grade 10 work for term 2 week

Holy Cross High School Planning Grade 10 Week - 8 TERM 2 1 Table of Contents English ...................................................................................................................... 2 Afrikaans ................................................................................................................. 3 Xhosa ....................................................................................................................... 4 Mathematics .......................................................................................................... 5 Mathematical Literacy .......................................................................................... 6 Physical Science .................................................................................................... 7 Life Sciences ........................................................................................................... 7 History ...................................................................................................................... 8 Geography ............................................................................................................. 9 Life Orientation ..................................................................................................... 10 Religious Education ............................................................................................. 11 Religion Studies..................................................................................................... 11 CAT ........................................................................................................................ 12 Tourism ................................................................................................................... 13 Business Studies .................................................................................................... 14 Accounting ........................................................................................................... 14 Timetable .............................................................................................................. 15 IN CRUCE SALUS HOLY CROSS HIGH SCHOOL Grade 10 work for Term 2 Week 8 (21/06/2021-25/06/2021) Visit the School Web Page for more info and news – click here

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Holy Cross High School Planning Grade 10 Week - 8 TERM 2 1


Table of Contents English ...................................................................................................................... 2

Afrikaans ................................................................................................................. 3

Xhosa ....................................................................................................................... 4

Mathematics .......................................................................................................... 5

Mathematical Literacy .......................................................................................... 6

Physical Science .................................................................................................... 7

Life Sciences ........................................................................................................... 7

History ...................................................................................................................... 8

Geography ............................................................................................................. 9

Life Orientation ..................................................................................................... 10

Religious Education ............................................................................................. 11

Religion Studies..................................................................................................... 11

CAT ........................................................................................................................ 12

Tourism ................................................................................................................... 13

Business Studies .................................................................................................... 14

Accounting ........................................................................................................... 14

Timetable .............................................................................................................. 15


HOLY CROSS HIGH SCHOOL Grade 10 work for Term 2 Week – 8 (21/06/2021-25/06/2021)

Visit the School Web Page for more info and news – click here

Holy Cross High School Planning Grade 10 Week - 8 TERM 2 2

English Ms. Classen [email protected]

Mr Ackerman [email protected]

Grade 10: Language Learning


• Language Structures and Conventions for Term 2_2021_Introduction • Transactional Writing and Conventions for Term 2_2021_ Introduction • Essay Writing and Conventions for Term 2_2021_Introduction • Completion of Term 1 Goal Setting Form • Revisiting Themes for English Home Language 2021 • Book check for completion of Term 1 content: Past Papers 2017-2020 and Interactive English_Week_9-12. • Updating Google Classroom attendance and signing into the Online Workbook for Term 2- (Uploads for Week 1-6 DUE: 18 June 2021 Via

Google Classroom).

• • Activities and Tasks:

• Please ensure that the following is in your book: • Goal Planning Form- Issued in week 1 of Term 1. (THIS NEEDS TO BE ON PAGE 1 OF YOUR WORKBOOK) • 2021_ Themes for the year- Issued in Week 1. (THIS NEEDS TO BE ON PAGE 2 OF YOUR WORKBOOK) • Revision of language structures: Past Papers from 2017 to 2020 Sections A-D as given in weeks 1 to 6. (THIS NEEDS TO BE ON PAGE 2 OF YOUR


• TERM 2: • Please access the following links to complete the following works for this week:

• An Introduction and completion of all longer Transactionals completed under English (click to follow link – same content as school website and Google classroom) (CONTINUATION)

• Language Development Week 7: Set 1 (click to follow link – same content as school website and Google classroom) • Language Development Week 7: Set 2 (click to follow link – same content as school website and Google classroom)


Essay Writing: Language- [50Marks] (Issued: 26 May 2021- Final Draft to be written on Wednesday 02 June 2021 in class-ADDITION CONDUCTED BY MS MANUEL) (COMPLETED)

Holy Cross High School Planning Grade 10 Week - 8 TERM 2 3


• None at present

Literature: Poetry

Topic: Literature Test (Formal Assessment)

Activities and Tasks:

• 1 Unseen Poem.

• Novel The Mark.

Note: Upload clear pictures of completed work in the relevant Online Workbook. (None for this week)


• Poetry Essay Analysis (click to follow link – same content Google classroom)


• Oral Prepared Speech: 10 Marks

o Oral Topics (click to follow link – same content Google classroom)

o Administration date: 28 May 2021 (click to follow link – same content Google classroom)

o Submission date: 11 June 2021 (Online) Completed

• Poetry Essay (Seen poem): 10 Marks

o Administration date: 7 June

o Final Submission date: 18 June (Date extended from 11 June 2021) Completed.

• Literature Test: 35 Marks 23 June 2021 Extended from 15 June 2021)

o Unseen Poem Contextual Questions 10 Marks

o Novel/Drama Contextual Questions 15 Marks

Afrikaans Ms Pasquallie [email protected]

Onderwerp: Letterkunde

Holy Cross High School Planning Grade 10 Week - 8 TERM 2 4


• Voltooi die volgende kortverhaal en beantwoorde dan die vrae wat daarop volg:

• ‘n Pa vir Saterdag deur Christo Davids


• Ink en ander verhale (Use physical textbook no link)

Onderwerp: Taalkunde


• Voltooi die volgende volgende taal werk in jou skryfboek:

• bl. 120 Spelling en lettergrepe

• bl. 122 Hersiening

• bl. 130-131 Inligtingsteks


• Afrikaans Sonder Grense Handboek (Use physical textbook no link)


• Taak 4: Voorbereide Lees: 3-7 Mei 2021 (10 punte)

• Taak 5: Letterkunde Taak: 27-28 Mei en 2 Junie 2021 (35 punte)

• Taak 6: Letterkunde Toets: 18 Junie 2021 (35 punte)

Xhosa Ms. Nohiya [email protected]

Topic: Language Revision

Activities and Task:

• Cartoon

• Proze

Holy Cross High School Planning Grade 10 Week - 8 TERM 2 5

• Visual Learning

Resources: (Use physical note book-no link)


• Prepared speech - 8-10 June 2021 (20) (COMPLETED)

• Literature Assignment - 1 June 2021 (35) (COMPLETED)

• Literature Test - 15 June (35) (COMPLETED)


Mr Mutandwa [email protected]

Topic: Measurement

Mind Action Series grade 10 page 244 (click to follow link – same content as school website)

Volume and Surface area of:

• Rectangular Prism (Cuboid)

• Cube

• Triangular Prism

• Cylinder

• Revision on a written control test

Activities and tasks:

Mind Action Series grade 10 (click to follow link – same content as school website)

Students should do all questions on:

• Exercise 1, page 248

• Learners to volunteer working on the board questions in the test paper


Holy Cross High School Planning Grade 10 Week - 8 TERM 2 6

• Mind Action Series grade 10 (click to follow link – same content as school website)

• Grade 10 CAPS Mathematics Video Series (click to follow link – same content as school website)


• Assignment 18 June 2021 (50 marks : 1 hour) Topics : Number patterns and Trigonometry

• Test 21 June 2021 ( 50 marks : 1 hour) Topics: Number patterns, Trigonometry and Functions

Mathematical Literacy

Mrs Smith [email protected]

Topic: Measurement

• Volume of cylinder/box/cone • Probability

Resources Via Africa Mathematical Literacy Study Guide Activities and tasks

• Practice questions pp 94-98 • Answers pp99-102 • Finance Question 1,2 pp 12-15 (gr 11 revision doc) • Tariff systems Question 1 ,2 pp 16-17 (gr 11 doc) • Measurement question 1,2,3,4,5 • Patterns Question 1,2,3,4,5,6

Additional resources

• probability same content as school website and Google classroom) • Two way tables same content as school website and Google classroom) • Twoway tables same content as school website and Google classroom) • Tree diagram same content as school website and Google classroom) • Relative frequency same content as school website and Google classroom) • Data handling revision same content as school website and Google classroom) • Gr 11 revision same content as school website and Google classroom) • Lessons WCED same content as school website and Google classroom)


• Assignment: Data, Finance, maps, measurement Thu 10 June 65 marks • Control test: Data handling; Finance; Maps and plans Tues 22 June 50 marks

Holy Cross High School Planning Grade 10 Week - 8 TERM 2 7

Physical Science

Mr Musvavairi [email protected]

Topic: Average velocity, speed and acceleration

• Definition of average speed and formula

• Calculating average speed

• Definition of average velocity and formula

• Calculating average velocity

• Recording motion – ticker timer

• Demonstration using a ticker timer.

Activities and tasks:

• Exercise 21 - 3 pp 399


• Siyavula grade 10 (PDF click to follow link – same content as school website and Google

• Physical science grade 10 Gauteng Province Term 1 and 2 Summaries (PDF click to follow link – same content as school website and Google


Assessment tasks

• Control test – Electric circuits; vectors and scalars; motion in one dimension; instantaneous speed and velocity: 100 marks- 2hours

• June: 14/06/2021

Life Sciences

Mr Francis [email protected]

Topic: Environmental Studies

Activities and Tasks: Biosphere to ecosystems Page 172-187

Holy Cross High School Planning Grade 10 Week - 8 TERM 2 8

• Biomes of South Africa. Just need to know the names of the different Biomes. Page 176-181

• Ecosystems. Know the Components of an Ecosystem. Page 182

• The Environment. Make a list of the Human activities that affect the environment. Page 183.

• Ecotourism. Look at the opportunities for ecotourism, the economics and the ethics. Page 184-185


• Google Classroom: code wbh2kdb

• Textbook: Focus CAPS Life Sciences Grade 10 (Use physical textbook no link)

Assessments: Assessments complete

• Practical [40 marks] Issued 20 May 2021, Due 24 May 2021

• Test [60 marks/60 mins] Topics: Support systems in Animals: The Skeleton. Date: 14 June 2021


Mr Kezhara [email protected]

Topic: Transformations in Southern Africa after 1750

• Lesson 1: The Zulu state- origins

• Lesson 2: Political, economic and economic organisation

• Lesson 3: The Cow horn formation

Activities and tasks: (Use physical textbook no link)

• Activity 1: page106 (Use physical textbook no link)

• Activity 2: page 108(Use physical textbook no link)


• Textbook: In Search of History – page 101-133(Use physical textbook no link)

Other Resources:

• Via afrika study guide (PDF click to follow link – same content as school website and Google)

Holy Cross High School Planning Grade 10 Week - 8 TERM 2 9


• Research Task – Heritage [50]

• Due date:24 May 2021 [Completed]

• Standardised Test – Source- Based question and essay question on the French Revolution [100]

• Date: 10 June 2021 [Completed]


Mrs Andreas [email protected]

Topic: Revision

Activities and Task

• Revise the following sections on Climatology and Geomorphology – Focus on the following topics.

• Climatology:

• The essence of the Atmosphere

• Layers of the Atmosphere and Function of each.

• Different concepts on heating of the atmosphere.

• Greenhouse effect and Global Warming.

• Different types of rain and clouds

• Synoptic maps

• Geomorphology

• Structure of the earth.

• Important concepts

• Plate Tonics

• Folding and faulting

• Formation of folding

• Different types of rocks:

• Igneous-, Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks.

• Batholith, Monolith and Laccolith

Holy Cross High School Planning Grade 10 Week - 8 TERM 2 10

• Volcanoes


• Via Afrika Geography Grade 10 Study Guide (PDF click to follow link – same content as school website and Google classroom)


• Map Skill Task- 1 June 2021 (COMPLETED)

• Control Test- 22 June 2021

Life Orientation

Ms Jackson [email protected]

Topic: Study Methods

Activities and Tasks:

• Compile your own notes based on the presentation found under resources

• Complete activity 2 on page 106 in your Focus Life Orientation Grade 10 Textbook

• Read the passage titled ‘how to study: an extract from a motivational talk by Professor Bright’ on page 103 in your Focus Life Orientation Grade 10


• Complete activity 3 on page 103 in your Focus Life Orientation Grade 10 Textbook

• Complete activity 5 on page 108 in your Focus Life Orientation Grade 10 Textbook


• Focus Life Orientation Grade 10 Textbook (pages 104108) (Use physical textbook no link)

• Study Methods: Unit 2 (pdf- click to follow link same content as school website and Google classroom)


Holy Cross High School Planning Grade 10 Week - 8 TERM 2 11

• Controlled Test: 09 June: 100 marks

Religious Education

Topic: Project, liturgical calendar – month of May dedicated to Mary (Continue)

Tasks and Activities

Project for term 2

• Prepare your presentation based on your research task.

Liturgical calendar – month of May dedicated to Mary.

• Here in Holy Cross, we made a connection between May and Mary and highlighted our


• In our ‘HOLY CROSS COURTESY CAMPAIGN (HCCC)’ we have chosen to improve our practice of these five courtesies:

❖ Use the words ’please’ and ‘thank you’.

❖ Greet teachers and adults – make eye contact and smile.

❖ Do not interrupt another person.

❖ Stand back for adults.

❖ Offer to help. Say ‘May I help you?’


• HCCC check: please ask yourself how you have been doing and think to an example of where you witnessed someone else at school being

courteous. Please write your findings in your RE book, under the heading HCCC.


• Research Project (On Google classroom)


• Project due: 2 June 2021: 30 Marks

Religion Studies Mr Francis [email protected]

Topic: Unit 3 Common dimensions in all religions [week 2]

Activities and Tasks: page 81-85

• You must understand and write down your understanding of the following concepts:

Holy Cross High School Planning Grade 10 Week - 8 TERM 2 12

• Spiritual experiences, Religious empathy, Narrative and Myth, Doctrine and teachings, Ethics, Ritual and Symbolism, Material culture, Organisation.



• Same as Google Classroom Class code l2exlcx [Click to follow links]

• Traditional African religions

• Christianity

• Islam

• Judaism

• Buddhism

• Hinduism

• Religious formations and institutions

• Religious Studies textbook as indicated on textbook list (Use physical textbook no link)

Assessments: Assessment completed

• Test: [100 marks] Topic: Term 1 Unit 6, Term 2 Unit 1, 2 and 3, Term 3 unit 1. Date 8 June 2021.

CAT Mr Fouché [email protected]

Topic: System Technologies – System Technologies Activities and Tasks

• Computer Management • Networks

• Social Implications

Resources: • MTN Textbook – available on the school website Gr 10 CAT Theory textbook from MTN • Chapter 4 Pgs. 57 – 67 and chapter 9 130 - 139


• CAT Paper Practical – 31 May 2021 – Word – Page breaks, word art, text box, shapes, header and footer, pictures, tables, borders, numbered lists, alignment, spacing. - Completed

• CAT Paper Integrated (Theory and practical) – 28 June 2021 – TBA

Holy Cross High School Planning Grade 10 Week - 8 TERM 2 13

• PAT – Phase 1 due 4 June • PAT – Phase 2 due 2 July

Tourism Sr Flora [email protected]

Topic: Tourist attractions in South Africa (Term 3 )

• Unit 1: Tourist attractions in the provinces

Activities and Tasks:

• Test (14June)

• Lesson: (click link to follow on website and Google Classroom)

• Activities on the slides


• Textbook Via Africa Tourism pages 12 ff Use physical textbook no link)

• Tourism Gr. 10 Self- Study (click link to follow link on website)

• Via Africa Gr. 10 (click link to follow on website)

Additional Resources

• Slides: Provinces (Google Classroom)


• June Test 14 June 2021 (50 marks)

• Tourism PAT (50 marks) Executed on 29 June & 2 July 2021 (2 sets of 4 hours each)

Holy Cross High School Planning Grade 10 Week - 8 TERM 2 14

Business Studies Ms. Nzira [email protected]

Topic: Concept of Quality (topic was not covered last week because of the task)

Activities and Tasks:

• Quality relates to the following business functions:

• - Human Resources function

• - Administration function

• - Financial function

• - General management

• - Quality indicators of the business function.

• - correlation between management and the success of the business.


• Platinum Business Studies Grade 10 (Use physical textbook no link)

• Via Afrika Study Guide Grade 10 (click to follow link – same content as school website)

• Business Studies Gr 10 Business Operations Core Notes (click to follow link – same content as school website)


• Presentation (50 marks) 2 hours to be completed by 30/06/2021

• Control Test 2 (100 marks) 1 ½ hours on 23/06/2021

Accounting Ms. Nzira [email protected]

Topic: Year-end Accounting Procedures; Pre- and Post-adjustment Trial Balance; Final accounts Part 2 Activities and Tasks:

• Preparation of final accounts, introducing adjustments to complete final accounts; • Related concepts, GAAP, Accounting Equation, • Pre-Adjustment Trial Balance

Holy Cross High School Planning Grade 10 Week - 8 TERM 2 15

• Adjustments: • Depreciation* cover more extensively as part of the Fixed Assets component for P2. • Methods (straight line and diminishing balance), rate, additions during the year, asset register. • Trading Stock deficit/surplus; Consumable stores on hand • Bad debts, bad debts recovered • Correction of errors • Accrued income (income receivable) • Accrued expenses (expenses payable) • Prepaid expenses • Income received in advance (deferred income) • Interest capitalized • Extracting a Post-Adjustment Trial Balance in the correct format • Completing the Final Accounts to show gross and net profit.


• New Era Grade 10 Accounting textbook (physical textbook) • Via Afrika Accounting Grade 10 Study Guide (click to follow link – same content as school website)

• The Answer Series 3 in 1 Accounting


• Project (50 marks) 2 hours to be completed by 3/06/2021

• Control Test 2 (100 marks) 1 ½ hours on 28/06/2021


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