h. van hornitt offertest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1895/...tl i f-^re so well...

: XXVI. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1885. NO. 1 21 U> •ins 0UPLII AUTOMATM STUM renKub&g" sailed lor osilraa. local notion flftmn ccr.» l»r in. r\«WmR EOaUIER. Bcal Metals ami Inauran-1 Agent. (Woe orer The Oeo. Slcbarde Co 1 Btore, DOIIR. H. J Duplex tueau end Hot Water HeatMs. .ftar ar* mule of wrouslit boiler Iron two nonpar But i U l I r /ifltlT.il.jat-yrolir* »"»l l«; No kmjrH CM3OENEJ COOPEH, ATTOBKW AT &AW *«D KASTUtinSOUCnOBIHCHAUCKBT ^ J OftkeiDth ToneBulMIng, OvuJ A. ITO»'»BTOM, DOVEB.M J Btuvoe end i'ot A r Funooon ot e\- Hstimre, Cuueir, Tta-were, OUUt, el*., Utulh snd&raatoo Ceil U HIS,nuriSukagoaleelend Herts 8 I-AHBSO COOl'Wt, DOVER, M. J. Insurance Broker end OommiinlonK of Detde. iV, Me. Steam Bdltr, Employers' Lll bllllr andLies Suck Iiiiurenoe, Our In suraoce l u i r n Heal Bslale bought rail KM on Oomnliisoa. i i-lKi> 0 CCHHINB.M », OKHERA1 PRAOT1TIOMEH, i n tmouUBi in m nuAtinjrrW anno. SUTISM •»•> u u u u u Dtautm Offioi onnorth, aide o< iHeciwell swat •«» slant W hat MM ot W e ™ itnrt, CaT. I. Henry W Killer, Henry 0 Pitney, AunnuaB Ball. FhW| ~ CheiY Bwen,H.D Paul Rivers, Vdraand P Hater, John Taatekar. E TOBM SBUaUDiBS lej ^ 1 8 B A \ HtOHAIB CDTTJSO 8A1O05, ^MANSION HOllSE, '- , R. W1UJA«B.' ,, , KABOS 1BD8LATIR, __ J takru tor all kinds ot work In a-11.. ot twinea) and the brat materlab " " *"'«$ Aatatn iSSu?* OOce Mar Central Depot. aMy f AKTIlt MJTH«R OCX, : or rusuo aoqoou tBt, DOVER, N | Homu. »» \UVin a. FBIUaiAR, - CABVraTXB UDBUIUJIR. hapNiw J«n»»rifio!i ununoco , J0BS8OK, ' HanfHlanr and Dtalar In jlwortlnllirtX-odarmnlte All work * tilt bitt orotr a»d prtori ntmuhla. DOVEB, S I . _.__..(* and IOWMCntb t H. MAN8FIELD. WILWX* BERBY enters Builders ttor > ana^maMkis ag Promptly AttMatd to /M.S.GOUURO INK (f& done HCEUTS FOR THE >iil«; No kmjrHUM o keopatan, Easjto ts ton of torpmrt THE M0EEI8 COUHTT 5AYIIIGS BANK, •OKRHTOWB. •• J. oORFOKATaD JiABnl M, llta. rneUant-HIrlHT W. H1LUEK. fl»-Pn*l«rt-AnRMJHa B. HULL Heerelaryand hwuHL T. KOVb, CABPET8.ETC- LOWPEICES- BA8TTEEBI8. $50 Worth * For $39.75. An actual faot—couldn't afford to give false values—it would ram oar basinees. Xliia ma iuo -reraaikab); fico— 5 piece Parlor Bait—il'ubsen taggoa 150 cnlil present sale, and it's *t£ fcoitu iiiat'piiut;—3ioas.tol | p grjUoldtered, Bilk plur.V trimming, eiqahlK colorings-all for 139.76. Fit (or AN7 liomo. A Great Room! IsthlE, our "Bargain Doom "-now filled more than ever •etith hosdrrdB of broken sole, mwnfaotnrera' samples, etc—j •11 new and best makes—thoy'ro odd pieces tho 1 and SAVE to go at and often BELOW cost Each orliole mdiked inplain figures—elip in some timo—it "ill p»y yon well—there are desks, bedroom suit*, chairs, tables, etc., eto. Tan "Portland Bango " Bells at n fast rate—it's funny, but our salesmen hitve less trouble to sell this famous range than > «1 choir—lti real »prlb etioln out all over it—we're, tho only loose where its carried. t 73 Market Street, Near MiMjt. ._.. JJEWABKfN. J. l*.at>4i,l Antr, aaaial aatarla^, BatmdariInn»A aTVillK nvatv. fmmTtotr.a. a R. (&UOCRMO> n A. WronoN) •" .tin. DKALBB IK STOW, RAllfilB. FOTUfAOM, Tin, Copper' and Sheet Iron Hoofing, Ztno, Bheet Laid, LeadPipei.Pumpi.oto. THB OOETOK Honte-HMtliig Bteun Gen*- , Tttor k iptoialty. A BEACON LIGHT Is noticeable -for its tfrit- liaocy-so are our Dlaaotds They shed their rays fort! with sucb effluence that they are the beacon lights or the Jewelry Trade. Defender couldn't be a , greater winner thaa oae of oar Solitaire DhmoBd Rings i Tfce beauty and quality of our goods are such that we feel able to challenge,any Jeweler io Dover. J. W. KIRK, DOVER, N. J. J. J,VR££LAND CONTRACTOR CARPENTER ' mo -»..,... .BUILDER^ OFFICE ANDSHOP— " BlookweU St., DOVEB, N. J. No contract loo large for my equipment ' No contract too small for my pere atlent on I manage Repairs to Buildings n every Tiratich I also do all Icfitfa ol Turning, Scroll H. van Horn iTt Offer THEIBESTOF FUBN1T0— OUR LEADERS in ladies' Shoes have been forover 20 yearB made by Lt-{nsberry,Matthewson & Co. South Norwalk, and H. W. r Merriam Shoe Co., of Ne*-ton. The prices range frrm$2.66 to $400 and in ail widths from A to EE, and tl i f-^re so well known to dj-. VWrftiontrd Tor their gen- eral good wear that the ne- cessity of keeping them is as great as bread is to a baker. Although Shoes have ad- vanced very rapidly in price we have decided to sell the ^iajfs at old prices for J Z present P. 0. BEAGAN, Opp. D. L. & W: R. R. Depot. DOVER, N. J. ITU I III fclB * GOODS DELIVEBED PJ1EETO ANY PABT OF BTiTE.- OLE AND DOUBLH-BRSASTBD Sack Suits, Properly eat a n itjlo« thu (all. We have them of onr own m»ke, of eboteni material". PUln ud rough hoed Cbeviote, Fancy OnesimoKB and Wonttda of nr dMigu go to make onr 8nit ttook an inviting placo for the barer. We ue sot offering oat Suits at 60o. on the 41. Neither would any otim hone if they had aaoh «oit» «8 oura. See onrloader At $10.00 Compare it. Compare qnality, not jnco, with ADything to b« had any.bere. You'll bay hen. MoGREGOR Sc Co., 8 5 0 , 8 5 2 B R O A D St.. .... NEWARK. N.J. BEAR IN MIND if you want a STEAM OR HOT WATER THAT THE <HW n FLORIDA LEADS THEM ALL 6 STILES U D SOSIZES THE GREATEST LINE ot Boilers made under one name IN ,,THE WORLD. More made, more sold, more used than any other Boiler. - SEND FOR CIRCULARS. ESTIMATES FREE. The F. D. Stephens Co. General Agents and Contractors, GERMAN VALLEY, N. J. Caa refertoMaints of Coatractfta MewJersey. it tbe fl4M BonM-Xnt«r«c- Isir OompuiBoni FurialihMl by tbe OAoUl Party Saturn* Ihe State Boerd ot Uovw i t Trenton Tuc»d»y golug orrr tba returni ot the recent election The flgur-i will not differ fnuutbcwKlraaJfpublUtiAd TU Board tluiplj oooflnn onicUlly wbat lui already Ueo •nnounoed in the nmrppdpfn Bat aP in mull bu been made, which dUckiva* lonio fecta won.b»of ootuldBratlun Jobo W Grljni'j plurality fur Oorernor over AlcxinUer T MoUill is » 033 H(i ma Jorltf o « r ell oaudldcttili ll.SOl Tbttntv jnrltr Jutt about efjt.Bit.tbe largest filural ty hlthtrtp over given (a a caod d«tc, namdy that of Leon Abbett ot«f HVivud Uurd Grulb io .Sty fl.gn* 1 ! pkralltf orer Mo Ui'l Ii ntarly double that uvgr recalled bj i " mt to tl» t P0LITWAT* HISTOfiY IS JTBW JEl*- BJBT. AbUtory of the iwllticeJ atniKglMtn the fa toxintj Tbe vote was Dot nearly BOlarge for Gover- nor thli year tvi It wai In WV2. It \t evident the aUr*flt-bome clemeot tru lurprlilogly largf. ThatyearBll.fllK voLea wen nut for the varloui caiidUaUi. la 18113. tbeQubtr Uitorial oandldatw polled 63fl,871 >ot»*. « dwreaw thla yrar of 2SJOB, It Utrue 18(W wat « Presidential year, when oatorally « Trry large vote la alwaysawured. Stlll.con- earnttt cr^tvara m u l e tbla year* ui ol tbo total U <]u<te renwrkablr. th U b i l d the Ltgii ature cf N«w Jerwy dariLg •*» put quarter of » center/ nodar tba title," tfodwn Battle, of Trenton.* 1 Ua book juit luned by WUlkn E feefcett, tbe well ttw-a lejUla- U*e oorrMpondent and politic*! writtr To tbwswbo lu.»6 witcbfri tbecxcltltLg » » n * wh.ch have tnm»p.r*i in tike lagiciiUve bal]< work (t * rral "oouoce Tbe political Lliwry of NewJency tiw not btteo t Mriee of doU evoiLi, but It Ii itaddw. niLb fierce •tnifrglm of mea, pvtlwtnd oorpontJom, and Mr Backett hot tooiihed tbMe up io Lit loat attractlre Hjle mUl they «re tlie •haJcwt biboT literature When one begin. i chapter be duaa iwt twp until be reubw Uduie Aa Mrrkekett a.yi In bit prefaoe 1 U la tbe Btory of »a epooli In davdupmciit m i progroa. Tb« qutrteroeo.ui7 bfti Haii dulurUng oootrareiatea tut at Wit *w) tbe rolatloni of Ibe Bt*U toher iubJooUd*(loitely eettlH. nitAr .utlnf l.uts Jt b u teeothe whoulg made froe, rlpexUn policy defined and oDforoods tbe Toko of tbe old moooplfBb that mid* cb« Comuioawealtt) * byvr ri In i mouth of tha utlon thrown off, tbe oor- •orfttioni flat dead ttr forerel^aty brought wltb'o tbe reeoh of tbe tu-fl.ttL.erer. her ijttora of leglilaUoa funilameattlly reooa ittructed, ire«tpub\lobu,,diQKBrw»d—»A [i-ttt tbfngi bepio anl •aosrnpliihad In all directlonj" So tbe itrujtgles which brooght theee resjitU muit laUrcat erory oltlno of Tttrttywn Ago tbe Uubernstorial oaiiiidaM rtn right aim; with the rrt-tfaaiUL noml The electoral ttikett oply rot»Irnd 740 mrreUlloLa Ut*Qthe Oubwiw.tarl.1 Tbe g n i t fa]1<rQoff tb la jw rtu> on thf *"*T(i T \WrU pulUd Is ]ewi,irjd tfa<n Werte ran 3 fW Tcteebeblnd Cleielaod Tha IUpublloan vale luorrajed •r, but not to »aj eiteat, when the iurgilty Iff taLot) Ii t(>I u(dr>m t .nn 71>i fl«urH ithov Uitt iittggt only btd &iTTJ mon? voteeUian Jihn Keau tlie IUpnbllctn c*nil dat", rtoslred tbree years ago la that year KPAD led Uarrliin 8,5S1 votei Ihof'roblblthnvo 6 «i(T3redtUay»r It was 0,00* egalrut T760 la 1W2, a falllua ciTof about IS |K>r«*eut Tho People 1 ! li*rty mere i donboA Ita vot4 tbla year wblle the Boclalktic Ubor tlckat out nearly three tlmn How did you like our Grand Opening Last Saturday vw Everybody -WEB flolighted. The «tore an* itreeti were throngdd with peoplo. bnteyerydooy m properly wAitod upon and served. small The. SucUIUtlo vote tbto Wl w u 4,100 and the Peoolea party |ath««d la 1,W). balloU Tbe ProhlbltlonliU ttlll oocstltste the third party In rill tn the SUU Tbe analysla of tlie vote by cauutiea Ii alro >tlcteraat. Atlaalfcandliergfn.iratheo&!y Bren la UIOM ocuatlet tbe tnoreaM U amaU, amoflotio* to 8" votoi fu Atlantlo and 635 In Btrgen In Hudenn County, where Cbaocel Note our Friendly Prices. Ooldnpnt. Ktw L^lioraCltroo Wo , Nnr Lraon F»l ISo, 9 Ibi tor... .25o ItatCl.IUl.liiiSo.V3lt> lor. 83o MORE FRIENDLY. B»it Chi BMtPtrkChrinCc, nibs for BMtS.uW, 111 knr torn . B»itHi-lolnHte.t E^l % aull S et\, Batrcrtsrhoufiltalc UtflbClop* lfe Mutton C» r P l Mo Prime fllb lV*»t .• . % nt9udlflo Prime CrinckJl'iaak .... '. >• . .To Prime LefO(Htttoa . Ife 1000 more than the pluralUr McGlll had orer Grlf«t In that county Tha railingoff la Ertex wu T.SSi, or roarlj u mocli u Qrifgi'a plurality ofer MeOIll tn thi county ~ * Ue borne of Mr Qrl«t ,*o«i of S,4t9 The drcnaM In tbeooon of Burlington, Camdeo, Cumberland, Bonterdon and Hoomouth arange about 1,800 to tbe oiuity In the otb»r counties the •trlnka|e amoantsto eeitra) hundred vote* A* already aU'ed, tbe DamoonUo party was tbe oolaf lufferer A KIUKS orer the nrlous ooantlat ahnwa tbla Watt, la1393, rvcfivid 107,357, McUUI notlrad 135,078 e kM of orer 81,000 The greAtctt IOM the DeDorrett naUlnfti we lu KM«* voiiaty Thtre it amounted W U233. In UwHoo tba ICM,WW 4098, la Oaorfw, 81M,aid In FaMfoft\3S7 There I* a DmiocmUckm la •ferj aoonty. Ihe •atalbat *ai la Pergu, met 1893 •adWtrrm It exoettfed 1,100 , In Mann and ima X ,400, In Unlaa nearly) ,900 u d Is BiurliBftw, Cambetlaedaad Jbrow for 1,800 tolAOu. Cash Grocers and Butchers, p all bgt fire ooutfaa, Btoialy, .nombarlaad, E H d H k d P i Ttw r itiVct, New.rk, Tnnton and Eltatbaih GRANP OPENING | OF NEW FURNITURE AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST SOLID 0A1UEDRQ0M SUITS EIGHT PIECES Side Boards. Hall Racks, Tables, Chairs, Mattresses, Etc. 1 A LARGE ASSORTMENT 07 CARPETS, MATTINGS, ETC., ETC. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FBOM A JEWSHARP TO A PIASO Mil Ninos al SI75 soamilesi ' ins imi«$78 MralM )GS SCWlltS IBKIIVS It IIS. CALL 6JSD EXAMINE AND BE CONVINCED. A. KANOUSE. kaa was ntj sl|(lt In UnmUrlaod ami Han Untoo. In bees It amounted to 738, in Hudson to SS88 md to faaaakl to It. Ike fsllisi 0« In Uodaoo would Indnata Ktaar fbat maaj AeDahutaaa raesaiard awaf iroas tbe poila or elee e-otad Iks Deuantlo Qiibef nevorlsl ticket. l i e Deowrrets mey try to get Sams Msaeo- Uttoa out of this resell ontbs ironnd teat bed tbetr stay at-bcmo eleoeat lone to tie polls andTOMlor atoOUI. ke woulil Ura i ekoled Ibal is a inlilske, aowersr. TMOnrae ehowttal bad theabeuwei oa both lldrl Bbown up aad tappirtad ttuir ticket, OrlmawoaldetUltanM KoOllI by S,M jam. The Tots bjooontlseleaetol JobnW fti-"'«i» (IKm T MoUIL riuraUUee. SPECIAL SALE ATTBI NEW YORK MILLINERY STORE •» Ooata and Jaikots boo $148 np. Miesos JacVeta aa low ai 11.98. Olotb, Plash and Far Capes in great variety and at all price*. Separate Skirte from 11.76 up. Best mokes of Ouneta always on hand. Onr line ol Triomcd Mil- iiner; is finer than ever. All the latest Novelties m Trimmed and TJntrimmcd Hats and Bonnols. Mourning gooita always onhand. Oor, Elootwtll and Warren Streeto, Dover, N, J, CRUSHED STONE, ij au or i)UBuU[7 t Jellfiml on Ibo H«lB«rarf, Luk*mui» ftcd Wtatoni Ii. R and J iM ,p, tbat tiresome atteotlon to detail whlon tebie t»a> the obarm of auch atoriee. Efery school boy can understand and ivj 1 - atr Uedcelfs leicrlpUoa ot now tba Otoiien and Atoboy Ilarroad kept out oompetJsz, lloos tor at k time woep UH [nownlttbe* V Toe Itor; of Ue Bight of lUuillIon, the Uiievlof City Treasurer ct Jersey City, and bow It precipitated tbe CoaitUutlonel Ooa iffan of IdTE roe.1' like tbe t ibber atorlef of Vlildls Afei. Theerenta Iea4!ogup to Ibe restate of the Qeoeral HaUroad lew In 1878. bow tbe Btale aatablajhed her WU to Ibe riparian laode, bow BedU waa Tlatorlons orei Haleer 111 Ibe Ooveraanhlp fifbt, bow Htterlj the poUUclena w n u d e l with tVa CetbsUs Froteot ry Ull aea bone ot oontan tloo, bow MoOlelUu ens nomlaatel and elected OoTerocr, bow Taonus V. Oator lilayed tbe psrt nf a brilliant but erratic leteor, bowAbbett became Oorernor, bow it Ballroa] Taialloa law o( 188. baoameU* tbrooib tba effgrta of John W. Ghigav, now O^remor-elect, and ao oo down to last year, Including a blttorv ot IMeentraliwUon anl entl Bcm» Bula policy ol the Demooratlo Mu d a BUOEIDOC rerlaw of theraoe track Xltelta, are all rektad Insnob a war tbat arentboosDOl Istsrestsd In blstoryuut be entertained by Iheromaooe. A l»rs«rsBh from the Booouut of l«on Arbttt e flint for Ihe United BUMPwetor- snlp la a fair etampls of the aryle of tbe book The Senate bad raruaad to orpolss until tba last day of January, whan II w p n Ifd wlen Fndsrlot S. Pith as praslasnt and Hlcberd B Heeding a< secretary Tae DM attempt to boWa Joint maatliaj wm aude on February 15 Tnl DemoorakB renauMd away-all aieepUai Bpaakar Balri. OarroU and Doaoans wari prsnal. NeMdej another Joint maoting was hskt anda wordy warfare a orer tea rajbt ol AenmMjneo Tnrley and Walter to partjolpate. Ssaaeor Orl«e read a protest AarnMyHBl BaoapatkIs- terrcpM, but waa roM oat of orasr by dedaloa, but Seaator *•«* nluad loeeter. tain tae appeal. Tkaa Ike sub la aha laUarlrs broke loose what * atom of eaaara aadUaaaa. janaaiUyoasa Taaauty Jutsed on top of hla eeek sad aeaoeaoad B*Intba leafaaap of I Illlnuala BeekwHk aatlad rieh all Bor* of aaam* aal UiiMiail to null aUn froai the ohalr. Olaasa joaasd ta FlunlUr u Book. Wa know of aatUot thu would maaa a nv'iatlarrlac koltdty prrtnt ttaanaeop/ ol Dr. TD.O, F. WolbVlatatt work, "A Lit- •cat; Hlf rln»te,« wblck kai ]ml bna pub- J B, Llpploooll ft Oo., of Fhila- Ilwboak laai tore as it la aaHgtatful In natter Tlie author Isanatireoftfalaoountyand Is well hnown to readers of tbe Eas. by reason of a nnnbar otpapsn which be contributed toltsosluoxns upon the subject of lcce] Indian names. Tbe author (Ins tba m u l t ot Ms obaaraUrot on a pUgrliaaie to the shrines of a number of tsabeitknosn BniUsh writers, anl besides bring written Ina moat charming Btyle the book contains Information coo»rntoj the parsons and places Written about which le in nluahls to stadeata of English Illaratare. Ibe price of the bookie II S3 and It for Bale by L. H. Ires ft Oo. in Dorer or will ba a portaiid W tta pdblbter prM. ipon neafpt of XooernA srith Bncluhot. Tberawasantunberofyoung men of Chat- ham who srs carrying around more or leae buckshot In their bodira as Ihe result ef eiprrlenostkaj had on Satulday night. About tbe only oca whose Injuries were ot any oonseqaecce, bowerer. Is Wllllua Bid- i, who got lls right ear fnll of Jbol baa II bandaged. v Tea man who administered euoh berolo pnoishmBDt le Jeme. Brown, a fanner who once had Ore eiogla daughters, but they are all married now, the Isn one haring been " to the man of her oholos about two Brown has treated the bnya right royalty In tie put, end when there was a wadding In tbe bouw ha alweys gave tbe nrenaden agreatlayonL a.Brownhadnomoramar- risgeabls daughters the boys on Baturday n'gbtthiuitbtUiej would seranideblm]i»t for fun, with tharesult tbettaey ware greeted with buckibot, Detfneaa Cannot be Cured by local application! ai Uieymnoot reach thl BBAL UIATB TOAKSFBga. Followiog are Uw utot tnntfen In HOT- IlarUia H. Day and hnibanc to Eunice A. Umbert, tm and a half ecroa In Faualo townablp. 1700. Ulonacl Mulligan and wlb to Kaiy S. Uenyou, **n loU in Kandolpb tawmiiifrfou GuxlUO feet, MUD. Ubarlea P. Flowr to John O. Boll, lot 185i20u feat at Monroe, lft» Gu, W.KloHoJolnai',t«iscf,lotMil«) feet oomer of Sueaex and Loaay atreeto, Porer, I m. Klcbolu midto HaryKeWtr, fouraone lu Hanovfr township, |K19. Kujrooe J. Cooper and wife BO Uary £. i, two lot! Each MilOJ fart lu Iuur dolph township, II B LAmislroixand w»eto£lraT Bend., lot MXiM feet oo Bearing arenns, aforrjs- town, II. £ctb«t Uelmaii to Senry Heiman, property 60x10(1 feet on Oold street, Dorer, 12,880 HUitalb J II Teegne end others to Ed- ward LougbUn, property oDzlOO feet in Tort Orani, ttfiCK Aew Jeraeylroallijdng Company to Kofc- ert P Orem, Jr, lot tUzlOO feat (n fort Orsoi(|l00 Fenue Roffmau toLena Burger, forty aerae of land In Mt Ollra toejnsblp, 1100 Byron K Btlcile and George W" StUjkls to Eleuor rerkljs, tract ISSiSsaieetb Seak- away, |] John V Bill aod wife to Ellasbeth A. Biunuell, lot ww f set on Haaoolnn naraa, Dorer, (100 B W Burnett and wife to Wllhasn a Burroughs, lut CSxluO tot on Central Are., Ifadlaou, 1700 lu Hanover township, $t,ttA Amos Pruden and wife Io Charlsa a Dojgtaa, property 40.140 feet OQ Waassm -rcniio, t,»er Cherry BC, Udrristown, IS,1(N) Anna U. Kramm and bubmd to Oenga 'atanoD.trutln Cbathun townahlp, 11,100. Itobert L Btavena to Jemee V Ooi,tblrty- ossacreenflul partly In ateajtumtowastlp and pertly In Jitroirrfs tswnsb'p, BoffinnaC county, |1 HVy 1 Oaborne and huiband to AoWsa Kalnis, lot In Netcong, H7S. Rachel Hendevllle and otheiw to DarldR. Conkllo, U oa WsablolDan street, BooHK, 1171! Henrlette Andsraoo to Osorga KSeavlsr, lot la Roxbnry township, »133 I. A. Backer, Sheriff, to Ikaals H. ChlHl K sore In I'sessic township, II. lamas A. Webb and wife to Stale I. booh, three lou on Hillside ensue, sUdaoa, oae 0SX1MO fast, tbe atoood IdOsdiOO feat, Its UlrdSOiSWfset, •10^00 Henry Bardon and wife to Altled P.taaraV UK a. -a !n CoaUuun township, Abi. . J Drsksaud wits IO Warns C. Bork. a, lot MslTO test In listens*, aw.** Denoh Hust.lt toJames V aad Wlasam It Belby, lot UOillO tset, coraar ot sVaai and Janes ttreaes, Morristown, IMO. tl A Backer, Baerilt, to UnrundD faaV say, 194 acres In naaalotawsahsistMle. t A. Backer, Bneriff, to Oenrge Pkaaca, property &W40 teal on Blaeawsll Meet, Dtinr.MSH. Charles a Hulford art wife tn haa* W. MuUord, properly W«U5 feat o otese ooosat. Be It wart Uke n tbief la u e algat" laaraa Ml tatjhl be- hind, aad wa lam to O H aaoaaar tor toft l t h t * J Th MplaynMathytafcaaaai aatUan tetkof aJrOa h l" for maaj yaara taa da f— : 'i|BiTr hlsamr'asr-rtfllajili i M t l u t w l ttW aa Mr "ra.tlWale onaalaal, Hakifana waa pale wteh nalawiBf, fctt bla Jaw «aaaat,.a>4'be M'laaa) ahnaeeo wlthont relaying, while Orange waatta] with the readiaTof the iroe-rwham ha mi (lnbe«lltbewalkedwtta«4aBmtalr«itaa elarat daee, peaM ale way Bkreegk the thron giahered arwad it, aadatuad M paper In Baeratarjr Haatlaga h j d e . c tlula faaulr, OM a aal ea» dafl|htBr;tna form* ajatlaat • har faan ago, tolilai SHIS sstK ssaainil Haa,«sUo>- made nutim that tha ntnaast be ezfuged from tha mlwtae, argnlng that tat Hoasa alone wu Ma Judge ot tha M a n end aseo- Uwoflmaambart, anil Hart lie HsMrta tiiat no right toqnaatlon Teilefe Wa to Haawat afaar the BOOBS bad passed a p a r t , dart Attlaaoa, wk> aesMed Mr...HeaMawg at the alaaya raady to lil Ike gap af aaaal, ssst laa Oioaesn «ltt earioejsiy Mia eat ata> - ilwllUaghead. H e w i l l , siasaaw -Jf yomngaua, Mt torty-ssi eraaa ha wsaeallsdiawaytelread the neejeu skates ot itoo, to waloh (hua his tsarl aad ajaal SeoreUrtV ooek, the nil Speaker Balrd and the two Labor nan Toted with the Batublieaas, aad succeeded tn kasnaajlaa orotestoauerecord. And, oaths pea thai laeoo«f«slootaaloreT«UedwhU.lsx.Qrejg. was reading had made It iatpoasUias lot »ha nrsibsrslolirar It, thaaaajtatty y m n l i i l toaialtallBnsita>aKaaroraa^tellBA<itiatt maa bydlrsstlag aUI fl be teal seals trots tae atorehuyli test, aad, by aa Irony of fate, the funrika of readies; It tell lo tae lot ot Bouse Clark Atehsoa,«ao was oae ot taa moat deroted adsareats at Aabaa) la tka Ihroeg Alkteaoa siaaasad to ewallowMs lonajnatioa kag aanagh toaeaaeU threogh It, aad waaa ha h U kvU It eaUe haesane hinuaU Ue centre ot attracUnti by ejeindly oharglng that Beoreesry Beading, his Bapu*i Uoai taparka at las oast, bad aunpend with tha tally list A retail ol tae roll die- prond the dot's sss|Uoas, aad tat Tonof fons-oae to forty alaaad tha proSsaa tonear in tin II lieTllii|<iies»llste ras laesi fllnan, rrT—T-. w* waa al kits, waloh, raaaaagIan Mutual alt, astaa saohkaroo wta alt njaWaaUa atat all aha katiWn ahlllatlhs laaaiafl af has aeSBaaal pnfsal^sodall the Sander aartasgo: aha 'sonojl ot aurasa," proeeJ aaarallUg aad aa aartai wltk tha deptntag rays ot tae Ms- ' aaa,wMahaatas day«t astmaaaj , I.) waa gsoMag entaiaflsa. aaaiawr unssaAtaarauh. It wmi»Ii sell n aersa toemaewkowllsiiiiill ahaatJH•aaaul a corpsof seen, asareUag akoaeWtla aaaal- aarai Maj ntaaal eaailjtat resst, saaaaa] to laa kouat waere laser aeteeaea sastaa» oredorouerwae avMnal,!! aoslasjaasl, sa aaaHBMu.beo<lav>eXtBWt9asas( eriaBlft THJT otmivmrgAM n m i u Tba nan to aasapafroas Shua frieoa— Trastrated. they are naotdln taa Et«. tarns, Ita. Tb. readers of t i e Bulletin will theamelthe hawing before JasMos Kyle, the trial of aad theBWe Prisonasaleoce of the Tatersmgaag, (tivOatlts Esaaedr. Joha laagbarg, Was. Bpaer, aenrga Boss, JuaesErrfe), waoarokefarto tba store of B. B Eltchall, et Qlnniew.asar Boootoa, re- •orel and broke open the t>la,wbkti me artanrsrd found Intha Paaalo rinr Tea bearing took place In Hopkins' kjA before Justice Xjle, Got. I5lb, 1HS, and tha trial tho udeesttare ot em yean at toe January [IBM) tarm. There wars Bra conriolad, among them James a>ibs,wbotnmtd8tats<k a»Ui not, and wu aeattnoti to nine monies. Twooftht nng, WllHam Bptarsad John Ungbarg, sllai Letarenbtrg, plotted toaaaana tram tba Blate Frlaou, and ahe daring plot wsadlrooferei bf the haad-taantr, John H. FaUarton, Tnesday Aea result three of Ue plotters era eonlned in the dnngecn, and BBraral othrr prtsotura ttttptetad of being In the conrplnor will be punished The plot was hsUsball In Ihe crowded old mta wkg, wnan tbe keeper, UppcuoU, was murdered tba nUUWaliritssttsmptedtoeloape,andwbsra sa many as four men are confined In one call Ontnereport of a prisoner tha call oonpltd by William Spoor end John Langbtrg waa searched. Speer anl Langberx wsrkad In tb» nut sh p. Dytla ased there toeolor thaeaeoa stiandi tor pattarsa- They aad secreted snongh of this dyeto color twoenlla of prises clotbltur Bacb prisoner tuts two tultt, me to wearli tbt shop and tha other m Us cell, neaeman had worn theirctll solts to work and had'red their working etotnes black. They had ebo> /rled from tat mat shop In their dolalni, a little at a time, eaoogh ot the ooooa ttraadt it make a rope ladder •boat tthtj feet long. Tbe ktter and tha djri clolhlig win found ItnnTed inlbs » UuvUni th>» ot the call occupied by Bpeer and Ltngberg One end of tbe letter < provided with two books diseased portion of tbaesx. tueraiictiWoQ ____„„_„._ wajtocurei)e«fr.»,.ndtb.tHbyoDnitltn-|~ ^ ,.,.-,. tionel rem'dlee. iWfnpti la caused by an in-' Ae Iron wltb which the hooka wen made aimed onndltl'n of I bo mnmii lining of the' bed been wrenched tram tba closet In tie Knetachlan Tnue, When thle tube IB inuem-'M]i ed you ha.e a rumbling eound or Imperfect, ^. ^ pr(1|JMr who n n M ftt ssr.oftenraceiiwl by c i Urrh,whiobienothlnubut an Inusmed con Aiipee wen oUiterated, under hla striped f I aaaiaiaiBaa Th> Oaantt H. FXaaMB, " 1 " - * **•' srtjaaaiaMlutwila ttwW a*JH>ynrsy>tyaai« Mar* ilaju ftk lac tlula faaulr, OM ana l aalwayB of Kes.salnamaor.troraa nks m iaa« pail heareri wa Mjiaaai' IWrsaaaaas wereuun toBcjfcaway an. Wau hj- Hag Itsdagly coasejaat loanalagioadawasl- asst petti to ttlt e mb aaaejaat ataas to « • g e m awtsVls>lst>,wsntke Mk tamni hi aw llasaMll. lenngaoilt tae Iroaiaaw m caeuoeseioereec haa nsa tan _ aaounteiresuas (whaa taa aoowaai tad b e oouaaautedaad aoalwad ' ^~ * UBmuontk) Board and later aha tunaarauaUi tart aad (tsoUoa, a> ^ tntsqnlsruna^aiiewtJraoa^watslBaaaaaji ' natal, wbiobllloilad under tealHHnjl avj ahleraglnja ot artsilmatrslliai O«t fnead BBsapBu awalh bat sia SBenary Utsa-ejaa Urt lanaga i w i r n u l a l l u Hnslair data, aad we know thai aia auul auraorer, iltaa •lit Itotsoeaused Bad. tka Uaaa. W1ABDBM. Union Taxakaglrlaiaarrioaa efffl W . t s U Ike mebearlaa Ceu«ho.Ths«wty MrajdMrs.Wn.HaUaee,o< TUttd their eras Frank Hajatta eai Mia L a i n Heed Is <Wtag Maadt Sawirk. Kn. Bennett, ot Keantry, bolreroarrj al tall place, b flatting Mends Ja thtaVkaaat/. B A. HowsUand It Illlln Hi I email* Ike funeral ot hla Mehew, Cbarha M t a d t a storrtatown last weak. Mrs. W. K. Q. Bharp haa b a n •Bsanaaf some time alRswark. Hat. Dr. Bmllk attended tbe Ooagrsal of MlsaDiis held el Trantou but we*, ladlas rrUk. i i wearingthe haa. II laa girl. Uiannalaaa •UKdtrlmdelnBw hlarunBlldebrentla smile now that ha ererL _ Hal Emma Btak Tinted bar anal a l I t * Icrhlsstwaak .' Hr Chaa. Norton, of Rewark, waa aae goaatof John Hesse and family onr naar hUs Ida VUet baa been on tha slat bet for the put week, but la Improving; now ' 8lnx my last latter the death angel haa leak catared our mat, ttiLt tiiOHei Kre. Ksnoy, wife of V K. Woodralt,aahgad reatdan*. ot this place, to tn reward Baa Has been a Bbiffrer formany ysare, aaot WM a quist. unaauuluil christlati womau, who b«eb«trla,Uwllh«itamumi\ir. Barhnf beuid ud one duuhter, Hxs. Elijah Mills, ot Snnoutuuia, aurrira her Taa funeral atr- Tiiieewsren.UlatoalLE.Caoron oallaa- day,Rar. W.U Rhodaa offleUUng Tjuaf al at BocQutnma, '.Btarrslcnj ltaults. nomaletterwriuanbyBe.v.J.Si f D l a l l I l l l l this eitract. "I hare no heslutann In t v oommu l<ngDr King's Sew Miooiiry, at the resulb) ware almoal marrelool tn tha eaaa of my wife. Wblle I wat pastor of vat Baptist Church at Ulna Janotton she wan brought down with FMuaonla aooneed InglAUrippe. Terrihleparosyanitatoongh* Ing would lut hours with little bbermptta, and it teemed u If sat oou'd not rnrtira thorn. A frlnnd reoonciendgd Dr. Ebi|N| New Djaoorary; it wu quick In Its vrorlt and highly setlirectrry In resalts." TrleJ bsttlsl tree at Robert Klllgorc'e, Drug Stare, Dover, H. F. Orsoj * Oo %Drug Store, Fort (I

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    21 U>



    STUMrenKub&g" sailed lor osilraa. local notion

    flftmn ccr.» l»r in.

    r \ « W m R EOaUIER.

    Bcal Metals ami Inauran-1 Agent.

    (Woe orer The Oeo. Slcbarde Co 1 Btore,

    DOIIR. H. J

    Duplex tueau end Hot Water HeatMs. .ftar ar*mule of wrouslit boiler Iron two nonpar But

    i U l I r /ifltlT.il.jat-yrolir* »"»l

    l«; No kmjrH




    ^ J OftkeiDth ToneBulMIng,

    O v u J A. ITO»'»BTOM, DOVEB.M J

    Btuvoe end i'ot A r Funooon ot e\-Hstimre, Cuueir, Tta-were, OUUt,el*., Utulh snd&raatoo Ceil UHIS,nuriSukagoaleelend Herts 8

    I-AHBSO COOl'Wt,

    DOVER, M. J.Insurance Broker end OommiinlonK of Detde.

    i V , Me. Steam Bdltr, Employers' Lllbllllr and Lies Suck Iiiiurenoe, Our Insuraoce l u i r n Heal Bslale bought railKM on Oomnliisoa. i

    i-lKi> 0 CCHHINB.M » ,


    i n tmouUBi in m nuAtinjrrW anno.SUTISM •»•> u u u u u Dtautm

    Offioi on north, aide o< iHeciwell swat •«»slant W hat MM ot W e ™ itnrt,

    CaT. I.

    Henry W Killer, Henry 0 Pitney,AunnuaB Ball. FhW| ~CheiY Bwen,H.D Paul Rivers,Vdraand P Hater, John Taatekar.

    E TOBM SBUaUDiBSlej ^18BA\ HtO a » HAIB CDTTJSO 8A1O05,

    ^MANSION HOllSE, '- ,

    R. W1UJA«B.' ,, ,K A B O S 1BD8LATIR,

    __ J takru tor all kinds ot work Ina-11.. ot twinea) and the brat materlab

    " " *"'«$ Aatatn iSSu?*OOce Mar Central Depot. aMy

    f AKTIlt MJTH«R OCX,

    : or rusuo aoqoou

    t B t , DOVER, N

    | Homu. » »


    hapNiw J«n»»rifio!i ununoco

    , J0BS8OK, '

    HanfHlanr and Dtalar In

    jlwortlnllirtX-odarmnlte All work* tilt bitt orotr a»d prtori ntmuhla.

    DOVEB, S I

    . _ . _ _ . . ( * and IOWMC ntbt H. MAN8FIELD.


    enters • Buildersttor

    > ana^maMkis

    ag Promptly AttMatd to


    • INK

    (f& done


    >iil«; No kmjrHUM okeopatan, Easjtots ton of • torp mrt


    5AYIIIGS BANK,• O K R H T O W B . • • J .

    oORFOKATaD JiABnl M, l l ta .

    rneUant-HIrlHT W. H1LUEK.fl»-Pn*l«rt-AnRMJHa B. HULLHeerelary and h w u H L T. KOVb,


    $50 Worth *For $39.75.

    An actual faot—couldn't afford to give false values—it would

    ram oar basinees. Xliia m a iuo -reraaikab); fico— 5 piece

    Parlor Bait—il'ubsen taggoa 150 cnlil present sale, and it's

    *t£ fcoitu iiiat'piiut;—3ioas.tol|p grjUoldtered, Bilk plur.V

    trimming, eiqahlK colorings-all for 139.76. Fit (or AN7


    A Great Room!IsthlE, our "Bargain Doom "-now filled more than ever

    •etith hosdrrdB of broken sole, mwnfaotnrera' samples, etc—j

    •11 new and best makes—thoy'ro odd pieces tho1 and SAVE

    to go at and often BELOW cost Each orliole mdiked in plain

    figures—elip in some timo—it "ill p»y yon well—there are

    desks, bedroom suit*, chairs, tables, etc., eto.

    Tan " Portland Bango " Bells at n fast rate—it's funny, but

    our salesmen hitve less trouble to sell this famous range

    than > «1 choir—lti real »prlb etioln out all over it—we're,

    tho only loose where its carried. t

    73 Market Street,Near MiMjt . ._.. JJEWABKfN. J.

    l * . a t > 4 i , l Antr, aaaial aatarla ,̂BatmdariInn»A aTVillK n v a t v .fmmTtotr.a.

    a R.(&UOCRMO> n A. WronoN) •"

    .tin. DKALBB IK


    Tin, Copper' and Sheet IronHoofing, Ztno, Bheet Laid,LeadPipei.Pumpi.oto.


    Honte-HMtliig Bteun Gen*-

    , Tttor k iptoialty.

    A BEACON LIGHTIs noticeable -for its tfrit-liaocy-so are our Dlaaotds

    They shed their rays fort!with sucb effluence thatthey are the beacon lightsor the Jewelry Trade.

    Defender couldn't be a ,greater winner thaa oae ofoar Solitaire DhmoBd Rings i

    Tfce beauty and quality ofour goods are such that wefeel able to challenge,anyJeweler io Dover.

    J. W. KIRK,DOVER, N. J .


    CARPENTER 'm o - » . . , . . .


    BlookweU St., DOVEB, N. J.

    No contract loo large for my equipment' No contract too small for my pereatlent on

    I manage Repairs to Buildings nevery Tiratich

    I also do all Icfitfa ol Turning, Scroll

    H. van HorniTt OfferTHEIBESTOFFUBN1T0—

    OUR LEADERSin ladies' Shoes have beenforover 20 yearB made byLt-{nsberry,Matthewson &Co. South Norwalk, and H.W.rMerriam Shoe Co., ofNe*-ton. The prices rangefrrm$2.66 to $400 and inail widths from A to EE, andtl i f-^re so well known todj-. VWrftiontrd Tor their gen-eral good wear that the ne-cessity of keeping them is asgreat as bread is to a baker.Although Shoes have ad-vanced very rapidly in pricewe have decided to sell the^iajfs at old prices for JZpresent

    P. 0. BEAGAN,Opp. D. L. & W: R. R. Depot. DOVER, N. J.

    ITUI IIIfclB*



    Sack Suits,Properly eat a n itjlo« thu (all. We have them of onr own m»ke,

    of U» eboteni material".

    PUln u d rough hoed Cbeviote, Fancy OnesimoKB and Wonttda of

    nr dMigu go to make onr 8nit ttook an inviting placo for the barer.

    We u e sot offering oat Suits at 60o. on the 41. Neither would any

    otim hone if they had aaoh «oit» «8 oura. See onr loader

    At $10.00Compare it. Compare qnality, not jnco, with ADything to b« had

    any.bere. You'll bay hen.

    MoGREGOR Sc Co.,8 5 0 , 8 5 2 B R O A D S t . . . . . . N E W A R K . N . J .



    la,wbkti m eartanrsrd found In tha Paaalo rinr Teabearing took place In Hopkins' kjA beforeJustice Xjle, Got. I5lb, 1HS, and tha trial

    tho u d eesttare ot em yean at toe January[IBM) tarm. There wars Bra conriolad,among them James a>ibs,wbotnmtd8tatsOaantt H. FXaaMB," 1 — " - * * * • '

    srtjaaaiaMlutwila ttwW

    a*JH>ynrsy>tyaai« Mar* ilaju ftklac tlula faaulr, OM ana l


    of Kes.salnamaor.troraa nks m

    iaa« pail heareri w a Mjiaaai' IWrsaaaaaswereuun to Bcjfcaway an. Wau h j -Hag Itsdagly coasejaatloanalagioadawasl-asst petti to ttlt e


    aaaejaat ataas to « • g e mawtsVls>lst>,wsntke Mk

    tamni hi aw llasaMll.lenngaoilt tae Iroaiaaw mcaeuoeseioereec haa nsa tan _aaounteiresuas (whaa taa aoowaai tad b eoouaaautedaad aoalwad ' ^~ *

    UBmuontk) Board and later aha

    tunaarauaUi tart aad (tsoUoa, a> ^tntsqnlsruna^aiiewtJraoa^watslBaaaaaji 'natal, wbiobllloilad under tealHHnjl avjahleraglnja ot artsilmatrslliai O«t fneadBBsapB u awalh bat sia SBenary Utsa-ejaaUrt lanaga i w i r n u l a l l u Hnslair data,aad we know thai aia auul auraorer, iltaa• l i t Ito tsoeaused Bad. tka Uaaa.

    W1ABDBM.Union Taxakaglrlaiaarrioaa efffl W.tsU

    • Ike mebearlaa Ceu«ho.Ths«wtyMrajdMrs.Wn.HaUaee,o<

    TUttd their eras Frank Hajatta ea i

    Mia L a i n Heed Is

  • THEFriday, Nov. 29.1895.



    My Lrrd Uuiiravcn may l.o doRcient [itAbility to JTHM fl i l .w yacht fu ter than theother fellow's swifter loot, and may possiblyha injudicious In IIIH metbodn of kicking atdefcat, li-ut hitvui.ta. Tliu fi

    vlaiiic ,o!M«prr York YaclitClub.liU-A inrtlMruent of tha tu os a set ot roarlt

    v roaring [urnico neven

    Cullle (.l)*lie kin."

    vho hnro U-un trying to Iroesinr* arrive at the absolute zero <JIJ tackle Dunraven. Aa Cap'njfv

  • EH&.Friday, Nov. 29,1895.

    J^Bnterer i at the I'ost Offloe at Dover, H. J,isoond-olflM matter.


    Congress ooiiveueB tbe first Monday In Da-soiber.There mam great rumpua In the meat busl-

    B6» Iu Durer laat Saturday.F-bter F. Birch will build a row of flve

    on Myrtle avenue.Tbe COIHIT ntcne of tbe new Baptist Cburcb

    ill] belaid Bund ay afternoon.fielghSMll be received for shlpuunton

    be Morris canal after tbo 27tb.The Dovurlrou Works are abut down thl

    [.excepting tfae rivet mill,It it ould be dlillcult to oame a mora charm

    >g Thanksgiving Day than yesterday.Tbe bottling works of Cawleyfi: Co. bavi

    been thoroughly renovated anil rupafntcd,The anniversary or Plute Trlbo will b» op

    iroprlately observed ou tbeOtb. of December'Billy" Williams Is bobbllOR abuut with a

    uro foot, resulting from bli now trotter atepit; on it.

    TUB Jury In tha Freblll-Jemll murdtr rasoElfubeth rtturued a verdict of nmi

    slaughter.The Lackawanna now eel's twenty sing]

    j-lp tickets between Murrlalown and Ke<fork for 110.Tbe ofllrere of the Grout Council Improved1. B. M. will vlt.lt PIutoTrlboon the eveningf December U3d.Thursday, December filb will be Jersey Day,

    Atlanta, and Governor WerU aud bl,ittfl will go down.

    The ?lre and Laropi CommltUe are placinga Ore plug at tbe corner of Myrtle avintd Pacealo etroet.

    E. H. Collinf, formerly of Madison andSummit, is now the city editor of the NewJeney Herald at Elizabeth.

    The peach growers of Sussex county willhold a. meeting at Deokertowii to-morrow totwin a count; asBoalatlon.

    Tha lecture (u Grace Church last Friday'l(W«TC»MWWli»^-" i run '""" attended

    nnd tb i uudieQW blgbly plmsd.It Ii deelrod ibat all wambera of Morrii

    attend the

    Messrs. Waerand Peters ba.ve purchasedatotherttam from Barton Smith, tbelr iicreaaluR bus-neta necessitating two toatm.

    Mr, and Mr*. F. 0 . Pyles, of Dackettstown,will hereafter make their homo .l report for (he year 18!H.

    auleoaccompanied by ageologlcil mspofValley of tho PanalobyBollin D. Sulla-

    The Coinnilislonem of Appeal* for Run-al|ih>to(rnsblp met at the Mansion House oaucsdny, and there frere quite a number of,i|)Qjeif wbo uBhed fur a rrfuctlon. Tbs

    imlBsloueii will give tbelr decision to-day

    Ot tbo 6W.5SS population of Morrfi county,300are between the agtm of 5 and 8. Of

    number, 1,7M are atteoding privateuol», 3,5^3 are not at any ecbool, 44, overi ytan of age,' ore not able t'i r*ad, 142,l e r lS j can old, are working in anopsorK8t'£i7 are colored. •.

    Wedntiday night fuur atcera belonging toB. Iticbuidi bit ks out of confiiieruent and

    indercd over to the Lackawanna tracks. AIjht imiii" b«moT»ianfana Btruo^lbreo'or

    One was klilri! outright and badlymangled, one bad a leg hroken, end a thirdbad Its nose erntbfd off by the car wheela.

    .The. opening of tbo meat department 1°in & Co'a store last Saturday ciusod

    tore ezolteirtnt than a circus - There waa aeifect ctusHot bujerr, aod to a carnal vJfltorwould.have Be«ined a i ibncgU meat bad

    r been sold la Davpr before. \% was thalets and the way they had been advertised

    IKW the"crowd, ' ' ', ••

    Wacr & Peters' new team cime noar cam-ag aulcids Wednesday inorniug. Theybacked up to tbe frfjjht house whe a

    »1 train came a'ong, the nolae df.nblcbIghteued them, nod they etirted to runnay.: They collided with the moving train

    Hope Lodge, Ha. 203, Brotherhood cf Rill-io«d Trainuicio, will bold tUoIr annual ball lathu Armory ac this place on the evening of'anuary Itltb. TbeprDowdsarefortbe bent-fit cf the sick and disabled membon. ,.'

    ArraDgemeuts are being made to have •Morris County delegation go down to Tren-on to th'e i. . £ " > ^ n ^ r i i w p r n o r Qrlggf.here are tu u. /.J^B^f^fflB^orrt* tbat

    tbe trip cm ho iu«do men chwply If thoy allgo la a body.

    lijnoBDll.oneof the bones of whlcuJer-ymen are proud, and owned by Col. Bur-;»', ot Klemington, won over $7,000 In

    wites for his owner Ihis year. HB made arecord of 2.10.V and It 1B thought that he will

    3 belW noit seaion.Miss May Cornell, the vloctitlonlst cf

    Brooklyn, baa kindly consented to take parttbe entertainment at Biker Optra Hou««

    next Fiiday night. Miss Cornell I* one ofthe bett elocutionists that bas ever appearedi Dover,TbB HaUpy Island Land Corapanj, of Lakerpatcon^, has etfeted the following Board

    of Dlreutora for the eneulug year: William E.KiDR, J. S. Ulggi, L D. Bchwaru, R. 8. Pen-niman, Eugens Troxell, 0. B. Hodman and

    omen U. Neighbour.Jubu H. KBEW, PreMdnnt of tbe Firemen'snaurance Company, of Newark, died at 13:80

    /deck Turslay . morning. He was pro*-l»y typhoid lover a couplaaf weeiisgo.

    He rallied several times, but tali age wasgainst him. He waiT4 jeareoia.People dulling Lake Hopatcong last sum-or will remember that on tbo White Linend Zuok awamer were engineers B. W.

    Klnjt, "ho died a few week ego at Ledge-wood j CImrltB Dliaraherlaln, who died lastuctdayat Mlunl>lnk, and Wni. Tumey, whoyet alive, lies at the point of death at Port

    Oram, To people who btllre that fatalitieso by threes will lnvetUeiroplolcuastreottb-meJ by this chain of deaths.

    d doe of tbe horuei wns thrown doirirlonately escaped the oar irbpcla. .

    , but

    ement In Tumday'o paperat tbe Betbltbom Iron Company badired a Russian contract for 1,803 tons oflor plate against fourteen tarn\gn oompcti-i,.'bus national alRniflcsncs, Wa Amorl-B can compete with the world, and je tbetter wages than uthnr nations if tvs try,

    ii contract will keep tin. works wblcb em-oj 2,'JCO men, luay ayear, when olberwise

    k waagattlngelacfc. ' .

    'rcuboldtr John 0 . Smith went bantingt Friday and got a spwlcs of Rams that bos not looking for.' Aa n» was trbuipiogougb tbe woodi at Liwer Lingwood hen, ho was approached b j Aut. B plntendect Joseph ¥. MuLesn, aril luforaodthat be hai bulUr RUU tjupt IClul obuut putting that building ll^ro, ortliero would likelybatrouble at>auc it Ho Mr. Ciwdrey i

    soeMr. Cox It bu would return the leasemoney, but Mr. Ooi refusol. Tnurn

    alug Uwars. CuwJroy, Cux a d Kielseiublod at the pilot leusM, and Mr. Kielconcluded rattier tban bu?utrittlu*)'er'sollloesquat then; he would talco thu liaijbiniFelfand paid Mr. Co* drey ihe fir,. Tbm Cout tbrea minute*, andcame down jn tlio n'aos In an inutant

    Large trees woro upwotod, uirrted a greatKstatico ami t-irn t/i plee«». A portion nfthe roof of tbe Klrkpntrick Mtinorial Cburuhwas torn ull und the liujjdi-fg othornifs 'lam-aged. A vaoMit hoiifo'belf>ngit>jr/td*IUctiB,ra'Wlltlnnuonr/aii lilnviKivcr, Tbo haudiome

    if Dr. Peter Yciipj? was Iwdly damnd several oiitliuilding* belonging tJ

    Samuel Huinm«ra WITA wrecked.Tbe old Amtell Acmicmy, which was builti 1S0O of lmtiiL>na« Bt«ro«, und hai ihn ap-

    of a forlrpsi ra'hnp than an i?*l-.t\ U ii'-w u^ed as c ' IT- '/fc^-ft; * * R..J,

    bins, nha taja tbut he fora ttio torendo strucktbw building Blie «nn stai-tled by a node re'Btmblipg the firing of a cannon. Tblswasfollowed by a ruuiblinfc uound wblcb lastedmore thin two IUIIIUUH, durlug which timethe bulldloji mis unroof«J and tbe obluiQaycame down wltb a cranh ou a bed In tbewoma-j's theplng room. Lirga Btonca weretorn from the bullling aud carried fully onehundred ftot,

    Tbe roof on Mrs. K. 13. Larhon'd dwellingwas torn oft, and nttio larffo wheat stacks be-IUDKIUK to William Brewer were lifted highinto the air aud strewn ovur the ground tor ap,rcatdistance, Huudred* ot wludoir psnosin various parts of the town were broken.Thare was no loss (f life.

    Uttell ' i Living Ajre for 1398The announcement of a reduolion In tbe

    prlco of tbis famoui cclectlu from elabt itol*!ar* toaUilollnrnH yenr will prove ui more

    i vsunl lut^ioet to 1 ivemof cbole'a litera-ture. Founded In 1̂ 44, It >>l)l BOOH enter i'aflf ly-tlilrd year ot a continuous and luccosa-ful career seldom equalled.

    Tbit Btandard weolly Is tbt oldest, as it Isthe belt, concentration of ohMce periolioilliterature prlntedlntiiUcountry, TODBB nliodetlre a thorough cjmpecdmin of all that laadmlrabb and noteworthy in ths literaryworld will be ninred the trouble of walingthrough the B°a of reviews and magadneapubllsbed abroad ; for they will Owl the en-

    inae uf all compacted aud concentrated here.To those whose meant ere limited It must

    meet with espuclal favor, tor It ofTem (bumwbat could not othuhvUe'bB nbtaihed eicejitby a large oullny. IutelUgfint reiders wbowant to tavH time and inouej v)h.> Hud ItInvaluable.

    Tbe prospectus, printed ia anothar columnebould be examined by all In selecting theirp-rlcdlcalB for the new year. For tbe amount

    quality of the reading f urn lined, the newprice makes Tbe Living Age tbo cheaveut aawtll ai the best literary wtwbly ID existence.Reduced dubMng rates with other periodicalsoffer ititl grontor Indue mentt>, and to newsubscribers remitting now for tbo year 180C,the intervening nnml'ernot 1801 will bgsentgratis. Litlell & Oo., BOJ'-OO, arc the pub-lishers, - v

    SrAETLKD TUB OLD I^ADT."Wben Mount Tabor was first taken poa-

    aeatlon of by the Newark conference of tbeMotbodiat Ejibcopal Church," aald a clergy-man of tbat denomination recently, "we badlittla money wltb wblcb to olfar op tbeprounde and erect the first buildings neces-sary. After putting up a aortof open airpavilion in which tbe preaching urvlicould be held, we began to o u t around foriomo buildings where transient gueata mightnlgbt be aocommodated,

    "The structure resulting from tbiailty w&n st to tbe exigencies o(bo momrnt, and a two-fold educatlou&l adranttge Is thsialiy gclued. Added iaterest is

    Ions, while a boo! thy lot«rect In the greatmovements uf oar own day is foft-rei, Thefollowing examination paper waa recentlypresented to tbe Rugby students:

    1 D scribe tba east and wed c^ait route*iBcmlmid. Glwe an account of tiii " IU00

    for tbe North "Where are tho following placet, and

    with wbat recent eventa are tbey oonnecte'l 1Foocbnw, Madagarcar, Bods, Cuba,Congo?

    0. Wiiat da jou know of tbe fallowing;Khurna, Co). Bherrfiiton, Neurul^b Khan,BhurAfsul.

    1. Explain the Cabinet, Privy Council,Spiritual Peer.. .

    S Wbat was the bu-fnest done In the la*tH»[onof Parliament) Wbo are at i>re*ent

    Bpenkcr, Colonial Becretary, Foreign Secre-tary t What offices are held by Ur. Ooaoben,Lord Lansdowne, Ur. Longt

    0. An account of the races for the Amer-ica's Cup

    7. What are the present dlftloulUee In Ar-maut* f DeKribe the situation.

    Ttio value of tlie tmthod of Instruction II-tistrateJ above depends to a large extentilton tba discretion of tbe teachero by whom

    It Is applied. InItsbroideat aspect, hjwever,It Ia worthy of approval, and ita adaption bytha toboola of tbia country can wall be recom-mended, Young boys ant girl* should notinly be encouraged to read newspapers, but;bey should bsiauiht to real them In mch •

    >y that thn dally press may become an Im-portant ndjuact to their Intelleotual pro-gn)M, Tbe newapapen sire the omuls ofcontemporary blitory. I t will be a^itep Inadvance whin their Importance In educational

    ork Is full j realised and the re il l u t kmm t d e s buia for practical Instruct! in - World.

    A Noted Hotel to be Bold.Tbe hotel In Nuwtou known rn the Cochraa

    latobu sold next moutb tjctosatheBtoteof the lota Ur. R A. SliPppard. It ii

    oueof tbe old landnio.rU of tbe town. Uponlts which It occupltsaa ton tianbecD kept

    ever since the beginning of tbluft"lu Kewton.Very early in I's hltUiry tbo iimpriefrirwaBIsaao Bs-Bitt. He xns succeeded by KitbanPrake-uml tba place will he rcnieiubarwl byome old travelers na Draku'iiTavurn. Denits Coebran beciuie Involved in I8il, and

    kept Ihe bouse continually for twenty Ovayears. Fora long period it wai Democraticbtadquartvrii, In tbe days when Martin Byer-

    m, Jobu TontBdir), Martin Cole, Richard£. EtUll,Tjomc i Liwnice, R b.'rt Hbiull-toti and Morria It. Hamilton were prominentIn tbt councils of tha Utmocraoj. It was Ibo(topping place for XaPast Obloe at Dover, If. J ,

    OoviR, N. J., Nov. 20,1603.__ Andwron, Edmund E. Bice,

    Mrs, Marv L. fiayley, Mrs, Auautt Johoson,sin. K. S. N«d, Her. T. I. Rowe, ''Slnctritr," Ur Boltbaa HoUarrer.To obtain any of the above letter* uj " kd-

    vertbM » and SIve date of this list.W l i POLLARD. P. If.

    WANTED.Girl lor housework ID a small family. Hurt

    untlcntand cooking thoroughly, rjood ws«paid to one qualified.

    Enquire At Plereon & Co.'s Blon.

    Wanted.A girl for general housework.

    Apply at ths \

    IROU ERA. 0FF10E.

    Dog" Lost.On Tuearfay flvanlnn, a eolllo dog pup from In

    front or inr •tore. Answers to the namoof I• -lUM-al rswBrd will be paid for hU return.

    UIS3 NOLAN,BUckweU street,

    Dover, N.J.

    To Whom It May Concern.Mj wife Lucretla Vt. Pcttlnger laving left my

    «d a.od board I give notice to all person! not Iotrust tier on my account MI will pay no debU ofiBrcontracUug. .




    M U S I C

    So. 609 Broad St.,

    OPP. THTHITT entmen,

    K E W A B K , K- J .

    -Jnc tw l„ to tbe

    Rietlioda ot tho princi-pal European Conawv*-torlce. Faculty conIKwed of foreign edicaUxl muAldanB nnl e a d i n g AmerJoa._teachers. A Seminaryfor the edncaUon oft«och«ra. Free liar-

    my ataeaea; Lectures;. . Jrorta br teaeliera andpupils. Our graduate!BWoeupjIuKpromlni-atposition. In the profes-sion. ThorougliworklnevMTflouartmeut. Sendfor clmiUrs.

    F. a BA*5l.a.


    HOME . TALENTtor tbe benefit of the Uniform Fund of Vigi-

    lant Engine Co. No. 3 will bo held in





    Thta part will end wltb the1 most langbablothetcb ever produced In tbis town entitled

    'Andy Wright as an Actor"PAHT SECOND




    MISS CORNELL,Tbe rlocutlonl.t, will rend K number of choicenelootions, tbe part will end with R, laughablefarce, tbe character! to be taken by tnembsraof ths company

    3SCAdmission - -I A U . BEATS aE3EBVED]

    fiox ofOce will be op«ned for tbe eicbaoieof ticket, on Tue.dar, Qeacmbcrad, at 1-Sti rK. Utw thai . ! KUlJor,'. Drug atOT,'


    DOVER, N. J.












    Ed. L. Dickerson,DOYER,N,J.

    Two Great Specials- IN-

    CLOAKS«=We secured Ibis week at a great sabrifioe to thecbak maker % luge loft

    of Jackets tbat sold two weeks ago bom $7.00 to IS.OO.

    We offer lot No. 1 at

    Jackets that aold from»76O to $9.00. We oflerlot No. 2 at

    $6.49All New Goods in

    all Wool Beaver* andBough Cheviot*. Bip-pie Backs and difler-ent style frontt, some.with velvet collars,and all the very lateststyles.


    50-inch German Storm Serge in Navy and Black only 49c50-inch Heavy Diagonal Worsted la Navy and Black only

    75c.a yd.

    30-inch Plush Capes, Martin trimmed $11.5030-inch Plush Capes, Seal trimmed $10.5030-inch Astrachan Cloth $10.0030-inch Astrachan Fur $.5.0030-inch Persian Lamb $19.00

    30-inch French Seal $25.00Ladies' Jackets from $5.00 to $18.00

    Wm. H. Baker Store Oo.


    Pooilj ttid WorLir. titruggling FiHare Ell.U in*—Four CtuU * D»Jloved I'rUuuen Fur Tbolr Labor-FreeMen Must Moot I t or HUu-ve.

    A Lnmlon toni't-poiidoDt writes:eommitoiou of inquiry has beeii bittiiID LOUIJOH for trout) lima post to inven-tlgato into the (nifntioii of tho Importtloii of pripou nuiiio goods. oni'Ji uii iO'vestifutiun gas right to tbo very ker-Del, tho cms, of tlio (rea trndo position,Thu -working punplo in thin conntryoverwhelms! with tiisution and etrnggliug to livo nu & Gimill wage, baio begnu to cry nut URainst tills wretchedfijetciii which allows good* niaric lu for'cigu iiricnufl to Im thifped (o Eiifjlumas a dumping ground mid to enter iucompel itiou with Eiiuilor gooda niahere It :s hntd euodgh to got n l i v l fill England lit tho test of times, but thidiOlooJiy is increased a thousandfoldon urliw;m lins to compnte with a crim:Dal \vorkntiui, -who is luiid prnotieul'nothing for IIIH l«tor nnil whore thetnto loiids htm all tho aid possibleWhnt diniici) cun iiuy ono hnvo deach circmiistiinuo?, nut] it is not to biwontiwed ut that tho British opurothLas begun ta kick nt lust against a mierallo system that nllo\vn him to bcrashed out of oxintencc

    Colonel Howard Vincent, 1L P. forB division of Shofllelil, tho grea lcenter iu England, lifts starved on theoommihslflu and retired from it partla disgust

    Tho evidence wofl overwhelmingngatiist tho oontimunco of the systemof ftco importation. Iu liolgima it wassaid that quite 00 per cent of the prlixnndo giwdH were font to tho Englishmarket, while 4 cents jier dny was al-lowed to tlio inmates of tho prisons fttholr labor.

    rourcuntHn day wages 1 How wonldan American operative liko Uiflt? Batyotthat is tho logical outcome of free imports. During tho hint four uionthaappenrs thitt tho importa from Belgiumof them lnnntidicturDfl hiwe hioreased700 pur cent. A ooiwidernblo iimnberworking men hum bocu deprivodof the!nmployiiiwit and of fall wages b y t hford^u conifet'.tloii, Jinny of the mi)uu uuv uvurii^i) moib liiuu 6 to 6 tnil-lings Qwctik (§1.20 to $1.50).

    'Iho Bocrelnry of (ho operative bruah-makara fiuid:' "Ruin practically atartflna In tho face Tho main Bngpesttons (my Euoiuly tiro (o prohibit prison matgooJa Icing taut hera " A momber *the London comity connoilond amut<brtifihnjakor Bald: "There JB a itrosjfocliuK uniong not only moetcra batthat tho eoinpotition cf prison ugoods with fico labor In England iifair. Tlio connuiner in deceivedprejudiced, UH well as tha trade par-ohnser."

    Tho secretary of tbo Mbranoh of urashinnhcra eaid, "Wamid not loworwiifioa enflloiontto meettorolgu prison competition. l a order todo that wo should havo to do without•wagQ3." Another roprouontutive of themat industry mill that throe men outfonriiro (standing id la. Be h&d been intho mat ttadn for 20 years and had n«T-ftr Bceu it BO hud an tho past two years.

    Surveyor frncrnl R. T. Churchill oftho triT.il scrvico HO id, " I t IB oortnlnlymy opinion Unit tlio importation of pris-on uudo goods ia iujDriouatothomaan-fcotnrcra auil luhor intoreata ID thiscountry aud ebould, in my opinion, Istopped lit passible.M

    Yet. in face of nil I l ia and nraohiimilar OTidoncovro have tho OolidenB'reo Trado club, eponkiug through thomonth of Lord Farrar, declaiming thi"tho working oliusca in England wouldgain and not IOEO by the Importation oftliot-o prison mode goods, and that matsand siinilur lines affected oonld ba madahero us cheap as abroad. The itoppage

    - of. pri^'.a jnnrjft coods van wrong wo-uomlcally, Eoulally and morally." Ttcra-Bands of EngliBli operatlTOfl have laidthat Lord Furrnr is either a fool or aninfernal knave, nud that bis writing fsdomanblo. Let him go and talk to thoBtarring matmakera who are earnlDg#l .aGto$1.60uwcck, I fancy ho wouldnot repeat tho -visit 1 Such adTouao/ isreally another uail in th» ooffla of Gob-dculBtn and fiuo trada

    Tho British workJngman Is attrojigproteatiualst nhoroTer bis OWD trade Isconcerned, Tho trade anionj here »rebocoming moro powerful orery daythey aro dlstiuctly proteotionist Theseprison goods nro regarded nil over Eng-land by workmen as unfair oompatltlonand a spooies of hittiag bolow the beltWhat haa happened to one trade ma.Just u well befall another.

    No Work, K» Honw.

    Tollor—Ycu may la tint*make u good iuaomo, bat yon will n>be rich.

    yoangMnn—Eh? V?bynot?Fortuno Teller—Yon aro not saving.

    Ton ore wasteful.Young Man—My, my, I'm arxkid

    that is trnol Ton havo a wonderfulgift I Bow did yon know I was wait*Fol?

    Fortune Tollor—You Imve Jnst wot'ed 0 Bhilliuga Kottiuy jour foitoae told.—Xjocdoa Tit-Bits.

    A l*t% Ilftndtd Omfc"Do yon andorstand IVtinoh, Jtokf

    Bfiked au Allcghany young man of blaohntn.

    "A little.""Then perhaps yoa can help me.

    Miss Nortiiside told mo lost night thatX was Don peisona grata, aud I wonldlike to know what sort of a complimanishe meant to bestow upon me."—Pittjbaig Ohrouicb-Idegraph.

    - Thero is no work of gonltu -which bu'cot beon the dolfght of mnnldna, no(word of gQulas to wliiuh the humanhoort and soul havo not, sooner or later,!rosponded, —LowolL

    It 1B eald that among the Mextauipopnlaoe thero Is an idoa that the l l d !wanu men of tbo approach of awrptnt

    A homo of (on rooms In Fompelt Ithe]builder noorlj 15,000.


    MIXTUREf ̂ ^

    Every pipe stampedDUKES MIXTURE

    'oz. PACKAGES 5 *

    The OnlyGreat and thoroughly re-liable building-up nicdicine,nerve tonic, vitalizcr aud

    BloodPurifier |

    Before the people today, and !which stands preeminently jabove all other medicines, is


    It has won its hold upon the jhearts of the people by itsown absolute intrinsic merit, jIt is not what we say, but |what H o o d ' s Sarsaparilla \does that tells the story:— j

    Hood's CuresEven when all other prepar-ations and prescriptions fail.

    " I had a sore on my face which Ifeared was eryalpolai, I could not getanything to euro it until I ncut and got• bottleol Hood's Haraaparills. I tooktwo bottles of thin medic!no and woicored. My lion had a nore on his neck

    Jand llood'i exited him.I* EWAX| Bonghrr, No


    Get HOOD'S^ro tasteless, mllil. ellco-

    m i[Uirli1ynilii C

    Oriental Pile OintmentCures Piles.

    ' Fur IHIii'ii >:•.iu liv lii^ialhiK Il:>it Ihdr

    Mr™ Nirtlilutj U JIIMViisujiiml, SlmuWIK.' it.HCfl »'!(!] tllL' [Illc Ill|lt'.

    DriiuitlM" *;i'iii'Kiltj it'll it nii'l HIBCNElTiHirif. ('• N. Cnirn:NTON, Noiv

    . Viirk, WIIOIL'SHIC Auciii.

    mw) fo

    P o r Gift BQCOOMOH,Having tbo nwJed wprlt tn

    raslce gotd all the Arirertlitng (them, the following four rPmwlius Imvorpecbwl 6 plipnonifiihl (tain. !>r. Kit;g'n NowDlworer; , for consumption, C u r t i s nndColdo, each bottle guaranteed-Electric Bitten, tho great remedy fur Llvar, Htnnnoh

    'jlfrineya Buctlen'n Arnica Baivo, tin,1>Mt hi Uie world, *!iit|;li Cure IH Justly

    entitled to tho prniao it in receivlug.Wherever Introduced, it lias proven fteeir themmt reliable remedy known for ctnigliB.culda,

    Mnem, whoopiti gcough, brouuhkli, sorn-of tho lungs, ami evory bind of a cough

    from a araplle cold to Incipient consumptionPurelyregetablo. Alwajs rt'llatileandefToc.Uve. For si lent 25 and .We. per bottle atIloiiert Klllgnre's Corner Ilriig Store, Tiovor

    Buoklen'B Arnica Salve,The Beat Balve In the world for Cut*,

    Brut**, Horw., Ulwra, Bait K he urn, Fever.Boras, Tettor, Chappsd bandx, Chllblafue,Corns and all Bkin EmptluiiR, and positivelycures Plies, or an pay required. Itia guaran-teed to giro perfect eatlsfaotloa or money re-funded. PriceSi5centa perbox. ForseiobyRobert Klllgore, Druggist, Duver, R. F,Ortm&Co., Port Cram, F, M. Jeiiklm,Cbtrt«r, N. J.

    £ r . Hale'a Homehold Teaa pleaeant bcrb drlnb, which positively

    cures Dyspepsia, Liver complaint nnd nil Kid-ney dlteaie*. Ono doaa a day tutea at bed-timo don the buslnera. 35 and 50c. por pack-age. Oet it today at Ilobcrt KIIIgoro'BCorner Drag Store, Dovor.

    Dr. Van C. Dull, a graduate or the HowYork OJlege of Veterinary Burgeons, hatopened an office in the Perk Hotel, Dlnckwell• tnet , ftoJ la rtady to amiiror calls from ona-e n of stock who need the serTices of a flrst-olaH TtterlnarUn.


    T 5 L - . . BEST PIANO

    DESCRIPTIVE CUTILOGUE BT MS!L FREE,nrm$ tf pagntnt (o tuff rtatonabUrtqiiinmtnt*.


    OOLLIOE. Newark. N. a.

    emxto[emis,piivireR7flaadc(lranot eicelled hyaoy Innlltiitlnn Ini » 8S8JDROAP 8 T B E K T fOTer entrwoe to Urn Central H. It. of."NTj. depot.



    DCALKEB IK_ _ . _ P I K E , BPBUOE, HEM-lllllDkD * **O0K, CHESTNUT and


    Lebigh and Scranton Goal.lloMsionoci "Wood

    in blocks or jrplit,ULACKWELL STREET, •:• DOVER, N. J,

    adnK placed Dew Bam In the Mill we Arcympareit U> do all kluda of Mwlng,

    Notice of Settlement.. . . t lce lahereby jrlven Unit the account ot the

    subaniber, tiecu'.on. of Henry Balirr, decc«B«l.will bo audited nnd stated b r tho HurroRate, andreportMl for settlement to the Orpliana" Court oftKtCountjr of Morris, on Monday, Uie tixth day of

    8 IT

    WtiJJAk II. lUiin,AuriBKW K. BAHCH,TnonAsIt. durrciD





    250. PER DOZEN UP.

    Tlmt can't Iw 0li> puled Hi fit I kt™|> tlie Ifirp-nlnnd Hiunt stock «r Wini-a and M'juom In tliiicounty. Mr Ktiuk Is » nelwl ilniiof Iiltwon.flnldei•\Vfclil.nc. Old Crow, Mnrylnnd Cliili, HIKII'IIIUIIlluckmon.', iMnioul. MoiioDpiiitln nnd Kent tick'Clubs prices nmj;lTiK from Hfcj. a rm,XD.lB»

    Qtnr MnrroN, Bol'r.T=> V rfrtue of Uie abote stated writ of fieri facia*° in my hands, I shall eipo*e for silo Btp-itjUoTcndue at the Court House- In Horrlstown, S, J.,

    MONDAY, the 10th day of December nest,A. D. IMS. between the houn of U M. and 5o'clock P. 91., ttiAt In to aay at 2 o'clock In tbeafternoon of laldday, all that certain tract or par-cel of land and premise*, illuate. ljlng aud belozIn the Ton-tutblp of Rockavaj, in tha County o\lr.^_l_H..A d i l l * r f * • ~ _ t._1 a,

    — „ Jreeo, Commlslonerfl. 4c. ,by deed dated June 1,1BQD, and recorded In IIorrisCounty Itecord of Deeds, In Book B, IS, on pages^£u ,and the rcuVdwr ibedufo l lowa :

    M n j part of a oertain lot of land described Indeed from John Mott to BatnMl C. Herrltt, date*August o.IBM,and reoordedIn the Morris CountyItecord ot Deeds, In Book L, 4, on pages. 833. etc.,and also conreyed to John D. Jackson, by doetfrom said Samuel a Merritt and wife and others.dated JUDB ISth. 1BS7, and recorded In said lteoonOf Deeds, In took 0,11, on pages IIS, 4o.

    BeglnnlaR nt t i e first corner of the whole- lot Inthe middle ottha road that lead* from Roekawayto Franklin, and runs thence south, seventeen anda half degrecseait, tbreo chains and fourteen linksoJonjctbemfddleof mid road to a point therein;thence (3) north, tilly-two degreea t u t six chainsand thirty-seven links Ut a i t u e and itonee for acomer; thence (Sj north, seventeen and a halt de-

    Test three chains and foorteco links'i tlio lino of land! of tho Morris and I

    _ . _ _ d Oompantwo degrees weat —--„tlilrtysoven ltaki to Ute^ Containing twoacrer -

    " " " " • " "

    Sheriff's Sale.Ix CniNCTBT nr NKW Jngir.

    letreen Byron K. PUetloind OcorfoW. SUckhsFxccutors ot U&nubai K. Stickle, dee'd, com-plalnanU and Jerembdi Sexton and K a n r e t

    BA. D. 1800. Qtnr Bnnow.Borr .

    Y virtue of lha above stated writ of fieri faciasIn my hands. I shall expose for sale a t pub-

    lic rendue a t lha Court Hoosa In Horristown, N.

    oftcrnUn> lying and being

    .. In the County of;a Etate of New Jersey, end being the urao prern-s wlilch were con tryfd to thn mid Jeremiah

    Rcxton by Oornellua Itonrks and wife, by deeddaltd July SiUb, I8TS, and batted and boucdM u[ollotriu to-wlt:

    "?irlniUnB at Uie fourth comer of • totnflnndL'b the said Comrtlui It our re and wife con-si to Hargarrt Ranahan, by Ami dated May

    .... 1O, and which euro IT U in the road leadlnlrfrom Mount HnmirttollMut Hope, and runningicnce (1) north, forty-two drgreea wert along in

    lie Uilnl linp or thi- said lEanahan-s lot, tiro chainsmd nxtv-flre Unkn to a stake itanitng Uwrt> n •lence (il north, fifty-four degrees eas£ aereoty-Ix llnkh io a stone lienn j thence (8) Math, forty,

    two1 dem-H eait, two clisJni and dghtynlno linksto tlw afoiwaid road; thtnee (A) south, QftytlghtdroTveii ami forty mlnntei west alor..- In the afore-Mid road, forty-eight linkt j tbence {ft south, eigh-ty-nine drgmes wtet still along in the W*efid

    awl, thlrty-riTi> llnha to tic fkee ofbrglnnlng.Ooatalnlnj: twenty-one hundredth! or an acn,

    tho lundicapo urchltool, myetorlously ilinppoared from Now York Hunry Irv-ing delivered a locturo on "Mai-lioth" InNow I'orlc heforo thu studonts o( Coluni-bla collngu Tlio Hnnulgnn murdor cafiOWAS BiiiuiDod up on both BIIICS la NuwYork——Thme Auntrlnn wnrwlilpa, re-cently onlnrua u> prujiaro for Borvico inoonneotlon with tho Turklfih trouljirshaVB nailed for tlio ^goan Advicmfrom Cuba aro \o tho tfftict tlmt tho inaurgei1 leadoru hare order oil the destruc-tion of all sngnr pli.ctatltim fouDd 1~oparaUon Jobcz Spencer Bnlfournntlia other defeiidnnte, with tlio oioopt'onof Dibley, v/ete found gjllty in tlio Li.tidAllotniont company ciisoa Anthony SIKule o( Ilronklyii "nd three other .Amerlcan oltlzens wero kldnnjiinl nt Inn^un, Itths Bahama*, by British marinesOfer 1,000 Indlanr. HoiiuhllcniiB mot ntIndlnnapolls nnd Indnrsnil tho anidlducjot Gonoral Hnrrison for tho jirosidunoy——Afghani8l*n's omlr IH burning niunalive ID his wrath becnueo JI!H son fulludto persufldo Britain to ncoupt rnfrom hlsoourt Savon hundredWIID started from Genoa in n ntiuherterod by Atmtlu Ourhln nro about tobo laniiod in Now Orlivuifl Mrs. Uur-rle. Ruth Trnoy, inventor of au Improvedsewing machlna ami founder or thu TrnoySewiirn filnolilno cntminny, taWed In bml-noss in KewYorh^—il lyciinrted thr*B, contract for ihu t^ui]1"""'* ot fhcKilcanal with a BjRlcm of oleutrlcal propnl-•ion from DtilTnio tu Albunj hns benumade, 13,£50,000 helug tho amount of thooontraot.

    rid P. UannlKnn, on trlnl fimurder of Soloinnn H. Mann, vrnst foundlot guilty 011 tho ground of lusunity. Al-

    most at tbe samu timo thu vonllct naa1 his fulluT, Wllllnin II(ii)iitHnn,

    died at I1I1 home of Rrlof ivnr.Vs iiu»ouid about 1C0 women of hor court report

    ed to have been burnod to ilonth In ac-cepting a silver mwlol of Valkyrie IIIlrora roildpnta of CanlllT, Vi'nioa, LordDunravon dented having acoiinutl Air. O.Oliver IBOUD nf (rmiri Klnlhlor Terrell(ibtaintid nil Efloort for Amerlonni

    iu KtiCTjuit (0 tho nts.c!;Advised othvrs to rotlro from tholr stutlonslot the prosent Ylro In CIIIDHRO dostroyo4 IB manufmituring plants oooupy-ing two big bullrflngi, Tho losa wan (OiiU.-000 Tho four boys arrested for wrooking a Now York Cuntral train at I.omo,N, V., doolnre tlioir innoconco and snythat their previous confosalonH wero ox-tortod from them by fear- Tho body oiOaWfrt Vaux, tho landflcopo nrohltaot,waa found la tho harbor off Hath Boaoh,near Brooklyn. Tbe poilcs bollovo boommltted sulolilo Both Gomon nn<Anton To Macoonro IQ Santa Clnrn prov-ince, It li admitted ID Havnna, steadilymoving westward tn spite of CmnpoaMil. MaryT. HoMillnn, nilna Mrs. Mnok,

    ooQTlotod of ootintorloltlng pnfitair;ips and nBctflnooU to 18 months In tlio

    Erie County ponltontiary WoatherForeeiater Dunn pio))osoi ta iliatribufpredictions through the tolophono syaton—TheUnUod States oourt laCheyourdecided that tbe Bacnoak Indians hadright nndor tholr treaty to hubt gamo inJaokion'B Holo Sir Houry Ponaonbj-,ex-prlvate aeorotAry to Queen Victoria, Ifdead Mrs. noion LOUIEO .TobnBon wnMreated on the charge of Betting flro tthe Wlnona flnts In Contrnl pnrk west.New York Piosldont Cornoll of thIron league abruptly abandoned ncgotintlone for a Hottlomcnt of tlio touacsmlthsitrlke In Now fork IQ a letter to the etntoboard of arbitration. Tlio strikers oi[>roti3oocfldenoo of tlotorj Tho Homo Mnbet club nf Boston gnve Its annual dinnvWarner Miller nnd Charlea Ktnory Smithwere among the ejienkora.

    Elaturdnn Nor, 23,Flvs ponmtit wero killed nnil 17 injured

    In afire In Chlnago Unvld P. Hnnnl-

    K>n, though acqnlttfid of the murdor ofnnn, IB fltill confined In jull punt!Ing nuexamination ae to his sanity GonoralJose Macao, at tho head ol 6,000 nion, Imarching to Join his brother Antoolo amGeneral Gome.> la Santa Clam provluoi—Kugone V. Doba wns roleasod fromthe Woodstock jail and wus ontliiisiastlo-ilty rooelvod in Chicngo In Now VorkRobert Kelly stabbod hlswlfo repoatodlymi onthliown throat. Uolslikolytodlo, Tho womnu will rccovor Thirtythonsanci Spanish troops, nnder commnndof LieutODant Gocorclu Pnmloand Marlu,Captain Gonornl Ciimpoa1 nowly nppnlntodooadltltora, ernbnrkoil from Cadiz, Spain,Tor Cuba TheNlcnragimn governmonhat withdrawn tha Nicnrnguan mlnlatoito the United Stntou, Henor Don Horaol<Gninisn—^New Vork'edologatlou ronohed Atlanta to participate In tho colobrn-tlon of Maahnttnn dny. It wn* dolayed In Washington by an nccldont tione ot tho oars——A ninfisnoro o( nil tinlatmbjtnota of SOvltiagosln tho Aleppodistrict li reportotl from Cons ten tlnopli——Callforclnwluo growers have ndvnno-ed the price of dry wines to 16 oontangallon^-^Mr. Morton, tho Bocrotnry of ogrloulture, appeared unoipcotodly at th(•bfltolrs of Bl. Lt Crnydon, woroflnsd IS7.81 at Nashua,N. H. Tho Mil ford Cnuntar companyof Mllford, Jlnsi., omploylng nearly 200bands, h u asslgnod, with liabllitloa otftbout 160,000 and nasota 130,000.

    MotxUr, Nor. SB,Vnlted 6Ute» Mlnlstor Torrolltold tfao

    porte lie would bnvo tho hond of tho ROV-ernor of Hadjim If any Anwloan wouiarmlialocar; there is hnnnod——Postmaa-Ur General Wilson tint submitted bis flrsiincual report. HorcoommontlH tho ext«tli by comnion Reuse nnd the

    aiicet"v'it"|L'tI|iirr.c facts thnt Dr. Picrcc's(Jolilcn Mtdical Discovery works. Thefifji UiiiiK it *lot.-5 is to put the wliolc digeH-livi- f.ysti'111 iittu perfect older. It strJiiti-s Uie nppftite, cxcilcs the coploim RCliuii nftliu (HfT'1^i'l't' flui'l^ ""'' promtnHsiiiiiiiUiun. It hearehesoiit diricnse RCI_....wherever lliey may lie, kills them and forcesthem cut of the system. The "Goldenfllulieal Discovery" has been used withunvarying MIL-CMS fur ovtr 30 yearn,

    iry.niiMre to kiwivm.-rc nbout It, nmln I -1 • Tl votir own limly, tend 21 onc-ccut utampn toccivt-T Vnsi of ni.iilliiK '"'It- nml you wilt rcceifcabiotutttv ftte n copy nf Dr. l'ktce's 100B paffetiook, Oimmoti Sfii>.e Mt.llcai Adviser. Ad-' Ei, Wnrlri'H Dixmriisnrv Me ill nil AiwocUtioii,

    , I63 Main Street, Uulfalo, N. Y.

    oliarfiHir, iTTTn'Tvaa HiiBiniiVilcd"from tlioininisi ry T'ho Himth wull of thu Polo in

    JII luminary nt Pnlnnd, O.. foil, serl-01.H.3- Injuring [our young liuly Htudonta.

    TneMl.tr. Nov. 80,Jlnuhnltan dny at tlioAllnnta o.iposi

    tlon WIB oulohnitod. t-eth Law mid MnyorStrong of Now York wore tho chlof Bponk-

    —Thn fliiltan recalled tlio gu\oot Ili.djlm, wlioso liKixl Mr. Totrelldo<

    0 would hnvnlf nnyof tliothrooAi. wonuii lu hit .t-irlitdk'tMi KHH burin-—Llllln Collins, n chili!, wan bii

    to death in an cast eiilo tononmnt la NowVork Slr.1ulli.n Paimcofoto, tho Drlt-lsb enibasBador, iu curreflpontlrnco withhla government; touching thu olnhns oCan nil Inn ponlors who wcro sol cod in BorlnR BOD, otltlcIsesSonntor Morgan ThBuilding Trntlcs oltil> will ^lokont HO,000 cr GO,000 nion if tho hoiiROHnilthnutrit.0 in Kaw York In not ended • o n —Lloutennnt Coiiininiidor Cowloa nnd MiaRoosevelt of Mow York woro innrrlodIa London Herman HnttonhorstDrooklyn killed his two ohlldron and thiBfioC hlmsoir in IJII Brooklyn Institv'to ofPhyBlcal Culhiro Owlny to tho Illne.iMof Mr. Harold F. MnCormlok, bin mnr-ringo to MIRD Kdltli HooliGfollor, ilmiRhtoiof John D. Rotikcfollur*, took plnco in MiMcCormlok'e nimrtmcnts at tlm Euoklnu-ham linlol instond of nt tho Fifth AvonaBaptist church Kovonuo ngonta oap-tnrod two llllolt tilBtlllors In Now Yorkolty ond fiolzod the p l a n t - — A d o l p hilorachkopf nnd Miiyer Dutaohok woroorrnfgned hoforo Recorder Ooff cborgodwith tlio mnrdor of Llzzlo Yangor, 4 yoursold, who potlfibotl In a Suffolk street flro.Tho trlnl ot Loula Gordon for arson wasbegun In nnctlior part of tha Bamo court—KvMJimllon day won oolobratod InHow York with pnradcB, llnff raislnga andbanquets Hornco Vom of ProviilouooolilppL'd a turkoy wolRhlrp; 114 pounda toPrfisldent Ulovuintid Flro Rutted theruniti building of tliu St. LOHIB SJinvooontpnny'fl plnnt. Tho IDHH IS mtlntatodto bo nbout flO0,O0U and IB partly coveredby liiBuranco Tho battlofililp aialno ar-rlvml off Portland. Captiiln Crownlnshield' expressed hlmsoiC na bolng VCIJmuch plan soil with tlio bohavlor of theSin 1110 nt sen——The deputy eoIlooLor oloustoma nt LOWOB, Del., failed to dlsoovoinrnis, finnnunltion or nion on-board theJoseph W. Foster, ond tho Buorotnryof thotreasury ordered tbo VDBSOVS r o l c a s o —Iu St. Lou In nbout «,Gno Irlnhmen colo-bratod tho twonty-olfibth annlverflnry Inouinmonioratlon of tlie Mauchoator mar-tjrfl. Tho Hon. Jlnrou* Karonaugh ofChicago roads tho addrosa of tho ovonlng.

    WediieiJuT, NOT, 87.Annlo Mathera Bhot ond wcunflod hat

    fathor whllo the Inttor wnfl nttompting tokill bifl wifo at Archvlllo, nwt Scitrboro,X. y . JnraDB I I Rkolmn, a brokur al10 Broad Btreot, Now York, oommlttedauloldoin hlshomo at Upper Montolalr,N. J. HOWDB ft partner ot A. C Born-holm, whoso flnnnolnl dealings were madiknown In Wall etroet tbroo montlia afterBornbolm's dentb Charlos A, Danapresided at a Cuban meeting In CooperUnion, nt whloli a resolution wnn adoptedonlllngupon congress to (rrant bolllgorontrlghta to tho rovolutlouista Inillot-montfl for mnrdor lu tha (lrnt dogreo worofound ngnlnat llcrsohhopf nnil Dlotsohok,who nro accused of starting tho flro at 181Suffolk atreot, How York, Inwliloli LizzioYaogcrwoa burnod to dontti Immonsodfimage to property wnmnn»aia mil "ininkuU"artirukmlir tin Aims, iiurfei'll) nliniilo nnil mtl'i;.

    JentntiV linrlUbruknilicuii li«t» pt«ot|c*Hr uo wunr out to "•

    vhriTi n titiUNnnil TArfotiHaV'̂ rtJi'I I'll i< ond r>tu)>l« neilim julied toS f n , Fnctntj. Wwrcli, *o.. ie, ' If

    hliiB more hrnullrul or uut,.. . _ .„ , than • " M i l l e r " Lmip, or «nelfSdiit n. xi. o.Continues his position with DR. FREEMAN



    LUMBER •:- OP -:• ALL -:-• KINDS

    Sash, Blinds. Doors. Mouldings. &c.BBAOKSTiand 80EOLL 8AWIN0 DONE TOIOBDEB;

    COAL, WOOD AND BHILDM M i l f f l l lIwnfs on hand. Havinfj lately erected a large Coal Trestle with COVERED IPOCKETS and a capacity of one hundred cars, we can supply our trade with

    DRY AND SCREENED GOAL• r desiring to handle their own coal can have it screened and loaded with |

    out shoveling



    BABT DOOirt].F a i t FVoldhtBuffalo vxpreu*Boston «z[jreBB*Oswego express*Dover expressUopatcoriK exp.*Hackettflt'n BXD.

    Buffalo exprcea*

    DOTerVriSJn*'Bcranton exp.'Dover acoom.

    A. lLvrtBT Bornni. . M

    Oawego express*Do*ar amora.aackettst'n apl ,•

    Buffalo express*Dover aotwin.MlUc exDreen*

    'VU, Boonton I



    It:!!}11^0p. if.12 MS

    > l-M2:444rfKIUK,6:3S


    8:18lllrjgb'toD mall* 8:MEaetoQ mall K:28Buffalo express* 10;l?Dover exprese 10:58H'kettst'Eiipl.» ll:us

    f. M.Dover accom. 12iiJ7Eaatou wtpreea 2:00ElmlmDover aocom.Boston «x|ireM



    amEopntcoug exDover flzuremWaebfngton Bpl. 6^7H'kfltUrtown exp. 7:18Pbillfpnburgac. U.-oaBuffalo«xprew* 8-MBoston Dipraw* v-JAdDover eouom. lOiiMtfluitaio express* 10:58The* t r « t o U n 2K»


    [jeave ArriveDover. Morriatowtu0^0A.M. .7:17A.M.7^0 " 7^9 "6:44 " fl;ia »fl:4a " 10:10 "

    11JJ0 " 11:58 "13:45P. M. 1:15 P.M.3:44 " 8 : 1 0 , "4:05 " 4:85 "

    tJJifl " 7i01 "8 « 7 " 9ri« "

    Leave ArriveKorrlstown. Dover.

    A * 0 3 A . I I 6'JHA H*7:41 «J ' 8:15 '*

    10rf« " 10:58 "

    1^8P.M. 8:00 '"8:28 " 8^a "4:41 | | CriW | |

    elw " 7:18 "Tsifii " B-M " '

    10;08 *' 1 0 J 3 8 "

    1:36 A.M. 2.-06A.H.LBAVK N E W YORK FOR DOVER.

    A t 4:30,0:00, 7i'JO*% 100, DKM*, 0:00, 9:3(1*10:10, A . M.; 13:00 u. lrfB*. 3:00, 3:20, 4:00*4^0*, 4:30, 5:10*, 5:90, 0:00,7:80*, 0:10* 8;80,B:SO*, 12:00.

    *VU. Booatoa Branch,

    CHESTER BRANCH,Eoattmrd. StoUou. WitlwxrdA.H, P.M. P.M. A M. P.M.P.M7:fi» 13,-m 4;J)i CUauter 10:R9 S;05 fl;18im }«»*; \il\, aurtou icSS 2:67 fi:188;0a W: 13 4:22 IronJa 10.13 2X3 C:IOam 13:18 4 - 3 SucoaBUuna 10:03 2:47 0:058:00 13:ia 4:K4 Kenvll ll:5M 2:43 0:(*28:14 12:21 4:40 JoneUon 0:43 2:38 B;578:17 la^lO 4:50 Port Omm V:40 2;35 5:M6u.y lli:M C:00 ' Dover 985 2:30 6:5U

    The HwsketbtOfni Kipnwe rtopo a t PertOram going east at 733 A. H. ; going west at7:21 p. H .



    For Now York, Newark and Elis-abeth, al 6:19, A. u.; 3:19, B-M, F.M. Sundays, 6:63 p. a.

    For Philadelphia at 6:49, A. M.;8:19 ,6 :61P .M. .

    For Long Branoh, Ooean Grove,Asbnry Park and points on NewYork and Long Branoh ltailroad,ot 8:19 P.M.

    For all stations to High Bridgeat 6:49,4. M.; 3:19, 5:61 p. K. Son-days, 6:63 p, M.

    For Lake Hopatoong at 6:19,A. M.; 1:08, 0:60, P. K.

    For all stations to Edison at 6:49,A. K.; 1«8, P. H.

    For Eookaway at 9:16, 11:46, A.M.| 3:41, 6:19, 7:20 P. «. Sandays,4:16 P.M.

    For Hibernia at 9:15 A. K.; 3:41,P.M. Sundays,4:16p. x.

    For Es8ton,Allentown and MauohChunk at 6:49, A. i t ; 319, 6:54, *.H. Sundays, 6:53 P. K.

    RBTUHNINO.Leave New York at 6flO, 9:10

    i.«.; im 430 p. M. Sundays, IKK)p. B.

    Leave Bookaway at 6:10, A. M,;12:55, 8:10, 6:45, 6:40 p. M. Sun-days, 5:44 p.«.

    Leave Port Oram at 9:10,11:41,A. M.; 3:36, 6:14, 7:111 p. *. Sun-days, 4:11 p. M.

    Leave Late Hopatoong at 10:45A.M;8;09, 5:15 P.M.

    Leave High Bridge at 8:10,10:87A.M.;6:16P.M. Sundays,3:00P.M.

    J. H. OLHA.UBKN,GenL Bopt

    H. p. BALDwni, . :Oen. Paa . Aft.

    In tho itpring a younj Ruin's Inner lightly iunu to thmighta of tore, but a thrifty liouaewUe la mowprattled uid u m l n ol s weKkmt uid woltaiulpmd widen . W» m n * a ,

    tomeetaJlherwuita,wlthiifiaiUa8 0f .

    Stoves, Ranges and Housefurnishing Goods

    Quick Heal Stoves,mi otter mimtrai i r o n m a u IWrlsmtom, loo Cream IKxaem, Tlinrire, Wooden«are •

    Oranue\Vare. Also agent for

    THE - CHICAGO - STEEL - TOWER - WIND - MILLfor pumping: water. Towor Md Whwl KBJTHHIIWI to prevent eorroiion.

    Plumwufl, "TiiiEtmii, stesm; Bui Water a f l F j l i fire ipecblUM wlUi ut u d we hare the beet mecnanlcs In town. Estimate* cbterftilly furnlahod u d

    work KUftrantoed. • . . - ,

    J . T. KERR, OJJ. PBII lotel. BlatHwell St.. Dover, N. J .


    Is AHDou^b

    . Wlicn your cake is heavy, Bog-gy, indigestible.'it's a pretty suresign that you didn't shorten itwith COTTOLENE. When tinsgreat shortening; is rightly used,the result will surely satisfy themost fastidious.Always rememberthat the quality of COTTOLENEmakes a little of it go a long way.It's willful waste to use morethan two-thirds as much as youwould of lard or butter. Alwaysuse COTTOLBNE this way, andyour cake and pastry will alwaysbe .light, wholesome, delicious.

    aennfne COTTOI.ENE U Mid e m r w t i M Intin*, wltb tiaar-ximtiia-"CbUalene" nnd tUtr'tleaillncoUan-pUinlurrtalh-oaeTtrytin.



    HEATING STOVES s RANGESthe World, jnn ot pxperleact niablra oi to no the defect and abandon all itoTMharlns oblMIoDaU. l a r n m for th . ba t In t l . martet m d low pri™ A l i r , .

    lino of hon»f™l.hto(j iBcIodtac many mclaltle. a> L.hn»n'. J i o t *Wormwi, Waihloj; Uaohlnes, Wrlnfon, Steel Enameled Ware, &«.

    PLUMBING, STEAM AHD HOT- WATEE HEATINaTin Work of 0.11 klidj to urdir at th> old Hand.

    D . S . ALLEN, DoTer, X. J.

    CURE .rt THAT ^.

    COUGH\ gr WITH



    - • o - W I T H - s s . . •••'•'


    ' " # AND NAPHTHA

    COUGH SYRUPIt* ploaant and agreeabli taata, lta Kotl in |

    and exjeotarant qnalltlet, lu Tajatabh'-''pnportlei and lta certain, c u n t l n

    aoHon reader It on> cl tlie nondedrabl. oonsh ramedlM of ' ' * '

    . - ' • . . . ' • • tteoay. : ' : " • ; / ; . •

    Wco 25c , 50o. and SI'.OO per- bollli

    • E 8 T A B U B H E D 1830, '••••.. , ' -


    MOEEISTOWlf N. J.,

    HC A. H, r> WA. H, E• — A N D — '



    SEEDB and PEE

    B. T. BHITH. THOa FABimiB.


    Masons and Builders,DOVBB, H. J . ' • - • :

    Oontraote for all Unas ot work taira and.all material, (umht r i . Praotloal ezporloio.'erarrbnnohofmiuoii irorc, . "