$gpsm! leoin enilts n a r iu s s s e d e d fficem dance ai ... · hazardous commission, a yoni...

TBB LivnrasTOH maruBLio am , omkwu o , m. thu Asdat . DAOKHMOt iQih, H81 LIgT OF D0N0B8 fob OENB8EO VISTTIKO NUB8 E Fcdlowine U a list of cMitiibutoni for the Geneaeo Visiting Nuree A#- Bir. and Mrs. L. M. Allen. Mrs. Valle Aiwten. Charles Ai Hen, Bten, Charles Austin. Elizabeth Armstrong, Mrs. George Armstrong. Mrs^ Charles Battaglia, Mrs. Jacob Mrs. Jacob Badaml. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bennet, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bondi. Ben Franklin Store. Dr and Mrs. Homer Bull, O. B. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Batch- Miss Marian Bolt. Mr. and good, Livingston Birge, Mra J. O. B u^ey. Mr. and Mra Brooks Buck- iir. lev Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Barnes, Mrs. Elizabeth Brower, Miss Anne B l^e, Big Tree Supply °o-- ^ Earl Baiter, Mr. and Mra. F. E. BrowneU. Mra. Daniel Barnard and h£s. J. A. Bishop. Mr. and M ^ j HTHack. Mrs. Mary U Mr and Mra W. J. Brodie. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baedcr. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bailey,. Rev. S. J. Bsrme. Miss Francea Burna ^ , Mrs. Alex Chiara. Mrs. A. Crak- Un, Mrs. Frances M. Mr. and Mra. and Mra. Mrs. Max Stensel. Miss L.yna Thrall. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompaon, Mr. and Mra. J. R. Taft, Mr. and Mra O. E. Thompaon, Mra. Mary TeaU, Mr. and Mra. O. F. Torrey. Mrs. Howard TealL dr. and Mrs. H. G. Ulmer, drs. B. VlUarella. Mr. and Mra. C. C. VanVaohten. Mra Jamaa Van- galio. Mr .and Mra. G. H. Vincent Mra. Lulu Washburn. Dr. and Mia. J. B. WeUea. Mr. and Mra A. J. Wade, Miaa Jane Wilson. Mr. and Mra W. P. Wadaworth, Mra. J. L. White. Mr. and Mra Leo Wilcox, Mr. and Mra. J. W. Wadsworth, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wadsworth, Craig Wadaworth, Mr. and Mra Oaorge WilUamaon. Mrs. Nathan WiDlama ___ ___ n. Mr«. I>anlel Rsv. and Mra. J. W. D. cooper. Mr. . H. B. Curtis, Dr. and Mra S. J. lertaon, Mr, and Mrs. w . g . c»r- Colt Mr. and Mrs. Por- — , Mrs. Anna Chapman. Carr, Daniel and Mra E. P. Ward; Mr. and Mra E. Westfall. Mr. and Mra Homer ilCOX, Mra. H. J. Welch, Mra W. t»atln Wadaworth. Mra. John Voung, Mr. and Mrs. E- Bruce Younga ter Chander, ..m— ? ”ari' pS£k ^K.^6ok.* O ^unity Outlittew. Mrs. Esther Camp^H, Mr and Mrs. T. F. Courthope, Mra. ^M»*Ntek Dr. J. A.*Del- ehanty. Dr. and Mrs. L. v. D unh^, Mr imd Mrs. M. DeLaVergne. Mra L. A. Doty, Mrs. E. E. Doty. Mr and Mrs. E. H. DeMunn. Mrs. Mary Demcey, Mr. and MrS. J. H^ D<m- ohoe. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. D ^ e r, Mra A. E. Dietoctte. J. M. Dwyer, Mr. and Mrs._K. M. Doty, Mrs. Rom Delabi Delaney. Mr. and Mrs. laney, Mrs. Mary Dclehanty. Doty, Mary Dcl< Jennie Dunn. tczmic Mr. and Mrs. O. W. ESveringham. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Erwin. Mr. and Mrs. William EUianey, Hirilie EUianer ley. Hirilie EUianey. Mrs. John Fyffe. R. S. Foils. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Fitzgerald. Mr. and Mra Ernest Fitzpatrick. Mr. and Mre. E. J. BHnlgan. Mr. and Mr*. C. F. Pundlnger, Miss Bridget Fennfcll, 1 Mrs. ElT “ ■ . and J a E. Clbert Foland. Mr. and Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flynn, ^ r . and Mrs. J. W. Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Finley. Mr. and Mrs. John Fish. Mise Ethel Frazer, Faculty Normal School. Mrs. Mary GUlan. Mra Harriett B. Greene. Miss Mdlcent Green. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Gowdy. Mr: and Mrs. W. H. Grove, Mias Agnes Griswold, Mlm Sara Goheen, Mrs. Sarah Cet- zinger, Mr. and Mrs. Edward GroM, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Graham. Mr. and Mra. Gartshore, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Oulnac, Geneseo Hardware Co., Miss Zella Gray, Mrs. WilUain Gal- lagher, Mrs. Harold Gilbert. Mrs. James Hart, Mra. John Hen- drlclGB, Mr. and Mra: Ixwlie Hills, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Haley, Mr. u d Ifra. ] Mrs. Vincent Haley, Mr. anc Mra. W. A. Haley. Mr. and Mrs Emory HeWitt, Mr. and Mra. E. A. Horton, Mr. and Mra. Frank How- Itt Mr. and Mra. H. L. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest HiUer. Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Halt Mrs. Edna Huff. Mias Eva Hunter. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hol- comb. Misses Hunter, Mr. and Mra. J. W. HotchklM. Mr. and Mra. F. S. Hollis, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanby. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jamison. Mias Petri Jonet. Mrs.. EllzalieUi Jobneon. Mra Helen I>. Kama Mr. and Mra. William Knooc, Mr. and Mra D. R Kessler, Mr. and Mra. Rudolph Kel- low- James Luce, Mrs. Prank Least, M r and Mrs. O. G. LakUaw, Mr. and M rt W. R. Lowery. Mrs. Mary Lynch. Mias Helen Lauderdale. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luttenton, Mr. and Mra. W. H. Leadlngham, Mr. and Mrs. F.' B. linfoot. Mrs. Alex Marks, Mrs. David Marks. Mr. and Mra. V. T. McDon- ald. Mr. and Mra R. L. Merrell, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Munz. Mr. and Mra M. J. Murphy. Mr. and Mra. Fred, McTarnagban, Mr. and Mra R C. Milks, Mr. and Mra. W. D. McClln- George Meekei lock. Mr. and Mra. George Meeker. Mr. and Mrs. Winiam Mann, Mr. and Mrs. R . ^ Miller, Mr. and Mra. R .^ R. R. McCUiBkey, Miss Elinor Mc- 1 Mrs. O. M. Mlnokler, Bride, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Mlnokler, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McGuire, Rev. and Mra. A. H. Mason. Mr. and M ^ O. P. McGuire, Col. and Mrs. R. E. McMillan. Roy McTamsghan. Miss Katherine McCurdy, Mra. B. E. and Mrs. Thomas Mc- Necr A Neff, .Mrs. Mike Nobile, Dr. and Mra C. I. Newton, Mr. and Mra. Mvrtm Northrop. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Nast Miss Jane M. Ne^on, Mra. G. D. Edna Neff, Mr. and Mra. M. D. Nast, Mr. and Newton. Mias Miss mien H. North, C. D. Neff, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Neff. Mra Jennk Nevln. Mr. and Mrs. William Nerin. Mrs. Joseph Orlando, Mr. and Mrs: W. L. 8. Olmsted; Mrs. L. C. O'Con- nor, F. A. Osborne, Mra. Owens, Mias Elizabeth Odstedi ,Mrs. F. J. O’Donnell. Mrs. George Poole, Mr. and Mrs. James Perkins. George PapadUds. Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Page, Mr. and Mra. B, R Peachey. Mr. and Mra F. A. Quirk. Mra Frank Rlcottsk Rochester Tel- p., Mr. and Mra Don Rahmlow, and Mra D. W. 1 ^ - tor, Mrs. Katherine Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rectof, Misses Rlppey, Mrs. Elizabeth Ringgtkd. Red Jk White Store, Mr. and Mrs. R E. Ritchie; Mr. and Mra K. R Rider, Anna Run<Uo, Mrt. J. Rust, Vlnocut Ryan. Mra George Schreve. Dr. and Mra B. W. Southall, Miss Minnie Stinson, Mr. and Mra T. W. Slaight Mias Grace Seger, Mrs. Valentine Street, fit. MlehaaFs ChuM^ 9cho<rf. Mra Charles Stapley. Mr. and Mra Q. H, Slaton, Pliny Seymour. Mra J. V. Sturgea, Mra W. M. Shlrlr. Hadle Smith. Rev. and Mra Sunter 4fr. and Mra. M. roaeph Scott, and Mra. D. R. Sandsra Stooka Newton, Mra B. S. Smith. Clar- ence Stewart. Mr. and Mra Newton Shepard. Miss Hildegards Sherlock, W. D. Shepard. P. Speazano, Mr. and TABU TSNHIB KXPK&TS TO PXJLT nr DAH8VILL1 A large entry Ust is expeetad In the ping pong tourulhant to be held In Daneville on December IS. This is the first county tournament to be held In DanavUle. To date 90 appli- cations have been entered. A hand- pi acme trophy donated by Tex B. Ubyd who has done much in this aecUon. win be awarded to the win- Mra. George Walla, Mr. and Mra C H. Webb, Norman Wakely, Mr. and ;ra. Frazdc Wagner, C. C. Walker, Mra. Haniatt W l^ lock. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Welch, Mr. ------------Ward; F. E WIK Directloa Ftadera Used Directicm finders are placed many transatlantic linera il^ an added attrsctioo at 9 o’Oock ttttt evening an exhMUoo featuring Sol Schlff. 19S4 national champ, and Abe Bevenbauzn. 1 • S S national champ will be played. Both of these players have been touring this sec- tion for the past three months. Through the cooperation of Mr. Lloyd they are booked to play in Dansvllie in K. of C. haH on Decem- ber lA Mr. AppUn requests aU eo- trlee to aend in apphoatlons aa aoon m posrible. Don't forget the date. December 18. at 1 p. m. CHfliaTMAa HINTS in the Saturday Bvenkif Post luntatn -peoa, pwtcilw, erSbarp fount ■etz. Also Waterman’s peoA Conk- lin pen*. See theoe ueeTuI gtftn at FOLT8’ JEWELRY STORE, Oene- •eo. TTadvl z^mmcan ^ Heroines LOUISE M. COMSTOCK Emily Geiger ^ B N . NATHANIEL QREENE, whose V J vlgoroue campaign in Georgia and the CsroIIoas eventually won that ter- ritory for Washington and 'tba col- oolsts, . wax retreating before Lord Rawdon from Ninety-Six. When be reached the Krnad rirer word wu brought hln that the pnrsnlng troops had divided forces. He immediately coDceired the plan of taking ad\'antage of this dirisloo to make an attack, confident that thoogb he had been helpless against thd superior numbers of Rawdon’s combined forces, he could easily defeat the two smaller fcress. taken one at a time. His own Uncs were depleted, however, by tbs recent engagement, his men weary. To in- sure his success it was necessary to gain the aid of Gen. "Game Cock” Sumter, then scouting on the banka of the Wateree, many miles away. The message most be carried through dan- gerous country, ridden with Toriea Not a man would volunteer to make the Journey. Then there came to General Greene’s quartera. offering to sndertaks this hazardous commission, a yoni named Emily Geiger. Of Erally'i fam- ily. of her appearance, we kabw eery Of her later life we know only little. that she eventuaUy married a rl^ planter and became mistress of a plan- tatloo on the Congerce river. But we do kapw that General Oreeno accepted Emily ■■ his mesaeoger. an- trusted her with a letter to asssrsl Sumter, and read Its contents to bar. just In case of acddent. So aho sot out, mounted on horseback and riding side-saddle. On the second day of her Journey, she was Intercepted by Lord Rawdoo's scouts sod sharply qoes- tlooed. Now Emily could not tell an untruth without blushing. Her looks were very guilty indeed. Lord Raw- don’s scouts .promptly took her pris- oner, and conhned her In a room In a ncarivy farmhouse. They sent for an Old Tory matron to come and Marcli her. Alone in the room, waiting for the matron, Emily's composnre returned. Drawing out the precious letter, ahe tore it In bits put it into her month piece by piece, chewed them, and swallowed them. The matron entored and searched the glrL But her search revealed nothing suspicious, and Emily was eventually released, to go her way. Shortly after Kmily reached her goal. General Sumter's camp, delivered her message, and as a result, Sumter’s troops only a little later Joined Greene St Orangeburgb. •. lets. WM*«rs Xswssspvr Uslss. Gifts and All Accessories for Your Christmas Remembrances The Nook of Books II CENTER STREET GENESEO, N. Y. Open evenings until Christnus A COMMUNICATION but what about^ S e ^ s t ^ t S S r S A rasldaDt od our town had been mafi's tracks tcroM bar garden. Saturday morning about 9 o'clock a maa. croaaad the gardsn. She asked fatal what the Idea was. ”1 have caufht a cat in my tn^i,” he anwarerad. Hofw cnialt Ha said that ba waa many, but that didn’t hek> the cat Tou people who have aloe pats or dofi bitter wdtMi out. Thla man wpe asked to keep out A NEBOHBOR. RYTKX PtnaONAL •TATiONCRY with monogram or naiM « i^ ad^ monogram . dreee only 11.00 a box. Also cavlet? cards with name on. Both will be in time for Chiietmae if ordered thM waek at FOLT8* JMWELRT STORE. Qminio TlsOfl DANCE Grov«land Grans* «TSWB BsU Friday Night, Dec. 18 Mode by o ^oo4 Orchestra Old and New Dances AdmlssioB, Indadifi^ Loacii, 4 0 c The lUllan OreyhownC As Italian greyhound Is a fancy variety of .the true greyhound in ralnleture. The dogs should >101 ex* coed seven to seven und one-half pounds in weight, and the femaitm imetry of head i llvd pounds. Symmetry of head and neck ia eseential to perfection. They range from black through the blues range from black through I to fawn and even ell white Gam New Tel-el Sal The Oath of Old Testament tame Is Tel-el-Safl today Brigbans Tenng Left 19 Wlvea Brigham Young died in 5eR Leto City,-August » . 1S77. ieevlng IT fot^ arlvaa and 47 children. In his win world a higlieet Wives end 47 children. In his win he provided each wife with e homg ^ a life suite tn Lton of her own < House with ample provision for her 9 in comfort for the reel maintenance --------------------- of her life. 'All hie sons end daugh- ters Inherited alike. lee Age Men Treeed te II. a Excavators found traces of Ice- Age rren in »h* V\ ITnjtfd Statue. layes. Bare BaHsrilsS I Rare butterflies ane'^ ------- tlmes.'^ Gold-banded ttete ai Maryland woods, have six They construct. tiny while In the KIYIERAi: DMM, Thtursday, Friday. BaZtirday. DMMubsr 10-11-12 WILLIAM POWELL and OAROLB LOMBARD in »MT MAN CODFSET ’ A Lombfird-ment ot lore with a Fowril-ful puneh. Alio SeUeted Shorte Inclndinf new lAHO’ '*OUB OAHO** Oomedy SuiuUy, Mondsy, TtMtdsy, Deoember lS-14-16 HistoiT’i moM liMroio deed immortaUxed by the gallant loTert ol “ Oap^n Blood”. ERROL FLYNN and OLIVIA de HAVILAKD in •TIIE CHARGE OF THE UGHT HRIGADP* Wed., Thnn., Doe. 16-17 Matinee at 3*.30 Wednaeday Bognlar Pricee ELISABETH B E R O N n in r* fOiakespeara’s Immortal -AS'Tou tm ir* with LAUBENCT OLIVISR PraMBtod tuite tho ans- pioio-of 81 Ipisoo- pal OhnrolL m m ^The Gift ^^aaiifal for Every Woman EXQUISITE .^LINGERE And Bonr bMort fneh a array of loTtly faghkmi as wt now fsatva for OhristBiai lirtit. Pajamas Sleeping garments.. .fesMoned of ^ satin or silk crepes In oapCtvatlng new styles. S2.S to S8L80. Silk Underwear Oanoe acta. Stop Ins. Pantiae. Rayon, erepe de chine ereatleno bi both tallerad and laoa trlownad ef- feota. 50o to | 1J a Bed Jacket Laos trimmed of 9Z9Q. Princess Slips i |G .B. BROWN - Pure Mlk Priweese Slipe In built- up ehouWer and bodloe top stylee. Tailored er laee trimmed. flJOt to mg S2^ % S Geneseo, N. Y. * N a r i u S s S e d e d L*1 $gpsm! lEOin ■EnilTS fficeM BARTLETT PACKED Of HEAVY mujr NO. 8 | TASTYFLAICE SODA 2 u. m . CRACKERS 17e LIBBY’S M TOMATO ^ JUICE ZOt mdsr cr tbe^ SMB of me b Wedneedsy. 1 port ai the i ndttod iy fl THE WRESTLER. Daapika dm fact duit the direct taxes OH a ChaiD Food Store are g r e e te r then its profit, the. Cliam Food Store will coo* tmne to wrestle widi fba rising coot of food—end do fU pest to keep it down! Tbs rsport for 1M7, wtt for Ipae and 1»87. a UM.Otn Mr. amicn to •of farm burai ctoe ot the 1 FBBSB, DBUC10II8 AND HKALTHFUL MABKBT BASKET “ SUPERIOR” 22 OE. LOAF gUCBP BEKAD MARKET BASKET rma, *| ' COOHES D0U6HHVR progvem. ^ the boanl e.>.< ■ge for tbe ] or men who i prodaoid, lOe KELLOGG’S CORN FUKES - 22* Owwl Bevl rUB vHb ehes* ef S Fkgz. FRESH SPANISH SALTED PEARUTS u. iOe and pottioy, work on. the tk e progrMB, orlleiMiowe pci^ poetod tiMt 1^ •hood of IMflll suit of the ^ WALDORF TISSUE •^Worid’e Largest O _ IT ^ Selling, n ROLLS Ttaane’* w ■■ W HRKMM'S C CUB BORAX SOAP zde SUNBRITE CLEANSER 3 »•» 13e s s r ^ ,“-i5 ' N. Y. C SKYFLAKE ^ - WAFERS PANCAKE FLOUR ‘“-*-33* JACKumIJUX MAH J0N66 GELATINE ^1. PNG. 5 c -THEPBErZUl- DESSERT COFFEE caoJtmrntUm pi A etotietkel eooted gtviiif flUBiibuNau < bwaai|k 44S: 1 mnei treveled. eelM. 767; p« L90S; ctrculatl the required county agzica chide the wo Junior depierti wee made of t of 10 yeese a tbo eoK for 1 the mot per a The agent gl«D lOr IW eftMuk 00 of t faitnefo wtOi face next yea In dibaing t XOXAL. LMi’AATlON VANILLA GILT BDGfc 2 oz. BOT. 0 g GILT XDGh A gW PASTRY FLOUR U^mS VEG-ALL 2 Cans 2 7 c JOLLYTIME POP CORN Can 15f 10c aiUtiTLC. GAeUKN BEETS N0.2CAN mgsBCY’d. BJoanQ ^ ^ CHOCOUTE ^ > ^ ^ 1 O C DRIED BEEF S Oz. Jar | SANI.FLUSH Cui ZlC ita aupport i thanked farm bureau suppoft On Monday were gone oe otnmendnUoB A oommunica the oennty li Geoigo C 1 Shoulder W O c Roast Lamb X O lb Rolled Rib or Rump Reef ROAST lb m 3 ; Lean-Meaty % Plate Beef 1 \J\b ^ [ Tender-Juicy Shoulder Steak lb . Stew Beef ^ f \ o Cutup Ihmixf Fresh Pork 4 AWcl SHOULDER i j Picnic Style lb * ^ Potatoes 532* pk Lettuce 1 S c Iceberg 2 !St L ^ GRAPES <9 Q c 31I» m 7 O ranges SUNKIST New Navelf doz 10S7. Thia i paya |90 pm road flmd to the ooimty. h roads enmpto and the ndl« poiatod vUla| witUa its b( contnet itai mOea. which le v s extontM ly iaeaad me ywr. Shooli reoouma to 4 oounty road fMlad to i«g ^ m (OcmiSa

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Page 1: $gpsm! lEOin EnilTS N a r iu S s S e d e d fficeM DANCE ai ... · hazardous commission, a yoni named Emily Geiger. Of Erally'i fam ily. of her appearance, we kabw eery little. Of

TBB L iv n ra s T O H m a ru B L io a m , o m k wu o , m. t h u As d a t . DAOKHM Ot iQih, H 8 1


Fcdlowine U a list of cMitiibutoni for the Geneaeo Visiting Nuree A#-

Bir. and Mrs. L. M. Allen. Mrs. Valle Aiwten. Charles Ai

Hen,Bten, Charles A ustin.

Elizabeth Armstrong,Mrs.

G eorgeArm strong.

Mrs Charles Battaglia, Mrs. Jacob Mrs. Jacob Badaml. Mr.

and Mrs. C. Bennet, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bondi. Ben Franklin Store. Dr and Mrs. Homer Bull, O. B. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Batch-

Miss Marian Bolt. Mr. and

good, Livingston Birge, Mra J. O. B u ^ e y . Mr. and Mra Brooks Buck-

iir.lev Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Barnes, Mrs. Elizabeth Brower, Miss Anne B l^e , Big Tree Supply °o-- ^Earl Baiter, Mr. and Mra. F. E. BrowneU. Mra. Daniel Barnard and h£s. J. A. Bishop. Mr. and M ^ j HTHack. Mrs. Mary U M r a n d M r a W . J. Brodie. Mr. andMrs. Charles Baedcr. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bailey,. Rev. S. J. Bsrme. Miss Francea Burna ^ ,

Mrs. Alex Chiara. Mrs. A. Crak- Un, Mrs. Frances M.

Mr. and Mra. and Mra.Mrs. Max Stensel.

Miss L.yna Thrall. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompaon, Mr. and Mra. J. R. Taft, Mr. and Mra O. E. Thompaon, Mra. Mary TeaU, Mr. and Mra. O. F. Torrey. Mrs. Howard TealL

dr. and Mrs. H. G. Ulmer, drs. B. VlUarella. Mr. and Mra.

C. C. VanVaohten. Mra Jamaa Van- galio. Mr .and Mra. G. H. Vincent

Mra. Lulu Washburn. Dr. and Mia. J. B. WeUea. Mr. and Mra A. J. Wade, Miaa Jane Wilson. Mr. and Mra W. P. Wadaworth, Mra. J. L. White. Mr. and Mra Leo Wilcox, Mr. and Mra. J. W. Wadsworth, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wadsworth, Craig Wadaworth, Mr. and Mra Oaorge WilUamaon. Mrs. Nathan WiDlama

______n. Mr«. I>anlel Rsv.and Mra. J. W. D. cooper. Mr.

. H. B. Curtis, Dr. and Mra S. J. lertaon, Mr, and Mrs. w . g . c » r -

Colt Mr. and Mrs. Por-— , Mrs. Anna Chapman.

Carr, Daniel

and Mra E. P. Ward; Mr. and Mra E. Westfall. Mr. and Mra Homer

ilCOX, Mra. H. J. Welch, Mra W.t»atln Wadaworth.Mra. John Voung, Mr. and Mrs. E-

Bruce Y ounga

ter Chander, ..m—

? ”a r i ' p S £ k ^K.^6ok.* O ^ u n i t y Outlittew. Mrs. Esther Camp^H, M r and Mrs. T. F. Courthope, Mra.

^M »*N tek Dr. J. A.*Del-ehanty. Dr. and Mrs. L. v. D u n h ^ , Mr imd Mrs. M. DeLaVergne. Mra L. A. Doty, Mrs. E. E. Doty. Mr and Mrs. E. H. DeMunn. Mrs. Mary Demcey, Mr. and MrS. J. H^ D<m- ohoe. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. D ^ e r , Mra A. E. Dietoctte.J. M. Dwyer, Mr. and Mrs._K. M. Doty, Mrs. Rom Delabi Delaney. Mr. and Mrs. laney, Mrs. Mary Dclehanty.Doty,

Mary Dcl<Jennie Dunn.tczmic

Mr. and Mrs. O. W. ESveringham.Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Erwin. Mr. andMrs. W illiam EUianey, Hirilie EUianerley. Hirilie EUianey.

Mrs. John Fyffe. R. S. Foils. Mr.and Mrs. E. F . F itzgerald. Mr. andMra Ernest Fitzpatrick. Mr. andMre. E. J . BHnlgan. Mr. and Mr*. C.F. Pundlnger, Miss Bridget Fennfcll,

1 Mrs. ElT “ ■ ■ ■. and J a E.

Clbert Foland. Mr. and Forbes, Mr. and Mrs.

C h a r le s F ly n n , ^ r . an d M rs. J . W .Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Finley. Mr. and Mrs. John Fish. Mise Ethel Frazer, Faculty Normal School.

Mrs. Mary GUlan. Mra Harriett B. Greene. Miss Mdlcent Green. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Gowdy. Mr: and Mrs. W. H. Grove, Mias Agnes Griswold, Mlm Sara Goheen, Mrs. Sarah Cet-zinger, Mr. and Mrs. Edward GroM, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Graham. Mr. and Mra. Gartshore, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Oulnac, Geneseo Hardware Co., Miss Zella Gray, Mrs. WilUain Gal­lagher, Mrs. Harold Gilbert.

Mrs. James Hart, Mra. John Hen-drlclGB, Mr. and Mra: Ixwlie Hills, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Haley, Mr. u d

Ifra. ]

Mrs. Vincent Haley, Mr. anc Mra. W. A. Haley. Mr. and MrsEmory HeWitt, Mr. and Mra. E. A. Horton, Mr. and Mra. Frank How-I t t Mr. and Mra. H. L. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest HiUer. Dr. and Mrs. G. A. H alt Mrs. Edna Huff. Mias Eva Hunter. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hol­comb. Misses Hunter, Mr. and Mra.J. W. HotchklM. Mr. and Mra. F. S.Hollis, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanby.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Irwin.Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jamison. Mias

Petri Jonet. Mrs.. EllzalieUi Jobneon.M r a H e le n I>. K a m a M r. a n d M ra.

William Knooc, Mr. and Mra D. R Kessler, Mr. and Mra. Rudolph Kel-low-James Luce, Mrs. Prank Least, M r and Mrs. O. G. LakUaw, Mr. and M rt W. R. Lowery. Mrs. MaryLynch. Mias Helen Lauderdale. Mr.and Mrs. Frank Luttenton, Mr. and Mra. W. H. Leadlngham, Mr. and Mrs. F.' B. linfoot.

Mrs. Alex Marks, Mrs. David Marks. Mr. and Mra. V. T. McDon­ald. Mr. and Mra R. L. Merrell, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Munz. Mr. and Mra M. J. Murphy. Mr. and Mra. Fred, McTarnagban, Mr. and Mra R C. Milks, Mr. and Mra. W. D. McClln-

George Meekeilock. Mr. and Mra. George Meeker. Mr. and Mrs. Winiam Mann, Mr. and Mrs. R . ^ Miller, Mr. and Mra.R . ^R. R. McCUiBkey, Miss Elinor Mc-

1 Mrs. O. M. Mlnokler,Bride, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Mlnokler, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McGuire, Rev.a n d M ra. A . H . M ason . M r. an d M ^O. P. McGuire, Col. and Mrs. R. E.McMillan. R oy M cTam sghan. M issKatherine McCurdy, Mra. B. E.

and Mrs. T hom as Mc-

Necr A Neff, .Mrs. Mike Nobile, Dr. and Mra C. I. Newton, Mr. andMra. Mvrtm N orthrop. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob N ast Miss Jane M. N e^on,

Mra. G. D.Edna Neff, Mr. and Mra. M. D. Nast,Mr. and Newton. Mias

Miss mien H. North, C. D. Neff, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Neff. Mra Jennk Nevln. Mr. and Mrs. William Nerin.

Mrs. Joseph Orlando, Mr. and Mrs: W. L. 8. Olmsted; Mrs. L. C. O'Con­nor, F. A. Osborne, Mra. Owens, Mias Elizabeth Odstedi ,Mrs. F. J. O’Donnell.

Mrs. George Poole, Mr. and Mrs. James Perkins. George PapadUds. Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Page, Mr. and Mra. B, R Peachey.

Mr. and Mra F. A. Quirk.M ra Frank Rlcottsk Rochester Tel-

p., Mr. and Mra DonRahmlow, and Mra D. W. 1 ^ -tor, Mrs. Katherine Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ryan. Mr. and Mrs.W. S. Rectof, Misses Rlppey, Mrs. Elizabeth Ringgtkd. Red Jk WhiteStore, Mr. and Mrs. R E. Ritchie; Mr. and Mra K. R Rider, Anna Run<Uo, Mrt. J. Rust, Vlnocut Ryan.

M ra George Schreve. Dr. and M ra B. W. Southall, Miss Minnie Stinson, Mr. and Mra T. W. Slaight Mias Grace Seger, Mrs. Valentine Street, fit. MlehaaFs ChuM^ 9cho<rf. Mra Charles Stapley. Mr. and Mra Q. H, Slaton, Pliny Seymour. M ra J. V.

Sturgea, Mra W. M. Shlrlr. Hadle Smith. Rev. and Mra Sunter 4fr. and Mra. M.


and Mra. D. R. Sandsra Stooka Newton, Mra B. S. Smith. Clar­

ence Stewart. Mr. and Mra Newton Shepard. Miss Hildegards Sherlock,

W. D. Shepard.P. Speazano, Mr. and


A large entry Ust is expeetad In the ping pong tourulhant to be held In Daneville on December IS. This is the first county tournament to beheld In DanavUle. To date 90 appli­cations have been entered. A hand-

p i acme trophy donated by Tex B. Ubyd who has done much in this aecUon. win be awarded to the win-

Mra. George Walla, Mr. and Mra C H. Webb, Norman Wakely, Mr. and

;ra. Frazdc W agner,C. C. W alker, Mra. H a n ia tt W l ^lock. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Welch, Mr.

------------Ward;F. E WIK

D ir e c t lo a F ta d e r a U s e dDirecticm finders are placed

m a n y tr a n s a t la n t ic l in e r a

il^ an added attrsctioo at 9 o’Oock t t t t t evening an exhMUoo featuring Sol Schlff. 19S4 national champ, and A b e Bevenbauzn. 1 • S S national champ will be played. Both of these players have been touring this sec­tion for the past three months. Through the cooperation of Mr. Lloyd they are booked to play in Dansvllie in K. of C. haH on Decem­b er l A M r. A ppU n r e q u e s ts aU e o - t r le e t o aend in apphoatlons aa aoon m posrible. Don't forget the date. December 18. at 1 p. m.

C H flia T M A a H IN T Sin the Saturday B v en k if Post

luntatn -peoa, p w tc ilw,erSbarp fount■etz. A lso W aterm an’s peoA Conk­lin pen*. S e e th eo e ueeTuI g tftn a tFO LT8’ JEW ELRY STORE, Oene- • e o . T T advl

z ^ m m c a n^ Heroines


^ B N . NATHANIEL QREENE, whoseV J vlgoroue cam paign in G eorgia andthe CsroIIoas eventually won that ter­ritory for W ashington and 'tba col- oolsts, . wax retreating before LordR aw don from N in ety -S ix . W hen b ereached the Krnad rirer word wubrought h ln th at th e pnrsn lng troopshad divided forces. He immediatelycoD ceired the plan o f tak in g ad \'an tage of this dirisloo to make an attack, confident th at thoogb h e had beenhelpless against thd superior numbers of Rawdon’s combined forces, he could easily defeat the two smaller fcress. taken one at a time. His own Uncs were depleted, however, by tbs recent engagement, his men weary. To in­sure his success it was necessary to gain the aid of Gen. "Game Cock” Sumter, then scouting on the banka of the Wateree, m any miles away. The m essa g e m ost be carried through dan­gerous country, ridden with Toriea N ot a man w ould v o lu n teer to m ake the Journey.

T hen th ere cam e to G eneral G reene’s quartera. offering to sndertaks this

hazard ou s com m ission , a yoninamed Emily Geiger. Of Erally'i fam­ily . o f her ap pearance, we kabw eery

Of her later life we know onlylittle.th a t sh e eventuaU y m arried a r l^ planter and became mistress o f a plan-ta tlo o on th e C ongerce river.

But we do kapw that General Oreenoaccep ted E m ily ■■ h is m esaeoger. an-trusted her with a letter to a s s s r s lSum ter, and read Its co n ten ts to bar.just In case of acddent. So aho sotout, m ounted on horseback and rid ing side-saddle. On the second day of her Journey, she was Intercepted by Lord R aw d oo's sc o u ts s o d sh arp ly q oes- tlooed . N ow E m ily could not te ll an untruth w ith ou t b lushing. H er look s were very guilty indeed. Lord Raw­d on’s sco u ts .prom p tly took her p r is ­oner, and conhned her In a room In a ncarivy farm house. T hey sent for an Old Tory matron to come and Marcliher.

Alone in the room, waiting for them atron, E m ily's com p osn re re tu rned.Drawing out the precious letter, ahe to re i t In b i t s put it in to her m onth piece by piece, chewed them, and sw a llo w ed them . T h e m atron entored and search ed th e glrL B ut her search revealed noth in g su sp ic iou s, and E m ily was eventually released, to go her way.

Shortly after Kmily reached her goal. General Sumter's camp, delivered her message, and as a result, Sumter’s troops only a little later Joined Greene St Orangeburgb.

• . lets. WM*«rs Xswssspvr Uslss.

Gifts and All Accessories for Your Christmas Remembrances

T h e N o o k o f B o o k sII CENTER STR EE T GENESEO, N . Y .

Open evenings until Christnus


but w h at about^ S e ^ s t ^ t S S r SA rasldaD t od o u r to w n h a d b een

mafi's tracks tcroM bargarden. Saturday morning about 9o'clock a maa. croaaad the gardsn.She asked fatal what the Idea was.

”1 have ca u fh t a ca t in m y tn^ i,”he anwarerad.

Hofw cnialt Ha said that ba waa many, but

th at didn’t hek> the c a t Tou people who have aloe pats or

d o f i b it ter wdtMi out.Thla man wpe asked to keep ou t


RYTKX PtnaONAL •TATiONCRYwith monogram or naiM « i^ ad^monogram .dreee on ly 11.00 a box. A lso cavlet?

cards with name on. Both will be in time for Chiietmae if ordered thM waek a t FOLT8* JMWELRT STORE. Q m in io TlsOfl

D A N C EG ro v « la n d G ra n s *


Friday Night, Dec. 18Mode by o ^oo4 Orchestra

Old and New Dances

AdmlssioB, Indadifi^ Loacii, 4 0 c

The lUllan OreyhownCA s Italian greyhound Is a fa n cy

variety of .the true greyhound in ralnleture. T he dogs should >101 ex*coed seven to seven und one-halfpounds in weight, and the femaitm

imetry of head illvd pounds. Symmetry of head and neck ia eseen tia l to perfection. They range from black through the bluesrange from black through Ito faw n and even ell w hite

G am New T el-el S a l T he O ath of Old T estam en t ta m e

Is T el-el-Safl today

B rigbans T en ng L eft 19 W lveaB righam Young died in 5eR L e to

City,-August » . 1S77. ieevlng IT f o t ^arlvaa and 47 children. In his win world a higlieetWives end 47 children. In his w in he provided each wife with e homg

^ a life suite tn Ltonof her own <H ouse with am p le provision for her

9 in com fort for the ree lm ain ten an ce ---------------------of her life . 'A ll h ie son s end daugh ­ters Inherited alike.

le e A ge Men T reeed te II. aE x ca v a to rs found tra ces o f Ice -

A ge rren in »h* V\ITnjtfd Statue.

la y es .

Bare B a H srilsS IR are butterflies ane'^

-------tlmes.'^ Gold-banded ttete ai M aryland woods, have six They c o n s tr u c t. tiny while In the


T htursday, F r id a y . B aZtirday. DMMubsr 10-11-12


»MT MAN CODFSET ’A Lombfird-ment ot lore

with a F o w r il- fu l puneh.Alio SeUeted Shorte

Inclndinf new lAHO’'*OUB OAHO** Oomedy

SuiuUy, M ondsy, TtMtdsy, Deoember lS-14-16

HistoiT’i moM liMroio deed immortaUxed by the gallant loTert ol “ O ap^n Blood”.



Wed., Thnn., Doe. 16-17 Matinee at 3*.30 Wednaeday

Bognlar Pricee ELISABETH B ER O N n in

r* fOiakespeara’s Immortal

- A S 'T o u t m i r *with LAUBENCT OLIVISR

PraMBtod tuite tho ans- pioio-of 81 Ipisoo-pal OhnrolL

m mThe Gift ^^aaiifal for Every Woman

E X Q U I S I T E. ^ L I N G E R E

And Bonr bMort fneh a array ofloTtly faghkmi as wt now fsatva for OhristBiail i r t i t .

Pajam asSleeping garm ents.. .fesMoned of ^

satin or silk crepes In oapCtvatlngnew sty les. S 2 .S to S8L80.

Silk UnderwearOanoe acta. Stop Ins. Pantiae.

Rayon, erepe de chine ereatleno bi both tallerad and laoa trlownad ef- feota. 50o to | 1J a

Bed JacketLaos trimmed of


Princess Slips

i| G . B . B R O W N -

Pure Mlk Priweese Slipe In built- up ehouWer and bodloe top stylee. Tailored er laee trimmed. flJOt to mgS 2 ^ % S

Geneseo, N . Y . *

N a r i u S s S e d e dL*1



NO. 8 |



mdsr cr tbe^ SMB of m e b Wedneedsy. 1 port ai the i ndttod iy fl

THE WRESTLER. Daapika dm fact duit the direct taxes OH a ChaiD Food Store are g re e te r then its profit, the.Cliam Food Store will coo* tmne to wrestle widi fba rising coot o f fo o d —e n d d o fU p e st to k e e p it d o w n !

Tbs rsport

for 1M 7, w ttfor Ipae and 1»87.

a UM .O tn Mr. amicn to

• of farm buraictoe ot the 1





progvem. ^ the boanl e.>.<

■ge for tbe ]or men who i



CORN F U K E S- 2 2 *

Owwl BevlrU B vHbehes* ef S Fkgz.


PEARUTS u . i O e

and pottioy,work on. the tke progrMB,

orlleiMiowe pci poetod tiMt 1^

•hood of IMflll suit of the ^

WALDORF TISSUE• Worid’e Largest O _ IT ^Selling, n ROLLSTtaane’* w ■■ W


SOAP z d eS U N B R IT E C L E A N S E R 3 » • » 1 3 e

s s r ^ , “ - i 5 ‘' N. Y. C SKYFLAKE ^ -



caoJtmrntUm pi A etotietkel

eooted g tv iiif flU B iibuN au < bwaai|k 44S: 1 m n ei treveled.

eelM. 767; p«L90S; ctrculatl

the required county agzica chide the wo Junior depierti wee made of t of 10 yeese atbo eoK for 1

the m o t per a The agent

gl«D lOr IW eftMuk 00 of t

f a itn efo wtOi fa ce n ex t yea

In dibaing t



2 oz. BOT. 0 gGILT XDGh A gW


10caiUtiTLC. GAeUKN

BEETS N0.2CANmgsBCY’d. BJoanQ ^ ^


ita aupport i thanked

farm bureau suppoft

On Monday were gone oe otnmendnUoB A oommunica the oennty li Geoigo C 1

S h o u ld e r W O c R o a s t L a m b X O l b

Rolled Rib or Rump ReefR O A S T l b m 3 ;

L e a n -M e a ty %P la te B e e f 1 \ J \ b

^ [Tender-JuicyShoulder

S t e a k l b .

S te w B e e f ^ f \ o C u t u p I h m i x f

Fresh Pork 4 A W c lSHOULDER i jPicnic Style lb * ^

P o ta to e s532* p k

L e t t u c e 1 S c I c e b e rg 2 !S t L ^

G R A P E S <9 Q c 3 1 I » m 7

O r a n g e sSUNKISTNew Navelf doz

10S7. Thia i paya |9 0 pmroad flm d to the ooim ty. h roads enmpto and th e ndl« poiatod vUla|

witUa its b(

contnet itaimOea. which

l e v s extontM ly iaeaad m e y w r . Shooli reoouma to 4 oounty road

fMlad to i«g^ m
