grammar theory content

GRAMMAR THEORY 6TH GRADE CONTENTS 1.Present Simple.......................................... ......................................1 2.Present Continuous...................................... ...................................2 3.Stative verbs........................................... ........................................3 4. Present Continuous vs To be going to.............................................. 4 5.Past Simple.......................................... ...........................................5 a.Used to.......................................... ........................................5 b.Irregular verbs....................................... ................................6 6.Wh- questions....................................... ........................................10 1

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Grammar Theory Content





1. Present Simple................................................................................1

2. Present Continuous.........................................................................2

3. Stative verbs...................................................................................3

4. Present Continuous vs To be going to..............................................4

5. Past Simple.....................................................................................5

a. Used to..................................................................................5

b. Irregular verbs.......................................................................6

6. Wh- questions...............................................................................10

7. Present Perfect Simple...................................................................11

8. Present Perfect vs Past Simple.......................................................13

9. Comparatives and Superlatives......................................................13

10. The article......................................................................................14

11. Past Continuous.............................................................................16

12. Reflexive Pronouns........................................................................17

13. Past Perfect...................................................................................18

14. Modals .........................................................................................19

15. Conditionals ..................................................................................21

16. Countable/Uncountable nouns......................................................22

a. Some/any/no........................................................................23

b. A few/Few/A little/Little......................................................23

c. A lot of/lots of/much/many..................................................23

17. The Future

a. The Future Simple................................................................24

b. To be going to......................................................................24

c. Present Continuous (future meaning)..................................25

d. Time clauses about the future.............................................25

18. ING form and Infinitive...............................................................25

19. Preference....................................................................................27

20. Present/Past Participle..................................................................28

21. Too/Enough..................................................................................28

22. Mustnt/Dont have to.....2823. Adjectives...2924. The Passive.2925. Question Tags3126. Reported Speech.3127. Relative Clauses..3428. Defining and Non-Defining Relative Clauses...34UNIT 1

PRESENT SIMPLE (Prezentul Simplu)

I. FORM: Subiect + verb (+ s sau es la persoana a III-a singular)

to walk - prezent simplu:

(+) Affirmative (?) Interrogative - do/does+infinitive(-) Negative do/dont+infinitive

I walkDo I walk? Yes, I do.I (do not) dont walk.

You walkDo you walk? No, I dont.You (do not) dont walk.

He/she/it walksDoes he/she/it walk?He/she/it (does not) doesnt walk.

We/you/they walkDo we/you/they walk?We/you/they (do not) dont walk.


1. Exprim aciuni repetate, obinuite, permanente

I go to school every day. (aciune obisnuit)

She works as a nurse. (aciune permanent)

He usually goes swimming on Sundays. (aciune repetat)

2. Adevruri generale

Birds fly. Fish swim. (Psrile zboar. Petii noat)

The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. (Soarele rsare n est i apune n vest)

3. Aciuni planificate oficial (orare i programe oficiale) sens de viitor

The train to Madrid leaves at 6:30 pm. (Trenul spre Madrid va pleca la ora 6:30).


1. adverbele de frecven ( adverbs of frequency )

100% - always=ntotdeauna 25% - sometimes=uneori

75% - usually=de obicei 10% - rarely/seldom=rareori

50% - often=deseori 0% - never=niciodat

Obs. Adverbele de frecven se plaseaz naintea verbului sau dup verbul to be sau verbele modale. He sometimes goes shopping.

You are always late. (ntotdeauna ntrzii)

Sometimes poate s apar la nceputul sau sfritul propoziiei:

Sometimes he goes to the park.

2. alte adverbe:

every day/week/month, on Fridays, in the morning/afternoon/evening, at night/at noon/at the weekend, frequently, once/twice a week, occasionally, hardly everIV. SPELLING: 3rd person singular (Ortografia prezentului simplu la persoana a III-a singular)

1. Verbele care se termin n o, h, s, x primesc terminaia es la pers. III sgI go-he goes I miss-he missesI watch-he watches I fix-she fixes

2. Verbele care se termin n y precedat de o consoan transform y in i i adaug es.

I cry- he criesdar I play he plays (nu apar schimbri deoarece y este precedat de vocal) PRESENT CONTINUOUS (Prezentul Continuu)

I. FORM. Subiect + verbul to be (la prezent) + verb+ing


Verbul to walk - prezent continuuu(+) Affirmative(?) Interrogative(-) Negative

I am walkingAm I walking? Yes, I am.I am not (Im not) walking

You are walkingAre you walking?You are not (arent) walking

He/she/it is walkingIs he/she/it walking?He/she/it is not (isnt) walking

We/you/they are walkingAre we/you/they walking?We/you/they are not (arent) walking

1. II. USE2. Exprim o aciune care are loc n momentul vorbirii (acum) sau aproape de momentul vorbirii. (this week)

She is singing now. (Ea cnt acum.)

Shes staying at her aunts house this week. (Ea st la mtua ei sptmna aceasta.)

3. Exprim o aciune temporar.

He usually goes to school by bus but today he is going by taxi. (De obicei merge la coal cu autobuzul dar astzi ia un taxi.)

4. Exprim aciuni planificate de vorbitor pentru viitorul apropiat. (planuri i aranjamente)

I am going to a party tonight. (Voi merge la o petrecere disear.)

5. Exprim situaii care se schimb de la o zi la alta.

The weather is becoming warmer and warmer. (Vremea devine tot mai cald.)III. TIME EXPRESSIONS

now, at the moment, at present, these days, this week, still, today, tonight, tomorrow


1. Verbele care se termin n e, pierd e i adaug ing.

write writing leave-leaving

2. Verbele la care penultima liter este o vocal aflat ntre dou consoane, dubleaz consoana nainte de a aduga ing.

cut-cutting stop-stopping

3. Verbele care se termin n ie schimb ie n y i adaug ing.


STATIVE VERBS (Verbele statice)

Verbele statice nu se folosesc la aspectul continuu. Acestea sunt:

1. Verbe care exprim emoii i sentimente: like, love, prefer, want, enjoy (a plcea), desire (a dori), detest, hate (a ur)

2. Verbe de percepie i de senzaie: see, smell, hear, taste (a gusta), feel, look, appear, seem, sound3. Verbe care exprim o activitate mental: believe, forget, know, realise, remember, understand, think, doubt (a se ndoi)4. Verbe de relaie i posesie: have, own (a avea n posesie), belong to (a aparine), be, consist of, contain, cost, owe (a datora), deserve (a merita), depend on (a depinde de), wish.PRESENT CONTINUOUS VS TO BE GOING TO1. To be going to

Planuri, intenii pentru viitor.

Hes going to be a lawyer when he finishes university. (El intenioneaz s .)

Aciuni pe care ne-am decis s le facem n viitorul apropiat.Peter is going to work with his uncle during the holidays.

Predicii bazate pe ceea ce vedem sau tim.Look at those clouds! Its going to rain.

2. Present continuous (future meaning) prezentul continuu cu sens de viitor

Aranjamente pentru viitor

Im flying to Paris tomorrow. (Ive already bought my tickets.)

3. Time expressions tomorrow, the day after tomorrow (poimine), tonight, soon, this evening, next week/month/year/summer, in a week/year, soon, etc..

UNIT 2PAST SIMPLE (Trecutul Simplu)

I. FORM Subiect + verb + -ed la verbele regulate sau forma a II-a din tabel la verbe neregulate

To walk trecut simplu

(+) Affirmative(?) Interrogative did+infinitive(-) Negative did not+infinitive

I walkedDid I walk? Yes, I did.I did not (didnt) walk

You walkedDid you walk? No, I didnt.You did not (didnt) walk

He/she/it walkedDid he/she/it walk?He/she/it did not (didnt) walk

We/you/they walkedDid we/you/they walk?We/you/they did not (didnt) walk

to drink trecut simplu

(+) Affirmative(?) Interrogative(-) Negative

I drankDid I drink? Yes, I didI didnt drink

You drankDid you drink?You didnt drink

He/she/it drankDid he/she/it drink?He/she/it didnt drink

We/you/they drankDid we/you/they drink?We/you/they didnt drink


1. Exprim o aciune ncheiat n trecut.

They watched TV yesterday afternoon. (Ei s-au uitat la televizor ieri dup-amiaz.)

2. Exprim aciuni trecute care au loc una dup alta (n povestiri).

She locked the door and took off her shoes.

3. Exprim aciuni obinuite, repetate n trecut. (used to)

Mr Smith worked/used to work in a bank when he was young.

USED TO/PAST SIMPLE se folosesc pentru obiceiuri trecute. ns, pentru aciuni care s-au ntmplat la un timp definit (se tie exact cnd) folosim the past simple, nu used to.

Ex. I drove to work yesterday. (Not I used to drive.)

Cnd vorbim despre aciuni trecute care nu mai sunt adevrate n prezent folosim used to.I used to live in Rome. Now I live in Madrid. III. TIME EXPRESSIONS

Yesterday, a month/year ago (acum o lun), then (apoi), when, how long ago? (cu ct timp n urm?), last night/week/year/June, in 1980.IV. SPELLING

1. Verbele care se termin n e primesc doar dchange-changed tie-tied (a lega)

2. Verbele care se termin n y precedat de consoan, schimb pe y n i si adaug edcry-cried try-tried dar

stay-stayed display-displayed3. Verbele care se termin ntr-o vocal accentuat aflat ntre dou consoane, dubleaz ultima consoan nainte de a aduga ed.

plan-planned dar open-opened (e nu este accentuat)

4. Verbele care se termin n l, dubleaz l nainte de a aduga ed.



Past simple se traduce de cele mai multe ori cu perfectul compus: a deschis, a cntat, a nvat.

IRREGULAR VERBS VERBE NEREGULATEto arisearosearisen(a se ridica)

to awakeawokeawoken(a se trezi)

to bewas/werebeen(a fi)

to bearboreborn / borne(a nate)

to beatbeatbeaten(a bate)

to becomebecamebecome(a deveni)

to beginbeganbegun(a ncepe)

to betbetbet(a paria)

to bitebitbitten(a muca)

to blowblewblown(a sufla)

to breakbrokebroken(a sparge)

to bringbroughtbrought(a aduce)

to buildbuiltbuilt(a construi)

to burnburnt / burnedburnt / burned(a arde)

to buyboughtbought(a cumpra)

to catchcaughtcaught(a prinde)

to choosechosechosen(a alege)

to clapclapped / claptclapped / clapt(a aplauda)

to comecamecome(a veni)

to costcostcost(a costa)

to cutcutcut(a tia)

to dodiddone(a face)

to digdugdug(a spa)

to drawdrewdrawn(a desena)

to dreamdreamt / dreameddreamt / dreamed(a visa)

to drinkdrankdrunk(a bea)

to drivedrovedriven(a conduce)

to eatateeaten(a mnca)

to fallfellfallen(a cdea)

to feedfedfed(a hrni)

to feelfeltfelt(a simi)

to fightfoughtfought(a lupta)

to findfoundfound(a gsi)

to flyflewflown(a zbura)

to forbidforbade / forbadforbidden(a interzice)

to foretellforetoldforetold

to forgetforgotforgotten(a uita)

to forgiveforgaveforgiven(a ierta)

to freezefrozefrozen(a nghea)

to getgotgot/gotten(a lua)

to givegavegiven(a da)

to gowentgone/been(a merge)

to growgrewgrown(a crete)

to handwritehandwrotehandwritten(a scrie cu mna)

to hanghung/hangedhung/hanged(a spnzura)

to havehadhad(a avea)

to hearheardheard(a auzi)

to hidehidhidden(a ascunde)

to hithithit(a lovi)

to holdheldheld(a ine)

to hurthurthurt(a durea)

to keepkeptkept(a ine)

to knowknewknown(a ti)

to laylaidlaid(a aeza)

to leadledled(a conduce)

to learnlearnt / learnedlearnt / learned(a nva)

to leaveleftleft(a pleca)

to lendlentlent(a mprumuta)

to letletlet(a lsa)

to lielaylain(a mini)

to loselostlost(a pierde)

to makemademade(a face)

to meanmeantmeant(a nsemna)

to meetmetmet(a ntlni)

to mistakemistookmistaken(a grei)

to misunderstandmisunderstoodmisunderstood(a nelege greit)

to overhearoverheardoverheard(a auzi fr s vrea)

to paypaidpaid(a plti)

to proveprovedproven/proved(a dovedi)

to putputput(a pune)

to quitquitquit(a renuna)

to readreadread(a citi)

to rideroderidden(a clri)

to ringrangrung(a suna)

to riseroserisen(a se ridica)

to runranrun(a alerga)

to saysaidsaid(a spune)

to seesawseen(a vedea)

to seeksoughtsought(a cuta)

to sellsoldsold(a vinde)

to sendsentsent(a trimite)

to setsetset(a pune)

to shakeshookshaken(a scutura)

to shineshoneshone(a strluci)

to shootshotshot(a mpuca)

to showshowedshown(a arta)

to shutshutshut(a nchide)

to singsangsung(a cnta)

to sinksanksunk(a scufunda)

to sitsatsat(a sta)

to sleepsleptslept(a dormi)

to smellsmelt / smelledsmelt / smelled(a mirosi)

to speakspokespoken(a vorbi)

to spellspelt / spelledspelt / spelled(a silabisi)

to speedsped / speededsped / speeded(a se grbi)

to spendspentspent(a cheltui)

to spillspilt / spilledspilt / spilled(a vrsa)

to spreadspreadspread(a mprtia)

to standstoodstood(a sta n picioare)

to stealstolestolen(a fura)

to stickstuckstuck(a nfige, a lipi)

to sweatsweat / sweatedsweat / sweated(a transpira)

to swimswamswum(a nota)

to teartoretorn(a rupe)

to taketooktaken(a lua)

to teachtaughttaught(a preda)

to telltoldtold(a spune)

to thinkthoughtthought(a gndi)

to throwthrewthrown(a arunca)

to upsetupsetupset(a supra)

to understandunderstoodunderstood(a nelege)

to wakewokewoken(a trezi)

to wearworeworn(a purta)

to weepweptwept(a plnge)

to wetwet / wettedwet / wetted(a uda)

to winwonwon(a ctiga)

to writewrotewritten(a scrie)

WH- QUESTIONSWh- questions sunt ntrebrile care ncep cu: who, what, where, when etc. Auxiliarul se pune dup aceste question words, urmat apoi de subiect.

People: who/whose

Who did you see? (pe cine)

Whose is that car? It is Anns. (a cui)

Things: what/whichWhat do you need? (ce, care)

Which dress does Mary like? (care dintre)

Place: where

Where did Lyn go? (unde)

Time: when/how long/how oftenWhen did he leave? (cnd)

How long have they known each other? (De ct timp se cunosc unul pe altul?)

How often does she go to the cinema? (ct de des?)

Quantity/number: how much/how manyHow much sugar do you need? (ct)

How many notebooks did you buy? (cte)

Manner (mod): howHow did you go to Rome? By car. (cum)

Reason: why

Why was he upset? (de ce)

Age: how old

How old is your mum?

Distance: how far

How far is it to the bank? About ten minutes walk. (Ct de departe este banca? La o distan de 10 minute de mers pe jos.)

OBS. Cnd who sau what sunt subiecte, auxiliarul dispare.Who invented the telephone? (cine)

What happened?UNIT 3PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE (Prezentul perfect simplu)

I. FORM S + to have (has/have) + past participle

Obs. Past participle reprezint forma a III-a din tabelul cu verbe neregulat sau ed pentru vb regulate)

To walk/drink - Present Perfect

Affirmative (+)Interrogative (?)Negative (-)

I have (ve) walked/drunkHave I walked? Yes, I have.I have not (havent) walked

.Have you walked? No, I havent.You havent walked

He/she/it has (s) walked/drunkHas he/she/it walked?He/she/it hasnt walked

We/you/they have walked/drunkHave we/you/they walked?We/you/they havent walked

1. II. USE

2. Exprim o aciune care are loc n trecut dar nu se menioneaz cnd. (timp nedefinit)I have lost my keys. (nu se tie cnd)

She has been to Australia twice. (Ea a fost n Australia de dou ori.)

She has put on weight. (Ea s-a ngrat.)


I lost my keys yesterday. (timpul este menionat)

She went to Australia two months ago.

She put on weight when she was on leave. (S-a ngrat cnd a fost n concediu.)

3. Exprim o aciune care ncepe n trecut i se continu n prezent i poate i n viitor.

He has known me for three years. (El m cunoate de trei ani). (aciunea ncepe acum trei ani i se continu i n prezent.)

4. Exprim o aciune care s-a terminat recent. (yet, already, just)

The train has just left. (Trenul tocmai a plecat)

5. Experiene sau schimbri personale.She has lost five kilos.


already (deja), yet (nc), just (tocmai), ever (vreodat), never, how long (de ct timp), for, since, so far (pn acum), recently, lately (n ultma vreme), up to now/present (pn acum/n prezent), today, this week/month, still (nc), once/twice/three times

-for nseamn de. i se folosete n general cu cifre.(arat durata aciunii)

I have learnt in this school for 5 years. (nv n aceast coal de 5 ani.)

-since nseamn din, de, de cnd i se folosete n general cu zile, anotimpuri i ani. (arat momentul n care ncepe aciunea.)

I have learnt in this school since last autumn. (nv n aceast coal din toamna trecut.)

-yet se folosete la interogativ i negativ i este poziionat n general la sfritul propoziiei.

Have you finished your homework yet? She hasnt finished her homework yet.


Att prezentul perfect simplu ct i cel continuu se pot traduce n romn cu prezentul sau trecutul.I have worked here for 5 years. (Lucrez aici de 5 ani.)

I have just finished reading the book. (Tocmai am terminat de citit cartea.)PRESENT PERFECT VS PAST SIMPLE1. Present Perfect exprim o aciune care ncepe n trecut i se continua n prezent, n timp ce Past Simple exprim o aciune care ncepe n trecut i se termin tot n trecut.

She has been in Lisbon for 6 years. (nc locuiete acolo.)

She lived in Lisbon 6 years ago. (nu mai locuiete acolo.)

2. Present Perfect exprim o aciune despre care nu tim cnd are loc (timp nedefinit), n timp ce Past Simple exprim o aciune care are un timp definit (se tie cnd.)I have lost my keys.

I lost my keys yesterday.UNIT 4

COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES (Comparativul i superlativul)

Comparativul se folosete cnd se compara o persoan sau un lucru cu alt persoan sau lucru. Superlativul se folosete cnd se compar o persoan sau un lucru cu dou sau mai multe persoane sau lucruri. Dup comparativ folosim de obicei than. nainte de superlativ folosim the iar dup, in sau of. She is younger than me.

She is the youngest in class.

This is the happiest day of my life.

I. Formation of comparatives and superlatives (Formarea comparativului i superlativului)

1. La adjectivele scurte (de o singur silab) i la cele de dou silabe care se termin n -ly, -y, -w, adugm er la comparativ i est la superlativ.

large larger the largest (adj. terminate n -e adaug r i -st)big-bigger-the biggest (vocal accentuat ntre dou consoanese dubleaz ultima consoan)

heavy-heavier-the heaviest (y precedat de vocal-y se schimb n -i)

narrow (ngust)-narrower-the narrowest

2. La adjectivele lungi (de dou sau mai multe silabe) comparativul se formeaz cu more iar superlativul cu the most.

intelligent-more intelligent-the most intelligent

OBS. Adjectivele clever, common, cruel, friendly, gentle, pleasant (plcut), polite, simple, stupid, quiet pot primi att er i est, ct i more i the most.

clever-cleverer/more clever-the cleverest/the most clever

3. La adverbe se aplic aceleai reguli ca la adjective.

late-later-the latest

Excepie: toate adverbele de dou silabe primesc more i the most.

slowly-more slowly-the most slowly

II. Irregular forms (Forme neregulate)

good-better-the best

bad (ill)-worse-the worst

much (many)-more-the most

little (puin)-less-the least

far (departe)-farther/further-the farthest/the furthest

III. Types of comparisons (Tipuri de comparaii)

1. As + adjective + as (comparativ de egalitate=la fel

The red dress is as beautiful as the blue one.

2. Less + adjective + than (comparativ de inferioritate=mai puin...dect)

This book is less interesting than the other one./......not as interesting as...... (Cartea aceasta este mai puin interesant dect cealalt).

3. Much/a lot/far/a little/a bit/slightly+comparative.

Brian is a little/ slightly/a bit taller than Bill. (Brian este puin mai nalt dect Bill.)

Brian is much/a lot/far taller than Bill. (Brian este mult mai nalt dect Bill.)THE ARTICLE (Articolul)

I. The definite article THE (Articolul hotrt the)

1. Cu substantive care exprim o referin unic (se tie despre ce anume este vorba)

Can you tell me where the Town Hall is? (Poi s-mi spui unde este primria?)

2. Cu substantive care au fost specificate anterior.Jack owns a bike. The bike is black. (Jack are o biciclet. Bicicleta este neagr.)

3. Cu nume de ziare (the Guardian), cinemauri (the Rex), teatre (the Empire), muzee/galerii de art (the Louvre), vapoare (the Titanic), organizaii (the United Nations).

4. Cu nume de ruri (the Thames), grupuri de insule (the Bahamas), lanuri de muni (the Alps), deerturi (the Sahara), oceane (the Atlantic), canale (the Panama canal), ri sau nume cnd au n alctuirea lor cuvinte precum States, Kingdom, Republic sau of (the USA, the House of Parliment).

5. Cu nume de instrumente muzicale i dansuri (the guitar, the salsa).

6. Cu nume de familii (the Jones) i naionaliti care se termin n sh, -ch, sau ese (the Chinese).

7. Cu titluri (the ambassador, the President) dar nu cu titluri ce includ un nume (Prince Charles).

8. Cu day, morning, afternoon i evening. Excepie: at night, at noon, at midnight, by day/night9. Evenimente/perioade istorice: the Vietnam War

Excepie: World War IIII. The indefinite article (a/an) Articolul nehotrt a/an

1. a/an se folosesc pentru substantive la singular care nu exprim o referin unic.

Jack has bought a new car. (Sunt milioane de maini; el a luat una dintre ele).

III. The zero article (Articolul zero)

1. Cnd vorbim despre ceva general.

I like chocolate. (in general)

2. Cu nume proprii.

John is my cousin.

3. Cu nume de sporturi, jocuri, activiti, zile, luni, srbtori, culori, mncruri.They are going to have dinner on Sunday.

4. Cu limbi atunci cnd nu sunt urmate de cuvntul language.

Andy speaks Spanish, French.


The French language is spoken in Belgium.

5. Cu nume de ri.Germany is a beautiful country.


The Netherlands/the Gambia/the Vatican

6. Cu nume de strzi (Bond Street), nume de poduri (London Bridge), parks (Hyde Parks), muni (Mount Everst), lacuri (lake Baikal) i continente (Europe).

7. Cu nume de restaurante, magazine, bnci, hoteluri.8. Cu bed, hospital, college, court, prison, school, university cnd se refer la scopul pentru care acestea exist.

The injured man had to be taken to hospital.


He went to the hospital to visit Bill.

9. Cu by + mijloace de transport (by car, bus).

10. Cu nume de boli.Shes got pneumonia.UNIT 5

PAST CONTINUOUS (Trecutul Continuu)

I. FORM S + verbul to be (trecut) + verb+ing

(was, were)

to walk Past Continuous

Affirmative (+)Interrogative (?)Negative (-)

I was walkingWas I walking? Yes, I was.I was not (wasnt) walking

You were walkingWere you walking? No, I wasnt.You were not (werent) walking

He/she/it was walkingWas he/she/it walking?He/she/it was not (wasnt) walking

We/you/they were walkingWere we/you/they walking?We/you/they were not (werent) walking


1. Exprim o aciune n desfurare ntrerupt de o aciune spontan. (aciune lung=past continuous/aciune scurt=past simple)

As/when/while I was crossing the street I saw an accident. (n timp ce/cnd traversam strada am vzut un accident.)

2. Exprim dou sau mai multe aciuni aflate n desfurare n acelai timp.While I was having a shower, John was reading. (n timp ce eu fceam du, John citea.)

3. Exprim o aciune aflat n desfurare la un anumit timp din trecut. Nu se tie momentul cnd aciunea a nceput sau s-a terminat.

At ten oclock last night I was walking home from work. (Noaptea trecut la ora 10 m ntorceam acas de la serviciu.)

4. Se folosete n povestiri atunci cnd vrem s dm informaii de background (detalii).The birds were singing and the sun was shining. I was sitting outside in the garden when something strange happened.OBS. Cnd avem dou forme de trecut continuu cu acelai subiect, verbul to be poate fi omis pentru a evita repetiia.

He was walking along and he was eating an ice cream = He was walking along, eating an ice cream.


While (n timp ce), when, as (n timp ce), at eight oclock yesterday, all morning/day/week.


Past continuous se traduce de cele mai multe ori cu imperfectul: mncam, cntam, citeam etc..REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS

I myself








Pronumele reflexive se folosesc

Cu verbe ca: behave (a se comporta), burn, cut, enjoy, hurt, introduce, kill, look at, teach cnd subiectul i complementul direct se refer la aceeai persoan.

I burnt myself when I accidently touch the iron.

Cu prepoziia by cnd vrem s spunem c am fcut ceva singuri/fr companie/fr ajutor.

She spent her weekend by herself/on her own. (singur)

n expresii: enjoy yourself (simte-te bine), behave yourself (poart-te frumos), help yourself (servete-te)

Pentru a accentua subiectul sau complementul direct al unei propoziii.

I myself wrote this essay. (eu nsumi)


1. Pronumele reflexive se folosesc cu verbele dress, wash i shave cnd vrem s artm c cineva a reuit s fac ceva cu mult efort.

Although she is only three years old, she managed to dress herself.

PAST PERFECT (Trecutul perfect)

I. FORM Subiect + had + past participle (-ed la verbe regulate sau forma a III-a din tabel)Aff. I had walked (drunk)

Int. Had I walked?

Neg. I had not (hadnt) walked


1. Exprim o aciune trecut ncheiat naintea altei aciuni trecute.

Ann had finished her homework by 5 oclock.(Ana i terminase tema pn la ora 5.)

2. Pentru situaii generale n trecut.

Everything had seemed normal at first. (Totul pruse normal la nceput.)


By 5 oclock (nu mai trziu de/pn la ora 5), by the time (cnd, nu mai trziu de), before, after, till/until

UNIT 5-6MODALS (Verbele modale)

Verbele modale (can/could, may/might, must/had to, ought to, shall/should, will/would) Nu primesc terminaiile s, -ing sau ed. Sunt urmate de - infinitivul scurt (bare infinitive): must walk

infinitivul perfect: must have walked Se face inversiunea cu subiectul n ntrebri iar n negaii sunt urmate de not

May I live? No, you may not.

I. Must/Have to/Need to (obilgaie, datorie, necesitate)

1. *Must exprim obligaia puternic de a face ceva/datoria (responsabilitatea) i arat c ceva este esenial de fcut. De obicei must exprim o obligaie pe care i-o impune vorbitorul (obligaie interioar).

I must remember to send my mother a birthday card. (este hotrrea mea)

*Must/mustnt mai poate exprima un sfat puternic.

You must study hard for the exam

You mustnt smoke.

*Mustnt = este interzis sa faci ceva, este mpotriva legii/nu ai voie s faci un anume lucru.

You mustnt park your car here. Its forbidden. (este interzis)

2. Have to/need to: exprim necesitate puternic/obligaie

We have to/need to paint the house.

Spre deosebire de must, la have to obligaia vine din exterior (obligaie exterioar).He said we have to go to bed early. (e hotrrea altcuiva.)

3. Dont have to/dont need to (neednt): Nu este necesar s faci ceva n prezent/viitor.

You dont have to/dont need to/neednt do the washing up I will do it. (Nu este necesar s speli vasele. O voi face eu.)

OBS. Trecutul lui must i have to este had to iar viitorul acestora este will have to.

II. Can/Could/May/Might (abilitate, posibilitate, permisiunea)1. Abilitate Can exprim abilitatea n prezent.

I can play football.

Could exprim abilitatea repetat i general de a face ceva n trecut.

I could talk when I was two.

Couldnt exprim inabilitatea repetat de a face ceva specific sau general.

I couldnt speak French when I was two.

I couldnt/wasnt able to remember his name when I saw him in the street.

OBS. Forma de viitor a lui can este wil be able to.

2. Posibilitate

Can + present infinitive: Exprim posibilitatea.

You can ski at Predeal. (poi/este posibil)

OBS. De obicei nu se folosete pentru o situaie specific.

For dessert you can have apple-pie or ice-cream. (Ca desert poi s mnnci plcint cu mere sau ngheat.)

3. Permisiunea

Can/May: Se folosesc pentru a cere/da permisiunea. May este mai formal dect can.

Can/May I borrow your pen, please? Yes, of course you can/may.

Cant: Este interzis sa faci ceva, este mpotriva legii/nu ai voie s faci un anume lucru.

You cant/mustnt park your car here. Its forbidden. (este interzis).III. Should (sfat)Should/shouldnt = ar trebui/nu ar trebui (sfat)

You should be more patient.

You shouldnt be that hard on him. (Nu ar trebui s fii att de dur cu el.)UNIT 6

CONDITIONALS: TYPE 0/1 Condiionalul de tip 0/1

I. Type 0 conditional este folosit pentru a exprima un adevr general sau un fapt tiinific. Se poate folosi when n loc de if.If-clause (prop. introdus de if)Main Clause (prop. principal)

Present simplePresent simple

If/When you mix red and yellowyou get orange.

Dac amesteci rou i galben obii portocaliu.

II. Type 1 conditional se folosete pentru a exprima o situaie real sau foarte probabil n prezent sau viitor.

If-clauseMain Clause (prop. principal)

Present simpleFuture Simple, imperative, can/must/may + bare infinitive

If he works hard, he will/may/might pass the exam.

Dac va munci multva lua/s-ar putea s ia examenul.

OBS. If poate fi nlocuit cu unless (dac nu) + affirmative verb.He will not be able to finish his homeworh unless Fred gives him a hand.UNIT 7

COUNTABLE/UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Substantive numrabile/nenumrabile

Countable nouns sunt substantivele care se pot numra (one apple, two apples).

Uncountable nouns sunt substantivele care nu se pot numra (water, bread).

OBS. Uncountable nouns nu pot primi a/an i sunt urmate ntotdeauna de un substantiv la singular.

I. Uncountable nouns cuprind substantive care denumesc:

1. tipuri de mncare: spaghetti, yoghurt, cheese, flour, butter, meat

2. lichide: water, coffee, wine (vin), lemonade, oil, petrol, tea, juice (suc)

3. materiale: silver, wood (lemn), crystal, plastic, porcelain

4. obiecte de studiu: Physics, Maths, Economics, Politics

5. sporturi: football, billiards, cards

6. alte substantive: money, advice (sfat), information, weather (vreme), furniture (mobil), luggage/baggage (bagaj), hair, accommodation (cazare), rubbish/litter (gunoi).

Uncountable nouns se pot numra cu ajutorul unor cuantificatori.

a bottle/glass of water (o sticl/pahar)

a loaf of bread (o pine)

a slice of bread/cake (o felie de)

a carton of milk (o cutie de lapte)

a cup of coffee

a bowl of cereal (un bol de cereale)

a packet of flour/sugar (un pachet de fin)

a kilo of rice

a bar of chocolate (o ciocolat) a tin of tuna (o conserv de ton)

a piece of cake/advice/information/luggage (un/o) a pot/jug of tea (o oal/can mare de ceai)

II. Some/Any/No and their compounds

Countable nounsUncountable nouns


Aff.(+)There is an onion.There are some/no onions.There is some/no milk.

Neg.(-)There isnt an onionThere arent any onions.There isnt any milk.

Int.(?)Is there an onion?Are there any onions?Is there any milk?

Can I have/Would you like some milk?

Some, any, no i compuii lor se folosesc cu uncountable nouns i plural countable nouns.

1. Some este folosii n propoziii afirmative i mai rar n propoziii interogative (cnd exprim o cerere sau ofert).

Would you like some biscuits/cake? (ofert)

Can I have some bananas/water? (cerere)

2. Any este de obicei folosii n propoziii interogative i negative. III. A few/Few (plural countable nouns) A little/Little (uncountable nouns) A few nseamn nu muli, dar de ajuns (civa, cteva).

We have a few apples. We can make an apple pie.

Few nseamn foarte puini

There were very few people in the park.

A little nseamn nu mult, dar de ajuns.

There is a little coffee left would you like another cup?

Little nseamn foarte puin

There is little sugar left. Ill go and buy some.

IV. A lot of/lots of much many

A lot of/lots of se folosesc n propoziii afirmative att pentru plural countable ct i pentru uncountable.

There are lots of/a lot of oranges in the fridge. I can make some juice.

Much i many se folosesc n propoziii interogative i negative.

Much se folosete cu uncountable nouns iar many cu countable nouns.

There arent many parks in the centre of the city. Did you spend much money at the supermarket?

How much (ct, ct) i how many (ci, cte) se folosesc n ntrebri i negaii.

How much salt shall I put in the soup?

How many children do they have?THE FUTURE (Viitorul)

I. The Future Simple (will/wont + infinitivul scurt)

Decizii de moment.

Its cold in here. Ill close a window.

Predicii bazate pe ceea ce credem. Se folosete cu think, believe, expect, hope, expresiile be sure, be afraid i adverbele probably, certainly, perhaps.He will probably come later.

Promisiuni, ameninri, cereri i oferte.

Will you help me wash the dishes? (Vrei s m ajui s spl vasele?)

Aciuni, evenimente care se vor ntmpla cu siguran n viitor i pe care nu le putem controla.

Tom will be three years old in September.II. To be going to future (a inteniona s)

Planuri, intenii pentru viitor.

Hes going to be a lawyer when he finishes university. (El intenioneaz s .)

Aciuni pe care ne-am decis s le facem n viitorul apropiat.Peter is going to work with his uncle during the holidays.

Predicii bazate pe ceea ce vedem sau tim.Look at those clouds! Its going to rain.III. Present continuous (future meaning) prezentul continuu cu sens de viitor

Aranjamente pentru viitor

Im flying to Paris tomorrow. (Ive already bought my tickets.)

IV. Time clauses about the future

Cnd o propoziie secundar viitoare este introdus prin cuvinte sau expresii

precum: while, before, after, until/till (pn cnd), as, when, whenever, once, as soon as (de ndat ce), by the time (cnd, nu mai trziu de), viitorul se transform n prezent sau prezent perfect, nu viitor.

After he gets (not he will get) to the station he will buy the tickets. (Dup ce va ajunge la gar va cumpra biletele.)

I will call him as soon as I get home. (l voi suna de ndat ce voi ajunge acas.)

OBS. Putem folosi viitorul n secundar n urmtoarele cazuri:

cnd when este folosit ca question word. (n ntrebri)

When will you be going shopping next? (Cnd vei mai merge la cumprturi?)

n secundare introduce de if/whether (dac) atunci cnd sunt precedate de expresii care arat nesigurana/ignorana, cum ar fi: I dont know, I doubt (m ndoiesc c), I wonder (m ntreb), Im not sure.

I doubt whether he will pass the exam. (M ndoiesc c va trece examenul.)

UNIT 8-ING FORM AND INFINITIVE (-ing i infinitivul)

I. -Ing form -Ing este folosit

1. Ca substantiv (n general cu sporturi)

Jogging is very good for your health.

2. Dup anumite verbe: admit (a admite, a recunoate), appreciate, avoid (a evita), consider (a lua n considerare), deny (a nega), fancy (a plcea), go (cu sporturi sau alte activiti), imagine, mind (a se supra),miss, quit (a renuna), save, suggest, practise, prevent (a mpiedica).ex. Do you mind my opening the window? (Te superi dac deschid fereastra?)

Your hair needs cutting. (Prul tu necesit o tunsoare).3. Dup love, like, enjoy, prefer, dislike, hate cnd exprim o preferin general.

I hate waking up early.

4. Dup expresii precum: be busy, its no use/good (e n zadar), its (not) worth (se merit), whats the use of, cant help (a nu se putea abine), theres no point in (e n zadar), cant stand (a nu putea suporta), have difficulty (a avea dificulti n), have trouble, etc.Theres no point in talking to Steve about it. He never listens to you. (Degeaba vorbeti cu Steve despre aceasta. El nu te ascult niciodat.)

5. Dup spend, waste, lose (money, time).

He wasted a lot of time doing that.

6. Dup verbe urmate de prepozitii obligatorii: look forward to (a atepta cu nerbdare), be used to (a fi obinuit s), in addition to (pe lng), object to (a obiecta la) prefer, think of (a se gndi la).

She prefers swimming to playing tennis.

II. Infinitive

Exist dou tipuri de infinitiv: infinitivul lung=to-infinitive (to go) i infinitivul scurt=bare infinitive (go)

IIa. Infinitivul cu to (to-infinitive) este folosit:

1. Pentru a exprima scopul. (s, ca s, pentru a)

She went to the clothes shop to buy a new dress. (...pentru a-i cumpra...)

2. Dup verbe care se refer la viitor: agree (a fi de acord), appear, decide, expect (a se atepta), hope, plan, promise, refuse.

They plan to buy a new car.

3. Dup would like, would prefer (a prefera), would love.

I would prefer to stay at home tonight.

4. Dup adjective care exprim emoii, sentimente, voina, caracterul unei persoane: happy, glad, sad, eager/willing (dornic s), reluctant (care are repulsie pentru ceva), clever, kind, lucky, fortunate (norocos).

I was very glad to hear that Marry got married.

5. Dup too/enough.

It wasnt warm enough to go to the beach.

6. n expresii precum: to tell you the truth/ to be honest (sincer), to sum up (n concluzie), to begin with (pentru nceput)

To be honest, I dont trust him at all. (Sicer, nu am ncredere n el deloc.)

OBS. Dac dou infinitive sunt legate prin and sau or, dispare to de la al doilea infinitiv.

I would like to go and visit Kate at the weekend.

IIb. Infinitivul scurt (bare infinitive) este folosit:

1. Dup verbe modale.

Carol can speak German.

2. Dup verbele let, make (a pune/ fora pe cineva s fac ceva), see, hear, feel.

They made her fill out a lot of forms. (Au forat-o s completeze multe formulare.)

Obs. Se folosete to-infinitive dup be made, be heard, be seen (forme pasive)

She was made to fill out the forms.

3. Dup had better (ar fi mai bine dac) i would rather (a prefera)

We had better avoid the town center because the traffic is heavy. (Ar fi bine s evitm centru oraului pentru c traficul este aglomerat.)

4. Verbul help poate fi urmat att de to-infinitive ct i de bare infinitive.

She helped me (to) paint the room. (M-a ajutat s vruiesc camera.)

PREFERENCE (Preferina)Pentru a exprima o preferin general folosim prefer

1. Prefer + noun/-ing + to + noun/-ing

I prefer ice cream to chocolate.

I prefer swimming to sunbathing. (prefer s not dect s m bronzez.)

2. Prefer + to-infinitive + rather than + bare infinitive

I prefer to watch TV rather than read books.

Pentru a exprima o preferin specific folosim would prefer/would rather (a prefera)

1. Id prefer + to-infinitive (rather than + bare infinitive)

Id prefer to stay at home (rather than go out).

2. Id rather + bare infinitve (than + bare infinitive)

Id rather read a book than watch TV.PRESENT/PAST PARTICIPLE (Participiul present/trecut)

Folosim present participle pentru a descrie ceva.

It was a boring film (How was the film? Boring.)

Folosim past participle pentru a exprima sentimentele unei persoane/cum se simte cineva.

We were bored. (How did we feel? Bored.)

TOO/ENOUGH (prea/destul)

1. Too - (prea) nainte de adjectiv

He is too young to drive. (Ea este prea tnr pentru a conduce.)

The suitcase is too heavy for me to carry. (Valiza este prea grea pentru mine.)

2. Enough (destul) dup adjectiv sau nainte de substantiv

He isnt old enough to drive. (El nu este destul de matur ca s conduc = nu are vrsta legal de condus.)

The suitcase is light enough for me to carry. (Valiza este destul de uoar ca s o pot cra.) dup adjectiv


I have got enough money to buy this car. (Am bani destui ca s cumpr aceast main) nainte de substantive.MUSTNT/DONT HAVE TO

Mustnt = este interzis sa faci ceva, este mpotriva legii/nu ai voie s faci un anume lucru.

You mustnt park your car here. Its forbidden. (este interzis)

Dont have to/dont need to (neednt): Nu este necesar s faci ceva n prezent/viitor.

You dont have to/dont need to/neednt do the washing up I will do it. (Nu este necesar s speli vasele. O voi face eu.)UNIT 9ADJECTIVES (Adjectivele)

Adjectivele descriu un substantiv. Ele au aceeai form att la singular, ct i la plural: a small car-small cars.Locul adjectivelor este de obicei naintea substantivului (a beautiful village). Pot aprea ns i dup verbe copulative precum: to be, look, smell, sound, feel, taste.

Mary is young. You look tired.

I. Order of adjectives (Ordinea adjectivelor)

Cnd ntr-o propoziie sunt mai multe adjective, ordinea este urmtoarea:

nsuire, dimensiune, vrst, form, model, culoare, naionalitate/origine, material

ntr-o diminea vorbeam foarte mieros (mhnit) cu Nicu mititicu.Ex. a large Chinese porcelain vase = (o vaz mare de porelan din China)THE PASSIVE Diateza pasiv

I. FORM Subiect + to be/ (la timpul corespunztor) + past participle of the verb

II. Changing from the active to the passive

Complementul direct din propoziia activ devine subiect n cea pasiv. Subiectul din propoziia activ se transform n propoziia pasiv n complement de agent i este introdus prin by.The chef was cooking spaghetti. (active)

Spaghetti was being cooked by the chef. (passive)

OBS. Verbul to be din propoziia pasiv va avea acelai timp ca cel din propoziia activ.

1. The children clean the room every day. (present simple)

The room is cleaned by the children.

2. The children are cleaning the room now. (present continuous)

The room is being cleaned.

3. The children cleaned the room yesterday. (past)

The room was cleaned

4. The children were cleaning the room when they heard something. (past continuous)

The room was being cleaned

5. The children have already cleaned the room. (present perfect)

The room has already been cleaned .

6. The children had cleaned the room by 5 oclock yesterday. (past perfect)

The room had been cleaned.

7. The children will clean the room tomorrow. (future)

The room will be cleaned.

Putem folosi verbul to get n locul verbului to be n vorbirea informal cnd vorbim despre lucruri neateptate sau accidente.

Alex got injured when he was playing football. (Alex s-a rnit cnd juca fotbal.)

By este folosit cu persoane iar with cu lucruri (instrument/ material/ ingredient).

The sauce was made by Luigi. It was made with tomatoes.

Complementul de agent poate lipsi dac subiectul este they, he, somebody, people, one.

Somebody has washed the car. The car has been washed.

Dac n propoziia activ verbul este urmat de o prepoziie, atunci n pasiv prepoziia este plasat imediat dup verb.

This item hit Maria on the back.

Maria was hit on the back by this item.

Let devine be allowed n pasiv.

The teaher let the children leave early.

The children were allowed to leave early. Cnd vrem s tim ce sau cine a fcut o aciune, folosim Who/ What was the play directed by? (De ctre cine a fost regizat piesa de teatru?)QUESTION TAGSQuestion tags se formeaz cu un verb auxiliar i un pronume personal. Auxiliarul este acelai ca cel folosit n propoziie sau, dac nu exist verb auxiliar, atunci se folosete do/does (present simple) sau did (past simple).

She is a student, isnt she?

You have passed the exam, havent you?

You like chocolate, dont you?

Dup propoziii afirmative folosim negative question tags iar dup propoziii negative folosim positive question tags.

She plays in the team, doesnt she?

He didnt win the race, did he?

Cnd propoziia conine un cuvnt cu sens negative precum: never, hardly (de abia), seldom/rarely (arareori), question tag va fi pozitiv.

You never watch TV, do you?UNIT 10REPORTED SPEECH (Vorbirea indirect)I. Reported Statements


She said (to us) she was very angry.

She told us she was very angry. (tell nu primete to.)

sayhello, something, a prayer, a few words, for sure/for certain, no more

tellthe truth, a lie, a story, a secret, a joke, the time, the difference, one from another, somebody the way, someones fortune

Atunci cand trecem la vorbirea indirecta cuvintele unei persoane la mult timp dupa ce au fost rostite, sau cnd verbul introductiv este la trecut apar urmatoarele schimbari de timpuri.

Direct SpeechReported Speech

Present Simple

I play tennis sometimes.Past Simple

She said (that) she played tennis sometimes.

Present continuous

I am playing tennis this afternoon.Past continuous

She said that she was playing tennis that afternoon.

Present perfect

I have played tennis.Past perfect

She said she had played tennis.

Past simple

I played tennis yesterday.Past simple/past perfect

She said (that) she played/had played tennis the other day.

OBS. Nu apar schimbri de timpuri atunci cand:

1. trecem la vorbirea indirect cuvintele unei persoane imediat dup ce au fost rostite (up-to date reporting)

`` I still havent finished my homework.``

Nancy said (that) she still hasnt finished her homework. (este corect si varianta she still hadnt finished.)

2. cand verbul introductiv (din principala) este la prezent, prezent perfect sau viitor.

Mum has said Dinner is ready

Mum has said that dinner is ready.

3. cand trecem la vorbirea indirecta un adevr general.

The teacher said the Thames is a river

The teacher said the Thames is a river. (adevr general)-este corecta i varianta the Thames was a river.

OBS. Schimbri care apar la unele adverbe i cuvinte:

I-he, she


Now-then, immediately

Today that day

Yesterday-the day before, the previous day

Tomorrow-the next/following day

This week-that week

Last week-the week before, the previous week





II. Reported Questions

Reported questions sunt introduse prin verbele ask, inquire, wonder sau expresia want to know.4. What time is it, please?

He asked me what the time was.

5. Whats the time?

Can you tell me what the time is?

6. Is there any milk left?

He asked me if/whether there was any milk left.

III. Reported Orders

Sunt introduse prin verbele order sau tell + somebody + to-infinitive

7. Cease fire!

He ordered them to cease fire.

8. Stop talking!

He told us to stop talking. OBS. Cand trecem la vorbirea indirecta comenzi la negativ folosim not + to-infinitive

``Dont touch the oven, its hot``.Mum told us not to touch the oven because it was hot.RELATIVE CLAUSES

I. Relative Pronouns (Pronume relative)

1. Who(m)/that (pentru persoane)

2. Which/that (pentru lucruri)

3. Whose (al cui, al crui etc.) (att pentru persoane ct i pentru lucruri arat posesia)

Who, which i that pot fi omise cnd nu sunt subiecte.

He is the person (who) I am going to cooperate with.


The man who owns that shop is Italian (who este subiect si nu poate fi omis.)


1. An identyfying relative clause nu este desprit prin virgule de restul frazei. (ofer informaii foarte importante)

The dress which I bought last month doesnt fit me.

2. A non-identifying relative cluse este desprit de restul frazei prin virgule (nu ofer informaii eseniale.)

Julia Roberts, who has starred in a lot of successful films, is my favourite actress.

Prof. Cristea Emanuela