g.r. no. 133685-86 people vs. bagnate

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  • 8/12/2019 g.r. No. 133685-86 People vs. Bagnate


    Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURT



    G.R. No. 133685-86 May 20, 2004

    PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, appellee,vs.AMA O !AGNATE, appellant.


    Before the Court is an auto atic revie! of the "oint "u#$ ent ren#ere# b% the Re$ional &rial Court 'Branch ()* of&abaco, Alba%, fin#in$ appellant A a#o Ba$nate $uilt% be%on# reasonable #oubt of Mur#er in Cri inal Case No

    - / an# of Rape !ith 0o ici#e in Cri inal Case No. &+ - ), sentencin$ hi to suffer the penalt% of Death in eachcase.

    &he Infor ation a$ainst appellant in Cri inal Case No. &+ - / rea#s as follo!s1

    &hat on or about the th #a% of Au$ust, (22 at (133 o4cloc5 in the ornin$, ore or less, at Baran$a

    Buhian, Municipalit% of &abaco, Province of Alba%, Philippines an# !ithin the 6uris#iction of this 0onorabCourt, the above+na e# accuse#, !ith intent to 5ill an# !hile ar e# !ith a bolo, !ith nocturnit%, treacher%,superior stren$th, an# !ith #isre$ar# of the respect #ue to the victi on account of a$e an# se7, #i# then an#there !illfull%, unla!full% an# feloniousl% assault, attac5 an# hac5 !ith sai# bolo one A8RIA BRO9A,(a 3+%ear ol# blin# !o an, thereb% inflictin$ upon the latter ortal !oun#s, !hich cause# her #eath, to the#a a$e an# pre6u#ice of her le$al heirs.

    AC&S CON&AR: &O ;A

  • 8/12/2019 g.r. No. 133685-86 People vs. Bagnate


    appellant. 0e intro#uce# hi self to appellant an# infor e# hi of his ri$hts. 0e also as5e# an# e7a ine#appellant to see if he !as ph%sicall% har e# b% the police en an# foun# none althou$h Att%. Brota onnotice# that appellant4s left han# !as han#cuffe# to the table. Appellant tol# Att%. Brota onte that he i!illin$ to $ive a state ent. &he investi$ation !as then con#ucte# in the Bicol #ialect, !ith SPO A bionas5in$ the ?uestions. It !as translate# thereafter into En$lish !ith the help of Att%. Brota onte, for the purpose of puttin$ it into !ritin$. After t%pin$ the first pa$e of the confession, Att%. Brota onte translatean# e7plaine# the contents thereof to appellant, then Att%. Brota onte an# appellant si$ne# thereon.

  • 8/12/2019 g.r. No. 133685-86 People vs. Bagnate


    A+ At on or about ( 1=3 A.M. Au$ust , (22 at Buhian, &abaco, Alba%.

    3). F+

  • 8/12/2019 g.r. No. 133685-86 People vs. Bagnate


    As far as he coul# recall, the entire process too5 ore than an hour.((

    &he ne7t #a%, Au$ust -, (22 , appellant !as brou$ht before "u#$e Arsenio Base, "r. of the Municipal &rial Court o&abaco, Alba%. "u#$e Base re?ueste# the presence of Att%. Brota onte an# subse?uentl% e7a ine# the voluntarinan# veracit% of the confession as !ell as the authenticit% of the si$natures of appellant an# Att%. Brota onte. 0e ale7plaine# to appellant the conse?uences of his confession to the cri es char$e# an# as5e# hi if he !as coerce# intoa# ittin$ the . "u#$e Base inspecte# appellant4s bo#% an# as5e# hi if he !as force# or coerce#. "u#$e Base theas5e# appellant if he !as still !illin$ to si$n it a$ain an# appellant ans!ere# in the affir ative sa%in$ that hisconscience bothere# hi . "u#$e Base as5e# hi to si$n the confession a$ain in the presence of Att%. Brota onte, aft!hich appellant affi7e# his si$nature.(

    &here !ere no e%e!itnesses to the inci#ent onl% the e7tra+6u#icial confession of appellant sho!e# ho! the cri e!ere co itte# b% hi .

    Appellant repu#iate# his e7tra+6u#icial confession before the trial court an# assaile# its a# issibilit% alle$in$ tha!as e7ecute# in violation of his constitutional ri$hts, particularl% his ri$ht to a co petent an# in#epen#ent counsel ohis o!n choice an# that he !as not full% apprise# of the conse?uences of his confession. 0e testifie# that the rea perpetrators of the cri e !ere his brother+in+la!, Roberto An$eles, an# a certain Carlito Be$il, an# that he !as onl%force# into o!nin$ up to the cri es because An$eles threatene# to har hi or his sister, An$eles4s !ife, if he #i# not#o so.

    Appellant recounte# on the !itness stan# that in the afternoon of Au$ust , (22 , he !as havin$ a #rin5 !ith Carlito

    Be$il an# Gaustino Bufe at the store of :olan#a Bulan in Buhian, &abaco, Alba%. After i#lin$ in the %ar# for so e ti e, he !ent bac5 to An$eles4s house to have coffee. An$eles an# Be$il then arrivean# An$eles tol# hi to flee or he 'An$eles* !ill 5ill his 'appellant4s* sister. An$eles $ave hi P(3.33. 0e too5 a 6eepto &abaco an# reache# the &abaco pla a at 133 in the ornin$. 0e procee#e# to his sister4s house, Avelina Ba$nate&a%hi, &abaco, Alba%, an# passe# the ti e there. &hen he !ent to the &abaco to!n proper. 0e !as finall% arreste# Ban$5ilin$an, &abaco an# brou$ht to the police hea#?uarters at )133 in the ornin$ of Au$ust , (22 .(=

    &he trial court foun# appellant4s e7tra+6u#icial confession a# issible in evi#ence on !hich basis, it convicteappellant of the cri es char$e# a$ainst hi . &he #ispositive portion of its #ecision rea#s1

  • 8/12/2019 g.r. No. 133685-86 People vs. Bagnate


    &0E ACC8SED+APPE;;AN&.



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    . . .

    A&&:. BRO&AMON&E1

    As narrate# in that affi#avit, I e7plaine# to the accuse# that before I intro#uce# %self, I tol# hi that th police en infor s this representation that %ou are $oin$ to $ive %our s!orn state ent before the police an# tol# hi that I a a la!%er an# I !ill assist hi until the police en finishe# the investi$ation an# I tol# hito tell the truth to the police en an# tol# hi that if %ou !ant to $ive %our s!orn state ent to the police, %ou

    can #o it because that is %our ri$ht un#er the constitution, to re ain silent.F1 &hat is !h% for e7a ple, ri$ht to be infor e# %ou have the ri$ht to re ain silent, an# !hatever %ou sa!ill be use# a$ainst in %ou, #i# %ou not e7plain these one b% one

    A&&:. BRO&AMON&E1

    I e7plaine# that one b% one. In fact I tol# the accuse# that the s!orn state ent %ou are $oin$ to a5e no!i$ht be use# a$ainst %ou b% the police but the accuse# is !illin$ to $ive his s!orn state ent.

    A&&:. MARO;;ANO1

    F1 I see. No!, %ou sai# that %ou helpe# in the translation of the s!orn state ent in the Bicol #ialect. Meaninthat the ?uestions !ere propoun#e# in En$lish an# %ou helpe# the police investi$ator to translate it in Bico#ialect

    A1 No, !hen I state that I helpe# the police in the translation of the ans!er, !hat the police en !ere as5in$the !itness in Bicol an# the% translate# in En$lish an# I even helpe# the police en in the translation of the?uestion an# the ans!er of the !itness in Bicol #ialect. 3

    Clearl%, appellant si$ne# the confession !ith the assistance of a co petent an# in#epen#ent counsel, Att%Brota onte, an# it !as also s!orn to b% hi before "u#$e Arsenio Base, "r. of the Municipal &rial Court of &abaco,Alba%, !ho, before a# inisterin$ the oath to appellant, conferre# !ith hi an# infor e# hi of his ri$hts an# theconse?uences of his confession. "u#$e Base testifie#, thus1

    F1 "u#$e, please e7plain to the 0onorable Court the circu stances ho! this s!orn state ent, ho! the affiant!as able to co e into %our house an# the s!orn state ent !as s!orn to

    A&&:. MARO;;ANO1

    &he !itness is not sure !hether he !as in his house or office.

    A1 &he police investi$ator ca e to % office an# infor e# e that the% !ere investi$atin$ a rape an# ur#ecase that happene# so e!here in the ountain of &abaco, Alba% an# infor e# e that the suspect has beenapprehen#e# an# that the suspect is !illin$ to si$n an affi#avit of confession so I a#vise# the policeinvesti$ator to co pl% strictl% !ith respect to investi$ation custo#ial le$is an# I infor e# hi that that caseshoul# be assiste# b% a la!%er an# the investi$ator tol# e that he contacte# Att%. Brota onte to assist thsuspect in the investi$ation an# I sai# It4s better. So, after that the suspect !as brou$ht to e to$ether !ithAtt%. Brota onte because I re?ueste# Att%. Brota onte to be present also an# the suspect. I investi$ate# thsuspect an# he a# itte# to e that !hat he state# in this affi#avit !hich is actuall% a confession that he 5ille#the t!o !o en an# actuall% rape# one of the is correct an# true. So, after e7plainin$ to hi theconse?uence of his havin$ confession to the cri e bein$ char$e# a$ainst hi an# he !as still !illin$ to si$nthe confession I let hi si$n the confession in % presence an# in the presence of Att%. Brota onte an# aft!hich I subscribe# the affi#avit.

    PROSEC8&OR BERAN@O1 '&o !itness*

    F1 No!, "u#$e coul# %ou tell the 0onorable Court !hile the accuse# !as in %our presence if there !as an% pressure or co pulsion upon the accuse# to si$n this #ocu ent


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    sufficient $roun# to stri5e #o!n appellant4s e7tra6u#icial confession. Section ( '(* to '=*, Article III of thConstitution provi#es1

    Sec. ( . '(* An% person un#er investi$ation for the co ission of an offense shall have the ri$ht to beinfor e# of his ri$ht to re ain silent an# to have co petent an# in#epen#ent counsel preferabl% of his o!nchoice. If the person cannot affor# the services of counsel, he ust be provi#e# !ith one. &hese ri$hts cannot be !aive# e7cept in !ritin$ an# in the presence of counsel.

    ' * No torture, force, violence, threat, inti i#ation, or an% other eans !hich vitiate the free !ill shall beuse# a$ainst hi Secret #etention places, solitar%,incommunicado , or other si ilar for s of #etention are prohibite#.

    '=* An% confession or a# ission obtaine# in violation of this or Section ( hereof shall be ina# issible inevi#ence a$ainst hi .

    &hus, !hat the Constitution re$ar#s as ina# issible in evi#ence is confession $iven b% an accuse# !ithout havin$ been infor e# of his ri$ht to re ain silent, or, !ithout havin$ been $iven co petent an# in#epen#ent

    counsel, preferabl% his o!n choice, or if he cannot affor# the services of counsel, he !as not provi#e# !ith one or th!aiver of his ri$hts !as not in !ritin$ an# not in the presence of counsel or, that he !as torture#, force#, threatene#,inti i#ate#, b% violence or an% other eans that vitiate# his free !ill. &here is nothin$ in the Constitution th

    an#ates a counsel to infor an accuse# of the possible penalt% for the cri e he co itte#. Neither !oul# a presu ption arise that the counsel is inco petent or not in#epen#ent 6ust because he faile# to apprise the accuse# ththe i posable penalt% for the cri e he !as about to a# it is #eath. After all, the i posable penalt% is totall%i aterial to the resolve of an accuse# to a# it his $uilt in the co ission of a cri e.

    &o be consi#ere# co petent an# in#epen#ent for the purpose of assistin$ an accuse# #urin$ a custo#ial investi$ationit is onl% re?uire# for a la!%er to be1

    >J.!illin$ to full% safe$uar# the constitutional ri$hts of the accuse#, as #istin$uishe# fro one !ho !oul#erel% be $ivin$ a routine, pere ptor% an# eanin$less recital of the in#ivi#ual4s constitutional ri$hts.

    People v. Basa% ' (2 SCRA /3/, /(-* this Court stresse# that an accuse#4s ri$ht to be infor e# of the ri$ht tore ain silent an# to counsel conte plates the trans ission of eanin$ful infor ation rather than 6ust thecere onial an# perfunctor% recitation of an abstract constitutional principle.>=

    As previousl% state#, Att%. Brota onte abl% assiste# appellant #urin$ the entire proce#ure K fro the ti e appellsi$nifie# his intention to $ive his e7tra6u#icial confession up to the ti e he si$ne# the sa e. Besi#es, it cannot b$ainsai# that appellant !as not a!are of the conse?uences of his a# issions as "u#$e Base e7plaine# it to appellant!hen he appeare# before the latter to s!ear to the veracit% of his confession.

    &he Court notes that !hile "u#$e Base testifie# that he as5e# appellant to si$n ane! the e7tra6u#icial confession in hi presence, the cop% thereof ar5e# as E7hibits >A>, >B>, an# >C> attache# to the recor#s of the case #o not sho! subse?uent si$nature a#e b% appellant. Nevertheless, appellant #i# not refute "u#$e Base4s testi on%, an# it #oes #etract the fact that appellant e7ecute# the e7tra6u#icial confession voluntaril% !ith the assistance of an in#epen#ean# co petent counsel, an# that he subse?uentl% ac5no!le#$e# havin$ e7ecute# the sa e voluntaril% an# s!ore to itsveracit% before "u#$e Base.

    Appellant faile# to substantiate his bare clai that !hen he !as brou$ht to the &abaco police station, the policeofficers bo7e# an# 5ic5e# hi , tellin$ hi to confess to the cri es./ As the recor#s sho!, li5e Att%. Brota onte,"u#$e Base also as5e# hi if he !as force# to confess but Ba$nate sai# that he !as not. If it !ere true that he !as

    force# to confess to the cri e, then appellant shoul# have co plaine# of such abuse to Att%. Brota onte or "u#$Base as he ha# the opportunit% to #o so !hen the t!o conferre# !ith hi on separate occasions.

    Where the appellants did not present evidence of compulsion or duress or violence on their persons; where they failed to complain to the officers who administered the oaths; where they did not institute any criminal or administrativeaction against their alleged intimidators for maltreatment; where there appeared to be no marks of violence on their bodies and where they did not have themselves examined by a reputable physician to buttress their claim, all these

    should be considered as factors indicating voluntariness of confessions . )

    &o consi#er appellant4s alle$ation of altreat ent as true is to facilitate the retraction of sole nl% a#e state ents athe ere alle$ation of torture, !ithout an% proof !hatsoever.

  • 8/12/2019 g.r. No. 133685-86 People vs. Bagnate


    &he ta5in$ of appellant4s confession has confor e# to the safe$uar#s of the Constitution. It constitutes evi#ence ofhi$h or#er, because of the stron$ presu ption that no person of nor al in# !oul# #eliberatel% an# 5no!in$l%confess to a cri e unless pro pte# b% truth an# conscience.

    8n#er Section =, Rule (== of the Rules of Court, an e7tra6u#icial confession a#e b% an accuse#, shall not bsufficient $roun# for conviction, unless corroborate# b% evi#ence ofcorpus delicti . &he Rule specificall% re?uires thatthere shoul# be so e other evi#ence >ten#in$ to sho! the co ission of the cri e apart fro theconfession.> - Appellant4s confession is corroborate# b% evi#ence ofcorpus delicti , that is, the bo#% of the cri e an#,in its pri ar% sense, that a cri e has actuall% been co itte#.2&he evi#ence ofcorpus delicti in both cases consists of the victi s4 #eaths, as evi#ence# b% the #eath certificates oAurea BroHa=3 an# Rosalie Ra%ala,=( an# the fin#in$s of the autopsies con#ucte# on the victi s4 ca#avers b% &abacoRural 0ealth Officer Dr. A elia @uiriba sho!in$ that both !ere hac5e# to #eath an# Rosalie !as rape#.

    &he autops% on victi Aurea #isclose# the follo!in$1

    0ac5e# !oun# bac5 of the nec5 about four '/* inches in len$th affectin$ s5in, subcutaneous tissue, usclean# the cervical bone.

    0ac5e# !oun#, nec5 anteriorl% affectin$ lar%n7 about inches in len$th.

    CA8SE OG DEA&01 0e orrha$e severe secon#ar% to hac5e# !oun#, nec5.=

  • 8/12/2019 g.r. No. 133685-86 People vs. Bagnate


    is locate# in front of the victi s4 house about thirt% eters a!a%, arrive#. Appellant arrive# ne7t, sa%in$ that he 6ca e fro !or5 an# !as not able to clean his han#s. as if %ou have slau$htere# a pi$ an# %ou 'sic* han#s s u#$e !ith bloo# an# !hen %ou !ashe# %our han#s, it coul# still 'sic* re#,> bolsters the conclusion that appellant in#ee# ha# participate# in the $rueso e cri es.=

    &hus, the confession of appellant bein$ a# issible in evi#ence an# corroborate# b% evi#ence of corpus #elicti, ttrial court correctl% foun# appellant $uilt% be%on# reasonable #oubt of the cri es of Mur#er an# Rape !ith 0o ici#

    In i posin$ the supre e penalt% of #eath in Cri inal Case No. &+ - /, the trial court consi#ere# the a$$ravatincircu stances of nocturnit%, treacher%, superior stren$th, an# #isre$ar# of the respect #ue to the victi on accounta$e an# se7, as alle$e# in the Infor ation, thus ?ualif%in$ the 5illin$ of Aurea to ur#er.

    0o!ever, the Court fin#s that the trial court erre# in appreciatin$ the a$$ravatin$ circu stance of treacher%. &heevi#ence on recor# #oes not sufficientl% prove that it atten#e# the co ission of the cri e as no one actuall% sa! thinci#ent. &he fact that Aurea !as blin# #oes not necessaril% ?ualif% her 5illin$ as treacherous. &reacher% e7ists !hthe offen#er co its an% of the cri es a$ainst persons, e plo%in$ eans, etho#s or for s in the e7ecution thereof!hich ten# #irectl% an# speciall% to ensure its e7ecution, !ithout ris5 to hi self arisin$ fro the #efense !hich theoffen#e# part% i$ht a5e.=- Appellant4s confession erel% state#1 >after satisf%in$ his lust, % $ran#parent AuBronia shoute# althou$h she !as blin# an# thin5s 'sic* that % $ran#parent Aurea Bronia hear# !hat I a #oin$ Ihac5e# her on her nec5 an# !hen she fall 'sic* I pulle# her a!a% fro the house to!ar#s the $rass% portion of the %ar. . .>. &here is nothin$ in appellant4s confession that #e onstrates that he #eliberatel% e plo%e# a particular ea

    etho# or for of attac5 in the e7ecution of the cri e.

    Neither coul# nocturnit% be consi#ere# as an a$$ravatin$ circu stance consi#erin$ that it !as not sho!n that the#ar5ness of the ni$ht !as purposel% sou$ht b% appellant to facilitate the co ission of the cri e nor to ensure it

    e7ecution.=2It is not #ispute# that the cri e !as co itte# in Aurea4s house. 0o!ever, #!ellin$ a% not be appreciate# as ana$$ravatin$ circu stance in the consi#eration of his cri inal liabilit% as it is not alle$e# in the Infor ation./3

    Nonetheless, it is alle$e# in the Infor ation an# establishe# b% the prosecution that the cri e !as co itte# !ithabuse of superior stren$th. 8n#er Article /- of the Revise# Penal Co#e, as a en#e# b% Section of Rep. Act No

    )2,/( an% person !ho shall 5ill another shall be $uilt% of ur#er an# shall be punishe# b% #eath if co itte# !ithabuse of superior stren$th. 0ence, the trial court correctl% i pose# the #eath penalt% in Cri inal Case No. &+ - /./

    As re$ar#s the #a a$es a!ar#e# to the heirs of Aurea BroHa in the a ount of P)3,333.33, the Court consi#ers thesa e as representin$ civil in#e nit%. In ur#er cases, civil in#e nit% re?uires no further proof other than #eath./=

    &he a!ar# of civil in#e nit% is separate an# #istinct fro the a!ar# of oral #a a$es, !hich is base# on a #ifferent 6ural foun#ation an# assesse# b% the court in the e7ercise of soun# #iscretion.// Consi#erin$ that the prosecutionfaile# to sho! an% proof that the heirs of Aurea BroHa are entitle# to oral #a a$es, the sa e a% not be a!ar#e#./)In accor#ance !ith Article =3 of the Civil Co#e, e7e plar% #a a$es a% be a!ar#e# in cri inal cases as part ofthe civil liabilit% if the cri e !as co itte# !ith one or ore a$$ravatin$ circu stances./ Consi#erin$ the $enerica$$ravatin$ circu stances of #isre$ar# of a$e of the victi an# #!ellin$, the a!ar# of P ),333.33 as e7e plar%#a a$es is in or#er./

    In Cri inal Case No. &+ - ), the trial court li5e!ise correctl% i pose# the #eath penalt%. Article ==/ of the RevisePenal Co#e, as a en#e# b% Section (( of Rep. Act No. )2 i poses the penalt% of #eath !hen b% reason or on thoccasion of the rape, a ho ici#e is co itte#.

    &he Court, ho!ever, has to o#if% the a!ar# of civil in#e nit% in favor of the heirs of Rosalie Ra%ala. Recent rulin

  • 8/12/2019 g.r. No. 133685-86 People vs. Bagnate


    increase# the a ount of civil in#e nit% in cases of rape !ith ho ici#e to P(33,333.33./- &he heirs of Rosalie ust be a!ar#e# the a ount of P ),333.33 as oral #a a$es !ithout nee# of proof,/2 in vie! of the rape suffere# b%victi Rosalie. &he fact that the heirs suffere# the trau a of ental or ph%sical an# ps%cholo$ical sufferin$s !hicconstitute the basis for oral #a a$es un#er the Civil Co#e are too obvious to still re?uire recital thereof at trial.)3

    Consi#erin$ that the cri e of rape !as co itte# insi#e the #!ellin$ of the victi , e7e plar% #a a$es in the a ountof P ),333.33 shoul# li5e!ise be a!ar#e# to the heirs of Rosalie.

    &he Court fin#s that the heirs of both Aurea an# Rosalie shoul# be a!ar#e# the a ount of P)/, )2.33 as actual#a a$es in vie! of the a# ission a#e b% the #efense that the fa il% of Aurea an# Rosalie incurre# e7penses in sai#a ount.)(

    Before conclu#in$, the Court observe#, as borne b% the recor#s of this case, that appellant coul# not have been tonl% perpetrator of the cri es. As appellant reveale# in his confession, he hac5e# each of the victi s on the nec5 !ithhis bolo onl% once. &he autops% report, ho!ever, sho!s that Aurea BroHa suffere# t!o nec5 !oun#s !hile RosalieRa%ala suffere# five hac5 !oun#s an# one stab !oun#, all on the nec5. Appellant confesse# that he #ra$$e# Aureato!ar#s the $rass% portion of the %ar# an# i e#iatel%

    left the scene. :et, Rosalie !as also foun# on the $rass% portion of the %ar#. &he autops% report further sho!e# thRosalie li5e!ise suffere# ultiple linear abrasions on both scapular re$ions, thus $ivin$ the i pression that she !asalso #ra$$e# to!ar#s the %ar#. So ebo#% else ust have brou$ht Rosalie to the place !here she !as foun#. In#ee#,there are clear in#ications that there are other perpetrators of the cri es of ur#er an# rape !ith ho ici#e. Appellant

    alone coul# not have inflicte# all the in6uries sustaine# b% the victi s.In vie! of all these circu stances, the police authorities as !ell as the prosecutor4s office of &abaco, Alba%, shoul# bre?uire# to apprise the Court !hether or not further investi$ation of this case !as con#ucte# for the i#entification an#arrest of the other perpetrators of the cri es to co pletel% brin$ 6ustice to their victi s.

    "HEREFORE , the #ecision of the Re$ional &rial Court 'Branch ()* of &abaco, Alba%, in Cri inal Case No. &+ -fin#in$ appellant A a#o Ba$nate $uilt% be%on# reasonable #oubt of the cri e of Mur#er an# sentencin$ hi to suffthe supre e penalt% ofEATH is hereb%AFFIRME !ith MO IFICATIONS as to #a a$es. Appellant is or#ere#to pa% the heirs of Aurea BroHa the a ounts of Gift% &housan# Pesos 'P)3,333.33* as civil in#e nit% Gift% &hPesos 'P)3,333.33* as oral #a a$es an# &!ent%+Give &housan# Pesos 'P ),333.33* as e7e plar% #a a$es.

    &he #ecision of the trial court in Cri inal Case No. &+ - ), fin#in$ A a#o Ba$nate $uilt% be%on# reasonable #oof the cri e of Rape !ith 0o ici#e an# i posin$ on hi the penalt% of #eath

    is AFFIRME !ith MO IFICATIONS . &he appellant is or#ere# to pa% the heirs of the #ecease# victi RosalieRa%ala civil in#e nit% in the a ount of One 0un#re# &housan# Pesos 'P(33,333.33* oral #a a$es in the a ounof Sevent%+Give &housan# Pesos 'P ),333.33* an# &!ent%+Give &housan# Pesos 'P ),333.33* as e7e#a a$es.

    Appellant is or#ere# to pa% the heirs of both Aurea BroHa an# Rosalie Ra%ala the a ount of Gift%+Gour &housan0un#re# Gift%+Nine Pesos 'P)/, )2.33* as actual #a a$es.

    In accor#ance !ith Section ) of Republic Act No. )2, a en#in$ Article -= of the Revise# Penal Co#e, uponfinalit% of this #ecision, let the recor#s of this case be forth!ith for!ar#e# to the Office of the Presi#ent for possiblee7ercise of the par#onin$ po!er.

    &he Chief of the &abaco Police Station an# the &abaco Prosecutor4s Office are hereb%OR ERE , !ith ten '(3* #a%sfro receipt of cop% of herein resolution, to apprise the Court !hether or not subse?uent investi$ations !ere

    con#ucte# to #eter ine the other perpetrator's* of the cri es involve# herein.SO ORDERED.

    Davide, Jr. * , uno * , !itug ** , anganiban, "uisumbing, #nares$%antiago, %andoval$&utierre', (arpio, )ustria$ artine', (orona, (arpio$ orales, (alle+o, %r., )'cuna, an# inga, JJ., concur.


    On Official ;eave

    Actin$ Chief "ustice

    ( Auria Aurea BroHa in so e other parts of the Recor#s.

  • 8/12/2019 g.r. No. 133685-86 People vs. Bagnate


    Recor#s , p. ).

    = Recor#s (, p. ).

    / Recor#s (, p. - Recor#s , p. =(.

    ) &SN, SPO( Ro$elio @on ales, Dec. (3, (22 , pp. (+=/ E7hibits >D>, >E>, >G>, Recor#s , pp. =+ )SPO "un!el A bion, Dec. (), (22 , pp. ()+ ) Att%. Paterno Brota onte, "an. , (22-, pp. )+(=, 3+ .

    Recor#s (, E7hibit >A>, p. . &SN, SPO "un!el A bion, Dec.(), (22 , pp. )+==.

    - &SN, Att%. Paterno Brota onte, "anuar% , (22-, pp. ==+=/.

    2 Bufe in so e other parts of the Recor#s.

    (3 Recor#s (, E7hibits >B> an# >C>, pp. =+/.

    (( &SN, Att%. Paterno Brota onte, "an. , (22-, pp. ((+(-, =3+= .

    ( &SN, 0on. Arsenio Base, "r., Dece ber (3, (22 , pp. , ( +( .

    (= &SN, A a#o Ba$nate, March ( , (22-, pp. + .

    (/ Recor#s (, pp. 2+ 3.

    () Rollo, pp. ( =+( /.( People vs. Patun$an, @.R. No. (=-3/), March (/, 33(, =)/ SCRA /(=, / /.

    ( People vs. Or#oHo, @.R. No. (= ()/, "une 2, 333, ==/ SCRA =, - .

    (- People vs. Base, @.R. No. (32 =, March =3, 333, = 2 SCRA ()-, ( 3.

    (2 -bid .

    3 &SN, Att%. Paterno Brota onte, "anuar% , (22-, pp. 3+ (, -+ 2.

    ( &SN, 0on. Arsenio Base, "r., Dece ber (3, (22 , pp. +2.

    Sec. ( rea#s1 No person shall be co pelle# to be a !itness a$ainst hi self.

    = People vs. Porio, @.R. No. (( 3 , Gebruar% (=, 33 = SCRA )2 , (3./ &SN, A a#o Ba$nate, March ( , (22-, pp. + -.

    ) People vs. Continente, @.R. Nos. (33-3(+3 , Au$ust ), 333, ==2 SCRA (, /.

    -bid .

    People vs. &ablon, @.R. No. (= -3, March (=, 33 , = 2 SCRA -3, 2 .

    - People vs. De era, @.R. No. ( -2 , Au$ust (-, (222, =( SCRA /3, -.

    2 People vs. Robles, @.R. No. (3(==), "une -, 333, === SCRA (3 , ((2.

    =3 Recor#s , p. -.

    =( Recor#s (, p. 2.

    = Recor#s , E7hibit >I>, p. .

    == Recor#s (, E7hibit > >, p. -.

    =/ &SN, PO "ose Bon$alonta, Dece ber (), (22 , pp. -+( SPO "un!el A bion, Dece ber (), (22 , pp.==+=).

    =) People vs. ;ica%an, @.R. No. (/// , Gebruar% -, 33 , = - SCRA -(, 2/.

    = &SN, "ulian Balolo%, March , (22-, pp. (3+ /.

    = &SN, "ulian Balolo%, March , (22-, p. = .

  • 8/12/2019 g.r. No. 133685-86 People vs. Bagnate


    =- Article (/, par. ( , Revise# Penal Co#e.

    =2 People vs. Manlansin$, @.R. Nos. (=( = += , March ((, 33 , = - SCRA -), 33.

    /3 People vs. @alle$o, @.R. No. (=3 3=, Au$ust (), 333, ==- SCRA (, /(.

    /( Entitle# >An Act to I pose the Death Penalt% on Certain 0einous Cri es J,> !hich too5 effect onDece ber =(, (22= 'People vs. Si on, =/ SCRA ))) Q(22/ *.

    / &hree "ustices of the Court aintain their position that Rep. Act No. )2 is unconstitutional insofar as i prescribes the #eath penalt% nevertheless, the% sub it to the rulin$ of the a6orit% that the la!constitutional, an# that the #eath penalt% can be la!full% i pose# in the case at bar.

    /= People vs. Du alaha%, @.R. Nos. (=(-= +=-, April , 33 , =-3 SCRA = , / .

    // People vs. Malinao, @.R. No. ( -(/-, Gebruar% ( , 33/.

    /) Art. (2, NCC, par. (. People vs. Brecinio, @.R. No. (=-)=/, March ( , 33/.

    / People vs. Ba#on, @.R. No. ( (/=, "une (3, (222, =3- SCRA ( ), (23.

    / People vs. Astu#illo, @.R. No. (/)(-, April 2, 33=.

    /- People vs. Plana, @.R. No. ( - -), Nove ber , 33(, = 3 SCRA )/ , ) 3 People vs. Porio, @.R. No(( 3 . Gebruar% (=, 33 , = SCRA )2 , (= People vs. ;ica%an, @.R. No. (/// , Gebruar% -,

    = - SCRA -(, 2 People vs. &ablon, @.R. No. (= -3, March (=, 33 , = 2 SCRA -3, 2= PeopleMa$allanes, @.R. No. (= 22, Au$ust 2, 33=.

    /2 People vs. Ma$allanes, @.R. No. (= 22, Au$ust 2, 33=.

    )3 People vs. Plana, @.R. No. ( - -), Nove ber , 33(, = 3 SCRA )/ , ) 3.

    )( &SN, Eli$io Ber#in, Gebruar% ( , (22-, pp. +2.

    &he ;a!phil Pro6ect + Arellano ;a! Goun#ation