photo of the month volume 16, issue 4 april …from a great couple i met at the at-lantis dive...

Inside this issue: Feature Article: Casino Point Perfect! 2 President’s Message 2 Member’s Corner: Palou & Truk Lagoon 3 DWP VII 5 Diver News 6 New LABUE Website 7 Map & Directions To Meeting Location 9 Discover Scuba 10 Membership App. 12 Photographer: Joseph Windolph Camera: Sealife Reefmaster Mini Medium: Digital Location: LABUE's 2008 club trip to Belize Subject: Pink Coral PHOTO OF THE MONTH As we prepare for upcoming Spring and Summer dive activities and tropical dive vaca- tions, our April focus is on Dive Safety. Join us at the Natural History Museum on April 12 th for the LABUE General Membership Meeting featuring a program on Dive Safety. The meeting will include a presentation by Brett Bovard, steering committee member for the May 4 th Chamber Day/Evening fundraiser event being held at the Aquarium of the Pacific. He will be discussing this upcoming event and the importance of the Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber to the Southern California dive community. You won‟t want to miss this informative meeting. APRIL 2011 VOLUME 16, ISSUE 4 DIVE SAFETY MONTH BY RICHARD RICE Dedicated to Expanding the Knowledge and Enjoyment of Scuba Diving among African Americans

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Page 1: PHOTO OF THE MONTH VOLUME 16, ISSUE 4 APRIL …from a great couple I met at the At-lantis Dive Resort in Dumaguete, Phil-ippines in October 2009, while LABUE members were enjoying

Inside this issue:

Feature Article: Casino Point Perfect!


President’s Message 2

Member’s Corner: Palou & Truk Lagoon



Diver News 6

New LABUE Website 7

Map & Directions To Meeting Location


Discover Scuba 10

Membership App. 12

Photographer: Joseph Windolph Camera: Sealife Reefmaster Mini Medium: Digital Location: LABUE's 2008 club trip to Belize Subject: Pink Coral


As we prepare for upcoming Spring and Summer dive activities and tropical dive vaca-tions, our April focus is on Dive Safety. Join us at the Natural History Museum on April 12th for the LABUE General Membership Meeting featuring a program on Dive Safety. The meeting will include a presentation by Brett Bovard, steering committee member for the May 4th Chamber Day/Evening fundraiser event being held at the Aquarium of the Pacific. He will be discussing this upcoming event and the importance of the Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber to the Southern California dive community. You won‟t want to miss this informative meeting.

APRIL 2011



Dedicated to Expanding the Knowledge and Enjoyment of Scuba Diving among African Americans

Page 2: PHOTO OF THE MONTH VOLUME 16, ISSUE 4 APRIL …from a great couple I met at the At-lantis Dive Resort in Dumaguete, Phil-ippines in October 2009, while LABUE members were enjoying





Summerlike weather and near per-fect California beach dive conditions

welcomed LABUE divers on a March 5th dive trip to Catalina Island‟s Casino Point dive park.

LABUE divers participating in this monthly Beach Dive Committee activ-ity included Debora Ewing, Lamont Johnson, David Robinson, Randy Tillery, Richard Rice, Mike Dillard, and

Carlos Spivey. We were also pleased to welcome our newest member Lori Atwater on her first LABUE dive activ-ity. Shore support was provided by

the park‟s several sunken boats that

serve as a habitat for many of these crea-tures. After complet-ing our dives and packing our gear, Carl-ton Jordan and his

daughter Lauryn joined the group for a casual lunch and welcome libations at our favorite Catalina restaurant, Antonio‟s, before returning to Long Beach on the Catalina Express after a rewarding winter‟s dive day in South-ern California.

moting LABUE‟s continued success and facilitating the club‟s evolution into an active and self-sustaining dive club that will continue to function effec-tively and grow. I have been encour-aged by the success we have seen in these efforts over the last year. LA-BUE‟s Bylaws have undergone a major revision that encourages and facili-tates greater member involvement in all aspects of running the club. The LABUE News has been greatly ex-

panded and enhanced, earning na-tional recognition and readership. The LABUE website has been revamped, providing a wealth of interesting new content and useful features. Atten-dance at LABUE membership meetings has increased as we have focused on

adding more interesting dive related program topics. We have seen a re-cord number of Discover Scuba and Dive Refresher Course participants. Member interest and participation in

Continued on page 3

President, and At-Large Board Mem-bers Steve Scruggs, Joe Windolph, Lamont Johnson, and Pat Williams. On behalf of all LABUE members, I would like to thank outgoing Board

Members Bob Simmons, Debora Ew-ing, Sharlene Johnson, and Denise Barker for their dedicated and unsel-fish service to LABUE as Board mem-bers over many years. It is clear that over the last 15 years, LABUE has played an impor-

tant role in supporting the sport of scuba diving in the Southern Califor-nia dive community; and a critical role as the primary advocate and promoter of the sport in the African American community, responsible for hundreds of divers becoming certi-

fied and continuing to actively par-ticipating in the sport. As I consider the next two years, my personal ob-jective remains the same as I stated back in January 2010 when I agreed to serve as LABUE‟s President; pro-

After a long delay, we finally com-pleted the LABUE election process, confirming Board Members for 2011 & 2012. The new Board will include Rich-ard Rice-President, Tina Houston-Vice

Reggie Brown and Lory Rodriguez. After a dive briefing by Lamont John-

son, we were re-minded that it was still winter as we en-

tered the cold 56

degree water. In spite of sand and silt kicked up by the numerous divers enjoying the site, visibility was good at 30+ ft.. As usual,

Casino Point offered an abundance of interesting sea life in-cluding bat rays, horned sharks, lobster, giant

sheep crab, and colorful red anem-one; as well as the usual assortment of Garibaldi, halibut, sheephead, and senorita fish. Divers also explored

Page 3: PHOTO OF THE MONTH VOLUME 16, ISSUE 4 APRIL …from a great couple I met at the At-lantis Dive Resort in Dumaguete, Phil-ippines in October 2009, while LABUE members were enjoying



PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Continued from page 2

our beach dive activities has picked up substantially. Our new Trip Plan-

ning Committee has been busy orga-nizing, marketing, and making final arrangements for their first planned warm water dive vacation to Grand Cayman Island‟s East End later this month. We have been successful at promoting LABUE in local newspa-pers with coverage of our Discover Scuba Program, participation in DWP efforts to find the sunken slave ship Guerrero, and as advocates of the NOAA sponsored Aquarius II educa-tional project designed to inspire and

educate youth in marine science studies. In addition, member partici-pation in other activities including our Cozumel dive vacation, Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber Evening benefit, Dive-Camp Weekend, and our sold-out Holiday Dinner has been a very

encouraging sign that LABUE is alive and well thanks to supportive mem-bers. The new Board will continue to work to plan and promote this year‟s activities while making progress in our vital ongoing efforts to recruit new members and retain existing

members. Give me a call or send me an email ([email protected]) to share your thoughts and ideas on how to make LABUE a better dive club and to let me know how you can help us in these efforts.


If you decide to sign up for a boat dive and you want a LABUE dive buddy, please contact DonCosta Sea-well at 909-593-1877 or [email protected] with your trip de-

tails and he will convey that informa-tion to the club so that anyone who desires to join you will be aware.



TRUK LAGOON The following is an email I received from a great couple I met at the At-lantis Dive Resort in Dumaguete, Phil-ippines in October 2009, while LABUE members were enjoying their visit to the Atlantis Dive Resort in Puerto Galera. Clare and Brian Elwood live in Lon-don Ontario, Canada. DonCosta Sea-well and I enjoyed daily dives with them in Dumaguete and neighboring islands of Apo and Siquijor. They are

very experienced divers and were on a two-month dive vacation to loca-tions in the Philippines and Pacific islands. I thought LABUE members would find their report on Truk and Palau interesting and informative.

“Hello Richard, Greetings from the Frozen North: We are back from Asia and still feeling the effects of jet-lag but thought we'd like to put pen to paper, so to speak, and let you know our evaluation of Truk and Palau. After we parted company, we went off on the next leg of our journey on the Odyssey at Truk Lagoon. The best place to stay is the Blue Lagoon, which is pretty marginal but is ok for one night. This is a must do dive va-cation but only from a live aboard and, from what we saw, only from the

Odyssey. We met some Canadians who had decided to a very similar trip to us going to Truk and then on to Palau but they employed the budget plan - big mistake. The boat in Truk was full of roaches, terrible food, lim-ited fresh water, cramped and dirty conditions etc. On the other hand, we had a wonderful experience on the Odyssey, which is a superbly run boat, very clean, great food and a very congenial and professional crew. Anyone with a sense of history could not fail to be impressed by these wrecks and the detritus of war. We now know why the Japanese lost the war, the evidence reveals thousands of saki and beer bottles everywhere. If you want to dive this site and get the most out of it, I would suggest doing it in the next five years or so since they are beginning to show their age. I think you would really have a wonderful time at Truk and enjoy it very much. The island, however, is quite another matter with the worst poverty and the most desperate con-ditions imaginable. Apparently the US gives twenty-five million in aid each year but it ends up in the pockets of the five top families who, strangely enough, now reside in Hawaii - truly an outrage. Palau is a lovely spot and we stayed

Continued on page 4

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. Now you, yes you, can an-nounce your dive on the new and improved LABUE website for the world to see. Do you need a beach dive buddy? Do you need a boat dive buddy? Are you looking for someone to dive with? Find that someone with the latest feature on our new club website, the “Submit Dive Post-ing” function under the Member Menu on the Home Page of the LA-BUE website. It‟s new, it‟s easy and it‟s free. All you have to do is send an e-mail

with the dive trip details to [email protected] and your posting will be reviewed and ap-proved for public posting. And to help you even more, send an e-mail to [email protected] and your posting will be widely dis-seminated throughout our mailing list. No more sitting on the couch won-dering who to call. Plan a dive outing with friends and let LABUE do the work for you. It‟s your club, it‟s your web site and it‟s your dive gear. Use it!


Page 4: PHOTO OF THE MONTH VOLUME 16, ISSUE 4 APRIL …from a great couple I met at the At-lantis Dive Resort in Dumaguete, Phil-ippines in October 2009, while LABUE members were enjoying



This year‟s Chamber Evening will be held on Wednesday, May 4, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. Like the years past, LABUE will be purchasing one table to support this very important event. Act quickly to purchase your spot our Club table. This is our opportunity to support our local chamber in the same manner thousands support their chambers in the many exotic desti-nations our members visit every year. The fundraiser is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach while socializing with friends and dive buddies. The ticket includes night-time admission to the Aquarium and its‟ exhibits, a sit-down dinner, and raffle tickets. Ticket cost is $90. Please e-mail Sharlene Johnson for additional information and to make y o u r r e s e r v a t i o n a t [email protected]


MEMBER’S CORNER: Continued from page 3

both before and after the dive boat at the Palau Pacific Resort where Brian fell in love with the heated toilet with heated jet sprays for cleansing, true decadence. Like Truk, this place really has to be done on a live aboard since you would have from between 45 and 90 minutes of travel time in a small boat to the dive sites and there is a lot of rain in Palau. We dove on the Aggressor, which was definitely the best boat there with great food and was extremely well organized. The other Canadians chose to use the Big Blue Explorer, which turned out to be awful with broken air conditioning, lack of water etc. We dove on Blue Corner, which is touted as the worlds best dive and without hesitation, yes it is. We bought reef hooks on the boat (a must) to do a lot of the dives, as there are very strong currents. What they have you do is get to the edge of the reef overlooking a fairly deep channel with a ripping current, hook in with your hook, which is at-tached to the bc, inflate the bc and voila, you are now a human kite in the current. From this vantage point, the

marine world goes past as if in parade. The photographers loved this posture since both hands were free to deal with the cameras. We stopped count-ing sharks after a few minutes and were mesmerized by this display of aquatic life streaming past us. This is definitely a destination for you with photo opportunities that are truly amazing. On this part of the trip, we shared the boat with a bunch from LA who proved to be demanding, high maintenance and extremely self-involved, needless to say, we dove a lot and read a lot and had nothing in common with that group. I hope this helps you formulate fu-ture dive trip plans. Hopefully, we will manage to dive together at some time in the future and would love to join you if you need a couple fill any free spots on future trips. We also heard of some other great spots to dive from those we met: Oman, Komoto Dancer Bali, and the Dancers in Papua New Guinea and Maldives. We will keep in touch. Clare Elwood”

This year the scuba show will take place on June 4 and June 5 at the Long Beach Convention Center located in Long Beach, California. There will be many exhibitors offering travel bargains and dive gear deals. There will also be dozens of seminars offered, along with door prizes and a continuous film festival. Don‟t forget to bring your LABUE business cards with you to the event so that you

can easily spread the word about LABUE.


Page 5: PHOTO OF THE MONTH VOLUME 16, ISSUE 4 APRIL …from a great couple I met at the At-lantis Dive Resort in Dumaguete, Phil-ippines in October 2009, while LABUE members were enjoying



then be downloaded for analysis by trained archeologists who will try

and identify the ship based on clues found hidden in the sand. If the Guerrero is found, history will be made. The first sunken slave ship with slaves known to have perished on board will have been located

and a very important piece of American history will have been identified. Look for my post-dive article in May and also check out our special section on slave ships, DWP and Gail Swanson at

The 2011 edition of „Diving With a Purpose‟ (DWP VII) is scheduled for

the week of May 1st – 7th in Key Bis-cayne National Park. If that date sounds familiar it‟s because that‟s the same date as the LABUE club trip to the Cayman Islands. Normally there would a second week of DWP VII but

due to government budget cuts, the program had to be scaled down to one week which of course is sold out. Therefore those LABUE members who would have been participating in „week two‟ of DWP could not change their option to „week one‟ due to the

DWP VII - Search for Sunken Slave Ship Continues BY: STEPHEN SCRUGGS

club trip and had to cancel their enroll-ment.

Never fear, I am here. I will be par-ticipating during week one in this po-tentially historic undertaking and re-porting back on the results. The theory proposed by Gail Swanson in her book „Slave Ship Guerrero‟ on the location of

the Guerrero‟s remains will be explored and will determine where the search will be concentrated during DWP VII. Divers will be documenting ship wreck sites using the basics of underwater archeology: Trilateration mapping and In-Sutu drawing. All collected data will


Look great on the boat or beach with official LABUE apparel including T-shirts, Polo

Shirts, and Baseball Caps. T-shirts and Baseball Caps are in stock and are available in

most sizes at $20 each. Check out the LABUE Store at to place your or-

der, or you may purchase items at the monthly membership meeting.

Page 6: PHOTO OF THE MONTH VOLUME 16, ISSUE 4 APRIL …from a great couple I met at the At-lantis Dive Resort in Dumaguete, Phil-ippines in October 2009, while LABUE members were enjoying




The Discover Scuba program is de-signed to give the participants a

chance to experience the thrill of scuba diving. The Instructor, George Linares, and his assistants will guide you through some of the basics on scuba diving and

the use of the equipment in a classroom environ-ment. If you so de-sire, the dive pro-fessionals will help you have your first

experience of breathing underwa-ter in the safe and warm confines of a heated indoor pool! The cost is only $15 per person (all participants MUST already know how to swim). Discover Scuba is safe, easy and the

most fun you have had in the water since your childhood years. It's the most convenient way we know to ex-

perience the thrill of scuba diving. If you would like to find out how easy

it really is to become a certified scuba diver, please come and join us at Pacific Wilderness on April 16,

2011 from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. The address

is 1719 South Pa-cific Avenue, San Pedro, California 90731. The dive shop's phone num-ber is (310) 833-2422. If you're

interested, please contact George

Linares at 661.547.4010 (cell) or 661.729.6626 (home) to reserve your spot. We love this stuff and would be happy to explain all the options avail-

able to you to get you underwater to experience all the excitement of scuba diving!


Know of any member Certification announcements? Please notify Deb-ora Ewing at [email protected]


These past members are missing in action. If you know of their where-abouts, please inform Tina Houston, Membership Chair, at (213) 359-2131.


1. Phillip Samuels

2. Drosa Seranton

3. Marianne Sicard

4. Darryl Smith 5. Huey Peter Stanley

6. Shirley Staten

7. Wilma Walker

8. Randolph Ward

9. B.J. Weathersby

10. Siri Weich


New Members Lori Atwater Keenon Adamson

Renewing Members Calvin Berry Eric and Myra Shepherd Salim Jordan Joe Windolph Clifton and Pat Williams James Wiley Randy Tillery

Lifetime Members Quinal Johnson Sonny Hill Lori Morrish Christopher Ricks Jay Morgan

It’s that time of year! Renew your membership before April

30, 2011 and receive your 2011 LABUE Bucks!!

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Page 7


In 1997 LABUE was licking stamps, putting them on an eight page newsletter and sending it out to club members across the country. It was a wonderful newsletter filled with interesting articles about our club dive trips locally and around the world including various articles on activities and social functions too numerous to mention and it was the resulting seed of hard work and countless hours of volunteer labor. Now flash forward to 2011. LABUE has been launched into the world of cyberspace with a website reaching out to club members, students, divers, filmmakers, writers and anyone who ever turned on a computer. The website offers aesthetics such as stunning digital photography from our members and a colorful introductory home page that pulls visi-tors right in.

Since its introduction only a few months ago, the revamped LABUE website has been directly responsible for at least three new members and a noticeable increase in guest attendance at club meetings. There have been an increasing number of visitors to our website and we have received numerous compliments on the its quality. We have been receiv-ing similar feedback on our expanded LABUE Newsletter which has benefitted from the additional website exposure. There have also been inquiries from documentary filmmakers seeking LABUE members as subjects for their projects. For „non-member‟ public viewers, our MENU options consist of the following topics:

“Latest News & Activities”

“Annual Dive Trip”

“Archived Newsletters”

“Crossword Answers” (answers to our newsletter puzzle)

“Discover SCUBA”

“Other Dive Related Sites” (website listings)

“Diving With a Purpose” (info on the historical search for a sunken slave ship)

“Calendar of Upcoming Events” (with maps and driving directions)

For our „members‟ the website offers the options listed above and more:

“Members Home Page” (contains club sensitive information)

“Latest Member News” (club elections, etc.)

“Board Meeting Minutes”

“General Meeting Minutes”

“Forum” (under consideration)

“Polls and Surveys”

“Officers and Committees”

“Submit Dive Posting” (members advertising boat/beach dives-see related article)

“Unsubscribe” (option to unsubscribe from receipt of e:mail)

“My Profile” (personal info viewable by members only – optional)

“My Account” (personal info viewable by members only – optional)

These are the fruits of a seed planted in 1997 by club members whose continuing mission has been to make LABUE the

number one dive club in the country. Websites of this quality are not easy and thanks to Francois Desamours we have created a cyberspace ship in which we can seek out new life and new civilizations….. to boldly go where no club has gone before.

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Page 8



Assortment of dive equipment in good condition for sale at bargain

prices. Items include 2-buoyancy compensators, 2-regulators, 3-

wetsuits, weight belt, mask, fins, snorkel, dive computer, dive light,

35mm underwater camera, aluminum 80 cylinder, dive gear bags, and

much more.

For more information and pricing, contact Kim Fuller at

[email protected]

Page 9: PHOTO OF THE MONTH VOLUME 16, ISSUE 4 APRIL …from a great couple I met at the At-lantis Dive Resort in Dumaguete, Phil-ippines in October 2009, while LABUE members were enjoying

Parking Lot 3

Entrance at South West corner. Look for

security guard shed behind covered chain link fence.

Directions The Natural History Museum is located in Exposition Park, at 900 Exposition Boule-vard between Vermont Avenue and Figue-roa Street.

Due to Metro line work on Exposition Blvd., and museum construction on the Exposition side of the Museum, the Museum offers some helpful tips for driving to minimize your incon-venience: From the 110 (Harbor) Freeway, take the Martin Luther King Boulevard exit and head west towards Vermont Avenue. Turn right (north) on Menlo Avenue. Make a left into Exposition Park Lot 3. Please visit the Museum website for more information at



Meetings The LABUE meetings are held the second Tuesday of every Month at 7:00 PM in the Times Mirror Room at the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles.


President Richard Rice

(323) 299-3798

Vice President

Tina Houston

(213) 359-2131

Treasurer Open

Secretary Open

Members at Large Lamont Johnson

(310) 387-8193

Steve Scruggs (310) 795-0851

DonCosta Seawell (909) 593-1877

Patricia Williams (619) 459-0944

Joe Windolph (818) 209-2504


Membership Tina Houston (Interim)

(213) 359-2131

Ways & Means Debora Ewing (310) 284-4556

Beach Dive Joe Windolph (818) 209-2504

Boat Dive

DonCosta Seawell (909) 593-1877

Dive Events &

Trip Planning Tina Houston (Interim) (213) 359-2131

Dive Training & Safety

George Linares (Interim)

Internet Administrator Francois Desamours (703) 463-6857

Website Editor Steve Scruggs

(310) 795-0851

Program Committee Open

Technical Dive Committee Open

Youth Committee Joe Windolph (818) 209-2504

Newsletter Staff: Richard Rice - Publisher Debora Ewing - Editor (310) 284-4556

Sharlene Johnson -Production Manager Staff Writers -

Steve Scruggs

Dangil Jones

UPCOMING EVENTS 2011 April 12, 2011 -- LABUE‟s Meeting of the General Membership - 7:00 PM April 16, 2011 -- Discover Scuba - 9:00 AM - Pacific Wilderness Dive Shop April 26, 2011 -- LABUE‟s Board Meeting - 6:00 PM April 30 - May 7, 2011 -- Club Trip - Cayman Islands May 1, 2011 -- Beach Dive - 9:00 AM - Woods Cove May 4, 2011 -- Chamber Evening - 7:00 PM - Aquarium of the Pacific

HOW ARE WE DOING? We would love to hear your comments, critiques or

suggestions. Please e-mail Debora Ewing at the following e-mail address and

your voice will be heard: [email protected]

Contact Us:

PO Box 90069, Los Angeles, CA 90009

Phone/Fax: (323) 299-3798

Email: [email protected]

Web Site:


LABUE is offering newsletter ads for nominal prices. The price structure is as follows:

$15 for a quarter page ad (per month);

$20 for a half page ad (per month); $30 for a full page ad (per month).

If you‟re interested in purchasing an ad, please contact Debora Ewing at (310) 284-4556.

Reminder: Please e-mail your photos for the “Photo of the Month” contest. You just may see your photo on the cover of an upcoming edition of the LABUE News! Please e-mail photos for consideration to [email protected] as soon as possible!



Page 10: PHOTO OF THE MONTH VOLUME 16, ISSUE 4 APRIL …from a great couple I met at the At-lantis Dive Resort in Dumaguete, Phil-ippines in October 2009, while LABUE members were enjoying

Scuba diving is something to be shared and the

Los Angeles Black Underwater Explorers would like to introduce you to …

This DISCOVER SCUBA Program is designed to briefly introduce individuals to a new world and to help prepare non-divers for a dive training certification program (this is not a certification program).

Certified divers will be available to answer questions and provide support throughout the entire Program. Participants interested in training for certification can discuss concerns with program

leader. Featured components are:

Introduction to the world of S C U B A and equipment review

(optional) Pool session with certified divers (bring swimsuit, drying towel) (optional) dive shop tour

WHEN: Saturday, April 16, 2011 @ 9:00 A.M. until Noon

WHERE: PACIFIC WILDERNESS 1719 So Pacific Ave.; San Pedro 90731 (310) 833 2422 COST: $15.00 per person in attendance (NO SIT-INS—guardians exempt)

Call 661 729 6626 to sign-up

Page 11: PHOTO OF THE MONTH VOLUME 16, ISSUE 4 APRIL …from a great couple I met at the At-lantis Dive Resort in Dumaguete, Phil-ippines in October 2009, while LABUE members were enjoying


2011 Name _______________________________ Birth Date ______________ Address _________________City _________State ______Zip ________ Day Ph # ____________Eve Ph # ___________Cell Ph #____________ E-address ____________________ Referred by ___________________ Amount $15.00 ** Make check payable to LABUE

(check all that are applicable)

< > I am a good swimmer < > I am comfortable in the ocean < > I have snorkeled before < > I am ready to enroll in a training class < > I currently do not have any physical health and/or other condition issues

(if so, please see Program Leader)

Waiver I __________________, hereby agree to participate in the Los Angeles Black Underwater Explorers’ (LABUE) DISCOVER SCUBA Program and agree to abide by all club rules. I acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating with full knowl-edge of the potential dangers of scuba and dive-related activities. In consideration of my application acceptance, I agree to assume all risks of bodily injury, death or property damage; arising out of or in connection with my participation in LABUE activities. I also agree to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless LABUE and their members and officers from any liability arising out of or in connection with my participating in LABUE activities. I further agree that this re-lease and indemnification is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the State of California. I have carefully read this release and fully understand its contents. I sign this release of my own free will with full knowl-edge of its significance. _____________________________ __________________________ *Participant’s Signature Today’s Date

________________________ *Guardian’s Signature

* - guardian’s signature required for participants under 19 yrs of age

Page 12: PHOTO OF THE MONTH VOLUME 16, ISSUE 4 APRIL …from a great couple I met at the At-lantis Dive Resort in Dumaguete, Phil-ippines in October 2009, while LABUE members were enjoying

P.O. BOX 90069, LOS ANGELES, CA 90009

(323) 299-3798 (Phone and Fax)


General Information:

Name: Birthdate:


City: State: Zip:

Day Phone: Evening Phone:

Fax: E-Mail:

Referred By:

Emergency Contact Name:

Certification Information: Year First Certified: No. of Dives Date of Last Dive: o Warm Water o Beach o


Agency Certification

Diving Preferences: o Beach Dives o Boat Dives o Warm Water Dives

Amount: $30.00 o Individual Membership o New o Renewal

$45.00 o Family Membership o New o Renewal

$300.00 o Lifetime Individual

$450.00 o Lifetime Family

Please make checks payable to: “Los Angeles Black Underwater Explorers” or “LABUE”


I , hereby apply for membership in the Los Angeles Black Un-

derwater Explorers (LABUE) and agree to abide by all club rules, I acknowledge that I will be vol-

untarily participating in LABUE events with full knowledge of the potential dangers of scuba div-

ing and diving related activities. In consideration of your acceptance of this application and my

membership in LABUE, I agree to assume all risks of bodily injury, death or property damage, aris-

ing out of or in connection with my participation in LABUE activities. I also agree to release, in-

demnify and hold harmless LABUE and their members and officers from any liability arising out of

or in connection with my participation in LABUE activities. I further agree that this release and

indemnification is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the State of

California. I have carefully read this release and fully understand its contents. I sign this release of

my own free will and with full knowledge of its significance.

Signature: Date: