great phil issue no. 7

       i      n      s        i        d      e OCTOBER 28, 2013 - JANUARY 27, 2014 • Vol. V, Issue No. 7 SCANDIC PALACE SUITE # 4291 Emilia St., Brgy Palanan, Makati City .Mobile Numbers:091 8-385-8571 & 0917-857-4493 The Premium Health,Travel and Lifestyle Newspaper GLOBAL COMMUNITY CELEBRATES WORLD DIABETES DAY ON NOVEMBER 14  Acknowledg ed as one of the more chronic diseases among humans, Diabetes Mellitus or simply Diabetes is an illness which occurs when a person does not produce sufcient insulin coming from the pancreas or when the body cannot properly utilize the insulin that it produces. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. Hence, high blood sugar le-  vels or Hyperglyca emia are associated with people who are suffering from Diabetes. Eventually, Hyperglycae- mia can lead to serious dam- age that may gradually affect the normal functions of bodily organs and systems, especial- ly to the heart, kidneys, nerves and blood vessels. Types of Diabetes  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are three (3) types of Diabetes. These are Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes occurs  when a person’ s body fails to produce insulin. The de- ciency in insulin production requires the patient to be administered with sufcient doses of insulin on a daily basis, either through injection or an insulin pump. This form of Diabetes was also known before as Insu lin-dependent ,  Juvenile or Childhood-o nset Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes is a condi - tion which results when the body becomes resistant to the insulin it produces and the cells fail to properly utilize the insulin. Type 2 Diabetes is known as the more common form of Diabetes as 90% of people who suffer from the disease are diagnosed with the T ype 2 variety. The third type is Gesta- tional Diabetes, which occurs among pregnant women who develop a high blood glucose level during pregnancy. This is often diagnosed through pre- natal screening.  Additionally , people who are suffering from Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) and Impaired Fasting Glycaemia (IFG) are also at risk from progressing to Type 2 Diabe- tes. Common Symptoms  All three Diabetes types have almost the same symp- toms. For a person aficted  with Diabe tes, s ymptoms may include polydipsia or exces- sive thirst, polyuria or exces- sive urination, fatigue, vision changes, constant hunger and  weight loss. How To Prevent and Treat Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes cannot be prevented as based on medi- cal accounts. However, the more common form of Diabe- tes, which is Type 2, is usually inuenced by a person’s life- style. By preventing and de- laying the occurrence of Type 2 Diabetes, people should do the following adjustments to their respective lifestyles: -Engage in exercise and be physically active. -Eat a balanced and healthy diet that includes in- take of three to ve servings of fruit and vegetables. Reduce consumption of food contai- ning large amounts of sugar and saturated fats. -Avoid smoking as it in- creases the risk of cardiovas- cular illnesses. -Maintain an ideal body  weight. The primary treatment of Diabetes is through lowering and moderating blood glucose levels. Medication includes giving insulin to patients with Type 1 Diabetes while those  with Type 2 Diabetes may be given oral medication but may also require insulin depending on each medical case. Blood pressure control is also key in controlling Diabetes. Other related preventive methods for people with Dia- betes include screening for early symptoms of Diabetes- related Kidney diseases and for retinopathy (which causes blindness) as well as control- ling Lipid levels in the blood to regulate cholesterol. Global and Local Diabetes Information  As per the WHO, here are some helpful and viable infor- mation regarding Diabetes - 347 million people  worldwide have Diabete s. -In 2004, an estimated 3.4 million people died from consequences of high fasting blood sugar. -More than 80% of Dia- betes deaths occur in low and middle-income countries. -WHO projects that Dia- betes will be the 7th leading cause of death in 2030. -Healthy diet, regular physical activity, maintaining a normal body weight and avoiding tobacco use can pre-  vent or delay th e onset of T ype 2 Diabetes. In the Philippines, reports from the National Epidemiol- ogy Center of the Department of Health (DoH) consider Di- abetes as the ninth (9th) lea- ding cause of death among Filipinos from the years 1999 to 2002. As of 2005, one in every 25 Filipinos was diag- nosed as having Diabetes.  Also, according to Dr. Danilo F. Baldemor, diabe- tologist and immediate past president of the Philippine  Association of Diabetes Edu- cators (PADE), Diabetes af- fected the lives of 9.7% of the total adult population in the  whole country in 2012. This brings the utmost necessity to incorporate to both young and old Filipinos the impor- tance of adopting a healthy and maintained lifestyle in or- der to avoid the complications of the disease. World Diabetes Day First starting in 1991 as an initiative of the Interna- tional Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health Organization (WHO), the  World Diabetes Day (WDD) is an annual event celebrated every November 14th. This campaign is spearheaded by the IDF and member associa- tions in advocating and crea- ting awareness about Diabe- tes among the global com- munity.  World Diabetes Day be- came an ofcial United Na- tions Day in 2007, in recogni- tion as an important vehicle in disseminating important information and issues re- garding the growing con- cern behind Diabetes to the general public. The event is celebrated on November 14,  which also marks the birth- day of Frederick Banting, the Canadian scientist and doctor  who alongside with Charles Best, conceived the idea that led to the discovery of insulin in 1922. For years 2009 to 2013, the central theme for the annual  World Diabetes Day celebra- tions is Diabetes Education and Prevention. Activities that are associated with the obser-  vance of World Diabetes Day include press conferences, sports events, radio and te- levision appearances, news- paper articles, free Diabetes screening and workshops  which are organized by the  various member organiza- tions of the IDF and associ- ated groups worldwide. Here in the Philippines, the observance of World Diabetes Day is headed by the Depart- ment of Health alongside  with local afliates of the IDF and Non-Government Or- ganizations that cater to Dia- betes awareness and preven- tion. Usual activities include free blood glucose monitor- ing and testing, sports events such as fun runs and talks and seminars to the Filipino public about basic Diabetes informa- tion and care.  References: centre/factsheets/fs312/en/index. html (World Health Organization Diabetes Factsheet) Diabetesday/abou t (Internation al Diabetes Federation )  ph/index.php/2 012-05-23-07-46 - 36/2012-05-24-00-03-06/5803-Di- abetes-and-the -lipino-diet (Philip-  pine Council for He alth Research and Development-Department of Science and T echnology) DOALNARA Restoration Society Philippines Multi-PurposeCooperative Sindaw Philippines Performing Arts Guild QC Celebrates Earth Day 2013 3 7  11 By: Alexander B. Estoesta II

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7/27/2019 Great Phil Issue No. 7 1/12

       i     n     s       i       d     e

OCTOBER 28, 2013 - JANUARY 27, 2014 • Vol. V, Issue No. 7

SCANDIC PALACE SUITE# 4291 Emilia St., Brgy Palanan, MakatiCity.Mobile Numbers:0918-385-8571

& 0917-857-4493

The Premium Health,Travel and Lifestyle Newspaper


 Acknowledged as one o the more chronic diseasesamong humans, DiabetesMellitus or simply Diabetes isan illness which occurs whena person does not producesucient insulin coming romthe pancreas or when thebody cannot properly utilizethe insulin that it produces.Insulin is a hormone thatregulates blood sugar levels.Hence, high blood sugar le-

 vels or Hyperglycaemia are

associated with people whoare suering rom Diabetes.

Eventually, Hyperglycae-mia can lead to serious dam-age that may gradually aectthe normal unctions o bodily organs and systems, especial-ly to the heart, kidneys, nervesand blood vessels.

Types of Diabetes According to the World

Health Organization (WHO),there are three (3) types o Diabetes. These are Type 1Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes andGestational Diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes occurs when a person’s body ailsto produce insulin. The de-

ciency in insulin productionrequires the patient to beadministered with sucientdoses o insulin on a daily basis, either through injectionor an insulin pump. This ormo Diabetes was also knownbeore as Insulin-dependent,

 Juvenile or Childhood-onsetDiabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes is a condi-tion which results when thebody becomes resistant to theinsulin it produces and thecells ail to properly utilizethe insulin. Type 2 Diabetes is

known as the more commonorm o Diabetes as 90% o people who suer rom thedisease are diagnosed withthe Type 2 variety.

The third type is Gesta-tional Diabetes, which occursamong pregnant women whodevelop a high blood glucoselevel during pregnancy. This isoten diagnosed through pre-natal screening.

 Additionally, people whoare suering rom Impaired

Glucose Tolerance (IGT) andImpaired Fasting Glycaemia(IFG) are also at risk romprogressing to Type 2 Diabe-tes.

Common Symptoms All three Diabetes types

have almost the same symp-toms. For a person aficted

 with Diabetes, symptoms may include polydipsia or exces-sive thirst, polyuria or exces-sive urination, atigue, visionchanges, constant hunger and

 weight loss.

How To Preventand Treat Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes cannot be

prevented as based on medi-cal accounts. However, themore common orm o Diabe-tes, which is Type 2, is usually infuenced by a person’s lie-style. By preventing and de-laying the occurrence o Type2 Diabetes, people should dothe ollowing adjustments totheir respective liestyles:

-Engage in exercise and bephysically active.

-Eat a balanced andhealthy diet that includes in-take o three to ve servings o ruit and vegetables. Reduce

consumption o ood contai-ning large amounts o sugarand saturated ats.

-Avoid smoking as it in-creases the risk o cardiovas-cular illnesses.

-Maintain an ideal body  weight.

The primary treatment o Diabetes is through lowering and moderating blood glucoselevels. Medication includesgiving insulin to patients withType 1 Diabetes while those

 with Type 2 Diabetes may begiven oral medication but may also require insulin depending on each medical case. Bloodpressure control is also key incontrolling Diabetes.

Other related preventivemethods or people with Dia-betes include screening orearly symptoms o Diabetes-related Kidney diseases andor retinopathy (which causesblindness) as well as control-ling Lipid levels in the bloodto regulate cholesterol.

Global and LocalDiabetes Information

 As per the WHO, here aresome helpul and viable inor-

mation regarding Diabetes- 347 million people

 worldwide have Diabetes.-In 2004, an estimated

3.4 million people died romconsequences o high asting blood sugar.

-More than 80% o Dia-betes deaths occur in low andmiddle-income countries.

-WHO projects that Dia-betes will be the 7th leading cause o death in 2030.

-Healthy diet, regularphysical activity, maintaining a normal body weight and

avoiding tobacco use can pre- vent or delay the onset o Type2 Diabetes.

In the Philippines, reportsrom the National Epidemiol-ogy Center o the Departmento Health (DoH) consider Di-abetes as the ninth (9th) lea-ding cause o death among 

Filipinos rom the years 1999to 2002. As o 2005, one inevery 25 Filipinos was diag-nosed as having Diabetes.

 Also, according to Dr.Danilo F. Baldemor, diabe-tologist and immediate pastpresident o the Philippine

 Association o Diabetes Edu-cators (PADE), Diabetes a-ected the lives o 9.7% o thetotal adult population in the

 whole country in 2012. Thisbrings the utmost necessity to incorporate to both young and old Filipinos the impor-tance o adopting a healthy and maintained liestyle in or-der to avoid the complicationso the disease.

World Diabetes DayFirst starting in 1991 as

an initiative o the Interna-tional Diabetes Federation(IDF) and the World Health

Organization (WHO), the World Diabetes Day (WDD)is an annual event celebratedevery November 14th. Thiscampaign is spearheaded by the IDF and member associa-tions in advocating and crea-ting awareness about Diabe-tes among the global com-

munity. World Diabetes Day be-came an ocial United Na-tions Day in 2007, in recogni-tion as an important vehiclein disseminating importantinormation and issues re-garding the growing con-cern behind Diabetes to thegeneral public. The event iscelebrated on November 14,

 which also marks the birth-day o Frederick Banting, theCanadian scientist and doctor

 who alongside with CharlesBest, conceived the idea thatled to the discovery o insulinin 1922.

For years 2009 to 2013, thecentral theme or the annual

 World Diabetes Day celebra-tions is Diabetes Educationand Prevention. Activities thatare associated with the obser-

 vance o World Diabetes Day include press conerences,

sports events, radio and te-levision appearances, news-paper articles, ree Diabetesscreening and workshops

 which are organized by the various member organiza-tions o the IDF and associ-ated groups worldwide.

Here in the Philippines, the

observance o World DiabetesDay is headed by the Depart-ment o Health alongside

 with local aliates o the IDFand Non-Government Or-ganizations that cater to Dia-betes awareness and preven-tion. Usual activities includeree blood glucose monitor-ing and testing, sports eventssuch as un runs and talks andseminars to the Filipino publicabout basic Diabetes inorma-tion and care. Reerences: (World Health OrganizationDiabetes Factsheet) (InternationalDiabetes Federation) ph/index.php/2012-05-23-07-46-36/2012-05-24-00-03-06/5803-Di-abetes-and-the-flipino-diet (Philip- pine Council or Health Researchand Development-Department o Science and Technology)

DOALNARA RestorationSociety PhilippinesMulti-Purpose Cooperative

Sindaw Philippines

Performing Arts GuildQC CelebratesEarth Day 2013

3 7 11

By: Alexander B. Estoesta II

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In the heart o Valenzuela City inNorthern Metro Manila lies a dining es-tablishment that has a rereshing ambi-ance and also serves good and deliciousculinary dishes hot o the grill. A perect

 venue or those who want to momenta-rily escape rom the hustle and bustle o the metropolis all the while enjoying a hotmeal and perhaps a cold bottle or two as

 well.Located in Barangay Lingunan, Valen-

zuela City, Villa Marcelina prouds itsel asthe city’s biggest and nest restobar andgrill. Opened just last December 2012, VillaMarcelina has managed to establish itsel as one o the more prominent dining es-tablishments in Valenzuela less than a year

o its operations.

The Early Beginningsof Villa Marcelina

 According to the restaurant’s operationmanager Arnold Amado, Villa Marcelina

 was a brainchild o his childhood riend Jun Paler. Engaged in the auto supply business while based in Caliornia with hisamily, Mr. Paler disclosed to Mr. Amadohis plans to build a restaurant during oneo his visits in the Philippines back in 2004.

“Nagkita kami dati ni Jun (Mr. Paler)sa isang bar kung saan ako nagtratraba-ho noong bumisita siya dito sa Pilipinasnoong 2004. Sinabi niya sa akin na oncebumalik na sila ng pamilya niya dito sabansa at mag-settle down or good, ang balak niya ay magtayo ng restaurant. Doonna nagsimula ang pagpaplano para sa Villa

Marcelina.”shares Mr. Amado.Further, Mr. Amado discloses that Mr.

Paler has a ondness or ood and ea-ting while in the company o amily andriends, thus the concept behind this busi-ness endeavor.

The plan eventually bore into ruition when Mr. Paler and his amily movedback to the country in May 2012. Choo-sing one o his lands in Valenzuela City aslocation, Villa Marcelina opened its doors

to the public in December 2012 ater threemonths o construction. The restaurant’sname is in tribute o Mr. Paler to his mo-ther Marcelina.

Given his background in overseeing the operations o restaurants and barshaving worked as an area manager andsupervisor o several dining establish-ments beore, Mr. Amado was tapped by Mr. Paler to be Villa Marcelina’s operationsmanager.

 As proo o their commitment to makethe restobar more better, the two riendsopenly discuss matters and share theirideas and suggestions regarding VillaMarcelina’s activities to each other on adaily basis. Through this reciprocation o 

thoughts, Mr. Paler and Mr. Amado areable to chart various marketing and pro-motional activities that helped enhancedthe image o Villa Marcelina in enticing more people to visit the restobar.

Culinary Line-Up Acknowledged as Valenuela’s big-

gest grillery and restobar, Villa Marcelinaprouds itsel with a ull-fedged menu thataims to capture even the most distinctiveo tastes.

Mr. Amado credits Mr. Paler’s nephew,Michael Celis, or coming up with therestobar’s menu. Celis holds a degree inCulinary Arts. In addition, there are alsosome items in the menu which were con-tributed by the restobar’s current cook andkitchen sta.

Describing Villa Marcelina’s line-up o 

dishes, Mr. Amado describes them as a u-sion o Asian dishes, which includes tra-ditional Filipino meals as well as Chineseand Japanese variants. He cites the restau-rant’s grilled ood items as the best sellersin the menu, singling out the SeaoodPlatter composed o Tuna Belly, Mussels,Prawns and Pusit Lumot (Squid) as oneo the more popular dishes among theirdiners.

 Among the restobar’s dishes sampled

 It has been a common knowledge that Filipinos love good ood. Aside rom appreciating the fner points o cooking and ood artistry, it isthrough partaking o a sumptuous meal that Pinoys alongside their amilies and riends bond, whether it be on a special occasion such as

birthdays or weedings, or just simply relaxing ater a stressul day at the ofce or school.

turn to page 10

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in promoting health and wellnessin the Philippines and abroad, Su-perlady Dr. Winie R. Elfa still feels

that she needs to leave a legacy be-hind that will ensure that her advo-cacy will be followed by the nextgeneration of Filipino people.

In an exclusive interview gran-ted to Great Philippines Expedi-tion, the 63-year old Naturopathic/Alternative Medicine Doctor sharesher thoughts about her plannedlegacy to be given to this country’scitizens, with emphasis on a pro-per and healthly lifestyle to peoplecoming from all walks of life.

“Basically, I plan to leave behinda lasting legacy for all Filipinos,especially to our senior citizens.I want them to be in the pink ofhealth and free from any sicknessespecially during the laer years oftheir life. In turn, they will be able

to acquire savings and give theseassets that will benet their next ofkin.” says Dr. Elfa.

In principle, according to Dr.Elfa, this type of succession is prop-er and ideal since the main bene-ciaries would be that of the futuregenerations and securing a beertomorrow for them. Explains Dr.Elfa: “We should not think of our-selves alone but that of the welfareof future generations as well.”

To prepare for the future, she re-lates that all Filipinos should havea series of plans for his/her respec-

tive family. Correspondingly, theseplans should center on emphasi-zing awareness in terms of healthand wellness for each member of

the family, since the doctor rmly believes that a proper family plan-ning is equivalent to good healthfor all.

“I also advise each Filipino toplan their lives well. Basically,health is one’s utmost priority. Lifeis the most precious possession butmost people take it for granted,”Dr. Elfa notes. “Man gets sick andmost accidents happen because ofnegligence.”

She also adds: “The process ofageing and degeneration cannot

 be avoided. Given this fact, peopleshould practice preventive mea-sures to avoid being stricken bysickness.”

In detail, Dr. Elfa tells abouther plans to spread the goodwill of

health and wellness to the wholeFilipino community. Accordingto her, she wants this to be ac-complished not only thru word ofmouth but in deed.

Introducing the Superlady’s Mac-robiotic Lifestyle

Namely, there are two purposeswhich Dr. Elfa hopes to inuence tothe people who will be followingthis mode of healthy lifestyle. Oneis for them to remain healthly andthe other is to avoid debts and li-abilities by those sick individuals

that will be passed to their families.These are achievable goals, she

says, if these individuals whole-heartedly subscribe to the Super-

lady’s Macrobiotic Lifestyle, Dr.Elfa’s specic plan of action to ad-vocate health and wellness to allFilipinos.

Emphasizes Dr. Efa: “If a patientfollows my regimen 100%, I willassure them that this method willlessen their agonies and help themto live longer without pain.”

Under the Superlady’s Macro- biotic Lifestyle regimen, the proce-dure to follow include the labora-tory testing of the prospective clientor patient before and after the regi-men is completed.

This set-up has patients accom-modated by Dr. Elfa on a 24 hourperiod in which they will be sub-

 jected to a diet of foods that areconsidered as “pagkaing gamot”

(healing foods) which can heal a va-riety of illnesses. The patients areconned to her care in her clinic/oce at West Insula Condominiumin Quezon City, wherein they will

 be given the necessary treatmentand medicinal products based ontheir illness.

For those patients who have been diagnosed as having chronicillnesses, Dr. Elfa recommends thatthey stay for seven (7) days underher hospice with proper treatmentand diet from the Superlady’s Mac-robiotic Lifestyle regimen. After-

wards, they will be able to see thedierence and notice the improve-ment in their health. “They will behealed if they properly follow my

protocol in relation to their treat-ment.” says Dr. Elfa.

An Invitation to PromoteHealth and Wellness

In order to fully realize this ob- jective, Dr. Elfa is urging investorsand medical practitio-ners to helpher in purchasing several units ofthe West Insula Condominium to

 be converted into a small health fa-cility that concentrates on promot-ing her health and wellness objec-tives. She also plans to utilize her5-hectare lot situated in El Nido,Palawan as a model community forthe Superlady’s Macrobiotic Life-style regimen.

Alongside these plans is her in-vitation to individuals who want to

 be one of the Superlady’s Macrobi-otic Consultants and be part of theteam who will help in carrying outand promote the health and well-ness programs of Dr. Elfa.

All of these, Dr. Elfa says, willserve as her lasting legacy to thewhole Filipino nation. “Sa ganitongparaan ay hindi masasayang angaking mga eorts. Dumaan akosa hirap at batikos mula sa medi-cal community pero ito naman aynalagpasan ko dahil meron akongmga pasyenteng natulungan na gu-maling sa kanilang mga sakit. I was

also able to improve the conditionof people with terminal illnesseswithin the seven day managementof my health program.” shares Dr.

Elfa.Onwards, Dr. Elfa is hopeful thatFilipinos will be able to adapt her life-style wellness regimen and by beingcommied to it will reap signicant benets for them later on. “Magpalu-sog, magpalakas, magpaliksi, magpa-haba ng buhay ng hindi aray ng aray.Ang hindi maiiwasan mapigilan,mamatay ng nakangiti, hindi na-kangiwi. Huwag magiwan ng utangsa mga kapitbahay.” quips Dr. Elfaas her parting message in inspiringpeople to keep healthly and strong inorder to prolong their lives as well asinvesting towards the future in safe-keeping health so that debts may not be incurred to the family to be left behind.

Listen to Dr. Winnie “Superlady” 

R. Elfa ‘s Radio Program: RadyoKalusugan University in the Air  Health Seminar which is aired onRadyo Veritas 846 KHZ Monday to

 Friday from 2:00 to 3:00 am and everyThursday from 1:00-2:00 pm. Her pro-

 gram is also aired on DZME RadyoUno 1530 KHZ Monday to Friday

 from 4:00-5:00 am and Sa-turday4:00-6:00 am. Visit her ofce at West Insula Condominium, West Avenuecorner EDSA, Quezon City (near Paramount Theater and SM NorthEdsa) 

 Alexander B. Estoesta II 

DOALNARA Restoration

Society PhilippinesMulti-Purpose Cooperative

Cooperative Profle

Doalnara Globally: A movement seemingly quiet

and simple is arising. Neverthelessall who see and hear o it becomeoverwhelmed with hope as it em-braces us with rereshing amaze-ment. This movement is spreading domestically and overseas as welland has recently become a pointo major interest.

This is the moment that Doal-nara Restoration Society is devel-oping or what is called (GlobalEnvironmental Restoration Move-ment). This movement that hadslowly begun in 1980, was es-tablished as Doalnara Restora-tion Society in 1994 and had thenstarted to carry out organized ac-tual operations.

Presently Doalnara Restora-tion Society Philippines has many sister organization, with its head-quarters located in Uljin, SouthKorea, with 10 other branchesin Korea located in Chongsong,Sangju, Bongwa, Pyongchang,

 Jangheung, Jungju, Sanchung, Wonju, and Jinchun. There are 11internationl branches: in USA, Ja-pan, Australia, Russia, China, Tai-

 wan, Canada, Kyrgystan, Uzbeki-stan, Kenya and Philippines.

Global EnvironmentalRestoration that DoalnaraPursue:

The dream behind Doalnara’sslogan village where dreams cometrue’ is to make a [ Healthy Society 

 Without Diseases] as well as [ A happy world where everyone hasbecome one amily]. This is the

 very dream that Hannong Resto-ration Society has been striving to ulll through Global Environ-ment Restoration.

Then what is this movement o 

Global Environmental Res-toration that Doalnara Com-munity strives or?

Firstly, it is the movemento “ Restoring the DiseasedLands”. It is known that inthis vast universe living subs-tance exists solely on thisEarth. The root o the earth’senvironment is soil, and soil is

the mother o all living substance. With this belie, in order to re-store the lands diseased by vari-ous kinds o environmental pollu-tion, Hannong uses what is calledthe triple agricultural methodsthrough ‘natural organic arming methods without ever using ag-ricultural products but we havedeveloped a movement that alsorestores the diseased lands.

Secondly, it is the movemento “Restoring the diseased Body”

 Although science and medical sci-ence is continuously developing,mankind is suering rom diseasemore than ever. The way or man-kind to be reed rom their Dis-eased bodies is not to put harmulpoison into the body but to con-sume healthy oods that maintainour health. With this belie, Han-nong uses detoxiying oodstusand produces agricultural pro-ducts that have been produced

 with non-poisonous methodsrom non-poisonous soil. Withthe intake o this non-poisonousagricultural products and throughhealth laws and natural healing methods, we not only heal ourdiseased bodies but we are alsoable tp prevent catching diseaseas well.

Thirdly, it is the movement o “Restoring the diseased body”.

 Although science and medicalscience is continuously advan-

cing, modern conveniences makea convenient liestyle possible orour world. However, the heartgradually becomes diseased, andthe result is the increase o crimeand deterioration, as well as thecrumbling o moral principlesand ethics. Through demoraliza-tion, lack o moral standards, andlack o sense o values that do notdestroy but rather increase eachother’s happiness, we are unableto break away rom the shadowsas we progress towards a darkuture. Through “Hannong’s alter-native education” this purpose isbeing ullled and has become asubject o great interest in the ed-ucation system. Hannong’s schoolo alternative education has beentelevised several times through

the media. Here in this school bul-lying, alienating ellow classmates, violence, smoking or deviation cannever be ound. It is a site o edu-cation or the whole mankind andhas become the center o great in-terest.

Consequently, people whoseheart are rm and unchanging asstone have gathered together tostudy and educate the Environ-ment Friendly Agriculture in orderto ulll and expand this practicesdomestically and internationally.

By ullling Global Environ-mental Restoration on the wholethrough domestic and interna-tional interchange and public in-ormation, our goal is to contri-

bute toward the ulllment o the welare o the arming villages andthe true happiness o mankind.





What is Doalnara?DOALNARA is a worldwide

“organic” community, joined to-gether with the single purpose o growing organic produce and os-tering an organic heart.Mission:

To make a happy arm com-munity that is eco-riendly…withpeople physically and spiritually healthy. Thus, restoring man in theimage o His Maker.

Vision:To make a [A Healthy Soci-ety without Disease] as well as [A happy world where everyone Hasbecome one amily]Location:

 At the oot o the two og-gy mountains, Mt. Lumot andMt.Balatukan, at Sitio San Roque,Brgy. Aposkahoy, Claveria, Mi-samis Oriental, Mindanao island,Philippines.

Contact and visit Catherine Bautis-ta at 3rd Floor, Victory Mall, Caloo-can City Mobile Nos: 09294052523and 0927-8310483” 

7/27/2019 Great Phil Issue No. 7 4/12



7/27/2019 Great Phil Issue No. 7 5/12



Suite 201 Chelsea Bldg.,

Chateau Valenzuela,Lingunan,

Valenzuela City, Philippines

Mobile numbers : 0917-8574493

& 0932-6641028

The Premium Health,Travel and Lifestyle Newspaper

Managing Director/ Editor-in-Chie Rodel T. Rabara

Section Editor

Alexander B. Estoesta II

Graphic Designer/ Layout ArtistJoy Bernadette Sanchez

Advertising Assistant OfcerGiselle Marie J. Gutierrez

Circulation Assistant OfcerElmer P. Patubo

Advertising ExecutivesToni Barsana

Rudy Cudal

Randy T. Rabara

Charlie D.Elona

ContributorsLeonila Garcia

Alexandra Louise Flores

PhotographersRey-An Santelices

Adrian Caballero

Jason Soriano

Paul Richard Martin

Field Assistant to Senior ExecutiveRonie M. Diata

A Visit to Cavite’s Blue BaliHealth Spa and Restobar


The AmenitiesThe place has an al-

luring aura to any guestor visitor. The recep-tion area to its main a-cility, oers a blend o tranquility and a senseo authentic ambience."Blue is or men andBali itsel means BaliIndonesia." Mr. AlbertMontoya the man be-hind Blue Bali, sharesthe story ater its name.

 When it comes to work,he believes that menare more stressed than

 women. Men alwayscome or massage tosoothe their body pains.His long time dream o 

 visiting Indonesia also

led up to this concept.This also explains how 

the spa's urniture anddecors look like as wellas the interiors o the

 walls and ceiling andthe design o the rooms/treatment area. To add,there is also a boutiqueo specialty productsthat all came up to paintan Indonesian inspiredappearance.

He was personally in charge o the selec-tion o style and designs,every little detail o itincluding light xtures,curtains and plants. A cozy specialized area orcouples or the couple'sroom is also oered. Theharmony and privacy o the environment only 

adds up to the signatureservice they oer or a

complete package.

Purely MassageService

"What makes BlueBali dierent is that weprovide pure massagepleasure only. Clientscome to us because weare known as a very 

 wholesome establish-ment," says Mr. Mon-toya. He stands by hisprinciple o working hard to obtain digniedtherapists and strongly believing in doing whatis right. The proprietor'scommitment to provi-ding reputable and ex-cellent customer serviceexplains why he never

tolerates a therapist whorenders extra service. He

 values his sta as muchas the clients.

The StaffIn regards to his sta 

in Blue Bali, Mr. Mon-toya shares:"Four o my therapists are scheduledto leave the country andundergo training in Ku-

 wait and return backhere aterwards so wecan send another batchto train as well." Thepersonnel here are notonly riendly and ac-commodating but they are also proessionally trained to cater superbmassage treatment tomelt away all the ten-sion and stress o aheavy day's work.

Footprints of anEntrepreneur

In his two years inthis eld, Mr. Montoya

 went through the upsand downs o his busi-ness. "There are a lot o problems, but I made

it," says Mr. Montoya.His message o advice

to those who want to at-tain success is to ollow one's happiness: "Ang negosyo, kung sa tinginmo tinapos mo doktorpero hindi ka masaya,huwag ka doon. Kung mas masaya ka magtin-da ng isda, kalimutanmo propesyon mo. Pili-in mo iyon. Che talagaako, akala ko iyon napero mas masaya akodito (Blue Bali). Siguro40% stress, 60% masayaako sa ginagawa ko lalona nakakatulong akosa mga therapist ko.Tinuturing ko na dinsilang mga anak." Hebelieves in the signi-cance o happiness inrelation to being suc-cessul. According tohim, it is also necessary that one must know how to save money.That is why he is thank-ul or his riends in theadministration unit thatact as his accountants. Itis through them that he

has learned the value o savings.

Why MassageTherapy?

People occasionally seek relie rom head,back, neck, shoulder andbody pains. A soothing massage can be a per-ect treatment or such.Not only does it pro-

 vide muscle relaxationbut boost one's healthas well. Massage (thepower o touch) is goodor the body, mind andsoul. To enjoy all o thesebenets, one must do aSpa visit and Blue Bali isa perect choice or such.The Spa's combinationo dierent therapy andmassage comes in rea-sonable prices and arecost-riendly. You canalso choose rom their

 various beauty products,all organic and chemicalree. A total health pack-age or stress manage-ment, rejuvenation andrecreation. So do dropby and enjoy the ser-

 vices oered by Blue Bali

Health Spa and Resto-bar.

“Massage is a luxury one can’t afford to miss.” And insearch for this kind of pleasure, Great Philippines Expedi-tion found this place located at Mercedes Village in Das-mariñas City, Cavite. Blue Bali Health Spa and restobar in the heart of the Southern Luzon province portrays awhole unique relaxation experience for a perfect getaway.

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It is only but humanfor one to experience

a multitude of hard- ships in life. It canrange from as simpleas one being suddenly retrenched from work to the more complex,such as an individual growing up in an envi- ronment deprived not only of sustenancebut of any parental care as well.

Though it may seemtrue that certain formsof problems supposedly 

act as building blocks instrengthening one’s cha- racter as the years go on, it is denitely not applicableto everyone. Mere humansthat we are, we are proneand susceptible to emo- tions whenever we encoun- ter a difcult and painful situation. Most of the time,we may need support to

help us get past throughthis challenge in life.

 And this is where the presence of families and friends come in. The fa- mily is considered as thebackbone of a person,so always expect a ready response if one is to seek help from a family member given the close-knit qua- lity of Filipino families. Thesame principle applies tofriends also, especially those who one has grownup with in which the rela- tionship is almost similar to being siblings among themselves.

 And strangers also canhelp during times of hard- ship. How? People areknown to show compas- sion to his or her fellow man during times of suffe- ring. In dire situationssuch as the recent calamity that has struck the Visayasand the armed strife that has displaced many inZamboanga City, there arecountless persons who did 

not hesistated to share a part of themselves to helpin channeling relief to theneedy, be it in the formof giving donations or by 

 physically volunteering toassist in various medical and rescue operations indifferent areas of concern.

It can be remembered that in Catholic teaching,the corporal works of mercy entice each oneof us to feed the hungry,clothe the naked, give drink to the thirsty and visit thesick, among others. Its isthrough performing theseacts do we receive an ac- complishment in life and fulllment in spirit as wehave wholeheartedly ren- dered these duties to our fellow man and in the eyesof our Heavenly Father.

So wherever you can,whenever you can, alwaystry to extend a helping hand to others. By beco- ming a blessing to them, it will also open the avenuefor others to assist you when a dire time is at hand.No matter how big or small your form of help is, it mat- ters greatly to the personthat you are helping.

Have a good day, every- one. And continue to shareyour blessings to others! 

 A numbing incident which happened last October 15, 2013 hasleft hundreds dead and hundreds moreeither injured or dis-  possessed of their housing and material belongings . Further- more, it has left a

whole nation terried on the aftermath of adisaster.

The 7.2 magnitudeearthquake that has hit theVisayas area, in particular the provinces of Bohol and Cebu as well as surroun- ding areas, in the morning of October 15 has beendescribed as one of themore destructive natural calamities in recent local history. Aside from leaving scores of people lifeless,the earthquake has also

 pulverized and destroyed several historical sites,mostly heritage churcheswhich have been built se- veral centuries ago.

Given that the Philip-  pines lie in the Pacic Ring of Fire area of the planet, it makes the country suscep- tible to volcanic eruptionsas well as frequent earth- quakes and tremors. Withthis fact, it is important that each Filipino know thener points of disaster pre- 

 paredness and emergency evacuation, especially du- ring times when the earthis making violent and rapid shakes.

 An online article by the National Geographic shares key informationabout Earthquake Safety.This includes having anearthquake readiness plan,building your house with

the help of a professional who will guide you to makethe structure earthquake

 proof, keeping an emer- gency kit that has an ade- quate supply of food, water and medicine for the wholefamily and also turning off immediately the electricity,gas and water lines oncedisaster strikes.

In addition, the articlealso suggests about what 

 people should do in themiddle of an earthquakeactivity. These are:

-Drop down; take cover under a desk or table and 

hold on.-Stay indoors until the

shaking stops and you’resure it’s safe to exit.

-If outside, go to anopen area where there areno obstructions that might 

hurt you and others in themidst of aftershocks.

-Stay away from stan- ding furniture or appliancethat can fall on you.

-Stay away from win- dows since they might shatter and you might get injured by the ying shards. (broken glass)

-If you are in a moving vehicle slow down, nd anopen area and get out.

Remember that the key word here is to remaincalm and not panic regard- less of the catastrophic 

situation. Being calmwill enable you to think clearly and straight so that you may be able to saveyourself and others in the

 process as well. Thereare countless times that 

 people are overwhelmed by panic that it results increating a more trouble- some situation such as inthe cases of stampedes or drowning in sea disasters.

 Avoiding panic will ensurenot only your personal safety, but to other peopleas well. Continue to be

safe, everyone! 

Reference: http://environment.



Given that the Philippines lie in thePacic Ring of Fire area of the planet, itmakes the country susceptible to volcaniceruptions as well as frequent earthquakesand tremors.

Perfect teeth, beautifulsmiles the MRC way

Text and photos By Leony R. Garcia

"I hope to see theday when children nolonger have to wearbraces." starts Dr.

Gamaliel Urbi o My-ounctional ResearchCo. (MRC) Clinics.

The dentist istalking rom experi-ence having been inthe dentistry businessall his working lie.He said most parentssave hard or the kidsbraces while the kidsbrave it out to endurethe pain o wires.

This happens when parents worry and seek medicalhelp especially ortheir kids with croo-ked or crowded teeth.

 And they are advisedby the dentist to justbring them back

 when they are 12 years old – at thetime when an orthodontic treat-ment like the brace could now betted to their teeth.

This is traditional approach-- through brace. However, by 12 years old it may be too late asa child’s jaw bones may be ully ormed as well as permanently outo its supposed shape, Urbi says.

Fixed braces cannot eectively develop the jaws and extraction o multiple permanent teeth is otenrequired. Full-xed braces may also bring “Other problems suchas enamel and root damage.”Urbi

says.“In short, hinintay muna ma-

ging malala yung problemang 

bago gamutin. By that time ma-sakit para sa bata ang solusyon– bubunatan siya ng permanentteeth at lalagyan ng maraming 

 wires at mas magastos.”He says.With modern technology, par-

ents and children don’t need to wait until these ages. In act, ac-cording to Urbi it’s better to starttreatment early and correct theunderlying causes o the prob-lem (incorrect muscle unction o the lips and tongue) commonly cause by mouth breathing, tonguethrusting, reverse swallowing andthumb sucking (also known as in-correct myounctional habits).

Preventive,interceptive dentistry

 As a ellow o the International Association o Orthodontics, aproessional association primarily consisting o general and pediatricdentists, Urbi was introduced to anew dental technique that wouldbe able to address misshapen jaw and teeth o young kids aged be-tween 5 and 12.

“What we do here at MRC Clin-ic is to observe the concerned childrst. Putting any corrective instru-ment on the child’s teeth shouldcome later because we ound outit’s the child’s habit that should be

addressed rst.”Urbi says.He explains that a child’s man-

nerisms have a huge impact onshaping his/her ace.

“I the child breathes throughthe mouth instead o nose, bitesthe lip, thumb sucks or uses thetongue to push the teeth, theseactions could put pressure on thechild’s jaw and cause not only misshapen teeth but also ace.”ex-plains Urbi.

The sot tissues in the mouthcontrol dental position and shouldbe treated in conjunction with any orthodontic appliance therapy.

Treating the sot tissue inside themouth is highly important as re-search shows the position o theteeth is determined by the lips and

tongue. Also, posi-tive acial growthdepends on correctunction and cor-rect breathing.

 When the per-manent teeth eruptat 6 to 8 years o age, the child’s ap-pearance oten be-comes worse.

The MRC Cli-nic’s approach is toevaluate the childrom 5 to 8 years o 

age, looking or thecauses o crooked teeth, and sug-gesting treatment or these causesright away.

Correcting these incorrect my-ounctional habits at an early ageallows or the child to developcorrect arch development, gooddental alignment, improved jaw growth and overall a better loo-king ace.

Training ActivitiesMRC Clinic teaches the child

several activities meant to improvehis/her habit.

Called MRC Trainer Activi-ties, these series o exercises aremeant to retrain the muscles o the

tongue, lips and cheeks to unc-tion correctly.

The clinic uses easy-to-un-derstand 3D animations to show parents and their children how the acial muscles infuence toothposition, and how the combina-tion o MRC Trainer Activitiesand MRC Trainers are specically designed to retrain the muscleso the tongue, lips and cheeks tounction correctly.

“This is the only time we exa-mine the child’s teeth and deter-mine which type o MRC Trainer(dental appliances that straightenthe teeth and jaws) t the child’s

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Sindaw Philippines Performing Arts Guild

Inspired by the Ramon ObusanFolkloric Group under the tutelageof the National Artist for DanceMr. Ramon Arevalo Obusan†, thegroup was ocially registered inyear 2002 with Mr. Randy C. Gue-vara as the Artistic Director. In thesame year, the group was chosen bythe Department of Tourism (DOT)to be the ocial emissary to the Pa-cico Yokohama, Japan. The groupparticipated in the Taipei Interna-tional Travel Fair held in WorldTrade Center in Taipei, Taiwanas an Ambassador in promotingthe WOW Philippines Project ofthen DOT Secretary Richard Gor-don in 2002 and 2003.

DOT once again sent the groupto the world-renowned MIDO-SUJIParade in Osaka, Japan where theycaptured the 1st Prize InternationalAward (2003) and in 2004, fromamong 15 participating countries,

the group received the prestigiousInternational Award, which placedthem into the Hall of Fame. Anotherinvitation that took them to takecenterstage in the Singapore Heri-tage Festival, a Singapore Holidayevent held in the astonishing Mall ofSuntec City. In 2005, the group per-formed a special Philippine reper-toire and selected Asian Traditionalsongs in the Asia Pacic EconomicForum held at the Coconut Palace,CCP Complex. The Singapore Tou-rism Board worked with the groupin the Philippine event of UniquelySingapore Festival 2005 at the Po-dium, Ortigas Center. Moreover,in May 2006 the group showedthat they were not only boundedin Asia when they were invitedto take part in the Fund RaisingProgram for the benet of The Vir -lanie Organization and The Ban-tay Bata Foundation together with

Prince Albert of Monaco as one ofthe distinguished guests held inMonaco, France. In June of the sameyear, the group showed grace and

 beauty in their outstanding perfor-mances for the Philippine Independ-ence Day Celebration of the FilipinoCommunity-Taipei, Taiwan. Sindawdelighted 3 major conferences inNovember which includes the 9thASFAA Congress, the 23rd ASEANSenior-Amateur Golf Champion-ship, and the 12th REAAA Confe-rence. Various outreach programshas been extended in Cannosa HighSta.Rosa, Laguna and Cavite to formpart of their quest to propagate Phi-lippine dances and music. On No-vember 2006, Sindaw aended theHongkong Travel Fair 2006, andChina International Travel Martheld in Shanghai, P.R.O.C. to pro-mote the scenic places of the Philip-pines. In October 2008, Sindaw par-

ticipated in the Asia Month Festival2008 in Fukuoka Japan along withperformers from other countries.For the year 2009, Sindaw has beeninvited to perform in the ASEANTourism Fair in Naiigata, Japan,Sakai Festival and Naniwa Philip-pine Day in Osaka, Japan and ASE-AN Culture and Tourism Fair heldin Seoul, South Korea.Year 2010 Bu-san International Travel Fair Korea.Korea Travel Fair Korea June 2011.Asian Month Festival in FukuokaOctober 2012. India Asean SummitDecember 2012.

International Travel FairMarch 6 to 12 2013 Guangzhou,

China. August 18 to Septem- ber 10 Philippine Food Festival inCrowne Hotel in Guangzou andHilton Hotel Shanghai China,Sindaw received the award for theBest Folklore Group at Busan In-ternational Travel Fair 2013 Korea

September 5 to 10, 2013. The groupalso participated in the Sari-SaringSayaw, Sama-Samang Galaw- anannual cultural event featuring va-rious leading folk dance groupsorganized by the Cultural Centerof the Philippines in the year 2004-2007. They have also invitationalperformances at the Open Audito-rium of Rizal Park, Manila for the“Concert at the Park” aside fromregular performance in corporateevents and various occasions. Tru-ly, the group never ceases the ad-vocacy of promoting the Philippineculture thru dance and music. Asthe Maguindanao word “Sindaw”the group will always have this pro-mise: To continually light the re ofour commitment to promote Artsand Culture through Dances andMusic!

Reference: Mr.Randy Carlos Gue-varra-Director

COMPANY PROFILE “Sindaw“as it was called, premiered their full-length production on March 2002entitled “SAYAW” showcasing anarray of published Philippine FolkDances ranging from the forceful

Cordillera highlanders all the way tothe tapestry of exotic Mindanao and,the highly spirited dances of the Rurallow-landers as well as the elegance of Spanish infuenced dances.

JULIE ANNE SAN JOSE:Destined & Determined For Stardom

By: Renacelle Cruz-Punzalan

She may be a typical teen whodreams o making it big as a per-ormer. What sets her apart is she hasloads o talents to back her dreams up:she sings, raps, composes songs; sheplays the drums, piano, guitar, fute,lyre, keyboard, violin, ukulele andxylophone. All that is wrapped up inthis lady named Julie Anne San Jose.She started young. Her musicality became evident at the tender age o 2 and a hal when her mom, Marivicheard her humming “Habang May Buhay.” Not long ater, she was sing-ing Donna Cruz’s version o the samesong, right lyrics, melody and all.Like most o our well-loved actressesdid, little Julie Anne joined Eat Bula-ga’s Little Miss Philippines and wind-up winning rst Runner-up when she was 3. In the contest’s interview por-tion, she said she wanted to becomean “artista.” That was the rst step toher dream.

Fast-orward to 8 years ater, withthe prodding o her lola, she audi-tioned or Popstar Kids, QTV 11’ssinging contest or kids aged 7 to 11.Lola was right. Julie did not only passthe auditions she landed as one o theve nalists. Second step was also asuccess.

“I joined Popstar Kids and thenayun na, di ko rin ine-expect namatatanggap ako sa screening. Pa-rang I just wanted to try i makakapa-sa ako.” The weekly contest helped

all ve o them to develop into ver-satile singers. Ballad, Dance, RnB,Pop are among the song genres they  would perorm. With this versatility,the network saw their group to bepromising. “GMA decided to give usa contract as a group, which was Sug-arpop. Tuloy-tuloy na,” Julie recalled.The group became a regular in thenetwork’s Sunday noontime musi-cal variety show, SOP Rules. Sugarpop released a sel-titled album,consisting o ten songs. It was laterrepackaged and three theme songsrom GMA soap operas were added.“Tapos na-disband din kasi nag-aaralpa rin kaming lahat. Hanggang sa ako

na lang ang natira na nagpursue.”

You Tube sensationfor “Super Bass”

 Ater several years in the business, Julie Anne’s break seemed elusive. It was like thinking she’s just one o them aspiring singers. “Siguro during those times, sinabi ko na lang sa sariliko na mag-aaral na lang ako, kasi pa-rang walang nangyayari sa ak in.” Herdad Jonathan wanted her to quit romshowbiz. He was against it in the rstplace. The determined Julie literally begged and cried to him to allow herto go on. “Kasi bihirang magkaroonng mga talents na ganito, kailangani-treasure especially those God-gi- ven ta-lents, parang pinili ka ni Lordpara gawin mo ito (your mission),”she quips.

 While waiting or the break andto urther hone her singing, she thenmade a lot o Ustream videos, coverso the songs o her choice. “Noong ginawa ko nga yung Super Bass, that was the time na na-recognize akoas me, not as a perormer rom a TV show but as a YouTube girl.” Julie said with humility. No, she wouldn’t callhersel a sensation or she eels she’sonly done a ew videos.

“It’s up to the people na lang i they want to call me a sensation butor me personally I don’t call mysel as one. Yung Super Bass ang parang nag-hit talaga and I wasn’t really ex-

pecting and I’m really thankul andblessed na umabot sa ganoong level yung views.”

Last year, GMA Records met up with its team to work on her debutalbum simply titled Julie Anne San Jose. It had 11 tracks, 2 o which areher compositions plus 2 remakes. 3songs in the album have been themesongs to 3 Koreanovelas, also inGMA.

 When reerred to as one o today’smost popular teens in show business,the label came as a surprise as i it’sthe rst time she heard somebody hailed her as such. She shyly uttered,“hindi naman po.” Why not, I said.

In an era when piracy is the #1 threatin the progress o the music industry,her debut album managed to hit thequadruple platinum mark in com-bined actual album sales and digital/ virtual downloads via iTunes, a eateven seasoned artists can’t easily achieve nowadays.

 Julie has similarly been the voiceo many themesongs o GMA showslike Dyesebel, The Last Prince, Pil- yang Kerubin, Sisid, Dwarna, Bro-ken Vow, Paroa and Teen Gen. Sherecorded a number o GMA StationID jingles along with Songbird Regine Velasquez and Elmo Magalona.

 Love Team and Movies

The Julie Anne and Elmo Maga-lona partnership began as an ex-periment via a song & rap numberin Party Pilipinas. The tandem im-pressed the audience because o theiron-screen chemistry, its ollowing builds up every perormance week. JuliElmo, as they are called, alsostarred in several short lms collec-tively called the Red Mask trilogy.Moreover, a special musical patternedater Shakespeare’s “Romeo & Juliet” was created or them, the “Julie Anne& Elmo: A Wazak Love Story.”

Their tandem was not limited tosinging. Julie and Elmo starred in various sitcoms like Andres de Sayaand Daldalita. JuliElmo were the leadstars in the weekly teen drama show,Together Forever. Their rst lead rolein a ull length movie, Just One Sum-mer, was their ans’ most anticipatedproject in 2012.

Locally, the Asia’s Pop Sweet-heart dreams to ll the AranetaColiseum or a concert, to show the dierent side o Julie Anne andmaybe perorm a duet with her idolsLea Salonga or Mariah Carey orChris Brown. She also dreams o atour in Europe and would like to goto Greece, Germany, Bahamas and Jerusalem.

 Up Close and Personal

 jUliE aNnEturn to page 8


Higantes Festival is Angono

Rizal's annual joyous celebration inhonor o San Clemente, the patronsaint o shermen. The parade o thecolorul paper-mâché Higantes ispart o a two-week long celebrationo the Angono's Town Fiesta. This

 year, several activities were lined upor the Higantes Festival. One o thehighlights is the Higantes Grand Pa-rade on November 17, 2013 whichusually starts around 7:00 in themorning. The parade is scheduled tostart in ront o Angono Elementary School going around the town's res-idential roads and ends at the town


 Another must-see is the ce-lebration o Angono's Town Fiestaon November 23, 2013, the FeastDay o San Clemente. There will be aprocession o the image o San Cle-mente. It will be so much un asthere will be a re truck that willsprinkle water to the townsolk. It isbelieved that it is a sign o blessing 

 when you get wet during the pro-cession. REFERENCE:h t tp : / /www.p inoyadven tur i s ta .com/2013/09/angono-higantes-festi-val-2013-schedule.html

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Eldest in a brood o 3 girls, Julie declaresto be a regular teen at home. “Beore po I dohousehold chores nung di pa ako nagsho-show-biz, kasi di pa busy. But now, sobrang limitedlang time sa amily, para sa sar ili and sometimesI can’t go out because o work. Also as an oldersister kailangan mag set ng good example, kasikung di ko gagawin yun, magiging unair saibang kapatid ko.”

Books by authors Cassandra Clare, ScottThoreau, Sydney Sheldon, Charles Dickens andNicholas Sparks are among Julie’s avorites. Sheis ond o watching comedy, action, inspira-tional lms and science ction. When schedulepermits, she works out at home to keep t andstrengthen her stamina. Her bucket list is lled with aspirations in extreme elds – rom becom-ing a director to being a scientist or astronaut.

I given the chance to do her dream movierole, it will denitely be an action lm. “I like to

try other stu that is out o the box, not typicalor a girl. And maybe have Tom Cruise as my leading man.” she laughs.

Orange is her avourite color because Julieeels it’s something youthul and ull o lie.“Anything orange, that’s my collection.” Serveany sh dish, as long as it’s not ried, she willlove it. Add to that her regular serving o salad. Weird ood cravings? Julie considers it her com-ort ood: milo on rice or bread, banana andcheese on bread, mangoes dipped in or sprin-kled with sugar, noodles with steamed hotdog,to name a ew.

Her personality strength? “Macho,” she ex-claimed, “hindi yung sa physical characteristics,it’s about how strong you are and how you carry  yoursel.”

Being under the sign o Taurus she admits tobe, yes, a bull. “Fearless, medyo pasaway ako.Kahit wala na akong pahinga, I give everything or work. I don’t give a damn about anything butI don’t mean to hurt and oend any eelings oranybody. Siguro kasi ang insecurity ko is thatmy best is not always good enough. To ease my-sel, I pray, I listen to music. It is my only com-panion every time I am alone, I eel alone andempty. I get to invigorate and loosen up,” Julieexplains.

 A tough exterior but sot inside, Julie admitsthat though she rarely shows her weakness, sheis a very sensitive person and is really vulnera-ble. “Negative vibes will either make you stron-ger or it will just weaken you. What I do is justspend time alone and talk to God, I ask or guid-ance rom Him. Sometimes the experience givesan inspiration to write a song, and I always pray to God beore I compose a song, or Him to giveme strength to compose the perect lyrics and

the perect melody.” 

Regular StudentNow a Mass Communication junior in An-

gelicum College, a course she chose because “I’dlike to be a broadcaster. It would be a good eel-ing to be able to deliver the news, at the sametime being able to travel and see the way peoplespend their everyday lives.” Julie reveals. Whenin preparatory, she wanted become a lawyer,but now she vaguely sees hersel pursuing thatpath and with a clear vision, “no, I don’t wantto involve mysel in politics. I’d rather help thrucharities.”

The ame she gained, she sincerely ac-knowledges the ans. “Where I am rightnow, I really owe my supporters and ollo- wers. And I treat them as riends, it’s one way or them to eel na importante sila sa akin.”Much more than making MyJaps always a Twit-

ter-trending topic, her ans are also a buncho storytellers and writers and she is aware o most, i not all o them.

“Nakakatuwa they give so much eort, pa-rang dun lahat naglalabasan ang talino nila. It’snot just like yung may maisulat lang, but they’re very creative. Kaya pag may mga oers like mgasoap opera or movie, kung anong magandang story, sabi ko kumuha sila sa anctions kasi Ibet maraming magaganda,” she proudly says.

“O course thankul ako kay Lord. Ganoondin sa GMA Network, they’ve been giving mea lot o opportunities and chances to prove my -sel, to all the people I work with, yung nanini- wala talaga sa kakayahan ko,” adds Julie Anne.

Further, the young star is cognizant o herstatus as a budding celebrity, and the respon-sibility that comes with it. “Being a celebrity isnot just about the money or ame. It’s all abouthardwork, determination, discipline and sacri-ce. You really have to put yoursel into it anddo whatever it takes just to prove everyone that you deserve what you have. Masarap siya perobago mo makuha yung sarap, kailangan mong maghirap. You just don’t try but you have to do your best.”

 When you hear the song Written in the Starsby Tinnie Tempa, know that Julie eels it’s thebest song that describes her and what she wentthrough, that she won’t be aected by people who try to put her down. Or maybe Brand New Me by Alicia Keys speaks o her stronger perso-na now. Her parents always remind her to keepher eet on the ground and to be orever guidedby this passage: “Foreveryone who exalts himsel will be humbled,and he who humbles himsel will be exalted.”[Luke 14:11].

from page 7Julie Anne...

Travel industry gears up for1st Philippine Tourism Week 

The Philippine Tour Operators Association (PHILTOA), in partner-ship with the Department o Tour-ism, is set to mount estivities or therst-ever Philippine Tourism week,

 which is scheduled on September1-8 at the SMX Convention Centerin Pasay City.

Boarding for ASEANIntegration 2015

 Among the highlights o the week-long celebration is the 1stPhilippine Tourism Forum, which

 will bring together major tourismindustry players—both local andregional—to discuss the issues andimplications o the impending ASE-

 AN tourism integration.Done in partnership with pres-

tigious business and tourism organ-izations such as the Management

 Association o the Philippines andthe ASEAN Board Advisory Councilo the Philippines, the 1st PhilippineTourism Forum will also eature theindustry's rst-ever Tourism TownHall meeting. The event will set theprivate sector's general direction or2015, laying the groundwork or theindustry's compliance to regionalstandards.

 Aside rom the business o-rum, PHILTOA will also organ-ize the Philippine Travel Exchange(PHITEX)—a travel trade initiativeto promote inbound tourism to over90 international buyers originating rom Europe, U.S.A. and Asia. Thisis part o the promotional eorts tosupport the Department o Tourismin meeting its target o 10M inboundtourists by 2016.

Tourism Creates JobsIn line with honing the industry 

to regional standards, the event willalso include Trabaho sa Turismo, a

 job air or those interested in ex-ploring job opportunities and careergrowth in the tourism industry.

***“Some o the biggest challenges

aced by the tourism sector lie innding talent and developing acompetent workorce,” says CesarCruz, PHILTOA President. Withtheir youth-specic training eort,PHILTOA seeks to secure the indus-try’s uture manpower supply.

The Philippines is On Sale!Staying true to the PHILTOA’s

main thrust o promoting domestic

tourism, the 1st Philippine Tourism Week will include the 24th Philip-pine Travel Mart—the largest andlongest-running local travel tradeshow. Scheduled on September 6-8,2013, the expo will eature over 350local exhibitors showcasing destina-tion and tour products rom all overthe country.

The event will also see the un- veiling o exciting new destinationsor travelers o all types. Up or grabsin the annual Sale ng Bayan are theIsland Getaways—joint group toursthat cover destinations across vari-ous parts o the Philippines, sold atdiscounts o up to 70%.

***The Philippine Tour Operators

 Association (PHILTOA), Inc. is anon-stock and non-prot organi-zation o tour operators and alliedmembers actively involved in theadvocacy o responsible tourism.The membership includes travelagencies, hotel, resorts, transporta-tion companies, handicrat stores,and other tourism-oriented estab-lishments and association. For moreinormation on the 24rd PhilippineTravel Mart, please visit

BAGUIO CITY – The Baguio City hall grounds was

the venue yesterday or the Karadkad Health Fair in

partnership with the Lakbay Buhay Kalusugan (LBK)with Department o Health (DOH) Assistant Secretary

Enrique Tayag as guest.Secretary Tayag is DOH’s ambassador or health liestyle and is popular

with his dance moves in health advocacy programs. Tayag’s messageincluded prevention o non-communicable diseases through exercise,healthy diet and no-smoking policies was interspersed with dance moveswhich stirred up the audience.

LBK is a comprehensive health promotion caravan through the DOHNational Center or Health Promotion, with a medical outreach missionwhere nearly two thousand individuals were benefted.

Other activities o the LBK and medical mission were the breasteed-ing program with a demonstration o lactating mothers; with City HealthOfcer Dr. Florence Reyes and nurse Purifcacion Serna supervising.

The negative eects o smoking were also dramatized by communityheath teams, sta and health workers.

 A tableau with the dierent health districts as participants was pre-

sented and judged by Department o Interior and Local Government (DILG)Baguio City Director Evelyn Trinidad; CSC Atty. Emily Balungay; Dr. Ma.Soledad Antonio o DOH, Manila; Joel Javella o DOH, Manila; and, Roder-ick Osis o the Baguio Correspondents and Broadcasters Club.

Inormation on sae motherhood, child health and nutrition and amilyhealth were also eatured. Other eatures include exhibits, health classes,and storytelling sessions.

The program is supported by the US Agency or International Develop-ment (USAID).

 A press conerence ollowed the program while the medical missionwent on, with Dr. John Tinoyan in charge.

The activity is part o Baguio’s 104th charter day celebration, and isalso anchored on the theme, “Steadast Service to the City.” -juliegfan-zaq

Health promotioncaravan done

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Department of Agriculture Press Release

LAZADA is on its way to becoming Southeast Asia’s number one fashion shopping destination• More than 20,000 fashion items already available• Features 700 well-known local and international fashion brands online (among them Nike, Marc Jacobs, RayBan, etc.)• Supports local designers and smaller brands through LAZADA’s unique fashion marketplace model

Lazada, the leading online

shopping mall in Indonesia, Ma-laysia, the Philippines, Thailandand Vietnam, today announces thelaunch o its brand-new ashionmarketplace in Lazada ID, LazadaMY, Lazada PH, Lazada TH andLazada VN.

Lazada, which initially oeredcategories ranging rom consumerelectronics to household goods,toys and sports equipment, now adds to their extensive category range more than 20,000 ashionaccessories like watches, bags andshoes with apparel to ollow soon.The ashion assortment consists o more than 700 local and interna-tional brands including Nike, Adi-das, Crocs, RayBan, Timberland,

Hush Puppies, Pepe Jeans, Casio, Aigner, Marc Jacobs and Mango.

Lazada also supports local de-signers and upcoming brands by oering the unique opportunity 

to create their own online shop-

in-shop. Through this marketplacemodel, brands can leverage onLazada’s popularity and opera-tional expertise, as well as reachcustomers beyond the traditionalofine inrastructure. Smaller re-tailers benet rom Lazada’s tracthrough Lazada’s strong customerbase as well as rom specic cam-paigns like the Lazada ashion week where local designers areable to present their products to abroad online audience.

“We are very proud to an-nounce the launch o our new ashion marketplace today. Thismarks a huge step orward on our way to become Southeast Asia’sshopping destination with the

broadest assortment available onone platorm. We saw a growing demand or ashion items and re-sponded to this need right away.This is a logical step that ollows

our customer-centric approach.

 We want to serve our customer’sneeds in all areas o their lives”,says Maximilian Bittner, CEO o the LAZADA group.

Boarding new brands like Z’Ng by Jonathan Wong rom Malaysia,Co-ounder and Fa-shion Catego-ry Manager Martell Hardenberg said, “We are proud o being ableto both enhance the range or ourcustomers and to contribute to theonline ecosystem in Southeast Asiathrough our unique marketplacemodel. This is a great achievementas it is very important or us to give young designers and local entre-preneurs a platorm which helpsthem to access the broad market.”

Due to existing inrastructure,

LAZADA is able to grow the as-sortment very quickly. Many moreitems, new sub-categories and new shops are added every day to en-sure customers will nd all ashion

items they look or on LAZADA.


id,,,, is South-east Asia’s astest growing onlineshopping mall, with operations inIndonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,

Thailand and Vietnam.LAZADA is pioneering e-

commerce across some o the ast-est growing countries in the worldby oering a ast, secure and con-

 venient online shopping experi-ence with a broad product oering in categories ranging rom ashion,consumer electronics to householdgoods, toys and sports equipment.

LAZADA is always striving tooer its customers the best pos-sible oerings – including multi-ple payment options, ree returnsand extensive customer service

and warranty commitments. On-the-go shoppers can conveniently shop rom the LAZADA Androidapp, which can be downloadedhere.

Senator Cynthia Villar (center), chair of Committee onFood and Agriculture listens to Fitrite Inc. marketingmanager Christopher Carillo (right) discuss the globaldemand for processed marine products at the ve-dayANUGA 2013 in Cologne, Germany. The Philippines,through the partnership of the Departments of Agricultureand Trade and Industry, showcased some of the

country’s homegrown products which have the potentialfor market expansion worldwide. The ANUGA trade fair,dubbed as the world’s leading food fair for the retailtrade, food service and catering market, is held every twoyears. Assisting the senator are former Senate PresidentManny Villar and DTI Usec. Ponciano Manalo.

(photo by AJJacalan)

 Agriculture Secretary ProcesoJ. Alcala (4th from left) andSenator Grace Poe-Llaman-zares (5th from left) cut aceremonial ribbon to open the1st Philippine Natural and Or-ganic Products Expo, October 17 to 19, 2013, which was held

in conjunction with the 10thNational Organic AgricultureCongress, at the Philippine In-ternational Convention Center,in Pasay City. The three-day organic agri expo andcongress—spearheaded bythe Department of Agriculturethrough the National Organic Agriculture Program (NOAP)and Bureau of Agriculture andFisheries and Products Stand-ards (BAFPS)—was attended by 1,000 farmers, organic agriculture advocates, resource persons, product exhibitors, DAfamily ofcials and foreign guests. Also shown (from left) are: BAFPS Director Leo Cañeda, Dutch Ambassador Ton Boonvon Ochssee, DA Undersecretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat, and DA Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance ServiceDirector Leandro Gazmin. (Photo by Kathrino Resurreccion, DA Information Service)


Pangasinan FoundationDay in Lingayen 2014Representatives from dierent towns and cities inPangasinan, north o Manila, celebrate its upcom-ing 434rd ounding anniversary through parade o dierent oats and street dancing at the provincialcapitol grounds.

Reerence:  pangasinan-celebrates-433rd-oundation-day-





The Philippine Coconut Authority signed a Memorandum o Under-standing with the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation to provide a stableagricultural insurance program or coconut armers in the country. It alsoaims to enhance credit access or small coconut armers.

In addition to acilitating agricultural production and agri−enterprisecredit as well as micronance or Small Coconut Farmers Organizations(SCFO's), PCA proposed to insure 500,000 armers o various organizationsor the year 2014. PCA will likewise allocate budget or premium insurancecost specically or the Term Insurance Package−Accident and Dismember-ment Security Scheme (ADSS) o the said armers. Furthermore, PCA willalso insure their assets and projects and among these are; PCA buildings,

Research Centers, Training Centers, Seedling Nurseries and Plantations o SCFO's/armers.

In line with this, the PCIC resolves to support PCA's programs such as;Rehabilitation through Fertilization, National Coconut Planting/Replanting,maintenance o Coconut Seedarm/Seedgargen, arm Diversication/Inter-cropping and Kasaganahan sa niyugan ay Kaunlaran ng Bayan (KAANIB).They will also support Research and Development and Regulatory Servicesunder the Coconut Industry Development Roadmap.

PCA Administrator Euclides G. Forbes said, the program is designed toaddress the vulnerability o SCFO's rom extreme weather events caused by climate change. He added that the crop insurance will likewise protect thearmers against losses due to pest and disease inestations, natural calami-ties and extreme weather events. The Administrator also emphasized PCA'scommitment to develop a sustainable and globally competitive coconut in-dustry. He said that aside rom ensuring nancial protection to the coconutarmers the MOU with the PCIC is also designed to improve agriculturalproductivity and establish the development o the coconut industry.


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Singing Tilt KeepsKundiman Alive

A singing competition in Valenzuela City bucks trends with its rather traditional repertoire.

By: Rafael C. Cañete

The ty contenders in theSearch or the Hari, Reyna, Prin-

sipe, Prinsesa, Munting Prinsipeand Munting Prinsesa ng Kundi-man held at the Valenzuela City Center or the Perorming Arts onSeptember 4 were elementary andhigh school teachers and students

 who sang kundiman classics.The competition repertoire was

composed o: Jose Corazon de Je-sus and Resurreccion Bunyi’s Hu-ling Awit, Deogracias Rosario andNicanor Abelardo’s Mutya ng Pasig,

 Jesus Balmori, Deogracias Rosarioand Nicanor Abelardo’s Anak ng Dalita; Jose Corazon de Jesus andNicanor Abelardo’s Kundiman ng Luha, Nicanor Abelardo’sKung Hindi Man; Servando de los Ange-

les and Nicanor Abelardo’s Bituing Marikit.

Now on its 11th year, the com-petition is held by the Departmento Education (DepEd) -ValenzuelaCity in observance o Buwan ng 

 Wika in August.Kundim ans are traditional Fili-

pino songs known or their complexorm and sentimental lyrics whichenjoyed popularity during theSpanish era in the 1800s throughthe American era in the 1930s.

“It has always been a personaladvocacy to promote kundiman inthe present times,”said Music, Arts,Physical Education and Health(MAPEH) District Supervisor Victo-ria Altoveros, who started the com-petition when she joined the local

DepEd oce 11 years ago.In the 1950s through the 1970s,

eorts to revive the genre were un-dertaken by artists like Ruben Taga-log, Ric Manrique and the olk mu-sical group Mabuhay Singers.

Veteran actress Armida SiguionReyna attempted to reintroducekundiman to the mainstream en-tertainment scene through hershow Aawitan Kita which airedrom the 1970s through the 1990s.

 Today, kundiman perormances

are largely limited to government-sponsored cultural events such asthe Valenzuela singing tilt.

turn to page 11

from page 6

from page 2

Perfect Teeth...

 Villa the Great Philippines Expeditionsta are Pata Tim, which is braisedChinese pork leg, Bulalo, a Filipinobee soup with vegetables, Flaming Chicken, which is grilled chickenthigh and leg with gravy and choicegarnishings, Mixed Seaoods whichis a grilled variety o seaood spe-cialties such as crab, sh, shrimp andsquid and Sinuglaw,a dish which

combines grilled pork belly (liempo) with resh sh llet marinated in vinegar and spices (kinilaw).

In addition, Mr. Amado says thatit is the owner, Mr. Paler, who troopsto the Farmer’s Market in Cubao,Quezon City every morning to handpick the produce himsel and deliverthese ood items to the restaurant in

 Valenzuela. This ensures the resh-ness and quality o the ingredientsor the dierent dishes in which VillaMarcelina specializes in.

“Siya mismo (Mr. Paler) ang nag -pupunta sa Farmer’s Market araw-araw para mamili ng mga ingredi-ents, mula sa karne, sa mga isda atsa seaoods. Kaya siguradong sariwaat maganda ang quality ng mga ini-luluto namin na mga pagkain dito sa

restaurant.”shares Mr. Amado. Aside rom the ood being well-prepared and satiable to the senses,another remarkable eature is the a-ordability o the ood items in themenu. The average pricing o thedishes range rom P100 pesos up,

 with an average o P100-200 per ser- ving which is already good to shareamong several persons.

An Oasis in the Metropolis Also worth mentioning is the lo-

cation and venue o Villa Marcelina. Although listing its address in a met-ropolitan city, the place is remarka-bly serene and spacious unlike somebars and dining areas in neighboring cities where they are cramped intosmall nooks and movement is li-mited, especially when hundredes

o people requent the place on aregular basis.The scene is dierent in Villa

Marcelina. Upon entry, the a-cade is a rooed and open- aireddining area in which people canhave their choice o seating to watchentertainers and perormers sing and play music every night. Or they can choose to stay in one o the nipahuts strewn across the back o therestobar, immersing in a relaxed at-mosphere while staring at the clearnight sky, a welcome respite rom ahighly urbanized area such as Valen-zuela City.

The cozy and tranquil atmos-phere o Villa Marcelina is one o the reasons why there is a growing number o customers who patronize

the establishment. Aside rom thoseresiding in the nearby areas, therestobar’s diners also includes visi-tors rom neighboring towns inMetro Manila and Bulacan as well asgovernment ocials rom Valenzue-la City such as Mayor Rex Gatcha-lian.

Sharing Success with Others Aside rom achieving its distinc-

tion o becoming Valenzuela City’smain restobar and grillery, a moreimportant accomplishment o VillaMarcelina is becoming a vital tool inproviding employment opportuni-ties or local olk in the vicinity.

“Noong ginagawa na itong res-taurant, natutuwa si Mr. Paler dahilmagkakaroon na ng pagkakataon namagkaroon ng trabaho ang mga ka-

babayan namin dito sa Valenzuela,”notes Mr. Amado. “ Hindi lang na-man kasi pera at kita lang ang dapatna ihinahabol ng isang business peropati rin ang kapakanan din ng mgatao. Sa pagkakaroon ng business naganito, naiprovide ni Mr. Paler ng trabaho ang mga nangangailangannito dito sa amin. Sa ganitong par-aan ay maipagmamalaki namin nanakatulong ang Villa Marcelina parasa mga taga-Valenzuela.”

Mr. Amado also describes theowner, Mr. Paler, as an approa-chable and kind boss. “Kaya ganadorin magtrabaho ang sta ng restau-rant kasi mabait at madaling lapitansi Mr. Paler kapag may problema orconcerns sila. Kaya sinusuklian na-man ito ng aming sta sa pagiging 

masipag nila sa pagtratrabaho.”saysMr. Amado.He also adds that this noble ob-

 jective has helped greatly in the suc-cessul operations o the restaurantto this date, alongside the blessingsbestowed by Divine Intervention.

Looking Ahead forVilla Marcelina

Planning or the uture, the

mana-gement o Villa Marcelina islooking at expanding their opera-tions. Already in the works are plansor a second branch as well as ven-turing into the catering industry by next year.

 According to Mr. Amado, heand Mr. Paler are looking at severalprime areas alongside the McArthurHighway in Valenzuela and Bula-can as possible locations or VillaMarcelina’s newest branch. They are also preparing or the launch o Marcelina’s Seaood which will servegrilled seaoods to go, an alterna-tive rom the usual are o roastedchicken and grilled pork.The restobar

 will also engage in ull-time catering,providing additional services such as

having ornamental supplies and di-ning utensils aside rom being a oodand beverage concessionaire. The ullpackage, as Mr. Amado tells it.

But most o all, the restobar seeksto maintain its consistency in all as-pects. Whether this be the quality o the ood served, ambiance o theplace and sta relationship, as long as it results in customer satisaction.

“Ang mahalaga dito ay mamaintainang good standing with the custo-mers,” shares Mr. Amado. “Kasi silaang tinuturing na buhay ng aming business. As long na maganda ang pakikisama mo sa kanila, ma-aac-know-ledge nila ito at icocontinuenila na suportahan ang Villa Marceli-na.”

Indeed, as a business that concen-trates on placing a premium on theemployees’ welare and maintaining a good connection with its custo-mers while serving delectable cusine,expect Villa Marcelina to continue on

 with its successul run or the yearsto come as a preerred dining spot inthis part o Metro Manila .

 Visit Villa Marcelina Restobar

and Grill located at 576 F. DulaliaStreet,Brgy. Lingunan, ValenzuelaCity. Considered as Valenzuela’s Big-gest and Finest Restobar and Grill,

 Villa Marcelina operates rom 10 amto 2 am daily. Two band perormersare on board every night. Call 444-79-13 or Reservations and Free De-


 Alexander B. Estoesta II 

condition.”Urbi says. Also called Myobrace, the MRC

Trainer resembles a mouthpiece whichis ully designed state o the art com-puter appliances which assist the cor-rection o bad oral habits in the gro-

 wing child. These appliances improvedental and acial development and cor-rect orthodontic problems earlier.

“The Myobrace has a sot siliconematerial with tooth slots to align eachtooth and a harder inner core to ac-tively develop the jaws, making morespace or crowded teeth. It is designedto ll an active role in the orthodontictreatment or children to avoid extrac-tion and braces.”Urbi says.

Unlike a brace, which should be worn at all times, the Myobrace shouldonly be worn or 8 hours while at sleepand 1 to 2 hours while awake. The childmust also see the dentist once a month.

Most importantly, the whole pro-cedure is just “50 percent lower than

 what the child’s parents will spend on abrace.”Urbi says.

 First in the Philippines and AsiaMRC Clinic located on the second

level o Trinoma Mall in Quezon City isthe only clinic o its kind in the Phil-ippines. Dr. Urbi underwent extensivetraining as myounctional dentist in

 Australia under Dr. Chris Farrel who

developed the technology in 1979.The Filipino dentist who is Davao-based and who has two dental clinicsin Davao and Cebu holds the license tointroduce and train other dentists in thecountry and in Asia. For more inorma-tion log on to www.nobraces_ph.comor email [email protected].

Dr. Urbi is also the president o 

Green Apple Dental Group whosemain clinic in Cebu is attracting oreignclients rom the US and neighboring 

 Asian countries thus promoting thecountry's medical tourism industry.Similar to other dental clinics, bothMRC and Green Apple also oers re-gular dentistry services as well.

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“The number o participantseach year tells me that there is stillhope or the kundiman,”she said.

Though it was Bernadette San-tos’ rst time’s to join the search,kundiman is nothing new to her.Santos, a Filipino teacher in Karu-hatan National High School who

 was hailed Reyna ng Kundiman,has been singing since she was

 young and started singing the mu-sical orm in college.

“Singing kundiman is very di-erent rom singing pop,” Santossaid. “Sa pop, mas malaya ka. Sakundiman, may sistema na da-

pat aralin ng singer. Palaging headtones at chest tones ang ginagamit,”(With pop, the singer is ree to in-terpret the song in whichever waysshe chooses; while with kundiman,the singer has to learn a particular

 way. She always has to sing using the head tone and chest tone)

Competition judge and Valen-zuela City Choral choirmaster Ar-thur Esguerra said a serious singero kundiman should pay attentionto the sudden shits in tone in akundiman.

“Kundimans are unlike popsongs which you can learn to sing 

by just one round o listening. Itsometimes takes a trained ear toappreciate a kundiman’s musicalnuances,”Esguerra said.

More than an art orm, thekundiman, which are oten aboutlove, also refects the colonial soci-ety’s views on relationships.

“Many think the sentiments inkundimans are exaggerated. But it

 was the simply the way back then. A lover would use everything in hisemploy to win the aection o hisbeloved, including expressing hislove in beautiul words,” Esguerrasaid.

Search for the Hari, Reyna, Prinsipe, Prinsesa,

Munting Prinsipe and Munting Prinsesang Kundiman 2013 Winners

Elementary and High School Teachers Hari ng Kundiman: Noel F. Domigpe, Serrano Elementary School Reyna ng Kundiman: Bernadette S. Santos, Karuhatan National

High School

High School Students Prinsipe ng Kundiman: Rey Justin S. Cornelio, Dalandanan

National High School - Bagbaguin Annex Prinsesa ng Kundiman: Abegail C. Perez, Canumay National High School

Elementary Students (Grades 3 to 6) Munting Prinsipe ng Kundiman: John Vincent P. Cabagay, Karuhatan

 West Elementary School Munting Prinsesa ng Kundiman: Mariel Kaila D.C. Reyes, San Diego

Parochial School

from page 10Singing Tilt...


QC Celebrates Earth Day 2013This year’s Earth Day celebra-

tion, held last April 22, 2013 atthe Quezon Memorial Circle, wasgraced by a number o guests romthe Quezon City Government,headed by Mayor Herbert Bautista, Vice Mayor Joy Belmonte and other

QC government ocials, nationalgovernment agencies, event part-ners and sponsors 2013’s Earth Day event revolves around the theme“Ecogovernance”, which was ex-tracted rom the root words Ecology and Governance; with the intentiono creating an impact on today’s so-cietal judgment towards our ecosys-tem, and increasing environmentalawareness throughout the Philip-pines.

Earth Day is an annual world- wide event that the Philippinestakes part in, or the divine purposeo showing concern or the environ-ment. Each year, a city is chosento uphold the infuential exposureEarth Day has to oer, in order to

showcase the established changethat has prospered throughout theelapsed year. Not only is it consid-ered to be a huge honor to be select-ed as host or Earth Day this year,but it is also privileging or QuezonCity to be highlighted as one o themost ecologically-governed cities inthe Philippines.

In addition to the resoluteness o the main event were some boothsand Communal Food Sharing,Hourly Religious Rituals/Chanting or the healing o the Earth, CulturalShows, Advocacy and Musical Pres-entations, and many more. These were all taken into account as es-teeming the appreciation and value we generally impart to the lessons

 we carry out, in honor o our Earth.Mayor Herbert Bautista ex-

pressed his gratitude to city resi-

dents and enumerated what ourbeloved city has accomplished,environmentally, and what there isto expect in the coming years, both with regards to the recognition asthe city with the most number o enacted ordinances on solid waste

management. And or also being the rst city in Metro Manila to havea 10-year solid waste managementplan, approved by the NationalSolid Waste Management Commis-sion.

“Being endowed with the mostextensive expanse o open spacesand greenery in Metro Manila, which takes up about 1/5 o the totalland area o the city, we maintainedour role as the greenland o the me-tropolis, as a co-equal complemento our economic development strat-egies. We are proud to say that wehave embraced the very essence o sustainable development.”

 A multitude o people have beeninormed about the elements and

details o Earth Day and its corre-sponding entities. Exposure to thisevent gave them a sense o under-standing to that o which not thatmany have the means o acquiring.

The DENR representative gavea speech about the contributionthe Philippines has provided to ourMother Earth. He said that being akey player in helping out the envi-ronment, especially with our cor-related oceans, it is important thatpeople should know the best way toprotect and conserve resource is toput value to it.

“Once people are more environ-mentally conscious, they becomemore environmentally responsible;leading to ollowing local govern-

ment ordinances”and “It is an over- whelming experience, both person-ally and as a government employee.

It creates awareness throughout notonly,”as said by some Quezon City Hall employees.

Right ater the Earth Day cel-ebration, the inauguration o theReuse Derived Fuel Facility Project was held at the Quezon City Sani-

tary Landll in Payatas, and pilotedby Mundo Verde Corporation, a joint venture o Laarge IndustrialEcology International, Pennies &Pound Holdings, Inc. and QuezonCity’s Contractor on Solid WasteDisposal – IPM Environmental Ser- vices Inc.

The operation o the uel-turn-ing machine was demonstrated tothe audience that attended the in-auguration. There were also oreignrepresentatives underlining theinternational partnership betweenthe Philippines, USA, and France. With the symbollic ribbon-cutting ceremony, this project was thuslaunched as a newangled suste-nance to development.

Not only does the Reused De-rived Fuel Facility Project terminateunnecessary pollution; but it alsoembarks in great and honorablecourses o environmental initiatives.

 Although we may have gonethrough some setbacks like the un-predictable weather brought aboutby climate change over the past years due to pollution, we still havethe chance o regaining the unpol-luted state we once had by simply reconditioning our daily conserva-tional habits.

This celebration was to initiatethe city’s representation to helpmake the world a better place tolive in. Step by step, little by little,each o us can make a change. Each

small change can create a big leaptowards a better and harmoniousenvironment.

UNITED FOR MOTHER EARTH. Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista and Vice Mayor Joy Bel-

monte join representatives of national government agencies, non-government organizations,civil society and religious groups in a show of unity for environmental protection during the

celebration of Earth Day that was hosted by Quezon City at the Quezon Memorial Circle. In hisspeech, the mayor reiterated that Quezon City will continue to remain at the forefront of advan-

cing environmental consciousness while sharing some of the city’s best practices in environmen-tal management not only locally, but also internationally. (PAISO)

EARTH DAY DANCE. Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista displays his dancing prowess as he joins the “Sayaw ng Sambayanan” during the celebration of Earth Day at the Quezon Memorial

Circle on Monday. (PAISO)

Outstanding citizens feted Sept. 1

BAGUIO CITY – For rendering outstanding community service intheir own elds o expertise, nineBaguio citizens including three inthe military service shall be ho-nored 8AM today, Sunday, Baguio’s104th charter day celebration, atthe Baguio Convention Center.

The awardees were announcedby Mayor Mauricio Domogan du-ring the media Ugnayan at city halllast Wednesday.

Oscar Cadelina, the ounding president o the Baguio-BenguetPublic Inormation and Civic Ac-tion Group (BB-PICAG), Inc. whichor 38 years has worked with and

or Baguiotesduring times o calamities andother occasionsshall receive theaward in Com-munity Service.Cadelina hasalso served thec o m m u n i t y  through otherroles such as a

orester, businessman, researcher,consultant, lecturer, proessor,member and Director o the Cor-dillera Executive Board (CEB), com-missioner o the Northwestern Lu-zon Growth Quadrangle, and othersocio-civic memberships.

Pines City National High SchoolPrincipal Dr. Rachel Bugtong shallalso receive the outstanding citi-zen award or community serviceand education. Dr. Bugtong as adedicated teacher makes sure herstudents and teachers both grow in education and proession, andlooks ater their welare within

and outside o the our walls o theclassroom.

She also made extra eort tomake the physical surroundingscomortable or students in herschool, otentimes knocking ondoors o benevolent individualsor this; and has linked with thecommunity during times o need;through acts o kindness.

Henedino Luzano, betterknown as Jimmy Luzano, or Lolo

Doro on the airwaves is one o theawardees; specically or commu-nity service, in journalism. Working as a broadcaster, reporter, script-

 writer, announcer, commentator,program director and drama talent;he became the Station Manager o DzWX, and later the Area Mana-ger or Northern Luzon o BomboRadyo Philippines. He has retiredrom the radio station, but has now partnered with Ecarta Media Pro-ductions and Promotions, and acolumnist with a daily newspaperin the city.

In the 80’s he has served as ne-

gotiator or the release o military captives in Abra. Earlier, he is a re-cognized musician and bodybuil-der; and now an active civic leader

 with community service throughdierent organizations, including senior citizens’ groups.

Baguio Country Club GeneralManager Anthony de Leon, is atireless worker, a passionate en-dorser and upliter o tourism orthe city. An involved sportsman,

he supports gol, tennis, bowling,boardgames and airsot, a sport

 with a group in Baguio he himsel ounded.

De Leon is considered a bas-tion o the tourism industry as hehas successully hurdled nume-rous trainings and developmentprograms or hotels, restaurantsand tourism endeavors, here andoverseas. He has also served thecommunity in various endeavors;through the Philippine NationalRed Cross, BB-PICAG, Silahis ng Pasko, Outreach programs, Mon-day Aternoon Club, Barangay 

Council, the Baguio Flower Festivaland the Hotel and Restaurant As-sociation o Baguio (HRAB), theBaguio Tourism Council.

Eye doctor and awardeeMarcelino Dizon, Jr. reaches outthrough mission work and visionprograms; in schools, at the city jailand the community as a whole. Healso does research on Amblyopia,Istrabimus, Dilopia, Low Vision and

 vision-related problems.

 As the only sports vision spe-cialist in Northern Luzon, Dr. Di-zon, Jr. volunteered and is tasked totrain and improve visual needs o national athletes.

Fred Fangonon who has pio-neered eco-composting, and de-monstrated this in Loakan Properalso receives an award in commu-nity service. Starting young, Fan-gonon has planted trees in hisplace o birth; and now producesorganic ertilizers to grow ruits andluscious vegetables in his rootop

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garden, and teaches others to ollow suit.Though a graduate o political science, a ormer Overseas

Contract Worker, and a businessman, Fangonon is passionateabout being a armer and environmentalist, which he shares tothe community through lectures, demonstration and technicalinnovations o the Eco-Composting Receptacle (ECR). He pres-ently maintains said ECRs in Loakan and other areas o the city.

The awardees were chosen by the Society o Outstanding Citizens o Baguio (SOCOB), and in consonance with this year’stheme, “Steadast Service to the City.”

Three soldiers join the list o awardees; Colonel RomeoBrawner, Jr, Major Daneck Dang-awan, and Police Superinten-dent Edgar Alan Okubo.

Baguio-born Col. Brawner, Jr., is a 1989 graduate o thePhilippine Military Academy, and has served the country or 24 years. He has seen combat in various parts o the country, andhas been instrumental in the decrease o strength o the New People’s Army. He has also joined in disaster rescue and relie missions, and livelihood advocacy programs in areas wherehe was assigned. His tour o duty includes being involved inmedical-dental outreach, blood-letting, anti-insurgency andanti-criminality, and anti-drug campaigns in ar-fung areas; andinrastructure projects such as medical and birthing center, and atwo-classroom building.

 working in the chaplain service where he pioneered the prayer walk, vesper divine services through music and neighborhood

host bible studies. Other programs include brotherhood projects with Muslims, Mindanao street children ministry, Support achild – Save A Future ministry, Feeding program, and partnering  with the Serving Neighbors Network or Out-O-School-Youth,and the distribution o relie goods during times o calamities.This is in addition to his unctions as evangelical chaplain andspiritual adviser to soldiers and their amily and the community at large.

 A graduate o the Philippine National Police Aca-demy (PNPA), P/Supt. Edgar Alan Okubo has served the governmentor 22 years. His experience includes the pursuit o dangerouslawless elements and eventual capture and prosecution.

P/Supt. Okubo involves the community in crime-busting, as well as inormation and educational campaign through the call-ing-card project, the church and the aithul, and the Mag-aaralKontra Krimen Project. Checkpoints against dissidents were alsoinstalled du-ring his watch resulting to arrest o armed groupsand conscation o high-powered rearms; and the use o mo-torcycles or police ocers riding-in-tandem projects, which re-sulted to easing o tension and peace o mind in the community.

The awardees shall be honored in the presence o Baguioboy Associate Justice Mario Victor Leonen who is this year’s

from page 11Outstanding Citizens...





To all my relatives and riends in Bantay, Ilocos Sur.Regards.

-Milo & Celine Rabara Belarmino, from Las Vegas, Nevada

Binabati po namin ang aming mga kamag-anak, pamilya, kai-bigan sa buong Pilipinas. Lalong lalo na ang mga kamag-anak namin sa Limmansangan and Abour, Narvacan Ilocos Sur, atsa Novaliches and Project 8, Quezon City & Fort Bonifaciosana po at darating ang panahon na tayo ay magkita kita ulit.

God Bless to all o Us. - Michael, Cynthia and Miguel Cadu-cio and Family from Richmond Hill and Toronto, Ontario,


To all DWCV Batch ‘83, my Mom and Sis. Como Esteis.Todos

- Virgie Pinto from Spain

Kumusta kayo amin dita, nangruna kadagiti kakabagyan kengagayyem dita An-annam Bantay, Ilocos Sur.

- Eddie & Melodie Pagaoa from Las Vegas, Nevada.

Regards to all relatives and friends in An-annam Bantay,Ilocos Sur.

- Jose Pinto from Barcelona Spain

Kumusta kayo amin dita Sulvec, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur

-Imelda Castaneda Hawaii

Regards to everybody especially to the people of Narvacan,Ilocos Sur.

-Lerma Jubilado from Rome, Italy 

Regards to all my kababayan, especially Narvacaneos.

Hope to see all my relatives soon.

-Zenaida Cabanilla, from Portland,Oregon

WTM & AmadeusRecognizeBest-In-ClassTravel Suppliers

 World Travel Market, the leading global event or the travel industry, and Amadeus can now unveil the short-list or the inaugural Amadeus & WTMTravel Experience Awards, recognising those who are delivering the best in 21stCentury Travel Experiences.

The Awards cover ten categories,rewarding tourist boards and travel pro- viders or their best and most innovativeproduct oerings.

The core judging panel included;• Micaela Juarez, Head of Marketing andCommunications, WTM• Rob Sinclair-Barnes, Director of Mar-keting, Amadeus UK & Ireland•Trevor Harding, President, Institute of Travel & Tourism

• Lee Hayhurst, Editor, TravolutionThe our core judges came up with

their shortlist or each category with thehelp o expert judges rom the variouselds.

The Best Destination or AccessibleTravel has three shortlisted contendersincluding the German National Tour-ist Oce, Tenerie Tourism Corporationand Visit Flanders. The core judges andexpert judge, Brian Seaman rom AccessNew Business, were looking or destina-tions which oered disabled travellersthe opportunity to take part in an ex-perience which they would never havethought possible.

Truly memorable and exciting lo-cations Tongabezi Lodge and TenerieTourism Corporation made the shortlistor their heart-racing challenges in the Adrenaline Junkies category.

Those shortlisted or the best in Au-thentic Travel are Khiri Travel, TongabeziLodge and Wilderness Saaris or DesertRhino Camp, all oering a real insightinto the community as well as making a substantial contribution to a globalproblem as judged by the core panel andexpert judge Jeremy Smith, ResponsibleTravel Writer.

Three “once in a lietime”experiencesthat have been shortlisted by the paneland expert judge Simon Mayle, Interna-tional Luxury Travel Market, or the Blow the Budget category are Jamaica TouristBoard, Quark Expeditions and The Sa-rojin.

The best three City Breaks on aBudget shortlisted with the help o Jane

 Atkins rom Superbreak are Liguria orGenoa, Turismo di Lisboa and Visit Gent.These cities oered the traveller the key elements o a good choice o accommo-dation at aordable prices as well as a variety o places to eat and plenty to seeand do during a long weekend.

The destinations most geared up orcruise passengers have been whittleddown to Liguria or Genoa, Visit Guern-sey and Jamaica Tourist Board in theCruise Destination category.

Top three Honeymoon locationsshortlisted, with the help o expert judge Natalie Wingrove rom Weddings Abroad Guide, are Beaches Fort Myersand Sanibel or Casa Ybel, Maxx Royal& Voyage Hotels or Maxx Royal Turkey and The Sarojin.

The locations that oered the most

category as shortlisted with the help o Steve Dunlop, Travel Photographer areLiguria or Hotel Vis a Vis Sestri Levante,The Aurora Zone or The Aurora BubbleFinland and Wilderness Saaris or Du-maTau Camp and Tongabezi Lodge.

Three Stress-Free Family Holiday holidays shortlisted by the core judgesand Julia Lo-Bue Said rom AdvantageTravel are Beaches Fort Myers & Sanibelor Pink Shell Beach Resort, Inside Asia

Tours or Inside Japan and Visit Guern-sey.The most memorable destinations,

 which business travellers can enjoy withonly two hours to spare, are Hong Kong Tourist Board, Sports Events 365 and Visit Flanders in the Two Hours to Spareon a Business trip category.

The categories and one overall win-ner will be announced during the awardceremony in the Travel Tech Theatre -TT185 on Wednesday 6 November at4.30 pm and ollowed by a Reception.The awards are to be presented by well-known TV presenter Jenny Powell, andin association with Travel Channel.

Each winner o the ten categories will be promoted extensively and willhave the choice o hosting a press visitby the WTM ocial video crew, who

 will create a blog (video blog) or use onthe WTM website, social media and via WTM Ocial Media Partners.

 Amadeus, who are partnering withthe inaugural Travel Tech Show at WTMand supporting the event’s VIP lounge,have also co-hosted our round tablediscussions on travel technology-relatedsubjects with conjunction with WTM, with a White Paper produced or eachevent. One concluding White Paper willbe revealed at WTM, beore the Ama-deus & WTM Travel Experience awardson Wednesday 6 November.

The Travel Tech Show at WTM Heado Marketing and Communications Mi-caela Juarez said: “We were delighted with both the quality and quantity o entries we have received or the Ama-deus & WTM Travel Experience Awards.

It made the judging extremely dicult.“I look orward to presenting these

awards with Amadeus during WTM andcongratulating the winners on their top21st Century Travel Experience.”

 Amadeus Director o Marketing, RobSinclair-Barnes said: “These inaugural Amadeus and WTM Travel Experience Awards aims to recognise the best inclass travel supplier who is dening andevolving the new standards or the travelindustry to better service and deliver the21st Century Travel Experience.”

“The Amadeus and WTM col-laboration has worked incredibly wellthroughout this year and I look orwardto presenting the comprehensive WhitePaper and Travel Experience Awards onthe Wednesday o WTM.”


OCTOBER 28, 2013 - JANUARY 27, 2014 • Vol. V, Issue No. 7