greenmantle - the movie script (excerpt)

“GREENMANTLE” An Adaptation of John Buchan’s Novel By Robert W. Lebling P.O. Box 5563 DRAFT Dhahran 31311, Saudi Arabia April 29, 2010

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Excerpt of a screen adaptation of John Buchan's novel "Greenmantle" (1916). Secret agent Richard Hannay infiltrates the Muslim world on a mission that could change the outcome of World War I.


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An Adaptation of John Buchan’s Novel

By Robert W. Lebling

P.O. Box 5563 DRAFTDhahran 31311, Saudi Arabia April 29, 2010

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EXT. ASIA MINOR – DAYThis is the credits scene. EXTREME CLOSEUP pan of the faces of young, brown-faced Muslim men, some with head-cloths, some without, all wide-eyed and enraptured by the sonorous voice of a man, reciting slowly and distinctly from the Koran. Dissolve to EXTREME CLOSEUP of a woman some distance away, watching and listening. Unlike the men, she is European – stunningly beautiful, with very pale skin and bright green eyes. A veil is draped loosely over her head, exposing a few thick auburn curls. She too seems hypnotized by the unknown speaker’s voice. We hear the sound of horses’ hooves in the background. The equine drumbeat becomes louder and as it drowns out the speaker, we dissolve to EXTREME CLOSEUP of horses’ hooves pounding across a dusty plain. This is interspersed with quick, stark shots of World War I combat: trench warfare, artillery batteries, dogfighting biplanes, Kaiser Wilhelm in military dress conferring with aides over a map of Asia Minor… Credits roll as the horses race to their destination.

EXT. LONDON IN WORLD WAR I – DAYA black taxi wends its way through city streets in early morning. It is a chill November day. The rains have stopped, and watery sunshine lights the city. The taxi arrives at the front steps of the Foreign Office. MAJOR RICHARD HANNAY, in British Army uniform, climbs out of the vehicle and briskly mounts the steps. He is businesslike and subdued.

INT. FOREIGN OFFICE CORRIDOR – DAYHANNAY strides down the hall, passing sleepy bureaucrats on their way to their offices. An army sergeant salutes him, and he replies in kind. The hall is long and dim. The linoleum is highly polished. HANNAY reaches an office at the end of the corridor, and opens the massive wooden door.

INT. SIR WALTER BULLIVANT’S OFFICE – DAYSIR WALTER BULLIVANT stares out the window of his office. A big man, the Great War has taken its toll on him, and he looks gaunt and tired. He turns to HANNAY, who is seated in an easy chair by the fireplace, cap in hand.

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BULLIVANTWell, Major Hannay, tell me – how do you like soldiering?

Before HANNAY can answer, BULLIVANT sits down opposite him in an easy chair.

HANNAYWell enough, sir. This isn’t the kind of war I’d have picked myself. It’s a comfortless, bloody business. But we’ve got the measure of the Germans now. I look forward to getting back to the front.

BULLIVANTThink you’ll get your battalion?

HANNAYI’ve got a decent chance. I just hope I come out of this with my skin intact.


You do yourself an injustice! You weren’t thinking about your skin when you took that foreign observation post at the Lone Tree.

HANNAY(turning red)

I don’t know who told you about that, sir. It wasn’t that way at all. I had to do it – I couldn’t send my men. They were fire-eaters, and would have drawn too much attention. Possibly costing them their lives.

BULLIVANT(still grinning)

I’m not suggesting you were reckless. I think you’ve got what it takes to do the job. What troubles me is whether your skills are best employed in the trenches.

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Is the War Office dissatisfied with me?

BULLIVANT(raising his hand)

They’re profoundly satisfied. They’ll give you command of that battalion. If you manage to escape a stray bullet, I’ve no doubt you’ll make brigadier. It’s a wonderful war for youth and brains.

BULLIVANT takes out his pipe and begins filling it with tobacco.

BULLIVANT (CONT’D)But … I take it you’re in this business to serve your country, Hannay?

HANNAYI’m certainly not in it for my health.

BULLIVANT lights his pipe, puffs on it, and looks at HANNAY’s right leg, still a little stiff from surgery to remove shrapnel fragments.

BULLIVANTPretty fit again?

HANNAYTough as nails. I thrive on chaos, and eat and sleep like a schoolboy.

BULLIVANT stands up. He sets the pipe carefully in an ashtray. With his back to the fire, he stares abstractedly out the window at the wintry park.

BULLIVANTYou’re fighting not because you need a job, but because you want to help England. What if there were a better way to do this? An assignment that only you could carry out. I’m talking about something dangerous, with outcome uncertain.

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I’m a soldier. And under orders.BULLIVANT

True. But what I’m about to propose doesn’t fall within the scope of a soldier’s duties. I’ll understand perfectly if you decline. I probably would.

HANNAY(leaning forward)

Let me hear the proposal.BULLIVANT crosses to a cabinet, unlocks it with a key from his chain, and takes piece of paper from a drawer.

BULLIVANT(returning to his chair)

I take it your travels have not extended to the East?

HANNAYNo – apart from a shooting trip in East Africa.

BULLIVANTHave you been following the present campaign in the Near East?

HANNAYI read the papers. I have friends serving in Mesopotamia.

BULLIVANTWe’re in a bit of a spot, Hannay.

HANNAYI thought things were going rather well.

BULLIVANTNo problems on the ground at the moment. But something is in the air – something very bad. Germany seems dead-set on dragging the Turks into this war. If it were just the Turkish army we were facing, I wouldn’t worry.

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HANNAYWhat more could it be?

BULLIVANTA hell of a lot more. A general uprising. Of the Turks, the Arabs, the Persians – all the Muslims.

HANNAYA Jihad? A Holy War? That’s ridiculous!

BULLIVANTIt would be if we were talking about Germany alone. But there’s a new factor…

HANNAYWhat exactly are you talking about?

BULLIVANTSuppose the Germans had found something – or someone – that could spark a Jihad. Some holy thing – a book, an artifact, or some new prophet from the desert. Something that could transform that ugly German war into a magnificent religious enterprise that would draw Muslim peasants from far and wide, to do battle against us and swing wide the gates of Paradise?

HANNAYThen for us there would be hell to pay.

BULLIVANTPrecisely. And worse. Beyond Persia, remember, lies India.

They sit in silence for a moment. BULLIVANT eyes the paper in his hands.

HANNAYThese are all suppositions. How much do you know?

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BULLIVANTVery little, except the fact. But the fact is beyond dispute. I have reports from agents everywhere – pedlars in South Russia, Afghan horse-dealers, Turcoman merchants, pilgrims on the road to Mecca – as well as respectable diplomats who use ciphers. They all tell the same story.

HANNAYWhich is?

BULLIVANTThe East is waiting for a revelation. It has been promised one. Some star – man, prophecy or trinket – is coming out of the West. The Germans know it, and that’s the card they want to play to astonish the world.

HANNAYAnd the mission you’re proposing – you want me to go and find out.


That is the crazy and impossible mission.

HANNAY gets to his feet and begins pacing. BULLIVANT also stands and walks to a nearby wall, where he pulls down a rolled map of Europe.

HANNAYWhy me, Sir Walter?

BULLIVANT(shrugging as he eyes the map)You’ve been a mining engineer, Hannay. You’ve prospected for gold in Africa. You know how to find the unfindable. I believe you have a nose for uncovering what our enemies are trying to hide.

BULLIVANT points at the map.

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BULLIVANTI can’t tell you where you’ll pick up the scent, but I can tell you where you won’t find it. It’s not east of the Bosporus – yet. It’s still in Europe. It may be in Constantinople, or in Greece. It may be farther west.

(looking at HANNAY)But it is moving eastwards. If you reach it in time, you may block its move into Constantinople.

HANNAYI need to know more. You can’t send me out there totally clueless! Obviously, you couldn’t help me if I ended up in trouble.


You would be beyond the pale.HANNAY

You’ll give me a free hand? My own team?

BULLIVANTAbsolutely. You can have whatever money you need, recruit any help you require. I even have a man for your team – an American. Take him if you wish – I highly recommend him. But put together your own plan. Go where you think best. We can give no directions.

HANNAYI have one man in mind – from my old battalion. Captain Sandy Arbuthnot. He speaks the Eastern languages, and can pass for an Arab.

BULLIVANT(eyebrows lifting)

Baron Clanroyden’s son? You

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couldn’t do better. A true chameleon!

HANNAYOne last question: just how important is this mission?

BULLIVANTLife and death, Hannay. Life and death. We must know what we’re facing. If the East blazes up, we’ll be distracted, and it could affect the outcome of the war in Europe. The stakes are no less than victory and defeat.

Hannay walks to the window and stares out at the streets. He looks doubtful. When he turns to face BULLIVANT, it is not clear what his answer will be.

HANNAYI’ll do it.

BULLIVANT approaches HANNAY and silently shakes his hand. His eyes are glistening.

BULLIVANTI may be sending you to your death. If so, I’ll be haunted for the rest of my life, but you – you’ll never regret it. You’ve chosen the roughest road, but it leads straight to the mountain-tops.

He hands HANNAY the scrap of paper he has been holding.HANNAY

(reading)Just three words? “Kasredin.” “Cancer.” “V.I.”

BULLIVANTIt’s the only clue we have. It’s up to you to decipher it. It cost one of our best agents his life. He discovered something in Persia. Our enemies found out and pursued him. Two weeks ago, he staggered into one of our camps, with ten bullet holes in him and a knife slash across his forehead. Something was coming

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from the West, he told us. “Kasredin” was his last word. He died before telling us more. They found this paper on his body.

HANNAYWhat courage… Who was he?

BULLIVANT stares silently out the window.BULLIVANT

(his eyes unfocused)His name was Harry Bullivant. He was my son.

EXT. SAVOY HOTEL – DAYHANNAY emerges from another taxi, this time on the Strand. It is raining again. He strides quickly into the Savoy Hotel.

INT. SAVOY GRILL ROOM – DAYHANNAY scans the dining room of the hotel restaurant. He spots a large man, an American, dining alone, a napkin tucked under his chin. HANNAY approaches him.

HANNAYMr. Blenkiron?

BLENKIRON looks up at him with full, sleepy eyes, like a ruminating ox.

BLENKIRONYou have my name, sir. John Scantlesbury Blenkiron. I’d wish you good morning if I saw anything good in this damned British weather.

HANNAYI come from Sir Walter Bullivant.

BLENKIRONAh… Sir Walter is a very good friend of mine. Pleased to meet you, Mr. – or I guess it’s Colonel –

HANNAYHannay. Major Hannay.

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BLENKIRON(gesturing toward a chair)

Allow me to offer you lunch, Major. Order something adventurous. I’m afraid I can’t do the same. I’m restricted to this rather unappetizing fish. Dyspepsia, you see – duo-denal dyspepsia. It hits me two hours after eating – right here, beneath the breastbone. Oh for the days of spiced blue crabs and barbecued ribs!

HANNAY sits down. BLENKIRON shakes his head as he eyes his plate of boiled white fish, accompanied by a cup of hot milk.

HANNAYThanks, but I’ll only disturb you for a minute.

BLENKIRONYou’ve been on the front, Major? We Americans have high regard for the skills of the British fighting man. Not that we can figure out your generals…

HANNAYWhat brings you to England?

BLENKIRONThe war of course. We may be neutral, but we’re benevolent neutrals. As I see it, a skunk has been let loose in the world, and it’ll keep stinking the place up until someone gets rid of it. We Americans can’t fight, but by God, some of us are going to sweat blood to help clean up this mess!

HANNAYHave you talked to Sir Walter?

BLENKIRONI have. I understand there’s an operation in the works – which you will head. Walter knows his stuff. If he says it’s good business, then you can count me

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in. If you want me.HANNAY

We’re talking extreme danger here…

BLENKIRONI figured that. But danger is relative, Major. A grizzly looks pretty fierce when you stumble across him in a thicket, but he’s just an ordinary bear when you’ve got him in the sights of your rifle.

HANNAY sizes the man up, then scribbles his address on a scrap of paper and hands it to him.

HANNAYCome to dinner at my flat tonight. At eight.

BLENKIRON(with a broad smile)

I thank you, Major. And if you don’t mind – just a little fish, please, plain-boiled, and some hot milk? (Shrugging) Doctor’s orders…

INT. OFFICER’S CLUB BAR – DAYSANDY is sitting at an oak table in the bar, nursing a single malt scotch. He is in uniform, which is rare for this master of disguise. He sees HANNAY enter the room, and beckons to him. HANNAY orders a Guinness as he passes the bartender and sits down at SANDY’s table.

SANDYI can tell from your face that you’ve got a mission.

HANNAY(shaking his head)

I never expected anything like this…

SANDYSo fill me in, Dick.

HANNAYIn a minute. First, I need to tell you that the mission

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involves you – if you want in.SANDY

You know I do. I want to get back in the field.

HANNAYMaybe not this way. You and I are going to disappear from His Majesty’s forces. We’ve been seconded for special service.


Now you’re talking!HANNAY

Your enthusiasm may fade when you hear the details. But first, I want to get your reading on this…

He takes out the piece of paper BULLIVANT gave him, and holds it in the air. A waiter approaches with a pint of stout. As he places the glass on the table, HANNAY holds the paper to his chest. He releases it when the waiter leaves.

HANNAYThese are the only clues we have for this mission. The first one, ‘Kasredin,’ means nothing to me.

SANDY(munching a pretzel)

You mean Nasr-ed-din.HANNAY

What’s that?SANDY

He’s the General commanding against us in Mesopotamia. I remember him years ago in Syria. He talked bad French and drank the sweetest of sweet champagne.

HANNAYI’m sure the first letter is ‘K,’ not ‘N.’

SANDYKasredin is nothing. In Arabic, it means House of Faith. That

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could be anything from a grand mosque to a suburban villa. What’s the next puzzle, Dick? Is this a newspaper competition?



Latin for ‘crab.’ The name of a painful disease. Also a sign of the Zodiac.

HANNAY(still reading)

‘v. I.’SANDY

There you have me. Sounds like the number of a motorcar. The police can help you with that. This is a tough competition! What’s the prize?

HANNAY passes the paper to SANDY, who examines it carefully.SANDY

Who wrote it? Looks like he was in a hurry…

HANNAYHarry Bullivant.

SANDY’s face grows solemn. He looks at the paper again and sets it carefully on the table.

SANDYOld Harry. We studied together. One of the best God ever made. I saw his name on the casualty list… Harry didn’t do things without a purpose. What’s the story behind this paper?

HANNAYYou’ll hear it tonight at my place. Dinner at eight. There’s an American coming. He’s part of this business.

INT. A DRAWING ROOM IN EUROPE – DAYThe beautiful woman from the opening scene, whose name is

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HILDA, is seen from the viewpoint of another, unseen person. She is dressed in a smart black evening gown, and is sitting on a sofa, sipping white wine from a crystal goblet. She sets the goblet on a table and rises to meet the UNSEEN MAN in the middle of the room. She approaches him, her green eyes wide and fiery. She stops and studies his face like a physician.


So… you are the one…Her hand moves to his face. The UNSEEN MAN backs away, and her hand stops in mid-air. She smiles. She laughs gently.

HILDAI understand. I understand everything. But I suspect you don’t. You don’t even speak my language, do you?


Not to worry. Come. There is much to be done. So very much…

INT. DINING ROOM OF HANNAY’S FLAT – NIGHTHANNAY and SANDY have finished a hearty meal, and are sipping brandies. BLENKIRON is still picking at his boiled fish, and forcing down the hot milk. HANNAY has been briefing them on the mission. SANDY is excited at the prospect.

SANDYIt’s possible, Dick. Very possible. But I’ll be damned if I can imagine what card the Germans have up their sleeve! It could be any of twenty different things.

HANNAYSuch as?

SANDYThirty years ago there was a bogus prophet who wreaked havoc in Yemen. It might be a sacred banner, like the one Ali Wad Helu had, or a precious jewel, like Solomon’s necklace in Abyssinia. You never know what might spark a Jihad. But I

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rather think it’s a man…HANNAY

How could he get his start?SANDY

It’s hard to say. He could emerge as a saint or miracle-worker among the Bedouin tribes. Or he might be a fellow who preaches the pure religion, like that chap who founded the Senussi in Libya.

SANDY frowns as something occurs to him. BLENKIRON looks up from his plate of fish.

SANDY (CONT’D)But I suspect he’s something extra special if he can put a spell on the whole Moslem world. The Turks and Persians won’t fall for new theology. He must be of the Blood.


SANDYYour Mahdis and Mullas and Imams were nobodies – they had only local prestige. To capture all of Islam, the man must be of the Koreish, the tribe of the Prophet Mohammed himself.

HANNAYHow could he prove that?

SANDYThere are still families that claim this descent, and some can prove it. But he’d need to be pretty amazing in his own right. Saintly, eloquent, that sort of thing. And he’d have to show them a sign – though God knows what it would be.

HANNAYYou know the East as well as any living man. Is this kind of thing possible?

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HANNAYWell, that’s it then. You’d know if anyone would.

(addressing both men) As I’ve explained to both of you, Sir Walter believes this is about as important for our cause as big guns. What I need to know is, are you in?

The men are silent. BLENKIRON pushes away his plate of picked-over fish, wipes his hands with a napkin, and takes out a pack of cards, which he begins to lay on the table before him, setting up a game of solitaire.

SANDYYou know I’m in, Dick. I’d never back out on you.


BLENKIRON(studying the cards as he plays them)

Why yes. I’m with you.(lifting his sleepy eyes)

You mustn’t think that I haven’t been following your engrossing conversation. I haven’t missed a syllable.

(gesturing toward the cards)A good game of solitaire aids the digestion and promotes quiet reflection. John S. Blenkiron is with you one hundred percent.

HANNAY, visibly relieved, sits back and smiles.HANNAY

Well, that’s settled then. Now for ways and means. We three have got to uncover Germany’s secret, and that means working our way toward Constantinople.

The three lean forward on the table and begin to discuss their plans.

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INT. DRAWING ROOM IN EUROPE – EVENINGHILDA, standing, still in evening clothes, looks up from a large map opened on a table. The map shows Eastern Europe and the Near East. It is marked with arrows and circles. A German officer in uniform stands nearby, stone-faced. The UNSEEN MAN has been looking at the map.

HILDA(with a hint of a smile, eyes flashing)

Now you understand?The UNSEEN MAN remains silent. She begins to fold up the map.

HILDAYou should go now.

(addressing the officer)Take our guest back to his quarters.

HILDA watches the guest carefully as the officer escorts him from the room. The door closes. She returns to the couch and collapses there. Taking a brandy from the coffee table, she finishes it off. Then she leans back on the couch and undoes her hair. She shakes her head, and her tresses cascade over her shoulders.

HILDA(speaking to herself)

So little time, and so much to do…

Her eyes stare off in the distance, her thoughts are a million miles away. She idly caresses her right breast, and the nipple becomes erect under the sheer fabric. Her hands slip down and she hikes up her long gown, exposing long slender legs. Her fingers tremble as they move up her thighs and slip beneath her black panties. Her breath catches.

HILDA(in a whisper)

… but such a prize!

EXT. A BRITISH PASSENGER SHIP – DAYPassengers laden with hand-luggage are climbing the gangplank of an ocean liner preparing to leave England. SANDY steps onto the deck. He is smartly dressed in an Army officer’s uniform. A black briefcase is shackled to his wrist. He gives his name to a CREWMEMBER with a clipboard, who checks the list. The CREWMEMBER looks up and smiles.

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CREWMEMBERKing’s Messenger?

SANDY (in a Scottish accent)That I am.

CREWMEMBEREnjoy the voyage, sir. We will be in Alexandria in eight days.

SANDY nods and heads down the deck, in search of his cabin.

INT. AN AUDITORIUM. EVENING.A large audience listens attentively to a panel discussion on the war. Four “experts” and a moderator are seated at the panel table on a broad stage. Behind them hangs a banner: “University of London Spring Forum – Whither the War?” BLENKIRON is one of the experts. He sits silently while two other experts argue a fine point. The MODERATOR intervenes, raising his hand for silence.

MODERATORLet’s hear from our American colleague. As I mentioned earlier, Dr. Blenkiron has served as a diplomat and currently teaches international affairs at Princeton, the alma mater of President Wilson. Dr. Blenkiron?

BLENKIRONThank you, professor. Let me say at the outset that when war was declared, I was heart and soul with the British.

A murmur of approval from the audience and scattered applause. BLENKIRON waits for silence, then continues evenly.

BLENKIRONBut sad to say, I have been reluctantly forced to change my views. Your blockade of Germany has violated all the laws of God and humanity. I reckon your bullying is now making Kaiser Bill look like a choirboy.

The audience gasps in horror. A few angry voices echo in the auditorium. The MODERATOR and other panels stare at

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(shrugging)What can I say? I once thought differently, but I’m not afraid to face facts. Germany has a right to freedom of the seas, and I venture to say America will back her up. The British Navy has become a bigger menace to world peace than the Kaiser’s army!

The crowd erupts with a roar of outrage. Hundreds jump to their feet. They shake their fists and shout at the American. BLENKIRON sits quietly, his hands folded on the table, staring at the audience. Suddenly a small projectile flies across the auditorium and strikes him in the eye. He lurches back, then steadies himself. Covering his wounded eye, he looks down at the projectile, which lies on the table before him. It is a Brussels sprout.

EXT. THE PORT OF ROTTERDAM – DAYA cold, dreary December day. A young white African Boer, in shabby clothes and hauling a battered Gladstone bag, disembarks from Portuguese freighter. He strides down the gangway and steps onto the docks. The man passes uneventfully through Immigration and is soon on the streets of Rotterdam. He scans the sidewalks, looking for someone. A closer look reveals that beneath the grime and a scruffy two-week beard the Boer is actually HANNAY. As he stands there, a hand settles on his shoulder. HANNAY spins around in alarm, but suddenly relaxes when he sees it is the man he has been expecting: a true Boer, PETER PIENAAR. They embrace like brothers. PIENAAR is older, in his mid-fifties, with a graying beard. He is very thin, edgy, wiry, with bronzed skin and gentle blue eyes. The two men walk off down the street, talking.

PIENAARI never thought we’d be working together again, Dick.

HANNAYBrandt. Cornelis Brandt, Peter. That’s my name for the duration.

PIENAARGot it -- Cornelis. A fine Boer

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Were you able to set us up with a German contact?

PIENAAREasy. Rotterdam is crawling with the Kaiser’s agents. And they’re looking for people just like us.

HANNAYAfrikaaners who hate the English?


Precisely! If only they knew!HANNAY

Peter, we’ll never forget your services for the Crown in South Africa.

PIENAARIt came naturally – Cornelis. Most of the big game hunters sided with the King.

HANNAYStill and all… Are you ready for a tour in the Fatherland?

PIENAARI’m not too fond of Germans, my friend. But I’m willing. Are we to settle in some sleepy German town, and spend our time swilling beer? Don’t know if I could stand that…


Not a chance. We’ll be wending our way across the continent – toward Constantinople.

PIENAARWell, you can count on me, friend Cornelis. I’ve always had a hankering to tour Europe.

PIENAAR claps his friend on the shoulder and then guides him into a tavern.

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INT. A CABIN ON A BRITISH PASSENGER SHIP – DAYSANDY stands at a basin, rubbing his hair with a towel. He is wearing an Egyptian gallabiya, a full-length light blue robe. He tosses the towel aside. His hair is now dyed black. He combs the locks back with his fingers. His already tanned skin seems a bit darker than before. Staring in the mirror, softly singing an Egyptian love song, he applies a false mustache.

INT. A GOVERNMENT OFFICE IN LONDON – DAYBLENKIRON is seated by the desk of an OFFICIAL. He listens intently to the OFFICIAL explaining why he is about to be deported.

OFFICIALClearly, for your own safety, it’s best that you leave the country.

BLENKIRONI can’t say I’m surprised.

OFFICIALI beg your pardon?

BLENKIRONI once believed the British were the world’s foremost advocates of fair play. But I see that’s no longer the case…


Dr. Blenkiron –BLENKIRON

(raising his hand)Say no more. I know when I’m not welcome.

OFFICIALWe can arrange passage for you…

BLENKIRON(standing up)

That won’t be necessary. I can make my own arrangements. I’ll be leaving for the Continent in the morning.

Bowing curtly, he turns and strides to the door.

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EXT. ALEXANDRIA PORT – DAYSANDY, disguised as an Egyptian, leaves the passenger ship. He carries a sack over his shoulder. Several Egyptians in gallabiyas greet him on the docks. They embrace and walk off together, laughing and speaking in Arabic.

INT. ROTTERDAM TAVERN – DAYA small, ferret-faced German intelligence AGENT in a dark business suit sits at a table in the corner. PIENAAR shepherds HANNAY to the table, removes his cap and nods to the GERMAN.

AGENTYour friend?

PIENAARYes, Mein Herr. His name is Brandt – Cornelis Brandt.

AGENT(looking up at HANNAY)

Good day, Herr Brandt. I understand that you too, like Herr Pienaar, are a fighter. A veteran of the Boer War – against the English.

HANNAYI did my service. With pleasure.

The AGENT smiles, and invites them to sit, which they do. They order beers.

AGENTNow Germany is fighting the English. What do you think of Germany?

HANNAYI don’t really know Germany. But I do know England. The English stole my country, corrupted my people and made me an exile.

AGENTAnd you wish revenge?

HANNAYYou might say that. We Afrikaaners don’t forget. We may be slow, but we win in the end. Pieter and I would be worth a

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lot to you.AGENT

And why is that?HANNAY

Germany is fighting England in East Africa. We know the Africans as no Englishman can ever know them. You want the Africans to join you, to rise up against England? We know how to achieve that result.

AGENTYou do, eh? And what would you require in payment for your – services?

HANNAYDon’t insult me. There will be no reward. We ask none. We fight for hate of England.

The GERMAN sits back in his seat and a hint of a smile appears on his face.

AGENTA fine speech. Germany can use men like you. I have an idea…

He leans forward and begins to brief them. HANNAY sips his beer and listens intently.

EXT. A TRAIN MOVING THROUGH EASTERN HOLLAND – DAYA passenger train chugs through flat farmland. The weather is cold but clear. Through the window of one of the cars we see PIENAAR and HANNAY, sitting opposite each other. PIENAAR is gazing out the window in amazement at the panorama of picture-perfect little farms. He gestures and seems to be chattering endlessly.

INT. THE TRAIN – DAYPIENAAR peers out the window at the pastoral landscape one more time, shakes his head, then sits back and looks at HANNAY.

PIENAARIt’s good soil, Cornelis, very good soil. So black! Much better than what we have in Africa.

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What I wouldn’t give for one of those farms…

HANNAYMaybe you’ll have one someday, Peter. Who knows?

PIENAAR(shaking his head at the thought)

Imagine that!HANNAY

We should be crossing into Germany soon.


Hell. I almost forgot. This is a business trip.

EXT. THE TRAIN APPROACHING THE FRONTIER – DAYThe train slows as it reaches the frontier and jolts across a canal bridge into Germany. It comes to a stop at a low gray concrete building. A handful of German soldiers in field-gray uniforms climb aboard the train. Soon the passengers begin climbing out of the train and filing into the building. HANNAY and PIENAAR shuffle along with the crowd, looking like two South African workers, out of their element.

INT. STATION WAITING ROOM – DAYThe passengers fill a large waiting room, warmed by a black iron stove. The few benches are taken, so PIENAAR and HANNAY sit on their bags and wait their turn for immigration and customs. Passengers are taken two at a time through doors to two inner rooms, men on one side, women on the other. When their turn comes, HANNAY and PIENAAR enter the inner room together.

INT. STATION INNER ROOM – DAYTwo German soldiers do the honors. One takes down passport particulars in a large book, the other searches their bags. When the INSPECTOR is finished with the luggage he looks up at HANNAY and PIENAAR.


PIENAARBeg pardon?

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INSPECTOROff with the clothes! Now!

PIENAAR is about to explode. HANNAY takes his arm and quiets him. Shaking his head, PIENAAR begins to undress. HANNAY does the same without a word. Before long, their clothes are on the floor and they are naked. PIENAAR fidgets. HANNAY is still. The INSPECTOR looks them over suspiciously, then gestures toward their clothes. They hand him the clothing, one article at a time, and he searches pockets and looks for hidden compartments. When he is done, he dismisses them with a gesture of disgust, and they get dressed. As they are putting their garments back on, a young, bespectacled LIEUTENANT hurries in, with a paper in his hand. He calls out to no one in particular.


HANNAYThat’s me.

LIEUTENANTAnd this is Herr Pienaar?

(saluting them both)Gentlemen, I apologize. The Commandant’s motor car is rather slow. If I’d gotten here sooner, you wouldn’t have had to go through this – ceremony. The train to Berlin is awaiting us. Would you kindly accompany me?

INT. THE BERLIN TRAIN – DAYThis time, HANNAY and PIENAAR enjoy a first-class compartment. The LIEUTENANT sits across from them, smiling.

LIEUTENANTIn Berlin, you will be meeting Commandant von Stumm. He will evaluate you, and if he finds you worthy, he will assign you to duty.

HANNAYWe look forward to meeting him.


He’s one of the best!

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HANNAYI take it you are optimistic about the course of the war…

LIEUTENANTVery! We have no doubt we’ll be able to thrash France and Russia when the time comes. Right now we’re focusing on the Middle East. When we snatch it away from the British, we’ll have the world in our pocket!

HANNAY and PIENAAR look at each other, giving nothing away.HANNAY


As South African Dutch, I suspect you’re anxious to get at the English.

PIENAARYou have that right! You talk about thrashing – that’s where we plan to use the old bullwhip.

The LIEUTENANT smiles, but then looks gravely at them.LIEUTENANT

You seem like the right kind of fellows. But let me give you a piece of advice. If you’re honest with us, you’ll be rewarded. But if you dare to play a double game, you will be shot like dogs.

(shaking his head)Your race has produced too many traitors for my taste.


We are not Germans or Germany’s slaves. But as long as she fights against England, we will fight for her.

LIEUTENANTBold talk! You must learn how to bend those stiff necks of yours. Discipline has always been the

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weak point of you Boers, and you’ve suffered for it! In Germany, we put discipline first and last. That will enable us to win this war!

He leans back in his seat, settling in for a nap. He closes his eyes, but then opens them and looks sharply at the Boers.

LIEUTENANT (CONT’D)We’ll see what von Stumm can make of you…

EXT. BERLIN – DAYThe General Staff building looms, a gray brooding presence overlooking the streets of the city. The weather is frigid and overcast, but the traffic is hectic. Cars dodge a packed green trolley that works its way along the tracks that pass by the military headquarters. Around the corner from the General Staff building is a small white office building guarded by sentries. That is our destination. Pedestrians on the sidewalks are busy, focused, in constant movement.

INT. CORRIDOR, WHITE OFFICE BUILDING – DAYHANNAY, PIENAAR and the LIEUTENANT stride down the hall. A beautiful woman in a dark blue dress with a matching hat, its sheer blue veil draped over her eyes, walks past the three men. She ignores the three. HANNAY and PIENAAR cannot help staring at her. We recognize HILDA.

INT. OFFICE – DAYThe three men enter a large room. The hardwood floor is highly polished, and PIENAAR skids a bit crossing it. A log fire burns. Standing on a hearthrug, warming himself, is a huge, bulky German officer, VON STUMM. He wears the Iron Cross on his wrinkled, stained uniform. Seated at a table is an UNDER-SECRETARY, a little man with spectacles and slicked back hair. The LIEUTENANT salutes him and announces PIENAAR and HANNAY. Then he withdraws from the room. The UNDER-SECRETARY gestures for HANNAY and PIENAAR to take two seats near the table. He begins asking a series of routine identity questions, which HANNAY and PIENAAR answer without difficulty.

VON STUMM(interrupting)

I’ll talk to them, Excellency. You’re too academic for these

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outland swine.(looking at the two)

You’ve heard of me. I’m the Colonel Von Stumm who fought the Herero tribe.

PIENAARJa, Boss, we know you! You’re the one who cut of that chief’s head and sent it around the country in a big pickle jar. I saw it myself!


You see, I’m not forgotten!(to PIENAAR and HANNAY)

So I treat my enemies, and so Germany will treat hers! You too, if you fail me.

VON STUMM laughs again, viciously, and sits down at the table with them, leaning forward on his forearms.

VON STUMM (CONT’D)What fools and pig-dogs you African Dutch are! You had the English in your clutches in that dreadful little war, and you let them escape.

(sitting back)Well, that’s water under the bridge. South Africa is out of this war. What on earth do you think you can do for me?


Well, Boss, maybe we could stir something up for you in Angola…

VON STUMM throws his arms up in the air and curses violently. The UNDER-SECRETARY laughs. HANNAY intervenes.

HANNAYLet me speak. My friend is a great hunter, but he fights better than he talks. You’re right, South Africa is a closed door for the present. The key lies elsewhere. Here in Europe, and in the East, and in other

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parts of Africa. We’ve come to help you find the key.

VON STUMMGo on, my little Boer. It’s a new thing to hear a bush rat talking world politics.

HANNAYYou’re fighting now in East Africa. Soon you may be fighting in Egypt. You need to keep spreading the English thin, forcing them to send out expeditions here and there.

VON STUMM(smiling)

So now you’re a global strategist, eh?

HANNAYEngland won’t surrender East Africa. She needs it as a buffer, to protect India. If you keep pressing her in Africa, she’ll send more armies and more armies, till she’s so weak in Europe a child can crush her.

VON STUMMOne problem, my friend. England controls the seas. We can’t press her hard enough in East Africa.

HANNAYYou can if you have the key. The Muslims of Somaliland, of eastern Abyssinia, and the Blue and White Niles. They’d catch fire like dried grasses if you used the flint and steel of their religion.