graphene imaging resonant dissipation from individual ... · graphene imaging resonant dissipation...

GRAPHENE Imaging resonant dissipation from individual atomic defects in graphene Dorri Halbertal, 1 * Moshe Ben Shalom, 2 * Aviram Uri, 1 Kousik Bagani, 1 Alexander Y. Meltzer, 1 Ido Marcus, 1 Yuri Myasoedov, 1 John Birkbeck, 2 Leonid S. Levitov, 3 Andre K. Geim, 2 Eli Zeldov 1 * Conversion of electric current into heat involves microscopic processes that operate on nanometer length scales and release minute amounts of power. Although central to our understanding of the electrical properties of materials, individual mediators of energy dissipation have so far eluded direct observation. Using scanning nanothermometry with submicrokelvin sensitivity, we visualized and controlled phonon emission from individual atomic-scale defects in graphene. The inferred electron-phonon cooling power spectrumexhibits sharp peaks when the Fermi level comes into resonance with electronic quasi-bound states at such defects. Rare in the bulk but abundant at graphenes edges, switchable atomic-scale phonon emitters provide the dominant dissipation mechanism. Our work offers insights for addressing key materials challenges in modern electronics and enables control of dissipation at the nanoscale. U nderstanding the microscopic mechanisms of momentum and energy dissipation is a central problem in fields ranging from condensed matter to particle physics. It is also of keen interest to researchers de- signing new approaches to handle, convert, and use energy. Dissipation pathways are particu- larly intriguing in ultrapure materials, such as graphene (1), because of tight restrictions on the phase space for electron-phonon scattering (24). Furthermore, in condensed matter physics, we are interested in processes concealed within materials. This lack of access, along with the fact that the power released in such processes is very small, poses a key challenge for experimentally probing dissipation at the nanoscale. We used a recently developed ultrasensitive scanning nano- thermometer with submicrokelvin sensitivity (5), achieved with a superconducting quantum in- terference device (SQUID) placed on an ex- tremely sharp tip (SQUID-on-tip, or SOT), to probe these subtle effects in high-mobility gra- phene. Owing to its exceptional cleanliness and the two-dimensional nature of its electrons and phonons (1), graphene is an excellent platform to study electron-phonon relaxation. Our measurements were performed on exfoli- ated graphene encapsulated between hexagonal boron nitride (hBN). Charge carriers were injected into a micron-scale electron chamberby applying electrical current through narrow constrictions [Fig. 1, A and B, and section 1 of (6)]. Transport measurements in such samples routinely show ballistic signatures over a wide range of temper- atures and carrier densities (79). Our SQUID-on- tip (10) acts as an extremely sensitive thermometer (tSOT) (5) with an effective diameter of 33 nm and thermal sensitivity of 510 nK/Hz 1/2 at 4.2 K, and it provides a map of the local temperature variations dT(x, y) upon scanning at a height h of 10 to 40 nm above the sample surface (as spec- ified for each measurement). The tip is mounted on a quartz tuning fork (11), which allows the tSOT to vibrate parallel to the sample surface with a controlled amplitude x ac = 2.7 nm at a fre- quency of ~37 kHz [sections 2 and 3 of (6)]. The resulting ac signal, T ac (x, y)= x ac @dT(x, y)/@x, renders higher-sensitivity imaging (Fig. 1C) by avoiding the low-frequency 1/f noise of the tSOT. We control the carrier density in graphene glob- ally by a back-gate bias V bg to the Si/SiO 2 sub- strate and locally by applying a tip potential V tg to the tSOT (Fig. 1A). Description of sample fabrication and thermal imaging is provided in (6). Figure 1C shows the thermal signal T ac (x, y) measured while applying a fixed current I dc =3 mA through two of the constrictions, as shown in Fig. 1B. The image reveals a complex array of fine rings along the edges of the heterostructure (5). In addition, three isolated rings are observed in the bulk of graphene, labeled A, B, and C. The bulk rings are rare and have comparable diame- ters, in sharp contrast to the rings at the edges, which are dense and display widely varying sizes (movies S1 and S2). We show below that the rings mark dissipation from single atomic defects po- sitioned at their centers. Electron-phonon cooling pathways in graphene are particularly interesting for several reasons. Owing to the exceptional stiffness of the carbon bonds, scattering by optical phonons in graphene is inefficient below room temperature. Moreover, the small size of the electrons Fermi surface re- stricts the phase volume for scattering by acoustic phonons, blocking the intrinsic electron-lattice relaxation pathway (24). However, theory predicts that disorder can substantially ease the electron- phonon scattering (4). Our key finding is that hot electrons, generated by the applied current, dissi- pate their energy through a very specific disorder- induced mechanism: resonant inelastic scattering by local electronic resonances caused by individual defects. Each such localized state (LS) mediates cooling through resonant electron scattering, creating an atomic-scale thermal link between the electronic bath, at an effective hot-electron temperature T e , and the phonon bath, at a base temperature T p [section 4 of (6)]. To characterize this thermal link, we define the electron-phonon heat conductivity of a defect, k ep ( e), which describes the power transferred between the baths, P ep (e)= k ep (e)DT (where DT = T e T p and e is the energy relative to the Dirac point). The resulting cooling power spectrumP ep (e) (CPS)the fundamental quantity accessed in our experiment through local temperature increase dT(e) º P ep (e)is found to peak sharply when the Fermi level E F is aligned with the quasi-bound LS resonant energy E LS . Our analysis [section 4 of (6)] of the observed resonances suggests that they originate from quasi- bound states arising at a carbon vacancy or adatom bonded to a single C atom when its sp 2 orbital transforms to an sp 3 state (1215). Such defects are known to produce sharp electronic resonances at energies near the Dirac point (16, 17). Although these defects have been extensively investigated by means of ab initio calculations and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) (1219), their prom- inent role in dissipation has not been anticipated by previous work. The defect-induced CPS orig- inates from the part of the local density of elec- tronic states that mediates electron-phonon coupling [EP-LDOS, D ep (e)]a hitherto inacces- sible quantityconvoluted with the electron and phonon Fermi and Bose energy distribution func- tions, respectively [section 4 of (6)]. Our measure- ments and analysis indicate that the spectral width of D ep (e) is much greater than the thermal broadening, in which case the CPS can be ap- proximated as P ep (e) º D ep (e) [section 4 of (6)]. This quantity can be probed experimentally, as illustrated schematically in Fig. 2, A to C. By parking the tSOT above the defect and varying V tg , we can induce local band bending that shifts D ep (e) with respect to E F [Fig. 3A and section 6 of (6)]. The resulting variation in the measured temperature, dT(V tg ), provides a spectroscopic measurement of P ep (e) º D ep (e) (Fig. 2B). Ad- ditional information can be obtained by tuning E F by the back-gate V bg , yielding resonant peaks in D ep (e) aligned as diagonal lines in the dT(V tg , V bg ) map (Fig. 2C). Importantly, in this con- figuration, phonon emission can be turned on and off by applying a potential on the tSOT tip, demonstrating control of nonequilibrium dynam- ics and probing them at the nanoscale. The experimental dT(V tg , V bg ) map of defect C (Fig. 2D) displays, in agreement with the discussion above, a sharp resonance (Fig. 2E) along a single diagonal line, which passes close RESEARCH | REPORT Halbertal et al., Science 358, 13031306 (2017) 8 December 2017 1 of 4 1 Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, Israel. 2 National Graphene Institute and School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK. 3 Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (D.H.); [email protected] (M.B.S.); [email protected] (E.Z.) on December 16, 2020 Downloaded from

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Page 1: GRAPHENE Imaging resonant dissipation from individual ... · GRAPHENE Imaging resonant dissipation from individual atomic defects in graphene Dorri Halbertal, 1* Moshe Ben Shalom,2*


Imaging resonant dissipation fromindividual atomic defects in grapheneDorri Halbertal,1* Moshe Ben Shalom,2* Aviram Uri,1 Kousik Bagani,1

Alexander Y. Meltzer,1 Ido Marcus,1 Yuri Myasoedov,1 John Birkbeck,2

Leonid S. Levitov,3 Andre K. Geim,2 Eli Zeldov1*

Conversion of electric current into heat involves microscopic processes that operate onnanometer length scales and release minute amounts of power. Although central toour understanding of the electrical properties of materials, individual mediators of energydissipation have so far eluded direct observation. Using scanning nanothermometrywith submicrokelvin sensitivity, we visualized and controlled phonon emission from individualatomic-scale defects in graphene.The inferred electron-phonon “cooling power spectrum”exhibits sharp peaks when the Fermi level comes into resonance with electronic quasi-boundstates at such defects. Rare in the bulk but abundant at graphene’s edges, switchableatomic-scale phonon emitters provide the dominant dissipation mechanism. Our work offersinsights for addressing key materials challenges in modern electronics and enables controlof dissipation at the nanoscale.

Understanding themicroscopicmechanismsof momentum and energy dissipation isa central problem in fields ranging fromcondensed matter to particle physics. It isalso of keen interest to researchers de-

signing new approaches to handle, convert, anduse energy. Dissipation pathways are particu-larly intriguing in ultrapure materials, such asgraphene (1), because of tight restrictions onthe phase space for electron-phonon scattering(2–4). Furthermore, in condensedmatter physics,we are interested in processes concealed withinmaterials. This lack of access, alongwith the factthat the power released in such processes is verysmall, poses a key challenge for experimentallyprobing dissipation at the nanoscale. We used arecently developed ultrasensitive scanning nano-thermometer with submicrokelvin sensitivity (5),achieved with a superconducting quantum in-terference device (SQUID) placed on an ex-tremely sharp tip (SQUID-on-tip, or SOT), toprobe these subtle effects in high-mobility gra-phene. Owing to its exceptional cleanliness andthe two-dimensional nature of its electrons andphonons (1), graphene is an excellent platformto study electron-phonon relaxation.Our measurements were performed on exfoli-

ated graphene encapsulated between hexagonalboronnitride (hBN). Charge carrierswere injectedinto amicron-scale “electron chamber”by applyingelectrical current through narrow constrictions[Fig. 1, A and B, and section 1 of (6)]. Transportmeasurements in such samples routinely show

ballistic signatures over a wide range of temper-atures and carrier densities (7–9). Our SQUID-on-tip (10) acts as an extremely sensitive thermometer(tSOT) (5) with an effective diameter of 33 nmand thermal sensitivity of 510 nK/Hz1/2 at 4.2 K,and it provides a map of the local temperaturevariations dT(x, y) upon scanning at a height hof 10 to 40 nm above the sample surface (as spec-ified for each measurement). The tip is mountedon a quartz tuning fork (11), which allows thetSOT to vibrate parallel to the sample surfacewith a controlled amplitude xac = 2.7 nm at a fre-quency of ~37 kHz [sections 2 and 3 of (6)]. Theresulting ac signal, Tac(x, y) = xac@dT(x, y)/@x,renders higher-sensitivity imaging (Fig. 1C) byavoiding the low-frequency 1/f noise of the tSOT.We control the carrier density in graphene glob-ally by a back-gate bias Vbg to the Si/SiO2 sub-strate and locally by applying a tip potential Vtg

to the tSOT (Fig. 1A). Description of samplefabrication and thermal imaging is providedin (6).Figure 1C shows the thermal signal Tac(x, y)

measured while applying a fixed current Idc = 3 mAthrough two of the constrictions, as shown inFig. 1B. The image reveals a complex array of finerings along the edges of the heterostructure (5).In addition, three isolated rings are observed inthe bulk of graphene, labeled A, B, and C. Thebulk rings are rare and have comparable diame-ters, in sharp contrast to the rings at the edges,which are dense and display widely varying sizes(movies S1 and S2).We show below that the ringsmark dissipation from single atomic defects po-sitioned at their centers.Electron-phonon cooling pathways in graphene

are particularly interesting for several reasons.Owing to the exceptional stiffness of the carbonbonds, scattering by optical phonons in grapheneis inefficient below room temperature.Moreover,the small size of the electron’s Fermi surface re-

stricts the phase volume for scattering by acousticphonons, blocking the intrinsic electron-latticerelaxation pathway (2–4). However, theory predictsthat disorder can substantially ease the electron-phonon scattering (4). Our key finding is that hotelectrons, generated by the applied current, dissi-pate their energy through a very specific disorder-induced mechanism: resonant inelastic scatteringby local electronic resonances caused by individualdefects. Each such localized state (LS) mediatescooling through resonant electron scattering,creating an atomic-scale thermal link betweenthe electronic bath, at an effective hot-electrontemperature Te, and the phonon bath, at a basetemperature Tp [section 4 of (6)]. To characterizethis thermal link, we define the electron-phononheat conductivity of adefect,kep(e),whichdescribesthe power transferred between the baths,Pep(e) =kep(e)DT (where DT = Te – Tp and e is the energyrelative to theDirac point). The resulting “coolingpower spectrum” Pep(e) (CPS)—the fundamentalquantity accessed in our experiment through localtemperature increase dT(e)º Pep(e)—is found topeak sharply when the Fermi level EF is alignedwith the quasi-bound LS resonant energy ELS.Our analysis [section 4 of (6)] of the observed

resonances suggests that they originate fromquasi-bound states arising at a carbon vacancy or adatombonded to a single C atom when its sp2 orbitaltransforms to an sp3 state (12–15). Such defectsare known to produce sharp electronic resonancesat energies near the Dirac point (16, 17). Althoughthese defects have been extensively investigatedby means of ab initio calculations and scanningtunnelingmicroscopy (STM) (12–19), their prom-inent role in dissipation has not been anticipatedby previous work. The defect-induced CPS orig-inates from the part of the local density of elec-tronic states that mediates electron-phononcoupling [EP-LDOS, Dep(e)]—a hitherto inacces-sible quantity—convoluted with the electron andphonon Fermi andBose energy distribution func-tions, respectively [section 4 of (6)]. Ourmeasure-ments and analysis indicate that the spectralwidth ofDep(e) is much greater than the thermalbroadening, in which case the CPS can be ap-proximated as Pep(e) º Dep(e) [section 4 of (6)].This quantity can be probed experimentally, asillustrated schematically in Fig. 2, A to C. Byparking the tSOT above the defect and varyingVtg, we can induce local band bending that shiftsDep(e) with respect to EF [Fig. 3A and section 6of (6)]. The resulting variation in the measuredtemperature, dT(Vtg), provides a spectroscopicmeasurement of Pep(e) º Dep(e) (Fig. 2B). Ad-ditional information can be obtained by tuningEF by the back-gate Vbg, yielding resonant peaksin Dep(e) aligned as diagonal lines in the dT(Vtg,Vbg) map (Fig. 2C). Importantly, in this con-figuration, phonon emission can be turned onand off by applying a potential on the tSOT tip,demonstrating control of nonequilibrium dynam-ics and probing them at the nanoscale.The experimental dT(Vtg, Vbg) map of defect

C (Fig. 2D) displays, in agreement with thediscussion above, a sharp resonance (Fig. 2E)along a single diagonal line, which passes close


Halbertal et al., Science 358, 1303–1306 (2017) 8 December 2017 1 of 4

1Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Instituteof Science, Rehovot 7610001, Israel. 2National GrapheneInstitute and School of Physics and Astronomy, The Universityof Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK. 3Department ofPhysics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA02139, USA.*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (D.H.);[email protected] (M.B.S.); [email protected] (E.Z.)

on Decem

ber 16, 2020


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Page 2: GRAPHENE Imaging resonant dissipation from individual ... · GRAPHENE Imaging resonant dissipation from individual atomic defects in graphene Dorri Halbertal, 1* Moshe Ben Shalom,2*

to the origin in the Vtg-Vbg plane. This resonanceis caused by the presence of a LS with a narrowsingle peak in Dep(e) (Fig. 2F) close to the Diracenergy [section 8 of (6)]. Such LSs give rise tothe sharp thermal rings observed in Fig. 1C as

follows. For the LS to cause inelastic electronscattering, its energy level ELS has to be alignedwith the energy of the impinging electrons, Ee ≅EF (the global Fermi energy). For a given tippotentialVtg, this resonant condition occurswhen

the tip is located at a distanceR from a LS [Fig. 3A,movie S3, and section 6 of (6)]. As a result, eachLS displays a sharp peak in dT(x, y) and Tac(x, y)along a ring of radius R (Fig. 3B), describing thering formations in Figs. 1C and 3C.

Halbertal et al., Science 358, 1303–1306 (2017) 8 December 2017 2 of 4



Tac [µK]

20 nm




hBN/Gr/ hBN


500 nm


500 nm




Tac [µK]


Fig. 1. Observing individual dissipation sources in a grapheneheterostructure. (A) Schematic side view of the measurement setupwith the hBN-graphene-hBN heterostructure and SQUID-on-tipnanothermometer (tSOT). (B) Optical image of the device patternedinto a square chamber (bright; 4 mm × 4 mm). A fixed current Idc = 3 mA isdriven through the connecting constrictions (arrows). (C) Scanning acnanothermometry Tacðx; yÞ of the area outlined in (B) at Vbg = –2 V, Vtg = 9 V,and 4.2 K. The tSOT scans the sample while oscillating with amplitudexac = 2.7 nm at 12° to the x axis. Scan area, 5.5 mm × 5 mm; pixel size, 18 nm;scan speed, 20 ms per pixel; height h = 20 nm; Idc = 3 mA. The sharp

rings (marked A, B, and C) uncover three isolated sources of dissipationin the bulk of graphene, in addition to a dense array of resonances along thegraphene edges. (D) Zoomed-in view of defect C at Vtg = 5 V. Scan area,140 nm × 150 nm; pixel size, 1.9 nm; scan speed, 20 ms per pixel; h = 20 nm;Idc = 3 mA. (E) Illustration of an atomic defect in graphene that createsa localized resonant dissipative state at the center of the ring (D), which inturn mediates inelastic scattering of an impinging electron (red) into aphonon (orange) and a lower-energy electron (blue). The defect, formingan sp3 orbital (green), can arise from a carbon vacancy, adatom, oradmolecule.


E [meV]



Vtg [V]


Vbg = 0 V

a.u.δT [µK]

0.2 V

Vtg [V]

Pep(ε) [a.u.]

ε [meV]

δE=13 meVεLS

δT [µK]

Empty state

Occupied state

V tg[V


Vbg [V]

V tg[V


bg [V]

δT [a.u.]

V tg[V


Vbg [V]

δT [a.u.]

Hypothetical data Experimental data

Fig. 2. Thermal nanospectroscopy of dissipative localized states.(A) Schematic example of a spectrum of EP-LDOS [Dep(e), blue] and thegraphene Dirac dispersion relation (green). a.u., arbitrary units; k, wavenumber. (B) Temperature variation dT(Vtg) as would be measured above thedefect versus tip potential Vtg, providing nanoscale spectroscopy of thecooling power spectrum Pep(e) by tip-induced band bending. (C) Theexpected dT(Vbg, Vtg), showing diagonal resonance lines that map the peaksin Dep(e) [calculation details are given in section 6 of (6)]. (D) The

experimental dT(Vbg, Vtg), measured by the tSOT at h = 10 nm above thecenter of defect C in the presence of Idc = 3 mA, revealing a single resonancedissipation line (data were not taken for the white portion of the plane in this

measurement). The signal was obtained through integration of Ttgac over Vtg

[section 2 of (6)]. (E) A zoomed-in line cut of dT(Vtg) along the dashed line in(D) at Vbg ¼ VLS

bg ¼ 0:2 V. (F) The cooling power spectrum Pep(e) º Dep(e),derived from the measurement of the resonant dissipation ring [section 9 of(6)], showing a single sharp peak near the Dirac point at eLS = –22 meV.


ecember 16, 2020


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The variable tip and back-gate potentials alsoprovide the spectroscopic means to extract theenergy level and the CPS of the LS. By repeatedlyscanning the tSOT along the line crossing the de-fect and incrementingVbg, a bell-shaped resonancetrace is obtained (Fig. 4A). The shape and polarityof the trace confirm the electrostatic picturedescribed above [Fig. 4, A to C; section 7 of (6);and movies S5 and S6], and its asymptotic valueV LSbg describes the energy level ELS of the LS.

Similar information can be obtained by sweepingVtg at various values of Vbg [section 7 of (6) andmovies S4 and S7].Our spectroscopic analysis of bulk LSs leads to

the following conclusions: (i) The LS energy re-sides slightly below the Dirac point (eLS = ELS –ED ≅ –22 meV), as derived from the analysis ofthe resonance lines [section 8 of (6)]. (ii) Thespectral width of the CPS [Pep(e)] is about 13 meV

[Fig. 2F and section 9 of (6)]. (iii) No additional LSenergy levels are observed at least 180meV aboveand below ELS. If present, additional concentricrings and bell-shaped traces would have formed;however, these are absent for the entire Vbg andVtg applied range of ±10 V [section 7 of (6)]. (iv)This level spacing puts an upper bound on thespatial extent of the LS of less than 2 nm, basedon a charging energy calculation [section 7 of (6)].(v) The sharp energy level and nanometer spatialextent of the LS closely resemble the characteristicfeatures of atomic defects in graphene derivedfrom ab initio calculations (14) and observed usingSTM (16, 17), in contrast to more extended non-resonant “puddles” originating from disorderedsubstrate potential (20, 21). (vi) The resonantcharacter of the defects and the energy level closeto the Dirac point are consistent with the sp3

band vacancymodel. In particular, vacancies and

monovalent adatoms are known to form LSs atenergies comparable to ourmeasured values (14, 16)[section 4 of (6)] and thus are strong candidatesfor the observed bulk defects. (vii) The bulk defectsare extremely rare (we found only seven suchdefects in total in 13 samples with a total area of3500 mm2), corresponding to an estimated averageareal density of 2 × 105 cm−2 or volume concen-tration of 5 × 10−5 parts permillion if originatingfrom the parent graphite. Their spectral proper-ties appear to be the samewithinour experimentalresolution [section 8 of (6)], pointing to a commonchemical or structural origin.These conclusions are reinforced by examining

the LSs along the edges of graphene, which displayspectroscopic features very similar to those of thebulk defects, but with some notable differences.Shown in Fig. 4, D and E, are tSOT line scansalong the bottom edge of the sample that crossthrough numerous LSs, taken while increasingVbg (movies S6 and S7). Each LS is visible as abell-shaped trace, similar to the ones in Fig. 4, Ato C, indicating the same microscopic origin ofdifferent LSs. In contrast to LSs in the bulk, theedge LSs are extremely dense, with some adjacentstates only about 1 nm apart (fig. S15E). Thisputs an additional bound on their spatial extent[section 10 of (6)]. We ascribe their origin to thecarbon dangling bonds near the edge with highaffinity to adatoms and molecules, giving rise toresonance states formed by the resulting sp3

vacancies (12–15). Notably, unlike the LSs in thebulk, the edge LSs display large variations in ELSvalues, manifested in Fig. 4, D and E, by the ver-tical spread of the bell-shaped traces over theentire Vbg range of 20 V. This translates into a260-meV spread in ELS, limited by our bias range.We are able to resolve states that are less than2 nm apart but differ in their ELS by as much as160 meV [section 10 of (6)]. Such large energy-level variation may arise from the atomic defectsat graphene edges having more diverse chemicalorigins than the native bulk defects. An alter-native explanation isCoulomb interactionbetweenthe charged defects. Charging a LS by one electronwould shift the energy of a neighboring LS at adistance of 2 nm by ~240 meV [section 7 of (6)],consistent with our observations.The above results suggest that hot electrons lose

most of their energy to phonons at the edges ofgraphene. To verify this conjecture, wemeasuredthe bare dT(x, y) in the absence of tSOT electro-static influence [Vtg ¼ V FB

tg at a flat-band condi-tion; section 5 of (6)]. Measurement of sample 2(Fig. 4, F and G) revealed a higher temperaturealong the sample edges relative to the temper-ature in the sample bulk. Together with numer-ical simulations [section 5 of (6)], this findingimplies that the LSs along the graphene edgesare the dominant source of dissipation at all dopinglevels reachable in our experiment. Therefore, theexcess phonons, corresponding to the overall tem-perature rise, are not generated locally in thegraphene bulk. Instead, the phonons are pre-dominantly emitted through inelastic electronscattering by those LSs at graphene edges thatare at resonance at a given Vbg value [section 5

Halbertal et al., Science 358, 1303–1306 (2017) 8 December 2017 3 of 4





200 nm

B CTac [µK]

x-R R0

ED (x)






-R R0




Fig. 3. Origin of the resonant ring structures. (A) Schematic description of the system’senergy levels corresponding to tip position marked by the black point in (C): two localized stateswith a peak in EP-LDOS at ELS pinned to Dirac energy ED. The tip potential Vtg induces bandbending, resulting in the calculated position-dependent ED(x) (blue). The left LS is off-resonance,whereas the tSOT positioned at x = –R brings the right LS into resonance for inelasticscattering of electrons injected at energy Ee (red arrows). The result is a point source of phononemission (red arcs). The Fermi energy EF (gray dashed line) is determined by the back-gatevoltage Vbg. (B) Red dashed lines, schematic temperature profiles resulting from ballistic

two-dimensional phonon emission from LS at resonant conditions, dTonðxÞº 1þ ðx=‘Þ2h i�1=2

, with

‘ ¼ 100 nm [section 5.2 of (6)]. Red solid line, calculated temperature variation dT(x) measuredby the scanning tSOT that brings the LS into resonance at a distance ±R from each defect.Blue solid line, calculated Tac(x) = xac@dT(x)/@x, as would be measured by the tSOT vibrating withamplitude xac parallel to the surface [section 6 of (6)]. (C) Tac(x, y) measured in thecentral region of Fig. 1C, showing dissipation rings around defects B and C. The dashed linedescribes the scan direction depicted in (A). Scan area, 3.5 mm × 0.4 mm; pixel size, 8 nm;scan speed, 20 ms per pixel; h = 20 nm; Vbg = –0.3 V; Vtg = 5.5 V; Idc = 6 mA; xac = 2.7 nm directedat 18° to the x axis.


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Page 4: GRAPHENE Imaging resonant dissipation from individual ... · GRAPHENE Imaging resonant dissipation from individual atomic defects in graphene Dorri Halbertal, 1* Moshe Ben Shalom,2*

of (6)]. The observed atomic-scale resonantLSs thus emerge as the leading mechanism ofdissipation in clean graphene, each acting as apointlike source emitting phonons that then prop-agate ballistically throughout the entire sample.The observation of sharply localized resonant

states and their role in dissipation should haveconsiderable implications for understanding thethermal (22), magnetic (12, 16, 23), chemical (24),and transport (25–28) properties of graphene.These states are distinct from the extended edgestates anticipated for crystalline graphene edges(23). Further, resonant dissipation is completelydifferent from the conventional nonresonant pic-ture of electron-phonon coupling (2–4), posinginteresting questions for future experimental andtheoretical work. This dissipation mechanismmayaffect the edge transport characteristics (29–31)and explain previous observations of the meanfree path being limited by the device size in state-of-the-art encapsulated graphene (7–9). The resonancestates, localized at the edge and in the bulk, thusemerge as a key factor governing the dissipationand possibly limiting the carrier mobility in puregraphene.


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We thank M. E. Huber for the SOT readout setup andM. Solodky for assistance with data analysis. Thiswork was supported by the Minerva Foundation withfunding from the German Federal Ministry of Educationand Research; NSF/DMR-BSF Binational Science Foundation(BSF) grant no. 2015653 and NSF grant no. 1609519;the Weizmann–UK Making Connections Programme;and a Rosa and Emilio Segré Research Award. A.K.G. andM.B.S. acknowledge support from the Lloyd's RegisterFoundation and the European Research Council ARTIMATTERproject (ERC-2012-ADG). L.S.L. and E.Z. acknowledge thesupport of the MISTI (MIT International Science and TechnologyInitiatives) MIT–Israel Seed Fund. Data presented in thispaper can be obtained from the corresponding authorsupon reasonable request. A patent describing the dissipationimaging technique has been submitted (WO 2016/142945).

SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS and MethodsSupplementary TextFigs. S1 to S15Movies S1 to S7

9 March 2017; resubmitted 25 July 2017Accepted 3 November 201710.1126/science.aan0877

Halbertal et al., Science 358, 1303–1306 (2017) 8 December 2017 4 of 4

Vtg [V]V bg


x [nm]

Tac [µK]

Vtg=-5 V

V bg


x [nm]

Vtg=4.2 V

V bg


x [nm]

Tac [µK]

500 nm

Vbg=8 V

δT [µK]


500 nm


Vtg =-10 V

Tac [µK]

V bg[V


Vtg=10 V

x [µm]

V bg[V


Fig. 4. Thermal spectroscopy of individual bulk and edge localizedstates. (A) Map of Tac(x) line scans through defect C while varyingVbg at Vtg = –5 V, showing the bell-shaped resonance trace.(B) Resonance traces for various values of Vtg that switch their

polarity at VLSbg . (C) Resonance trace as in (A) at Vtg = 4.2 V. In (A) to

(C), h = 20 nm; pixel width, 5 nm; pixel height, 30 mV; scan speed,20 ms per pixel; xac = 2.7 nm; Idc = 3 mA; a linear fit was subtracted fromeach line to emphasize the resonance traces (fig. S11 and movie S5show raw images). (D and E) Maps of Tac(x) line scans along the bottomedge of the square graphene sample in Fig. 1C at Vtg = –10 V (D) and

10 V (E). Each bell-shaped trace originates from a single dissipativeatomic defect. In (D) and (E), h = 20 nm; pixel width, 4 nm; pixelheight, 100 mV; scan speed, 60 ms per pixel; xac = 2.7 nm; Idc = 3 mA.(F) Optical image of sample 2, with a patterned hBN/graphene/hBNheterostructure (bright) on a SiO2 substrate (dark) and dc current Idcchopped at 35.5 Hz with a root mean square value of 1 mA, applied asindicated by the arrows. (G) Thermal image of dT(x, y) revealingdissipation along the graphene edges. Scan area, 4.7 mm × 3.7 mm;pixel size, 50 nm; scan speed, 200 ms per pixel; h = 20 nm; Vbg = 8 V;

Vtg = 0.85 V, corresponding to VFBtg (flat-band condition) at this Vbg.


ecember 16, 2020


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Page 5: GRAPHENE Imaging resonant dissipation from individual ... · GRAPHENE Imaging resonant dissipation from individual atomic defects in graphene Dorri Halbertal, 1* Moshe Ben Shalom,2*

Imaging resonant dissipation from individual atomic defects in graphene

Birkbeck, Leonid S. Levitov, Andre K. Geim and Eli ZeldovDorri Halbertal, Moshe Ben Shalom, Aviram Uri, Kousik Bagani, Alexander Y. Meltzer, Ido Marcus, Yuri Myasoedov, John

DOI: 10.1126/science.aan0877 (6368), 1303-1306.358Science 

, this issue p. 1303Scienceatomic-scale defects, which were few and far between in the bulk but much more common on the edges of the sample.current flowed through a square-shaped sample of graphene, electrons lost energy predominantly in the vicinity of

thescanning temperature probe based on a superconducting quantum interference device to investigate this problem. As used a tinyet associated with turning electrons' energy into heat, but how exactly does this happen? Halbertal

Although graphene can be fabricated to be extremely clean, it still has a nonzero electrical resistance. ResistanceWatching electrons lose steam in graphene



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