grapevine - st nicholas church, allington · 2018. 10. 12. · grapevine july 2018 the parish...

Grapevine July 2018 The Parish Magazine of St. Nicholas, Allington Hoping you have a wonderful summer! Grapevine is back in September!

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Page 1: Grapevine - St Nicholas Church, Allington · 2018. 10. 12. · Grapevine July 2018 The Parish Magazine of St. Nicholas, Allington Hoping you have a wonderful

Grapevine July 2018

The Parish Magazine of St. Nicholas, Allington

Hoping you have a wonderful summer! Grapevine is back in


Page 2: Grapevine - St Nicholas Church, Allington · 2018. 10. 12. · Grapevine July 2018 The Parish Magazine of St. Nicholas, Allington Hoping you have a wonderful


Page 1 St Nicholas Church General Information

Page 3 Rev Chris Writes...

Page 4 Bible Project

Page 5 Thursday Afternoon Prayer Group

Page 6 Save the Date—Christmas Tree Festival!


Page 8/9 Date for your Diary - September Concert

Page 10 Alongside Africa News

Page 12 Charity of the Month

Page 13 Our Local Young Entrepreneur!

Page 14 Looking at the Church in UK

Page 15 Ancient Gift of Spiritual Fortitude

Page 16 Services & Rotas for August

Page 17/20 Youth & Organisation News

Page 21 Messy Church - Journeys!

Pages 22/23 Noticeboard

Page 24 Rotas for July

Parish General Information

For enquiries about Baptisms, Funerals or Weddings, please contact Rev Chris on 01622 297307

Or [email protected] Also for Banns of Marriage

(the form can be downloaded from the website).

Jenny Stone - Parish Administrator Mondays & Wednesdays 10.00am - 12 noon

Fridays 9.00am - 10.00am Church Office ~ 01622 299715 (answerphone)

[email protected]

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St Nicholas Church Poplar Grove, Allington, ME16 0DE

Priest in Charge Rev. Chris Lavender

01622 297307 E-mail: [email protected] Curate Rev. Barry Knott

07475 468622 E-mail: [email protected]

Churchwardens Angela Redford Mike Evans 758641 07432 713277

[email protected] [email protected]

Children & Families Minister Fiona Higgs Tel 07951 777854


Jenny Stone Tel 299715 Gift Aid Secretary & Weekly Offering Envelopes Geoff Garrett Tel 753000 Halls Chairman Alan Foreman Tel 764094 Magazine Editor Chris Cook [email protected] Tel 670240 Magazine Distribution Marianna Poliszczuk Tel 751243 Electoral Roll Officer Caleb Howard Tel 07738 393279 [email protected] Parish Disclosure Officer and Safeguarding Officer for Vulnerable Adults & Children Sarah Lavender Tel 297307 [email protected]

Treasury Team [email protected] Sacristan Nigel Smetham Tel 685007 Magazine Adverts Chris Cook [email protected] Tel 670240 Organist & Choirmaster Roger Gentry Tel 678312 Health & Safety Officer Alan Foreman Tel 764094 Prayer Coordinator Angela Redford Tel 758641 [email protected]

For Hall Bookings [email protected]

Jenny Stone - Parish Administrator 01622 299715

Page 4: Grapevine - St Nicholas Church, Allington · 2018. 10. 12. · Grapevine July 2018 The Parish Magazine of St. Nicholas, Allington Hoping you have a wonderful

Sunday Services

8.00 am Holy Communion – 1st & 3rd Sundays 9.30 am OASIS All-age worship – 2nd & 4th Sundays 10.00 am Morning Worship - 1st Sunday 10.00 am OASIS Joint Communion – 3rd Sunday 10.00 am Joint Service - 5th Sunday at St Nicholas or St Andrew’s 11.00 am Holy Communion - 2nd & 4th Sundays 5.00 pm OASIS in the Afternoon - 1st Sunday 6.00 pm JAHFA for senior school pupils - 1st Sunday Mondays 8.30 am Morning Prayer Wednesdays 8.30 am Morning Prayer 10.00 am Holy Communion 7.30 pm Evening Prayer Thursdays 9.00 am Prayer Space

St. Nicholas Explorers

After school club for 7-11s – term time only Allington Primary School – Wednesday 3.15 - 4.30 pm Palace Wood Primary School – Tuesday 3.20 - 4.30 pm

Saturday Club / Messy Church Normally held on the 3rd Saturday morning of the month

and advertised in Grapevine.

Home Groups Group 1 - meets on alternate Monday mornings at 23 Buckland Lane. Contact tel: 752181 Rachel Norman Group 2 – meets on alternate Thursday evenings at various venues around the parish. Contact tel: 764913 Mary Garrett Group 3 - meets on Thursday afternoons 2.00pm - 3.00pm Contact Angela on 758641

Pastoral Group This is available to bring Home Communion, or just pay a visit to anyone who needs it. Please phone Mary Garrett on 01622 764913


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Rev Chris Writes...... As Christians the central focus of our faith is the per-son of Jesus Christ as the means by which God physi-cally revealed himself to humanity - as the beginning of John's gospel says "The Word made flesh." Jesus says himself in chapter 14 of that gospel ""I am in the Father, and the Father is in me." We spend a lot of time, in church, focusing on Jesus, and rightly so. That often means we spend a lot of time focusing on the New Testament tells us about his life, death, resurrection and then the ongoing birth and development of the church. However Jesus made it clear he was steeped in the ancient scriptures that form what we know as the Old Testament. In his own words he did not come to replace any of that but to 'fulfil' it, because ultimately those ancient words were a signpost to Him and what He would bring. So the Old Testament is a foundational collection of books which we of-ten overlook because we find them hard to understand, or we don't par-ticularly like what they have to say. I cannot deny there are particular parts that seem to have little or no significance to life today, and some of the situations portrayed appear to present an angry vengeful God rather than the God of love that we encounter in the New Testament. However I think that the fine detail can often prevent us from seeing the 'bigger picture' of how God was working (and is working because this has universal significance in all times and all places) through those scrip-tures, albeit with imperfect and fallible people, to ultimately bring about the 'new creation' that the last book of the bible, Revelation, speaks of. With such thoughts in mind I felt it would be good to have the opportuni-ty to get a sense of the 'bigger picture' of the Old Testament with a se-ries of study groups during the summer holidays. Don't be put off by the idea of 'study groups' because I will be using a resource called the Bible Project. This free resource provides short and accessible films which give a wonderful overview of the subject in question. The 'groups' will take place over a four week period starting on the 30th July, at St Nicholas' Church. There will be a different topic each week, with two opportunities in any particular week to take part - you can choose to come along on a Monday evening at 7.30pm or a Wednesday morning at 11am, and if you miss a week and want to catch up I can let you have the online link to the next film. You don't have to 'book in' just turn up. The subjects we will be covering are detailed on the advertisement following on from this article. I look forward to learning more about the background to the Old Testa-ment with those of you who are able to join me during the summer. Blessings, Rev Chris

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THE OLD TESTAMENT (the easy way!!)

@ St Nicholas' Church - Summer 2018

WEEK 1 - THE TORAH Monday 30th July @ 7.30pm

Wednesday 1st August @ 11am

WEEK 2 - THE HISTORIES Monday 6th August @ 7.30pm Wednesday 8th August @ 11am


Monday 13th August @ 7.30pm Wednesday 15th August @ 11am

WEEK 4 - THE PROPHETS Monday 20th August @ 7.30pm

Wednesday 22nd August @ 11am

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Regretfully the Ceilidh has been postponed because a number of events are also happening at this time

including the Kent County Show!

It is hoped that it will be held early next year!

Thursday Afternoon Prayer Group The group is now meeting at 26 Howard Drive, Allington. ME16 0QD, the home of Liz Walker (Tel. 01622 759609). The group lead-er is Angela Redford (Tel.01622 758641). The dates we meet are the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 2pm. We tend to explore a topic, have a discussion and arrive at how that might be a focus for prayer. New members are always welcome. For the next month until we take a summer break, the dates are:

July 12

th and 26


Champagne and strawberries are not just for Wimbledon!

They can be enjoyed at a charity afternoon in

West Malling next month.

On Sunday the 8th July, there will be a Champagne and Strawberry Tea

at Went House in Swan Street, West Malling from 2.30 to 4.30.

This special event is in aid of The Children’s Society and

tickets in advance at £12.50 will be available from Heather Rooke or

telephone 01622 204569

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St Nicholas Church

Christmas Tree Festival


14th—16th December 2018

You are invited to join us in contributing a tree of your

own design.

Further details to follow later in the year.

Contact Karen Hunter or Ruth Brind

via the office on [email protected]

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A Date for Your Diary! Saturday 29th September

For all those who love live music there is a special evening in store! Jon Cunningham and Steve Shorey have agreed to come and provide their services free of charge to help with our fundrais-ing efforts. They are a very talented duo and Jon writes most of his own material. Please come and support the evening which will not fail to entertain you! JON CUNNINGHAM - John discovered Folk Clubs in the mid 70's and immediately found a group of kindred spirits who loved a great song. His songwriting blossomed quickly and he started performing with a number of leading Kent folk musicians. During the 90's he formed a partner-ship with Gary Briley and as a duo they wrote gospel songs and performed in venues across the South East (including a showcase at Ronnie Scotts). Jon is a bronze medal winner at the pres-tigious Tipperary ‘International Song of Peace‘Competition and has been a shortlisted finalist on 3 occasions. He has also written a musical about child evacuees in WW II called ‘Precious Cargo’ for the youth theatre group Hedgehog Productions. Each of his songs is unique, personal and thought provoking. He also has a great rapport with audiences and wants to share why his songs mean so much. STEVE SHOREY - Steve has also been part of the Kent folk sce-ne since the 1970's and is one of the most highly regarded guitar players on the Kent circuit — he worked for 5 years with Colin Reece (of the Bully Wee band) during which time they played to

packed pubs around the county, toured Scandi-navia and were regulars at Broadstairs Folk week in the late 1980’s. He has worked with a wide variety of folk musicians over the years and played 1000's of gigs as part of duos, trios and bands including Ian Petrie, Colin Reece, the Grizzly Mutts and his 50’s band Skinny Malinki. Steve and John met in the late 70s and worked as a duo through the 1980's. Steve has always been a great admirer of Jons's songs and they also add some carefully chosen material by oth-er artists.

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An Evening of Music with

Jon Cunningham &

Steve Shorey

Saturday 29th September 7.00pm for 7.30pm

St Nicholas Church

Poplar Grove Maidstone ME16 0DE

Free Admission -

Retiring Collection for Church Funds Wine & Soft Drinks available!

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News From Alongside Africa It’s very hard to think that we were in the UK just more than a month ago – how time flies when you’re having fun! I was able to squeeze a few books into my hand luggage, so my first task after we got back was to set up a small (and it is very small) library at the Amasiko Halfway House. Lilly and I spent an afternoon labelling each book and arranging them in alphabetical order, as well as separating reference works from fiction. The young resi-dents have quickly mastered the concept and now – three weeks later – the books are being used daily and are all still in the correct order. My second job was to introduce the resi-dents to crochet and knitting. Some of the girls were already au fait with both, but didn’t have the hooks and needles. Others were very keen to learn and some of the boys also joined in. We have had scarves and bags made so far and I’m hoping we’ll soon start on jumpers and cardigans. Reading and following patterns is still a challenge, but I have no doubt we shall overcome that soon! We are hoping to set up a small stall outside one of the supermarkets in Kabale which gets frequented by tourists where we can sell some of the articles the residents make. In this way we hope to make the Halfway House more self-sufficient and to teach the residents some business skills which they can use when they go out on their own. I am trying to come up with as many ‘different’ products they can make as possible – one

of the problems here is that everyone makes and sells the same things. So far we are looking at making backpacks, rag dolls, crocheted animals and paper bead items. George’s wife, Ruth, has been spending time at the Halfway House teaching everyone how to make paper beads and also how to make items that are of a high standard. Apart from our four girls who are doing a hairdressing apprenticeship and who will soon be graduating, we now have two boys as car mechanic apprentices, one doing a welding apprentice-ship and another one learning how to be a bicycle and mo-torcycle mechanic. We bought them an overall each and it brought tears to my eyes to see how proudly they wear them

and how keen they are to learn. They cycle in to town every morning (we bought two second hand bicycles, so one has to pedal while another one sits on the back) to be at work by 8 and back to the Halfway House after 7pm – five miles each way. These apprenticeships cost us £200 per person, which ensures them at least six months of tuition (or until the tutor is satisfied with the skills they have gained) and a tool box. We don’t have sponsors for the four boys yet, so if anyone (or group or garage or other business) out there is able to fund our budding mechanics & welder it would be much appreciat-ed! Meanwhile Lawrance has had to dig up all his carpentry skills to help the boys (and girls!) to fix the panels to the back entrances of the classrooms to

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keep out the worst of the wind and rain. The residents were fascinated by the electric drill, ratchet spanners and screw drivers, and especially with Lawrance’s insistence that everything is measured accurately! We have five new residents at the Halfway House – two of them Batwa girls from close to the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. They were in primary school until the end of last year, but they were quite a bit older than the other chil-dren and were becoming demotivated. Since we know from experience that the girls usually get married and have a baby (in no particular order) as soon as they leave school, we wanted to give these girls a few more skills so that they would be better able to provide for a family one day. The Batwa tribe (more commonly known as Pygmies) is still marginalised in the area and they usually end up as cheap labour for the local Bakiga people. In schools they often get bullied and ridiculed, so very few finish any level of education – girls even less so. We were a bit worried whether they would be accepted by the other residents at the Halfway House, but the young people who were already settled there have welcomed them and they are now firm friends. The new playground at Amasiko Drop-In Centre is looking beautiful and it is very busy there again because of the school holidays. The children who are normally in boarding school but who have no homes to go to during holidays have found shelter in the Little Angels Nursery School next door to the Drop-In Centre, as we couldn’t afford for them to stay at Amazing Love School’s boarding house for the duration of the holidays. This means our staff there is working almost 24/7 with no extra remuneration – they are such dedicated people! All in all we are right back into the swing of things after our lovely break in the UK. Thank you so much to everyone who supported and encouraged us while we were there and for all the prayers and contributions that keep us going here every day. We couldn’t do it without you!

Monica [email protected]

Thinking of promising yourself a bit of winter sun after our last long cold win-ter? There may be an opportunity to join a group travelling to Kabale, SW Uganda to work as a small informal team providing holiday activities for or-phaned school children, and street children during the long summer holiday in January 2019. If you would like to know a bit more about any aspect of it , such as the cost, and the accommodation and so on I’d be very happy to chat to you about it. There would also be opportunities to visit some of the many micro-financed schemes that are running. Ruth Brind

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Saturday 14th July 2.00pm - 4.30pm

St. Andrew's Church Tonbridge Road ME16 9LW

including books, CDs, cakes, bric a brac,

tombola, Raffle, cream teas

Proceeds to Church Funds

Charity of the Month July - Fields of Life August - Care for the Family

Fields of Life is a non-denominational Christian International Develop-ment organisation with twenty five years of experience of working in East Africa. We work in Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan seeking to work with partners in providing sustainable community development. Fields of Life is committed to sharing the Christian faith by collaborating with local communities and churches in East Africa to bring about positive change through the provision of quality education, clean wa-ter, health promotion and other community based projects.

Care for the Family is is a national charity which aims to promote strong family life and to help those who face family difficulties. For over 25 years Care for the Family has been working throughout the UK and the Isle of Man. We provide parenting, rela-tionship and bereavement support

through our events, resources, courses, training and volunteer net-works. Our work is motivated by Christian compassion, and our re-sources and support are available to everyone, of any faith or none.

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Our Local Young Entrepreneur! Free Range Egg Deliveries in Allington

15-year-old Louis Callaghan-Inge was inspired to set up ‘The Bubble Waffle Company’ after a family holiday to Hong Kong in the summer of 2016. He witnessed a local man selling uniquely shaped waffles, and instantly knew that they would be a hit back at home. After almost 2 years since the birth of the company, Louis is now selling his Hong Kong inspired waffles at fetes, weddings and parties, and has appeared on the BBC news, KMTV, and in various news-papers. Knowing the quality of the local eggs that he was using for the waffles, he thought that he could set up a company selling these

eggs by the box to households in the lo-cal area, naming the company ‘LEGGS Distribution’. The concept has been a huge success, and he has since added locally sourced duck eggs, quail eggs and apple juice. As well as selling the eggs to families, Louis has recently started supplying the ‘Conway House” B&B, and the ‘League

of Friends’ shop at Maidstone Hospital, and now has 2 employees, who also deliver eggs around the Allington area.

If you would like local free eggs delivered to your door, Please contact Louis at 07376366172

or email [email protected]


2.15 pm to 4.15pm Ditton Community Centre,

Kiln Barn Road, Ditton, Aylesford, Maidstone, ME20 6AH

Refreshments,Raffle, Tombola and Plants for Sale Admission £1

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Looking at the Church in UK and Worldwide The Church of England is facing a serious shortage – of church organists Be very, very nice to your church organist, and don’t upset them, be-cause they are becoming somewhat of an endangered species in the Church of England. In fact, so many churches now have organs, but no organists, that nearly one in three churches have introduced recorded organ music for their congregations to sing along to. A recent survey found something very ominous: that less than four per cent of churches have organists aged 30 years old or under. Almost half of all churches who do have organists report that they are older than 70. But recorded organ music is hardly ideal – it tends not to leave enough time between lines, and so rushes the singing along. Also, there is a weaker sense of togetherness and community, if you are singing along to a machine, rather than a person well known to you. The survey was done by the diocese of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich’s mu-sic development director. What problems do ministers have to deal with these days? Ever wonder what sort of pastoral problems people may be bringing to our minister? Struggles with loneliness and mental illness are pretty sure to come near the top, according to a new survey. The two issues have been found to be by far the commonest community issues facing parish priests in the C of E, according to a new survey by the Mission and Public Affairs Council and the Church Urban Fund. More than three quarters of clergy (76 per cent) reported that loneliness was a ‘significant’ problem in their community in 2017; eight per cent higher than in 2011. And concern for people’s mental well-being in-creased from 40 per cent in 2011 to 60 per cent. Homelessness is also taking its toll – it was seen as a significant problem by 14 per cent of clergy in 2011; in 2017 this had increased to 23 per cent. Of course, the concerns are generally greater in more deprived parishes, where low income, poor education, unemployment, and family break-down are also widespread. Almost all incumbents reported that their churches were actively in-volved in helping people who were struggling with loneliness (94 per cent), family breakdown (86 per cent), and mental-health issues (83 per cent), in partnership with charities and other support groups. Meanwhile, one in five benefices (19 per cent) run foodbanks, and more than 90 per cent of local churches now support foodbanks in some way.

Smile Lines A recent letter that appeared in The Independent newspaper: ‘Following the recent major flooding, I find myself out of pocket, due to what I am informed is an ”act of God.” To avoid future financial embarrassment, please could you recommend an atheist insurance company?

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Today we might say “Go for it, mate” “keep it up” “You’re doing a good job”. Or we might say “Go in the strength of the Lord” or something similar. “Fortitude” goes back a few years. But it can surely be applied to the journeys of St Paul which we have recently been hearing about in church. These journeys were some years after the crucifixion and resur-rection of Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to the first disci-ples. The story of Paul is well known. He was opposing what he thought was a new and a rebel group of followers of Jesus. Travelling along the road to Damascus, Paul had a dramatic encounter with the risen Jesus. He re-ceived the Holy Spirit and began preaching about Jesus. He and a few others felt called to take the news of Jesus further afield. He went to Cy-prus, around present day Turkey, Macedonia, Greece and eventually to Rome. During this time the gifts of the Holy Spirit guided Paul where to go and occasionally where not to go, what people to meet and what to say. But he was not going under some kind of protective bubble. In taking around this news about Jesus, Paul got into trouble with some of the local peo-ple and authorities. He was beaten, thrown into prison and shipwrecked. So continuing on his journeys required a lot of courage. It required cour-age at a human level and it required courage at a spiritual level, from God’s Holy Spirit. There were other people who showed spiritual strength. A few were named in the Acts of the Apostles. There were people like Barnabas, Si-las and Timothy who went with Paul. There were people like Lydia, a seller of purple cloth, who offered Paul hospitality. Many others are not named. These included leaders of local groups and the new churches set up by Paul. It included a mixture of men and women who became be-lievers in Jesus. They might have heard Paul speak in either the synagogue or the local market place. But what Paul spoke about would have been new. The Gospels, the Book of Acts and most of the letters of Paul, which form the bulk of our New Testament, still had to be written. So it might have been a bold step for someone to say ‘I now want to be a follower of Jesus, be baptised, be a member of a worshipping community, or even to just put one foot through the door and ask what is this all about. The word “fortitude” or “spiritual fortitude” go back to the old King James Bible, and the Old Testament, Isaiah chapter eleven verse two. It mentions the spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the spirit of coun-sel (listening and speaking), and of fortitude, the spirit of knowledge and of godliness”. The wording varies in modern Bibles. So it might be useful to end with words from an old prayer, here adapted. ‘Blessed Lord, have pity, we ask, on our daily difficulties and failings. Fortify us with the gift of Spiritual Strength. Make us coura-geous and strong in trying to overcome the doubts and temptations that face us. Increase in us faith, hope and love. And in sickness and suffer-ing, come O Holy Spirit, be our comforter and support. Amen.’ Robin Hiam

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August 2018

1 Wed 8.30am Morning Prayer

10.00am Holy Communion with Mothers’ Union

7.30pm Evening Prayer

2 Thur 9.00am Prayer Space

5 Sun 8.00am Holy Communion

10.00am Morning Worship

6 Mon 8.30am Morning Prayer

8 Wed 8.30am Morning Prayer

10.00am Holy Communion

7.30pm Evening Prayer

9 Thur 9.00am Prayer Space

12 Sun 9.30am OASIS Praise!

11.00am Holy Communion

13 Mon 8.30am Morning Prayer

15 Wed 8.30am Morning Prayer

10.00am Holy Communion

7.30pm Evening Prayer

16 Thur 9.00am Prayer Space

19 Sun 8.00am Holy Communion

10.00am OASIS Communion

22 Wed 10.00am Holy Communion

26 Sun 9.30am OASIS

11.00am Holy Communion

27 Mon 8.30am Morning Prayer

29 Wed 8.30am Morning Prayer

10.00am Holy Communion

7.30pm Evening Prayer

30 Thur 9.00am Prayer Space

ROTAS FOR AUGUST Sanctuary Cleaning Flowers Aug w/e 5 A Harries D Davison/K Hunter 12 S Tipping 19 N Bailey A Wylie 26 P White Other Duties Coffee Aug w/e 5 Rosemary & Michael Froude 12 Bob Butcher & Liz Walker 19 Margaret Fagg & Christine Colyer 26 Anna Harries & John Tester

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seeing many items remembered from our childhood. We stopped for a coffee at Guildford Cathedral, all in all it was an excellent night out. Just to remind you that we won’t be meeting in August but if you would like to join us in September we will find out about future trips and speakers. We meet the third Wednesday of the month in the small hall at St Nicks 7.00pm for 7.30pm. Have a good summer. Pat Gibbons OPEN CIRCLE We’ve had a num-ber of historical crime fiction novels recently, all very enjoyable, but this month it will be good to have a change. Our July novel is The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion. The central character is Don Tillman, a genet-ics professor, and the ‘project’ of the title is to find himself a wife. He designs a 16-page question-naire to help him find the perfect partner. She will most definitely not be a barmaid, a smoker, a drinker or a late-arriver. Unfortu-nately, Rosie Jarman is all of these things, as well as being fiery, intel-ligent and beautiful, and she is on a quest of her own: to find her bio-logical father. So Don Tillman may be able to help her. I remember reading The Rosie Project a couple of years ago and laughing aloud while reading it, so I’m looking forward to re-reading it. Our meetings in July will be on

We start the month with the Ben-efice Service for Rev Barry on Sunday 1 July, with a Bring & Share Lunch and a JAFHA BBQ in the afternoon. Our Wednesday morning Com-munion Service is on 4 July at 10.00am. On Thursday 19 July at 2.30pm we will hold our Annual Garden Party on the lawn at the back of church (please bring a plate of finger food). Cathedral Prayer Time is on Thursday 26 July at 12.00 noon in the crypt. The Bible Project starts on Mon-day 30 July at 7.30pm, Our Wednesday morning Com-munion Service is on 1 August at 10.00am. We have no monthly meeting in August. We are however running an afternoon outing to the Kent Fire & Rescue Service Museum at the Woodland Garden Centre, near Ash, including tea in the ca-fé, on Thursday 23 August. Cathedral Prayer Time is on Thursday 30 August at 12.00 noon in the crypt. Mary Gentry (678312) Branch Leader Follow Mothers’ Union on Facebook ALLINGTON CASTLE Some of us went on a very pleasant trip to Stones museum in Ba-singstoke which was very well or-ganised by Mary. It was like stepping back in time


Youth & Organisations News

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Wednesday, July 11th for the discus-sion of the novel, and on 25th for coffee and chat. Sue Chappel has kindly invited us to our usual Bring and Share lunch at her home: 166 St Leonard’s St, West Malling on July 11th. Do ring Margaret Salvage 672985 for details. We shall not be meeting in August and will resume on Wednesday Sep-tember 12th. New members are al-ways welcome to join at any time. Dianne White 756660 [email protected] ALLINGTON GARDEN CLUB It was an interesting May meeting learning all about Irises from Sue Marshall who owns and runs the Irises of Sissinghurst Nursery. There are so many different types, includ-ing bearded, non-bearded, sibiricas, ensatas and the short ones flower first and the colours and size of flower heads are so varied. Our next meeting on July 5th will be about Alpine plants with Tim Ingram, then on the 7th we have our coach outing to Parham House, Gardens and Plant Fair. Visitors and new mem-bers are always very welcome. Pam Blake TREFOIL GUILD Our evening walk around Otford on the 5th June, The Solar System Walk was well attended. The weath-er was kind to us and we ended our walk at the Bull Inn Otford for a well deserved drink.16th June is the Na-tional Trefoil Guild Annual Review at Birmingham. A summer outing is being planed for the end early Ju-ly. On 17th July we will be visiting Downderry Lavender Farm. Daphne Butler 01622 676836

WESTBOROUGH BOWLS CLUB The highlight for the club in May was our Open Day which was the op-portunity for anyone to come along and try the game of lawn bowls. We were blessed with beautiful weather and this contributed to an excellent turnout. I am very happy to report that quite a few people came as a result of reading about the event in The Grapevine so we are very grateful to the readers of this magazine for their support. Most of the at-tendees were total novices but the club members were on hand to provide all the help that was need-ed. After an excellent session of bowls, there was a stop for refreshments and a chat. People must have en-joyed themselves because nearly everyone wanted to continue play-ing after the break. From our point of view, the event was a tremendous success and it has resulted in several new mem-bers joining the club and quite a few others committed to coming along to our roll-ups to continue their introduction to the game. A big “thank you” goes to all the existing members for turning out to support the event by setting up, providing tuition, laying on an ex-cellent spread and tidying up after-wards. Remember that it is not too late for you to have a go. My contact de-tails are given below or just turn up to one of our roll-ups at 3pm on a Monday or 5pm on a Thursday. Steve Cordery (725650) [email protected]


Page 21: Grapevine - St Nicholas Church, Allington · 2018. 10. 12. · Grapevine July 2018 The Parish Magazine of St. Nicholas, Allington Hoping you have a wonderful


ALLINGTON GUIDING During May Half Term 23 girls & leaders, from both Allington Guide units, went off on camp. They went to the Girlguiding site Blacklands. For many of the girls it was their first time at guide camp! Over the 5 days they did indoor climbing, crate challenge, archery, swimming and completed their Seaside Challenge badge! They survived thunderstorms, rain and a couple of very hot days. Overall everyone had a fan-tastic time! Paula Savage District Commissioner [email protected] ST NICHOLAS FELLOWSHIP On 8th June around 25 members enjoyed a drive in the country finishing at the café at Kenward House which lies on the road between Wateringbury and Yalding. It is a centre for clients who have a problem with addiction and is set in a quiet and peaceful location which must have a very positive impact on those who are staying there. The café is open to the general public and serve teas, coffees and light refreshments including various sandwiches and baked potatoes. Our members enjoyed a cream tea which was served in one of their function rooms. The weather was glorious and it was a pleasure to sit out-side afterwards in the sunshine. We also had the opportunity to inspect their 4 alpacas which had recently been shorn for their wool. Our next meeting will be

our annual garden party on 13th July in Harrietsham at the home of Andrew and Felicity Rogers. Pleased bring a plate of finger food to share! Chris Cook ALLINGTON SCOUT GROUP Currently the group is in a strong position with very committed and trustworthy lead-ers. The amount of time and effort put in to give the young people in our group a varied and exciting pro-gramme is outstanding. To find the time for this in between their busy lives often goes without credit. It goes without saying all the lead-ers within the group all have a cur-rent DBS disclosure. Training within the district and with-in our group is ongoing to enhance the capabilities of our leaders to give the best experiences to all in the group. I am very pleased with the strength of the group at this time. This has helped my decision to step down as Group Scout Leader. This is purely to do with my limited time and the quality of input I am able to bring to this role. I think it is time for someone else to drive the group and give more time and dedication to the position. I have been involved with Allington scout group for 26 years with con-tinuous service as a Cub leader and 8 years as GSL. I understand it could take a time to find a replacement so I am happy to continue to the end of 2018 unless a replacement is found earlier. I will give support over the transi-tion of the role. Tony Giles GSL 07846 600953

Page 22: Grapevine - St Nicholas Church, Allington · 2018. 10. 12. · Grapevine July 2018 The Parish Magazine of St. Nicholas, Allington Hoping you have a wonderful


MID KENT FUSCHIA GROUP The speaker at our May meeting was Hilary Newman who gave an extremely interesting talk entitled The Lazy Gardener. This year in lieu of our June meeting we had our Annual Din-ner at The Grange Moor Hotel which was excellent. We do not have a speaker in July but hold our Mini Show when members bring in plants which are appraised and members are advised how to improve them so that they are in top condition for our Annual Show which is on Sat-urday 11th August at Ditton Com-munity Centre starting at 2.15pm. Mary Hart ALLARA After our AGM with an interesting talk on scams, Allara have just had their annual holiday - this time to Yorkshire. Based in an ex-cellent hotel in Harrogate there was much to see and do. Harro-gate itself is like a Grand Old Lady but with access to so many inter-esting places around. Many of us used our bus passes (a godsend) to visit either Leeds, Ripon, Wetherby or on our coach to York, which were all very near. Luckily the weather was benign, not too hot for sightseeing. All in all a beautiful area with so much more to see for further visits. Our meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 2pm in St. Nicholas Church Hall. More information can be obtained from our website or from Phillip on 01622 686305 NEW ALLINGTON PLAYERS Many thanks to all of you who came to see our third (and final!) Murder Mystery performance of A Death in Darjeeling at the begin-ning of May. The cast has enjoyed all three performances given last

autumn at St Nicholas’ for the West Malling Lions; at Aylesford for the Friends of Aylesford church, and this recent one, for our own congrega-tion and friends.

In recognition of, and thanks for, the generous support given by Semma4 in Lower Stone St who supplied most of the army uniforms for the performances, a £200 dona-tion has been sent from our funds to the charity Help For Heroes. We’re always grateful for the sup-port that people in Allington give to our various dramatic efforts even after so many years. Please contin-ue to come! We’re taking a break from murder mysteries for a while and are plan-ning an evening of humorous sketches and a one-act play. If you remember coming to A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Older, you might be interested to learn that the au-thor has also written A Beginner’s Guide to Marriage, so some of these very amusing sketches may well feature in our next production. In the meantime we are planning on doing some play readings with an aim to entertain ourselves and to find that elusive one-act play suita-ble for aging thespians with poor memories! New members are al-ways welcome and gentle play-reading may be the place to start if you feel like dipping a toe in the wa-ter. Contact Fiona Foreman (764094) or Dianne White (756660) for information.

Page 23: Grapevine - St Nicholas Church, Allington · 2018. 10. 12. · Grapevine July 2018 The Parish Magazine of St. Nicholas, Allington Hoping you have a wonderful


Saturday 14th July Come and join us to celebrate!

From 11.00am - 1.30pm In the Church and Church Halls

Poplar Grove ME16 0DE ALL WELCOME!

£3.00 per person or £10 per family

to include lunch More details or to book

Contact Fiona on 07951 777854 Latest booking date Wednesday 11th July

Page 24: Grapevine - St Nicholas Church, Allington · 2018. 10. 12. · Grapevine July 2018 The Parish Magazine of St. Nicholas, Allington Hoping you have a wonderful

July 2018



Charity Bottle for July & August Fields of Life - July

Care for the Family - August See page 12 for details

St Nicholas Fellowship Friday 13th July Garden Party - Harrietsham Contact Mike Garrett for details 764913

Further details from Brian Davison


Brian 01622 759278

Thursday 19th July 2.30pm

Annual Members Garden Party Church Garden

[email protected]

We have some new advertisers so please take a few moments to check out the

advertising pages!

Please always mention when responding!

See page 21For details

Please remember there is no Grapevine in August!

Page 25: Grapevine - St Nicholas Church, Allington · 2018. 10. 12. · Grapevine July 2018 The Parish Magazine of St. Nicholas, Allington Hoping you have a wonderful

July 2018


OASIS Café & Mums & Babes

@ St Nics 10am –12 noon in the Church once a month

on a Friday. An opportunity to relax and spend time with other new

parents and members of the local community of all ages!

Next meeting

Friday 13th July & Friday 10th August

Do join us for coffee &



Deadline for September Grapevine Friday 10th August Please send articles and information to

Email: [email protected]

No Saturday Club

This month!

[email protected]

We have some new advertisers so please take a few moments to check out the

advertising pages!

Please always mention ‘Grapevine ’ when responding!

See page 21 For details

Please remember there is no Grapevine in August!

Page 26: Grapevine - St Nicholas Church, Allington · 2018. 10. 12. · Grapevine July 2018 The Parish Magazine of St. Nicholas, Allington Hoping you have a wonderful



Boots, King Street, Mon-Sat 8.30am-5.30pm, Thu 8.30am-8.00pm, Sunday 10.30am-4.30pm. Lloyds Pharmacy, Mid Kent Shopping Centre Mon-Fri, 9am-5.30 pm, Saturday 9am-5pm. Sainsbury's Pharmacy, until 10 pm Mon to Sat, normal opening times on Sunday.


Sidespeople 8.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am July w/e 1 A Waddams E Harrington J Sargent D & M Derry 8 A Redford R Froude C McInnes J Harlock 15 D & B Davison M Salvage D Salvage C Colyer 22 I Redford M Gentry S Lavender G Garrett D Hayles 29 Sanctuary Cleaning Flowers July w/e 1 S Tipping 8 A Hiam A Wylie 15 P White 22 M Salvage J Nicholson D Davison Other Duties Coffee July w/e 1 Social Committee 8 Rosemary & Michael Froude 15 Jenny Stone & Caroline McInnes 22 Bob Butcher & Margaret Fagg 29 Liz Walker & Sarah Knott

We welcome into the family of the church

Edward Colston

We commend to the loving care of our Lord

James Wilson Esme Wood

Page 27: Grapevine - St Nicholas Church, Allington · 2018. 10. 12. · Grapevine July 2018 The Parish Magazine of St. Nicholas, Allington Hoping you have a wonderful


J NORRIS Electrical Contractor

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12pm - 3pm All ages

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MON 30th JUL: - FRI 3RD AUG 9am-12pm 10yrs and under

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£20 day or £90 all 5 days



Zane: 07932 573 888 [email protected]


9am-12pm 10yrs and under

12.30pm—3.30pm 11yrs


Page 28: Grapevine - St Nicholas Church, Allington · 2018. 10. 12. · Grapevine July 2018 The Parish Magazine of St. Nicholas, Allington Hoping you have a wonderful

Handmade curtains,

blinds and accessories

A friendly, professional service making

bespoke soft furnishings for every room of

your home

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Anna Harries 01622 763685

5 Birchwood Road

[email protected]


AG Driveways are a Maidstone based company specialising in all types of groundwork from design through to construction.

We also offer an aftercare service to keep your drive or patio always looking its’ best!

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Block Paving


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Business Forecourts

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For a clean and tidy job Call David

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Email [email protected]

Page 29: Grapevine - St Nicholas Church, Allington · 2018. 10. 12. · Grapevine July 2018 The Parish Magazine of St. Nicholas, Allington Hoping you have a wonderful

Stuart Plumbing & Heating Services

99 Poplar Grove, Allington Mobile: 07956 355012 Home:01622 609101

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Please mention

Grapevine when

responding to our advertisers!

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Billy Smith

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Free parking at rear


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01622 755549

I have lived in Maidstone all my life. I have been in the electrical trade since 1965, and have run my own company since 1993. I now

specialise in fault finding, upgrading or replacement of fittings, supplied by myself or the customer. No job is too small.

Over the past 20 years, I have been privileged to have had St Nicholas Church as a customer. I have maintained the electrical installations in the church and halls.

I am now offering special rates for readers of the ‘Grapevine’ magazine. On production of a current copy of the Grapevine, the

following rates will apply. Cheques accepted, no VAT.

£50 for Attendance and the first hour, £40 per hour or part after-wards, White fittings £5.00 to £15 each, I am happy to fit lights and fittings supplied by the customer. Written estimates are available.

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Telephone: 01622 924311 Find us online

Hall Hire

Don’t forget there are two halls at

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Contact [email protected]

01622 299715 for further details!

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Mobile Hairdresser Have your hair done in the comfort of your own home,

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home arrangements at your convenience. Free car parking

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Advertise your business or service in

Grapevine and access our circulation of 1000 copies every month!

Contact [email protected]

for more details!

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Teaching in a professional but enjoyable manner since 1963

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E B Garden Services

All fencing and tree work __________________________________________________________________________________

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No job too big or too small — we do them all

Don’t delay phone today

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Free Estimates


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ACA Castle Road Maidstone ME16 0PZ Why not come and see what we have to offer!

Licensed Bar with Sky Sports &

BT Sports Family bar and Function Hall

available for hire Lounge Bar over 18's only - also available for wakes ( Catering available upon request)

Monday - Friday ACA Playgroup (Term time only) Call Katie 07545 556290 Mondays & Wednesdays ZUMBA 7.30pm Call Clalre 07812 564460 Tuesday’s Orchard Club for the over 60’s 1.30pm Call Pat 01622 673633 Slimming World 5.30pm & 7.30pm Call Vanessa 07712 647797 Wednesday’s Whist Drive 1.00pm Call Joy 01622 761346 Thursday’s Bingo 7.15pm Call Joy 01622 761346 Eucher Cards (Lounge Bar) 7.00pm Call Julie 07813 956187 Saturday’s Kungfoo (6-11yrs 9.30am) Call Neil 07980 945378 (11-15yrs 10.30am) Sunday’s Bingo 8.00pm Call Joy 01622 761346

Adult £34 Adult & Spouse £46 (inc admin fee) Family - Adult & spouse plus 1 child (second child free) £58

(all to reside at same address) Juniors £22 Senior (Over 60) £22 Senior & Spouse £34

Keep up to date with what’s going on !

Email [email protected] Telephone 01622 673633

Page 47: Grapevine - St Nicholas Church, Allington · 2018. 10. 12. · Grapevine July 2018 The Parish Magazine of St. Nicholas, Allington Hoping you have a wonderful

WHERE AND WHEN — ORGANISATIONS IN THE PARISH Mondays: Tel.enquiries Quilting Web 9.00am - 12.00pm ~ Small Hall 2nd, 4th, 5th 01622 710829 Zumba 9.15am - 10.30am 07999 444045 ALLARA Tai Chi 11.30am - 12.30pm 01622 756475 ALLARA Painting 2.00pm - 4.00pm ~ Small Hall 01622 662707 ALLARA Kurling 2.00pm - 5.00pm 2nd & 4th 01622 686305 Flair School of Dance 4.00pm - 6.00pm ~ Small Hall 07713 260452 J R Fitness Classes 8.15pm - 9.15pm 07746 082182 2nd Allington Rainbows 4.30pm - 5.30pm @ Allington School 01622 685264 Weight Watchers 6.15pm - 8.15pm 07888 740221 4th Allington Brownies 6.00pm - 7.30pm @ Allington School 01622 686527 1st Allington Guides 7.15pm - 8.45pm ~ Small Hall 01622 672985 Allington Castle Beavers 6.00pm - 7.00pm ~ Small Hall 07846 600953 Tuesdays:- Slimming World 9.45am - 11.45am ~ Small Hall 07770 700688 Parent & Toddler Group 9.30am - 11.30am 07527 743438 1st Allington Brownies 5.45pm - 7.30pm 01622 685007 Kettlebridge Clog Dancing 8.00pm - 10.30pm 01622 727147 Allington Scouts 7.30pm - 9.00pm ~ Small Hall 07846 600953 ALLARA 1.00pm - 4.30pm~ 3rd 01622 756475 Simply Pilates 6.00pm - 7.00pm ~ Small Hall 07845 442885 Wednesdays:- Zumba 9.15am -10.15am 07999 444045 Quilting Web 9.30am - 12.30pm ~ Small Hall 2nd,4th,5th 01622 710829 Quilting Friends 9.30am - 12.30pm~ Small Hall 1st & 3rd 01622 744170 ALLARA Keep Fit 10.30am - 11.30am 01622 756475 2nd Allington Brownies 6.15pm - 7.45pm 01622 753563 Maidstone Dance Academy 3.15pm - 6.15 Hall & 4.00 - 6.00 ~ Small Hall 01622 746835 Allington Castle WI 7.00pm - 9.30pm ~ Small Hall 3rd 01622 721170 Maidstone Circle Dance Club 8.00pm - 10.00pm ~ 1st 01622 753090 Thursdays:- NHS Retirement Fellowship 11.00am - 1.00pm ~ 1st 01622 670240 ALLARA 10.00am - 12.00 ~ Small Hall 1st 01622 756475 Creative Art & Textiles 10.00am—3.00pm 01622 695769 Allington Knights Beavers 5.45pm - 6.45pm 07846 600953 Allington Cub Scouts 6.30pm - 8.00pm @ Allington School 07846 600953 2nd Allington Guides 7.00pm - 8.45pm ~ Small Hall 01622 685264 Allington Garden Club 7.30pm - 9.30pm ~ 1st 01622 754855 Mid Kent Fuchsia Group 7.15pm - 10.15pm ~ 2nd 01795 539722 Mothers’ Union 2.30pm - 4.30pm ~ Church ~3rd 01622 678312 Fridays:- Zumba 9.15am - 11.15am ~ Small Hall 07999 444045 Simply Pilates 12.30pm - 2.30pm ~Small Hall 07845 442885 Musical Playtime 10.00am - 11.00am 01622 669400 St Nicholas Fellowship 2.30pm - 4.30pm ~ 2nd 764913/762548 OASIS Café / Mum’s & Babes 9.30am—12noon ~2nd in Church 07951 777854 Saturdays:- Children’s Saturday Club 10.00am—12 noon ~ 3rd 07951 777854 1st Allington Rainbows 9.00am - 10.00am ~ Small Hall 07742 846625 Hearty Quilters 9.00am - 1.00pm ~ 1st 01732 823383 Clouds Youth Group 1.30pm - 4.30pm ~ Small Hall 07886 566984 Mid Kent Metal Detecting Club 6.30pm-10pm ~ 2nd 01233 612312 Men’s Breakfast 8.30am - 9.30am Last Saturday 01622 759278 Sundays Light Life Christian Fellowship 11.00am—1.30pm~Small Hall [email protected] Light Life Christian Fellowship 5.30pm—8.30pm ~Small Hall [email protected]

All information is for reference only and may be subject to change - please check for further information regarding hall availability with the Church Office on 01622 299715


Page 48: Grapevine - St Nicholas Church, Allington · 2018. 10. 12. · Grapevine July 2018 The Parish Magazine of St. Nicholas, Allington Hoping you have a wonderful

July 2018

1 Sun 8.00am Benefice Holy Communion - St Andrew’s

10.00am Benefice Holy Communion - St Nicholas

5.00pm OASIS in the Afternoon BBQ

2 Mon 8.30am Morning Prayer

4 Wed 8.30am Morning Prayer

10.00am Holy Communion with Mothers’ Union

7.30pm Evening Prayer

5 Thur 9.00am Prayer Space

8 Sun 8.00am Holy Communion

9.30am OASIS

11.00am Holy Communion

12.30pm Sunday Lunch Club

9 Mon 8.30am Morning Prayer

11 Wed 8.30am Morning Prayer

10.00am Holy Communion

7.30pm Evening Prayer

12 Thur 9.00am Prayer Space

14 Sat 11.00am Messy Church - Journeys

15 Sun 8.00am Holy Communion

10.00am OASIS Communion

5.00pm OASIS in the Afternoon Communion

16 Mon 8.30am Morning Prayer

18 Wed 8.30am Morning Prayer

10.00am Holy Communion

7.30pm Evening Prayer

19 Thur 9.00am Prayer Space

22 Sun 9.30am OASIS

11.00am Holy Communion

23 Mon 8.30am Morning Prayer

25 Wed 8.30am Morning Prayer

10.00am Holy Communion

7.30pm Evening Prayer

26 Thur 9.00am Prayer Space

29 Sun 8.00am Benefice Holy Communion - St Andrew’s

10.00am Benefice Holy Communion - St Nicholas