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WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4 Guide Workflow Engine .NET [email protected] 1 2015 OptimaJet

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WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

Guide Workflow Engine .NET

[email protected] �1 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

Сontent1. Intro 3 2. Core 4

2.1. How to connect 4 2.2. WorkflowRuntime 5 2.3. Scheme 9 2.4. DB Interfaces 10 2.5. Life cycle 11

3. Designer 13 3.1.Server-side 13 3.2.Client-side 13 3.3.Toolbar 15 3.4.Activities 15 3.5.Transitions 17 3.6.Actors 18 3.7.Commands 19 3.8.Parameters 19 3.9.Timers 19 3.10.Creating a scheme 21


[email protected] �2 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

1. IntroWorkflowEngine.NET - component that adds workflow in your application. It can be fully integrated into your application, or be in the form of a specific service (such as a web service).

The benefits of using WorkflowEngine.NET:• Designer of process scheme in web-browser (HTML5)• High performance• Quick adding to your project workflow• Autogenerate incoming list• Change the scheme process in real-time• Database providers: MS SQL Server, MongoDB, RavenDB.

WorkflowEngine.NET is perfect for:• Adding workflow in your application with minimal changes to your code• The process of challenging and \ or frequently changing• Some modules or some applications need to change the status of the documents

[email protected] �3 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

2. CoreThe core supports the following basic workflow functions:

• Creating processes• Defining the current state• Receiving commands accessible to the user• Executing commands• Forcing set state• Impersonation• Schema versioning• Localization

A document scheme is presented as an XML that can be modified manually or via a designer.The engine uses two-stage scheme processing: a basic schema and a schema of process.

The schema is used as a basic processing method. The schema are stored in the WorkflowScheme table.The schema of process is generated based on the workflow group scheme processes with the help of IWorkflowGenerator. The group of processes can be differentiated by the scheme code and the set of parameters for generation. The schema of processes are stored in the WorkflowProcessScheme table.

For impersonation (i.e. to execute commands on behalf of another person), use an additional parameter: impersonatedIdentityId.

The route is specified by a set of Activities and Transitions. In Activity, indicate the document status, a set of methods that must be executed when a document reaches a specific Activity. In Transition, indicate possible transitions between Activities, transition limitations, and events that cause a transition.

The rules for changing Activities:1. To execute a route, begin with an Activity marked as “Initial”. The system changes the status of

the process to this Activity.2. To set the status in Activity, the system consistently calls all Actions from “Implementation”

block (“Pre-ExecutionImplementation” in Pre-Execution mode).3. Each outgoing Transition requires a check for an automatic change. For this, the system uses

the “Conditions” block to look for Transitions with an “Auto” type. If such a transition is possible, the system automatically moves the document into a linked Activity. If a transition is not possible, the document remains in the same Activity.

4. If an Activity is marked as “Final” or an Activity has no outgoing Transitions, then the process changes its status to “Finalized.” Otherwise the process becomes “Idle.”

5. At each stage, the available commands are defined on the basis of the current Activity and conditions for Restrictions in linked Transitions.

6. When executing a command (or by using a trigger), the system checks the possibility for a specified user to make a transition based on the data from “Conditions” block. If a transition is possible, the document moves into the next Activity.

7. In the event of process errors, the document changes its status to “Terminated”.8. You can change the “Finalized” or “Terminated” processes by calling the SetState method.

2.1. How to connect Steps for connection the engine to your project:

[email protected] �4 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

• Implementation of interface: IWorkflowRuleProvider, IWorkflowActionProvider• Create WorkflowBuilder• Create WorkflowRuntime

Implementation of interface: IWorkflowRuleProvider, IWorkflowActionProvider

IWorkflowRuleProvider - Interface of provider for Rules

public interface IWorkflowRuleProvider { List<string> GetRules(); bool Check(Guid processId, string identityId, string ruleName, string parameter); IEnumerable<string> GetIdentities(Guid processId, string ruleName, string parameter); }

IWorkflowActionProvider - Interface of provider for Actions

public interface IWorkflowActionProvider { void ExecuteAction(string name, ProcessInstance processInstance, string actionParameter); bool ExecuteCondition(string name, ProcessInstance processInstance, string actionParameter); List<string> GetActions(); }

Create IWorkflowBuilder

IWorkflowBuilder builder = new WorkflowBuilder<XElement>( new DbXmlWorkflowGenerator(connectionString), new XmlWorkflowParser(), new DbSchemePersistenceProvider(connectionString) ).WithDefaultCache();

,where connectionString - connection string for database-provider

Create WorkflowRuntime

WorkflowRuntime runtime = new WorkflowRuntime(new Guid("{8D38DB8F-F3D5-4F26-A989-4FDD40F32D9D}")) .WithBuilder(builder) .WithActionProvider(new WorkflowActions()) .WithRuleProvider(new WorkflowRule()) .WithPersistenceProvider(new DbPersistenceProvider(connectionString)) .WithTimerManager(new TimerManager()) .WithBus(new NullBus()) .SwitchAutoUpdateSchemeBeforeGetAvailableCommandsOn() .Start();

2.2. WorkflowRuntimeThe basic operations:• Create the instance• Getting the list of available commands• Execution of the command• Getting the list of available states to set• Set State

[email protected] �5 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

Create the instance

Function: WorkflowRuntime.CreateInstancePurpose: Create instance of process.

public void CreateInstance( string schemeCode, Guid processId, string identityId, string impersonatedIdentityId, IDictionary<string, object> parameters) Parameters:

Getting the list of available commands

Function: WorkflowRuntime.GetAvailableCommands Purpose: Returns the list of available commands for current state of the process and known user Id. public IEnumerable<WorkflowCommand> GetAvailableCommands( Guid processId, IEnumerable<string> identityIds, string commandNameFilter = null, Guid? mainIdentityId = null) Parameters:

# Parameter name Type Description

schemeCode Code of the scheme

1 processId Guid The process id for which it is necessary to obtain a list of commands

2 identityId string The user id who create the instance

3 impersonatedIdentityId string The user id for whom the instance is create

4 parameters IDictionary<string, object>

The parameters for creating scheme of process.

# Parameter name Type Description

1 processId Guid The process id for which it is necessary to obtain a list of commands

2 identityIds IEnumerable<string> The users ids for which it is necessary to obtain a list of commands

3 commandNameFilter string The name of the command which should be checked. If the field is not specified, function checks access to all commands

4 mainIdentityId string? The main user id

[email protected] �6 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

Execution of the command

Function: WorkflowRuntime.ExecuteCommand Purpose: The call will execute the command.

public void ExecuteCommand( Guid processId, string identityId, string impersonatedIdentityId, WorkflowCommand command) Parameters:

Getting the list of available states to set

Function: WorkflowRuntime.GetAvailableStateToSet Purpose: Returns the list of available states, that can be set through the SetState function. public IEnumerable<WorkflowState> GetAvailableStateToSet ( Guid processId, CultureInfo culture) Parameters:

Set state

Function: WorkflowRuntime.SetState Purpose: The call will set state for the process.

public void SetState( Guid processId, string identityId, string impersonatedIdentityId, WorkflowCommand command) Parameters:

# Parameter name Type Description

1 processId Guid The process id

2 identityId string The user id who executes the command

3 impersonatedIdentityId string The user id for whom the command is executed

4 command WorkflowCommand WorkflowCommand to execute

# Parameter name Type Description

1 processId Guid The process id for which it is necessary to obtain a list of states

2 identityIds CultureInfo Culture for the name of the state localization

[email protected] �7 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

A more complete list of the methods listed in the table below:

# Parameter name Type Description

1 processId Guid The process id

2 identityId string The user id who executes the command

3 impersonatedIdentityId string The user id for whom the command is executed

4 state string state to execute

5 parameters IDictionary<string, object>

The parameters for set state of process.

[email protected] �8 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

2.3. SchemeWorkflow process scheme represented as XML.

Workflow scheme described by the following sections:• Activities• Transitions• Actors• Commands• Times• Parameters• Localization

# Method Description

1 CreateInstance Create instance of process

2 ExecuteCommand Executing of the command

3 GetAllActorsForAllCommandTransitionsGetAllActorsForDirectAndUndefinedCommandTransitionsGetAllActorsForDirectCommandTransitionsGetAllActorsForReverseCommandTransitions

Getting Actors

4 GetAvailableCommands Getting the list of available commands

5 GetAvailableStateToSet

6 GetCurrentActivityName

7 GetCurrentStateName

8 GetInitialCommands

9 GetInitialState

10 GetLocalizedCommandNameGetLocalizedCommandNameBySchemeIdGetLocalizedStateNameGetLocalizedStateNameByProcessNameGetLocalizedStateNameBySchemeId

11 GetProcessInstanceAndFillProcessParameters

12 GetProcessScheme Getting ProcessScheme

13 GetProcessStatus Getting status of process

14 IsProcessExists Check whether a process exists

15 PreExecutePreExecuteFromCurrentActivityPreExecuteFromInitialActivity

Start preexecution mode

16 SetSchemeIsObsolete Set flag IsObsolete for schema of process

17 SetState Forcing set state

18 UpdateSchemeIfObsolete Updating obsolete schemes

[email protected] �9 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

The schema are stored in table: WorkflowScheme.The schema of processes are stored in table: WorkflowProcessScheme. The schema of process updates when setting the flag IsObsolete.

2.4. DB InterfacesAvailable providers of databases:• MS SQL Server / AsureSQL• MongoDB• RavenDB

If you are using a different database, you need to implement interfaces:• IPersistenceProvider• ISchemePersistenceProvider• IRuntimePersistence• IWorkflowGenerator

Typical db objects:

# DB Objects Description

1 WorkflowProcessScheme Contains snapshot of process scheme, taken at the moment of creating new process. Used for versioning of schemes.

2 WorkflowProcessInstance Contains main parameters of the process, such as current state, previous state etc.

3 WorkflowProcessInstancePersistence Contains user defined parameters of the process marked as "Persisted".

4 WorkflowProcessInstanceStatus Contains information about process execution status (running or idled).

5 WorkflowProcessTransitionHistory Contains history of the process transitions.

6 WorkflowProcessTimer Contains active timer of process.

7 WorkflowRuntime Will be presented in future versions.

8 WorkflowScheme Contains master schemes for creating new processes

9 spWorkflowProcessResetRunningStatus All processes will be marked as idled after execution of this stored procedure.

10 DropWorkflowProcess Deletes all information about the process.

11 DropWorkflowProcesses Deletes all information about the processes.

[email protected] �10 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

2.5. Life cycle# Stage Desctiption

1 Create

1. Creating a process starts by calling CreateInstance and specifying the code of scheme and generation parameters.

The engine then looks for an existing schema with specified parameters. If there is a similar but obsolete scheme, or if the scheme does not exist, the core then creates a new process scheme with the help of IWorkflowGenerator.

Once the scheme is created, the following records are added to the tables: • WorkflowProcessInstance - main parameters of the process, such as

current state, previous state etc.• WorkflowProcessInstancePersistence - user defined parameters of the

process marked as "Persisted".• WorkflowProcessInstanceStatus - information about process execution


2. The process status is marked as Initialized.3. Actions from the “Implementation” section are executed consistently.4. The process status is marked as Idle.

2 Idle Wait state.

3 Pre-Execution

A special mode to ensure a consistent transition through all document statuses, while executing Actions from the “Pre-Execute Implemetation” block. The mode is used to create the next stages of document.

To initialize the mode, call PreExecute (PreExecuteFromCurrentActivity/PreExecuteFromInitialActivity).

The process status remains unchanged.

4 Execute

A mode to execute either a transition upon command, or a timed or automatic transition.

Continuity:1. Check for user access to the operation.2. Check for the state of the document (execution continues if the status is “Idle”).3. Transition into the next Activity, updating process parameters in WorkflowProcessInstance and creating a record in WorkflowProcessTransitionHistory.4. Consistent execution of all Actions from the “Implementation” block.5. Setting the status to “Idle”.

6 Set stateSetting the state is only available in the Activities marked as “Set state.” To call, use SetState.

The process status remains unchanged.


[email protected] �11 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

7 Updating scheme

The document moves to this stage if its scheme is marked as “IsObsolete.” In this case, the system updates the scheme of process.

An automatic update of the process scheme is only possible in Activity marked as “Auto scheme update.”

The process status remains unchanged.

8 TerminatedThe document moves to this stage in the event there are process errors.

In WorkflowProcessInstanceStatus the document receives the status “Terminated.”

9 Finalized

The document moves to this stage, only after it reached the Activity marked as “Final” or Activity without any outgoing Transitions.

In WorkflowProcessInstanceStatus, the document receives the status “Finalized.”

Stage Desctiption#

[email protected] �12 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

3. DesignerThe product provides a completely web-based designer that can be used to visually model

your business processes. Designer supports HTML5. You can use any compatible browser.

3.1.Server-sideTo process server operations must be routing out in the method of requests: WorkflowInit.Runtime.DesignerAPI.

Example for ASP.NET MVC:

public ActionResult API() { Stream filestream = null; if (Request.Files.Count > 0) filestream = Request.Files[0].InputStream;

var pars = new NameValueCollection(); pars.Add(Request.Params); if(Request.HttpMethod.Equals("POST", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var parsKeys = pars.AllKeys; foreach (var key in Request.Form.AllKeys) { if (!parsKeys.Contains(key)) { pars.Add(Request.Form); } } }

var res = WorkflowInit.Runtime.DesignerAPI(pars, filestream, true); if (pars["operation"].ToLower() == "downloadscheme") return File(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(res), "text/xml", "scheme.xml"); return Content(res); }

Type of server operations is defined in the parameter operation:• load• save• uploadscheme• downloadscheme

3.2.Client-sideRequired:• JQuery v 1.11• JQuery.treeTable• KineticJS v 5

Using begins with the creation of the object: WorkflowDesigner:

var wfdesigner = new WorkflowDesigner({ name: 'simpledesigner', apiurl: '/Designer/API', renderTo: 'wfdesigner', imagefolder: '/images/',

[email protected] �13 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

graphwidth: 1200, graphheight: 800 });

Load data from server:

wfdesigner.load({ schemecode: ‘<SampleWF>’ });

Parameters:• schemecode• processid• schemeid

Show custom data: = data; wfdesigner.render();

Create a new scheme:



wfdesigner.schemecode = schemecode; () { alert('The scheme is saved!'); });



For localization of use WorkflowDesignerConstants.

# Parameter Description

1 name Name

2 apiurl Url API

3 renderTo DIV

4 graphwidth Width

5 graphheight Height

[email protected] �14 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4


3.4.ActivitiesIn Activity, indicate the document status, a set of methods that must be executed when a document reaches a specific Activity. The item is displayed as a rectangle.

Button Comment

Create activity Create an activity

Copy selected Coping selected items

Delete Deleting selected items

Move Move

Zoom In Zoom in

Zoom Out Zoom out

Zoom and position default set Zoom and position default set

Auto arrangement Auto arrangement

Actors Opening window Actors.

Commands Opening window Commands.

Parameters Opening window Parameters.

Localization Opening window Localization. Used to define the localized names of: state, command, parameter.

Timers Opening window Timers. Used to define the timers.

Additional Parameters Opening window Additional Parameters (IsObsolete, Defining parameters, Process parameters).

[email protected] �15 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

When you double-click on the rectangle opens editing form.

* List of action gets through the IWorkflowActionProvider.

# Item Description

1 Name Name of current activity

2 State State of current activity

3 Delete Deleting this activity

4 Create activity and transition Create new Activity and Transition (From: current activity; To: new activity)

5 Create transition Create new Transition (From: current activity)

# Attribute name Description

1 Name Name

2 State State name

3 Initial The flag that specifies the initial status

4 Final The flag that specifies the final status

5 For set state Determines possibility to set this state through the function "Set State"

6 Auto scheme update Determines that if process scheme obsolete Workflow Runtime will try upgrade it automatically

7 Implementation Describes a set of Action*, which will be executed in case of the execution of Activity

8 PreExecution Implementation Activities which running when PreExecute method in WorkflowRuntime is called

[email protected] �16 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

3.5.TransitionsIn Transition, indicate possible transitions between Activities, transition limitations, and events that cause a transition.

Type of Transition:


1 Touch points Pulling these elements can be associated with other selected Activity.

2 Active point Indicates the type of transition. When you double-client opens a form of editing.

3 Delete button Delete.

Name Description

AA Auto Always Automatic transition, executed at all times.

AC Auto Condition Automatic transition, executed if a chosen Action returns a True response.

AO Auto Otherwise Automatic transition, executed if other transitions not execute.

CA Command Always Transition upon command, executed at all times.

CC Command Condition Transition upon command, executed if a chosen Action returns a True response.

CO Command Otherwise Transition upon command, executed if other transitions not execute.

TA Timer Always Timer Transition, executed at all times.

TC Timer Condition Timer Transition, executed if a chosen Action returns a True response.

TO Timer Otherwise Timer Transition, executed if other transitions not execute.

[email protected] �17 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

* List of action gets through the IWorkflowActionProvider.

3.6.ActorsUsed to define the Actors. Used in Transition-Restrictions.

# Attribute name Description

1 Name Name

2 From activity Source Activity name

3 To activity Destination Activity name

4 Classifier Classifier to determine the direction of the document's movement. For example, in case of denial.Available values: 1. NotSpecified2. Direct3. Reverse

5 Restrictions It's used to authorize current user for execute command

6 Triggers Impacts, leading to the execution of the transition.

Type of impact:1. Auto2. Command3. Timer

7 Conditions Conditions that must be true, for execution of the transition.

Type of condition.1. Always2. Action*3. Otherwise

[email protected] �18 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

3.7.CommandsUsed to define the commands.

3.8.ParametersUsed to define the parameters.

3.9.TimersUsed to define the Timers.

# Attribute name Description

1 Name Name

2 Rule List of action gets through the IWorkflowRuleProvider

3 Value Parameter for IWorkflowRuleProvider

# Parameter Description

1 Name Name

2 Input Parameters Parameters

# Parameter Description

1 Name Name

2 Type .NET-type

3 Purpose Available values:1. Temporary - parameter retains its value during the execution of command and is not stored in the database (persistence store)2. Persistence - parameter always retains its value and stored in the database (persistence store);3. System - parameter is the part of workflow engine

4 DefaultValue Default value

[email protected] �19 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

# Attribute name Description

1 Name Name

2 Type Types of timer:

1. Interval2. Time3. Date4. DateAndTime

3 Value Use UTC format:12/16/2014 12:50:0012/17/201412:51:00

For type Interval: integer value in milliseconds.For custom culture use: WorkflowRuntime.SchemeParsingCulture.

4 Do not override timer if exists Do not reset the timer, if the previous Activity was with the same timer.

[email protected] �20 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

3.10.Creating a schemeWe recommend adhering to the following order when creating a process scheme:

1. Create Actors, Command, and Timers.2. Create the first Activity marked as “Initial.”3. Create Activities, in which the document can move from the current Activity. Link the current

and new Activities with the help of Transitions.4. For each new Activity indicate:4.1. In the State field—the name of a document’s status.4.2. If the status can be forcefully moved into a particular state, then check the box “For set

state.”4.3. If a scheme may be updated in this Activity, then check the box “Auto scheme update.”4.4. Fill in the Action calls in the boxes “Implementation” and “Pre-ExecutionImplementation.”

Methods from the “Implementation” box will be called, when the document moves to a respective Activity (in “Pre-Execute” mode, methods from the “Pre-Execution Implementation” box will be called). If you use the constructor functionality to build a concordance history, then you need to add the appropriate methods in the data blocks (in our example, these are UpdateTransitionHistory and WriteTransitionHistory, respectively).

5. For each new Transition:5.1. Indicate the value of the Classifier. Use “Direct” or “Reverse” for direct or reverse

Transitions, respectively.5.2. In the “Restrictions” block, indicate Actors with access rights for this Transition. When

several Conditions are indicated, they are grouped by AND. This function is available for Trigger type equal Command.

5.3. In the “Triggers” block, indicate the type of operation (as per p. 3.5) that initiates a Transition.

5.4. In the “Condition” block, indicate the type of Condition (as per p. 3.5) that helps define the possibility of a Transition and choose an appropriate Transition Type.

6. If each new Activity contains possible Transitions, repeat pp. 3–6 for each Activity. If these Activities are final, mark them as “Final.”

7. Create Parameters and indicate them in the appropriate Commands.8. Create Localization.9. The workflow is ready!

[email protected] �21 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

4. F.A.Q.


Subscribe to ProcessStatusChanged event in WorkflowRuntime.This event is called when the process status is changed.

To get the name of the status use:


To get the name of the status in your locale use GetLocalizedStateName method:

var nextState = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedStateName(e.ProcessId, e.ProcessInstance.CurrentState);

Following this, set the status value in your database.


1. Register two functions in IWorkflowActionProvider.1.1. The first function (WriteTransitionHistory) is for making a list.*1.2. The second function (UpdateTransitionHistory) is for adding a current action into the table

of changes history.2. Add these functions into “Implemtation” and “Pre-Execute Implementation” units for each

Activity that defines the document status.3. Subscribe to ProcessStatusChanged event in WorkflowRuntime. In the command handler, do

the following:3.1. Delete empty history fields (if exists).3.2. Call PreExecuteFromCurrentActivity method in WorkflowRuntime.

*Use the process Instance.IdentityIds to form a list of potential approvers.

Example of method for PreExcute Implementation:public static void WriteTransitionHistory(ProcessInstance processInstance, string parameter) { if (processInstance.IdentityIds == null) return;

var currentstate = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedStateName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.CurrentState);

var nextState = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedStateName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.ExecutedActivityState);

var command = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedCommandName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.CurrentCommand);

using (var context = new DataModelDataContext()) { GetEmployeesString(processInstance.IdentityIds, context);

var historyItem = new DocumentTransitionHistory { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), AllowedToEmployeeNames = GetEmployeesString(processInstance.IdentityIds, context),

[email protected] �22 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

DestinationState = nextState, DocumentId = processInstance.ProcessId, InitialState = currentstate, Command = command }; context.DocumentTransitionHistories.InsertOnSubmit(historyItem); context.SubmitChanges(); } }

Example of method for Implementation:public static void UpdateTransitionHistory(ProcessInstance processInstance, string parameter) { var currentstate = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedStateName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.CurrentState);

var nextState = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedStateName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.ExecutedActivityState);

var command = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedCommandName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.CurrentCommand);

using (var context = new DataModelDataContext()) { var historyItem = context.DocumentTransitionHistories.FirstOrDefault( h => h.DocumentId == processInstance.ProcessId && !h.TransitionTime.HasValue && h.InitialState == currentstate && h.DestinationState == nextState);

if (historyItem == null) { historyItem = new DocumentTransitionHistory { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), AllowedToEmployeeNames = string.Empty, DestinationState = nextState, DocumentId = processInstance.ProcessId, InitialState = currentstate };



historyItem.Command = command; historyItem.TransitionTime = DateTime.Now;

if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(processInstance.IdentityId)) historyItem.EmployeeId = null; else historyItem.EmployeeId = new Guid(processInstance.IdentityId);

context.SubmitChanges(); } }


For Inbox:

1. Create a WorkflowInbox table (Id, ProcessId, IdentityId).

[email protected] �23 2015 OptimaJet

WorkflowEngine.NET 1.4

2. Subscribe to ProcessStatusChanged event in WorkflowRuntime and run the following algorithm:

2.1.Delete all records from WorkflowInbox table for the current ProcessId.2.2.Using GetAllActorsForDirectCommandTransitions, get IDs of all users who can execute

periods in the current Activity.2.3.Add the necessary records to WorkflowInbox table based on data from p. 2.2.

3. To get the list of incoming processes, filter the IdentityId field in the WorkflowInbox table.4. To calculate the list of incoming documents, clear the WorkflowInbox table and call

GetAllActorsForDirectCommandTransitions for every active process. If there are a lot of active processes, this operation may take a long time.

For Outbox:

A list of documents agreed upon by the user (or his assistant) can be obtained by filtering WorkflowProcessTransitionHistory table by ExecutorIdentityId and ActorIdentityId fields.


To create a stage with simultaneous concordance among several users, do the following:1. In IWorkflowRuleProvider, register a rule to check the user access rights to concordance. The

access should be defined by taking into account concordances previously executed at this stage. Executed concordances are recorded in WorkflowProcessTransitionHistory table.

2. Add a record into the “Actors” block with a rule from p. 1.3. Add a cyclical Transition to the current Activity with the following parameters: Trigger Type:

Command, Restrictions: Actor from p. 2.4. In IWorkflowActionProvider, register an Action that will check whether or not the stage has been

fully concurred. Executed concordances are recorded in WorkflowProcessTransitionHistory table.

5. Add an outgoing Transition to a current Activity with the following parameters: Trigger Type: Auto, Condition Action: Action from p. 4.

[email protected] �24 2015 OptimaJet