grow chatbooks case study

CASE STUDY Chatbooks is an automatic photo book service for young mothers and their growing families. Chatbooks automati- cally gathers subscribers’ Instagram photos and organizes and prints them in 60-page perfect-bound books so you can re-live life’s moments and memories.

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Chatbooks is an automatic photo book service for young

mothers and their growing families. Chatbooks automati-

cally gathers subscribers’ Instagram photos and organizes

and prints them in 60-page perfect-bound books so you

can re-live life’s moments and memories.

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Nate Quigley, Founder and CEO

“Before we started using Grow’s simple dashboards, I felt like I was

driving blind. Our information was spread out everywhere. It took

hours to update spreadsheets and our back-end developer had to take

valuable time away from product development to run SQL reports. It

was a nightmare. Now that we have Grow,

we can try different things and see what’s

working in real-time. Using Grow’s pre-

built drag-and-drop metrics library, we had

our first dashboard up and running in

just a half hour and have added some custom integrations along the

way. Grow gives me confidence to delegate to my team because I

know they’ve got things under control: they can see the metrics they’re

responsible for, prioritize their work and make adjustments as needed.”

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Startup CEOs and entrepreneurs who adopt Eric Ries’ Lean Startup methodology continually run learning

experiments to test their business hypotheses and assumptions. The goal is to cycle through the Build-

Measure-Learn Feedback Loop as quickly as possible so these startups can get their product-market fit

and business model right -- and generate self-sustaining revenue -- before they run out of investment

capital. Consequently, lean startups change quickly and generate a lot of data. But business leaders

can’t learn unless they can compare their company’s baseline performance with test results.

Before using Grow, Chatbook’s CEO spent hours

collecting data just to see how the company was

performing, and as a result, his reports were always

out of date. Building spreadsheets and running

SQL queries diverted critical time resources

away from sales and product development.

The Challenge

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The Solution

The CEO of Chatbooks chose Grow for a simple, customizable dashboard solution that would allow him to easily

track his company’s key metrics in one place. On his new Grow dashboard, the CEO now sees real-time reports

from their important data sources—MySQL database, Quickbooks, Excel spreadsheets, Instagram and more.

Using Grow has freed up the CEO’s time so he can think about strategic issues, like hiring, developing

affiliate marketing programs and designing scalable workflows for customer success.

Grow’s visual dashboard also allows the CEO to delegate responsibilities with confidence, knowing that his team

can gauge their own progress. Knowing the score helps everyone at Chatbooks see what they need to do to

win, so they can prioritize their work, make self-directed adjustments and celebrate small wins and benchmarks

along the way. This is especially important since they have several team members and contractors who work

remotely. Grow has helped everyone see that they’re making progress, which inspires them to keep working hard.

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Why Entrepreneurs Are Choosing Grow

Get a free 14 day trial of Grow.

Why entrepreneurs love Grow dashboards:

1) Data source integrations: Track data from sources like Quickbooks,

Salesforce, Google Analytics, MySQL and Excel and more.

2) Real-time reports: Refresh your data continually without having to

gather it manually.

3) Team visualization: Let your whole team see the data, not just your


4) Super simple setup: Set up your dashboard in minutes — no IT needed.

Grow Inc.’s cloud-based software service

provides entrepreneurs with customizable

business intelligence (BI) dashboards to help

them track key metrics and grow faster.