h i l vr- letiii - university of hawaii › bitstream › ... · h "wwww wfif 1 i ' l it...

H "wwww wfif 1 I ' L iT ' Vr- - letiii "Witli which. is3 Incoi-- p orated i he "Independent," .I VOL. k NO. 149. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 0. 1805. PRICE 5 CENTO. THE ve9ii75 Bulletin With wlileli Is lr.cori'nroteil the Indbpenu ent. Hawaiian Copyrif-U- t by A. V. Okak, Juno 22, 1805. Published ovrry day except Suntlny tit GO'J King Street, Honolulu, II. I. HUUSCItIITIOV ItATKS. Per Month, nnywhero in thu Ha- waiian Islands 8 7fi Per Year 8 00 Per Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Mexico 10 00 Per Year, postpaid, other Foreign Countries 13 00 I'nynlilK Invnrlalilr In Ailvnnco. Advertisement1" unr.ccompanlcd ly Bpeclllo instructions imerled till ordered out. Advertisements discontinued before expiration ot upeeitled period will bo charged nt if continued lor full term. Liberal allowance on yearly and half yearly contractu. Address ali communications to tho edi- torial department to "Editor Bulletin." Business letters should bo addressed to "MnnnuiT livening Bulletin." Telephone 2oG. 1'. O. Box 89. B. L FINNEY, Manager. AVER'S Oljepfv Fedora MirawNuwM HAS NO EQUAL rou tiii: ltvrio clue ok Colds, Coughs, Influenza, and SORE TIESiR.O.A.T. It II relievo the moat coiikIi, siibtliu the lu- ll ma uil IIIOIU' hraue, loonen ' I CHERRY 1 1 Iho pill i' Kin, mil lniliieu sloen. Tor the cure of I'rmp, Wlinop-lu- g Clinch, Sine Thruit, ami nil the pulmonary troulilcs to whlcli thu)nunt! lire ki liable, llivrc U no other remedy m tltectlvc as Ayer's Gherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWARDS AT THE World's Great Expositions. JlaUobyPr J C AerACo.,I.oweU,Miii.,U.R.A. w tr n'rtirtplmltntlniiR. Tlio nawe-A)t'i'- ( Iicrrj IH'tirnl I irmntiiMit mi tli wri utitl U I low u lti tliu ul.ui of iuili of our buttk. Hollister Drug Co., L'd, 8olu Agents for the lleimblio of Hnwnii. Wiv Imports of Champagne In- to the United States, ntOM jan. 1st to juni: 1st, 1895. Caaeit. G II Mum in t Co.'s extra dry 30,831 A. Urono Il,7'.l8 Moet A: Chiuulon fJ,(iu8 Hoidsicck & Co., (dry Monopole) 7.501 Louis Uuedoror IJ.l.'iS Huin.ut 3W Perru r Jouot U.'J8(i Irroy & Co 1.78,5 Wo. Clicquot -- .378 Bonoliu Sec 0!- )- Delbock A Co 7'2S St. Mnrcoiiiiv 31)1 Krug&Co 270 Olias. lloidaiock '' Various MID Totul 81,8.1!) COMPILED FROM CUSTOM HOUSE RECORDS. Macfarlano & Co., Holo AgonUfurCl. ILMuinm tCo, fur tlio lJawiillim IhIiiijiIh, own iiioyoi.e :onti:st. Tho Itcnult Will be routed Olllnlde lUo Olllce Toil ii'. Owing to tho pressure of busi-no- ss today, tho coiuraittoe which is ongngod in counting tho bil- lots in tho ISui.letin's Bicycle Contest wre uuublo to furniHb the totals in tune for publication. Tho coramittco ndoptod tho Adver- tiser's form of counting votos lust niglit mid found that it was u fai- lure nnd they will hereafter count them on tho plan originally used by them. Tho rosult of toduy'ti count will bo posted up on u bulletin boiird in front of tho business ollico as soon ns completed, as tlio paper goos to press on Saturdays un hour earlier thiiii usual. tiii: Avi:iiTiM:if.s raci: I'ut Oir Till IVoilnoinlur On Ac- count of the Wentlier, The Advertiser's voting contest ttr.ninat'd last night, with tho rosult tliftt tioorgo Angus got 3593 vo o.o Tom King 3318 and Sylvester 2388. These three were to have raced over it toii-inil- o course this uftornoon but owing to tho muddy condition of tho roads a t ostponemunt has been doomod necessary by tlioso inter- ested. As at prosont decided on the r.co will take placo on "Wednes- day afternoon and tho start will bo made from Union squaro at a quarter to fivo sharp. J3y ngroo-mea- t of tlie contestants the course wiP be slightly changed at tho urn near Campbell's. Tho ract will be rim over tho oxaot le course laid out by tho crack ritior, Terrell, when ho was horo. m:yvs i'ko.m Koi:ni:i.n. Tbe Prolcnor AVII1 u lo Jluruu ami Manila. The Kum.ktix has been permit ted to cupy tho following frcci s lotter of ProfcbSi r lvoebele to Commissoner Mirsdon, received by tho Coptic, dated at Hongkong Octobor 15th: "1 have boen hero two days and could as yet not fii.d much of im- portance Tho largo coceinella 1 had sent from Ceylon is heio and also feeding on tho Cam-bu- s aphis, not yot on tho islands. This morning I found the Lcorya on a rose thai 1 do not know for eert'iin aiid on it tho larva of n v cdii I in rodniia, but only in small numbers. As yet I have, no hopes of securing much for you hero, but will baud some tli'ligs by next steamer. Will go to Canton this ovoiiing and afterwards to Macao. Then it will bo host to go over to Manila Islands, bo as to return for material for next steamer, when I hopo to ropnrt bettor pro- gress. "At present no passports can be obtained to travel m tho interior, which ut any time can hardly be done alone, as a fellow bus to take Ins lio it, cook, food, water and eerytliing with him. The natives v. ill not oven sell water to a loieigner, as your consul informs mo. "With tho axcoption of tho isl- and of Hongkong this is about tlio poorest country I haveseoo, As far as one can see theiu aio nothing hut bare and rocky hills without any trcos or vegetation; up t lit) liver it may look better and I have not lottt all hopo.'' Tho walls of the ICaw.iiahao clmieli grounds imiy bo a good mudhiin for adverlimng tho merits ..I hicyulnH, but thu oolumiiH of tho Ili'l.i.l'.TiN aro butler. Tho Illlit an to rtliloh shall be v tul tint most popular biuyoln in mixing warm ami IIiouoiiiohI nay liu ii hot omi huiuru .Novenili' r A JOLLY GOOD SKIPPER. captain kites oi' tiii: s. HITCHCOCK 'tin: .MAN. .UojiiIIv Net, Itecr net Sort Tnrl. for lll nllnri Mow to Keep n Crew. During his long stay hero while waiting for a sugir c.irgo, Captain Gates of tho ship S. P. Hitchcock has mudo a largi number f frionds and depervi dly so. lie in a jolly whole-soule- d follow who believes iu tho Golden Itule, do- ing unto others as ho would bo done by. Ho not only believes in the rulo, but, as far as in him lios, ho practices it. Unlike many caji-t.d- ho is tho snnit all tho year round, at sea and on shoro. Ho is not one of the goody-good- y skippers who are S'lints whilo their vessols aro in port ami under the eves of a consul, but regular slave-drive- rs when out of sight of land. Captain Gates bolioves in treating his orew well and ho does it. And stiango to say he finds that it pays him very well iudood, and his owners a good deal bet- ter. They aro to woll ploiscd Mar , is!. HA":' 'i' "" fc.7 ; ', , . CAl'TAlS K. V. OATES. with tlio wny ho runs his ship that his oxpeii.so bill is never criti- cized, it is sutlioiont for thorn that Captain Gates ordered tho arti-closi- n the bill. As an instance in point most ownors would kick about an item of two do.on mosquito nots in a captain's account ai:d would not allow it for a moment. Not so Captain Gates's owiiMrs, for they know that ho had good uso for thorn when ho bought thorn, Tho first night Ins ship was in this port evory man on board was fur- nished with a mosquito net, an unheard of luxury in tho foro-c.ist- lo of 1)00 vessols out of a thousand. And maybe the crew did not approciato their captain's thoughtfulnehs. You would think so if you hoard them toll of it up- town. Having boon there himsolf Captain Gates known that his soaiiien, in o.iininou with otheis, aro partial to beer mid other and strange to say when in port he sees that they havoall that is good for them. On tho day following his anivtl hero the woik of discharging billast was commenced. It was pretty hard work and it was a Muy hot d ly. Tho cook guvo the crow lino diniiur of shorn I'm id, and just as they wore sotting down to dinner one of ,11m I) nld'a wagons drew up on tho whaif and dlivor-o- d at tin foieeastlo door live dozen ii,t bottles of Kuturpriso boor uiooly packed in 100. Cap-tu- n Gates had orduiml the bonr sent when ho went up town in tho morning, ami what is tun thu allownnmi was kept up enry day Wllilll till) VUHiill wiu in put. Thoho aro only a o.niplo of p- - HlilllOUH Of OllptlUII (Jntl)h'H trout-iiiii- ut of IiImiiiuu, Is It any won-di'- i' lliat (hoy inolprmiiil'jill Umbo few bottles of beer got out sevonl li.indi.Mls tons ,.f ballnst in half the time which would usiiully bii required. The men worked with n will, and on hoard th Hitchcock they always do, "Whatoser work necess.ay t ) bu dono i3 done quickly and dono well, and after that the men's timo is their own. Nevertheless Captain Gates is the boss of tho ship and tho men know it and respect him. One word from him will accomplish more than n voliimo of oaths from tho mouths of many captains. Spooking of his experiences in h nulling men hu siid to the MiJM.KTlX's informant: "I never have tinv trouble with niv men and don't allow my oilicors to. There is no occasion for it. 1 treat thorn as woll as is good for them and they return that treit-mn- nt by faithful work. In a fin- ancial seu-'- 1 find that it pays. I never hive to advertise or pay rewards for deserting sailors, for somehow or other my men never dosort mo. 1 novor havo to bo in port watting for a crow. In sov-or- al recent voyages I havo nevo split a sail or lo3t a spar. This is pirtly good luck, of coins., out 1 give the men credit for most of it, for they havo the handling of thoni. not me. There aro men on the Hitchcock who have boon with me sovon years. Do you think they will desert tho vossol? Not much, you couldn't drivo thoin away.'' Thero nre not many captains in the luorohant sorvico who would givo an ontiro ship's crow shore loavo tho day boforo sailing on tho long voyago from Honolulu to New York, and yot that is what Captain Gates did tho day boloie yesterday. Each man was givon enough money for him to have a good lima on and told to bo back on the ship at a cortaiii hour. With two or threo exceptions they wore all thore, tho exceptions be- ing too drunk to got down to tho wharf. Tho police found tlioso without trouble and put them on hoard on a hint from the C.tntiin th'it ho was ready to nail. Tho mon did not dcertbut cimply got loo drunk to get back to tho ship. Captiin Gates believes in sail- ing full-hand- od and always has three or lour mon more than the regulation number, and hu will insist when his brother captains remonstrate with him on tho ex- tra expense that ho makes money for his owners and himself by do- ing so. And that is why tho ownors of tho H. P. Hitchcock nuvur scruti- nize Captain Gates's espouse bills and why he never has any trouble with his men. A moro willing and a bettor treated crow nover sailed from this port than sailed ytstord.iy on the S. P. Ilitohcook. Another lil.iw ul American 'I rallle. Uo ii s.il Charles Seymour writes tho Department of Stito from Canton, China, that two huge British steameis liavo left th.it country with a general lino of Cliino.su and ,Jnp.iuuo productions for Now York. Tho vcsolsgo by the Suez e.innl route, nnd took their cargoes at the extremely luw rate of f(i per ton of fully cubic At this rato tho products of lCastoru Asia can b" dolivend in Now Yolk at lc--s cost for trans- portation than is required for con- veying tho freight .icriihS any one uf the l.'.rgu St.it. s, and for about iino-four- th of tho price paid from New York or any American Atlan- tic poit to Ahiii by the ovorland nil Iron! to Ainoiiuan polls on tho I'aeilie and then by tho several xloiimship lines to .lap.iu and Chum. "Thus," Siys Mr. .Seymour, "not only are Aiiiuiioi.il mid other sailing vehSls (n Htlllur fioiu III in now sleanndilp lute, but this new oiiuuii freight war must seriously iill'inl all of Urn gioil hloiiinship iutui'iHiH hnlWMUi Chum and Ann" I'iuan ports on tho I'uuiuV mid Aiiiori-n- liiumuoiitliiontal trade Thu world iiioiuH on it whoi'l, I fiTFRT WFWS ' ' UlltlUPI KI'SMA ritUXOItLS KMil.AM) to iilill.AI OK WAIt. Durrniit Trial Nrarlni; Hie Knil Unltctl Mute t llrmmiUe C'ulinit ItolicN Xeu'K I'rom Kcr) where. Sax Francisco, Oct. 20,. (By Hark S. C. Allen.) ITMTKII NTATi:s. Attorney Dickinson addressed tlio jury for tho defense in tho trial of Durvant on Friday tho '25th. sneakine all dav. At '1 o'clock ho askod the Court to allow him to conclude at tho noxt n. As some of tbe jury had business thoy wishod to do on Monday, tho Court adjournod until Tuesday. Mrs. Schwartz, mother of I. Schwartz of San Francisco, diod lately at Chriatchurch, Now Zoa-lan- d. It was her father, Lazarus SchtraiiB, who, whilo on sentinol duty, rofusod to allow Napoloon Bouaparto, disguised in a jieasant, to pass tho gate. For this act ho was promoted, and afterward gien a medal. W. A. Terrell of Sin Joso won two handicap races on tho Silt Lako bicycle track. His time for two-thir- ds of a milo was 1:18 Charlie Coultor made tho record for the same distance, tho samo day, at Louisvillo, his timo being 1:00 2-- 5, and Crooks nndWoinig loworod the milo record to 1:50. C. D. ltoso of England has withdruwn his challenge for tho America cup. Cecil Stewart, who loft Now Zoaluud to circlo tho world against time on a wager, is likoly to lose. Ho was to bo in Boston on tho 25th, but only secured passago for thore at Chicago on a c.ittlo train that day. Corbott is watting for Fit.sim-inoii- H iu El hino, Texas. Edna Schmidt, tho daughter of a Chicago millionaire, has run away and married her father's coachman. A majority of the Oakland Council will vote for Sunday closing of saloons. ltov. 1). Hanson Irwin, Pres byterian, of San rrunoisco, has dud at tho ago of 20 after a smgical opoiation for uppondi-citus- . Saloon licouses havo been graded at Stockton, Cal., accord- ing to tho hours tho saloons am kept opon. All havo tiken tho lowest grado, tho hours bomg from 7 in the morning until '.) at niglit. This will reduce tho city's revenue from licouses to a third of what it was. It is proposed to form a now Stito of portions of Minnesota, ii:i.: i W'!...,u; iHJUUI'ail lllld II lauuiioni. Sixteen Proshytorian mission- aries for tho Orient left Tacoma by tho S. S. Victoria. Tho President of Ann Aibor University refused to introduce Divid IS. Hill whou ho lectured to the 2(j00 students. Senator Sherman will attond the National llepublioaii Conven- tion as a spectator. He is for MoKinhy. Now Jor.ioy's State Federation of Women's Clubs agreed to make individual olfut for Mrs. from prison iu Eng- land, but would not adopt a peti- tion to Queen Viotori i, as sumo of tho members dosiied. Tho Viukshiiig National Mili- tary Iiii k AHMioiatioii is the result if thu visit of Western men to the Initio ground inelduntal to the watoiways uinivuiltioii, Tn-asur- "hIi lmin(u, S1'J. Ihll.lllld, gold iour.f, 1011,2111,- - IJH7. A l fin do uluiilo oxpol- - lion at WurthiiiBP.il in lUUu 1h pro- - pu-n- It? r Admiral C. C. CaronU-- z is to be lotnod, uftor his relief on the Asntic station by Commodore M.'N i if. Tin N'oragiia Cv al r' mTi'a- - sio i 11 io,)Oti in fuv, r of iiiu- - ciin u us bavin ' the bost r ft v . f ail S. (loon os f r foroc'osiu- - Vfe2 gianted at ltiv-rsido- , Cl , ftr iimouiits aggregating neir'y S2C IJUIJ m collection w.tn tho rac v lic II mk wtock. WAIt SCARE. Cutiaeil Ii) ltnlii-- Arrniisriiienl With Clilnn. From London on Octobor U5 tho following is telegriphed: A dispatch fiom Shanghai yester- day afternoon, announcing the dopnrturo of a lloot of fifton lus-sia- n warships from Vladivostoclc for Chemulpo and Fusan, Coreu, and the Timos dispitch from Hongkong announcing that litis sia had obtained the right to an- chor hor tleot at Port Arthur and' construct railro.ds on tho looked; upon in general as a sudden reopening in an unexpected quarter of tho far Eastern question in its widest sense. It is admitted hero tint the situation is so grave that, should the nows prove truo, it would make a war, in which sovor.il na- tions will tako part, more than probablo. It should bo added that thero is evory reason to be-lio- vo that tho story from Hong- kong is authentic. Tho afternoon, papers of this city all publish long articles agreoing that British in- tervention 'iu tho far East is necessary. The St. James Gazotto says that "ovon war with ltussia would bo less disastros than to allow her without a blow to get such a grijv upon China. Tho Pall Mall Gazotto Buys. "Russia has annexed China," and in the course of a long article adds, "If this treaty is to stand roll up the map of Asia." It urges the inoccupation of Port Hamilton by tiio British and the immediate strengthening of the British lleet in the Chinese waters "lest Japan lose her Hoot at tht first blow. Sinco this important nows wns circulated, tho greatest activity has been disp'ayed iu tho (.iovorn-inon- t oificos hero, particularly at the Foreign Ollico and at Hie Ad- miralty, and tlio coming and go- ing of mesengors was continuous throughout tho morning and busi- ness bonis of the afternoon. A Washington dispatch of October 25 says: While nothing official can bo loirind in Wash- ington with reference to the alleged secret treaty botweou Russia and China, it is not doubt- ed that boino understanding ex'st-betwoo- n tho two countries whioh will result to their mutual ad- vantage. From tho beginning of tho war between China and Japan, ltussii, it was repeated I' said, was to ell'ect some arrange- ment with China or. lupin which would give her a piopur terminus for hor great railway. Yladivoa-toc- k, which is now the eastern toi minus uf thu road, is iu so northerly a latitude that the har- bor is filled with ice f..r ut lonsl half of the year. ItusMa is com- pelled, therefore, to find nnotlior torminiis, which will bo opu tc navigation uninterruptedly. EDiiori:, Sir Charles Hallo, the noted" pianist, has diod at Muiuliuster, aged 77 years. .I.ibe. Balfour, tho L.bt-rulo- i onni'mmofi wrouker, who w.8'x ti'iidilml from tho Aiguiliiio bliu uftor much (Way, is ud trial in Loud u. S i Pool, liiluly Hpvnltor of the II lino uf C UlllllUUH, ll!18 ninpiomlhgil with hli (innlllor at au r win. no oyn .mil mug try nl'-ni- t HiW. I I'onlhiunl Hi il, jmyt,) '

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Page 1: H I L Vr- letiii - University of Hawaii › bitstream › ... · H "wwww wfif 1 I ' L iT ' Vr- letiii "Witli which. is3 Incoi-- p orated i he "Independent,".I VOL. k NO. 149. HONOLULU,


"wwww wfif 1I ' L iT

' Vr- -

letiii"Witli which. is3 Incoi-- p orated i he "Independent,"


THEve9ii75 Bulletin

With wlileli Is lr.cori'nroteil the Indbpenuent.

Hawaiian Copyrif-U- t by A. V. Okak,Juno 22, 1805.

Published ovrry day except Suntlny titGO'J King Street, Honolulu, II. I.

HUUSCItIITIOV ItATKS.Per Month, nnywhero in thu Ha-

waiian Islands 8 7fi

Per Year 8 00Per Year, postpaid to America,

Canada, or Mexico 10 00Per Year, postpaid, other Foreign

Countries 13 00I'nynlilK Invnrlalilr In Ailvnnco.

Advertisement1" unr.ccompanlcd lyBpeclllo instructions imerled till orderedout.

Advertisements discontinued beforeexpiration ot upeeitled period will bocharged nt if continued lor full term.

Liberal allowance on yearly and halfyearly contractu.

Address ali communications to tho edi-

torial department to "Editor Bulletin."Business letters should bo addressed to"MnnnuiT livening Bulletin."

Telephone 2oG. 1'. O. Box 89.

B. L FINNEY, Manager.

AVER'SOljepfv Fedora


HAS NO EQUALrou tiii: ltvrio clue ok

Colds, Coughs,Influenza, and

SORE TIESiR.O.A.T.It II relievo

the moatcoiikIi,

siibtliu the lu-

ll ma uil IIIOIU'hraue, loonen

' I CHERRY 1 1 Iho pill i' Kin,mil lniliieu

sloen.Tor the cure ofI'rmp, Wlinop-lu- g

Clinch, SineThruit, ami nil

the pulmonary troulilcs to whlcli thu)nunt!lire ki liable, llivrc U no other remedy m

tltectlvc as

Ayer's Gherry PectoralHIGHEST AWARDS AT THE

World's Great Expositions.

JlaUobyPr J C AerACo.,I.oweU,Miii.,U.R.A.w tr n'rtirtplmltntlniiR. Tlio nawe-A)t'i'-

( Iicrrj IH'tirnl I irmntiiMit mitli wri utitl U I low u lti tliu ul.ui of iuiliof our buttk.

Hollister Drug Co., L'd,8olu Agents for the lleimblio of Hnwnii.


Imports of Champagne In-

to the United States,

ntOM jan. 1st to juni: 1st, 1895.


G II Mum in t Co.'s extradry 30,831

A. Urono Il,7'.l8Moet A: Chiuulon fJ,(iu8

Hoidsicck & Co., (dryMonopole) 7.501

Louis Uuedoror IJ.l.'iS

Huin.ut 3WPerru r Jouot U.'J8(i

Irroy & Co 1.78,5

Wo. Clicquot -- .378Bonoliu Sec 0!- )-

Delbock A Co 7'2S

St. Mnrcoiiiiv 31)1

Krug&Co 270Olias. lloidaiock ''Various MID

Totul 81,8.1!)



Macfarlano & Co.,

Holo AgonUfurCl. ILMuinm tCo,fur tlio lJawiillim IhIiiijiIh,

own iiioyoi.e :onti:st.

Tho Itcnult Will be routed Olllnlde lUoOlllce Toil ii'.

Owing to tho pressure of busi-no- ss

today, tho coiuraittoe whichis ongngod in counting tho bil-

lots in tho ISui.letin's BicycleContest wre uuublo to furniHb thetotals in tune for publication. Thocoramittco ndoptod tho Adver-

tiser's form of counting votos lustniglit mid found that it was u fai-

lure nnd they will hereafter countthem on tho plan originally usedby them.

Tho rosult of toduy'ti count willbo posted up on u bulletin boiirdin front of tho business ollico assoon ns completed, as tlio papergoos to press on Saturdays unhour earlier thiiii usual.

tiii: Avi:iiTiM:if.s raci:

I'ut Oir Till IVoilnoinlur On Ac-

count of the Wentlier,

The Advertiser's voting contestttr.ninat'd last night, with thorosult tliftt tioorgo Angus got3593 vo o.o Tom King 3318 andSylvester 2388. These three wereto have raced over it toii-inil- o

course this uftornoon but owingto tho muddy condition of thoroads a t ostponemunt has beendoomod necessary by tlioso inter-ested.

As at prosont decided on ther.co will take placo on "Wednes-day afternoon and tho start willbo made from Union squaro at aquarter to fivo sharp. J3y ngroo-mea- t

of tlie contestants the coursewiP be slightly changed at thourn near Campbell's. Tho ract

will be rim over tho oxaot le

course laid out by tho crackritior, Terrell, when ho was horo.

m:yvs i'ko.m Koi:ni:i.n.

Tbe Prolcnor AVII1 u lo Jluruu amiManila.

The Kum.ktix has been permitted to cupy tho following frcci s

lotter of ProfcbSi r lvoebele toCommissoner Mirsdon, receivedby tho Coptic, dated at HongkongOctobor 15th:

"1 have boen hero two days andcould as yet not fii.d much of im-

portance Tho largo coceinella 1

had sent from Ceylon is heioand also feeding on tho Cam-bu- s

aphis, not yot on tho islands.This morning I found the Lcoryaon a rose thai 1 do not know foreert'iin aiid on it tho larva of n

vcdii I in rodniia, but only in smallnumbers. As yet I have, no hopesof securing much for you hero,but will baud some tli'ligs by nextsteamer. Will go to Canton thisovoiiing and afterwards to Macao.Then it will bo host to go over toManila Islands, bo as to returnfor material for next steamer,when I hopo to ropnrt bettor pro-gress.

"At present no passports can beobtained to travel m tho interior,which ut any time can hardly bedone alone, as a fellow bus totake Ins lio it, cook, food, waterand eerytliing with him. Thenatives v. ill not oven sell water toa loieigner, as your consul informsmo.

"With tho axcoption of tho isl-

and of Hongkong this is abouttlio poorest country I haveseoo,As far as one can see theiu aionothing hut bare and rocky hillswithout any trcos or vegetation;up t lit) liver it may look betterand I have not lottt all hopo.''

Tho walls of the ICaw.iiahaoclmieli grounds imiy bo a goodmudhiin for adverlimng tho merits..I hicyulnH, but thu oolumiiH oftho Ili'l.i.l'.TiN aro butler.

Tho Illlit an to rtliloh shall bev tul tint most popular biuyoln in

mixing warm ami IIiouoiiiohI nayliu ii hot omi huiuru .Novenili' r


captain kites oi' tiii: s.HITCHCOCK 'tin: .MAN.

.UojiiIIv Net, Itecr net Sort Tnrl. forlll nllnri Mow to Keep n


During his long stay hero whilewaiting for a sugir c.irgo, CaptainGates of tho ship S. P. Hitchcockhas mudo a largi number f

frionds and depervi dly so. lie in

a jolly whole-soule- d follow whobelieves iu tho Golden Itule, do-

ing unto others as ho would bodone by. Ho not only believes inthe rulo, but, as far as in him lios,ho practices it. Unlike many caji-t.d-

ho is tho snnit all tho yearround, at sea and on shoro. Hois not one of the goody-good- y

skippers who are S'lints whilotheir vessols aro in port ami underthe eves of a consul, but regularslave-drive- rs when out of sight ofland. Captain Gates bolioves intreating his orew well and ho doesit. And stiango to say he findsthat it pays him very well iudood,and his owners a good deal bet-ter. They aro to woll ploiscd

Mar , is!.

HA":' 'i' "" fc.7

; ', , .


with tlio wny ho runs his shipthat his oxpeii.so bill is never criti-cized, it is sutlioiont for thorn thatCaptain Gates ordered tho arti-closi- n

the bill.As an instance in point most

ownors would kick about an itemof two do.on mosquito nots in acaptain's account ai:d would notallow it for a moment. Not soCaptain Gates's owiiMrs, for theyknow that ho had good uso forthorn when ho bought thorn, Thofirst night Ins ship was in thisport evory man on board was fur-nished with a mosquito net, anunheard of luxury in tho foro-c.ist- lo

of 1)00 vessols out of athousand. And maybe the crewdid not approciato their captain'sthoughtfulnehs. You would thinkso if you hoard them toll of it up-town.

Having boon there himsolfCaptain Gates known that hissoaiiien, in o.iininou with otheis,aro partial to beer mid other

and strange to saywhen in port he sees that theyhavoall that is good for them. Ontho day following his anivtl herothe woik of discharging billastwas commenced. It was prettyhard work and it was a Muy hotd ly. Tho cook guvo the crowlino diniiur of shorn I'm id, and justas they wore sotting down todinner one of ,11m I) nld'a wagonsdrew up on tho whaif and dlivor-o- d

at tin foieeastlo door livedozen ii,t bottles of Kuturprisoboor uiooly packed in 100. Cap-tu- n

Gates had orduiml the bonrsent when ho went up town in thomorning, ami what is tun thuallownnmi was kept up enry dayWllilll till) VUHiill wiu in put.

Thoho aro only a o.niplo of p- -HlilllOUH Of OllptlUII (Jntl)h'H trout-iiiii- ut

of IiImiiiuu, Is It any won-di'- i'

lliat (hoy inolprmiiil'jill

Umbo few bottles of beer got outsevonl li.indi.Mls tons ,.f ballnstin half the time which wouldusiiully bii required. The menworked with n will, and on hoardth Hitchcock they always do,"Whatoser work necess.ay t ) budono i3 done quickly and donowell, and after that the men's timois their own.

Nevertheless Captain Gates isthe boss of tho ship and tho menknow it and respect him. Oneword from him will accomplishmore than n voliimo of oaths fromtho mouths of many captains.Spooking of his experiences inh nulling men hu siid to theMiJM.KTlX's informant: "I neverhave tinv trouble with niv menand don't allow my oilicors to.There is no occasion for it. 1

treat thorn as woll as is good forthem and they return that treit-mn- nt

by faithful work. In a fin-

ancial seu-'- 1 find that it pays.I never hive to advertise or payrewards for deserting sailors, forsomehow or other my men neverdosort mo. 1 novor havo to bo inport watting for a crow. In sov-or- al

recent voyages I havo nevosplit a sail or lo3t a spar. This ispirtly good luck, of coins., out 1give the men credit for most of it,for they havo the handling of

thoni. not me. There aro men onthe Hitchcock who have boon withme sovon years. Do you thinkthey will desert tho vossol? Notmuch, you couldn't drivo thoinaway.''

Thero nre not many captains inthe luorohant sorvico who wouldgivo an ontiro ship's crow shoreloavo tho day boforo sailing ontho long voyago from Honolulu toNew York, and yot that is whatCaptain Gates did tho day boloieyesterday. Each man was givonenough money for him to have agood lima on and told to bo backon the ship at a cortaiii hour.With two or threo exceptions theywore all thore, tho exceptions be-

ing too drunk to got down to thowharf. Tho police found tliosowithout trouble and put them onhoard on a hint from the C.tntiinth'it ho was ready to nail. Thomon did not dcertbut cimply gotloo drunk to get back to tho ship.

Captiin Gates believes in sail-ing full-hand- od and always hasthree or lour mon more than theregulation number, and hu willinsist when his brother captainsremonstrate with him on tho ex-tra expense that ho makes moneyfor his owners and himself by do-

ing so.And that is why tho ownors of

tho H. P. Hitchcock nuvur scruti-nize Captain Gates's espouse billsand why he never has any troublewith his men. A moro willingand a bettor treated crow noversailed from this port than sailedytstord.iy on the S. P. Ilitohcook.

Another lil.iw ul American 'I rallle.Uo ii s.il Charles Seymour writes

tho Department of Stito fromCanton, China, that two hugeBritish steameis liavo left th.itcountry with a general lino ofCliino.su and ,Jnp.iuuo productionsfor Now York. Tho vcsolsgo bythe Suez e.innl route, nnd tooktheir cargoes at the extremely luwrate of f(i per ton of fully cubic

At this rato tho products oflCastoru Asia can b" dolivend inNow Yolk at lc--s cost for trans-portation than is required for con-

veying tho freight .icriihS any oneuf the l.'.rgu St.it. s, and for aboutiino-four- th of tho price paid fromNew York or any American Atlan-tic poit to Ahiii by the ovorlandnil Iron! to Ainoiiuan polls on thoI'aeilie and then by tho severalxloiimship lines to .lap.iu andChum.

"Thus," Siys Mr. .Seymour,"not only are Aiiiuiioi.il mid othersailing vehSls (n Htlllur fioiu III in

now sleanndilp lute, but this newoiiuuii freight war must seriouslyiill'inl all of Urn gioil hloiiinshipiutui'iHiH hnlWMUi Chum and Ann"I'iuan ports on tho I'uuiuV midAiiiori-n- liiumuoiitliiontal trade

Thu world iiioiuH on it whoi'l,


KI'SMA ritUXOItLS KMil.AM) toiilill.AI OK WAIt.

Durrniit Trial Nrarlni; Hie Knil UnltctlMute t llrmmiUe C'ulinit ItolicN

Xeu'K I'rom Kcr) where.

Sax Francisco, Oct. 20,. (By HarkS. C. Allen.)


Attorney Dickinson addressedtlio jury for tho defense in thotrial of Durvant on Friday tho'25th. sneakine all dav. At '1

o'clock ho askod the Court toallow him to conclude at tho noxt

n. As some of tbe jury hadbusiness thoy wishod to do onMonday, tho Court adjournoduntil Tuesday.

Mrs. Schwartz, mother of I.Schwartz of San Francisco, diodlately at Chriatchurch, Now Zoa-lan- d.

It was her father, LazarusSchtraiiB, who, whilo on sentinolduty, rofusod to allow NapoloonBouaparto, disguised in a jieasant,to pass tho gate. For this act howas promoted, and afterwardgien a medal.

W. A. Terrell of Sin Joso wontwo handicap races on tho SiltLako bicycle track. His time fortwo-thir- ds of a milo was 1:18Charlie Coultor made tho recordfor the same distance, tho samoday, at Louisvillo, his timo being1:00 2-- 5, and Crooks nndWoinigloworod the milo record to 1:50.

C. D. ltoso of England haswithdruwn his challenge for thoAmerica cup.

Cecil Stewart, who loft NowZoaluud to circlo tho worldagainst time on a wager, is likolyto lose. Ho was to bo in Bostonon tho 25th, but only securedpassago for thore at Chicago on ac.ittlo train that day.

Corbott is watting for Fit.sim-inoii- H

iu El hino, Texas.

Edna Schmidt, tho daughterof a Chicago millionaire, has runaway and married her father'scoachman.

A majority of the OaklandCouncil will vote for Sundayclosing of saloons.

ltov. 1). Hanson Irwin, Presbyterian, of San rrunoisco, hasdud at tho ago of 20 after asmgical opoiation for uppondi-citus- .

Saloon licouses havo beengraded at Stockton, Cal., accord-

ing to tho hours tho saloons amkept opon. All havo tiken tholowest grado, tho hours bomgfrom 7 in the morning until '.) atniglit. This will reduce tho city'srevenue from licouses to a thirdof what it was.

It is proposed to form a nowStito of portions of Minnesota,ii:i.: i W'!...,u;iHJUUI'ail lllld II lauuiioni.

Sixteen Proshytorian mission-aries for tho Orient left Tacomaby tho S. S. Victoria.

Tho President of Ann AiborUniversity refused to introduceDivid IS. Hill whou ho lecturedto the 2(j00 students.

Senator Sherman will attondthe National llepublioaii Conven-tion as a spectator. He is forMoKinhy.

Now Jor.ioy's State Federationof Women's Clubs agreed to makeindividual olfut for Mrs.

from prison iu Eng-

land, but would not adopt a peti-tion to Queen Viotori i, as sumo oftho members dosiied.

Tho Viukshiiig National Mili-

tary Iiii k AHMioiatioii is the resultif thu visit of Western men to theInitio ground inelduntal to thewatoiways uinivuiltioii,

Tn-asur- "hIi lmin(u, S1'J.Ihll.lllld, gold iour.f, 1011,2111,- -


A l fin do uluiilo oxpol- -

lion at WurthiiiBP.il in lUUu 1h pro- -


It? r Admiral C. C. CaronU-- z

is to be lotnod, uftor his relief onthe Asntic station by CommodoreM.'N i if.

Tin N'oragiia Cv al r' mTi'a--

sio i 11 io,)Oti in fuv, r of iiiu- -

ciin u us bavin ' the bost r ft v . fail

S. (loon os f r foroc'osiu- - Vfe2

gianted at ltiv-rsido- , Cl , ftriimouiits aggregating neir'y S2CIJUIJ m collection w.tn tho rac vlic II mk wtock.


Cutiaeil Ii) ltnlii-- Arrniisriiienl WithClilnn.

From London on Octobor U5tho following is telegriphed: A

dispatch fiom Shanghai yester-day afternoon, announcing thedopnrturo of a lloot of fifton lus-sia- n

warships from Vladivostoclcfor Chemulpo and Fusan, Coreu,and the Timos dispitch fromHongkong announcing that litissia had obtained the right to an-

chor hor tleot at Port Arthur and'construct railro.ds on tho

looked; upon ingeneral as a sudden reopening inan unexpected quarter of tho farEastern question in its widestsense.

It is admitted hero tint thesituation is so grave that, shouldthe nows prove truo, it wouldmake a war, in which sovor.il na-tions will tako part, more thanprobablo. It should bo addedthat thero is evory reason to be-lio- vo

that tho story from Hong-kong is authentic. Tho afternoon,papers of this city all publish longarticles agreoing that British in-

tervention 'iu tho far East isnecessary.

The St. James Gazotto says that"ovon war with ltussia would boless disastros than to allow herwithout a blow to get such a grijvupon China.

Tho Pall Mall Gazotto Buys."Russia has annexed China," andin the course of a long articleadds, "If this treaty is to standroll up the map of Asia." Iturges the inoccupation of PortHamilton by tiio British and theimmediate strengthening of theBritish lleet in the Chinese waters"lest Japan lose her Hoot at thtfirst blow.

Sinco this important nows wnscirculated, tho greatest activityhas been disp'ayed iu tho (.iovorn-inon- t

oificos hero, particularly atthe Foreign Ollico and at Hie Ad-miralty, and tlio coming and go-

ing of mesengors was continuousthroughout tho morning and busi-ness bonis of the afternoon.

A Washington dispatch ofOctober 25 says: While nothingofficial can bo loirind in Wash-ington with reference to thealleged secret treaty botweouRussia and China, it is not doubt-ed that boino understanding ex'st-betwoo- n

tho two countries whiohwill result to their mutual ad-

vantage.From tho beginning of tho war

between China and Japan, ltussii,it was repeated I' said, was

to ell'ect some arrange-ment with China or.lupin whichwould give her a piopur terminusfor hor great railway. Yladivoa-toc- k,

which is now the easterntoi minus uf thu road, is iu sonortherly a latitude that the har-bor is filled with ice f..r ut lonslhalf of the year. ItusMa is com-pelled, therefore, to find nnotliortorminiis, which will bo opu tcnavigation uninterruptedly.

EDiiori:,Sir Charles Hallo, the noted"

pianist, has diod at Muiuliuster,aged 77 years.

.I.ibe. Balfour, tho L.bt-rulo- i

onni'mmofi wrouker, who w.8'xti'iidilml from tho Aiguiliiio bliu

uftor much (Way, is udtrial in Loud u.

S i Pool, liiluly Hpvnltorof the II lino uf C UlllllUUH, ll!18

ninpiomlhgil with hli (innlllor atau r win. no oyn .mil mugtry nl'-ni- t HiW.

I I'onlhiunl Hi il, jmyt,)


Page 2: H I L Vr- letiii - University of Hawaii › bitstream › ... · H "wwww wfif 1 I ' L iT ' Vr- letiii "Witli which. is3 Incoi-- p orated i he "Independent,".I VOL. k NO. 149. HONOLULU,




JMnrnliig Decoratlm lrnlgnn on Wnml,Leather, Iory, 1'himt, 01as,

Tho mode of burning designs into orTnpon wood, leather, etc., has boon vnri-ousl- y

termed, ns pyiogmphy, pokorworknml burnt work. Tho word "pyroft-rsphy- "

means writltiK or etching withAre, but burnt decoration imiot alwaysetching; it moro often lookN liko pnint-iii- K

iiml relief work combined. Tlioterm "poker work" was applied wherolipnted ioki'rs were tho instrumentsused, and it cannot bo properly appliedto the modern work, which is donowrtii a regular cautery or electrical

The name "burnt work,".however, applies equally woll under nilcircuni.-taiKv- s, lieinjj always appropr-iate, no matter how the heat is applied,and The Delineator thus names tho arthr giving the following information:

Tlio mcrit! of burned work nromnny,tlio chief niie being its great durability..Ad a Milxtu ute fur wood carving, It issutihfnetory. Tho work has loth formand color, it great variety of tints beingpvubk from deep black to tho lightestshades of brown, and it is sometimestreated liko has rolief in largo decorations ou wood.

After it design is prepared it can boas i nted with astonishing rapidity. ThoViOiety of strokes is unlimited, ranging

M'I!T WOItK OS I.I.ATHKlt I'ANI.L.Jfroin tine ones that suggest etching tothv--o that tho broad, blendedstrokes of a brush, tlio stylo of strokean every case depending on tho artist's3nrpo-e- . and points can bo obtained innizes to suit all needs.

Thero is un idea ulloat th:rt this workis commonly- dono witli heated dies, likotho?o ucil for stamiiiug packing boxes,etc. This belief is erroneous. Tho burn-ing nntst bo dono freehand to producereally nrtistio results. True, dies uroused, and often with good effect, insome styles of work. Indeed theio is afactoiy near Now York whero this socalled burned work is quito extensivelydone. It takes an artist to do full justiceto burnt wotk, but any ono who candraw with moderate skill will bo ubloto derive much pleasaio and profit fromi study of it. Designs can bo readily

Transferred if tho worker is uuablo tolrav them without aid.

Tho tools with which tho work isnow dono diller radically from thasoemployed even it dozen years ago, whontho pokers were still in voguo. Thoprincipal tool looks liko nil ordinary leadpencil, but is it triflo larger. In pliveo oftho lead is it hollow point of platinum,

--which, being heated, is used like it pen-ci- l

point in drawing and shading, tliothick bundle protecting tho hand.

This work is now moro accessible towomen than when heavy pokorH aiid tho.great heat of u fumaco were tho neces-sary features of "burnt art." Leatherof any color, texture or finish can lieused Tho possibilities of this materialwere demonstrated at tho World's fair,notably by a pair of leather curtainshanging in tho doorway of tho Califor-nia room of tho Woman's building.Though leather is moro uxpousivo than--wood, it is highly favored by workers inAhis art, which is also applied to ivory,paper and glass.

Ilarmcl Net 1'nttrrii.Numbered with many other

will welcome suggestions from Moderni'riseill.i is tlio ono that pioity liordorsfor em lams, toilet tables and tho liko


.nay be iniiilii of darned net Kvorywoinaii ciiii Iherufoiu Imvu a pieity Isir-do- r

'1'lnt disilgil lii wlildi nt lent imi Ucnllul can Imi wurkisl in whllo llnonlos or Willi Jtoiniui llbM of anyilwliedo!or.




Hrrmcr (om)i lalnlfs

(xyvcX aBwc "Troubles

a.Y& cured W


Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

i:;i;-t- f Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands,

Wanted at tho Louvre Saloon,11 Niiiiuiiu slicrt.

tnci daily to drink tho r000



I EDWARD & HARRY,1'ostollJce liox 17" .. Uonolulu.


Hawaiian .'. Lime.A.t Kolail

In Bbls. or in Buckets,Including container 50 cents per bucket.

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., Ltd,(Specitl terms on l.irgo lots for shipment.)

1 10 tf

L. AJILO,No. 4GS, Nminnu street

Has just received a now lino ofDltY GOOD'S, LAWKS AD GENTS'


DISL'.Agent for the following rico plantation-.- :

Wnipio, Wuuivru, Wuiuiiilu, Waialua,Kniieoho uml Kapalaum.

gXF" My rico from Kaueoho is niurkedI. .v ami is guaranteed Al.P.O. Vox 114, .... Telephone 109.

IJ.1- -

AH PING,Denier in Ciiine.se Ten, Cigars,

Peanut Od, Sugar, Soap,Caudles, etc., at lowestmarket price

Coruor Nmiauii ami I'minki streets. 143- -

CHIN WO & CO.Young All In, Jlgr.

Corner lieretanlj nml Niiuunu vti., Honolulu.KICK l'I.ANTKKS-Aln- as have lor Bide tliulil .pmlity of rice. Our rleo marked W O Cl guaranteed to lie Al.

Aircnts for the followliiL' rlio lilantntlonmI'ulunia, Ilalana, Mimnnliia, Wulklkl, Wnlplo,Kalawao, Kawalliapa uml Waloll, Oalm, umlllaualel, Kau.it.

Ill Tel. S18. I' OII(ix2l3.

QUONG SAM KEE & CO.Importer nml Dealer In (ieneral

Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants,

1 in Comer Klins ami Mauunkou Sts.

C T. AKANA,No. .'121, Niiuunu strtet.

MERCHANT TAILOR, vFine Stilling muile to nnler at lowest prlee.141 Clollieiis-leami- l uml.repalrcil.

Bargains inClocks, Watohes andJewelry !


UwitlL' to fulllhli liualtil. 1 wisll In nt.wnnut my luisiiieas early liuxt yiiar. To thisend 1 vill sell my ontlro stock of

Clocks, Watohes andJewelry !


Thomas Llnrtoav.04 .pUII llluuk, .... Mcitiuuiil Ht

J llltf

ectaicm itnnrnmo










All The Worry.

At the World's Co-

lumbian Exposition,

tlio Cojiptomktkk re-

ceived the highest

award on adding and

calculating machines.

TCall around and

see this time-savin- g

machine; computes in-

terest, discount, ex-

change, etc.


ST. F. 13UHGESSRepairs Garden Hos. spnnHera. Water Tdps.

Etc, Etc.

Saw Filing nnil nil kindH of Tools Sharp-ened, iucludiiiK CnrvitiB Knives nml Scis-Bor- s.

Lnwn Blowers repnlred nml for rent.Also, .SettitiK OliiBrt in fact nil kinds ofJobbing. 'Work called for und returned.Shop nml residence en Miller street.ltintr up Tclophono 852. tf

POI! POI!Van Doom &. Co., Fort Street

Noit Luciet' riimiiiK Mill, vill Imvofrrnh ovory dny

rACiriNiu maj)r roi- iiiom Tin;

KALIHI POl FACTORY,Which will bu wild to funiilli' in lnr(a or

h nml I qiiuiititturi. Ko Contain.un I'Viinihiiui.

W. U. WILCOX,I.'lltf- - Proprietor Kiillht l'ol IV'tory.

Hloro npfii U'iilut;.


10!) Hotel Hlnmt, Honolulu.47-l- f


Wkli., ltini,Miio.s-- k Co.,(itiitlaneii.l vim much tun

up. I WAS PI HI' ICILY WKhlCHl.I).welliiH I eould bi'foro I wiih tnUen Hlek.

Jiif. lme reeoiiimended nlieiidy th'evmuch nin'now tii'kiiu: bottle, KKCOMMKNI) Mill -- lUTI.ltlXG



"Wholesale the Hawaiian Islands.

Naturally Ilnilcd

Wutor, prououncod by

who know

tho best the

This Wutor

tbo highest nwuril


California liitatioiial


As Tublo lioverngo,



lotitls nil other


Smitlifc Co.

Wholesale and retail Agents Ha-

waiian Inlands.




lowest prluou, toWING LUNQ.



lilmls of llnwnie, crockery,elo, ut prleeN

Niiiiiuui llu'dl ulriili






This is the Medicine ThatMakes People Well!

Sept isnidown, Imd no npiielito at all, nenoiiH, bud no sleeji niylit or dny; to it

tluiliU to Puine't eiei Cniiiiound out mid und w rk just mWhen Innieneed tnkiliL' the Coiiinind Moiirhed poiindn: tieinh

vomuls nml all the uorkfiir mufiiiiiilii the Coniiund to s und iiroverv pleased with it . my fifth mid would IT I O A WHOWITH TUOUIILK OU

Palme's Celery b Qqqq,FOR

H0LLI8TER DRUG Co.,Agents for




jieoplo to bo

ou Market.



at . . .



is a fuvorito


Bensonfor tbo

. . .

At noTAI

III- - !l.ll Nil initi ii



Ill- - uml



JIo.stuosk, Va 2.1,una eiy Mini all

Il"t I can now sleepI ci I lllll now 1RR

ilo I


'TasitcSSuctn 'fa

IBfflSBIfi!'aiStffiSMEHjKfri ii1 am



IM'OHTCRS ANDLI5UOR MCRCHANTS.No. fi, Driiniiii htifet, - - - Sun rruiiciHco.

ron sAi.r. in iiur.iv.Asimiicn lioi-imo.- Wiiiskii.s in 7f(inf ierbimclcoutuiniiig nbout JO gftllolm cueh

nt various prices according to nge nudqunlit'.

Galu-uusi- Okavi: IIrimiv in lluml perbarrel of about 40 to .'0 gulloiiH.


Ahothecflelirnltilt'nne W'hhkif:"Kxtru l'ouy" liourbon Wnisky, 12 bottles,

3 pillions per case.Ueururuss" llourlmn Whisky, 12 liottlcs, 2

2-- gallons per case."Old liimeer"llonrlou Whisky, 12 bottles,

2 2-- gallons pi-- cr.he .

"Tennessco White ltyo" Whisky, 12 bottles,2 2 ii gallons iwr cane.


Sond orders by mail Satisfaction gua-ranteed,

Braxinsohweiger & Co.,Hl-lu- i No. 5, Uruiuni strtot.


tfir"lC8tii)ints pi von on nilkindrt of Stou9, Bricl: nud AVoulwork. Kirg Hlroot. IT- tf

TOM CHUNG 1CEE,No. J Nuuaim utrcet.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Slioes.

Hunts ami ijlines to order. I iuu thu liextmaterial, floods warranted louear Mill. 14 J--

SING WO,Corner King and Ilethel hi nets,

Dealer in Cimirsand TobaccosHeat liramlii of Manilla Clamand llnei.1 t'iiirilti's. .


At lowed priiTH. HA

HO YICN KI3IS Sc CO.,.1 lllIlll)lH

ami driller In

citocKi'.uv, (ii.Absw.Mti:, r;ic , i:to.Wuli-- r I'lpii., laid und lepalud,and plilliihllii; iuull ukii'iilul.

! No II, Niiuaini mieit.

Orient Planing Mill,VINCJ KAT CO.,


I'uniliuro id nil blod. nudo mail mmlu-il- .

Ilu IiIIiib lioufe uml maliliiL' rha mllUaI'. 0. Ilos U3, cur nw Kluj; nud llellml

ilrixtu. iij.





As a first-clas- s bathingresort with new bathingsuits and everythingcomplete pertaining toa first-cla- ss uauiingplace.

$& Tin's resort willbe run under the direc-tion of the HawaiianHotel and will bo rununder the nianageinentof Mrs. P. M. "Lucas.

0 (g

Tho establishmentwill bo enlargedthroughout and willbe the finest bathingresort on the coast,

lss-t- r


And want tlio properthing both in cut andstylo and desiro tohave the latest Patt-ern you must call on

Medeiros $ Co,Motel street.

S, Decker, Mgr,

And Don't You VuvKvtli?



AwiiIiiub a rinooinlty. Over Citll-foii- ilu

KikmI Ooinimny'rt Htoro,uu.tr.

Page 3: H I L Vr- letiii - University of Hawaii › bitstream › ... · H "wwww wfif 1 I ' L iT ' Vr- letiii "Witli which. is3 Incoi-- p orated i he "Independent,".I VOL. k NO. 149. HONOLULU,

Nori:s on VAsiiion.

Strip nml .7Iixle ol Apirol 'DiliScikoii.

The othor day a young girl en-te- rod

a strootc.ir, iiml most of thooccupants looked up, for tbornaidou had on a very stylishgown, and yot straugo to say shohad not tho air of being fashion-ably drcs8od, and why ? Simplybecauso hor tailor dross did notin tho lo.ist suit hor baby, prettystylo of boauty, yet it was porfoctin ovory dotail. A fow yoarshonco womon will tako a courseof training which will enablothorn to compmhond thoir indi-vidual types. Stout and angularwomen should avoid tailors.

Women should always avoidwearing tight gloves and bIioos,for at ail times they aro inelegant,but if oithor foet or hands arolarge itnmodtate attention is drawntoward tho offending member ifclosoly compressed, besides handsaro always red whon tight glovesaro worn.

One of San Franoisco's bestwhist-playo- rs has a band roraark-abl- o

for its beauty. Tho fingerstapor perfectly and sho nevermakes tho vulgar mistako of hav-

ing her nails polished until theylook as though thoy were justrubbed with buttor.

When hot and disty novormake tho mistake of washing yourfuco with soap and wator, it ismost injurious; use instead al-

mond oil on a piece of soft linou.If you havo no almond oil ueoolivo instead, as oil will at oncoromovo dust and bouut.fy tho skin.After gontly rubbing your fncowith a soft towel spongo it withwarm wator and all tho oil willvauish.

Tho Parisiennos, who sot thefashions, have decrood that woshall no longor bo annoyed byhaving our voluminous skirtshanging around our ankles duringtho coming soasou. Instead wouro to wear uudor nil of our win-t- or

drocses kuickorbookors of thosame material as tho skirt. Soattired wo can onjoy much freo-do- in

of motion of action, and astho knickers uro amply full thoeffect is excollont, but romembertho skirt must bo trim, natty andsilk-line- d. Tho Empress Eli.u-bot- h

of Austria, has brought thisidea into fashion. I sincorolytrust it may roacli us oro long;but let it bo rommnberod thatthis new costume is mount onlyfor out-of-do- or sports, pleasures orbusiness.

Wo mny rest assured thatvoluminous and distondod skirlsaro doomed and tho blouso issoon to vanish as tho bodico is toreign supiemo, lor a titno atleast

Tho drossmakors now havo tomako a regular study of the vari-ous mndels fur fichus and capos.Tho dark shot chine silks uiearranged as full bodices withhorizontal tucks across tho frontund puffed slcovos to tho elbow,thon tight to mo wrist. Thisaffords oveiy opportunity of wonr-i- ug

tho pretty arrangements fornock and shoulders bonded bybouillonnes of chiffon and rosottosof whito satin ribbon or pind. S.F. Call.

AmcrU'UM Nmul onlierx.Lioutenant - Commandor nnd

Mrs. Richard Clover left thoircountry plaeo in Napa Valley for"Washington, D. C.

Ill health has caused Commnn-do- rFrancis M. Barber, U. S. N. ,

to apply to bo relieved from dutyus naval attuoho to tho UnitedStates logatum at Tokio, Japan.

Lioutenant W. M. Wood, U. S.N., has been roliovod from dutyon tho Philadelphia, and has boonordored to hold himsolf in roadi-nos- s

for a commission on tho Ka-t- it

hd in.

Lioutonnut F. A. Wilner, U S.N., has beon detuohed from inspec-tion duly at Munhall, Pa., andorderod to tho Philadelphia, relieving Lioutenant F. E. S.iv go,who has boon granted throemouths leave of absenco.

l im i 'ilri'il I'l'i'llmiI n common riiiiiililiil uiul It In it ilniiL'troiiii)iniioin II inniiK Hint tho nj.tim l uclilll-tull- ll

Ill'I'ttll.U of llllllltl U lllllllll, uiul In till.I'liuilllii ii 11 U I'.iireliilly llalilu In ulliukt ufillii'neii. IIimhI' huriiiiurlllii It Hie ri'iimlyfur IhU ciiiiillllon, uiul iiUo (m Hint wcitktitvtlilch pruvulU at llir clmNKOiif .tnniii, lv

ur lift'

lliion't I'ii.i. net willy, ytt iri)inl'llj nmll Itlvll'Mtl ' (III tliu LhiMcIi uiul lltrr. iUC

110-lf- .

'mmmw wr

ueen : Street :










Tinned Buttor, Top o' Can Nutter, WhitnoyRoll Butter, Potted Meats, Boned Turkoy,Chicken, Dovilod Ham, I.unch Touguos,Bonoloss Ilerring, Boston Baked Beans anda comploto lines of

- Biea3s:fast

: St. : Store, : No.

ECclId.a.37- - G-ood- s.

Marseilles Quilts, Toilet Quilts.


AXD- -


Crepe Grenadines, Real Malto&o Laco,Valonciennos Lace. Ladies and GentsKimbcrly Glovos, Ladies Cloths Brnwn,Drab and Grey, Ladies Blnok Hosn, Sani-tary Dyo, I). I Corsets, R. and 5. Corsots,Equipoise Waists and Corsots

John T.

v 'qs&mi






Drapery Silks.


Silks And Surahs,Fancy Colored Silks

your homo and tako delight in working about itin your spare moments, so as to keep everythingtidy?

If you do, you ought always to have some ofHaus Cottacik Paints about tho place, as ahrushful in time, here and there, now and again,will save the expense of a general painting for along time.

Hall's Cottage Paint will outlast Lead and Oil Paintmixed by hand, and from its combination and method of man,ufacture, it is especially adapted to stand tho salt atmosphereand for painting in tropical climates. One gallon of Hall'sCottage Paint will cover GOO feet of ordinary hard surface,one coat, and 300 square feet two coats.

This Paint is made of whitk i.kai), i'Uue oxidk ok zinc,rintK colous, i'Ukk LiNSEKi) on, and dkvkhs, all of which areground under the supervision of a practical painter, with tholatest improved mills, mixers, and other labor-savin- g paint ma-

chinery, which thoroughly mix up tho raw materials withoutwaste, thus giving to the consumer a i'.unt, wnich can-

not bo surpassed for durability and appearance.AVo havo theso paints in 24 shades, and they aro put up in

gallon, half gallon, quart and one pound tins.

Our Wavy Floor and Deck Paint is tho proper thing touso on your floors. A floor to wear well, and look well, mustharden through from foundation to surface. Therefore, insiston Navy Floor and Deck Paint hoing used, and you willnover regret it. To ho had in ten different similes.

Call and get, or write for a color card of the Best mixedhouse and floor paints to he had in the city.

E. 0. HALL & SON.


l n W iV Y

All Shoes Up to DateAT TIIU

nEa-rL-ULfa-ct-CLireT- Slioe Co.'sBIG STOKE ON FORT STREET.


Buy New & Second-Han- dPURNITUKE.



King &. Nuuanu Sts.


Spawning Season ovor.Quarantino at an ond.Fresh Hawaiian Oystersfrom Pearl Harbor cminow bo bad ovory day byordering them trom the

Storo of

124-t- f H. E. McINTYRE & BRO

a i. crescents areyjj 2. Crescents are

kVi 3. Crescents arc

y9- -



12. prices11 public





IXL Honolulun. i.


T. ICrovuse, - - - 3?rop.Ter Day 8 2.00Per Week 12.00

Bpasiol IZatoolBest of Attentlouco. tho Uest Sitnn.nnd tho Finest Menh in this City

ALLEN & ROBINSON.Doalors in Lumber and Coal

and Building Materials of allkinds.

Quoon Stroot, Honolulu.

PilgjgagM12 Reasons Why

it's Best toa

4. Crescents are perfect in every detail5' Crescents are light and easy running- -

6. Crescent riders proud of theirwheels

7. Crescent buyers get their money'sworth

8. Crescents built by skilled work- -men

Jl CrescentsJJ concern


Crescents arefinish

W Crescent







sti-ono- - nnA .IhcoLIa

made by a responsible

high-grad- e and up-t- o-

handsome 1m design

are right and suit the

Ittastralvil CatnluAttv I'ltlW. m .tiiZiviffiui.


ssgrrjr" mss&sSjfewfefefcjgfMEEBg


T.-ilt- wl'.l lenvo on Sui-m- ' y nt 9:15n.m , nml I r(.r p.m., arming 1.. Honoluluutj I'l I p n . nnil 67.2(1 p.m.

T.aIii ui 1 leine mi SnuilnjM nt 0:1 " ft.in.Jarriving in Honolulu nt G.2H p. m.


,1st Class $1 7&' Or.l ni.n 1 O.K.

.I1VA VlllO?, V

P. C. Smit'l,132-.1i- u Utm'l l'nm. ami Tit kct AucnU




CASTINGS. MACHINERY"made and repaired.

B3Tnrtieu1iir attention paid toSHIPS, I5LACKS.MITHING.

F. E. LYNE.124-- tf Queen St.

Castle & Cook(I.IMITFI)






.., ,

mill 1UKI

& CoF

f:o!o A'onla,

Buy Crescent





rf H


Page 4: H I L Vr- letiii - University of Hawaii › bitstream › ... · H "wwww wfif 1 I ' L iT ' Vr- letiii "Witli which. is3 Incoi-- p orated i he "Independent,".I VOL. k NO. 149. HONOLULU,





WHMWWWiWi WW wiKiwiwuiinmw


Tenders For School Houses.

TemliT will Im rvccltnl nt t lie oilier of tlic' Joaril ofKclucnllon until MONDAY, N'owin-be- t

!, ut U o'clock noon, for tliu rotntiuu-tto-

of two uliool Iioiirci luvioxlol nt Wiil-3lb-

ill t ri'jl of llnnnlvl, Mnitit of Kaunl, nmlut Olan, district of I'liiin, llnuall.

I'lniH nml rpccllii-ntlii- of lliu Murk eniiTie seep ntjtlie oillce of the llonnl of Kilura-in- .

Tlie ttoiitil iloi' not lilntt ltelf to'Mc loiet or nlij tcmli r.

BV onlcr of tin- llonnl of IMnnitloii..H)ll.7. SCOTT.

ill-l- fcei'ret.iry.

51? Evetir; Bulletin,

OV(ti ulilrli l liirorpornlril thf"liiilriu-iuli'iit.- "




Tlmmns P. Sponcoi, u litoraryHnuaija:: jirlutor, lias just issueda book, in pnor uovor but of

It is no loss tlmn KingKiil.tkium'tf lmtivo ii(irmncoiri'iu,being ii couinci)eiisivo list ofsacdicinnl products of Hawaiiansoil, together with n record of the

onou!ogy oflLiwi'rin chiefs dat-ii.- g

back to tho ! uontnry.The lattur ih the Milt of the

of tl I'unous Hawaii-i- n

Board of Gfiii'.ilogy.JIr.Sioncorwas olli-rt- Jai gt- - Minis for tho man-v.-ciip- t,

wliich is in lliu Into King'sown limidwrit'iig. but be wouldsot part with it. He has dmio allthe punting attliu Bim.i irriN oflicovilli his own hand and foi t also,for he "kicked uiP' tlm iniiirrssinnson a large trcad'o press Mr. Spon-sor is tho author and printer ofseveral Hawaiian historical wrks.His onterpriso is commendableand his talent evident.


A wot spell dispels snmo of.Honolulu's pride in its streets.

Uncle Hani's gold roscivo is stillholding below the $100,000,000mark, but there ,Poms to be nowore uneasiness about it.

Tho lntost about sugar fromNow Yoik is that "raw is quiot.''iVhun it gets noisy there will be aboom in Hawaii.

Have at least a part of tho landnow being made on tho Leleoswamp icsorved for Kov. FrankDamon's proposal public pink.

If the bicycle c uitests do noth-ing else, they gro itly rolievo thegeneral dulnei-- of things "bo-'we- on

steamers "

Tho drowning of fifty youngculprits like pups is one of tholatest illustrations of the chnrac-"- cr

of the "unspeakable Turk."

Local bicyclists while waiting'or tho iMce may roi.d sonic now i

records in tho States iu thisnpi'i.

Aniorican p miotic enterprisodunes in tho inaltor of national,arks. Ono of the latest projects.n this lino is fur establishing oneon tho immortal b.ittlo ground ofVioLsbuig.

, 3 .?; ::'&"'?. v'inKroner and kconor grows tho

b.ittlo of tho big cities for theRepublican National Convontion.The politicians who lnvo tho saywill bo sighing, "Oh, font lodgein soino vast wilderness I"

There has beou nothing in theart of printing of Into yours whoremore- pivgicss has boon mndothan in the making of engravingsFor iimtmico, it is within easy

uf old nowspapor menwhen a portrait liko that of Cap-

tain Hitchcock in this issuewould have takon a wood engravera day or more to prepare for thopress. Mr. llhodos, foreman oftho Bri.LUTIN, bad a proof ifthis picture, inado by phot

on copper, slrucK oil' intwo hours after beginning thowork.

Accouling to a late dispatch ina Republican p.ipurof S in Francis-co, thoro was doubt felt in NowYork about which way the Gor-

man voto would swing. Thoioare people in Honolulu who cantoll at any time how all the"votes" in tho United States aregoing to ho thrown.

Having gained a vast improvemeut in sidewalku, Honolulushould now sit out to seenivstreet crossings. They belong toeach other.

It has been obsorvod that thomost interesting nows often comesby botween-mai- l sailing vossols.An illustration appo.rrs today intho Allen's exciting intolligencoabout tho war cloud betweenGreat Britain and Russia.

British Gui-ui- legislators haveshown their independence byvoting down Mr. Chamborl.iin'sproposals that the colony frhonldtux itself for now guns and ammu-nition. They probably know whatis good for thorn bettor than thonow Secretary for tho Colonies,who is ambitions to mako a bril-liant record for himself.

Grammatical sharps aro oftenlogical ilats.

If San Francisco gets any oftho big political conventions,berths on tho steamors honco villneed to bo takon a long wayahead.

Vtclch'M Death.Tho jury iu tho case of Honry

Wolch, tho cardrivor who wasdrowned near Sherwood's placeyesterday, returned a vordict ofaccidental drowning. As ho hasno relatives in this city tho em-ployes of tho company will seothat ho has a suitable funorul. Itwill t.iko place this afternoon at'2:30 from St. Androw's cathedral,Rov. Alox. Mackintosh officiating.Welch was tho car driver who wasarrested for furious driving, whenho brought the car mules intocollision with a body of P. G.troops on Nuuanu avenue in 1VJ3.They were marching on tho trackahead of him and disregarded thoringing of the car gong. The casecaused a little sensation at thetimo.

Jack MoLeod, a pooi well borer,struck gold that unsays $11,000 tothe ton, in boring a well in frontof the Methodist churoh, in thoheart of tho town of Fburne,British Columbia The laud be-

longs to tho Methodist congrega-tion

J""' ff(rntfl 3ClEr A T'W CKED I H Jiry u'r o Jj ,"? iMlTjlIj srccial.iv con "'"fjr.! '"J$

1 ' mnaalUie Tr.l wi nmve tKc.r ner-i-l Mwsfc JxCiTiimmifiiiiwiiiiriiiiiiiini ' "i--


(Contintied from ht page.)

Mousignor Satolli, the Pope'sdologito to America, is to bomado a cardinal.

OI'IIA.Captain General Martinez d

Campos, in the journey fromDiego do Avila to Santo Spiiitu.was attacked by insiiigents, wlninho roil tod after a short fight. Hewas escorted only bv 100 oivalrv-tno- n.

His coat w' . .,.rcud byeight bullets and oi.o bullet wentthrough his Hiddlu-bn- g

Tlio Spanisu gunboat C.iridadhas boon sunk, tho crew csoiningin boats.

So nish paiiors from lluvmasay Minihtor do bonio at Wi,)-lngto- n

reports that the UnitedSt ll.l will soon IOC lgoi,0 tile(Julian ins irgonts.

Pro iior Caii"v,is of Spa n siysthat should too Amor. cm G orn-'tie- nt

appoint a cominittoo tostudy the (Jubaii question he willnot allow them to land on Cubansoil.

Twelvo Armstrong gnus aroordeii-- fioin Khglaiid.'iiid a coni-inissi-

has gone to Guriuiny toiKgitinte with Krupp for sixtygunx, for the defense of Havana.

Mayor McMuidiy and thoClriiuber of Comiuuico of J).'nv--r- ,

Colorado, have called a in ismmooting for tho 31sl to piotestgmist Spanish opprehsiou m

Cub.i and tike .steps to a.d the ii- .-

nlllgollts.Members of tho Cuban junta at

Minneapolis declined that theremis a secret compict betweenSpain and England, which ac-

counted for tho sei,un of the fil-ibustering oxp dition in Bahamasi ands, by which Spun is to torn

ovor Isli do Pinos, at tho siotli-uostor- n

end of Cuba, in return forKngland's promis" to prevent thefit ing out of expeditions from Iior'ot Indian dependencies. Isla

do Piuos ould give England animmensely valuable naval station,e.iinuiaiidiug tho only channel totho Nicaragua canal not now con-trolled by England.

OI'llDIt I, .NS)S.

llrilUli r.nl ititt ItpJiTt Km .lilt leuol tlio Homo ov(rniiiunl.

The State Dop utimht at Wash-ington is iu possession of the fulltext of tho dispatches sunt byJ.'soph Chamberlain, Sticrotury ofState for tho Colonies, to SirCharles Loos, G ivernor of BritishGuiana, concerning tho strength-ening of tho frontier, the increaseof tho police and tho purchaso ofMaxim guns.

The Dopurtmont is also in pos-session of a fall report of pro-ceedings in tho High Council ofBritish Guimii upon the recom-mendations of the Secretary ofState. These rovoal tho sensa-tional fact that tho High Council,after 'its members hud soverolyurruigned Minister Chamberlainfor his precipitate action m rec-ommending Maxim guns, defoatidt.io resolution for thoir purohapoby a voto of 10 to rf, thus rej r cl-

ing tho policy laid down by thoBritish Cabinet.

Mr. Duncan slid they woro ask-ed to voto nionoy for two puicnasoof a Maxim gun to place on thefrontier which it took thoni sixmonths to rouch. The first thingthoy might hear about that gunwas thut it was being exhibitedas u curiosity at Bolivar. (Laugn-ter.- )

Until they had easy andrapid ootuuiuiiication bo "wouldcall it foolish to place Maximguns along tho frontier. Whenroads woio built it would bo timeenough to place gnus on thefrontier.

Sevoral others oppov d thoresolution in a biinilar strain, Mr.Uii.oan saying: "Our defenso innot tho fores of arms; our defenseis tlio prestige of tho mmo of thoBritish nation and tho talk ofany othor defense is nioro rub-bish."


Armenians and Turks who havebeen naturalized in tho UnitedStates continuing to bo tieatedwith indignities in Turkoy, theState Department at Washingtonis nroiisod to renewed dibits tosecure their protection.

Tho U. S. cruiser Mnrblohoadhas arrived at Moresina, AsiaMinor, to protect tho missionaries.

Sixty Armenians aio ropmtodto have been killed in fieico di.turbiuici'S at ICvzingjam.

Fifty young Turks, chargedwith excessos 111 AllllOlliail ii. ts.went taken on board a Turkishwarship and quietly drowned.

Jimely Jopie$

The able address by Ars.Sturtevant-Pee- t, president ofthe California Woman'sChristian Temperance Union,on the occasion of the annualconvention of that body in SanFrancisco, contained a passagewhich takes strong ground onthe benefits of the bicycle. Inspeaking of phvsical cultureand the relation of the clothesto the subject, she said:

"All know the value of astrong unhindered body. Forthis reason the banishment ofthe corset and restricting bandsis a foregone conclusion.

Dress reform has pressed itsclaims for forty years, with lit-

tle progress till the bicycle,that graceful, silent steeel ofmotion, dashes through andbursts open the door oi oreiu- -

! dice. 1 his mvstic wheel thatwe meet on every road andstreet is the mute but tellingadvocate of dress reform.It has its virtues as well as itscharms. It invites, yea, de-

mands, simplicity in dress. Itencourages physical exerciseand utterly ret uses to carry ajdrunken rider. Unlike thehorse, it balks when touchedby the hand of inebriety. Itinconveniences" and discour- -iages the use of cigars and cigar- - j

ettes to the number of 6,000,000 a year. In short, the wheelis a reformer, and, though, itcame not through the virtue ofmoral conception, we shouldwelcome its presence as we dothe advent of every new in-

vention and corporate edictbearing the balm of sobriety,with tlie promise of strongerand better men and women."

This is a straightforward ex-

pression from an able womanwho led the California forcesof one of the greatest Nationalorganizations ever institutedfor the uplifting of the race.The dignity and earnestnesswhich characterize her opinioncast into the shades the hallowobjections which some physi-cians have made to the bicycle.Ars. Peet gives us to under-stand that in the sole aspect ofrequiring women to dress sen-

sibly this simple instrument oflocomotion has accomplishedmore at a dash than the preach-ers on sensible dress for wo-men have been able to bringabout in nearly half a century.With so eminent an indorse-ment as this, even the mosttimid woman who is not heldin what amounts to physicalrestraint by father, husband orbrother from obeying an in-

stinctive impulse to dress ra-

tionally and enjoy life andhealth on a bicycle, may atleast console herself with theinflection that her impulse wasright and lament that she wasborn a tew years too soon.

In addition to the aboveArs. Peet might have mention-ed the saving in labor attainedby the patent sprocket attach-ed to the Tribune wheel, whichamounts to over 1 $ per cent,no small desideratum whenladies are concerned.

The Tribune is the wheelpar excellence for ladies' use,it has the newest patents andimprovements and can be runwith 1? per cent less workthan any other wheel in exist-ence.


Tho Hawaiian Hardware Co. Ltd


v : ?

When St Comes

To Disinfectants wo still have

exhausted, niul

aro on hand.




atS Prf ttfsrr .'trxta:

Everyone admirestlio beauty of . . .



" Clevelandqualitymeans mSii:kd.

Will ehloi tlioJftSOO

H. E. Walker,

u Agent

feaacsfocgit "M"

In Honolulu therj isalways something that de-

mands tlie attention of thefair sex. More especiallyis this true when goodbargains are offered. Incatering to the wants ofthe Honolulu Indies, thomerchants must buy judi-ciously and select only themost artistic designs. Es-pecially is this true ofwhite dress goods. I re-

ceived by the Austhamau new lino of these goodsthat are very pretty. Theymust be seen, however, tobo appreciated. I nlso re-

ceived a fine line of Lad-ies' Shirt Waists' and Cor-sets. Now that tho Cho-lera is over midlife, social-ly, has resumed its normalcondition, the dry goodsbusiness must increasematerially iu tho nextmonth. Anticipating thisdemand 1 have laid in thisfine stock of goods andthey aro now ready forj'our inspection, and canbo purchased at a reason-able figure.

M. S. LEVY.i:i?-t- t

Lime & StoneCompany.


QUARRIESOffer for fcnlo tlio liost qtiulity of I.lnio attliu ruling market rutu. This T.liuu ix tinKt'iitiiiio iirtiilu, iinu unil Hiuiile, No (orClll Nllllrttlllll'Uli tIM'll.

Ei.ltliiu "P -- 17 nml lenvo your ortkm,


our stock has not


For Sale.

in'-M- wrcsi.MAYi.ir iir.m.i.v rr- -'1 rlirlit I'biin In im. Il.'iil riiinllllmi ulll In!"lil iliunp. Aililri'p

i:is-- ll III i.i.nm Olllce.

Aloha Bath House.

NKXT TO SfAKIXK KAIJAVAY.liKiuuhl fill! fl.llll lllU ttlfT.lin.lt

w tuf im tili'pluuiiiii; Xci. 5S.'i. l'uiiuiLcdrooms to let ua lliu Hvui1mh.

I.W-- Miis.j. ii.m:wr.

lC'le'l"Tnrrni ,Tftl


In nrder t" be "Rightin it," nlwnys insist onj;ettin: cnllle, lircw-in- y

(i)nl Multitiy Go.'s' rr.

Criterion .. Saloon.

'lliu u bo VIu lllcM'lu vi ns iniulo m good atnew by

H. G. Wooten,iih'ci' .Mni.u.'nutttrur,

107 Kill.' ntn-t't- . 1 IJ-- tt



Page 5: H I L Vr- letiii - University of Hawaii › bitstream › ... · H "wwww wfif 1 I ' L iT ' Vr- letiii "Witli which. is3 Incoi-- p orated i he "Independent,".I VOL. k NO. 149. HONOLULU,


V T--' --f j,m,9mm v;?-- , :" 3 Jl.V'i,mmtrr. . ..i.T.

'. .." lw.. ".'V 'A ttwS mmSS



B.i nd concert nt Eiiimti Squnrotlii.s nftornoon.

Com puny G hnd possession oftho drill shod lust night.

Tlio nolico linvn linnn nnmilinrlwith bluo swoitora fur night wonr.

Tlio stcmiii'r Hawaii left lliibnftornooii for Maui and Hawaii.

J. W. Mason, tlio Olna cnfU'oplnntor, is in tho city on busi-ness.

Cowan's cnsli grocery store wasopened blight and eaily thismorning.

The inititiry will have regi-mental drill and p.iride on Thanks-giving day.

Thuro was a good atti'iulanco atthe fontbiili pnettcu at Mnkiktyostoid.iy.

Tho Burotiiiiin 'iVnnirt ClubCourts will b well altunded tinsnftornoon

Tho list of tho scrvidM at whichMr. Yatiiinn will spunk tomorrownppoars olsewhuru.

Company C eleetod three newmembers last night, and aftor-waid- s

ei joyid drill.Tho customs guards who wore

in quarantine on Oceanic wharfhavo all bo !! dismissed.

Art without hoart in advertisingis seldom S' eces-fn- l, but an adin tho Uuilltin always pays.

In an int'-rvio- with thoMills piys

a big i tribute to the Health off-icials of tins city.

Miss Helen I'nrkor and SamuelParker were among thos" wholoft on tho Kinnuyosloid.iy. Thoyhave g ine to Man t.

Thoeiioulationof tho I)i'LLhTLli.is increased r.ip illy since thepapui- - wis ouiargeii, anil it stillkeeps piling up.

Tho imiiiigr.intd now on thequarantine station will bo releas-ed on Wednesday, if there is notrouble in the mo, ultimo.

Dotoctivo Wiignur's bicycleclimbed a tree in tho grounds olthe Exocutivo building lately, atleast it was found in one.

The S. (J. Allen brought 1D0Ogallons of All tho g.is-lin- o

stoves in town have been idlofor bover.il diys waiting for it.

If S.iu FraneiscT securos thenoxt National Hepublican Uon-vonti-

tho railroads will makea round trip rate from Chicago of$50 to i) very body.

Merchant:) are quick to appro-cm- !!

tho improved appoarancoend increased circulation of thoBulletin and advertise in it ac-

cordingly.Thirteen cluba soom to bo com

ing quite fashionable. Thorowore thirteen ladies present attho meeting of the stranger's.Friend Society yesterday.

Commissioner Huwes and Mons.Vizzivouu.tho British and Frenchrepresentatives in this city, madeformal calls on the new Ministerof Foreign AfTdr yesterday.

At its meeting last night theAmerican Luir'UKilpnifliwI In nil.. n- -

dfliuquont members until tho lStht mi v up, alter which they willbo dropped from tho roll.

Tho very largo voto cast yester-day in tho Bulletin's bicyclocontest shows renewed intorest init Biuco lady candidates havo su-perseded tho crack wheelmen.

An oxchango says that puttingtho sporting matches on ono sideand the uiatrim mial matches ontho other, it appo us that duringthe past soason Amorica got alltho glory and England got all thocash.

At llm Mnv Tllsli-in- l riw.l- - inSau Francbco, Lolokalani ridjlenbv BurliiiL'amo finiHhnd Kuvnnfliin a ng raco with ninoentries. The winner's timo was1:14.

Good soldiors don't cease firingas soon as an advantage is g'linod.Good advertisers keep everlastingat it, so long as ttn-r- are custom-ers to procure and now goods orspecial values to announce. TheHui.i.KTI.n is tho best advertisingmedium in Hawaii.

There will bo no availing servicenl the Methodist Kpincopal Churchtomorrow evening, as the congre-gation will attend the Yatinaumutitiug at tho V. M. C. A. Atthe morning horviuu Huv. Mr, J'uckwill (llsciiui'Mo mi "It iiuiitauuuToward Clod."

" TTWMwtWtfmiiamiiinm,,

Highest of nil in Leiivoning Pow

msowtmxThe Hulletih is cssonti l!y the

local paper of the cly.Two drunks and three Chinese

vagrants comprised last night'snrrests.

The list of chuivli services fortonii-rro- appoars on anotherjingo.

The Woodward seduct'on caowill go before the jury this after-noon.

Tho Makoo brought two lepprsfrom Kauai for the Kilihi rocoiv-ln- g

st'ition.W Johnson paid tho usual fine

this morning for his l..st night'spiee.

Dr. Myoi-- is atlonding to Dr.Cooper's patient- - during tlio hit-to- r's

absonce in IIilo.Thoro will bo a celebration of

tho Holy Communion at St. An-drew's Cathedral at (li.'JO a.m. to-morrow.

Tho lato Or. Urodio's sanitari-um at Waikiki is to bo given upDr. Murray will continnn llm in..town office.

Tho potition for tho' probateof the will of the late PrinuossI' mi' kn lani conios up for heal ingon tin- - loth.

Twenty-fiv- conios of TomSpencei's book not-eo- olsewhoioluivo been taken by high oilioinlsof the (ioverullliuit."

A Chines-- child was run overiiftiirimmi iw,.,- - tl.. 1.'

street bridge by hack driven lifa native, but ChiMped unhurt.

James Olds .f the limpiresiloon has a card in this issuo.Ho makes a specialty of old Mc-Bm- yer

whiskey and othor finowines and liquors.

Officer J. M. tVrrer.i found twosi.k handkerchiefs and a piece ofribbon at noon today, which thoowner can havo by api.lyii,g nt thopolice station.

Tho poijury charge- againstChun Soe Cliong will como up inJudge Perry's c mrt on tho Mth.niiun mo preliminary examina-tion will take place.

Bev. Mr. Birnio will proach atboth service of tho Central Unionchurch tomorrow. At the c nulu-sio- n

of the evening service thorowill bo an after mooting in the interinediato room.

The Timo is spicy today, dospitouiu oimors (louoio duty frwntemporary service with tho Ad-vertiser. Bella Weight and MollyAtkinson are tho two loadors intho dictionary voting contest.

Yamamoto was convict?d of dconduct, in connection

with the Japanoso disturbance,and soiitencod to three months'imprisonment at hard labor. Onappealing .ludgo I'orry fixed hisbail at SMC). Tho report of trialis crowded out of this issuo.

A native lady named Piilaniforgot to call for tho six dollarsshe left with tho clerk of thonolico court last night as securityfor uppearanco beforo Judge I'orrythis morning on u charge ofdrunkeuhess.

Tho nanio of the girl who victi-mized Bov. Mr. Mackintosh lastSaturday was incorrectly report-ed as Eliz-ibotl- i Wuikulani or Ku-pa- a.

It should havo boon Eliza-beth Kapahi, an inmate of the

.same house, and the correction ismado in justice to the former.

San Francisco has raised $.11.-'20- 0

for tho National BopnblicanConvention if it will meet in thatcity and more money is yet tocomo. Tho Examiner and Chro-nicle- oach subscribed $7,100 andthe Call went U500 hotter, mak-

ing from tlneo nowspapors.

An attempt to haul the barkCity ol Aldelaidu on tlio marinerailway this morning failed owingto the high wind prevailing.While in the cradle in deep waterthe bark careened over, breakingtwo haweors. Shu was hauledhick to tho wharf and will betaken on Uiu iiuhvav when thewind subsides. While the harkimih leaning over, two of thoworkniiiii on the oraillo loin iinto tip twilcr and swam uuli


r Lutist U.S. Gov't Koj.ort.

Hi: tVOIIKMt SI'l.Atlll.V.

Editou Bullktin:In tho repoit of tho drowning

of Hurry Welch uhiui appealedin yesterday's Evi:.vi.(i Bullltin,it is stated that Welch took a lay-oll- 'a

fow days ago, since when hehad been drinking hoaviiy.would stato that Welch had beenat work for over one month pastAlthnug'i not fo- ling well for; heI it two or thioe da,).-,-, he stuck tohis work until w thin thiee hoursof his death. Yo-tor- d y morningho took his car out of the yard ashmiiii in o:.iu a. in., but about 7o clock ho teqnuoied Mr. Pain to1s Mid a man 1 relicv him. ..she

"'" nun, nii:i:n ividone. Ho shoitly afterwaidswont to Waikiki, where thus id ac-cident occurred. Evan Ukn.Mi:.

Honolulu, Nov. U, 18!)o.

Till AIIriiiioiiV Ciinrril.The Hawaiian band under Pro-

fessor Bergor's leadership willgivo the ihiiuI concert this after-noon nt Emma Square with thefollowing program:1. Oti'rtlir.. ul'Ul,,. 1 it, ,..

ivum i.iMuiiut'i (new;S. :.Ittllit "Mini!:.,.", he rnwH... v,.uZ1. (intuitu "(ilililj lilrln" Ilur-'i--

1. bUi-ctlo- "Wur

.'. Wall. "UniKUl llmcli" Ikr'i--ti, .Mnrcli "L'mlur the Huiibl'J Kal'le . n

WontT"Ilaxrnii I'mioi."

i'i:ii: iiai.s i,:ti:M:Nri:i.

C'linoiil-liriirri- Milln iiiiur.i ami .llln.IxliT 'iuirr - ( iMirli-nUn- .

The now Japanese DiplomaticAgent and Consul-- Gi nor.il, Mr.Slumamura, jiresonted ins credent-ials to tno Minister of ForognAfl'.niH this inormiig, when tuefollowing speeohes wore mudo :

Mlt. SiiisiAMUKA said: It haspleased his Imperial Miijosty toappoint mo his Diplomatic Agontand Consui-Gener- al to reside utHonolulu. Hawaii, and wo shallbo pleased to continue tho friendship and good correspondencewnicli lias so Happily existed

vour tiovorninoot mul tl,..people of His Impenul Majesty;and 1 congratulate you upon yourassumption of the duties of theollice of Minister of Eoreign Af-

fairs.Mlmstli: Cooit.k replied as fol-

lows: Mr. Shiinninura, on receiving your credentials as HisImporialJaDinese Mai-stv'sDi- nh -uialio Agent and Uonstil-tiouer-

permit me to say that 1 appre-ciate tho sentiments ymiollor; and wo are pleasedto learn that His in (.ending a representative ol the rankyou now hold recognizes tho im-

portance of this stition in its re-

lation to Ins Government. Weaccept it as an nsmratico on hispart that tho friendly relationswhich have heretofore existed be-

tween the two countriosiiro to bocnntinuid. We tondor you aheaity wolcoino to Hawaii and!nope that your stay with us maybo a pleasant ono and ussuro youthat everything in our power willbo done to perpetuate the exihtingfriendship between thcttm nations.i niKo pleasure in presenting toyou your exequatur.

VI iih It Iiiliinllt-lilri-

A report reached dotoctivothat a Japanese woman liv-

ing on King sheet, noar Kawuia-ha- o

church, hud strangled a new-born infant and buried it, ami hewas ordoied by the Marshal toinvestigito it. Ho did so nndfound that the child had diedwhen about two d iys old and themother had buried it under iimango tree tun fcutaway from thehouse. Khu denied that the childhad been injured by her but saidthat it had died from injuries re-

ceived at its birth. Tho womanwas brought to the Marshal andupon a through oxauiiiiatiou ofthe ciicuinstiwici-- s that nlliuinlconcluded that her story was eor-re- ul,

and after giving hor a goodleetme fur not reporting tho deathof the child let tier go.

If inn feel wifc m sorts, win atHie Criterion ....! try our lofrt-e-

tug Seattle Ikor on draught,

"-- I' IWI MM

iii'M.iriiN iinvr..,:vr..sTho siibjoimd ballot, renewed

in voiv ihs.,0. will bo receivedat tlio llrr i ii.t.. i :.,.,; ' """ lo'Mincss ollice,King Ht1(..-t- , ..t.til 12 o'c.ockV,,,,l,"",,nv- - voiiilioi-,WJo- .

Each No. of ballot willonly beaceeptaM,. nn to the timelOtuilnn it, ,! nlh wi l)Ucounted i. nd tho i. sul Is announced'! ediately th i, ftor. Morethan one voto f..r . bicyclist orone bicycle on a single ballot willlouder it void.

Tiir. l'liizn.The 'Most I'minl.iv lt;n..r.i;n

accoiding to tho ballots cast willbo awaided tho prizu of the "B-s- t

Bicycle" sold in 'lonolulu accoid-ing to tho same vote. The follow-ing named 'cntlemmi Imvn uinilK- -

COOSOllt.d In ill!!, nn !i.I,,ii-- ....iljudgis nf the contest :

C. M. WniTi:,.1 T. St.cki:k,E. A. Williams.

,SlK3M5ffijgiaaajaia,a!a'a'a'S3S)ji.i:.. IV..... I 1 II I

piiiieiiu Dicycic ijiiiioi

V'i91'b for TvI.ijsj Only.


..BEST BICYCLE.jiJ W r .i.- -

i...:timll Mil In Maul,,; will, juur , l,i(.M "r l,ll'."'lli. unit lilrti le, nm

"'' lall..I nl (lie Uiiiitis lmln.

El "VimiiIiit li, lyji.lA

BiBE jflsiaa'ssiara assiaEas'aa'aEi'aiisa


L llll--- li rirvrirutv. 1 ...r....,un at ilras.in. tot-il- l tlu- imli-Hi- -

to ln nt.- r Tonli-- , ttliid, u Hit- - first""'""' Kn.otntiicliiinl-.t- r itlildiPimilili- t lnrn ..r,..- - i..,i. i i ... i. ..'...- , - ...' .i.... .i.tv-- 1. III.filler til null ill.. I .n. 1...1. '.?"..,, - imiur-M- ' lln

!",'.'1,t-'il- ; ,he l,",'II' i"'l'inn i;uarnii-ti- .Ili.it licni t,M.-,- l Inut.-r-

nl.li- tuij, mul Iikh prim-.- l It If llii'milr IlnlrS.ii-ilii- It t,i,,ri lulr-fnllli- iu

mill i n.ilM a limirlim-eroitt- l, Cunl.iliih m,liijiirloimln-ri-illii- il. It Unut elli-k- iircrnifnil H- i- n ul,, Ull. hnir-iii- i, ,,,,,11,:nil. Ilniry, It in ,.ur nn,i

r. I ur nn, I ladles lll, halrullllli'Krn.t, ntriaki-,- L'r.iv, iriav n,l"lll.BAI.il HCA1M, Iffiiienilul.

All ilriiL'irUtH Price 1; n.n Ynlo'g Skin."'," '". "'"'"Cmii-iexliii- i Cnniii, 1

lulmriivcl'-iuder- , 50c; Yuli--' t

hiiati.'Sir. Miuu. Yale. i ami (".,... ,i..vi....

lIUMnte nt,Chli-ii- f'nt.l.. i.. tl .. . ..

iuiuu iu iiiuiini iri--


TWoonTiim-r- . livi: (utiT.NTi:ns,I either wliito or imtivo wlui mo williiiKto earn their wages, cm liml uuiiiloyiiient by

npiilyiiiK to T. II. KI'JtINO.'t I'liiiahoii Colli-Ki- i Tract.

NOTICE.ALL IIII.I.S nvi'li TiilM'i' tinv-Tti- a

due Uiu uiiikrulijneil will lie pUct'il In theliauiU or an Attorney for collection It notpaid liy the F1UST Ol' .NOVl'.MIir.K, IslO.

- (i. W1MT.



Thanksgiving and


A liirK" llnck, for (iver)Lody,l'liu'0 onion early Ui o Inrucit I4i Ji.



" ???!? AMr ,rmm mmm m



N. S.OiiU, I'ort Stroot, - .



DOYLIES, SCARFS, CENTER PIECES,'Tahla CovoM.Kuiiijow, Tmy Cloths la now-- ; cliolco'ttoann,btiinipcl JTops in Dnukotnl Ait l)umi.


wash Sill; mul Linen riossin all rtiurnnlccit' VIS1I t ' t



0jl'or fancy work.

go"''", nn.l must xs nvn lo l.o npi.tvciati.t. Cotre nndi;ij-- tf

TEL- - 001







y Peoples

Sills: zirLge Ootto 3PzirLg-- e



J o fiTSX7' AxTfW$? VU'VVAW OP

S&AH r . V3Uy nXJ0 g$"we-anE-.


CHOICE FRESH GROCERIESJust oieiu-- l n full mul complete, of tho luxuries mul(lilienciert from civilieil nntiuii, which will bu mild lowerthan lowest. !::::::. '

Fresh California Creamery and Island Butter.V3iii.y tiimh: . mi:ci vtrv.

All Ooods dclivorod Civility nticntionovory Iven to nistonurs


ALMA COTTAdK, AT WAIKIKI, IS TOLet, furnUhril, together with a liuaeli lot.

Apply to


Stable Room. To Let.

ri.vr. staiilu noon to lkt i'hojif 1 to :i btalls.

ED. A. WILLIAMS,lii-t- f

For Rent.



For Sale.

HEAD Or UEEI' CATTLE. l'Oltmilo iu lots to biilt.

S. NOKKIS,i i.t-t- f Kahukn, Kau, Hawaii.

For Sale.

INE KLACIC HOK8E.F Hound. Apply to





Tho A l

S.S. "Asloun"tlKX) tons, is due on or aliout

NOVEMBER 15th,And will hati) iiiiini'iliatu ili.iiutih fur

aliotu imilS.

3 Tor iiArllculnm of freluht and pn." apply t

TI1I10. II. DAY1ES & CO. LU.m

... Honolulu.

wm mm mmmmmtmmmmmt

TEI- - GOiy



Store, v


promptly. nd ut



For Sale or Trade.

itaiimi Made PhaetonNEARLY NEW.

Apply to J. M. McCDESNRY.J




Royal Hawaiian Hotel


livery Saturday eteiiiiiL-- , forit pntroiiH

Glum Chowlur,liKh Chowder.ia.-i.-


If you mWanta . . . .

HACKRing Up Telephone 705.


.,f.& Si-i- )i Cotnw ltcielanla A lltlAuumin iiin, H'J-K- ,






Page 6: H I L Vr- letiii - University of Hawaii › bitstream › ... · H "wwww wfif 1 I ' L iT ' Vr- letiii "Witli which. is3 Incoi-- p orated i he "Independent,".I VOL. k NO. 149. HONOLULU,




W" &$?& rWQW"v V ".rx r4



IUatll ictlon nl rim Wner Hip

CuiiKc of CrsmilHlltni.

In from ten to twenty daysfrom now thoro will bo meetingof laboring men to oi Rinnan n

Loboiom' 1'rotootiVo Union. Thomain object will be to logtilatuday's viigs. Liborors nro nowgetting ns low ii h sixty cents a

duy, Hoinetimcs in I. 0. b.s onwinch they lo?c u discount, andthe io is gte.it dissatisfaction innnimeipionce It is contended, ontin' pint i f tho laboring men, tinttiniHS uiv ,i- - g.iod ms live r sixyo.irs ngo !. uborors ought tliuro-foi- o

to g-- ?l ."On d iv nt tho lo.ist.Cli neso ii ml Jnpaiitxi, hi sidesdootns iiml lawyers, will be ex-cluded from tho proposed Uuiou.

A Huh I'ix to l'lmiic-s- .

Chief Ssvenie of tho OhiciigoFire Departmont, suys the TimesUur.ild, bus found n now form ofprotection for his lirou.en, thopropnty of citiuni ondnugorodby cniilliigitioi)s and tho lives ofJiumii" beings imperiled by inokcand (Limes.

The app.iv.itus udoptud by tinChicigo department mid which isto supplant oil other looks likethe lieudgour of a divr when hois pivpiring to descend iut tliewntor with his bell. It c insist.of ii helmet pi ici-- over tho headand fiic ii ml fitting olosol to thoshouldeis, Tlio outer ciiistrttc-tio- n

of i ho holnii t is nu nsbestos-tanuo- d

leather or ii"l)'sto- - cloth,which proof ugauist lire, hoit,strain, boiling wntor and nilpoisonous gases or Hinds. Thishelmet is hold to tlio body by twostr.ips which pass under the arm.

Tho contrivance is practicallynir tight, but has un uppur.itusof its own, a metal reservoir atits back, with a capacity of 100pounds prossuro of compressedmi'i which supplies tho weurerwith nil tho breathing matorialwhich ho may need for fromtwenty minutes to ouo hour. Thisnir supply b(fio reaching thewearer of tho helmet is filteredand com'-- s to him, it is claimed,as pure as tho uir he would tukeout of doors. A gang is attachedto the air reservoir by which theamount of nir prossuro can readi-ly bo dettrmiued nt all timesThe air pump which does thechin ging is upor.itud b) tho oar-er IhiiimW. He can charge thohelmet in fioin lifteen to fortysecond, bo ingonioiibly is thohelmet coiistmckd th. t a leoroperaled on tho top of tho

foices the an through thosupply tubes msido to pointdiiettly in iiont of tl.o m stnlsnnd tl.o mouth. In regaid tothis Chief Swonio ha? alreadyexperimented, hnuug olio of hisfiremen pi.t the t on andremain inside for n sulliciontlylong pi rmd of tune to demonstratewhether lie sullerod niiy lucon-vonhnc- o

as to btoithiig. Thofiieiuan came out as fresh .is wh nho enleied.

Sea' tie Beer is a mild and refreshing drink. It will create ileslinnd generally impiovetho system.On draught nt Criterion.

Mechanics' Ilmno, comr Hotelnnd Nuiianii streets, lodging byday, wtv-- or month. Tonub: Sio

and 50 cents pel night" fl, and1 25 ..el w.ik.

20 lbs. if Tour doctorsVtT will tell you

of ?. it is theIf aafest diet

NeStle'S --Mj for baby'

Food AT a JBO&


HOLLISTER DRUG CO,, L'D,Agents fur the llfivittllitn Islunds.


Mr. Scuard TapllnNorth Volney, K. Y.

System Broken DownDlstross Pains In tho BackNow Llfo nnd Strength Clvon by

Hood's Snraaparllln."a I. nooit it Co., Lowell, Man. i

" Dear Sirs i I do not think there Is an othermedietas on tho ruarkot so good ns Hood's

I liavo tnken only threo bottles audam now In heller lieallh than for thrco years.

My Systom Was Brokon Downo that mjr trlends romarkod upon my falling

away. I could not keep anythlnf on mystomach and I suffored torrlbta distress,especially In tho loft aide. Ilmd a seiere painIn my back all tho tuna to that I could not work.

Hood's5 CuresDetoro t had taken on bottl ot Hood's Sana-parlll-

tho piln In my back was gone, tho firsttlmo for two jean. I can cat anything andkeen It on my stomach without distress after-wards. The troublo with my back Is oyer and

I Can Work All Dayas years ago. When peoplo remark upon thtthings In Iny looks I toll them Hood's Sarsanvrllla did It." Sewajid 1xn.ru, N. Volney, N. Y.

Hood's Pills net easily, yet promptly andjOolenUy, on tho Urer and bowels. Mo.

Hobron Drug Co., L'd,Solo Audits for tho Iteimblio ot Hawaii.


Heaaauarters Enlerorise Brewiwr Co


Largest Consignment of Beerthat ever arrivod bore, now

on DraughtJ. DODD. Prop'l

Central YCeat VIaretLovo's Building, Nnnnuu St.

A FIHSr CLASS Mnrkot in every.fcspect.

Orders delivered promptly to nil parts olhe city.

wrsTnnooK .t. gauesProprietor.

tW Telephone- 101. 12!)-t- f.

Save Money!I'll I "il1 Mli IIYou throw nwny dollars evorj

year in broken lara(. chimneyBBetter stop it now while you canget a piop.iration that will preventa chimney from bioaking whnnput on wet. I'p'f. Huiuboll'8 o

com pound will do this-nn-

will prevent tho explosion olkorosoue oil nnd gasoline Wearo solo agents for this piapnra-tio- n

as w-d- l as for the Hew idoulSowing Machine, tho equal to anhigh priced irticlo and wo sell itfor WC and SU") with nttachmonts.15000 feet of mouldings for picturefianios just received by the"Albeit;" also oval and circularframos, something now and ele-gm- t.

The Pacific llardwurc Co,

Cummin' Block.


Knr. am) Xii'AM' Stiuits.

Tclepbono ii-d.- r

IV Coiimieiit iii uiincccBKiiy,

WM. LARSEN.13.r).tf

SmitliTho Bus mnii will send

bushes to pnvnto rcsidon-ce- s

for passL'iigci's to Wni-ki- ki

without extra clinryt';privnto parties can bo nocoiiiiiuxlutud nt reducedrates, but remember tlis,that a bus or wngonottowill cnll at your privntorosuloiici' iukI take you toWailciki and brin yutibank at the regular streetcar fare.


n UUILDINO HUltNLD KEOUNTLYin Milwnlikco, without Insurance,

becnUHO n clerk I OllGOT to renow certainpolioicii promptly ns instructed.

"He was discharged."A few da b later, tlio ownor died without

IiiHiirance nn Ida life, leaving n widow nndthrco young children in poverty, becauseho had NKOLIXTCTD to iiiHiirc. Ah procrast-ination Ik more cnlpabte than forfecttuluesspcrhapH tho ownor is hating his punish-ment NOW.

"SIOHAIi I Consultation nnd offlco treat-

ment free. Special attention givou to pro- -


issrjnK youii urK in

Tho Equitable Lifo Assurance Society

of the United States.

Bruce Cartwright,General Mnuager for tho Hnwniluu Islands:



Carriage Manufactory128 & 130 TOUT STKEET.

Carriage Builderand nnPAinnii.

Blacksmithing in All Its Branches,

W. W. WHIG1IT, Proprietor.(Successor to G. West.)

C. B. DAVIGHT,Docs nil kinds of Work iu

Cement & Stone Sidewalks & Curbing

Ho litis on blind n lnrgo supply otCliincso Grnnito Curb nnd nlwnn keepsHawaiian Curbing Stone. Estimnteagiven nnd lowes' prices assured. Tele-ohon- o


Building Lots!AfWAIKIKl on car lino nnd on PA- -

LAMA ROAD nenr FertilizingPlant.

Thcso lots ara VeryiChcap and Sold J

on Easy Terms.Desirable Aero Tracts nenr tho city andother Properties for snle.

1IKUGK, "WAKING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands,

tf 503 Fort Street, near King.

TranntoNi: CO". P. O. Uox 821.

Jose Do Espirito Santo,

Guitar lSg) JVJaker-Taro-Patc-h

and Ukulele Guitarsilndoof Hawaiian Woods.


130 Foit Street OpposiloChib Slnbles.Cl-t- f.


Record, 2:15.Champion Hawaiian

r in t'K nun.S runt

Zi'oll.2 n'.mid rrfi

1'llOMlTHl SMI'l hiri'Kof uiiuiithlro oll'rcolo. II Ti Klll.b ;iO in.Tloniiirh





2 l'l, Awx, fi; Irmiult,J J1.U1 WidLrr, ii.SIU:Wnlca Chlw, 'J Jl.iiim! of thu ilmiiH of llrlllli.ii-tliic.'J.l-

Vluor.J Jt

IltKClNEFIthlru ul

Vlluht, -3.2; mill

I llltlll T71Hum ol unoic, .':i.j-- , i.iiiiii', .11,1, s.slj;

t.VJ . l'l

Sans SouciSeaside Resort.

Tho pleasantost, quietest,shadiest nnd most porfectly ted

soasido resort on thoIslnuds. It is only four milosfrom tlio hoart of tho oity andwithin onsy reach of tho trntnears,which run every twonty minutesor oftonor. Elegantly furnisheddotached cottages or rooms aroobtainable on easy terms. Thotblo is superior to that of any oftho city hotels and all tho modemconveniences aro provided.

Picuics and bathing partiesobtain extra accommodations byten phoning in advanco.

Tho bathing facilities of SansKonci aro superior to tbosq of anyplncenn the bench. 89-t- f

Jewelry !

Our Stock ot Summer Goodsis acknowledged by every-body to bo tho finest on tlioHonolulu market, and con-

sists of everything TJsoful

and Ornamental. Our pricesaro moderate. Jowolry inspecial designs manufactur-ed to order on short notice.

JACOBSEN PFEIFFER.P. O. Box 287 Fort Street.

H. Q. B1ART.FINE WATCH REPAIRING.Island Jewelry made to order,

Souvonir Spoons, Gold wiroJewelry, etc.

Island orders solioitod.I O. Box35o;ntO. Gortz'sstoro.

Fort Street. G2- -t




Hn.0, Hawaii.

TOURISTS AND OTIIEKS VISITINGIllln csn Unit sullnMe board and loc'glng bycalling nn JOHN I.YCUltiiUS.

In tonncctlun with the above he can supplyjou with

Foreign and Domestic Fruits,Ogam mid Tobacco,Cool Drinks, etc.

85-l- y.

The SINGER Received54 First Awmds for Skwjno JIa-ciiin-

and E.MnilOIDKHY Wohkat tho World's Fair, Chicago, 111.,bo ng tlio Inrgost nunibor of uwnid,obtained by any Exhibitor, and

than donVo the nuniborgiven to all otbor Sewing Ma-

chinesB. Bergkrsox.

Agont.my3l tf Bothol st.. Tlonnlulu.

Record, 2:21 1-- 2.

flliUF. lluu. (l'rudcii f)- -

(.loriKtouiMi'K.1 ,;IIM-I.- 1T'; IQHU.v- -

oiiurs uiiiif.rl'LlXTUL MSI

Mrool'J In lift uinlilomiof 'j troticrb uiul 1 iiiiirs

rinito.N.I In in ul I'mlrlu lllrcl

f Ion i CIIIIF s'S . . -

Mm of s In jo listSft'ifi

llulvNor, 2.;s.lJ'l: Miiunroilt ijt I Tihcu Y Maid- -

ilnmt of Monrou

llolltll, f I'tAXTAIL SillHnntn llllii, ol Imn,

mill ilamsofbl Kl'l, 2:2;4i itiJ

I DAUniirnn- -


IMlanih of 70

riiAiinr; lliim, 2limn of l'lliilil, 2 '."l; iliim

of lln-t- , S lj. Mil I kit,r.i

riliiio. a's'ii lnirokc, s:iuil'rmi l'rou 111, a i lti Hoh"

Ouiir. 111,

7 it'4:Kket a:ltJj








Maiiv, 'trial 3. islhiin of Atti'i, 3 ri: Mir-Hu-

lru of In yo; U'tty,iliim of j In 1 jo; (Inui',(lulu of Creole, is


Cm m f !h tho cniiiest. fiwtcst ami bct,t buil stallion that luu cer own iinKUlim! into tho Hawaiian IkIhiiiIh. Huiwliiwil hU rocunl of JfiO to '.MS in J'etiiliimn,Cnl , AiiKHHtL'l, '8"i, illstanniiK hiH wlmlu lli'lil in thu llrst liwU , tbwi ajjuin t(

L'il5 in Stockton, t al., .Septi'iiiber i!.l, 18'JI, u limine tho (hut heat in 2il6?, fonrllla-l- inUtlfi, ami llilh hint in 2 lj. provinK that ho U a remarkably pawo ojwuIIns a BiK'i'ily race houo. ("Cn'olu by I'ri'injiti'r unt ol draeoby llnccanivi h.hivithat hi) Ih caiinblf of L'''tlh'K a mark of ttilO anil In imn of tlio Kiiini'Ht sUil.lons n

thin yoar, ml Ikmiib k'""o, in omi f tlm best fnnni'il, anil ri'inarki.bly.Suurhmim, Kfpt. '.'.', 1 b'J I .) Ho Ih 1GJ IiuhjIh hli? h nnil of

imwi-r- f I Inillil thriniKhi.il t. 111m color Ih uIohv black with nno w lute itilnilfootIIIh illHioiillon In nil that could be ilclml, ami his action mi'erb. Holsainirofoal unlliTi

forms .',0, with usual return prlvlli;o. Will muko tlio ruiiwii t tlio



importers of

White Brothers' Cement, .

Corrugated Iron Roofing,

Galvanized Water Pipe

Paints and Oils.


Roche Harbor Lime,

C. & C. Fine Flour,

Hay, Grain, and Groceries,

Hardware and Cutlery,Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Elo.






Stren-gftla- .

staa.d. FlavorMado of the Finest and Most Dolicntcly Flavored Tobacco.

For sale by nil mid Cigar Denlors.

M. PHILLIPS & CO.,143-t- t Agents for Hawaiian iHlnmls.

Beaver Saloon,II. J. NOIl'E, Proiirictor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT ALL 1IOUIIH.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYfl ON HANI).

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Ens a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

'Constantly on hand.

Estimntos givon for house wir-

ing and Eloctrical plants.Marino Wiring a spociulty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- d Slauiigar.


The Hawaiian


Investment Co.HAVE FOIt BALE

A Few Shares of

Pain Siitfiir Stock,Hawaiian Siitfiir Co. .Stock.


Hawaiian OoToriuiit'iit mid lntJMorlu'iiL'o KtiKiir IMimtu- -

tiou HoiiiIh.

t3f l'or imrtlculnra apjily to

Tho HnwnUnn Snfo Doposit &Investment Company,

lot Fori Htrstt llonolalii

?jrs&i ff - VSI3mmmtmmerJTtnWMU'W 1





A Good FertilizerTo Suit the Times

At S."0 ton of SOOOJIhs.Anal oil us follows: J

lOiiprctnt. I'hosphoiio Acid. 3 solublennd iirnilnlilo.

Iljurccnt. rotni.li(nctnnl).I! per unt .ninionln. 'ID nr unt. I.lmc (Cnrbonali).




Ilorizontal Slido Valvo En- -giuo niutlo by Ilonolulu IronWorks Co. m 1885. I3oro ofCylinder 13": Lenth of Stroke10": Crank Shaft on loft ofCylinder: Hnndlluvflrsing Gonr.Uinraotor of Fly-Mhe- el lift.: Sizoof Engine Bed 3 fot wide x 20ft.long.

For further particulars apply to

Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd.49- - tf.


Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands

DRAW EXCHANGEon Tin;Principal Parts ot' tlio World,

andTransact a GonoraJ Banking;


Merchants ExchangeH. 1. KIJAW, I'loinJiitnr.

Ciiruar KIiik & .Numhiiu Nlirt t., II.Minlula

(Jliolco Miiiioih ami Flue JIpit.

Tolopliouo --OLOX.

Page 7: H I L Vr- letiii - University of Hawaii › bitstream › ... · H "wwww wfif 1 I ' L iT ' Vr- letiii "Witli which. is3 Incoi-- p orated i he "Independent,".I VOL. k NO. 149. HONOLULU,

viiimcii si:uvici:s

Wlioro Honolulu People, Mil) AVor-o1i- lt

'loiuorrouCkntiim, Union ('neurit, cornor Hereto- -

nin nuil ltlclmrds street. Douglas P llir-ni-

minister. Services for Sunday, Nov-

ember lUth l):" . ui., Nundiiy Bcnool nndlliblo classes; 11 n. in., Public wurslup nudRcruion, 3:30 p ni,.JunlorCliritiwi Kmleiivor meeting. 0:30 p in, Y.P. 8. 0. 11 prajermeeting --"The iluty of loft.uossj" John 15:

11. T'30 p. ni., public, service and sermon;in tho intoiuiedinto room.

,1'rnjer meeting Wcilmwlny lit 7:30 p. in.:I'm. 102. Sunday schools;

Japanese, in Ljceuni nt 10 n. in.; 1'ortupnese, 1 Miller street nt i!:30 p. in.

St. AniihkwV Catiikmiu. Moil Sundaynfter Trinity. Nov. 10th, Cathedral senieos!U:.-1- n. in., c Iclmition ut Holy

11.00 a. in., iniitins nnd ftrnion;3.30 p. in,, ceusoue; in Hawaiian,7:30 p.m., ovensong with sermon.

Tlia herviees of the Kenniid Congregation ofSt. Andrews' Cathedral tomorrow inj)will bo as follows: ll.l.'i a. In., MiningPrayer with Herinoii; To Dunn, Woodwardin U Mat; hymns 'J(Hi and M7, utheui,"Tho bun shall Initio mole thy light," ljWujdwnril. 0 30 p. iii, uvensobg with

tm.li; hymns ffiil and -- 7.

1'iiisT MirrnonisT liWAi. Oilmenllev. H. W. l'eok, pastor. .Mimiiiy servicesNov. 10th I 10 . in., Sunday sellout, .Mr. V.

J Day, superiuteudeiit; II n. in., Hemiou"It. pfiiliiiici) toward Uud." 7:30 p. m. s.

with Irawii that people nil I pastor may

attend tho Y. M. O A. ruival senicoeou-iluu'C- il

by Mr. Yntmaii. Wed esday,7:."10 p. in., prayer servieo. Meet-

ing held in hall over Trncy'B store,

corner of l'oit and Hotel streets, entranceon Hotel street. A cordial welcome to all.

Christian Citunt'ii Harmony Hall,Kin'stieet,lotweou t'ortimd Alakea streetsT D. (larvin, p.utor. Preaching "til aui. and 7:30 put; --mndiiy School at 0:l-- am.Y mn.' people's meiting ut 11:30 pin. Morn-

ing sulijeet: "l'ho 1. Til is not slack ug

Ins promise." Kscning subject:" l'ho miming of m"gm books." ltegularPrajer mieting in Hie ball Tuesday at 7:30

pin. Woman's prayer uicetiuu, Pnday ut3 pm.I Su.vvtion Ahmy iiiiulay 7 a. m.,'dliowers of bkssinps; 11 a. in., "Tho foursteps." Il.IiO p. ui., "Jil dor soldiers" meet-

ing, 7:30 p. in., " n Awful Decision," lyCaptiiu Luigridgo. All uro cordially in-

vited.V M C A Sunday 11 t Oahtt

Jail; 3 pm boys' meeting i" AssociationHull; 0:."0 pm ovaiigelistie servieo in .hso--ciation Hall. Tuesday 7 :30 pm lliblo study

.in tho parlor.Y. M ('. A. SI'K'IU. HKV1AI, MIKTIMI3 1011


Mr. Yatniati will speak as follows:10 a m., Port gueso Church.11 a in., Kamehaiiieha School,12:30 p in , Portiigueso luuday School.3 p.m., Adi'.iess to boys ut Y M O A hall;

t'leine, "Chips or Cherries, Which!"1. p in., Addiess to men only, on "Sow-

ing wild oits."0:30 p in., Itegular Y SI C A mooting, led

by Secretary Corbett.7:30 p in , Pleaching in Y M 0 A hall by

Mr. Yatinan.Speo.al services every nfteruoou nnd ere-- '

umg next wcoi .

Empire SaloonA general stock of Liquors, Alos nnd




11 Aro of tho finest and como to usdirect fruiii Kurope. - -


Iinpoited straight from Louis-ville, Ky.

JAMES OLDS, Prop.143-t- f

YEE ON CO.,317 Ntiuanu St. P. (), Ilox U3.

Watchmakers and Ahnufactur-in- g

Jewelers.Uepalrlng of Watches and ,Jeielr ALLWORK OUAUANTEK1).

Importers of Watdiesntul Clocks nfFlncstU'J tirades.

European Restaurant.50'), ilotol street.

CHOC K SING, Maimyer.Pirst-clas- s meals at rogular rates. 1'owl

served on Thursdays and Sundays.Hoard by week $4."0.

gj& For host iptallty of Manilla Cigars,Cigarottos and Tobacco como to Hop Slug'suoxt door. 33 ifl ,Vft 147-t- f

WING WO & CO.,Manufacturers and iloalers in Lulios',

Gents' and Children's

Boots, - Shoes, - 0 - Gaiters.No. 3o Xutinuu St. - P.O. liox 188.


' Hoots mid Shoos made tn order Inliest style at Wholesale and Retail prices.

HC-- H

0"TO PillSES!r.u tr .v Jtuminl tif IfidleineA

'rof.',V.ll.rcUe,wliomiUi'o npiclaHyof l.pllrpr,Ii4 v, Itliunt iluutii irestiil uml cu ti il uioro ciui's lima

ny llvliitf Hijrs'cl in t V micewt I a touIliIng. 0Saehiril.fiuMiiftOyeur'.Uiinlliii!iiriilbrlilm.IIbiiiiU lioavaluuli!i ttnrkunltiisillM'Sranlilcklio

mil lid n Urtu Ih.ilIo ut Inn Hli.oliilo cure, f nsi to

VelvliiniyiuovitlitiiKacuislnsiliiifi,I'ruf. W. II. PKIIKH. 1' U..4 l'l' ht-- . lw York.

N THIS PAPER! llMiVr !;.;A."'iie), 01 miil itt MerrlmliW r.ni'hniiue.HuiiKm. I' Cullfuriili, where crtiitiatta lor nilvertlillil.' " be liuilu fur It

sssgssagsa,Tj7i fMM


C'hocolnto Kmulsloii Is for salo by tho

HOLLISTER DRUG CO.I.'lll-t- f Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.

CuredA morbid nppotito for stiougtlrinU (alcohol) by drinking ourmild, refreshing Sortttlo 13-o- r. Ondiangbt ut Critoriou.

City Citrrmgo Co.. J. S. Anil-rati- o,

maniigiT. It yon want nbuck with good horno l oaro-f- ul

drivor ring up r.'lophono 11U,corner of Fort and .Murclmutstreets- - Hack at nil ho-irs- .


G. It. llanisou, practical pip.noml organ mnkor and tunor, cat

furnish best factor)' reforonces.Ordns left ut Huwaiiiin News 'Co.will prompt attention. Allwork guurantoed to bo tho swneus dono in factory.

Bicyclers me likely to got out,scraped, sprained, bruised, orsome way hurt. No matter which,an application of lledding'sRussia Salve will take away thosmart and p.iiti, and euro thetroublo in a hurry. Thousandsof whoolnion novur go on thoroad without it. "Why shouldyou? 25 cents buys it of any drug-gist. Handy box for your pockot.Hollister Dng Co., Agts.

Tun JJr.T Tkkatmknt Fort L'no-r.Eit.- v

Wlion promptly nnd pro-

perly trontcd n recovery is almostcortain. This uns fully d'lmon-str.itc- d

during tin- - jtrovalonco ofCholera in Now York in 18(50.Go to bod as soon as the iirstsymptoms apponr, remain as quietas poasiblo, and tako Ctiutnbor-lain'- s

Colic, Cholera nnd Diar-rhoea Remedy in double dosesuntil tho pain ceases, nnd thennftor o.tch operation of tho bowelsmoro than natural. So ml for nphysician, but tako this rotnodyin this way until he arrives. Theroinody should be kopt at handro idy for instant uso. It shouldbe talcon within five minutes aftertlie first symptoms nnpoar. Cham-berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar-rheal Hotnedy is tho most success-ful medicino that has yet boonproduced, not only for tiio milderforms of bowel complaint, but fortho tiost virulent forms of A"iaticChoWa. For salo by UKNSOJJ,SMITH & CD. lU-l- m

m oIf II c IIlls c I

IP'S. Imm s1 ! f S I

i r ill & iV '

''tww?f'r- - - - hi r ffjfi



Business Cards.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. G Irwin, - President ninl ManagerClnus Sprockets, - - -W. JI. Gilmrd, Secretary and TreasurerTheo. C. Porter, Auditor

Sujar FactovsAND

Commission Agents.





WINE MERCHANTS.2'Jo Queen street , Honolulu, H. 1.

47-t- f




Also White and Black Sandnt tho very lowest marketrates. Tolphono No. 414.


Business Cards.

H. HACKELD & CO.tluvo just received n now Supply of tho

Celebrated "Danish Beer"Of the following J3iiuds :

"Gold Label,""Munic" and

"Export."Also, Just to hand a larje consignment of

Genuine Bavarian Mops!

Jii8liocoiv(l mi



GENEHAt, Commission Aoi:nts.

Cor. Fort nnd Queen Streets, Honolulu.


MPoiiTniisi ami )nTii:iis in I,ttMiirnAND AI.Ij KINKS 01' llUIMH.Vl


Fort Slrrct, - - llntiolttlu.

H. MAY Si CO.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.J)8 L'ort Stieot, Honolulu

Telcphoncr 2'J P.O. Box 170Jul tf


318 Fort St. - TVleiihonoOl.


No. 4i Quii'ii Street.

Expert Appraisement of RealEstuto nnd Furniture.

Il2 lln

Cook's Music School.

Tiior. K. Cook, for l'rlncip-n- lif ConU'i MiiKienl Institute, l'oi timid,

Oregon, id jirepitri'il to givu


For terms nt the Sttulin.

WAIIIXfi'S IIIIU)IN(J,125-i- n Ileretanln street


BLOCK Ilonoluln, II, ,

iiMMrtnx'iil ol

C. - Hustace - Grocery - Store,Kimi Stuki.t,


Clioioo lllook Itutter, Kits Silmou llellies, Choieo lliimsnmlJlucou, Smokoil lleef, Oregon Jturlmnk I'ntntoes, VtllowTiir-ni- H,

Unious, Mnplo Sugar, Muplu Crc.tm, Ccuuiuo IiuliuuChutneys, Honed Chicken, Curried l'owl, Lunch Tongue, As- -

Fresh Jitms, Tnlilo Fruits, (Solilun (Itto 1'lmir, Swiet.'ickfes, Dried Fruits nnd n general nssortuient of Stuulurdgoods, nt lowest prices.

fjW Leave your order or ring up telephone No. 1!).







Rooms 12 Sl'REOKELS


-- I AT Till'.- .-

' tf


City Furniture Store,(tori'cr of 1'oit nuil Iteritmiiu tnil )

Ex. Bk. Albeit

fifteen yenrn


H.H.WILLIAMS, (MiuiiiKcr).Uiuluitiikor nnd Kinbiiliner




-- I I'or Snlc



This is the WinnerIllllnHIIWI IIIIIKII


Of tho Close Finish. He proudly wears the prizet,sit of line Harness made by Chisholni. If you wanaanytliing in smylo or double harness, made in the bestand most sulntantial manner, Chisholni will make itfor you. He can also supply you with Saddles, Collars,Robes, Grooming Requisites, Whips of all kinds, every-thing in fact to be found in a lirst-clas- s Harness Shop.You cannot miss the old stand, corner Fort anil Kingstreets.

Alex. Chisholm.Successor to C. Hammer.



No 74 Kinc;




Onl) hy ilin- -


C:i loiMSWti-cet- s

& CO.,P. O. Box 297



UplioLstorod GoodsMattresses Lounrj;esChairs in Variety.

Honolulu, H. i.

-- r. o. iiox 140

AND 1)1 VI it?, IN

New Goods! New Goods! New GoodslBY EACH STEAMER FROM COAST

All Delicacies n Our Line.

A complete lino of st.iplo mil nuoy groceries as loiv as the lowost.Island orders solicited.

LEWISTolophono No.



us- -




Groceries, Provisions and Feed.Nt'V dooiU JUrulvcd liy Kmy I'uikit from tlm Utkti ru Htiiti's and I'.uropo.

FRESH CALIFOKNIA PUODICE BY EVERY STEAMER,All Order (.tillifullv iitlendnt lo nnd Ooo'U Uduired to any

1'niliif lliut'it) 1'ltl.r..InUAKIi OllliKIM H0I.U'ITfl, fiATHirAt-TIO- OniliMMD


Page 8: H I L Vr- letiii - University of Hawaii › bitstream › ... · H "wwww wfif 1 I ' L iT ' Vr- letiii "Witli which. is3 Incoi-- p orated i he "Independent,".I VOL. k NO. 149. HONOLULU,




niwrH)i"wffifi TTV'wEVENING BULLETS. XOVKMUEB 9, 1895.

., MlWMUJ.gttdattVLtiraUIIUI'31'WWIWMMliMWMWpiipW, MtMIMaA rIMH HWWUimMHmami




Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line CLEARANCE SEEFliOM AND AFTElt OCT. 21st, 189.".

UIIK'lt I'ASHAHK AM) I'ODU HAYS or1'irvrnr

l.A'llIU MI1VH, t--- - -- ,.ri-' t y

of tlio nbovo Lino rtiimiiij, in connection with the BOYS CLOTHINGMrtilni'i- - lunlunl Willi Unrrfcn Inl CANADIAN PAC1ITIC KAIL WAY AND

Sui;nr--lirliiiii'ii- l'roln I.hiihIOilier Siitunlnj linn. IJctwecn Vnucouver, 1J. Q, nmt Syilncy, N. S. W., tmil cullinc nt Victoria, B. 0.,

Ba "a Honolulu mnl Suvn (Fiji),

Hi O

A rain) iln nloiicliore.l.uci'n clock i imiMiu nitalii.TliuS S Cilli- - will probably iail MoiiJ.it

orTiicd.v ncM.The fii'iiniiu Lark II llneUcld fioui New

Vnrk mil Hi In port tlil Rllcrnoon.Thi! uleimiT with Molol.nl product

niul Ijh.iu llc toel. mrhed In poit tillinornlnz.

Tin- - MOlncr Hawaii tnuk ft Wg loid " & '

fr. lulu I" lliinoinu nnil u) port no

noon toiln) .

The tr.itm-- InMmil rnini'in from Hutu-manli- i

thin iiiiiriilini Itli Sill" bag No I jtiRiirwliclli l ilini'li.ircfil on the Marie

, Hi:! nail of pndily nml M ban ofrice,

Alheh pan lit with u Kiioillj vocabularyof fin"' woiu. halns lii'Cii broiiKlit up undertlie lutiluct'of tin' carpenter of the cl,in.ikin thin;; liilirntliiK at Oceanic wharfIroin the pooptleikot tin- biirkentlne SN


CnHU.'Ihi'Aiii" S C Allen. Thnnipon

lunstt i, II iIiimi from .vui Franel'co with acargo "I ui'iirral nieic!ianr,li d u'ke.l nt

ui 7 ii'clmk thi inoriilnp. TheAllen hrmiirlit fmir '.'ots Inter news winch itreproduced 1" thl luo. 0.'Pl.'In Iboiiip-ho- ii

bionitlil miiin pasMiiiii'ie, including MIm

llruim and Mr Willie White, wile of cashierWilli., .it i In. Tori Hired wharf. Thu captain wlfi and two ihllilriu were alto onbom d.

The following notice In hung np In thelntcr-Man- ulllce- "Oilier In the employ ofthe Inter Iiliinil !team Navigation ( oiupanynru reiiu-tei- l to give their pcnonnl attentionto their 11111111 In the lnteret of thu Com-pany diirlnj; ihiiiic and working hoiiu, andmine can delegate other to perform turlidntlei. for them wlthoiitthe permission of theI'ri'lldiut or whnrf Miperlntendent." TliUmeans nhat It ajn evldentlj and the Kurttrcit lioy are. looking "a lcedle oud."


btmr Iwnlanl, from Kauai.Klinr l.ehua, troin Molokal and I.anal.


Echr Molwahlne, Kiianonl, for llamakua.btmr Hawaii, l'ltrKeriilil, for Houoinu and

wj portH.

i'.s3r..ciEits Aititivnn.l'ci S C Allen, Nov SMn W .1 White,

Mlii.M llruns, K ll.il ley.

I'lioiKCTnn Dm'AitTuncs.

Stinr Kaala, Ilrown, for OjIiu ports, Mou-d- i,

So If, at 10 am.Btmr .1 A Cummin, Xellson, for Koolau,

Monday, Nor 11, at 1(1 am.


Ex Iwalaul 'MID bj ui;ar llackfeld A Co,lsU hacks paddy, SI eacki rh-e- .

VK.sSKI i IN I'lillT.

NLU Si lleniilnston.l't'man, Mare Inland


(Coastcm not Included in thU Hit.)

(icrbk II , N T.Am h s I' llltiluoek, (iutei, S F(ler ship Main- llackfeld. Walters, llremenHaw bk II I ltllhcl. Morrl-o- K.

llrbk City of Adelaide. WllllaniBon, New-castle.

Am nil Janilenni, l't (ianible.Am wli Hubert I.eers.(ioodinan, I'gl sound,

(llllo)Am hk Annie .lolmion. S V (llllo)Me bk Don Adollo, I.Hrui, Newcaitle.Am bkln !? (i Wlldir. McNeill, San FnnclteoAni mil Jnhii ( North, CarUen, S F, at Ho- -


Foui:i(i.N vfssiii.s nxpnoTKi).

cumuli here troin

Am bk I'.dward May....Hotoii DueAm Anna S V (Kahnliii) Duefier bk .1 C I'lluer llremen Duo

Br bk Alderuroie I.lierpool DueAm nhr lvu j; Crii...Newcallc Duellr bk Uoryiiliene. ... Newea.tle DueAm peh l:iuert atarle .Neweaitle DueAm bk Seminole Nrwcatl DunNor bk Seringa Newrattle Oct lUAm eli rt in liuwdcii Ncwiantle Nov 1

Am eli .Innli North. .bl'illonolpo).. Nov !i

Am tell Olu'a S K..(.Maliiikon.i)....NoT IS

llr An Jit l.i lunoii, Yokoliaiiia Nov III

Am bktn Amrlu Kurtka Nov SO

111 bk Ioxv'loTi' ....l't Stanley Nov :M

(icrbk Iliii It Stanley No ill)

Am bk lloll.w(iiiil.. llostoti DeeSO

Jn onli'r to imtirehs ujion yourmind tii" fucrt tlmt the Seattlelinvivij mnl Miillhuj 'n'x lieors

io Milil. Ij slit ami Livnly, vibolr.w kivo tho tircrugo j)ir cent ofiilcohol in vnrious liq iom in cotn- -


"Rnhiicr" lleur. . . 3.4 pur cont"O Ihi jiic" lker. . . !i.-- l

Alo'. 7.--

Ciller.. 8.(iClnr.t.. .i:t.:5WlnuLv wuOn drmiKlit nt tin' Cntoiinn.

Main oi lluuuii, ' re we part(ill o me back, mil not mj hciitliul thut hilling illnuioiid rlnc,llrueelel, eaidrop, cm rythlnj;Tlmt I boiiuhtaud iravu to juii,W lieu our miiniiivr lole wo new.Illvu tin in back, and I will lilt,l'ind anolhtr whom they'll lit.While In blown A: Kubey' "toreYou cull buy a fuw ilo.cn moiu.

Alw'l'ltr-(lt- 01" fi"l'"'r? till)

lioiu lit of tin- - liiuyo o iiniitost now

(oii'K " " thin puprr. liy ioiih'iiof tlio inoio'iHiitl fii'LMi'iiiion.

Tho fust' uKuii'ht C. II. Whit".c!li'r:"tl with iiH8ii"itiiif nillcer

NoiiiU.m. wus ijoiitiiiHi'il liy Jnilfjo

l'orry lliw iiioiiiiiir5,,"t'i 1U !--"'

i?a . a .. a "3 a

a . icJ .Sri'.g.S ,S oi Sfwp js(Sa 55(5,2 5 (So

A.M. A.M. l'.M. P.M.

Lv. Honolulu... 0:40 llilfl 1:4. fi:10" 1'eiirl City.. 7:10 OioS 'Ji'.'S fi:.':)" r.wnMlll.... S:I0 10:10 '.:I0 (1:11

Ar. Wiiinuuo.... 10:51 3:Jt (1:10


t " S 2 5J t if 'Is if s i-.- s --, S-' k " Sfi --- - k " fi x,S KhB Zit'x,

A.M. A.M. P.M. l'.M

Lt. Wuiniine.... (1:11 1:3'.! .1:11

i" Kwn Mill. ...7:10 0:10 2.07 4:22" lVnrlCity ..7-..V- ) 0:18 2: 4 .1

Ar. Honolulu. . 8:2:1 10:.'10 .1:11 5:20

On Snmlij'H tiuiii will lenro Wninnno nt.1:17 li.in. ilist"inl of l:S'. p. in. aiiiinginHonolulu nt A:2(i p. m,

Freight TraiitH will carry l'nsscngcr

. 1. Damson, F. C. Smith,SuporinteniUiit. (leii. Fuss. A-- Tkt. Agt.

I.10-- 1 in

Wildcr's Sfeaiusliip Cos


C. h. WIOHT, Frc. S. 11. KOSF, Secdipt. J. A. KING, FortSupt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 2 r. M., touching atI..ilHium, Jtimlaeii Hay nml MnLeun tlioh.imo clay; Mnlmkon.i, KnwniUiio niul

tlio followiii)' ilay, arriving atHilo tlio bnmo ocning.


Tuesday Nov. 19 lavFriday Nov. 29 Tnculay .... Nov. 20Trfiitny Dec, 10 rriday Dec. 0Friday Dec.?0 Tueuay Dt-c- 17

Friday Dec. 27

lletnrniiig, will leavo Hilo nt 1 o'clockr. M., touciihip at I.nupulioelioc, Milhll-koi-

and Kawniliao samo tiny; Jlnk-ena- ,

M'lnl.iea II ty nml Lulmiim tlio followingday; nrnviuK at Honolulu thu afternoonsof 1 ucsilny nnil Fridays.

f!S.Vo Freight will bo iccciveil after12 noon on day of sailing- -

Stmr. CLAUD1SE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will luno Honolulu Tncsilay nt fli'.M,toucliiui; at Kiiliului, Hhiiii, Hnmon amiKip.iluilu, Mnui. Juturniiig anives atHonolulu Suiplay moruiiig-i- .

Will call nt Nun, Kniipo, on second tripof each mouth.

iyNo Freight will bo nceivcil afterm. on nay of sniling.

This Company will resencs tlio right tomnko changes in tlio time of ilepartuto andarrival of its Menuieri without notico anilit will not bo icnpoiiiiiblo for liny s

niislng tlierefrom.CoiiniKiieeH must be ut tlio Landings to

receive tlieir 1'uiglit; this Company willnot hold itielf for fielglit nfttrit lias been landud.

I.iio stock only at owner's lis!;.This Company will not bo lcipuusiblo

for Monty or Valuiiblis of p.iM,oiigirnunless placeil in thu cnio of l'ui-strs- .

FuihunsrrH nto leqiiesteil to purcluihutickits before embarking. Tho,e falling todo ho will bo Mibje. t to mi additionalcharge of twenty-liv- per cent.

Steamsli in Co.

M?ixx3LO TaloloLOCAIi 1LINE


Arrive Honolulu Lenvo Honolulufrom S. F. for S. F.

Nov. 15 Nov. 20Dec 11 Dei. Ill.bill. .'I. lh!)li, . Jun.lt, liMIJan. 27, IWMI.. ,.1'eb. 1, 1 !!(!

1'ub. al, IhlKL .I'cb, 2D, IS'J.1

THROUGH LINEFrom San Francisco From Sydney for

fur Sydtit-y- . San Francisco.

ylrrNW Hunulttlu. Ltme Jlunuhilit.

Mnripoin .Nov. 21 Mouowai. .Nov. II.Moooiviii, Dec I!) Aliimedii, Deo. 12Almiiedii, ,T.iii. Ill, 'Oil Miiripiia,i, .In ti II, 'III!

Mnlipoia, leli. l.'t, '111) Mom nl, l'ob.O, 'till

ask rouji anocjuiFoil I'ATKNT UxOBIiLKNT Fl.OUII.Highest griulo Flour on tho market.Cost the sumo an all oilier first-clas- s

gr.ideu. 0.8m

On or nbout tlio ilntca below staled, viz.:

1'roni Sjiluey mill Sinn, for Vlctorln mnl

Vnncoiivur, II. C.i

RS."VA1U!IJI00". Xovcinlier 4S.S."MIOWF.ltA"... Dciciuliel 2

Tlirouli Tlflcotx ImsikmI from Honolulu to Cumuli!,Unitoil Stales niul Kuropo.

niwoiiT and PAKscNonii aohsts! ISf For Freitjlit nml PiiRonKO mnl nilGeneral Informntion, npply to

U. MoNicom., Jlontrenl, Cnnniln.ltunuiiT Knuit, Winuipep, Ciiun.ln. JHEO. H. DAVIES & CO., L'(l

JL M. Htkiin, Sun Francisco, C'nl. ....O. JfoLi. Uiiown, Vancouver, 11. C. A.'Ciitn for tlio



For San Francisco:The Now mnl Fine Al Steel Steamship

"Monowai"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company willbo iluo at Honolulu from Syihiey amiAuckland on or about

November 14th,Anil will leino for tho nbovo port withMoils ami Passengers on or nbout thatdate.

For Sydney and Auckland:

Tho New anil Fine Al Steel Stcnnmhip

"Mariposa"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company willbo iluo at Honolulu from Snu Franciscoon or nlxiut

November 21st,Anil will linvo prompt despatch withMails anil lWengers for tho nljovo ports.

Tho uuilersigueil lire now preparedto issito

Tliroiiirh Tiflccts (o All Pointsin tlio Unitud States.

E3T"For further pnrticulnrs rcgnrdiuBFreight or Fussngo niiply to

WM. G. IRWIN &C0., L'd,l-- tf General Agents.


NOTARY PUBLIC.Olllco : With J. A. Mngoon. 115-t- f

A. S. Htimphreys.ATTORNEY AT LAW.In ofllcoof J. A. Mngoon, old Capitol lluilil- -

iug. next Foslotllce, Houo.ulu.Ho-t- f

AM NOW prepand to aciept your orilern

I for iljelng, nil k of lotion goudi,w ool'i li- -, llkn, crepes, law ini, etc, atilicapett prlcin:

N iiVAiioro,lf','-- tl Katillke street mul.al of lvlng-tiLc- t.

Dr. J. K. Smith.


Olllee lBiiiirm II to 13 n. m.lovllm



noxt to Lucus' Mill

Ships' Blacksmithing.

Carriage Building

and Repairing

Drays, Carts and

Wagon Building



ROBERT GHLKVE.Book and Job PrinterMoro'nnt Stroot, IJonolulii, II. I.

Over riiiwniiuii Xuwa Company'sDook Storo. tny 13.


PEN ARTISTEngrosser - and - IlluminatorKcnIiIciu', White Iloimo, Nituiiiiu Bltcct.

lloom 0, lelrphoiiu I.TJ.

rrnni Victoria nnil Vnncouer, II. C, toSum inil Sjitney:

S.S. "WAUIMOO". .Kin emlier 2 1

S.S."MIOVKUA".. .,Deccniber 21

Facile Mail Hif kAND THE

Qrjcifleutal & Oriental Steamship Co.


Steamers of tho nboo Compnuies willcall at Honolulu on their wny to the,nbovo ports on or nlxiut tho followingdates:

Stmr Coptic Nov. 2S, 1895Stmr City of Felting Dec. 28, 1895

For 8AN FRANCISCO:Stcnmeis of tho above Companies will

call at Honolulu on their wny fromHongkong and Yokohama to tho aboveport on or about tho follow initiates:

Stmr Coptic Nov. fi, 1895Stmr City of Peking. . . Dec. fi, 1895Stmr Coptic .Ian. 15, 1890Stmr Chum Feb. 2i, 1890

Rates of Passage are as follows:TO TOKO- - TO IIONO-HAM-


Cabin S150.00 8175.00Cabin, round trip, 4

months 225.00 202.50Cabin, round trip, 12

months 202.50 810.25Europium Steerage.... 85.00 100.00

E3yPusengers pnyinR full fnro will boallowed 10 percent oil' return fnro it

within twelve months.

CSfFor Freight and 1'nssngo npply to

H. HACKFELD & CO.,tf Agents.

Consol flated Sola Water Co., L'i

Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.


J. J.Pot.r.iVAN, J. r.fCM.KY,l'ri'.lilciit 5le'.

Fasliion Stats Co.,HUoiioliilu, 11. I.

SuLi.iv..N .t Buckley, Jlan'g'rs.

FINEST EQUIPPED CARRIAGESin the City, with Competent and Cnro-- f

ill Drivers.

Siaiul at tho Pantheon Stables,Corner of Fort and Hotel .Streets.

Ti'iiiU'tioNi'.:llaw'i. Hotel Stnhles, 32.Fiinlheou Stables, ill

tf Fiwhioii Stables.


GO. irinsr Street.G. J. Wallhii - - Manaoeu.



Naw Contractors!



Smith's Canh Store.414 A 418 I'rout St.,




Assets, - - - $10,000,000.

H. W. Schm.dt & Rons,I IS-- AyunU lor thu Hiiwuiluii Ulninli.



KriclaySatu. relay-Octobe- r

4Lth 25 th and 261 h.Don't Forget the dates.

At this Snlc every niece of Boy's andChildren Clothing, will be sold at greatlyreduced prices, and remember you can notbuy these goods before Thursday Oct. 24th,and you positively enn not get them afterSaturday, Oct. 2(5. COM3L EAKLY I

Yours for business only,



It is the only one in town and we Movk Pianos with-it- .

We move them safer, quicker and Ciij-:aik- thannny one else. Wo will also move your furniture andbaggage of whatever description. Trunks to anypart of city 25 cents, smaller packages 10 cents.


till, KhK Street,

13o IVot


This is mi especial brond inthe best Cigar in tho city for the

Imported and


to vll aviio




l'i. A- - Wii.uwis, Manager.Telephono 171). 145-t- f


Me: Li .

ported onlytby us, Jt is pcsithelymoney.

for sale by



ijsii:; jLnsrrngner,



Tho nnileini(jneil, L. C.fAM"H niul II. I. Wnlton, piuohnsoil from ClmrliH J.tlio?ineiitor of I'rerless 1'rcM'n inj; I'ulnt, tlio HkIiI lo uiniiiifnttmenud htll tlio ri.i:iu.iM I'iiijujivimi Paint in tho lliiwuiiiin Ihlnuils. '

Pntont for Poorlose



Point.On tho 20th ilny of rkptciiilior, lEIlo, tlio ltopnlilic of 1 Itiwniif Krniitcfl to L C Atlca

nnd II. P. Wnlton, u piitimt No. 11), niuiiliinj them thu OM'liuiio ii(,'ht to iimko n'to undvend Pi.i.nu.hS l'lii.snivtMi Pai.nt tluontjliont tlio lIiiMiiimu Ihluiuln. '

TruUo MnrU for Poerlos Proworvtny Pnlnt.Tho Itopuhlie of Iluwiiii Iiiih nhn (rrniituil to L. C. Abies nnd II. P. Wnlton tlio otcIii

ivo use of tho woulh Pi i:uli.sn Pni.si.n im. P.mnt io. timlo murk tliioiiolioiit tl,u i .LiiiliUo of Huwuii foi thu tuim of M jouiH.

Imltatluii,Ccrtnin pnrtli-- in Sun riimciwo 1iau liceiitly hoen wniliiif. to Ilonohilu under tlio

nnnio of ITkiiu."! Piii.shu imi Pai.nt ii spuiioim article not only iiifuir t tm ,"pniut, hut ouo which is poniliely injuiious to nny metiil to which it niuy ho nppliul.

Dewnro of Fraud,Wo hereby vnin nil per.soiiH lyiiinKt litinj; into iikIiik nny l,t llJU treimlriA

I'F.HU.i.-- Pm.su.vi.Nti Pai.nt, which can bo obtuiiiLil only of Able ami Walton.

Wuriiliiti Ad'iintl Iiifrinuumoiit.Wo aKo hereby warn nil persoim buj ing, 'hilling or neinf; nnv mtiolo nmlur

tho niiini) of I'ecrll'M rri'M-nllii- Paint, oxie ttlmt hold by iik, ii(.,',,njL,or tikini! will be n direct iiifrinnunelit of our patent and tradu innrk, and n iofiilii AtoiirriKlitu, MlbjectiliK tho peiw.li. buxiiin, helliliK or Ubitty blieh paint lu a diiiin forilninni;vii by uh in nccordmico with tho Hawaiian Law.


Houolulti, Oct. 10, 1693.