gross~ pointe · 2006. 1. 6. ·...

fi Fully Paid Circulation First Section of Vernier.Mlle~ Structure Will Contain 18 Classrooms Bids Reveal Drastic Jump In Costs ANYTHING TO SELL? NEED ANYTHING? NEWS CLASSIFIEDS WORK. USE THEMI College Flyers Elect" Pointers . . ~. \~---:..- ... ~-:.:.I ~.' ~~ _ JcJ.,~\ G~_~'.st.. '- Leo Slocum, Grosse Pointe sophomore, has bee n elected president of the Winged Spartans, Michigan State College.s flying dub. . Other officers ielected for the next year were Jerry Swantek, New Boston sophomorl'. ";ce. prl'sident; Ruth Van Etten. Men- dota, III. junior. secretary: Homer Fritsch, Grosse Pointe sophomore, treasurl'r. The club is interested in obtain. ing a new plane if the member. ship continues <0 grn it hu in the past. It is illso seeking stu- dents with C. F. I. ratings tc in. stnlct the members. Fred Gamber Hit By Passing Car '-------...; .. _---_.- ",\' j ," '," I 400,000 DUl\IPED ON TAKE-OFF Fred Gamber, 68. of 523 St. John L. Drummy, of 1048 Clai•., was hit by a car dri\''en b.y Y kh . d hd sl' ht Ralph D. Gartnell, 1620 Bel .... l. or sire roa. a a 19 dere. Detroit, at 7 p.m. on Octo- "crack-up" Friday, October II. ber 1. While attempting to take oft in I Ralph Gartrell was making a a pontooned Piper Cub from the right turn from Kerche .... al onto rough waters of Lake St. Clair. St. Clair when he struck Mr. the plane nosed over, breaking Gamber. he was given a ticket a strut. Mr. Drummy was not for reckl-ess driving. Mr. Gamber hurt. He was fished out by the was treated at Bon Secour! for a Coast Guard. fraetared elbow; . $2.00 Per Year-5c Per Copy '~. " " " ..... Council of Veteran . , Affairs Cites Need For Time Extension Experts to Teach' Students Tricks of Contract Bri4ge - . ~'. ~" . Judge Belanger Imposes Stiff Fines, Revokes Licenses, Sends One to Jail Students Chased By Martial Crow IBad Qrivers Pay Penalty In Court Pointe boys and girls of senior State. Detroit, Ohio State, Indi- high school age are being given .ana State, O!ntral States. West- a chance to learn the intricacies em States. the Cotton Belt at of contract bridge under the tute- Memphis, Tenn., the Mid-West, I-.;:e of two of the state'~ out- Canadian National and the All- standing experts. American. Mrs. Paul D. Grubbs is speno Mr. Van Brooks is the only A large crow was spred early soring a class. with lessons ror player in this district to hold the one recent morning making like beginners and those who have title of Life Master, a rank held a fighter plane over the heads of play'!d" before, to be held in the by only 56 bridge planrs since the children on their way to the Grosse Pointe 'High School. In- the advent of contract bridge. Trombly school. The black bird formation. may be obtained by would swoop down to with:n four Icalling her at NIagara 7568. fee1- of the students' heads Rnd The clas..~ will be taught the would then &woom off ,cawing his One over On'e system, which is battle cry. generally callerl the Culbertson Russell Ruth, 811 Beaconsfield, System. by C. W. Churchill under who saw the unusual incident, the 'direct supervision of J. Van notified the Pnk police, and they Brooks, recognized as the leading immediately dispatched SergL players and lecturers in this dis- Frank J. Snay to the scene. The tricl. sharpshooting sergeant fired two Between them they have won shots at the crow and scored two practically every title in the Mid- direct hill. West, including the Michilan GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, OCTOBER 17, 1946 Young Cyclist, Struck by Car Phillip Warren. 7, of 801 Lin- coln road, was hit by a car driven by Sara Stephenson. 18, of 359 McKinley. as he was riding his bicycle on Lincoln. Park Police reported that Phil- lip did not stop a~ he attempted to CTClSS Goeth-e. He was taken to the Cottage Hospital for first aid and lent home. Enured ... second Clus Matler at tbe P~t Office at DetroIt, MIch. Gross~ Pointe l~ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes 'Woods Residents Clean Up Their New Park The Pointe has gClne election- day alone and that there would mad in the opinion of the clerks be at lea5t 800 new ones in that of the various villages and the village. Both the Farms and City city. All records for registrations will have more than 400 qua!ified were .swept IIwa~' a~ the deadline ~Iectors each, it was stated. approach cd on Wednesday. Staffs Clerk Norbert Neff of the City were so swampcd they could giv'e said registr.llions there had been no figures, and will be able to as heavy as in any presidential give none until the smoke has election year he could remember. clearer! away. He stated the City would con. Carl Schwcikarl, supervisor of linue 10 accept registrations untli the town~hip. Mid: "This has all Saturday arternoon under a spe- lire Prcsidcnti,;l elections I've cial provision in ilq charter. been through hcalen 100 ways. Whir" all the vj1Ja~ and city They are swarming in here insist- offices have been jammed with ing on getting invalids and blind registrants, the township office people registercd.... und<lubtedly bore the brunt of the The township has hircd '('"tra rush. Many r~idents did not help in All the village offices ~nd realize they cnuld register at supplies have had to be replen. their own municipal buildin~ aJrl i:'1ed time ann ogllin. ~o went out of thcir way to get Harry Furton, clerk of the to the Park Municipal building Farms said there were almosl ~OO I where the township offiees are brand new registrations on Tues- located. " " . " " . 0 .0. THE NEWS OFFERS A FULL PAGE OF POINTE FEAT~RES EVERY WEEK of th" "rEEK As Compi~eJ by th. Grosse Point. News VOL:UME 7-NO. 42 DEADLINES Thursday; October 10 THE FOUR POWER Allied Con trol Council. is scheduled to complete !!s review of appeals of 16 convicted Nazi leaders to. day. with all indications being that the Council would refuse to ease the Nuernberg tribunal's decisions. MERT WERTHEIMER, gam- bling operator, sought since Au- gust 1, surrendered. Wednesday night to Circuit judge Hermjln Dehnke, .grand juror investig"at- ing la" lil\v enforcem.ent in Ma- comb County. •"0 'rHE FORD MOTOR COM- PANY will dose its automobile and truck plants at the end of the second shift today until Monday, and with layolI~ con- tinUing at the Chrysler Corp: and the Briggs Manufacturing Co., nearly 110,000 workers will be idle. SCHOOL TO COST OVER SIGNS MULTIPLIEo' that' the govcrnment might welcome Ar- gentine beef to America's meat- less dinner tables as a lever to pry home-bred cattle off west- ern ranges. Ambassador Oscar Ivanissentine of Argentina said that he is ready to offel' Argen- tina's help to combat the short. age. THE ALLIED CONTROL COUNCIL rejccted all appeals of the. convj~tcd Icaders of t~ ThIrd Reich, confirming that Hermann Goering and 10 other condcmn<!d Nazis shall be hanged from the gallows of Nuernberg Prison, October 16. .00 THE HUDSON MOTOR CAR CO. will shut down Friday be. caus,!' of the steel shortage. ne- cessltatmg the layoff of 13.000 employees. Full production will be resumed Monday. ° THE DEPARTMENT OF AG- RICUL TURE rcported that the j:1reatest crop production in the nation's history is in si~ht as the growing scason nears an end with the crops 19 per cent abov~ last year and 14 per cent above average. E.. E. ADCOCK, district imml. I(ratlon director. charged th t 1\1,:0Tole?o draft boardshaq pe~- ~l1Itted W.mdsor area. youths to be lllega Ily mducted into the United f S\ Ar":lY by allOwing them to a.slfy reslClence records, . . . WILLI.\M .GREEN. president of the American Federation of (COlltinlled 011 Pare 2) Greatly Increased. Use of Facilities Prompts Request for Judge' C. Joseph Belanger Funds to Continue Operations Until At a special meeting of the disposed _of the following March' 15 Grosse Pointe Board of Edu- cases' in Woods Traffic Court --------- cation on October 10 at 8 held Tuesd .a' y, O"tober 8: Greatly increased use by veterans of the Grosse Pointe o'clock p. m., bids for the.lB- 't. Council of Veterans Affairs, and permission granted by the Sol' Ir'eland Finch, 38, of f th t h' h h ,. h h d room section of t.he new Ver- owners 0 I e proper Y on w IC t e quonset ut ea. nier School were received and . 24583 Colin Kelly, Detroit, for quarters of the, council are located, to remain there. for a opened by a committee of the dnmk driving, causing an ac- longer period, have led that organization to request the Board consisting of Secretary various Pointe communities to provide funds which would cident, on August 30, was fin- enable the. council to continue to operate in its present Ralph M, Clark and Treasur- ed $105 or 90 days and license location until March 15, 1947. • . er Charles A. Poupard. Rep- r'evoked.for a year. ~revious plans called .for dos- Id t- resentatives of contracting Marvin John -Fabris, 20, of ing ,the9uarters and terminating n UCIons firms were present. 144 8 ""--tb Dt it f k th'll. set;':lces for the veterans 8S Three types of bid.! were open. 5 ....." urn, e ro , or rec - nf November 1, when it was be- H It d H _ ed-one for the general archi. less driving -on August 5. fined lieved it would b; necessary to ae ere tedural contract; one for me" $35 or 30 days and license re- remove the hut from the prop- chanical,. in c 1u din g heaUnl. voked for 3 months. erty. The owners have now indi- plumbing and ventilation; and John Leo Tysar, 19, of 39M cated. their plana for building Floyd Beitxel, Chairman of one for electrical.. . McDougall Detroit, for reckless l'-"e been postponed and state f d I I SilC architedural bids were r~ driving n' August 5 Ih~ed $35 or the cou!lc~1may re! ain until next Ora t Boar 57, ssues ceived, ranginlt from $349,850 o , . March.if It so_.jeslres. Announcement . I down to $279,770. 30 days, license revoked for a A canvass of services performed ~ Only three mechanical bids year. at the council headquarters shows Floyd M. Beitzel, Chairman of were received, and these varied William, J. Eigeman, 36, of that dUring the past two months local Draft Board No. n,. Grosse from a high of $W3,665 to a low 20629 Nesbitt, Gratiot Township, veterans have beenmakinggreat~ Pointe, announced tlre following of $99,800. for drunk driving causing an ac- ly ~creased. use. of , th!! "council. regarding cancellation of induc- .There were seven electrical cident on August 24, sentenced DU~Jng the SllCweeks period from tion call, effective Midnight bids lI)ld these ranged from a. to 30 days in the county jaiL August 10 to September 25, the Tuesday, October 15. high of $35,620 to • low of' Richard Van Assche 19 of 735 counselors have assisted '193 vet- ''P . t to. tr t' 1 I $28,685. . _ , ,. . . ersua;n -, inS uc 10DS, oca ,Following the re~el'pt and- Roslyn, Grosse Pointe Woods, for erans in on.e form of servi<;'ll or I d ill tf d any g ~ reckless driving on __September another. ThiS contrasts. with_ 223 :,oar a w ~o orwar r~ • reading of the bids, President of 28, causing an accident was fined veterans serv<!d in the six weeks' Istrft!lt for~duct1on ?r ~re.m. the -Board of Educat'ion Charles MORE THAN 100 REAL WORKERS turned out Sunday afternoon for the Com- $50; license rev 0 k l! d' for 3 period ft:om June 22 to August 10. ductlon ph~s~cal ex~mmatlon, to A. Parcell!. Joined thetneetin, munity Bee staged by the Woods Council and C,ivic League to' start the work 'Of clean- months, and he was put. on pro- Of these 793 there were 718 reach examJn~g station on or aft- and the bids were referred for . th '11' I . t.A h 'k . . er,.Oc,tober 1" analysis and a report at an early' GENER~L JOSEPH W. STrL. mg up e VI age s new y acqUIred ""ac par,' a portion of the Edsel Ford estate. bation to make ,restitution 'or v; terans who were first-time cal!- - WELL, 6th Army commander, is Weeds were mowed and burned, rocks were cleared from th~ waterfront" brush was daml}jles done to. a parked car ers and 75 repeat calls. Many of All local b?ards are a~o. ~l- date in the future to aconunit-. (~, critically ill In Letterman Ge,n- cu.t and shrubs trim,J~ed.-A,con""uat~on of, the Bee V>Il.I,I beJleld th.,is. Sunday fro,m 1 and public property. Richard hit th~e_calls were for asSistance in ~ected to ~onl1.n.uetheir actlVlties tGe~II' cls0nsistidngvof1ltthe -IarChitMect, . 1H It 1 t 6 d .11 .. 'd. t" .. d= t be h 1 - . a,'fire. 'hy.dran,t and ,.• parked car applY'lng fO.=,rm' om. al L-eave,Pay- m, .the ,regIStratIon ,of persons, .re- Ie_ an a e" nc., r. eraosp-. a ,suffe.riIll from .'0 :p.m. an.:.~ ires l epxr~e!l;ll'le_o.'on, !1nc:iwithti.l~~r.1o<>_s,.~() help, with .the ~.., dt b .t d d th Ral h M. Cl k 5 t f th ;~~~~l~rca~'!~~~~~: . ,many, chores th.t';f,bli~\ti:f;!bei ?il4i.\:::~,~:1' ',. ",':,~' t, .. 'i~~':i~~~.' :!:F*,,~' ..... , .s;. a~ JloU~oyi"f;?~.and'..~,t~~; .. d' r:~!I~,~utjt,i&s~!1!!,i1}her~ i!: in.. ,Cl1¥rio o.. ~regls ere ~ 'Ilr: p ,ar _'. ecre aty 0 ,. ,junglH. B d f Ed - B h oory , c . 0 ca. es: e are'repeatiiig.tl1elr use of the ,. c •. n 0 ~e Essert ';d Directo; of .Adminis. ""• oar 0 Dca" tlon e" s Ent u's' I"as" .. tl"C- was. found gll1lty - of, disorderly services on a wide. scale because cahon acllons, reqUIred under While cloudy skies cheated . .. ~ - ,. .;_.. ..: . .. g conduct, for throwing bottles, in of new and 'difficult problems prest;nt provisi0.ns of S~lective ~~:~:hd~erv~:, ~~in:~te~a~~g " most DetmJt sky-gazers out of F' \ H". f. T'.."'.. "'(~h""';:'::"}--..;' -- ..- , ks the street on September 20, fined that are just beginning to appear ServICe ,reg~lations. Action on report to the Board at a special or .ome.s or ea'. c.. e'rg. T Gr' , p- . W." $2~ ?r 30 d~ys, and fo~ reckless under G.!. legislation. veteran~ d81ms for re-employ- a peek at Wednesday_ night's. . ... O.,U ',_. 0. r dnvmg causmg an aCCident on Lett -h' b' 't b ment will be expedited." meeting this week. . shooting stars, scientists through. . September 12, f1ned $15 abd put ers ave een sen out y Certified check! to the amount 1f out most of the United States And Employes' Fam' I-I.I--es 0- n Ne' W'- . Par' k on probation to make restitution Dr. Paul L. Ess~rt and Mrs. Alger of $1,000 were deposited by each ij./ reported the most brilliant dis- . . for damages Sheldt!n, co-chairmen/of the coun- Ca Crashes biddel'. to be refunded in cue "r" play of raining meteors seen in Edna Leib' 42 of 22612 Gaulk- cil, to Grosse Pointe Park. Farms, r his bid ill not successful (: Amerlca this century. (Grosse H ' I . t' IN d dO 't I tOAd rf' ler 51. CIa!; Shores for faUure Woods, Shores and Gratiot TOWD- The sedion for .whlch bids . Pointe was more fortunate than ousrnq mpera rye y ee e espr e n enslve ve IS. Woods' Lake Front Property to 'have her ear under control, ship, apprising. them of the Into Hous.e .were received Is to. be part of most or the Detroit area as a -, inq Campaign Which Found Rooms for An ',' Shows Promise of Being -causing an accident, on October ch:rn~es and asking .thatappro- the new Mack-Vemier combina- fairly good view of the' show Single reachers _ . " Best .. 1''; Po,'nte 8. fined $15 and put on probation prlatl?!!S be gra~ted t? enable the tion elementary-junior high '''as obtal'nod here) to make restl'tutl'on for damages COunCil to contmue Its program A ~ar dr'I'ven by Mrs. Enadia school. Th. is section .is all thf ' •• 0." .. In spite of an intensive advertising ~~paign ~ll sum- . _. . -. . done. until March Hi. next. Stiies~ 54, of Ml Clemens. went School Board,is sllowedto built SENATOR MITCHELL, D, of mer the'Board of Education reports that. housing is still .ResIdents nf Grosse Pomte James R. Gustin, 25, Anchor- A budget of $2800 has been es- over the curb on East Jefferson at this time, by the CPA. Washington, publicly charged imperatively needed for some of its employees. The Board Woods who turned out las~ "me, for not having his car tablished for this extended period on Friday, October 11, struck Eventually the structure wiD American officers in Germany expresses its appreciation for the large 'number of rooms Sunday for the Community under control, damaging barri- and it has been pro-rated as fol- Vern Tyrrell, 42, of 456 Notre have 30 rooms, an auditoriulll w!th e?l:aging in indiscretions listed for rent by the, community, which made it possible Bee at the newly acquired cades on"Vernier road on Octo- lows:-Park. $1051.22; Farms, Dame, and crashed into the and gymnasiums.' '\:llh hll:hl,!. conn~cted ,?er:n an to. hou~e all its single teach«::rs; ~owever" a.c,ritical need lake. front. park. site. discov- betl.orn6to' f1nmedak!lr5esatnl.dtuptl.uotnofnorPrdoabma: $$297734,'9191',; GWraotol'odtS'T' 0$~S.h491.p;, $Slh201r.le9s,. porch of 16939 E. Jefferson, resi- fO~ ~t~U:: s~~~~~ ~~rd~~S ti~~! ~\omen at. dImly hgh"ted drlOk. stIll eXIsts for houses, flats, or, apartments for. employes w.ith ered that the Vlllage has ,be- ~ .,.. dence of Richard Cadieux. Mr. . "" _ Ing partIes nd h th f h ages G P.t C't f' d Tyrell was taken to Bon Sec.ours ed in the Pointe in the past re- b. " a campagne families. . come epossessor 0 w at D;vid E Dl. _ 18 of 1922 rosse om e lyre use to H fr fr veals the tremendously increaSed mges. """ Three men teachers two of C h. may prove to be the, best., . oe..~:, make an appropriation :'lr main- ospital suffering om a ac- CIOStsof building. The bids shQ'w them velerans, with children have anine Teet water-front park in the whole H.unt Club, for failure t~ have tenance of the council when the tured knee. cap. . '. that the, cheapest figure _ for Frida~., October 11 .. P . -... his. car under control causmg an previous budget was prepared and Mrs., told City Poll.ce whl'ch thl's IS-room secu"on ~an THE BULLET PIERCED bodl'os been' forced to take temporary P tIt La Olnte commUnh,{. aCl;ldent on SepteIl)be. r 27. fined has not been asked to partl'cI'pate h th h ~ 1. th'" f '1. 'th uno W Th. $15 d t bt t k t at ,some. mg we.n,t wrong Wit now be built IS' $408,255. .....e of Albert Paxton, 44, and h'IS rooms, eavmg elr ami les WI . e enhre tract of more than a.n .pu on pro a Ion 0 ma e in thIS. approprl'ation. th ,. d hit . LU 1t . T t h titut f d d e steenng gear an s e_ os highest bids total $489,135. This mother Anna, 79, ,"ere foun'd re a lVI'S.. wo women eac ers 43 .acres was overgro'wn. with res Ion or amages one. t 1 f th Sh ' d th t h b d ------ c~n ro. " e car. ..e was figures out at $1.05 per cubic Thursday night in their apart- a.n_ ~Ir ve eran us an sare , A dog has absolutely no re- weeds and it was difficult to. tell ------ ticketed for reckless driVIng. foot. ' ment at 1800 W. Bethune. Jack hvmg In rooms. Two women spect f 1 d. d Th'. much about the general topogra- Heavenly Show Farms Polioe Harvill, deputy chief. of detec- teachers and their mothers are I ,or awan 1;'1' er. IS was phy of the land before theSe . The Pierce Junior High School, tives, termcd the deaths murder living in rooms in different proved on Monday,.October 14. were cleared oU and burned_ It Seen IOn POIOnte R. h. S' Boy Dlosappears the last complete school struc- and suicide. houses. One office employe and Mrs. Max Kroeyr; 266 Gro~ was found the area is generally 19 t In eason ture to be built in the Pointe,' ° 0 h~r mother, and another with a Pointe blvd., reported to the very_level, and when plowing, Aft S ld' was erected in 1939. It cost be. Id d ht - - . d. - -- er CO lng tween 38 and 40 cents per cubic PRESIDENT TRUMAN went mne-year-o aug er,' ~re_ In Farms Police that a small. white lScing and seeding are done next On October ~ there occurred The Farms Police are called on .. _ . ,_ fMt, or $715,140 for the 32 dass- into an emergcncy huddle with desp~r.ate need of any kmd of dog, owned by Stanley Thomp. spring. broad, level lawns are what scientists termed, "the for the strangest things. On Tues- room building with auditorium his democratic party aides over housmg. . son. 126 Kerby lane, had bitten ?xpeeted to transform. the tract most brilliant display -of raining day, October 15, Patrolmen Cam. Mrs. Lyman, of 116.6Maryland, and gymnasiums and library. the gathcrinl': pCllitical storm These are all well-trained and her 6-year-old son Michael on Into a place. of .great beauty. meteors' seen in America this iei D'have1oose and Peter La- reported to the. Park Police that The 12-room addition to Mason about meat shortages. ~aluable ~mployes !lnd the .Board the hand while he was playing More than 500. residents of the century," and while Detroiters Ponsa were detailed to investi- her son, Robert MilleI'. ran away <Continued on Page 2) ° IS appealm.g to t!le pubhc tor in the rear of the Kerby school. Woods inspected the site Sunday missed most of the display due gate a "mysterious grey animal, from home Tuesday night, Oc- THREE FEDERAL PRISON- assIstance In solvmg the prob- Patrolman Yacks and Robert.<'. for the first time. There were to haze, clouds, and streetlights, furiously pawing in the yard. and tober 15. Mrs. Lyman said that ERS escaped Thursday night lem. YO\~ are urged to call .the were detailed to pick up the ca- more than 100 who appeared in Grosse Pointe was afforded a running about dangerously". she had scolded Robert and when from the f'ederal Correctional Grosse Pomte Board of EducatIOn. nine. work clothes and with tools to fairly good view of the phe- The officers s~d to the .!:cene she went to his room Wednesday Institute in Milan, Michigan, the Niagara 2000, if you hcar of any Arriving on the scene they en- take part in the many chores nomena" and disposed of the "mysterious morning his absence was discov- first ('scape from that prison possible vacancies. deavored to follow orders. Pa. that had to be done_ A large por- Pointers took to their yards grey animal". an opposum. eree.!. since 1938_ ------ teolman Yacks. attempted to tion of the rocky shore line was and streets echoed with "oh's" And on Monday, October 7. Robert Is 15 years old, 5'5J,2" STOLEN CAR seize the animal, and with a also cleared, affonJing a dear and "ah's" of wonderment as the Patrolmen Harold Beaupre and tall, has brown eyes ., d dark A 1942 Cadillac, belonging to snarl of disrespect and complete channel for skaters during the lare spectacle in the sky un. Vernon Sylvester were call-ed on brown hair, and is slimly built. Cyril Burke, was stolen from the ignorance of the blue uniform coming winter. . folded. to dispose of an injured 'Bugs He was wearing a navy suit, front of his home at 766 Balfour and silvcr badge, the mongrel bit A site is being selected for the Mrs. Gordon Miller. of Holly- Bunny' lying helplessly on the sweat shirt, and broWD and white road, around 8 p.m. on Oct. 10. the officer.. 'temporary structure which 'rill wood avenue, reported sighting lawn of 33 Elm Court. saddle shoes. --------------------------- afford shelter for winter sports 165 shooting stars over a 15- EI · Mad P 0 B k enthusiasts. The Bee will be minute period. A number of res- ectlOn.. olnte rea s continued this Sunday -and all idents. especially students. went residents are asked to report for to the High School campus. All R . 0 R ds work on the.projecL where they had an unrestricted eglstratlon ecor Thomas Loughlin. of Oak view of the sky as the meteors street, Grosse Pointe Farms, su- filled the night with heavenly perintendent of the Edsel Ford flreworks. estate. of which the tract was formerly a part, was on hand Sunday watching the workers. He expressed the opinion that the site can -easily be transform- ed into one of the best parks in the Pointe.

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  • fi

    Fully Paid Circulation

    First Section of Vernier.Mlle~Structure Will Contain

    18 Classrooms

    Bids RevealDrastic JumpIn Costs



    College FlyersElect" Pointers

    . . ~.\~---:..- ...~-:.:.I ~.' ~~ _JcJ.,~\G~_~'.st.. '-

    Leo Slocum, Grosse Pointesophomore, has bee n electedpresident of the Winged Spartans,Michigan State College.s flyingdub. .

    Other officers ielected for thenext year were Jerry Swantek,New Boston sophomorl'. ";ce.prl'sident; Ruth Van Etten. Men-dota, III. junior. secretary: HomerFritsch, Grosse Pointe sophomore,treasurl'r.

    The club is interested in a new plane if the member.ship continues

    ° • •

    THE DEPARTMENT OF AG-RICUL TURE rcported that thej:1reatest crop production in thenation's history is in si~ht as thegrowing scason nears an endwith the crops 19 per cent abov~last year and 14 per cent aboveaverage.

    E.. E. ADCOCK, district imml.I(ratlon director. charged th t1\1,:0Tole?o draft boardshaq pe~-~l1Itted W.mdsor area. youths to belllega Ily mducted into the United

    fS\ Ar":lY by allOwing them toa.slfy reslClence records,. . .WILLI.\M .GREEN. president

    of the American Federation of(COlltinlled 011 Pare 2)

    Greatly Increased. Use of Facilities Prompts Request forJudge' C. Joseph Belanger Funds to Continue Operations Until At a special meeting of the

    disposed _of the following March' 15 Grosse Pointe Board of Edu-cases' in Woods Traffic Court --------- cation on October 10 at 8held Tuesd.a' y, O"tober 8: Greatly increased use by veterans of the Grosse Pointe o'clock p. m., bids for the.lB-

    't. Council of Veterans Affairs, and permission granted by theSol' Ir'eland Finch, 38, of f th t h' h h ,. h h d room section of t.he new Ver-owners 0 I e proper Y on w IC t e quonset ut ea. nier School were received and .

    24583 Colin Kelly, Detroit, for quarters of the, council are located, to remain there. for a opened by a committee of thednmk driving, causing an ac- longer period, have led that organization to request the Board consisting of Secretary

    various Pointe communities to provide funds which wouldcident, on August 30, was fin- enable the. council to continue to operate in its present Ralph M, Clark and Treasur-ed $105 or 90 days and license location until March 15, 1947. • . er Charles A. Poupard. Rep-r'evoked.for a year. ~revious plans called .for dos- I d t- resentatives of contracting

    Marvin John -Fabris, 20, of ing ,the9uarters and terminating n UCIons firms were present.144 8 ""--tb D t it f k th'll. set;':lces for the veterans 8S Three types of bid.! were open.

    5 ....." urn, e ro , or rec - nf November 1, when it was be- H It d H _ ed-one for the general archi.less driving -on August 5. fined lieved it would b; necessary to a e ere tedural contract; one for me"$35 or 30 days and license re- remove the hut from the prop- chanical,. in c 1u din g heaUnl.voked for 3 months. erty. The owners have now indi- plumbing and ventilation; and

    John Leo Tysar, 19, of 39M cated. their plana for building Floyd Beitxel, Chairman of one for electrical.. .McDougall Detroit, for reckless l'-"e been postponed and state f d I I SilC architedural bids were r~driving n' August 5 Ih~ed $35 or the cou!lc~1may re! ain until next Ora t Boar 57, ssues ceived, ranginlt from $349,850

    o , . March.if It so_.jeslres. Announcement . Idown to $279,770.30 days, license revoked for a A canvass of services performed ~ Only three mechanical bidsyear. at the council headquarters shows Floyd M. Beitzel, Chairman of were received, and these varied

    William, J. Eigeman, 36, of that dUring the past two months local Draft Board No. n,. Grosse from a high of $W3,665 to a low20629 Nesbitt, Gratiot Township, veterans have beenmakinggreat~ Pointe, announced tlre following of $99,800.for drunk driving causing an ac- ly ~creased. use. of , th!! "council. regarding cancellation of induc- .There were seven electricalcident on August 24, sentenced DU~Jng the SllCweeks period from tion call, effective Midnight bids lI)ld these ranged from 30 days in the county jaiL August 10 to September 25, the Tuesday, October 15. high of $35,620 to • low of'

    Richard Van Assche 19 of 735 counselors have assisted '193 vet- ''P . t to. tr t' 1 I $28,685. . _, ,. . . ersua;n -, inS uc 10DS, oca ,Following the re~el'pt and-Roslyn, Grosse Pointe Woods, for erans in on.e form of servi

    - WELL, 6th Army commander, is Weeds were mowed and burned, rocks were cleared from th~ waterfront" brush was daml}jles done to. a parked car ers and 75 repeat calls. Many of All local b?ards are a~o. ~l- date in the future to aconunit-.(~, critically ill In Letterman Ge,n- cu.t and shrubs trim,J~ed.-A,con""uat~on of, the Bee V>Il.I,IbeJleld th.,is. Sunday fro, m 1 and public property. Richard hit th~e_calls were for asSistance in ~ected to ~onl1.n.uetheir actlVlties tGe~II'cls0nsistidngvof1ltthe -IarChitMect,

    . 1 H It 1 t 6 d .11 .. 'd. t" ..d=t be h 1 - . a, 'fire. 'hy.dran,t and ,.• parked car applY'lng fO.=,rm' L-eave,Pay- m, .the ,regIStratIon ,of persons, .re- Ie_ an a e" nc., r.eraosp-. a ,suffe.riIll from .'0 :p.m. an.:.~ iresl epxr~e!l;ll'le_o.'on, !1nc:iwithti.l~~r.1o_s,.~() help, with .the ~.., d t b . t d d th Ral h M. Cl k 5 t f th;~~~~l~rca~'!~~~~~: . ,many, chores th.t';f,bli~\ti:f;!bei ?il4i.\:::~,~:1'',. ",':,~' t, .. 'i~~':i~~~.':!:F*,,~'....., .s;. a~ JloU~oyi"f;?~.and'..~,t~~; .. d' r:~!I~,~utjt,i&s~!1!!,i1}her~ i!: in .. ,Cl1¥rio o.. ~regls ere ~ 'Ilr: p ,ar _'. ecre aty 0 ,.,junglH. B d f Ed - B h oory , c . 0 ca. es: e are'repeatiiig.tl1elr use of the ,. c •. n 0 ~ e Essert ';d Directo; of .Adminis." " • oar 0 Dca"tlon e" s Ent u's' I"as" .. tl"C- was. found gll1lty - of, disorderly services on a wide. scale because cahon acllons, reqUIred under

    While cloudy skies cheated . .. ~ - ,. . ; _.. ..: . .. g conduct, for throwing bottles, in of new and 'difficult problems prest;nt provisi0.ns of S~lective ~~:~:hd~erv~:, ~~in:~te~a~~g" most DetmJt sky-gazers out of F' \ H". f. T'.."'.."'(~h""';:'::"}--..;' - - ..- , ks the street on September 20, fined that are just beginning to appear ServICe ,reg~lations. Action on report to the Board at a specialor .ome.s or ea'.c.. e'rg. T Gr' , p- .W." $2~ ?r 30 d~ys, and fo~ reckless under G.!. legislation. veteran~ d81ms for re-employ-a peek at Wednesday_ night's. . ... O.,U ',_. 0.r dnvmg causmg an aCCident on Lett -h' b' 't b ment will be expedited." meeting this week.

    . shooting stars, scientists through. . September 12, f1ned $15 abd put ers ave een sen out y Certified check! to the amount1f out most of the United States And Employes' Fam' I-I.I--es 0-n Ne' W'- . Par' k on probation to make restitution Dr. Paul L. Ess~rt and Mrs. Alger of $1,000 were deposited by eachij./ reported the most brilliant dis- . . for damages Sheldt!n, co-chairmen/of the coun- Ca Crashes biddel'. to be refunded in cue"r" play of raining meteors seen in Edna Leib' 42 of 22612 Gaulk- cil, to Grosse Pointe Park. Farms, r his bid ill not successful(: Amerlca this century. (Grosse H ' I . t' I N d dO 't I tOAd rf' ler 51. CIa!; Shores for faUure Woods, Shores and Gratiot TOWD- The sedion for .whlch bids. Pointe was more fortunate than ousrnq mpera rye y ee e espr e n enslve ve IS. Woods' Lake Front Property to 'have her ear under control, ship, apprising. them of the Into Hous.e .were received Is to. be part of

    most or the Detroit area as a -, inq Campaign Which Found Rooms for An ',' Shows Promise of Being -causing an accident, on October ch:rn~es and asking .thatappro- the new Mack-Vemier combina-fairly good view of the' show Single reachers _ . " Best .. 1''; Po,'nte 8. fined $15 and put on probation prlatl?!!S be gra~ted t? enable the tion elementary-junior high'''as obtal'nod here) to make restl'tutl'on for damages COunCil to contmue Its program A ~ar dr'I'ven by Mrs. Enadia school. section .is all thf' •• 0." .. In spite of an intensive advertising ~~paign ~ll sum- . _. . -. . done. until March Hi. next. Stiies~ 54, of Ml Clemens. went School Board,is sllowedto built

    SENATOR MITCHELL, D, of mer the'Board of Education reports that. housing is still .ResIdents nf Grosse Pomte James R. Gustin, 25, Anchor- A budget of $2800 has been es- over the curb on East Jefferson at this time, by the CPA.Washington, publicly charged imperatively needed for some of its employees. The Board Woods who turned out las~ "me, for not having his car tablished for this extended period on Friday, October 11, struck Eventually the structure wiDAmerican officers in Germany expresses its appreciation for the large 'number of rooms Sunday for the Community under control, damaging barri- and it has been pro-rated as fol- Vern Tyrrell, 42, of 456 Notre have 30 rooms, an auditoriulllw!th e?l:aging in indiscretions listed for rent by the, community, which made it possible Bee at the newly acquired cades on"Vernier road on Octo- lows:-Park. $1051.22; Farms, Dame, and crashed into the and gymnasiums.''\:llh hll:hl,!. conn~cted ,?er:nan to. hou~e all its single teach«::rs; ~owever" a.c,ritical need lake. front. park. site. discov- betl.orn6to'f1nmedak!lr5esatnl.dtuptl.uotnofnorPrdoabma:$$297734,'9191',;GWraotol'odtS'T'0$~S.h491.p;,$Slh201r.le9s,.porch of 16939 E. Jefferson, resi- fO~ ~t~U:: s~~~~~~~rd~~S ti~~!~\omen at. dImly hgh"ted drlOk. stIll eXIsts for houses, flats, or, apartments for. employes w.ith ered that the Vlllage has ,be- ~ .,.. dence of Richard Cadieux. Mr. . "" _Ing partIes nd h th f h ages G P . t C't f' d Tyrell was taken to Bon Sec.ours ed in the Pointe in the past re-b. " a campagne families. . come epossessor 0 w at D;vid E Dl. _ 18 of 1922 rosse om e lyre use to H fr fr veals the tremendously increaSed

    mges. """ Three men teachers two of C h. may prove to be the, best., . oe..~:, make an appropriation :'lr main- ospital suffering om a ac- CIOStsof building. The bids shQ'wthem velerans, with children have anine Teet water-front park in the whole H.unt Club, for failure t~ have tenance of the council when the tured knee. cap. . ' . that the, cheapest figure _ for

    Frida~., October 11 .. P . -... his. car under control causmg an previous budget was prepared and Mrs., told City Poll.ce whl'ch thl's IS-room secu"on ~anTHE BULLET PIERCED bodl'os been' forced to take temporary P tIt La Olnte commUnh,{. aCl;ldent on SepteIl)be. r 27. fined has not been asked to partl'cI'pate h th h ~• 1. th'" f '1. 'th uno W Th. $15 d t b t t k t at ,some. mg we.n,t wrong Wit now be built IS' $408,255. .....eof Albert Paxton, 44, and h'IS rooms, eavmg elr ami les WI . e enhre tract of more than a.n . pu on pro a Ion 0 ma e in thIS. approprl'ation. th ,. d hit . LU1 t. T t h titut f d d e steenng gear an s e_ os highest bids total $489,135. Thismother Anna, 79, ,"ere foun'd re a lVI'S.. wo women eac ers 43 .acres was overgro'wn. with res Ion or amages one. t 1 f th Sh

    ' d th t h b d ------ c~n ro. " e car. . . e was figures out at $1.05 per cubicThursday night in their apart- a.n_ ~Ir ve eran us an sare , A dog has absolutely no re- weeds and it was difficult to. tell ------ ticketed for reckless driVIng. foot. 'ment at 1800 W. Bethune. Jack hvmg In rooms. Two women spect f 1 d. d Th'. much about the general topogra- Heavenly Show Farms PolioeHarvill, deputy chief. of detec- teachers and their mothers are I ,or awan 1;'1' er. IS was phy of the land before theSe . The Pierce Junior High School,tives, termcd the deaths murder living in rooms in different proved on Monday,.October 14. were cleared oU and burned_ It Seen IOn POIOnte R. h . S' Boy Dlosappears the last complete school struc-and suicide. houses. One office employe and Mrs. Max Kroeyr; 266 Gro~ was found the area is generally 19 t In eason ture to be built in the Pointe,'

    ° 0 • h~r mother, and another with a Pointe blvd., reported to the very_level, and when plowing, Aft S ld' was erected in 1939. It cost be.Id d ht - - . d. - -- er CO lng tween 38 and 40 cents per cubicPRESIDENT TRUMAN went mne-year-o aug er,' ~re_ In Farms Police that a small. white lScing and seeding are done next On October ~ there occurred The Farms Police are called on .. _ . ,_ fMt, or $715,140 for the 32 dass-

    into an emergcncy huddle with desp~r.ate need of any kmd of dog, owned by Stanley Thomp. spring. broad, level lawns are what scientists termed, "the for the strangest things. On Tues- room building with auditoriumhis democratic party aides over housmg. . son. 126 Kerby lane, had bitten ?xpeeted to transform. the tract most brilliant display -of raining day, October 15, Patrolmen Cam. Mrs. Lyman, of 116.6Maryland, and gymnasiums and library.the gathcrinl': pCllitical storm These are all well-trained and her 6-year-old son Michael on Into a place. of .great beauty. meteors' seen in America this iei D'have1oose and Peter La- reported to the. Park Police that The 12-room addition to Masonabout meat shortages. ~aluable ~mployes !lnd the .Board the hand while he was playing More than 500. residents of the century," and while Detroiters Ponsa were detailed to investi- her son, Robert MilleI'. ran away

  • ~I;~"_~ji',:¥'):•.-----------------~---------------------- .. ---------- ..";,i



    No finerh/lt in Ameri.ea at these 'popular

    '/' .. Eri'ce~Hli'C1dih9f~.""', I..;u-;o.,p. "';~'~~'''''''''''''' . 'L' .... ' ' .;'shades in a variety of

    shapes to fit eve;yface.

    • Jewels for Ever)' OCCQsrOfJ

    807 MetroPolitan BId.

    J'.ule s 1". SC~u.botCUSTOM JEWELS

    Jefferson at'Chalmers

    Thursday, October 17,1946

    Men's Wear


    w. .ff.illiJLSiore OpenThurs., Fri,&- SII'. Eves,


    1k1i4~Exceptiona IValues at

    our Boat and HardwareDisplay at the New ProductExposition, Convention Hall,Oct. 19 thru 27th.

    MICHIGAN HARBOR & BOAT CO.24600 E. JEFFERsON 'AVE. Ras.,ille 060&

    Belw .. n S " 10 ~1U. Rd.-Gn the Lak.



    Sporlsmen welcome the opening of our new Sporl Shop becouse-

    they've ~ l,;orned to' o,so~;ole us with only Ihe newe,t

    and best in other merchondi,e for men. In this new ond

    seporo'e ~ deportment equipment and

    cccessorie, os close to 0 sportsmpn', heml os hi, pipe on~

    tobacco ••• monned by personnel who lcnow sporls. Qur

    ,ports shop is elreody the meeting ~ pIece of men

    who believe Ihot ownership of a good fly rod J, eM'o fine sho'gun is one of life'. reol pl"ClSlH"es.



    For Men With True Sporting Instind

    Grosse Pointe Trade .




    Detroit's Newest,+';~~'l'''':;;< .."';,:_....:._..:...~ ....",;,:';.",.~~'~"

    Sporting Goods Store

    . IPierce SchoOl ToFete Parents


    (Continued from Pale 11

    New School


    A high-ranking favorite

    is this new leisure jacket

    in solid-color Sand Dune

    or Russet shade .••

    with smart brBl1!buttons.An easy:draping fabric;

    6tyled for lounging the#mart way •• 23,75-it is another example

    of our alertness to

    the trend in,.porta clotheal




    "T.II A I..I N C.' S'Men', Weftr. -. 617_Woodward




    • • • j

    Monday. October 14CORRINE SYKES, 22-year-old

    housemaid, who. killed her em-ployer, Mrs. Freda Wollinger in1944, was the second woman Inthe history of Pennsylvania to beelectrocuted. The murderess wasexecuted Sunday night at' 111:31a.m.'

    School built several years ago,was also obtained at a very cheap Open House for parents of 7B's •figure, $1lJO,OO(l, although no and other pupils new to Pierceheating or toilets were required Junior High School. will be heldin this addition. Friday evening, October 18. in

    , • • ,At a special meeting of the conjunction with the season'sWITH VATICAN PRELATES Board of Education on October jirst P. T. A. meeting at Pierce.

    hailing the sweeping nature of 14, following appraisal and study Guests and P. T. A. membersthe degree, the Catholic Church of the, bids submitted by contrac- will assemble in the auditoriumexcommu.nicated Marshal Tito, tors on October 10. bids were ac- at a o'clock for a short businessall memberS. of his Yugoslav Gov- cepted for the construction of the meeting conducted by Lawrenceernment, and all others who par- section of the combina- D. Marr. president ,of the Pierceticipat~d physically. or morally. in tion.'elementary-junior high school P. T. A. Following this. thethe tnal of ArchbIShop AlOYSIUSbuilding at Vernier and Mack. meeting will be tumed over toStepinac, primate of Yugoslavia. At the meetine of the Board in the 7B. Chairman, Bob Hardies,

    • • " . which this decision was'made. a who WIll take charge of the pro.PHILIP H. COMER and WIl. member of the firm of Giffels and gram, planned and prepared by

    liam W. Lake, convicts w.ho eS-1

    Vallet, Inc.. architects for the 7B pupils under the direction ofcaped fro,? t.he Federal pnson at building, made a careful analysis the 7th Grade Counselor, Hum-Milan. M.Ichi!lan, were caPt\.lred[Of aU.bids that had been SUPmit-. phrey two Marmes on Gros~e Ile ted and a committee of the Board Features of the program willlate Monday afternoon, m an also made an appraisal and analy- be a dramatic skit which will i1-abandoned garage. sis' of the bids and both came to lu~trate the relationships main-

    ,0 • • the conclu.sion that" considering tal1~ed between 7B pupils andTHE PA.RIS CONFEREN~E lhe time and prevailing prices their counselor, and demonstrat-

    completed Its task of wfltmg that the low bids submitted were ing the nature of the ~or five . former. the best that could be done. .e~ective activities open to 7B pu.~azl sa~e!hte natIons. Soviet For- The only other alternative left ,plls. The7B Chorus, directed byel~ Mlruster. V. M. Molotov as- to the Board was to re:submit ~ Gwen' Brockmil1er, willsailed: portions of the pacts as art or all of the bids and to te-: s~ng ''Far Away" from La Tra-unsatISfactory, and accused the p .. vlata and "Loch Lomond" ,United States of attempting to advertise. ThIS ~Duld delay 1m! S

  • \


    'ReC ...App ..lor.


    At a low ceiling price.

    tailored of Telomars.*


    paiamas , , , and to no

    Treat yoursel~ to new

    ,'less thM the Weldon's

    'Tou!'l,'e heen

    searehing for

    for you 5 ft. 4" or under

    , These pojomo'i ore Telotorbllnt finis~ed, ~ modern;:miroc:le fobric' thot is 3 times. more

    Ficturebook beautiful ••. and our Petti size des'gners c:apture all of the

    excitement in these two fine check wools with '90ld buttons e,nd goldcoin

    trims ••• and, of (;burse, they are specially sized for ycu who ere fivl!t

    ~ feet fO~T or under. (left) Buttons assimilate I peplum loct Red. greerl,

    gold or blue, sizes 10.18. (right) Gilt penny trirr., II gored Ikirt. Green,

    red, bluecr caramel. Miss'~s sizes,


    each $22.95

    budget shop, sixth l100r


    Men's Wear


    Biller has the

    Scoring Again!Hiller's scores again Oil finenationally odvedised merc~an.dise at populer prices.

    Kids Can LearnSwirnming~Art

    How little we, can do when wetry to wor~ alone.

    Th« Saturday morning classesin swimming and art for the chil-dren of Grosse Pointe will' startOctober 19 at the Grosse PointeHigh School at 10 a. m. . . I

    The swimming, classes will be Idivided two grou. pS'-begin-ners and swimmers. The begin-,ners will meet from 10 a. m. to' 11a, m. with the swimmers meet-'ing from 11 a. m. to 12 noon. Mrs.Beatrice Halbrook will be in \charge. '.

    The ar't cIa.sses will b'e dividedinto classes aCCOrding. to age ..Miss IEleanor Hermansader and MissMary Cardinal will be the in-structors, . ,

    Information regarding either ofthese classes may be obtained bycalling the Board of Education,NI. 2000, ext. 25. .


    , BICYCLE, STOLENCharh~s J. Harris, 1~29 Somer-

    set, reported to the Park policethat his daughter's bicycle wasstolen from the front of nis home,around 4 p. m. on October 1. Thebike is a 22" "Pilot", green andwhile.

    Mairs from the American View-point."

    Educated .in two American col.leges as .well as two in Europe hesnent severill years as a teacherat the University of North Caro-lina bi!fore launching his' careeras a news analyst and commenta-tor. He isa geographer as well asa. sociologist and rpent years invarious parts of the globe.

    For information regarding sea-son tickets or individ:Jal reserva-tions call the Grosse PoiIit8 Boardof Education. NI. '2000, ext. 25.


    Doing What. Comes Naturally

    News Analyst will Opef}'Pointe's Le'cture Series

    EVERYONE IN THE POINTE is doing it these days, especially on weekends. This, scene, caught Sunday afternoon, was repeated a thousand times throughout the com-

    munity .. The ,hard-working trio. is composed of STAN WILLETTS and his sist,er..MILDRED, right, of 794 Rivard boulevard; and VIRGINIA OLIVA of 1318 Wayburnavenue. Picture by Fred Runnells

    Cbn.r:e Accounts'.A t'lIi14bl.

    17047 KERCHEVAL, GRqSSE POINTE308 West Fourth St •• Royal Oak

    Pllrking Grounds in Rear

    Open Friday Tin Nine

    All residents of the Woods areinvited to attend a m~eting ofthe Woods Civic League, to beheld tonight, .Thursday, at 8:30Vernier road. Rex Johnston,league p~esident~ will preside.

    Rev.'James B. Clark .To Speakat;.convtlnt

    Woods LeagueMeets Tonight

    ;::"Rev~...James .~. "Glark.' O~~.A.~.:of P}lillip:~,.;,C~inp ""...the ..."ftrs,t ..'~".;.-.~.,.:.':"..;i~~.,"r~,;~~~~\.i~~~.~,~~¥~~b~:6.~¥:t~.p./;;.~~~...~:~'~~~.~'l:ir ..__~ ':'~-.,oiJj\of.i\-..; "r4;.c' 'i-.i' Li. .!"l._-51:" Clare'Paiisti; will give a talk speaker ;ili'app'ear"Tuesd.ayive:'on "Our Blessed Lady:' at 4:30 nl'n.gO,October 22 at 8:30. p. m. in S H •: m. Sunday, October. 20, at the tore ours: 9: 15 to 5:30Sacred Heart Convent. 171 Lake C.L Pierce Jr. High School Audi- , •Shore road, Grosse Pointe. All torium, Kercheval at ~alfdur. Mr.are invited. ,Cummings. wi! spukon "World

    Ford U 9f Provencal Road; andBenson ~ord, of Three ~iledrive. . F~l' those who left the last min.and pOSSibly the farseemg found- . . , .er himself, Henry Ford. who, it Iute theordermg or season tickets~as been said, "will be known for the GrosSe Pointe Lectures-10 the future as an educator of there are still a few days grace.boys asweU as a maker of motor 'vehicles." head the list of specialguest!; to be present at the event.

    in fine




    From the depths of Southern Seas come these romance-

    laden Cultured Pearls to enhance women's loveliness. Per-

    Fectly matched necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings and

    ~ther Fashion '-.lccessorie~ artistically mounted with pre-

    cious pearls.

    Fine new fabries e~e hereend seleo:ticns should bemade early.

    !Seolland Tailors Co.)

    14127 E. Jeffenon Ave.LEnox 5344



    Ford to Give Main; AddressAt Banquet of Trade School

    T1iUrs4ilY, Oetoberl7, 1946

    CustOJDTailorser.o GENTLEMEN

    Grandson of Founder to Speak at 30th Anniversary Cele-bration Scheduled for October 26 in Masonic Temple

    Representatives of every community composing "Great-er Detroit," including the mayors of Detroit, Dearborn. andHighland Park, educational authoritief: of Michigan, ind!lS-trial training directors and other key executives of peveralof America's largest -manufacturing organizations, church

  • ',. ""'iffabre' il\"~1oI0NDCJ.~

    SILVEiPim° .SANDAL~OOl),

    ,Lll.Y OP 'hi, vA1.L81

    Hrtnd s;z~ soapsal'ailable in 2 m,u.&NIi"e r;dors: PiiulI1Ja Sa""l~wood.

    4 Cakes in Wood Box

    Delif'eries..,..Pbo,,~ NT. R900


    Other Fine Soaps hjChane!, 'Lucien Lclong, Lenthcric. Gourielli, Roger

    Gallet. Shulton (Old Spice) and many othera.



    * * *

    ToHet SoapsNearly all of the best.

    ~nown toiler soaps for

    men ~nd women are found

    'at Kopp's!

    From the' House of Wri'sley


    * '* *Kensington BATH SOAP

    by Hewitt

    Delicately scented,. luxurlous Bath 50;\1'5 in Pine,

    Geranium, Carnation. Gardeni~, Lilac, and Bou-

    • quet fragrances. MagnulO Size. 3 Cakes $1.00

    Thursday, Oeto()erl7, \946----.,j

    3 Sizes: Hand, -{to Box, S1.25;Bath, 3 to Box, $1.75; Jumbo,$1.25 each.

    . iI'm ~de1ica.tely,sctn.!ed handful of pu~goodhness .• ~. a cake of persooaLloveli.t~ess fo! your'.fa~e,' biath",orshower-:'\~'.Impartlng my IOOrhing all1lofid qualitietland treasured frigraQ~e to make a prettier~daintier>':0!J:;' " ,

    Toilet Sup.rb.S hand.size cakes of Wrisley's

    famous Supcrbe 50ap

    100_ ........ COMPANION TO

    ~Bath ~up.rb.4 bath.siz~ cal:es rOO

    Stores Open J() 10 10 Daily

    J'ltnEtrI ~~ de~ed2Jot. COh~IiI--5~ .

    I.T 'WOULD, .S.AX:t.:r' ...




    Library FriendsTo Meet Oct. 28


    TU. 2.3271

    Closed ~ondays

    Let T"ube lamps be thehigh lights in your home.You will find many otherhandsome lamps in ournew shop as well as otheraccessories for the home.

    Serving Dinners'

    Noonday Luncheons

    Grosse Pointe Farms

    '18650 Mack AvenLle at Warren

    . /.Q~C)/arvaril C)/OUde

    DJ N'} NO' R.O OM

    'Open Daily 11:00a.m. to 9'p.m.



    Miss Esther ~, James, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Reese,E. JameS The Great Books Programof 336, Hillcrest, . Grosse Pointe which is sponsored by the De-Farms, was married on October troit Public Library. University12 in 51. Paul'~ Church, to. Louis of Detroit, University of Michi-L k' h t M d M L ' gan Extension Service and Wayne

    e :c ; son 0 r: an rs. OlliS University, will be bl'Ought toLeklch of 81. Clair Shores. A reo Grosse Pointe by the Friends ofceplion followed at the Eastwood I the Grosse Pointe Public Library.Hal,l. ,I The first meeting of the group

    The bride's attendants were will be held October 28,. at 8Louis VanderRoost, Margie Han- o'clock at the John D. Pierceson and M"argaret LeCourt. Junior High School. Any' adult

    Th. bridegroom's attendants in Grosse Pointe ''tho is inter-were James Corey. Warren Piche ested in the study and discus.and Robert James. sion of the classics is invited to

    The young couple are honey- join. The class will be limited to imooning in Washington, D. C. 40 persons. For further informa~and will reside at 336 Hillcrest, tion call the Grosse Pointe Pub.Grosse Pointe. . lie Library. NI. 2191. '



    NiagarA 8893 Houri: 9 A. tvI. to 9 P. M.

    Light ond 'beoutygohand in h'2lnd in lhesa.grocef~lIy pro p or-tioned I~ml?s. The b~se5 inglowing hand painted china,richly accented in color andgold, are mode by Taube oflamp fame. The shades are allhond tailored and designed inharmony with the lomp ... Figurine lamp has a mate equally orna-mental in lovely pastel shades. $67.50 a pair complete.Rose-bowl lamp h~s beruffled white shade edged in red wjthpole blue, red, ~l1d gold predominating tlyoughout the color-ful bose, $87.50 complete.

    QuifemirY. mary

    IThe morning after tl1e midnight I

    Paul Reverse Charge, in anklesSally-of-the-Ballet in our alley.Sally, of the dancing eyes andlegs, was on the prowl for Bal.let Bustles. Was she worryingabout the dan;o:er qf beingchanged by some evil spirit into

    Conf,.~,.'Jby mary madison '

    Our Text today, Girls and Boys, is Football Pads andBallet Bustles. If we can lay our milts on these bits ofyoung bravado, we shall send an extra set to the Messrs,Eugene O'Neill, in care of' The Theatre Guild, and BrooksAtkinson, in care of ,the Drama, Department of the NewYork Times. Not as a fancy dress ball tip, but as prizes fortheir trophy rooms to hang up with the tiger skins and, sealionL .

    A paradoxical presentation per- •.------------haps, but if you follo:,' us down 1 an ugly duckling of disaster, liketh~ dar~ alleys 0; theIr labaryn- the Princess in some,very Grimmthme mmds, you 11 see what we Fairy Tale? Not SHE!' AU shemean. •• wanted was the chance to dance

    It was when Eugene O'Neill --and be young once. Once iscame to New York Ior'rehear- enough ..sals of his new play. THE'ICE. '. 0 •,MAN COMETH, that he told a Closing her eyes, we could seegroup. of us newspaper people the. ballet bustles mergi,ng with(of all people), that he was no those. football pads," If THEYlonger reading the newspapers. weren't worried about. theirIt America couldn't learn the world why should we ee 'beatil)glesson ot Brotherly Love, he our brains out? W.--, and thethought America was finished. Messrs. O'Neill and Atkinson andNow before it leaps to your lips the rest of the Wailing Wallflow-that it could be Mr. O'Neill who ers? When we picked up thisis finished, ren'le~ber that he .is morning's newspaper, it mightstill one of our guaranteed have been' pl'inted in Sanskritgeniuses with the fire still burn- for all it bothers us now. Theing_ven if it does bum you up. lost generation has been found

    Now, Eugene O'Neill can and and found out!does practice Brotherly Love, so 0' .•. , .•that the pals of his waterfront SO WE'VE, STOPPED gam.days (the characlers in his new bUng for high sleaks and gone onsaloon masterpiece) may still the prowl for football pads andbuzz his Madison Ave. penthouse ballet bus pes. If and when weand get into his SALON as easy find them, the duplicate set goesas. into a saloon. Their philoso- to the Messrs. O'Neill and Atkin-phy, he says, is that there's al- son. Just as a reminder that mid.ways one more dream in the bol- dIe-aged thinking can sometimestom of the bottle - and wryly be muddle-aged thinking. Ahadds: "I know. because I saw it." Youth! Ah Love! Ah Nuts! Where

    On the heels of Mr. O'Neill's ARE those football pads and bal.decision that no news was good let bustles in dear old F. O. for him, up spoke that se. (Full of Birds) Detroit?verest friend and best critic of 0 0 •our . drama, . Brooks Atkinson. OYER TWENTY ONE-Musing on the revival of THE AND PROYE IT, PET!FRONT PAGE, he reflected th,at UNDER THE 'HEAD of one could write such a down- ful Drinking, comes word to WIright funny play today, the rea- from Boston that the new Helenson being that the Front Pages Hayes play, HAPPY BIRTHDAY,were no longer the Funny Pages. turns out to be the One aboutAnd the antic authors of that Addie Bemis, the lady librarianhit are occupied with more mor- lush (or lush lady librarian) -,bid matters, especially Ben the one Helen and her husbandHecht who is shedding his last were considering while in De.drop of ink on poignant propa- troit last. This is a Saloon Sagaganda for Palestine. They are not in three acls. The dear old Bas-in t,he moo~ to be The Middle ton Tea Bags, it seems, now feelAged Man on the Flying Tra- they paid lor seats as hot as elec.peze. trio chairs in the Shubert Thea-

    o • • tre, from the voltage of shockNOW, AFTER THESE two die- they felt at seeing a First Lady

    turns from the mentors of our of the Theatre doing an apachelost generation, we gave up dan"~ in her big .010 drunkreading. the Front Pages.' Quit sce,ne. I 0:-... 'colafrAl1d~"'lf"':you""1.blnk"'it',re3.syt-" -ostriching your way down Wood-ward Avenue with the siren voi-ces peddling the stuff, try totalabstinence yourself. Just one lit-tle headline won't hurt. you say,but one headline leads to .an-other and the next thing youknow you're gassed to the gillswith news booze.

    After a week, we/feU like Miss~formation of 1946, living in avacant liWe fool's paradise ofour OWIJ. Befuddled as a blind'date-but happy as a butcher'sdog. People began giving us thatlook. It was obvious that a crosssection of the public-and a verycross section at that-began towish they had enough pull toget us a reservation in some plushSnake Pit. ,

    Heavens knows how long wemight have lolled in this fool'sparadise of isolation, had we notbeen rescued by two blithe mem-bers of the unsung young genera.tion. The first of the rescue par-ty'came in the form of'a 'mid-night phone caU from the JuniorGenius.~ The. objective,'FootballPads for the knees and shoulders.It was a matter of life and' death-his life and our death' if wedidn't turn up with them. Okay,okay, obay. pet-but how are youfeeling? Says he, "It I, felt anl'better, I'd be dangerous, dear!"

    Were they. the Junior Geni-uses, harrowed by the fear th'atthey might have to turn in theirIootball armour on battle jack"els? Were they. jumping like anews ticker over world uphea.vals? Not THEY!. . ..,

    G R ,0 SSE POI N TEN E W S '

    1'fi'~;;n.~",";:n;n;'¥T;,;;r;",",,"""m;:nwn;m;:n:YYmii'i'9~: IEsther L. James Marrieslo~is lekieh in St. Paul's

    ~ .....--~,-........-....~....,..--.....- """L


    ".. ..,.,~ ...........'.Y therapy lamp t..,odllUS 95," wttiO¥ie>Ie'

    ,. .. ys with 0 ..-Oft% IVbeItitot .. .,., Iwm. out I

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    rlnallnspecllon of repair work1nC'lu"des a lliclentlflc check on the"Waloh Master" troubl, deleclot.


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    Page Five


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    Dry cleaning and therepre55ink of garments• , •.making them simplygorgeous • , • 10. tha.teven the c a s.u a l'e y;»recognizes ,the". \1'per b :~/illish ••• 'that", Squar,Inal's sepu~ati~!l,


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    ". ".' • J

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    From the fint reading of theprescription .thiough .. to thetyping of the lill5tword'of thedoctor's directions.' Ii capable.and trusted pharmacist cor-rectly compounds, makes allrecautionary re-rl!adini andcheck of the ingredients,amounts of each, tl:Ie doSageand times for taking., \'.' ' '

    All these are necessary stepsto insure safe m~lCation.Such a pharmacist brings tohis work skill and trainingplus friendly service in timeof anxiety .. Place your pres-cription with him in confidencefor in his own way he is aguardian,", ,~~alth also.This Is the l2Jrd ot " serles o(editor!al Adverlls.ments appearln\:in this paper each. week. .


    ThuNday, October 17, 19046


    NIasara 6000

    16300 Mad ~"e. at Outu Dri...,...-

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    "'::" ......... l'

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    with e'tablish~cnt.r of c~~Ja.I :prominence. It. great rooms of ,tate are

    in soft pRstel shades and magni~cently furnisbeJ.It ha.. the new. ,,luID her. cham bel'S, family rooms, JreSling rooms and a~ English lounge,

    f!;ui{t (xc/,,,e.e!'jIe" the)li!hpu~l~ it c£etveJ,





    'GrQ)s~e';" -lEEalggera1tiiGJl1ls


    •Page Six

    -~~'Gr"s~ePojntl' New~'"~LISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE AB~E PRESS, me.



    Phone TU. 2-6900Three Trunk Lil'es


    FULLY PAID CIRCULATION •Subscr;ption Ratl': $2,00 Per Y~ar by 1\a,1. All News and

    Ad\'ertisin" Copy Must Be III The News Office byTuesday Afternoon to Obtain .Insertion That Week.

    Eastern Representative. VICTOR S. GRANDIN,551 FIfth Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. - Tel. VA. 6-2065.

    ~red as second.clasS matter at the post office. DetroitMichillan. under the Act of March 3. 1897.


    byHelen Ttl/ley .Editor, ,Grpsse Pointe, News;. correct in a~'erting "The major

    Dear Sir. . ...' " • argument against this measure is

    I ,Ma'y I say that Mr. Maxon's .... (opposition) In principle' toGirls we're a mess. Miss letter :about"the MemoTfal :that the'sales," But if "This ar"WANDA MEYERS of the you printed in. last week's. paper;gument:seemsstrange ... " it is I

    "To calcb Dame l'ort/lne's goMe" smile, Southern Railways says so. ;x:resses my sentJmel)ts to ..1I; T. bee a'u s'e' the Sup:ri~tendentAssiduo/ls wal'l UPOII her,' WANDA says women wipe ' nhowthat many Gros.~e Pomt- knows'little of tax prmclples. .

    1. . k h h Iers ave the same feehng about 'The opposition to AmendmentAJ1d galher "e:lr h)' ev'r:>, tl,ilB IpStlC. on t e up olstery; the proposed' library that u." N . ?...f l't h er t 1 d' . '1 ' . d M >ih':theircol)stant flow of n~ws. Instead of'10,OOO:;'n:e~ and scattering them to the winds. PAUL also has an aliopted ed unW the Democrats tODk'~vel; c.l1';t?ut .o.f our psst when Rlcha~dJ;on,. the. famous her and said. "Ti:Jatburns me up. He NEVER knows." She then fro~l~ irool;shlpto a hIilieii,] M' R bO~I~~er.-~~l~~,E[._._ :__ .l!itl!;:Nm!'llgan,' hasle~tfor,ln.. 11,1:0. rr.elpol1~ent of theI,old New York T.nbune, wrote" relate.d to the man how she had bought,a,l1urni;lel" o! for her lhle't-tbe fasle.rl he.rt equiplotd Gr. 0 per. gNar, UnIted State~ to be. discharged

    h ~~l b k t th t th G t W t t 1 . ' t',. rosse OInte ews. d th A .' Ad I tto't e. '~i-" ac, ~as I a. ~ rea es IS ? ru.e ~s. husband on' their last anniversary •.. but waited before prescnting lllJer (m Ibe seas. LJall11ched I1t D Sf • un el" e rm) s r~ ep oymen"wn,~l~!'tue' },t~,ere is strengt!t a.nd. the lmpresslo.n. them ••. to see if HE remembered. When he, ~kin't,. shll..just put the 1938. sbe 1I1ml' rigbt 10 I/I"'.r•.~he e;~e p~Sltion'('IfDr. Paul L. E~- pr~~';g:7.' Westrick, a veteran of

    on the tranllJ~nt .v~lt.orls deep, that thIS nch land and these. gifts around the house, knowing he'd see tfieni'soolier 01" laler and carned. as lIIucb as a jull d(I'ls/~n sert in favor of Amendment No. 16 months overseas service, en-fine people "constitUre",the firm foundation from which,tpe probably feel like a heel about it. tit a lillie. 1 s.tHP.b~! oflen In ~, as repllrled in the News 'ast tered the Army in January, 1945curre!)tassaults 'on the American Way of Life will be suc- During the next few days, he did come acro~s some of the things the wtlr years, .,00 Ihe, BAT. week, is fn error since the Super- at Fort Sheridan. Illinois, and re',cessful1y resisted, and on which the national edifice of great- and would ask \Vhere they came from, how long they'd been there, TERY, gre)' al:dgrim IIlld /,uge: intende.nt. slides easily over the ceived his training at Camp Rob-ness and welll:!eing of which we have dreamed and for which :ltp. Finally, he came upon the piece-de.resistance gift, one she \vas NowsbB wi/! &aI'r)' 2314 (JlUS- salient poin~.Jlgainst adoption of Inson, Arkansat. before leaviniweh~ve planned, will surely be erected. sure he'd treasure. When he saw it he called to her, "Jane, where ellgers. aud 1200 crew. There the Mnendment. Dr. Essert is for overseas in August, 1945.

    . in h ••• did this thing come from?" She explained that she'd bought was a measured 2 mile run in,(Wtor'. Note:-Now on. vaeatlon, Mark K. Edlar" editorial It ••• whereupon he asked what she'd paid for it. "That's ~ty tbe CLYDE off SCOTLAND Ib,

    writer ., tbe New. staff, sent back the above from Mason City, ' dIowa, :after a motor !rIp throulh the country whose people he has business," she replied. "1 bought it with my own money.' The ear olber dar. QUEEN ELIZA-.• de.eribed.). little man then put' his foot in furthe:: by 'sayIng ••• "Well you BETH and tbe Iwn PRINCESS.

    Born'b Control probably paid too much for it! Anyway we've got a tot of these ES made the speed Tim.

    damned things around the house ••• why did you have to buy '" .;. .... another?" He STILL didn't know they were anniversar3'; presents l\IADELlNE KUDNER gave a

    Mr. Truman says the atomic bomb is to stay in the nor was he aware they'd had an anniyersary. house warming at her new bird-United State~. He means by this, we pres~me, that. the Just about the time .the woman finished telling her dinner Icage on East 62nd st. ycster-processes of Its manufacture are to remam With us as long partner about her gripe .•. the husband returned to the table and day. Her guest of honor ,Wallas '.possible. . .'.. . .' .• ~aid, "I remember 'our anni\i~r:Sary now. We were i~ Macki~ac and HOW~R~ ~~~EI\ ~he man who . ' .. sSE!T1

    , ~ost Amerlca~s w111 approve thIS. Un~ess and until I It was on a Fnday." The httle helpmeet gave him a WIthering dresses all those. HOLLYWOOD tI' ..., '"1I.lrziRUSSIa. accedes to ~!-S comple~e and ~vorld Wide c~/Q~~"d o lice. ?" . 1.,' ':,'or~er a 1 romply INth IbIS order It u:a;. fleressRry for Ib, Ktlrde11er, who 1J , ' .,~ .... .* '. '.,

    SOCIW::~~ eRamSey MacDonald took the premiership of the r~all.l' Ihe subject ~f Ibis slor)', to rtik,e~h~ ./tQves. f~~ns 16t1t sec. If l'oul,,~'i Jh/"Jrof ""yl//i"gfirst labor government of Britain he quickly and easily lIOn, l;e!ore . appl:pl1g t~': seed, II~ opertll,o~.~equf:~l1g perbap1 else 10. do, In NEW, ;OR,:K, JOuada tei:ihimself to the ways and trappings of comt societv. forr).fire ~llJJllles., So It mllst b.:s,:e hem';t IJm crllICal sl~ge of c~n aluotlJs ,chtl~ge ,000r ,_me.kne~ breeches and all. And Prince Eddie, who long sin~e Ibc operalum Ibal 111!ldal~le,'1~f)klJ/g from !Jer b,!dmom fnl1aOlll, SImplest thmr. m the fl)()fld. If'roved himself much more than the roya 1 pla~'boy, would sa//, ollr ber~ mgtlge~ m Ilus mU:1da11~ pursUIt al?d promplly .1 nil are .tI ':'ZZlE, Iltld fancy

    Ps readil ull an honest laboring oar in a labor govern-I actcd aC&ord~IIF1.r, II'Jlb. Ibe result, w/Jlch I hal'e "fst le~T11ed. )fJJrrself II" ER,~IU~TRUD~ .all.~ent. y p .' I,bat tbe IIdd,llOllal secdtrlg fle'er f('as. done, hilt. tI'l'U.h ~slJ1ce I~.ou blll'e. to dn IS file tI petillonIt is this capacity for adJ'ustment which demonstrates am realll' dCl'oted to lJ~rc!leu/) I fnll do 1011lgbt durmg the 1/1 !be (It)' cOllrl, /lay 4. ~1 a~1d

    1. f h B 't' h . 1 d' t I! full of the IIJ(J{JU, 'Nil 40 Jars. Tben. JOfl rethe etemal qua Ity 0 ten IS socia an go\ernmen a. Of 1" I"d I hi' f l ER'flNTRUD. r!', All k'.J t. cflurse I)IS IS OfJ l f11(1 cllta to t e Tell POlllt 0 tie ; " Li. mas 0 'system. ,,_______ i~";/;,.'I'h!t:b1;,"~ll::~Ci:'~::;:s h~a~lI~f::I:b/~I;~~rd~'l:;o~:t;: /Ok1;::~ ~~of~:f~oTt.. I~;e:dZ~/~h~A2Rj

    A 'can Tonic 1 bale IWOlt'11 Itldic.r '!l'ho likcd to lat: and men u..ho 'scol/red the. If to his flalll' i;, 1937".10 j".men world for Illil(qlie ust !;/Iltem. PCTJfJlJlIlIy 1 li,ke Jo gtlther 10ltls idicille tbe waytisjQ1I1i!.v tt'aI1t.It is the American seasonal sequence in sports, covering flolurs al sUllri.,c. "II'/. ft'!)tll amId scem' more qllaint to mosl cd tbe' name .pr'011iJ1lnccd-+to

    practi1:ally the :whole year's" calendar, which offers the people readcrs oj Ibc i'\CIO )'orkcr tllld Ibe Grosse PO;lIle News? rb}me fdlb "~pots", 110t "rtlts!'that wholesome surcease from their personal anxieties which Yours, tl'ilb or 1.l"ilboJit philosoph ..., --_._--so largely keeps the American spirit on a healthy le\'c1. Arlcesl, J,ONALD FOLl.MER BITTENThese sports are a tonic y;hich makes a mighty contrihu-. -------------------'--- HOMld Foll~er. 8, of 3~74tion to both the physical and moral strength of our peOPle., Whether as participants or witnesses in hleOlchers and ~r('rcC~r? W:l~ b~te; ~~ ~~~~~~

    As the baseball season, with its m.ill!on:. of followers, galleries Wl10 take tl'cir excrcise~vic;lriol.IS1.\ .. there .is R 1,~.g;l~" '~:1~mi~k~n,5;0', Co!l;,«ehas come to its close th~ football season IS Just gettm~ under wholesome concentration on fun whIch IS ~he m~dlcllJe IHospit:ll for first aid. Tilegood headway. Th~n will come the indoor sports of basket.] which dIspels the dour and gray outlook on hee whIch ob- Farms Police are i1l\'~sti&:atingthe C 1l 0 SSE

    bOlYlini and, wintet .porta in ali their myriad fonns. sesses so many less happy people throughout the world. ownership of the dog. '




  • 4.




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    - MRS. JOHN B. HARTZELLhas returned to her Ridge roadhome after a junket to Ma..'l-hattan.

    Pointe Dorothy Motschall"~~~,:iV::~ in",,":: 'Weds GeradyGroutOrlando, .n&., where she .visited • .Mrs. A...C .. Banknight for the last Ceremony Performed In St. Clare d. Montef~lcoCh,ureh'three weeks. ! by Rev. Cyril W. Burke of Barry.Col1ege. ,.:'

    • • • d I. .. . .. llri e's Ama Mater.Ma.. AND MRS. JO S EPH _DFiGR~ returned. recer:tly , St. Clate de Montefalco Church was the scene last ~t-,from a tnp to New YorK, durmg ul'day noon of the wedding of Dorothy Marie:Mot~h.alI.wlUch they $t,.ay~d~t the Plm. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Motsehall of Three Mile

    An~Vt' November wedding date drive, and Gerady Andrew Grout, s0!1 of .¥r. and 2 Mrs.tor your social calendar Novem" Seward G. Grout of Grand Traverse, flmt;:Mlch. .,. ,..,Per ~. when MARY KRENTLERTho Reverend 'Cyril W. Burke'j' '. '. . .. ... ...-ill ~bme tl:ie bride ofMAs

  • .......-...------------------'-':'-----------$~\---~------..$-----.-..,,~.LII!IJ..::'l'S-------~------~~--~~-..-



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    . ;.1• ••• e', f3.U - i:. ~,,';

    TA•• I file Jonofhri~ - .. ":'....~_.~ ..... _~.... ~'~.II_tlea, famoullor their iuiey, SWHI, ,SIII"or. We of,o hlln tart on.. for - ~pifl, turno". t" and app/~auce, ,-, 'l" - ,.1Ki iii, .... for' Wilt" COIII.i".,aMI pick your fgyorrte lrem fA'''. ;. ' ·tft"""Jous ~ariefy ~ (lppl...

    ; ..



    .lUST DEUt::IOUS


    , I

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    " ...29c

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    O~c, you taste t~e rJ~ficiou. Ra'fOfof ib,., ric~, ree! gTOP" I~,\ t~e G~lrJe"W •• t, you'ff reolile wby Cafilornions Ort illclined to 6rog ,aDouf Ihlim. Theselorge, luscioul Tokay., wltich grow now~.,e a/se (I" "nusu.lly Iwe.t (I"J juicy,Gild so popular fAot we'~e "od dilFicufty in me.ting tit, 9rHf d.mGlld for tbemin fhe post. Tltis y*Gr, how.".r, we're happy to soy t"fIt YOllr "'&1' ItGS" pf'lltiiuflupply of tempting Tolay IJrapes , •• aHrfICti.,efy pt;ced, fool -

    GofJetI, ,,":Jrt"chd or"nlles or:waiting for yrw ri91t~ II0W' of yOil... &1' Super. Come ,n today gndlale ito"" (I dOlln or two! lndu~.Ilrem in YOUf men.' oIten ••• '~

    lads and fruif cups _ •• to adla t eat toedra .ye (lnd fas e °PP J' l _.

    ,-' nd poultry rln ....your m... ' (I.. '

    L_ "/dren loy' oranges,R.m,,"_r, Cn'. ,f fLem in funchboxes. P" n • • C

    They' fit " rich soutC. of .,,1"'"'" tso for /reo/th', ,ale •• , IG'

    .~';.:" enry dayl •

    ta\itoma Va\eltiaO\\l~GIS


    I 6 R 0 S5 E POl' N T E' N E' W S

    I '.--15J

    fOll'1I De migllty glad you had tAt .loresi,1tt fo 1G'f ill' 0 IUPPIy of tlt'I'fi"., ,,({.purpos' potfltoes of ... ,P' ...CIIr"nt low price. T.ltey'" a" OIItstand-i", ~ofu., .nd tbey'll hep p.rf.ctlyi" oily cool, dark, we(f.~enti1f1ttdpfa

  • NI.75OO

    .* *.ihursdllY, October 17, 1946



    flJ~nte.Coun.ter Points


    For You

    There's ~ tong in the c!lirthot puts1I zest into living these fc!llfd"ys. ~

    zest thot whets the oppetite c!lridmc!lkes mec!litime 1m adventure!,With Mother Noture pouring. forth'

    her appetising and colorful prod-'uets into our very doors, .the kitch'.

    en at meoltime is a ploce everymember of the family Wc!lntsto ex.

    plore. At Davidsons we bring YOll.. ,the cream of those good things,fI' fresh ond crisp, succulent Md

    tempting.Conveniently locoted in' the very

    heort of Grosse Pointe's shopping'cenff~r, Dovidsons speciolizes in

    fine food produets-.fruits, vegeta-bles, groceries, froze!1 foods, dc!liry'~roduets, baked things, me~ts Md

    fowl. wines, domestic ond import.ed. Now thot our meat situotion

    hos-been relaxed, in a short time wewill be able' to present our usulll

    fine choice cuts. You hllve only tophone or ceme in-there is no sec-

    ond best with us-:-the finest is I]onetoo good for our friendly patrons,

    SCHE1TLERS wallts )'011to give alhoughllo the me_Well,Jhat's 'lever a htlrdship; or is it.' Be thllt liS it mllY, they mllke itellS)' for )'OU with the S/Iggestioll of'Schick electric 111%Ors-$15IInd $18-1I,ld C,htlrberl Shnl'illg Sets, containing sh"I';,rg crellm,and after-shave lotion. If/ell IIOW, thllt, is II surprise! And somehllve cologne-$2 IInd $4. Almond €Old cream, what, no fudgesauce? No, this ;s a soap made espedttlly for SCHITTLERS, mruletspedlllly to be leilld to )'our ski". 11 will keep )'Oft dun tool12 bllrs for II dollar. There's " temptation th"t ought to beilUiulged. , ' , • • •

    .Answer to !ast week's puzzle: Lady Emma Hamilton.

    by OUVE H. LARNEDl"So'melhint old IInd sometMIlg new" mil)' be fou"J. ,,' lb.

    smll1't .shop. of YORK JEWELERS on KerchevlI1, (""ass f'omhuobs'on's). The "old~ is bellutiful silver purchllsed from estlllu.thllt wif1'e bei"g ..settled, and this is II sure. way of having heir-looms sn your house. I SIlW II TifJa'IY flower v/lSe,'umuJorned IItIdlovely: ill itl graceful desigtl; " cllte little crys11I1IInd silver mus-IlIT'd pot, telling )'ou th"e it WIIShot stuff;. serving spoons 11Mfa;/ts; pickle forks IlIUJ..gravyspoonl. O'le particulllrly IIppealingpiece WIIS" spoon with a t'ut-out design whhh gllve it II lllce./ikeappellrflnce. , Flowers, leaves IIt1d II pair of 101'e birds were th.1II0tifs of the carving. There fire man)' other pieces for those wholike nice "old" silver. The "new" 1II11Ybe fOlflld ;'1 (Ill sortJ ofsterling find silver plllled hollow-wlIT'e. lArge shelllwhicb fill •1/lIT'zetyof needs are only $7.50 ami smllll urns which mil)' b. usedfor cigllretes or flower a"a"gements are S4.95-:'prices include III"-whJ' don't you i'lelude YORK JEWELERS in your next shop-ping lour? ..

    • • •.HA' th!,rendeZ1oo~'for ,those

    who enjoy delicious food In congenial surroundings. Saw the wellgroomed Mrs. Albert Scott in a smart black suit worn with a blackhat adorneil with a lush pink rose. The scarlet' jacket worn by thatcute Peggy Peck Fisher made her. hair blacker and her beautifuleyes bluer, if that is possible. A mother and daughter act was seeninthe persons of Mrs. Rlchard Macauley and Mrs. EdwinW. Baker.who.are noted for culinary skill. Mrs. George Renaucllookedwell in a becoming grey outfit. Mrs. Joseph Neebe and Mrs. GeorgeBeeman 'looking well tailored as usual, added a T,retty note to th~festive scene at HAWTHORNEHOUSE.

    . ,*.. ~Here's an an(!!1 thought for' your Christma._KAY PARCHER

    has the:,~05tadorablll anfels made of metallic paper and plio.filmwith ' hand painted faces. even as you ,and I,'~eir heads CIlJI b.turned too, but not by flattery. Some are made to hallf on the tree,and others for table use, and there are doves and ,Bowers, mostingeniously cut from the sliver pap«:r.These used as a packa(e tie.would make It look like, a heavenly (ift. I 'can't tell you how cutethey are, butI'm sure the most h:lrdened sinner would M these angels. KAY PARCHER wants me to remind you tbat nowis the time to order your Christmas cards as there seems to M alimited. supply. Forewarned. should be fore.anned •

    • • •

    • • •

    8y LOUIS~080L

    New YorkCavaJeade

    It's all too sweet and nice-nellynow, with everyone bowing andscraping to each other except afew diehards who still comethrough with the whip-but notoften enough. Of course. Win-chell is a liUle peeved with Ben-nett Cerf and Lyons is a littlepeeved with Billy Rose and I'ma little peeved with my tailor-but. it's routine, as they say outat the city desk up the hall.

    • • •It could be worse, of course.

    Suppose Pegler joined the mellowparadel

    ~R O,S.SE ,PI d I NT E N.EW S..

    Pointers of Interest

    Fe a tu r e Page

    Conditions have changed, letme repeat. Winchell and Runyongo cpasing bandits at night andwrite about each other; Ed Sulli-van mentions my birthdays in hiscolumn and sends me Christmasgreetings; Winchell puis in a plugfor my moving pictures and some-tim~s 1 gift him with a newsitem.. It.s not a healthy situation. The

    Dear Barb,. . for the plaid shirts, turtle neck old, wholfsome kick.him-in-the-My, but the old Autumn Fever's got my gal. Really, sweaters, swagger jackets and, slats, 'shiv-his-ear rivalry seems

    it brings out th~ poet in you. Do 'I detect a little note of of course, we couldn't get along to be a thing of.the past. A lot ofh . k' 1 tt ? Of I dAd k ow without the grand old long red new boys have come into theomeslc ness In your e er. course o. n, you n 'woolies that bring back mem-I understand just how you feel, for reading your mail has on'es, of last year's duck hunts. business and instead of rearing

    d thO k 1 f th . t d 11 th d f lly them apart. everyone rushes toma e me 10 a so, a e pas an a e won er u Speaking of ,the ducks remindsI . h d t th the bar-or into print-to gushg orious experiences we a oge er. me of water and that means fulsomely about their wonderful,

    I guess that our good times symbolized vibrant youth. boots. So, if you're one of the wonderful essays. It.s sickening.Youth that is so entangled in the ecstasies of simple outer clan, might as well dig 'em up • • •life that existence to them is on an entirely different basis and put them on your list if I had some hope last yea~ thatthan that of a matured man or woman. Existence to the you don't want to end up knock. maybe the good old days wereyounger generation is so filled with preciou!; everyday aaven- ing at Saint Peter's door. coming back when Pat de Ciccoture that their'height of attainment is today. Perhaps you;ve noticed all'the took a heave at Columnist Lee

    I can oHen remember wish... hats with perky feathen. Well. Mortimer and then was wallopeding for "everything to stay t~e'" is definitely toward the smart, I' t 11" in turn by someone else who tig-same.," Now I know that if hfe simple. but sophisticated styles. if you haven't, m e mg you ured this was th~ only fight inwere such we would be as stag- Tabu is the word for fussv trim. now, friend, that since you've town, That blew over quicklynant as still water on a torpid mings of any nature. - departed to the M.C.S. campus and dull days came back again.Fall afternoon. From now on'll be pIe'nty th h p w'ndows have filledIThere was a little tingle when

    .e SOl . Isomeone phoned that Nick KennyThe other eve~ing 'walki~1t of hikes in the woods, especially With feathers of all types andl had been in a brawl-but later

    home, . dusk had Just taken Its for you Barb up there in all shapes. pointing north. south, it turned out they meant Commo-plllce I~ the rapidly c~ling sky. that beautiful territory. Good east. west, this way and that! dore Dutch's annual ball whereThe wmd was playmg havoc TllUghout-door life in line with While on one of my warrder- N.ick o~liged by singing one of

    1 d hIS oldIes, "Gold Mme in thewith the eaves an they, in the hazelnuts. apples. pheasants Ings last week 1 spotted some Sky."turn. performed a ballet that and last but. not least the ever heavenly "Ensenberg" handcould easily have danced rings popular haYride. I blocked scarfs. The designs arearound the' professionals. You Proper attire for maximum of all types and the colors areknow. I believe. it is we who ccmfortand seasonal .spirit is so gloriously blended that it iscopy nature in all our attitudes a good pair of warm slacks. as if fall had spread itself onand supJ)O!ledlyprogressive life. How 'bout a bright plaid. soft each of the la7:'gesquare pieces.Just for example, Mother Nature brown, or deep forest green to Found that they add a specialchanges from the summer sea- blend ;.,;th the scenery or, to individuality to one's costume byson to the fall with such beauty the opposite extreTlJe. a bright a drape acros.~the hip. an ascotof color. dignity and gracious. orange red for the deer hunters? effect around the neck, or braid.ness. and we turn to the warm A good hcavy pair o( jodphurs ed through the hair.shades of "spiced apricot," "ap- :wIlldo th~ trick, too. an~ come Well, I'll sign off now andricot brandy," "cinnamon," "gar- m handy If the gang deCIdesto here's hoping I see you overnet," and "gold" for our colors "don" th~ horses or even the the week-end with the same oldof new fall fabrics. bikes. Autumn fever still burning.

    I The shops are tilled with these Wintry breezes whistling A1J ever,color combinations and the trend through the boughs mean time MAP.Y.



    who. where and whatnotBy whoozit

    Battling ,Bulges.EAT DEliCIOUS



    'l My favorite.Eook : : :..: "Gone. With the 'Vind'.uthor , : ," Shakespeare:flay ~ "Life With. Father"Actress Lynn Fontanne:4,ctor : : " Allred LuntMovie "Rahdom Harvest".1\1ovieActress ; : : .Ingrid Bergman¥ovie Actor , Doug Fairbanks, Jr.:Qadio Program , Hit Parade~adio Entertainer (F, Gracie Allen1tadio Entertainer (M) Edgar Bergen~olumnist , Anne O'Harp. McCormickt~~t .::..::.::~~::.:::.:..~:..::~..::..:::~::~~..:::~..: :~~:.:.:::: :~..: ::..~::~.:..:.~..:Va~it~~~~usic Jerome Kern in any form~ong , 'The Song Is You"Ijlance , Tangor;:~.., : "Towie"=it~..:.::::::.:::::.::.:::.::::::::.~:::.:.:.::.:.::.:'::':':':'::':':':'::::':':::'::':'::::::'::::'::::::~:::':':::::::~~~~~~uotation "If at first you don'.t succeed, try, try again"~lower : Whi te carna tion~olor ,................... Blue

    ~~~~~..(~~~i~di.~g..f.~~iiy)::..::::::.::::..::::G'~~~~~fs~~;;~~n~:;=~~I'artoon : Peter Arnoood Crisp Baconostume ,............................. ShortsMaterial Cashmere

    ~~d~~~::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::T~.beR~~~Aversion Burea ucra tsJ;liversion : , The theater



    " Saw MARY TIEDEMAN, SR. trotting along the avenue:Jb her well tailored grey suit, with MARY, JR. in a pretty YOU FIRST, ALPHONSE!:~plaid skirt worn with a yellow sweater. They make a lovely Recently, in the most casual':~other and daughter picture whereever seen and they have manner, touched upon a situation,:~uch fun together. which is far from ~asual. 1"wrote{;t • • • something to the effect,that many::: l\IALLY pADDOCKIs another "welI suIted" eal, she weal'll one of us along Broadway' were mel-J~fa mixed worsted that Is smart. Mally has such laughlne eyes, it lowing. A most unwholesoueds impossible to be with her tor lon~ without jolnlnc her In II condition-and I wish I had never

    brought it up.~.:buckle. But it is a fact-and it means~" • • • dull and duller days are ahead.::1 DOROTHY BROWNING "lwII)'s prelentl surh " nut and • • •

    ',~j", IIppearllnce IIm1 she didn't spoil her record when laJt seen in Let me explain. Shorl1y !lfter:" tl4v)' suit with touches of hright green IInd II bonnet to match. I was handed a Broadway column

    ::~s Dennis Da)' would Sll)', "She's pretty, too!" to kick around, Winchell, who':;: PLEASANT RUMORS cl!limed a bit of priority in this,::: .The dining room in the home of the H. LYNN PIER- business, began slapping me

    ':!=:, 0, N'S has unu,sual. charm. The floor is parqueted and the around in print when he couldf;' b II f f t f .find time off from throwing 'greencarpet IS not too large, ut a ows a ew ee ? horn at another priority claimer

    i\th!S lovely parquetry to be seen and ~orm a border around It. named 0., O. McInt)'re. Then I'.'~~:The'walls have been paneled WIth wood for a few feet moved over to the JOl'rnal and":il:ifJrom'their bases and this has been painted a soft grey Ed Sullivan assumed my chores~re~n coior. The wall paper has a background of a green a on the old Graphic. He took a',4lha'de lighter,. with a ~harming design of branches holding poke at both Winchell and my-:~irak'eets with be,aks and feet of a coppery rust shade; small self and it became a neat three-:,' fneapples aii.d flowe,rs .echo this color and dainty butterflies cornered affair with nobody, ave sapphire blue wings ,to add to the charm of the whole. speaking to anyhodyelse except.;:; The winci.O\VSare curtained with a tan cotton fabric which O. 0., who nodded affably over:!~a sturcl.Y backdrop for the maple fur~iture ~f Ear~y tu my corner; • •american design. The buffet holds a most mterestmg shIp In the' meantime, Dan Parker'~el cafved entirely from ivqry and encased in' glass~ The froll} his sports desk was throwc:.anip is displayed, against a background of antique silver ing bricks around handily. Hell-fllaper and this serves to accentuate the perfection of every Inger came into the picture as a,Metail. . general peacemaker and' then't, A flat mirror is used as ~ cent~rpiece on the table holding Skolsky, who was sent over by'i1a1f mo"ons of glass filled WIth damty flowers and four small the- late Harvey Duell fo snare,"arved deer add an interesting note. my extremely coveted services

    ,. ,Jj, In one of t.he windows are glass shelves filled with antique for the Daily News. Runyon wasto bl h B dl 1 k .th around, too, not fighting anyone'" ''Porcelain:Above a serving ta e is ung a ra ey c oc WI in particular but occasionally~l ,illovely landscape painted on its face and bearing the follow- throwing a pitchfork with the

    "tpg inscription on the inside of the door, ' prOng3 only slightly blunled by1. ' ..~'l 11m liS old "nd WONIaJ my filet! IIpellrs, his satiric velvet.:f1 I:Por I'1'e witJlted0"l time for" hundred yens •. • •*. .i'\f~y hllve tallen, It was really tres gay and willfitJl ere my ~ours. is ru:z. MR. G. l\lcDONALDGARRETT one night Dan Parker punched aI I'fle buried the world with 'ils jo)'s 11M fens ~-_._--------- fello.wsporis writer named Mar-

    .1 I" ,~.j,Jo"g long M/lrch of OfIe hundred yell,s." By Olive H. LIIrned, he was associated with athletics cus Griffin. and AI Jo:son. 'I •. . IMPRESSIONS No matter what breed of dog you prefer, F think most and he loves the out.doors, and grabbed Skalsky on another night': wHAT you think of WHEN you think of everyone will agree. that there is none more beautiful than the fun of competitive sport. This and shook him. thinking he W.l~S.A.'INGERSOLL LEWIS--Portrait by Burnes Jones- th~ .English .setter. Mr. G. ~cDonald Gar.reU h?lds t~is is one reason for his adoption 0 Sob~I, and the same Jolson

    Russian wolfhounds-bronze crysanthemums in a vase- OpinIOn, ~nd IS also o.f.the belIef that th~re fmer bIrd this hobby, he says, "One is com punched Winchell, thinking' h~: 1 linen sheets put away with lavendar-silver tea service dog. He IS.well qualifIed to speak ?n thiS subJe~t as he has pelled to get out of doors an was Wtnch~ll who had dor,e him

    -th.e' patrl'cI'an- b.een breedmg setters for the past eight years, WIth the pur- out of 1he daily routine groove. some Imagmary wrong - well,I' d E r h d' It's a complete change of pace ow, I guess you know what !. . ..,... pose o~ .devel?ping a goo ng IS • s7tter to stan . up In and one become5 engrossed in' mean when I say there was ale

    I :M.RS. ALLAN SHELDEN, JR.-Brown leather shoulder bags compet~bon w~th t~e best of the pomtm~ breeds. Hls'dogs discovering what can be done for ways some excitement around.!i "':Tallulah Bankhead in a nice way-sun shining on a are tram~d pmnanly for 'ph~asant huntmg. the dogs." • • •:I sandy beacn-"-leather mocassins-boogie woogie music- Mr. Garrett has hun.ted slJ~ce" I Mr. Garrett's interest has led For that matter, I can reme'11-;'6Heidi-14 carat gold- he was a boy, .and hIS famllr attended competitions in Ohio and to his being asked to judge at ber back to the night in the ol~

    . HARRY RUST N f dI d T b d' always owned bird dogs. so he s Michigan. Field Trial dogs are Field Trials of pointing dogs. His colorful Club Arg0r-aut w)len• . - ew oun an puppy- an gar ar me "doin" what comes natu~ally'" I d. t.t.. th love of rl'dl'ngmakes thl's a most B'II S h d . th~I tennis sneakers-zinnia~recess period d fo hair b • : pace In compel Ion m ree I y eeman punc eme m c

    ' I - , ..' -a r He says "the breeding of dogs IS classes: the "Puppy" for dogs up enjoyable task as the judging is ~nnot and Bill Paley aJlQlogized, . grower-PaglIaccl- . similar to that of horses; there to 18 months' the "Derbie" for done from horse back. . for him, and when some hoodlum

    ", .:1• ..., \>;", is ~o doubt that it is a science dogs up to 3'0 months. and the Five thirty in the afternoons whose name escapes me, tried .towhlct;,may be prove.d by the r~. "All-age" open to dogs, of all will usually find Mr. Gat'rett. in slaughter Paul Yawitz, mistakings~lls. ~e became mter~sted In ages. The trials are run in half khakis, preparing to go to the him for me. Seeman and I areField Tnals, as they prOVidedthe or one hour heats and in braces. fields to exerdse and train his friends now and that hoodlum ismea~. of determining the various~wo judges pass on all entrants dogs. The hunting season is the dead-having died in the hardquahbes of dogs. . . ill a given stake:',There are three ideal time to work the dogs. way-and Yawitz is making a

    At the turn of the .century, in places in every stak"" and each This year Mr. Garrett is,plan. million,. more, or less, a year,the pheasant and qU~ll field, .the placement is called a win. These ning to add to his usual. hunting griJ}ding out movies inHQlly-set.te~was. supreme In the Flel.d ,ai~.. recorded in the Field Dog pleasure by keeping a camera wood.TrIals until about 1930. At thIS Stud Book-American Field'Pub- record of the high spots of the • • •time the pointer was being care, lishing Company, Chicago. Illi. work of his bird dogs. The thrill Those were the days when anfully developed and the setter, nais' of watching a good dog work, Earl Carroll would get up in thedue to this, and perhaps having M' G tt -'d "Pee far exceeds that of getting a bird, swank Central Park Casino andbeen bred too finely lost his r. arre consl ers r- in Mr. Garrett's estimation. He

    ' f I 1 BI "h' best dog having deliver some sort of opinion tosupremacy, but Mr. Garrett ee s ess azer IS , says that one need never lack forthat he is assuredly on his way won seven placements in the Field employment with this 'hobby as the effect that the fellow across

    f t T . Is H' h d the way at another table (again,to regaining his ormer, sta us. f1a. e lS now tree an one- there is always something to doThe setter has always been can. half years old and is expected to for the dogs and one's interest by coincidence, WincheL),,vas nosidered the best grouse dog, I am be at his best in two years. is being constantly stimulated. gentleman, and a newspaper fel-told. Should anyone hold a dif. Mr. Garrett who is the Assist. What wifhboys all day, and low named Gene McHugh, who is

    .. . I b '. now a big exec on the' Dailyferent OpinIOn,pease remem er ant to the Headmaster of the dogs the rest of the time, therethat I do not pretend t? be an Grosse Pointe Co un try Day should be "never a dulI moment" News, was taken for a 'ride byexpert. I am only telhni you &hol and the Detroit University for Mr. Garrett, I should pre. !he lale and not much lamentedwhat I've been told. School. has always been inter- sume, and to complete the suc- Jack "Legs" Diamond - but re-

    Mr. Garrett's interest in Field ested in athletics. During his own cess of his hobby is the fact that leased when he talked himselfTrials began in 1940. when he days of schooling and teaching Mrs. Garrett shares his enthusiam. out with the same smoothness he

    displays when, he lays down fourkings and rakes in the pot.

    I • • •


  • --'-~-~~~---~~.~......-------- .....----......._-----:-,..'," ..•.'


    I .

    .:: .

    ..~. ,: ;

    . ,'1! •





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    Wrltes for yean'l&OO


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    Other lY.r.h.rpl, $3.95 upWe ~pecialize in bulk, hand-packed Sealtest Ice C~eam -"-and Butterscotch Royal. is the Sealtest OCtober Special. ,!,UV

    High School Advllnced CI/lsses, Wednesd/lY\, Sto 10 p.m. i<

    High School beginners c1l1ss, Thursd/lYs, 8 to 10 p.m.

    .Junior high beginners cI/lss. FridllYs, 7 to 8:30 p,m.

    Junior high edv/lnctd cl/lss, Frid/lYs. 8 :30 to 10 p.m.

    Adults CI/lsS MondllYs, 8:30 to 10 p.m.

    Grosse Pointe Drug"Ker~~eval lit Sf Clilii-.

    DelJverlea UnW 8 P.M. NI.,'827

    Fret Deflv~ry Three 'I1m.sDlify to D~trcit""d ~uburPs; o' o'

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    P. HennequinE. Barbier

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    Available at better ~n aDddruggiata iD Michigau

    ~lfIh • 11.ft'YWtQJU't4J{fIC,., I•••• !; MIIUldt"

    Grosse Pointe

    Photography by

    Lt. 1596


    J.w. JJigginJNL 5616


    Beautiful candids of 'your en.tire wedding. breakfast andreception permanently mount-,ed in exquisite leather boundalbum.

    Bridal port~aits of distinction

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    10 Treltments .• , •• , ... , ...... ~. :.$15.00~ ;'

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    Jeanette~ Beaut'! Salon• and


    •HERE'S R.EAL NEWS. TOOl'. _ -,- ~r' - '. .',

    We Have the NEW Instant Hair DrierThe hair drier d;ys IlS it curls.No IO,nger rleeess/lry to sit Url~der uncomfort/lble driers. Ser.

    , vic? .-now with or without /lP-pOlfltment,


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    Fr/lnklin ViII/lgll

    Antigu.e FairIn The Old Town HIIII

    Fri., Se't., & Sun.,.Oct. 25-26-27"

    '11:01 ... 111. to 18:06 p. m.BrlaI: 'I'ollr Frl... AmINIo. t5tFroakUa .d., west or BlrmlDrh&la

    WALTERS'Marth. Ann '

    Beeufy S"lon163%S EAST W£&&E!f

    Between Courvlll. &lid Three MIle Dr;TO • .well



    Industrial Furniture Manufacturing Co,17910 Van Dyke at Ne~ada-TWinbrook 1.9OZ0

    De L~xe, me.time construction of h\~h qllality 'W'ooas.. Tables have metal comer braces.

    So,uare or round top wood table $7 &25Wo1th2 wood seat churs ..

    . i():,~~~e~~pc~~~~~~~~ ~9.3Dsquare or round top table with 2 $13 75leatherette seat chairs in various colors...... •Porcelain top table with 2 $15'80

    'leatherette seats in various colors................ •No Dellveri •• Made - Pick Up at O.r

    ,Showroom-Will Fit.l" Your Cllr (asllyOpen 5:30 P. M. Sat. till noon. Closed SundaYI

    Children's Table and

    DURACLEANINB"'ow rOil CII" Haye

    Moravian'Dura Cleaners .

    , Carpetlllg., Twists,, Orf.IttcII.... • alld. Ftll., Uphol~t.rfllgmay now be safely cleanedand revived with considera.tion for, their life and tex.t u r e. • Duracleanina: reomres resilience to. woolflbers • Pile unmats andrise. • Colors revive • 'Furnishings' are Duracleanedill your home • No incon-venience in having them&one • Also mothproofed, ifdesired • .

    ,Nt. CI.... I PllolI. 4851

    p~>, I. Duh.y, Mgr,

    DuracIe •.nln rh. recom-mended n.-t1on.Uy byAmerl-ca"s ieadinefurni-ture anddept. store.s.

    'It holda enoullh for two people. Susan C.sgrain WilliamsAs a maUer of fact the whole Ch . d' S P I'meal is ~nough for two people. I t1Stene In t. au shaven't yet been .ble to eat , ..'everythinll that we've had. If we ,~'-'San Casgra!ll Wl1llams, younikeep on eating as we'are you'U daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Georgewant to call us. "Blimpy" when H. Williams was christened last

    (The experiences of two young rich estates. and her way of liv- b (& - 'f B b Id ' . _. .•S ., we get orne. .cu> I 0 cou Sunday at a ceremony at St.Pointers visiting Mexico are de. ing in pam. t f t), . d' t M" It' ever ie .. a • . P l' th k Fr Alscribed. in a series of letters Our foo 15 no eXlcan. s. The next tLtT!e r writ~ I'll. tell au 5 on e La e. • bert.

    written 'to the NEWS by one of typically Spanish. Although it's you about some of the things Melvin performed the ceremony.them, Charles G. Fossati. This is different from what we're used we've found out about Mexico. Susan's sponsors. 'ere Henriet.the fourth letter received since to in the States it is not as a rule Hasta Luego. ta Kernan and her un~le. Thomasthey leU the Pointe early in too ~ocking. I'm very grateful Carlos Chase Williams.September). for that .peeaUlle I-have always _Dear Folks:- hadiatreacherous stomach. Only Mary E. O'Connor Heads

    We've had Very good luck in twice have I had any qualmsfinding a place to stay here in about. what was served me and M"rygrove Fall PartyMexico CLy. We are getting only Once, have.I not been ableroom and 'board with a group' of to eat it. Miss ,Mary E. O'Connor, 1407Spanish refugees for the nominal Thatwas due toa litUe of Bob's Beaconsfield, Grosse Pointe Park,sum ot 47 dollars a month. Our army humor which '-came with is chairman of. the annual Falllandlady is tyPically Spanish and lliril out of .the . service. The Party sponso'red by the Mary-talks with, that, old Spanish lisp. SpaniardS eat a lot of Tice, and grove Collele Alumnae Oct. 20,Before Franco came into power it, is alwa)'s .mixed. with some- at 2:30 p•. m .. The party will behe.r fat.her was the governor' gen- thing. On that particUlar clay the held in Alumnae Hall on theeral of the State of Leon in Spain. rice was .~ryed. with:- clams and campus arid' IClDiOl' students willShe is one of those persons whose a half a crab to each ,person. Per- !>e guests of_honor.a~e y?u could. never guess, and ha~ YCIU wo01dn't 'call if a crab 'Assisting. Miss O'Connor with'so whIle I was talking to her'the but I'm afraid that lcan give it arrangement-, ,are Kat hie e 11other night I asked her how old creilit,fornotliing more. I was a O'D~nnell;.c~rman of the ~e-~he was. For reply I got a sad litUe leary abOut' that crab but ception coJJUAlttee: Mary RItashake of the heild. a stoical smile felt determined to .do it justice. Marshan, ,cb.\inrian of tl:)e re-and, . . \ Bob clid.n'tgive'me 8 chance. fI:eshment co~ittee, and Aure-

    ':1 have suffered so much in uLook a.t that 1i1 ole eye s~.- li~ Panfil, ch'ai~an of the' last te nyears that I have ing' up at you" he gleefu~ tamment cOmmIttee.~~:~t;~ry much. 1 use,d to be 50 exclaimed.: .., '; . ,. , ..

    She's darn good looking now, That dId It M,y poor tummy CLASSIFIED ADSso naturally I began wondering did a.couple()flo/J~s and ~ barrel 'GEl QUICK RESULTS!what she looked like tell years roll. The:si!condthmg WhICh wasago. I. asked if she had a picture a littl,~ ,strange to u,s wa~ seryedof herself taken then. She did today~,OctupUS! By thIS tl!I1eand brought it out to show me, hq\lfeyer' wec;an takean~hin~!twas the piCture of what looked an

  • ... ..--...... .... ~,.', .... ',.. ,. ..... .. .'~.." .", ,.,. .~ ." ', ...... ". '''"' • ". _ '.~ -........ _, "'.. _ .~, .M '"' .... ' _ ~ .. ,' '.;. '..... --..... _.,. ". ~.... - ..... ',



  • Pa9~ Fifteen

    'E~fr.r theBaUder

    DRIVE :.::il'..:2;t\'>:'. ".':,i..,oS A F E L.y.....:'~::;~• •• ,1 e:::~

    C~el:k +I~es, ,Itr~kes ~~ whHl:'~:~,~thlgflIl1~\1.. It s FREE. Ask fOf,.;..~[c

    on cowriesy card.. :::If

    .. ",,,~


    . Will the Republicans eaptare Congress for the ri51"time smce 19211 . ',.=.-

    I. there a ,GOr Iround swelll ,~'"What ia ~ New England, in tbe'bfc'

    Eastern statc:ll. In the M,d-Wc:lIt, on ~ Pacific Coast"Bl,air Moody. of the Wubington Bureau of ~

    Detroit News, is malcinlr a apecial survev for Detroit:News readers, and ....111. tover such states a. Missoury,-Ken~uclcy.01110.Wyoming. Montana. Washington, SUhtom,a, Ok13~ma. Pennsylvani.... N..... Jersey. Nc~:York. Connecticut and elsewhere . , .

    This .erie. beginninll: in Thursday's News .'~rt on the intimate. inside incident. and persoria~aa ..bich turn the tide in key .tate.. .. :t. - .,'...',.~~

    WIII1RRIZE 10WI -.~~:,!~Shl",le loofs, Stel"edor'OUed _ .";'Hel oi~of'

    .I.y"+ .... ' •• CloaMd or '.1"~ ::-.;;~5""" Whtdow. '.IRtH - AWIII.. ~ lenuwH,.~

    WI.cIows W.'HeI .. d I'" WI.dew. I.rt.n~Arr •• ,eiI N.w ,. HeY. ,n,. W.rt""~:::~o.iJ

    BED.I FRill 00. '.~.~~ .":':!~

    81.,... tltU.L_ ..... ardIa II.. IV•• 'd

    LI. 9735

    re.mi ••• l , .. UI7, tlO .. p!fle,,'a:terpr~onni. low, c~ . nay1'';1&11.,110., ...Id. ..Iedl.. .cMI ......




  • Page Sixteel\ S R 0 SSE. POI N TEN E W S

    _,j.;t.,. .. $ $

    Tnursday, October 17. 1946 1


    DIFFERENTIAL .,.... Drain,Flush' and Refill with Fac-tory-SPecified Lubricants.

    /TRANSMISSION -IDrain,Flush and Refill with speci-fied Lubricants.

    M 'f"oney ..

    YOllrGrosse 'o/"te Vic/nify Ford Dealer

    ~II for onl, $3.95ALFRED F. STEINER CO.

    For Real Ford Sel.,'i~e


    .. ."There!! s No 1.liu~eLike Home


    Allthorized ford S"les and Serr,h;i

    16901 MAClc at GRAYTON Niagara 4000

    , Wit/; Tbii Month's Siucial L"brlcalionCHASSIS - Lubricate com.pletely,' using special Fac-tory Specified Lubricants.FRONT WHEEL BEAR.INGS .:- Clean and Repackwith proper Lubricant andadjust.


    • • • •

    We recommend only such repairs aswill relieve you of present, day driving'headaches and forestall any mechan-

    ical failures during the winter months.Only genuine Lincoln and Mercury

    parts are used. Right now we are spe,.cializing. in winterizing, minor adjust-

    ments, major olyoerhaul, bumping and .painting. We also recommend our

    Porcelainizing service, wmch, if appliednow, will save you a paint job in the



    BRING IT IIO~IE • • • I



    UOnly Satisfied Customers Keep Us r~Business"

    Jefferson Lincoln and Mercury Co.3700 East JeHerson at Lieb MElrose0500

    We Will Service AIIYo.r Cars. Regardleu of Make

    Authorized Sales and Service

    We Pay High Dollar-Car or Truck

    Authorized parts and factory-trained mechanics.No job too bil:" or loo small. Brlnjt in )'our car[or a thorougb cheek-ull . . . No obligation.




    There!}s No Substitutefor BOYD~S


    Whefher 'it's a new battery for better winter driving, a Itilbrake iob. motcr overhauling, complete lubrication, fl

  • Page $eVerl+e.:",qp -

    "1 02Service! j,]


    Sales and Se,vice

    IIPld.1If aId COIIriaollS S.",lce forAll Clrry51er "rodllcfs



    Pirta for all car~. Compiete ~erviee by specIalistswith know-how for motcr tuning, generatcr. car-

    buretor and br~ke service. .

    MIll pltlce ;1 ;lIside Jour phone book covel'.



    Pointe Taxicab Co.Niagara 5400

    NEEDHAM -WARD.:'.=~~2970 East Jetfe 1'5OJ!at MeDougan

    T•• H', Generator,' Oarblrelor~-. Brlk ... ~.j

    .:fltzroy 477?,_.~., .' _

    15103 KERCHEVAL

    A Wa, For Qlick.r CABCLIP THIS AD

    :..4nywheJ'e--4n!i 5,'me-..Any plae.DEPENDABLE COURTEOUS SERVICE

    24 HOURS A DAY


    Starters ~ Gent:-rators - Cacbure[o:-s ~ Speedometers - IgnitionWll1dshleld Wipe" - Shod< Absorhr, - Magnetos - B'roJ

  • MUrray .8283




    MILLINERY ~TUDENTSMillinery supplies con be

    purchased atLALADGE

    16724 Eost Warren Nlagaro 1913

    LA SALLE Health Siudio, opendaily 10 a. m. to 12 p. m. ClosedSunday. 4425 Cass ave. TEm-ple 1-1917.

    ec:I-EI.ctri~ Repairs

    Electriclli C6ntrllctorHome and Shop WIringRepaIr an_ Maintenance

    F10urescenf Ltghtlng

    FR,A,NK L. CINDERTU. 2-0439 178" Roslyn Rd•

    (.)-CustOM Corsets


    and Surgical garments. Over13 years experience. MaudeBannert, 368 McKinley. GrossePointe. Call NIagara 4027 or

    . TOwnsend 7.4312 .•

    r f l-Refriq.ratioRREFRIGERATORS

    Service .n~ Repairs on an Mo

  • ~"'-../

    :", I!~-.=.:;:,

  • ;',

    ,Thursday, OetOber 17,1946


    County TreasurerReg'i~ter of Deed.Two Coroners

    YOTIN~ PRECINCT No. 26The Mason School.'

    VOTING PRECINCT No. 25Mack Avenue at Kenmore Drive.

    • . VOTING PUCINCT No. 20Kerby Road'l_West of Beaupre Road.

    VOTING PRECINCT No. 21Moran Road, East of Mack Avenue.

    VOTIN~ pRtCINCT No. 22The Mason School.

    VOTING PRECINCT No.1'Grosse Pointe Farms Municipal Building.

    VOTING PRECINCt: No. 16The East End gf Gabriel Richard School.

    YOnNG PRECINCT No. 23Grosse Pointe Woods Municipal Building.

    VOTING PRECINCT No. 24Grosse Pointe Shores Municipal Building.

    VOTING PRECINC'T No.1 7Kercheval Avenue, between Moran Road'and

    Merriweather Road.

    VOTING PUCINCT Ne. 19The West End of the Gabriel Richard School.

    VOTING PRECINCT No. 15The Southeast comer of ~ittier Road and Mack



    Governor State SenatorLieutenant Governor State ~epre.entativesSecretary of State Attorney GeneralState Treasurer Auditor GeneralJudice of the Supreme Court to fill Vacancy.

    Pro.ecuting AttorneySheriffCounty ClerkCounty Drain Commi .. ionerCircuit Court Judge to Fill VacancyOne Judge of Probate (Term endinl December 31, 1946)One JudIe of Probate (Term endinl December 31, 1948)Three JudIe. of Probate (Term endin~ December 31, 1950)



    NATIONAL Senator



    VOTING PRECINCT No. 4The Southwest corner of Jefferson Avenue and

    , Park Lane.

    VOTING PRECINCT No. 5Municipal Building, Jefferson and Maryland


    VOTING PRECINCT No. 6Somerset Road and St. Paul Avenue

    . VOTING PRECINCT No. 7S:lUlh side of Sl. Paul Avenue.

    between Three Mile and Audubon Avenue.

    VOTING PRECINCT No. 8Kercheval Avenue and Bishop Aven~e.

    VOTING PRECINCT No. ,The East End of George Derer'School

    VOTING PRECINCT No. TOPierce, School.

    VOTING PRECINCT No. 11The West End of George Defer School.

    VOTING PRECINCT No. 12Charlevoix Avel'lue, between Maryland Avcnue and

    Lakepointe Avenue.

    VOTING PRECINCT No. 1lCharle\.oix Avenue. between Lakepointe Avenue

    and Beaconsfield Avenue.

    N t!:w S


    YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED' that the General Election shall he held onTuesday, November 5, 1946, and that the polls for said Election shall be open from7 :00 o'Clock in the ,forenoon to 8 :00 o'clock in the evening, Eastern Standard Time.

    YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that candidates for the following offices willbe voted for at said Electioh:

    YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that if you have not already registel'ed, youmay do so by 'appearing before the Township Clerk at his office in the MunicipalBuilding in the Village of Grosse Pointe Park, Wayne County, Michigan, any dayprior to the twentieth (20th) Ii ..,; preceding such General Elec