and LL were respon-sible for revising the article critically. BF approved thefinal version of the paper. The criteria for the order ofnames were: involvement in design and organization ofthe paper, laboratory research, analysis of clinical data,and reviewing the paper. The order of the names wasdecided on the basis of each individual contribution tothe above criteria. The authors thank Ms. Federica San-dri and Mr. Luigi Chilli for their skillful technical assis-tance.

    FundingThis paper was supported by grants from AIRC

    (Milan), MURST (Rome) and ABSTE (Bologna), Italy.


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