h sÖ®Ù®ã c ã c«çÙ · 2019. 10. 6. · hʽ sÖ®Ù®ã c ã c«çÙ « 2309 holder road...

Hʽù SÖ®Ù®ã Cã«Ê½® C«çÙ« 2309 Holder Road Mims, FL 32754 (321) 269-2282 holyspiritmims.com Welcome to Holy Spirit in Mims, the “Friendly Town!” Live and grow your faith in the little parish with the big heart! Your participation in the Mass is appreciated! “Come, Holy Spirit. Come now. Come as you wish!” Bulletin delivery to your email: https://www.JSPaluch.com/BulletinSubscribe.aspx RECONCILIATION SECOND PRECEPT: YOU SHALL CONFESS YOUR SINS AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR. We must prepare for the Eucharist by means of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). This sacra- ment “continues Baptism’s work of conversion and forgiveness.” (Monthly is best for spiritual guidance.) Saturday .................................................3pm Sunday ........................ 8-8:15am, 10-10:50am Monday.............................. 6:05pm (after Mass) Tu, Thu, Fri ........................ 8:35am (after Mass) Wednesday ........................ 6:15pm to 6:50pm By appt, call the office, (321) 269-2282. MARRIAGE/MARRIAGE CONVALIDATION Call 6 months in advance to schedule meet- ings with Fr. Andrew & Angela. If you weren’t married in the Catholic Church, call us to discuss your Marriage Convalidation. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Fr. Andrew anoints the sick after the 11am Mass in the chapel on the third Sunday each month (October 20). Call the office for anointing at home, hospital or nursing home. FUNERALS — DEATH/BEREAVEMENT After a death, call Father Andrew, (321) 269- 2282. Our bereavement coordinator, Chris Doyon, will call you about funeral details. ROSARY COAST TO COAST Sunday, October 6 4pm-5pm Life Teen & Edge will participate in Life Chain 2-3pm, Sunday, October 6, in front of Hobby Lobby at Titus Landing. Then, we’ll transport the teens to Playalinda Beach for the Rosary Coast to Coast from 4-5pm. Parents, families, & parishioners are encour- aged to participate with us! Teens will be driven back to Titus Landing where they will eat together at Pizza@ Titus Landing. We will conclude at 6:30pm. Permission form is required for the transportation and & will be available at the event. Remember, no Life Teen/Edge night next Sunday, October 6. LIFE CHAIN Sunday, October 6 2pm-3pm You & your family are asked to give one hour of prayerful, silent witness for life on Sun- day, October 6, from 2pm-3pm. Our new parking area is in front of Hobby Lobby at Titus Landing. Wear your Holy Spirit tee or a red shirt & stand on the sidewalk. Arrive at 1:50pm to get your sign/poster; remember to return it when you leave at 3pm. Pray for our nation, people in crisis situations, and an end to the killing of unborn babies. It’s a visual statement of solidarity by the Christian com- munity. Consider wearing sunscreen and hat; other items to bring: rosary, water, chair, as the sun can be intense this time of day. Sunday, October 27 12:30-3:30pm (begins after the 11am Mass) Your help is needed for this fun community event. How can you help? Kitch- en? Supervise a game for children? Set up? Clean up? We have a spot for you! Julie Pringle is coordinating but needs your help with decorating, food, drinks, candy, running game booths, board games, & clean-up. Many hands make light work! In addition to donated bags of individually wrapped candy, pa- rishioners are asked to bring food for this event. (This would be a great time to bring soup with meat since it’s not Lent.) Sign-up sheets are posted in Emmaus Hall by the water fountain. Contact the parish office to leave your name and phone number or e-mail address so Julie can contact you: (321) 269-2282 or [email protected].

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Page 1: H SÖ®Ù®ã C ã C«çÙ · 2019. 10. 6. · Hʽ SÖ®Ù®ã C ã C«çÙ « 2309 Holder Road Mims, FL 32754 (321) 269-2282 holyspiritmims.com Welcome to Holy Spirit in Mims,


C C 2309 Holder Road Mims, FL 32754 (321) 269-2282 holyspiritmims.com

Welcome to Holy Spirit in Mims, the “Friendly Town!” Live and grow your faith in the little parish with the big heart! Your participation in the Mass is appreciated!

“Come, Holy Spirit. Come now.

Come as you wish!” Bulletin delivery to your email:



We must prepare for the Eucharist by means of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). This sacra-ment “continues Baptism’s work of conversion and forgiveness.” (Monthly is best for spiritual guidance.)

Saturday .................................................3pm Sunday ........................ 8-8:15am, 10-10:50am Monday .............................. 6:05pm (after Mass) Tu, Thu, Fri ........................ 8:35am (after Mass) Wednesday ........................ 6:15pm to 6:50pm

By appt, call the office, (321) 269-2282.

MARRIAGE/MARRIAGE CONVALIDATION Call 6 months in advance to schedule meet-ings with Fr. Andrew & Angela. If you weren’t married in the Catholic Church, call us to discuss your Marriage Convalidation.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK Fr. Andrew anoints the sick after the 11am Mass in the chapel on the third Sunday each month (October 20). Call the office for anointing at home, hospital or nursing home.

FUNERALS — DEATH/BEREAVEMENT After a death, call Father Andrew, (321) 269- 2282. Our bereavement coordinator, Chris Doyon, will call you about funeral details.


Sunday, October 6 4pm-5pm

Life Teen & Edge will participate in Life Chain 2-3pm, Sunday, October 6, in front of Hobby Lobby at Titus Landing. Then, we’ll transport the teens to Playalinda Beach for the Rosary Coast to Coast from 4-5pm. Parents, families, & parishioners are encour-aged to participate with us! Teens will be driven back to Titus Landing where they will eat together at Pizza@ Titus Landing. We will conclude at 6:30pm. Permission form is required for the transportation and & will be available at the event. Remember, no Life Teen/Edge night next Sunday, October 6.

LIFE CHAIN Sunday, October 6 2pm-3pm

You & your family are asked to give one hour of prayerful, silent witness for life on Sun-day, October 6, from 2pm-3pm. Our new parking area is in front of Hobby Lobby at Titus Landing. Wear your Holy Spirit tee or a red shirt & stand on the sidewalk. Arrive at 1:50pm to get your sign/poster; remember to return it when you leave at 3pm. Pray for our nation, people in crisis situations, and an end to the killing of unborn babies. It’s a visual statement of solidarity by the Christian com-munity. Consider wearing sunscreen and hat; other items to bring: rosary, water, chair, as the sun can be intense this time of day.

Sunday, October 27 12:30-3:30pm (begins after the 11am Mass)

Your help is needed for this fun community event. How can you help? Kitch-en? Supervise a game for children? Set up? Clean up? We have a spot for you! Julie Pringle is coordinating but needs your help with decorating, food, drinks, candy, running game booths, board games, & clean-up. Many hands make light work! In addition to donated bags of individually wrapped candy, pa-rishioners are asked to bring food for this event. (This would be a great time to bring soup with meat since it’s not Lent.)

Sign-up sheets are posted in Emmaus Hall by the water fountain. Contact the parish office to leave your name and phone number or e-mail address so Julie can contact you: (321) 269-2282 or [email protected].

Page 2: H SÖ®Ù®ã C ã C«çÙ · 2019. 10. 6. · Hʽ SÖ®Ù®ã C ã C«çÙ « 2309 Holder Road Mims, FL 32754 (321) 269-2282 holyspiritmims.com Welcome to Holy Spirit in Mims,

Page 2 Text HSCC to 84576 to subscribe! October 6, 2019

PREPARE FOR NEXT SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2019 FIRST READING—Naaman, cleansed from his leprosy, returns gratefully to Elisha (2 Kings 5:14-17).

PSALM—The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power (Psalm 298).

SECOND READING—If we have died with Christ we shall also live with Christ (2 Timothy 2:8-13).

GOSPEL—Ten lepers are healed by Jesus, but only one, a Samaritan, returns to give him thanks (Luke 17:11-19). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.


Spiritual Work of Mercy: PRAY FOR THE LIVING & THE DEAD

Deceased Special Intention

Saturday, October 5 4:00pm ........ Joan Crocker

Sunday, October 6 8:30am ........ Newton Roblin 11:00am ........ For the parish

Monday, October 7 5:30pm ........ William & Theresa Rogers

Tuesday, October 8 8:00am ........ Bob Martin & Julia Romentino

Wednesday, October 9 7:00pm ........ Deceased Members of the Parish

Thursday, October 10 8:00am ........ Anna Ordener 6:30pm .......... Richard Andrew Gliniak

Friday, October 11 8:00am ........ Harry Costello

Saturday, October 12 4:00pm ........ Barbara Decker Mass Intention cards with envelopes are available to inform family/friends of the upcoming Mass Intention: Mass intention suggested donation is $10 and can be for: ▪ Healing ▪ Repose of the Soul ▪ Special Intention ▪ Happy Occasion

Spiritual Work of Mercy: PRAY FOR THE LIVING & THE DEAD

Our complete parish prayer list is online at holyspiritmims.com/prayer-list

(Faith in Action tab) Names are included here for two weeks.

PRAY FOR THE SICK Connie Allen Connie Bordner

PRAY FOR DECEASED Charles R. “Hank” Gillooley

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May all the souls of the faithful departed

rest in peace. Amen.

PARISH NEWS & EVENTS CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD—We have a new children’s program beginning this Satur-day, October 5! Kids (see age groups below) will gather in the middle classroom (south side) in Emmaus Hall on Saturdays in the “Atrium.” This is a free program; kids can start anytime!

9:00am - 11am — 3 to 6-year-olds 11:30am - 1:30pm — 7 to 12-year-olds

ELIJAH CUP—When is the last time you prayed for an increase to the priestly and religious voca-tions in our parish and diocese with the Elijah Cup? A booklet with suggested daily prayers is included in the case with photos for displaying the Cup in a place of honor in your home. The signup binder is in the vestibule.

This week: Sunday, October 6, 11:00am — Annie Moore Next week: Saturday, October 12, 4:00pm — David & Monica Benninghoff

COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN—Monthly meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month (except December). Their next meeting is Tuesday, October 8, at 6pm in Emmaus Hall. Holy Spirit’s Council of Catholic Women will lead the Rosary at 10:30am on Sunday, October 13. Our prayer intention is for the RESPECT of all LIFE—womb to tomb. Please join us!

RCIA INQUIRY—The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, RCIA is a process for adults to learn about Catholic beliefs & teachings in order to make an informed decision to become Cath-olic. Weekly inquiry sessions are 7-8pm Tuesdays at Carpenter Hall (parish office). Call the parish office to leave your name & number (or email). Sam will contact you for more info.

SISTER DIOCESE COLLECTION—Come prepared for the collection the weekend of October 19-20 for our Sister Diocese in the Dominican Republic. Make checks payable to HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC

CHURCH and indicate SISTER DIOCESE on the memo line—or give online using WeShare (access portal from our parish website’s homepage). Your generosity to those in need is deeply appreciated by our brothers & sisters in Christ in the Dominican Republic!

Parish Pantry—This week’s list includes Peanut Butter, Rice, Potatoes (can or box), Macaroni & Cheese, Jam or Jelly, and Toiletries. The pantry cart is in the breezeway before weekend Masses or you can bring food during the week to the parish office during regular office hours. Thank you for your generosity!


Life Chain ................................................... Sunday, October 6, 2-3pm Rosary Rally at the Border ....................... Sunday, October 6, 4pm HSCCW monthly meeting ........................... Tuesday, October 8, 6pm Sacramental Prep (both) ............................. Thursday, October 10, 6:30pm Family Faith Formation Day ........................ Sunday, October 13, 12:30pm Collection for Sister Diocese ....................... October 19-20, all Masses Fall Festival ................................................. Sunday, October 27, 12:30pm to 3:30pm All Saints Day (Holy Day of Obligation ) ...... Friday, November 1, 9am & 7pm Mass HSCCW Bazaar .......................................... Friday & Saturday, November 1-2, 9am-3pm Advent Mission ............................................ Sunday, Dec. 1 thru Wednesday, Dec. 4


’Tis not the dying for a faith that’s

so hard—every man of every nation

has done that—’tis the living up to it

that’s difficult.

—William Makepeace Thackeray

Page 3: H SÖ®Ù®ã C ã C«çÙ · 2019. 10. 6. · Hʽ SÖ®Ù®ã C ã C«çÙ « 2309 Holder Road Mims, FL 32754 (321) 269-2282 holyspiritmims.com Welcome to Holy Spirit in Mims,

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 October 6, 2019


(321)269-7785 [email protected] Persons ministering to children, elderly & infirm are re-quired to be fingerprinted & complete the diocesan Safe Environment Training. Call the office for details (321) 269-2282.

BULLETIN SUBMISSION Next Issue ........ October 13, 2019 Deadline ........... 9am, Monday, October 7, 2019 Email ................. [email protected] Online ............... holyspiritmims.com/bulletin-submission Photos .............. JPG or PNG file (high res—1MB)

PARISH OFFICE — CARPENTER HALL 2399 Holder Road, Mims, FL 32754 Monday - Thursday: .... 9am - 5pm Fridays: ......................... 9am - 5pm

Parish numbers: (321) 269-2282 ... Parish Office (321) 269-7785 ... Faith Formation

(321) 269-2252 ... Fax

Websites ................... http://HolySpiritMims.com http://AtticShopMims.com Flocknote .................. Flocknote.com/HolySpiritMims Facebook .................. Facebook.com/HolySpiritMims Twitter ....................... @HolySpiritMims

CLERGY & OFFICE STAFF Pastor ......................................... Fr. Andrew Wojtan Bookkeeper/Manager ................. Dianne Sweeney Facilities / Maintenance ............. Mike Gutman Faith Formation Director ............ Chris McCormick Music Director ............................ Angela Dirig

E-MAIL …@HolySpiritMims.com Parish Office .............................. Info@... Communication .......................... Bulletin@... Life Teen, Edge, Faith Formation ..... FaithFormation@... Music Liturgy .............................. MusicDirector@...

EDGE & LIFE TEEN—Edge (middle school) and Life Teen (high school) attend the Life Chain & Rosary Coast to Coast this after-noon, Sunday, October 6. There’s no Life Teen or Edge tonight, October 6.

GALATIANS BIBLE STUDY—Sessions continue 6:30pm Monday evenings in the church & 8:45am Thursdays morning in Emmaus Hall. The previous weeks’ video plays at 3:10pm Saturday and 10am Sunday.

SACRAMENTAL PREP—Parents/children pre-paring for BOTH First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation should attend the 6:30pm Mass together before meeting in the church on Thursday, October 10, at 7pm.

FAITH FORMATION—The next Family Faith Formation for grades K-5 meet Sunday, October 13, at 12:30pm in the chapel.


The story which follows is a shock to those who follow the "prosperity gospel," who believe that wealth is a blessing—even a reward from God and a guarantee of God's blessings. In a few haunting phrases Jesus challenges the money lovers of all generations. He wakes them up to the consequences of their actions, decisions and life style.

The rich man is not condemned for having money, but for its selfish use. He is described as spending it all on himself in luxurious clothing and food, in total disregard for the poor man, Lazarus, whose name means "God is my help." The poor man is literally at his gate in great need, so sick and hungry that he would glad-ly have taken the place of the house dogs to catch the scraps of food that fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs had pity on him, thus highlighting man's inhumanity to man. Obviously, Lazarus had turned to God as his help. Somehow in the dreadful crisis had never let go of his faith and trust in God, because when he died, he was carried away by the Angels to the bosom of Abraham. Then his misfortune changed; for now, he participates in glory. By contrast, the rich man died and was buried ... in hell?

The great chasm that separated Dives from Lazarus in their lifetime cannot be compared with the division that separates them now, permanently after death. Being a son of Abraham, he cried to him for pity, asking Lazarus to do for him in death what he refused to do for Lazarus in life, namely, to show compassion and alleviate his suffering.

Dives begs Abraham to send Lazarus as a missionary from the dead to warn his five brothers to repent before it is too late. Since five represents the Torah, or the Law, it possibly stands here for all of Israel, and the request is to send Israel someone back from the dead in order to make them believe! By the time the Gospel was written, Israel had received the Resurrection of Lazarus of Bethany (John 11) and that of Jesus, yet neither had the effect of converting the nation. All the Gospels attest that miracles do not produce faith, and may not even increase it. Israel, and through her the rest of the world, had been given the Scriptures (Moses and the Prophets), which they must listen to, believe and obey.

Revelation is offered to everyone, but Salvation depends on our response to the revealed Word of God. It is not having the Scriptures, but obeying them that makes the difference. His selfish indifference to the plight of the poor was clear disobedience to God's Will as revealed in Scripture. If he was not open to God's Will or to loving concern for others, he would also dismiss any extraordinary manifestations from God, as history has often shown.

Luke teaches us to put the story of the Crafty Steward (what to do with money) and the story of Dives (what not to do with money) together, and learn from them. Unlike the Crafty Steward, Dives did not use his wealth to win him friends who would welcome him into the tents of eternity. Lazarus would have made a useful contact "on the other side," but Dives did not cultivate his friendship! The mammon of iniquity would really have been useful if Dives had taken care for Lazarus, for his needs, and leaving him indebted to him. The Christian community had hard lessons to learn from the tragedy of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11, but a shining example was given in the generosity of Barnabas in Acts 4:36-37. Looking at the Parables, learn from this extreme treasure of wisdom. Meditate on the Scripture and grow in wisdom and love.

September 30, 2018 September 29, 2019 $ 4,069 $ 5,570

Sign up for secure (and regular) electronic giving on our website, holyspiritmims.com. Questions? Contact Dianne in the parish office, (321) 269-2282 or [email protected].

DIOCESE & COMMUNITY EVENTS JOYFUL AGAIN—This weekend program is especially designed to help the widowed find hope & joy again; October 19-20, San Pedro Retreat Center, Dike Rd, Winter Park. Space is limited; register early. Call Sharon, (386) 717-4452, for more information.

“CALLED” YOUTH RALLY—Middle school students, join us on Saturday, October 26, 11:30am to 4pm at St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, 4001 Edgewater Dr, Orlando for a statewide Youth Day Event. Keynote speaker Mr. Brian Shields (WFTV Ch 9 weatherman), plus entertainment by “The Doug & Dave Show.” Register at 11am. Cost is $25 per student (includes meal & event souvenir). For details, email [email protected] or call (407) 497-2718.

SPECIAL MASSES—Bishop John Noonan, presider, St. James Cathedral, 215 N. Orange Ave., Orlando.

“GO BEYOND! YOU ARE ENOUGH”—Keynote presenter Danielle Bean shares what women of the Bible teach about women, their mission & worth on Saturday, November 16, 10am-3pm, at the first diocesan women’s conference at Holy Family Catholic Church in St. Patrick’s Hall, 5125 S Apopka-Vineland Rd, Orlando. Registration & check-in at 9:30am. Online registration is $25 at:


WHITE MASS - SATURDAY, NOV 2, 4PM For those who protect life & care for the ill & dying; such as physicians, nurses, care ministers, consola-tion ministers, chaplains, mental health workers, & all in the medical field.

RED MASS - FRIDAY, NOV 8, 12:10PM For those who reaffirm their commitment to justice & their faith, & wisdom from the Holy Spirit, such as including judges, attorneys, and all members of the legal profession.

Page 4: H SÖ®Ù®ã C ã C«çÙ · 2019. 10. 6. · Hʽ SÖ®Ù®ã C ã C«çÙ « 2309 Holder Road Mims, FL 32754 (321) 269-2282 holyspiritmims.com Welcome to Holy Spirit in Mims,

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