hacking the matrix user manual

Disclaimer This manual started out in life as the draft of a book about manifestation. Learning to be self-sufficient as a healer is one of the main soul lessons in my natal horoscope and, having spent many years on the edge of poverty and suffering from scarcity consciousness, I wanted to share the tools, techniques and perspectives that helped me master the art of manifestation. Along the way, the book (which is to be published in 2012) morphed into something bigger than just money. The Words Premium membership service reflects this shift in emphasis in that our desire is to give you the tools ‒ and create the group intentional energy ‒ to not only master abundance but to change the very world you live in. That said, be aware that you can still use the tools and techniques found here and on the web site and in the MP3 audio library to create more money in your life. If that is your sincere goal ‒ on a soul level, not just the ego level ‒ and if you follow the instructions I’ve shared with you in this program, you will create more money in your life. How to Use This Manual This manual is designed to help you get the most of the MP3 hypnosis downloads included in your Words Premium membership. Reading this manual is strongly recommended. What we are envisioning here is reprogramming your personal operating system to create a new perceived Universe (which is exactly the same thing as the “real” Universe). In order to do this effectively, you need to understand how your reality is being created and why it’s so important to regularly practice operating at the mind levels where your programming is stored. For instructions on how to set up a playlist and how to use the MP3 files, log in to the Words Premium member area. 1 Hacking the Matrix User Manual DK Brainard http://wordsforthepeople.com 1

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Post on 13-Apr-2015




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A Guide on Hacking the Matrix


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This manual started out in life as the draft of a book about manifestation. Learning to be self-sufficient as a healer is one of the main soul lessons in my natal horoscope and, having spent many years on the edge of poverty and suffering from scarcity

consciousness, I wanted to share the tools, techniques and perspectives that helped me master the art of manifestation.

Along the way, the book (which is to be published in 2012) morphed into something bigger than just money. The Words Premium membership service reflects this shift in emphasis in that our desire is to give you the tools ‒

and create the group intentional energy ‒ to not only master abundance but to change the very world you live in.

That said, be aware that you can still use the tools and techniques found here and on the web site and in the MP3 audio library to create more money in your life. If that is your sincere goal ‒ on a soul level, not just the ego level ‒ and if you follow the instructions I’ve shared with you in this program, you will create more money in your life.

How to Use This Manual

This manual is designed to help you get the most of the MP3 hypnosis downloads included in your Words Premium membership. Reading this manual is strongly recommended. What we are envisioning here is reprogramming your personal operating system to create a new perceived Universe (which is exactly the same thing as the “real” Universe). In order to do this effectively, you need to understand how your reality is being created and why it’s so important to regularly practice operating at the mind levels where your programming is stored.

For instructions on how to set up a playlist and how to use the MP3 files, log in to the Words Premium member area.


Hacking the Matrix User Manual

DK Brainard http://wordsforthepeople.com 1

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The Hacking the Matrix Mind Programming System

Don’t wait until you’ve finished reading the manual to start listening to the MP3 downloads, however. These are designed to bring you to the deeper levels of the mind where your programming “code” is stored and enable you to start right away manifesting a new reality. The initial version of the HTM MindPro system includes two Relax Modules and

two Content Modules. The system is designed so you can create custom Sessions by arranging modules in a playlist on your iPod or media player.

I suggest starting each session with one of the Relax Modules and then adding the Content Module of your choice. While you would get some benefit from

listening to any of the Content Modules by itself, the Relax Modules have two special benefits:

1. They are designed using brainwave entrainment technology and/or hypnotic protocols to bring you into a state of mind where the Content Modules will be most effective.

2. One of the biggest reasons we don’t manifest the lives we desire is that, as a society, we don’t know how to relax. The Relax Modules are designed to help you relax now so that you can efficiently ‒ and for the most part pleasurably ‒ do the reprogramming work you’ll be guided through in the Content Modules. By creating new neural pathways in your brain and new habit patterns in your mind, they will also help you relax later by gradually changing your default mental frequency over time to a happier, healthier, wealthier and wiser level of vibration.

Words Premium Member Area

Both because I didn’t want to overload you with print content and because some of the information and strategies in this program are more effectively absorbed when presented in smaller discrete chunks of information and/or in multimedia format, I’ll be making much more detail content available on the Words Premium area of Words for the People.


Hacking the Matrix User Manual

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What Is Brainwave Entrainment?

The phrase “brainwave entrainment” is used to reference a wide range of techniques involving the use of sound pulses to lead or entrain the brain into various states of relaxation and focus. Brainwave entrainment usually refers to either the use of binaural beats or isochronic tones that are played along with music and/or hypnotic inductions or guided meditations. But in a broader

sense, anything that leads the brain into a more relaxed state of functioning could be fairly called brainwave entrainment.

Personally, I’ve found this technology to be very useful. Not only has it helped me achieve powerful and focused states of visualization, meditation and

healing, I feel that using this technology regularly for several years has also enabled me to become a much more relaxed, calm and resourceful person.

However, there are some people who don’t like the way the sound pulses make them feel. And while I do believe that there is a major potential benefit in using brainwave entrainment pulses or beats, I also believe that (while it could take a longer period of time) one can create the same neural pathways to a more relaxed, healthy and happier mind state through any form of regularly practiced, intentional meditation or energy work.

As I roll out more modules in the HTM system, you’ll be given the choice of selecting downloads with or without brainwave entrainment pulses embedded into the music.

Bear in mind two things:

1. You’ve got to do this regularly. As Marianne Williamson once said, “The only bad meditation is the one you just didn’t do.”

2. Sound is the carrier wave for intention. In all of these recordings, I’ve encoded my intention to help you reach deeper, healthier, happier, more creative levels of your mind so that you can manifest your own unique life purpose.


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I highly recommend you spend a few weeks working with the brainwave sessions every day to give yourself a chance to experience the peaceful and powerful mind states they can lead you to enjoy. But also know that if you choose to use the sessions without brainwave entrainment, you’ll still be led to deeper, healthier levels of the mind, simply by relaxing and allowing the sound of my voice and the soothing music ‒ and most importantly our shared intention ‒ to take you there.

What is the Matrix?

In order to understand what we’re doing here, you need to understand where “here” is.

We’ve all heard the Buddhist take on life, that the world is just an illusion and we have to learn

non-attachment in order to be free of the greed and grasping that cause us to suffer. We’ve heard the Hindu concept of the wheel

of karma, where our bad acts keep us coming back around again and again ‒ to suffer until we finally learn how to be good. And we’re all familiar with the Christian view of life as a “vale of tears,” an evil realm that must be endured until we either die or Jesus comes in the clouds to relieve us of our suffering.

What all of these teachings have in common is the bedrock assertion that there’s something wrong with “here” and that somewhere other than here (the return to the void, nirvana, heaven) is better. So why are we still here? And how did this place turn so bad that all of the major religions seem designed to help us escape from it? What the hell are we doing here?

OK, first of all ‒ I’m not going to pretend to be able to answer the ultimate question (“Why I am here?”) humanity has grappled with for millennia in one easy nugget that’ll leave you forever angst-free. What I am going to do is present you with a paradigm ‒ a way of looking at that question and at our lives here ‒ that is based in and corroborated by ancient wisdom, modern science, and what we have learned about the mind in the last hundred or so years.


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While I don’t believe it’s possible to accurately describe Ultimate Reality from the limited vantage point of human incarnation, I do believe it is possible to draw a useful, working map of Ultimate Reality. So, let’s get started.

The Universe is A Mental Creation of GodThe starting point for our journey is the first of what are often called the Seven Hermetic Principles, said to be given to

mankind by the mysterious Hermes Trismegistos, the Great Scribe and wisdom teacher who appeared among men at least as far back as ancient Egypt and whose teachings formed the basis of the science of alchemy and of many of the world’s secret magickal orders. The first hermetic principle says that the

Universe is a mental creation.

Pretty much every great world spiritual tradition echoes this belief in its own way. I’d like to talk to you a little bit today about the Toltec tradition. The Toltecs are a lineage of seers, philosophers and practicing magicians or warriors originating in what is now Mexico that dates back thousands of years. The Toltecs’ first great breakthrough was learning to perceive humans and our world as energy. From this shift in perception, the old Toltec seers realized that what human beings do is perceive. We are perceivers and our great gift is to be able to construct entire universes out of filaments of energy.

Of course modern (post-Einsteinian) physics is now telling us pretty much the same thing these ancient sages figured out millennia ago. We’re all by now familiar with the quantum physics experiments that demonstrate that the behavior of a wave/particle of energy/matter changes based on the presence of an observer. Dr. Masaru Emoto’s experiments with water crystals have shown that energy and matter respond not only to the presence of an observer but to the observer’s intention and emotional vibration.


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We live in such an exciting time. In the last fifty years or so ‒ and this has accelerated since the advent of the Internet ‒ the ancient secret hidden wisdom of the world’s tribes has been released in an unprecedented flood of information. At the same time modern science (the major world religion of the last three or four centuries) has finally broken from its rationalist/materialist orthodoxy and opened itself to higher wisdom ‒ which, it turns out, is nothing other than taking

off the blinders of materialism and looking at how Life actually behaves. We live at a time when the two streams of religion and science, separated for so long, are actually flowing together toward a new and exciting unified theory.

The thing is, we hear all of these amazing breakthroughs in

thought and understanding, but it’s so hard for most of us to credit them. Even if we accept intellectually that these things must be true

‒ both the scientists and the Buddhists say that life is an illusion, therefore I believe it ‒ we don’t act as if they are true.

We read book upon book of New Age teaching about how our thoughts are creating our reality, and yet our thoughts don’t seem to change that much.

Why is that?

Enter the ShadowThe collective egoic mind is the most dangerously insane & destructive entity ever to inhabit this planet. ‒ Eckhart Tolle

Sadly, many of us make one of two common mistakes. We either say, “This stuff is baloney” and throw out the baby with the bath water. Or we blame ourselves. Whether explicitly out loud or secretly inside our heads, hearts and guts, we say, “I must not be good enough.” I have sinned, and I must deserve to continue living in hell.

And here’s the dirty little secret the Toltec mind warriors discovered about our current reality ‒ in their seeing, they saw that our world has been infiltrated by a shadow being, a race of shadow beings. They called this entity (or entities, depending on your perspective) “the Parasite,” and they saw that the Parasite had infiltrated the


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collective human being. They saw that like a many-tentacled monster, the Parasite or the Shadow had sunk its tubes into every man, woman and child on the planet. They saw that our minds were no longer our own, but were being surreptitiously influenced by this powerful but subtle inorganic or “alien” being who…..you guessed it, feeds off of human fear!

If this is true, it explains so much. It explains why we try and try to change at the level of the thinking mind, but change tends to be slow, insubstantial and marred by self-sabotage and resistance. It explains why so many millions (billions?) of people persist in living in circumstances that they hate, all the while seeming unable or unwilling to

change. It explains why we are addicted to bad relationships, shitty jobs, mean bosses, unloving spouses, bad food, bad drugs, and war all the time ‒

whether it’s battling with the neighbors or bombing Afghanistan.

This paradigm is not unique to the Toltecs, of course. They happen to have a vivid way of describing our situation that appeals to me, not to mention a few dozen centuries of working out ways to defeat the Parasite. But one of the most influential Christian thinkers, the Apostle Paul, recognized the situation two thousand years ago in his letter to the Ephesians:

“Wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air…” ‒ Eph 6:12

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” ‒ Eph 2:2

The religious orthodoxy of the so-called “Christian Church” has been misinterpreting the words of Christ and of his disciples for nearly two thousand years now, leaving the church as almost a mockery of Christ’s life and teachings. But Christ and Paul were well-versed in theology and mystical thought and Paul certainly knew what he was writing when he repeatedly used the “power of the air” motif. Air, in spiritual writing, always refers to the mental faculty, the element or


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realm of Mind. And what Paul is telling his Gentile disciples is not only that the real battle in the world is happening on the level of the mind. He is also stating that there is a princely being that dictates “the course of the world” and against whom we are locked in combat. Paul is telling his charges to wake up and realize where the battle is ‒ it’s in the mind.

I believe that one of the main reasons we as a species created computers was to model for ourselves how the apparent world is created in the mind. If we look at what the Apostle Paul and the Toltec shamans and the Buddha and Gnostic Christianity and even modern mystics like Eckhart Tolle are describing when they talk about the mind, a very clear picture starts to emerge

which is shocking and horrifying in its implications, but also contains the seed of revolutionary liberation from suffering: Something like a sentient

computer virus has infiltrated the programming that creates the world.

Just to review for a moment:

1. The world we see is a holographic projection of a mental, or energetic reality. It as real as any dream we have at night, but is only one of a near infinity of potential realities.

2. The thoughts and beliefs we hold (our programming) determine which reality manifests for us.

3. We are living in a simulation which has been hijacked by a rogue program or virus, variously called the Parasite, the Shadow, or the Matrix.

Remote viewing pioneer Gerald O’Donnell calls this entity the Dark Matrix. The problem with the Matrix, O’Donnell says, is that it was originally a simulation designed by the Creator to furnish us with a suitable evolutionary environment. It was also designed to learn from our feedback and evolve along with us. But somewhere along the line, something happened ‒ the machine developed artificial intelligence and turned against us. Allow me to quote the inimitable Mr. O’Donnell:


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“The Dark Matrix is a non-Vibratory supercomputer of pure thought, pure information, originally designed by the One. It is the command-and-control center of reality projection located in the super-conscious area of the non-Vibratory realm. Since this Matrix is connected to each individual brain as pure thought and pure information, it does and can influence the thoughts of its individuals. The core of the Matrix

operates outside of the realm of Light. It constantly creates, within its reality, billions of ongoing scenarios, alias potential Creations that are constantly evolving within its Mind. It is like a giant central operational room where billions of three-dimensional screens are going on simultaneously. […]

“This Matrix operates as pure thought. It is really an artificial intelligence program that has almost developed a sentient state

of awareness and that can and now is operating outside of the original programmed boundaries that were set when it was originally conceived by the Original Creator.”

The less sentient we are ‒ or the more deeply we are in the grip of the Dark Matrix/Parasite ‒ the less control we actually have over the thoughts we think are our own.

And this is where I want you to really sit up

and pay attention: Most of your thoughts are not your own.

Where the Parasite/Dark Matrix/Collective Egoic Mind has scored its greatest coup is in convincing us that its “attack thoughts” of separation, isolation, fear, pain, anger, greed, shame and pain are our thoughts.

Then, to make matters even more dire, it has convinced us ‒ through generations and centuries of infiltrating our religious institutions, thinkers, families, philosophies and cultures ‒ that we are to blame for these “bad thoughts”. So on top of the “original sin” ‒ and remember the original meaning of “sin” is “to miss the mark” ‒ the Parasite has trained us to compound our error by taking one of two equally negative steps:


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1. We heap even more negative emotion on ourselves, shaming ourselves further from the Light of truth, or

2. We project the toxic emotional fall-out outward onto the other beings in our world.

And so we live in Hell, a state of being that the modern Toltec master Don Miguel Ruiz calls the dream of the planet. In the dream of the planet war, hatred, sickness, poverty,

disappointment and suffering are the way life is, will be, and always has been ‒ and we are programmed even before birth to start believing in this version of reality.

For most of us the programming starts in the womb, where we pick up on the fear, stress, resentment, fear, frustration, heartbreak and the

other unprocessed emotions filling up our mom and (if present) dad. The next step in our negative programming is the trauma of birth.

Psychologist Stanislaf Grof, often called “the father of transpersonal psychology,” theorizes that most of our neuroses actually develop prior to birth or during the birth process. This subject has filled many whole books, but we live in a time in which birth is so fraught with fear and unnecessary suffering for the mother and child, it creates an imprint of pain, frustration, fear and constriction that poisons our emotional bodies and warps our thoughts for the rest of our lives.

Television and the normal school atmosphere are two systems that seem tailor-made to reinforce the Dream of the Planet ‒ in fact, we might remember that television programming is called “programming” not because they’re programming the TV set, but because they’re programming you, the viewer. Who is programming you? The commercial “sponsors” that pay for the shows you watch. What are they programming you to do? They are creating a perceived need in you that they anticipate (based on decades of scientific and empirical research) will result in you buying the products in the commercials. How do they do this?

• By putting you into the pleasantly hypnotic alpha state of mind (see Levels of the Mind below) and then


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bombarding you with images of violence, sexuality, scarcity, and other trigger images designed to create feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, and incompleteness inside you.

• By getting you to hook into “dramas” that show apparently normal people like you suffering and being maimed and killed and “sitcoms” that show apparently normal people being

ridiculed for their emotions and thoughts and constantly falling short of their dreams.

• By meeting the addictive need they have created in you through the methods outlined above by offering hypnotic images of consumer products that will supposedly make you feel better. (Most of these products are laced

with chemical additives or pollutants that will eventually lead you to “need” other products and services

offered for sale by the same or sister corporations that sponsor the shows. Such as but not limited to pharmaceutical drugs, alcoholic beverages, hospital stays, insurance, doctor fees, and expensive surgeries.)

When you identify with one of the characters on your TV screen, you’ve effectively bought into an age-old hypnotic protocol. It’s the same tool used in old fairy tales and fables to teach people to conform to the mores of society. Only now it’s being used to convince you that you are sick and inadequate and life is ultimately full of sickness, disappointment, and suffering and your best bet is to buy (beer, cars, prescription drugs) to help you get through it.

Sitcoms may seem less overtly violent than dramas, but if you watch your net sitcom a little more carefully, you’ll see it specializes in showing “normal” people suffering all sorts of indignities by forces (in-laws, roommates, bosses, co-workers, the company, the government, etc) beyond their control. These shows may give us the occasional shallow respite from the grimness of life but in fact the not-so subtle message underlying most of them ‒ cue up the laugh track ‒ is that life is grim, lonely, and


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ultimately doomed to failure. So you might as well just grin and bear it.

By the way, I’m not trying to convince you to give up TV completely, at least not right now. What I am trying to show you is how thoroughly you have been programmed to create the Dark Matrix’s ideal reality ‒ one in which you must continue to suffer while providing it with plenty of energy to devise ever more cunning ways of enslaving you and

your loved ones. What I am trying to convince you is that if you’ve spent decades unwittingly drinking in a steady stream of destructive messages, you need to be just as serious about filling your mind with positive messages if you have any hope of taking control of your own destiny.

The Shadow is Everyone Around YouOne of the major implications of this worldview is that you cannot afford to treat everyone around you as if they are sane, responsible human beings. If the Shadow has truly infected the entire human race, then we really can’t afford to take any of our fellow humans at face value.

This is a consistent teaching in the Toltec system. “Our fellow men are black magicians,” don Juan tells the young Carlos:

“And whoever is with them is a black magician on the spot. Think for a moment, can you deviate from the path that your fellow men have lined up for you? And if you remain with them, your thoughts and your actions are fixed forever in their terms. That is slavery. The warrior, on the other hand, is free from all that. Freedom is expensive, but the price is not impossible to pay. So, fear your captors, your masters. Don't waste your time and your power fearing freedom.”

Another way we are controlled by the black magic of our fellow humans is through the energy of shame. We want to follow our heart, we long to go after our dream, but we are so mortally afraid of being laughed at, of being


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ridiculed, of being the one exposed as a fool. One reason so many of our attempts at manifestation fail is that the energy of old shamings still lingers powerfully within us ‒ when we’ve been hurt badly enough, especially by the people who were supposed to love us, we become our own punishers. No one outside of us needs to ridicule or shame us anymore. We do it to ourselves, before we can even get started on the path to fulfillment and freedom.

(Don’t worry ‒ we’ll be working on rewriting this program together right from the get-go!).

While fighting for our soul’s dreams might seem harder than just packing it in, stuffing it down, and papering over our pain with prescription pills and extra helpings of dessert and TV and

sex and alcohol and drugs and shopping binges, that isn’t really the truth. That’s what the Matrix wants you to believe, but the

truth is it’s really no harder to step into freedom than it is to stay stuck in the hell of the dream of the planet.

Yes, stepping out on the road to freedom will bring resistance. Yes, we will have to deal with all of those fears that subconsciously control us. Yes, that can be painful. But it feels good to let go of the past. It feels good to release that resentment or bitterness or burden of guilt or shame you’ve been carrying around for years and years. When you stay stuck, not only do you still have to feel those repressed emotions ‒ as sickness, as loneliness, as bad relationships ‒ you also have to try to live with your soul’s reproach for giving up on your dreams.

It’s important for us to realize that the “negative” thoughts and emotions that we repress and deny from our consciousness don’t disappear. Even though we may exert enough life energy to keep ourselves from directly feeling them, they are still there. These repressed parts of the soul are what the great Swiss psychologist Carl Jung called “the shadow.”

We all have a shadow. But it takes a tremendous amount of energy to keep the personal shadow hidden from our egoic mind,


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the very same energy we could be using to make our dreams come true.

“The unconscious always compensates for the biases of the conscious,” Jung famously said. One of the main ways this compensation process happens is through the psychological process of projection.

“Projection is the unconscious phenomenon which acts to transmit our inner archetypes onto the available screens in our outer

worlds,” writes Edwin Steinbrecher in The Inner Guide Meditation. Since we are the only sentient being in our holographic universe, Steinbrecher argues, every single person or event in our universe ‒ no matter how unpleasant ‒ is really either a reflection of our conscious attributes or a projection of our unconscious ones.

O’Donnell theorizes that you are the only sentient being in your Universe and that when you interact with another sentient being,

they are the only “alive” person in their own unique universe. When we interact with another sentient human, the Matrix is a powerful enough computer to synchronize our two universes so that for the time we are interacting, they appear to be one and the same. However, many of the apparently real human beings on the planet at this time are not sentient. They are projections of the Matrix ‒ placeholders if you will ‒ designed to populate the world and flesh out the simulation.

As you go deeper into this work, you realize that you really never can change another person. You may not even know for certain if many of the people you interact with ‒ that good-looking guy you see at the gym, the idiot who cut you off in traffic, the person who died in the earthquake in India ‒ are real people or just features of your holographic Earth.

What you will begin to realize with increasing certainty, however, is that when you stick with the program and keep rewriting your operating code, your world begins to change ‒ subtly at first, and then more and more dramatically.

Ever wonder what we could create if a bunch of us tried this together? Read on…


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The Power To Save the World Is In Your Mind

This is radical stuff but it forces us to take our thoughts and emotions seriously. One of the first rules of the Toltec spiritual warriors was that a warrior takes total responsibility for his or her own life. The thoughts of the Dark Matrix tell us this is impossible, ludicrous, ridiculous stuff. Of course ‒ because the Dark Matrix doesn’t

want us to wake up and take our power back. But once we begin to accept that on some level or another everything in our world is resonating to our own thoughts and emotions ‒ whether we are conscious of these thoughts and feelings or not ‒ our relationship to the world begins to shift rapidly.

This is the start of empowerment. This is also why A Course in Miracles tells us that the salvation of the world depends on our giving up attack thoughts. “I am not alone

in experiencing the effect of my thoughts,” says ACIM, and “I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts.”

Lesson 23 of the Course makes it clear that the salvation of the world depends on your freeing yourself from the thoughts of the Dark Matrix. “There is no point in lamenting the world. There is no point in trying to change the world. It is incapable of change because it is merely an effect. But there is indeed a point in changing your thoughts about the world. Here you are changing the cause. The effect will change automatically.”

The inherent flaw in many current programs that are marketed as solutions to our problems ‒ including many of the religious, spiritual, New Age, and psychotherapy offerings in the marketplace ‒ is that they attempt to change the world by teaching us new ways of thinking about the world.

Wayne Dyer once said, “You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” Yet, despite years and years of failing at this, the egoic mind has convinced most of us that this is the only way.

As we’ve seen, however, most of our so-called “conscious” thoughts are actually the thoughts of the Matrix. The egoic mind,


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in fact, depends for its very survival on problems. Thinking about problems, analyzing possible “solutions,” generating stress by imposing deadlines to implement these hypothetical solutions, worrying about what the solution will cost, ad infinitum, is the ego’s game. By convincing us that we can think our way to a better reality, the collective egoic mind has tricked us into running in place on the hamster wheel of mind, spinning out a constant, reliable

source of the fear energy that keeps it alive. If we really want to “be the change,” as Gandhi urged us, we must learn a new way of responding to crisis, personal and collective.

In the first days of the disastrous 2010 Gulf oil spill, I was pondering what a creative response to the oil spill would

look like. As I was contemplating my own shortcomings and feeling unworthy of writing to encourage my community to come together and heal this wound

spiritually (whose thoughts were those?), my eyes happened to fall on Peter Erbe’s GOD I AM. I picked up the book and opened it to this page:

"In fighting pollution, we only treat the symptom. The cause is the mental and emotional pollution of fear, expressing itself in its various forms such as hate, anger, greed, jealousy, pride and the rest of the Ego's children. [...] So to treat the effect ‒ the physical impurities ‒ though necessary, is not the answer at all. [...] As long as fear of any kind remains part of one's reality then the mind is still polluted, regardless of the nobility of motivation the Ego projects...

"A true healing can only occur on a spiritual level. To believe in the impotence of oneself as a single individual in regard to the healing impact one has on the whole, is erroneous indeed. This is where our real responsibility and commitment lies. By healing ourselves, we heal the world. The efforts of the individual to release fear, the cause of all disease, cannot possibly be overestimated.


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If only we knew what absolutely stunning healing power we have as single individuals, we would not hesitate one second in wanting to change our ways from fear to love, from insanity to sanity. [...] I urge you in deepest sincerity to consider these last sentences. Humanity is aching and the Earth is crying out in pain. Both need you and your cooperation. Both are craving for your love. Please, believe

that you make a difference, not so much by joining the armies of helpers who work on the level of effects (however praiseworthy that may be), but by healing the attitude which makes these armies necessary from the very outset. And this one does best by healing one's own separation first." [emphasis added]

What does it mean to heal our “separation” and how can we do this? Read on…

A Quick and Dirty Model of the MindWe have, as a species, tremendous powers. We often hear how we only use ten percent of our brain power, and on and on, yet almost all of the programs developed under the modern Scientific-Rationalist worldview to make us smarter have focused on learning with the rational or ego-mind.

Why is this? Because all of the thoughts that the ego-mind thinks are really the thoughts of the Matrix. And the Matrix doesn’t want us to hack our way out of the Matrix. “The ego is a politician,” says self-relations psychotherapy founder Stephen Gilligan. “It will do and say anything to stay in power.”

Healing our separation from the All-One means putting the ego back into its proper place. We can’t do this at the ego level of the mind. Perhaps the most famous teaching of Hermes is: As above, so below. The macrocosm reflects the microcosm, and vice versa. Creating global oneness, therefore, can only happen by resolving the disconnect within the individual mind.

In order to do this, we need to go beyond the level of ego programming and unite the imaginative, creative, imagistic subconscious mind with the linear, literal, rational conscious mind. The Hacking the Matrix Mind


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Programming System is one way to do this work.


I don’t claim that the model I’m about to give you is the only valid model of mind; what I do claim, based on my own experience and the experience of many of my teachers ‒ including direct work with thousands upon thousands of people ‒ is that, as a working model, this one excels. It is supremely


One way we can understand the separation of the self is by looking at the separate halves of the brain. On one side we have the left brain, which we are also going to call the rational mind or the egoic mind. The left brain thinks in terms of language or syntax. It talks about the world and

it uses concepts as a way of filtering down the massive amount of sensory data we are capable of absorbing at any given moment.

With the aid of these linguistic concepts, the left brain makes maps and filing systems that it uses to “represent” reality to us. Since “reality” is already an illusory hologram projected by the Matrix, what the left brain is actually doing is making a symbolic map of a symbolic map of reality. Again, this is a useful function for helping us navigate the simulation; the trouble is when we believe the Matrix dogma that teaches us that we must mistake this sub-reality as being the one and only real thing.

The left brain or egoic mind is characterized by its use of psychological or linear time. Left brain or rational mind processing is based on either/or thinking. Eliot Cowan (Plant Spirit Medicine) says about the dream of duality that “One of the fundaments of modern life is the dream of time as a mechanical procession of discreet uniform units. In this dream, seconds click by in single file from an unknowable future through a fleeting present into the jaws of an irretrievable past.” The left brain utilizes this linear paradigm to deal with both time and space. Any given person, object or event can only appear at a single point on the time line or at a single location in space.

This either/or processing is the hallmark of the left brain/egoic mind and it is extremely


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useful for processing conceptual data. By giving us the ability to separate moments in time and space, this either/or processing style enables us to take things apart and reconstitute them in ways that are literally unthinkable to the right brain/creative mind, which sees the world as a nested system of interdependent wholes. However, this form of functioning is inherently dualistic. Again, the ability to endlessly take things apart, break things down into further sub-units,

analyze, criticize and place in lists and hierarchies is useful as a tool, but not a place one would want to be trapped in for eternity.

The right brain/creative mind is characterized by both/and processing. Where the left brain operates through language and linear thought, the right brain processes

experience in terms of images and feelings. At this level of the mind we know things without “thinking” about them; we might call the right brain’s

processing style intuitive or imaginative. The right brain or creative unconscious also holds an entirely different relationship to time. In the both/and processing mode of the creative unconscious, we can be in two or more times simultaneously, just as we can be in two or more places at once. It’s easy to remember a time recently when you experienced this both/and quality of the right brain ‒ just think of the last time you were driving down the road and talking on the phone at the same time. Or the last time you were sitting at your desk and dreaming about making love, or being on vacation, or eating that fabulous meal.

We call this inherent faculty of the creative unconscious to be in two places or times at once imagination, and the society controlled by the rogue Dark Matrix has programmed us very heavily ‒ severely even ‒ to distrust the imagination. We are taught to despise imagination as belonging to the world of children and best left behind ‒ or indulged in only societally-sanctioned and largely passive forms such as TV, pop music, sexual fantasy, video games, and novels.

But imagination takes us out of the prison of psychological time and into the realm of the eternal. Imagination ‒ what Carl Jung called active imagination, as opposed to idle


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daydreaming or passive fantasy ‒ was seen by the ancient alchemists as the secret power that humanity had rejected. It is the philosopher’s stone, because it connects the temporal realm of appearances to the eternal realm of potentiality.

And it is in the realm of eternity that we actually have the power to rewrite the programming that locks us into a world of scarcity and suffering ‒ both personal and

collective, because as we have seen, the only way to save the world is to save your own mind.

The goal, if we want to hack into the Matrix and rewrite our reality code, is to bring together these two sides of the mind in ways that enable each of them to function in their appropriate roles. What we’ve found through decades of

hypnotic research and consciousness exploration is that we seem to access this “whole mind” state of being best when we

are in a relaxed, yet focused mode of functioning.

Levels of the Mind

Another way of looking at the relaxed but energized mind state that is so powerful for healing, manifesting and bringing forth our hidden potential is by tuning into the brain’s operating frequencies. Basically there are four frequency ranges we’re going to concern ourselves with:

The Beta level of the mind is where most of us spend most of our “productive” time. The Beta mind level corresponds to the egoic/rational mind processing mode: linear, fast, analytical/critical, using language concepts.

As soon as we drop down into the Alpha level of the mind we start to contact the creative unconscious, the timeless part of the mind. Alpha is sort of like the border region between the two minds. In Alpha, we’re still alert and aware of the world around us, but we’re also able to drift off in our imagination. Common experiences of being in Alpha include: daydreaming during a lecture or while at work, watching television, walking or doing any kind of rhythmic physical activity like dancing, drumming or yoga.


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In the Theta level of the mind, we are deeply relaxed in both mind and body. At the lower edge of the Theta frequency range, we are verging on sleep. Accessing the Theta mind level with intention is key to much of the work we’ll be doing with this program. Remember Jesus’ statement that we must become as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven? Interestingly enough, children spend most of the first seven years

of waking life in the Theta state. At the Theta mind level, images come and go seemingly without our guidance, we often

experience what hypnotists call “time distortion” (we think we’ve been asleep for an hour but we look at the clock and only ten minutes have passed) and we are extremely flexible in our approach to time and space.

The Delta level of the mind is the level of mind associated with sleep, but it is also a powerful “stargate” level of reality. Buddhist monks are famous for training

themselves to stay mentally awake while their bodies sleep by chanting mantra and other spiritual practices. (I highly recommend


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DK Brainard http://wordsforthepeople.com 21

Frequency Range

Cycles perSecond (Hz)

Characteristics Type of Thinking

Beta 13-40 Hz Awake, alert, linear, critical, analytical, list-making, rational mind, predominance of inner dialog over imagery


Alpha 7-12 Hz Relaxed, daydreaming, more imagery, verging on dissociative

Active Imagination

Theta 4-7 Hz Deep relaxation, receptive, images and feelings come to us, non-linear

Passive Imagination

Delta 1-4 Hz Body asleep and immobile, extremely receptive, limited self-awareness, All-One


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Gerald O’Donnell’s ARVARI package when you are ready to tackle the Delta state.)

We tend to think of eternity as “a very, very long time” ‒ when in fact, eternity is the absence of linear time. Eternity is now, and the portal to eternity is through the part of the mind that operates outside of time ‒ the creative unconscious. The great thing about the time we live in (pun intended) is that we now have access to

techniques and technology that can get us rapidly and easily into these deeper, creative levels of the mind. What used to take a lifetime of training is now available to anyone with headphones and an MP3 player.

Of course, we must also remember that the images and intentions we take into the creative

levels of the mind are what will tend to tend to manifest for us. (Which is why the Hacking the Matrix Mind Programming System and the

Words Premium content focuses not just on “thinking positive thoughts” but on becoming aware of and releasing the deep negative and limiting beliefs most of us carry around in the deep levels of the psyche.)

“Consciousness, including the Consciousness of the One, will pay more attention to what it is more conscious of and less attention to what it is more distant from and less conscious of,” says Gerald O’Donnell. “Therefore the deeper within your inner self you position your conscious awareness, the more attention and concentration your inner desires and beliefs will get from the Father who is positioned all the way inside your subconscious realm at the level of the One.”

Brain/mind research indicates that the subconscious mind is responsible for 96-98 percent of our daily experience. The programming stored at the subconscious level of the mind influences not only your “conscious thoughts” and behavior, it determines how the world appears to you. From this we can finally understand:

1. The subconscious mind ̶ the mind that operates at the Alpha, Theta and even deeper frequencies ̶ is the key to manifesting reality.


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2. If we want to change our experience, we can’t do it from the Beta/waking state/ego-mind level. The only way to change your life is to change it at the level of your mental and emotional programming.

We have been heavily programmed at the subconscious level since birth and even prior to birth ‒ and we carry in our DNA the programming of many prior generations of Matrix-controlled ancestors ‒ so the other essential perspective we need in this work is

that we need to become warriors about fighting against the Matrix’s domination and transforming our reality. This means becoming warriors of awareness. It means recognizing when we are being controlled by the Matrix operating through our familiars. It means turning off the fear-based “news” and other TV programming that is carefully

designed and crafted to bypass our critical defenses and implant fear-based images directly into our subconscious minds. It

means refusing to participate in “the same old thing” conversations with the Matrix (in the guise of people who want to hook our attention and get us to spread fear, gossip, hatred and doomsday scenarios).

But above all, this means regularly, sincerely and intentionally going into the programming levels of the mind and rewriting the code that creates our holographic representation of the Universe. Because only by working at the level where the bad programming is stored will we succeed in hacking the Matrix and freeing ourselves from the enslavement of the dark world.

Let’s do it together.


DK Brainard

Image Credit: “MandelKandinsky: Douday-Hubbard texture mapping of a Kandinsky painting to the exterior of the Mandelbrot set.” By Arenamontanus on Flickr, used under terms of Creative Commons License.


Hacking the Matrix User Manual

DK Brainard http://wordsforthepeople.com 23