gustation and olfaction

Other Senses Part 2: Smell and Taste Learning Goals: Students should be able to answer the following: 1. How do we experience taste? 2. How do we experience smell? Rating Student Evidence 4.0 Expert I can teach someone else about the experience of taste and smell. In addition to 3.0 , I can demonstrate applications and inferences beyond what was taught 3.0 Proficient I can analyze and compare/contrast the Aspects of the the experience of taste and smell. 2.0 Developing I can identify terms associated the experience of taste and smell but need to review this concept more. 1.0 Beginning I don’t understand this concept and need help!

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Post on 04-Jul-2015




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AP PSYCH Smell and Taste: The Chemical Senses


Page 1: Gustation and Olfaction

Other Senses Part 2: Smell and Taste• Learning Goals:

– Students should be able to answer the following:

1. How do we experience taste?

2. How do we experience smell?


Rating Student Evidence

4.0 Expert

I can teach someone else about the experience of taste and smell. In addition to 3.0 , I can demonstrate applications and inferences beyond what was taught


I can analyze and compare/contrast the Aspects of the the experience of taste and smell.

2.0 Developing

I can identify terms associated the experience of taste and smell but need to review this concept more.


I don’t understand this concept and need help!

Page 2: Gustation and Olfaction

Crash Course: Homunculus

Page 3: Gustation and Olfaction


The EarSound

Depth cuesGestaltPerceptionMovementTouch/Pain

SeeingThe EyeLightIgnoring CNS


Taste as a chemical sense

• Basic Chemical Tastes

– Also known as gustatory sense

– Sweet, Sour, Bitter, Salty, Umami

– Taste may be based on survival (bitter food

is toxic)

– Taste receptors reproduce themselves every

two weeks

– Taste buds and taste sensitivity decreases

with age


Sweet Sour Salty Bitter Umami



Page 5: Gustation and Olfaction


The EarSound

Depth cuesGestaltPerceptionMovementTouch/Pain

SeeingThe EyeLightIgnoring CNS


Smell as a Chemical Sense

• Chemical Sense or Olfactory Sense• Smell involves the detection of molecules• Scents play an important role in


• Smell & Memory• Because smell runs close to the limbic

system, it ties closely to memory pathways• We have a hard time describing a smell,

but can relate to personal stories

• Herz’s Brown University Study1. Students played an impossible game in a

scented room2. The same students were then given a

complex (not impossible task)3. The same scent was pumped into the

experimental room and the students gave up easily


Page 8: Gustation and Olfaction


The EarSound

Depth cuesGestaltPerceptionMovementTouch/Pain

SeeingThe EyeLightIgnoring CNS


Sensory Interaction

•Sensory Interaction• Smell + Texture + Taste =


•Visual Capture• Vision dominates all senses

when conflicts appear

•McGurk Effect• Hear one syllable while

seeing another lipped causes us to interpret a third

•Synesthesia• Rare disorder in which

people combine senses


Page 12: Gustation and Olfaction

Learning Goal:1. How do we experience taste?

2. How do we experience smell?


Rating Student Evidence

4.0 Expert

I can teach someone else about the experience of taste and smell. In addition to 3.0 , I can demonstrate applications and inferences beyond what was taught


I can analyze and compare/contrast the Aspects of the the experience of taste and smell.

2.0 Developing

I can identify terms associated the experience of taste and smell but need to review this concept more.


I don’t understand this concept and need help!