
Insights Secure – 2015 Compilations: General Studies - 4 INSIGHTS Page 1 Insights Secure – 2015 General Studies Paper – 4 29 December 2014 to 3 January 2015 [THE UNDERCOVER GROUP] Compiled By: Urstruly KArtheek Deepak Thurwal Anand vardhan Hatas Engineer Devil Baba LuV Source:

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  • Insights Secure 2015 Compilations: General Studies - 4 INSIGHTS Page 1

    Insights Secure 2015

    General Studies Paper 4

    29 December 2014 to 3 January 2015


    Compiled By:

    Urstruly KArtheek Deepak Thurwal Anand vardhan Hatas Engineer

    Devil Baba LuV


  • Insights Secure 2015 Compilations: General Studies - 4 INSIGHTS Page 2

    Table of Contents TOPIC: Emotional intelligence-concepts, and their utilities and application in

    administration and governance. ; Social influence and persuasion.......................................... 3

    Topic: Probity in Governance; Right to Information ......................................................................... 4

    Topic: ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions (GS4) ..................... 5

    Topic: Probity in Governance ............................................................................................................ 6

    Topic: Essence, determinants and consequences of Ethics in human actions; dimensions of ethics;

    ethics in private and public relationships. Human Values ................................................................. 7

    Topic: ethics in private and public relationships .............................................................................. 8

  • Insights Secure 2015 Compilations: General Studies - 4 INSIGHTS Page 3

    TOPIC: Emotional intelligence-concepts, and their utilities and application

    in administration and governance. ; Social influence and persuasion

    Q) Recently the government has proposed to mobilize public support for naming and

    shaming non-users of toilets in rural India in order to give push to its Swachh Bharat

    Mission, which aims at attaining a 100 per cent Open Defecation Free India by 2019.

    Under this proposal, those living in rural areas can directly upload photos of non-usage

    of toilets on the social media and on the website of the Union Ministry of Drinking

    Water and Sanitation. The Ministry wants to mobilize people to check and verify the use

    of toilets in the rural areas and enable them to post photos or upload data through

    mobile phones, tablets or I-Pads (!?).

    + Do you think naming and shaming is an ethical strategy to push people to build and

    utilize toilets properly? Justify. (150 Words)

    + In your opinion, how can government influence attitude of the people though

    alternative methods and tools? Suggest. (150 Words)


    Open defecation in India is caused by lack of access to toilets, along with some culturally

    taboos. It has been observed that even with increased access and toilets at home, people

    still prefer defecating in the open.

    Naming and shaming is intended to create social pressure to use toilets. But, it also

    infringes on privacy. So, even though pictures will be uploaded, they might be

    sufficiently distorted so as to remove the identity of the person, and thus removing the

    efficacy of the whole exercise.

    The government has started an initiative to make India free of this malaise by 2019. But

    to do this government needs to focus its policies and needs to make use of many ways

    like awareness,incentive,and recognition to influence people than naming and shaming


    The practicality of the whole exercise is also questionable as majority of the people who

    defecate in the open are poor and of rural background and they are the ones with least

    internet penetration.The 'Naming and Shaming' exercise may be misused by antisocial

    elements to harass girls or women.

    Forceful change may erode the willingness for such a change. Thus, without knowing

    and seeing the importance of sanitation for the individual and the community, such a

    change is unlikely to materialize.

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    Alternatives to Naming and Shaming:

    Instead of using communication tools to upload photographs, the village, area leaders

    must be convinced about the importance of usage of toilets and used to spread

    awareness. Such a societal pressure may be more useful than a pan India framework in a

    country where majority of the population doesn't have access to the internet.

    Mass awareness in rural areas through ads in print and digital media TVsplays health

    camps about the risks of open defecation and benefits of using toilets. Employ singers

    and performersof local folk songs, folk theatre to spread awareness regarding the ill

    effects of open defecation will help the cause. Including Panchayat institutions in this

    campaign and taking them accountable to building and using of toilets in respective

    villages will be beneficial.

    Recognition of villages that achieve high rates of open defecation free society adds as

    incentive. Making people aware of the issues of women safety and risks they are prone

    to by this practice also can push people to build private toilets and use them.

    Proper water supply is a must, along with other impediments which might cause people

    to prefer open defecation.Create efficient drainage system and connect the toilets with

    the drainage system or else the toilet will stink and fall into disuse. The government

    should also provide eco toilets where drainage system not possible.

    This issue is something more related to behavioral aspect and it is hard to force people

    against their will. It needs constant persuasion and influence.

    When change is brought from within, it is the only change that lasts.

    Topic: Probity in Governance; Right to Information

    Q10) Critically examine the relationship between citizens right to information and

    probity in governance. Also examine how does information empower common man. (200 Words)

    General Question



    Right to Information Act 2005 is an statutory procedure to ensure a citizen gets a correct and timely information from any govt administered or government participatory authority. It also indirectly ensures that citizens must have all the required information of the policies, funds, steps and measures authorities are

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    taking. Hence it ensures transparency and participatory note for citizens toward effective Governance.

    Probity in Governance means honestly executing the policies by governing body. It involves Transparency, Openness, people participation, Accountability, Power decentralisation, Mechanisms for grievances redressal. But all the characteristics sighted can only be achieved if citizen knows about what authorities are doing. Hence transparency through RTI plays a key role. Making RTI available for one and all at free of cost is a great and exemplary move by Indian Govt.

    RTI as Right to raise questions and get answers for it within 30 days not only gives information and confidence to Citizens but also a sense of accountability and probity maintenance to government authority.

    Information obtained is not mere a piece of data but a complete insight with facts and figures for the question raised, Hence it makes citizen aware of all details about the funds allocation, progress made, quality and quantity of work done, policy implementation, position and situations of regulations etc by govt authorities.

    But with the rise in RTI usage there is also rise in attack on whistleblowers. Though there is already a law Whistleblower Protect Act 2012 but implementing it in word

    and spirit is required to instill confidence and fearlessness among citizen...

    Topic: ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions (GS4)

    Q) Recently, many rescued child labourers who were put in State Home for Boys, fled it by bribing the guard. They requested police not to send them back to jail.

    Critically examine the ethical issues involved in this incident. In your opinion, how should government deal with child labour issue? Suggest measures. (200 Words)


    In the given context, intricacy of the issue can be understood from observing the two flips of the same coin. One, the ineffective rehabilitation process and two, loopholes present in the system.

    Mentioning State Home for Boys as Jail unfolds the absence of proper care, protection, education and other necessary services which are assumed to be given to children in the institution.

    Corrupt practices like bribing the guard not only reveal dereliction from the duty on the part of the guard but also puts question mark on the accountability of the administrative authorities of such institutions.

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    Provision of penal action against the employer, collection of fines, establishment of Child welfare fund, registration of child residence institutions, juvenile justice board etc. are already in place.

    Social auditing of these provisions, active participation of citizens in their enforcement, strengthening of volunteer organizations for providing grass-root level information etc. should be called upon. Strict action should be taken against finding of any loophole.

    Multi-pronged approach in effective and strict enforcement of the constitutional and legal provisions with the help of society can weed out the inveterate problem of Child Labour.

    Topic: Probity in Governance

    Q11) What do you understand by probity in governance? In your opinion, what measures are needed to be taken to ensure probity in governance? Explain. (200 Words)



    Governance is the machinery throughout which Democratic functions of the state are ensured.

    Probity is the most important quality of governance that helps the later to perform its duties with due respect and sincerity. Probity keeps a strict view on governance so that the functions of the state are in accordance with law and delivery of public services have been performed retaining transparency and responsibility.

    Due to different anomalies like corruption; insensitivity ; red tapism ; irresponsibility; disrespect to office and law ; the governance system has lost its credibility in the eyes of people.

    A strong need is felt at present time to bring back confidence of the people to the government machinery. Some measures that can be taken as follows

    1. sensitivity training for civil servant making them more people oriented. 2. strong anti corruption machinery with effective power to probe government officers and high level politicians instead of investigative body with little power.

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    3. strict view on the behavior and attitude of government servants. A frequentl performance appraisal is necessary to assess their duty towards public. 4. enactment of stringent and clear law in IPC and ICPC against corrupted officer. 5. a high level intellectual and independent body to view the matter of transferr and promotion of government servants. 6. inclusion of ethical code right from selection process to retirement day. 7. provision of reward for dutiful public servants to boost their morality and spirit.

    Good governance is the root of Democratic country. A good probity in governance can help the people to realise the Democratic values germinating respect and patriotism in their heart towards the state.

    Topic: Essence, determinants and consequences of Ethics in human actions; dimensions of ethics; ethics in private and public relationships. Human Values

    Q11) In a recent incident, a robber snatched gold chain from a woman and pushed her out of moving train. Luckily, she survived with a minor injury. That day she was forced to commute in train as her usual mode of transportation buses were shut down due to a city-wide bandh called by an organization. She was given free medical treatment by the Railways. It is known fact that if unfortunately she had died, the government would have announced monetary compensation to her nearest relative.

    Your friend who is aware of this incident is commenting that the woman should have stayed at home instead of going for work. He also tells you that the government should not compensate such victims as these are mere accidents and if government goes on compensating in this way, it is an injustice to honest taxpayers like him.

    Identify the ethical issues in the above case (including your friends arguments) and critically

    comment on them. (250 Words)

    The Hindu


    The gravity of the given incident can be felt by realizing the importance of human ethics in private as well as public relationships.

    Indulging in low moral, non-acceptable criminal activities like chain snatching, pushing a woman out of a moving train and diminishing the value of a human life; and undermining the capabilities of women workforce are clear cut evidences of crisis of human ethics at personal level.

    Lack of security measures, improper handling of extra traffic in exceptional situations like shut down of another mode of transportation, inability to stop occurrences of situations related to public law and order like Bandh, lacunae in spreading human values and ethical awareness in masses, unable to provide ample employment opportunities, putting a price tag on human life by providing monetary compensation in case of loss of life, ineffective

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    measures to stop furtherance of such criminal activities exemplify ethical issues in public relations.

    Though monetary compensation provides some short term relief to victims family in

    financial terms but it cannot be used as a canon by government to unburden itself because social cost of a human life can never been calculated in monetary term. Government should adopt preventive measures instead of curative.

    But providing monetary compensation in such cases cannot be declared as totally unethical on governments part and burden from tax payers perspective. Implementation of

    precautionary measures does not ensure complete weeding out of the criminal activities from our society. Providing one safety guard to each citizen does not seem practical.

    Individuals also have to take responsibility by not indulging in such criminal activities. It is the duty of both government and citizens to ensure that public funds can be utilized more in constructive activities rather than preventing destructive activities. Participatory approach is the need of the hour.

    Topic: ethics in private and public relationships

    General Studies 4

    Q11) You are preparing for the civil services exam. Your close friend and your room-mate who belongs to a minority religious community is in love with a girl belonging to majority community. The girl also belongs to higher caste. Your friends parents,

    who are very poor, are under the impression that their son is preparing seriously for the exam. They are unaware of his love affair. From your close interactions with your friends girlfriend you are aware that her parents would never let her marry

    outsdie their caste, leave alone outside their religion. Your friend, though in love, is seriously preparing for the exam. His love life has not affected his studies. However, one day an anonymous call to your friend threatens him with life if he doesnt stop

    moving around with his girlfriend. This has disturbed him very much. Your friend doesnt want his love affair to become known to anyone. Recently in the same

    locality a boy was murdered for marrying a girl belonging to majority community. There is real danger to your friends life if the issue becomes

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    public. These developments have affected your studies too. One your friends who is aware of these developments suggest you following options:

    1) Ask your friend to move away from your room and let you focus on studies

    2) Tell everything to your friends parents and ask them to do reprimand their son

    3) File a police complaint regarding the threat call your friend has received and let the issue become public

    4) Move away from your friends place and study in a new place

    Please evaluate merits and demerits of each of these options also please indicate (without necessarily restricting to the above options) what course of action you would like to follow, giving proper reasons. (300 Words)

    The Indian Express


    In the given scenario, we need to understand the spheres of influence of various interpersonal relationships. Here, we have private relationships like friendship, love, familial relations and public relationships like caste relations and religious affiliations. The options given may be evaluated as follows: 1) and 4) Asking your friend to move away or you moving to a new place is akin to cowardice and the height of selfishness. Though this may be the initial instinct of many people since the merits include preparing for one's ambitions in peace and without interference from external factors, however, the flip side is the knowledge that you left the side of a friend in need and consequent guilt and remorse, which may also affect your preparation and more importantly, how you view yourself as a person and a future civil servant. 2) Telling everything to your friend's parents would be going outside one's ambit of being one's friend. Love is after all a deeply personal relationship and since you chose silence when the relationship was in its infancy, going against him now would only be hypocrisy on your part. 3) Filing a police complaint making the issue public would be the logical thing to do, especially if one's life is threatened. But the demerits of such an action would include maligning the familial relations and effectively closing all avenues for reconciliation. The excessive scrutiny that your friend would receive would in effect hamper preparation of both and making a private issue public may result in unwarranted attention in the most intimate spheres of one's life.

    Personal Course of Action: The friend can be advised to be discreet about his relationship and restrict moving around in public too much as threats and warnings are likely to continue if they do.

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    If their love is strong, it should survive a few months of separation. The preparation has been serious and should continue hence and clearing the exam may go in your friends favor as he can speak from a position of strength if trying to convince the family at a later date. Lastly, one does not think about caste or religion or majorities or minorities when one falls in love. Maybe that is what we need to banish the notion of caste and class from Indian society.