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  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    A Grand Project



    In fulfillment of the GRAND PROJECTin two year full time

    MBA programme of Gujarat University.

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja




    In this project, the 1ststep was to have a knowledge about the airline industry and

    also the airlines Jet Airways and Kingisher Airlines! "e wanted to have the e#act

    idea o the e#isting scenario! $o to have the e#act idea we proceeded by %eeting the

    travel agents! &hey helped us by giving us proper guidance and giving us inor%ation

    about the current situation!

    $o keeping in %ind that inor%ation we designed a 'uestionnaire!

    A study o the airline industry was done! (ere a sa%ple si)e o 1*+ was taken, where

    7* people answered in conte#t to the Jet Airways and the re%aining 7* answered on

    behal o Kingisher Airlines! (ere a direct co%parison was not %ade between the

    two airlines!

    ut in general 'uestions were asked relating to the in-light services, ticketing, light

    personnel, waiting ti%e, areas o dissatisaction i any, purpose o the light etc! &he

    answers gave an idea about the services o both the airlines! &he other idea o the

    study was to point out the li%itations o the airlines and also to highlight the positive

    points! Ater pointing out the li%itations, a ew suggestions are given by us!

    Kingisher and Jet Airways are both highly priced! Kingisher justiies the prices by

    giving *star services to the passengers! It gives a co%pletely personali)ed touch! It

    has also been ranked as the 1st

    do%estic airline that has been given the * star by the$kytra#!

    Jet Airways justiies the prices by giving consistency in all its services since a long

    ti%e! It provides both 'uick and e#cellent services to the passengers!

    Kingisher has a niche %arket! It has lights to places like .anchi, Kandla, Jaipur,

    Kolkata etc! It has targeted that class o passengers to need to %ake business trips to

    such places and where reaching in a short ti%e and that to lu#uriously is diicult! It is

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    basically not or people who look or a high re'uency in the light nu%bers and also

    at regular intervals! It has li%ited lights to the %etros like /u%bai, 0elhi!

    &his is e#actly where Jet Airways diers! It has a high re'uency o lights which ly

    at regular intervals! It is highly convenient to passengers who are intending to ly at

    odd ti%es or also who intend to return the sa%e day!

    &hus the basic dierence in both the airlines is the target %arket even though both are

    highly priced!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja




    Preface I

    Acknowledgeen! II

    E"ec#!$%e S#ar& III

    Ta'le of Con!en!(

    C)a*!er + Re*or! $n!rod#c!$on

    bjective o the .esearch 28

    .esearch %ethodology 28

    C)a*!er , A$rl$ne $nd#(!r& O%er%$ew

    Introduction +3

    4urrent Airline scenario in India 11

    Airline industry inor%ation about Kingisher and Jet Airways 57

    6$& analysis o the Airline Industry 2+7 6s o the airline industry 27

    C)a*!er - SURVEY CON.UCTE.


    C)a*!er 2 FIN.IN0S 7+


    C)a*!er 4 LIMITATIONS 75

    C)a*!er 5 FURT1ER SCOPE OF STU.Y 79

    C)a*!er 6 B$'l$ogra*)& 72


  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    6ricing and service 'uality are the key variables that decide the brand e'uity o each

    player in the airline industry! #isting literature suggests that %easure%ent and

    %anage%ent o service 'uality is the key or survival o airline co%panies! &he

    process o travelling on a do%estic airline was divided into pre-light, in- light and

    post-light e#periences! A survey was conducted to ind out the service 'uality o

    re'uent liers on each o the two airlines across a series o service peror%ance



    India at present has twelve co%peting airlines in the do%estic %arket as against a

    single govern%ent owned airline in 1331! According to /cKinsey :uarterly;5++*+s the ?/aharaja@, as the national lag-carrier was aectionately

    known, was lying to 95 destinations ;it now lies to 2> destinations< and %aking

    proits! =or %any years in India air travel was perceived to be an elitist activity! &his

    view arose ro% the ?/aharajah@ syndro%e where, due to the prohibitive cost o air

    travel, the only people who could aord it were the rich and powerul! In recent years,

    however, this i%age o 4ivil Aviation has undergone a change and aviation is now

    viewed in a dierent light - as an essential link not only or international travel and

    trade but also or providing connectivity to dierent parts o the country! Aviation is,

    by its very nature, a critical part o the inrastructure o the country and has i%portant

    ra%iications or the develop%ent o touris% and trade, the opening up o inaccessible

    areas o the country and or providing sti%ulus to business activity and econo%ic

    growth! ntil less than a decade ago, all aspects o aviation were ir%ly controlled bythe Bovern%ent!

    In the early ities, all airlines operating in the country were %erged into either Indian

    Airlines or Air India and, by virtue o the Air 4orporations Act, 13*9 this %onopoly

    was perpetuated or the ne#t orty years! &he 0irectorate Beneral o 4ivil Aviation

    controlled every aspect o lying including granting lying licenses, pilots, certiying

    aircrats or light and issuing all rules and procedures governing Indian airports and

    airspace! =inally, the Airports Authority o India was entrusted with the responsibility

    o %anaging all national and international airports and ad%inistering every aspect o

    air transport operation through the Air traic 4ontrol!

    "ith the opening up o the Indian econo%y in the early Cineties, aviation saw so%e

    i%portant changes! /ost i%portantly, the Air 4orporation Act was repealed to end the

    %onopoly o the public sector and private airlines were reintroduced! 0o%estic

    liberali)ation took o in 138>, with the launch o scheduled services by new start-up

    carriers ro% 1335! A nu%ber o oreign investors took an interest! /odilut closed

    ater ailing to %eet inancial obligations to lessors and its technical partner,

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    Duthansa! In 133>-1338, &ata and $IA tried to launch a do%estic carrier, but the civil

    aviation %inister had publicly stated his opposition on nu%erous occasions ;Airline

    usiness 1338

    &he Indian govern%ent introduced the open sky policy or do%estic players in 1331

    and partial open sky policy or international players only in Cove%ber 5++2!

    Increasing liberalisation and deregulation has led to an increase in the nu%ber o

    players! &he industry co%prises three types o players ull cost carriers, low cost

    carriers ;D44< and %any start-up airlines that are %akingEplanning an entry!

    Pre(en! Ind$an Scenar$oIt is a phase o rapid growth in the industry due to huge build-up o capacity in the

    D44 space, with capacity growing at appro#i%ately 2*F annually! &his has induced a

    phase o intense price co%petition with the incu%bent ull service carriers ;Jet,

    Indian, Air $ahara< dis- counting up to >+-7+F or certain routes to %atch the new

    entrants ticket prices! &his, coupled with costs pressures ;a key cost ele%ent, A&=

    price, went up appro#i%ately 9*F in recent %onths, while sta costs are also rising

    on the back o shortage o trained personnel

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    growth o over *+F! &he Indian travel %arket is e#pected to triple to G*1 billion by

    5+11 ro% G1>!9 billion in 5++*-+>!

    7e& Pla&er( $n Ind$an Ind#(!r&

    A$rl$ne( on In!erna!$onal Ro#!e(

    A$r Ind$ais the national lag carrier airline o India with a network o passenger and

    cargo services worldwide! It is one o the two state-owned airlines in the country, the

    other being Indian Airlines! Air India has 22 world-wide destinations! &he airline has

    been proitable in %ost years since its inception! In the inancial year ending /arch

    91, 5++>, Air India has %ade a net proit o .s!37 %illionH earned a revenue o

    .s!87,28+ %illion - representing a growth o al%ost 1* per cent over the previous


    A$r Sa)arais a privately owned airline operating scheduled services connecting all

    %etropolitan centres in India! &he airline was established on 5+ $epte%ber1331 and

    began operations on 9 0ece%ber 1339with two oeing 797-5++aircrat as $ahara

    Airlines! &he uncertainty over the airlines are has caused its share o the do%estic

    Indian air transport %arket, ro% appro#i%ately 11F in January 5++> to a reported

    8!*F in April! $ahara Airlines was rebranded as Air $ahara on 5 ctober 5+++!

    Ind$an is Indias state owned pri%arily do%estic airline, under the ederal nion

    /inistry o 4ivil Aviation &he 4o%pany was or%erly known as Indian Airlines! n

    0ece%ber 7, 5++* the co%pany was rebranded as Indian as a part o a progra% to

    reva%p the co%pany i%age in preparation or an I6! Indian 4ivil Aviation /inister,

    6raul 6atel, announced Bovern%ent o Indias plan to %erge Air India and Indian
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    into one giant airline consisting o 19+-12+ aircrat! &his could take place anyti%e

    ro% the end o 5++> to the %iddle o 5++7! I these airlines %erge then they will be

    in direct co%petition with other air giants like Br$!$() A$rwa&( 8 A$r France8 A$r

    Canada8 L#f!)an(a8 7LM 89AL 8 Aer$can A$rl$ne( 8and :ANTAS

    9e! A$rwa&(a ?regular@ airline which oers nor%al econo%y and business class

    seats! Jet Airways, along with Air $ahara, is the only airline which survived

    the dis%al period o 133+s when %any private airlines in India were orced to

    close down! Jet Airways is an a$rl$ne based in Ind$a serving do%estic and

    international routes! &he airline operates over 9++ lights to 29 destinations

    across the! It currently controls about 95F o Indias aviation %arket

    A$rl$ne( on .oe(!$c Ro#!e(

    S*$ce9e!is a low-costairline!&heir %arketing the%e oering low everyday spicey

    ares and great guest services to price conscious travelers! &heir ai% is to co%pete

    with the Indian .ailways passengers travelling in A4 coaches!

    A$r .eccan is an airline based in angalore, India! It was Indias irst low-cost

    carrier,and as o /ay 5++>, connects ** cities within India! Air 0eccan has grown

    rapidly since it irst started air operations in 5++9, and despite its al%ost disastrous

    %aiden inaugural light ;which caught ire

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    reasonable air ares! Kingisher are pushing or an a%end%ent o the present Indian

    govern%ent rule which re'uires an airline to ly a %ini%u% o ive years on do%estic

    routes beore it can start lying overseas!

    Ind$0o A$rl$ne(is a new and a private do%estic airline based in India! IndiBo placed

    an order or 1++ Airbus A95+aircrat during the 5++*6aris Air $how! &he total order

    was worth $ G> billionH one o the highest by any do%estic carrier during the show!

    &he new low-are carrier has started operations ro% August 2, 5++>!


    At the %acro-econo%ic level Asia 6aciic growth is i%pressive! India and 4hina aregrowing between 8 and 1+F each year! 4hina is now the worlds 2th largest econo%y!

    #cluding Japan, Asian econo%ic growth was 7Fdoubles the world average o

    9!*F! Blobal airline traic is e#pected to rise steadily until 5++8 in line with an

    anticipated good peror%ance by the world econo%y, according to the nited

    Cations;C< aviation agency! &he C International 4ivil Aviation rgani)ation

    ound in its %ediu%-ter% orecast that airline traic would grow >!1 per cent in 5++>,

    *!8 per cent in 5++7, and *!> per cent in 5++8. And strong econo%ic growth will

    continue! ut growth %eans nothing i the botto% line is red! Blobally airlines lost

    $G> billion in 5++*! $ carriers lost $G1+ billion! uropean carriers %ade about

    $G1!9 billion! Asian carriers led proitability with $G1!* billion! ven within Asia

    it is a %i#ed picture! $o%e carriers are a%ong the %ost proitable! thers however are

    struggling! In the region operating %argins averaged less than 5F, still the best

    peror%ance in the world! /ost are below the 7 to 8F needed to cover the cost o

    capital and give investors an acceptable return!
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    I*ac! of R$($ng F#el Pr$ce( on !)e Ind#(!r&

    &he high price o uel is killing the proitability! In two years the industry uel bill

    %ore than doubled to nearly $G1++ billion59F o operating costs! And there is no

    relie in sight! $o what are airlines to doL I%prove eiciency is the answer! 6rogress

    to date has been dra%atic! &he break-even price o uel rose ro% $G55 per barrel in

    5++9 to nearly $G*+ in 5++*! nortunately, uel prices are above that! Airlines will

    not return to proitability until 5++7 when we e#pect a break-even uel price o

    $G**! ven then the projected proit is only $G> billion! Asia will re%ain

    proitable in 5++> posting $G5 billion in proit! ut do not start opening the

    4ha%pagne! &hat is still less than a 5F net %argin!

    0lo'al I*ac! of LCC(

    Dow cost carrier co%petition is new to this region! Asian network carriers are better

    prepared than %any o their $ or uropean counterparts! &heir operating costs are >

    $ cents per A&K on route lengths o 1*++k%! ut the co%petition will also be

    tough! Air Asias costs are the lowest in the world5!* $ cents per A&K! Dabour

    costs in Asia are the lowest in world13F o operating cost! &his is a signiicant

    advantage against $ and uropean carriers with an average cost o above 9+F! I we

    co%pare Asian network carriers to their low cost rivals, the story changes! Average

    labour costs can be up to 7 ti%es lower at low-cost startups! &here is no inish line in

    the race to reduce costs and i%prove eiciency! $o%e analysts are o the view that

    4ountries in the Asia-6aciic region, which entered the industry %uch later, have

    e%erged as i%portant players in the past decade! In co%parison, the Indian civil

    aviation industry which is %uch older still operates ro% a s%all base even though its

    do%estic %arket potential and skilled %an power should have given it intrinsic

    advantages to e%erge as a globally i%portant player in the civil aviation industry by


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    Pa!) Forward for Ind$a

    &he escalating uel bill would eventually translate into costlier air tickets or the

    Indian travellers, who have or the irst ti%e sa%pled air travel at ares that %atch

    irst-class railway tickets!Even as some airlines hiked fares by ten per cent

    and others toyed with the idea to offset their ballooning fuel bill, the

    government dealt them another blow by withdrawing the withholding

    tax exemption on aircraft lease agreements. In the absence of this tax

    exemption, aircraft leasing cost is expected to shoot up between 20 to

    6 per cent ! a move that could deter new entrants and existing players

    from leasing more aircraft. Although poor airport inrastructure re%ains a

    concern, we need to %aintain a positive outlook on the sector as the govern%ent

    allows private participation and =0Is in construction and %aintenance o air-traic

    inrastructure! &his also hints at the huge opportunity in ter%s o inrastructure

    develop%ent and %aintenance in the aviation sector or oreign construction and

    engineering co%panies! =or now, as %ore and %ore Indians take to the skies, thecountry is set to e%erge as the astest growing aviation %arket!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    ! O%er%$ew

    &he history o civil aviation in India began in 0ece%ber 1315! &his was with

    the opening o the irst do%estic air route between Karachi and 0elhi by the

    Indian state Air services in collaboration with the i%perial Airways, K,

    though it was a %ere e#tension o Dondon-Karachi light o the latter airline!

    &hree years later, the irst Indian airline, &ata $ons Dtd!, started a regular

    air%ail service between Karachi and /adras without any patronage ro% the


    At the ti%e o independence, the nu%ber o air transport co%panies, which

    were operating within and beyond the rontiers o the co%pany, carrying

    both air cargo and passengers, was nine! It was reduced to eight, with rient

    Airways shiting to 6akistan! &hese airlines wereM &ata Airlines, Indian

    Cational Airways, Air service o India, 0eccan Airways, A%bica Airways,

    harat Airways and /istry Airways!

    In early 1328, a joint sector co%pany, Air India International Dtd!, was

    established by the Bovern%ent o India and Air India ;earlier &ata Airline, besides the above Akade%i, 21 lying clubsEinstitutes

    and their branches including nine private institutes were i%parting lying

    training! =ive gliding clubs, seven gliding wings o lying clubs and a

    govern%ent Bliding 4entre, 6une, were i%parting training in gliding!

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    .e%elo*en! of C$%$l A%$a!$on

    &he repeal o the Air 4orporation Act ro% 1 /arch 1332 enabled private

    operators to provide air transport services! $i# operators were given the

    status o scheduled operators on 1=ebruary133*!

    4urrently there are ive international airports and 87 do%estic airport in the

    country with 58 civilian enclaves or deence purposes!

    &he Airport Authority o India plans to invest .s 9*,+++ %illion or the

    construction and up gradation o airports!

    udgetary support o .s 28*!*+ %illion was allocated to AAI in 133>-37!

    In august 133>, in a %ajor policy decision, the govern%ent allowed the

    private sector to set up air cargo co%ple#es in a bid to ensure s%ooth

    %ove%ent o e#port cargo!

    0o%estic and oreign investors including C.Is have been invited to

    participate in the develop%ent o inrastructure support at select airports!

    "ith a %arket share o 29F Indian airlines is the biggest player in aviation!

    .s 52,71+ %illion have been %arked or develop%ent o the civil aviation

    sector in the annual plan or 1337-38!

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    T)e Ind$an A$r Cargo Marke!

    &he growth o air cargo in India has also been %aniold though it %ight not

    have kept pace with the progress %ade all over the world! &able 1 shows

    how both international and do%estic air cargo traic has increased, relecting

    an overall year on year growth!

    &able 1M &rends in cargo traic at ive international airports in India!

    ;=igures in +++ tonnes 81 -

    1385-89 1>*!2 82!> 5*+ 5+3F

    1335-39 9++!* 3+!3 931!2 *>!*>F

    1333-5+++ 232!5 189!+ >77!5 79F

    ;$ource - &ransport India 5+++ under the na%e

    Air India! Ater the Independence o India, 23F o the airline was ac'uired by the

    Bovern%ent o India! In return, the airline was granted status to operate international

    services ro% India as the designated lag carrier under the na%e Air India


    &he Bovern%ent India is the %ajority stake-holder in Air India and Indian


    /any countries have national airlines that the govern%ent owns and operates! =ully

    private airlines are subject to a great deal o govern%ent regulation or econo%ic,

    political, and saety concerns! =or instance, the govern%ent oten intervenes to halt

    airline labor actions in order to protect the ree low o people, co%%unications, and

    goods between dierent regions without co%pro%ising saety!

    T$cke! Re%en#e

    Airlines assign prices to their services in an atte%pt to %a#i%i)e proitability! &he

    pricing o airline tickets has beco%e increasingly co%plicated over the years and is

    now largely deter%ined by co%puteri)ed yield %anage%ent syste%s!

    ecause o the co%plications in scheduling lights and %aintaining proitability,

    airlines have %any loopholes that can be used by the knowledgeable traveler! /any o

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    these airare secrets are beco%ing %ore and %ore known to the general public, so

    airlines are orced to %ake constant adjust%ents!

    /ost airlines use dierentiated pricing, a or% o price discri%ination, in order to sell

    air services at varying prices si%ultaneously to dierent seg%ents! =actors

    inluencing the price include the days re%aining until departure, the booked load

    actor, the orecast o total de%and by price point, co%petitive pricing in orce, and

    variations by day o week o departure and by ti%e o day! 4arriers oten acco%plish

    this by dividing each cabin o the aircrat ;irst, business and econo%y< into a nu%ber

    o travel classes or pricing purposes!

    O*era!$ng Co(!

    =ull-service airlines have a high level o i#ed and operating costs in order to establish

    and %aintain air servicesM labor, uel, airplanes, engines, spares and parts, I& services

    and networks, airport e'uip%ent, airport handling services, sales distribution,

    catering, training, aviation insurance and other costs! &hus all but a s%all percentage

    o the inco%e ro% ticket sales is paid out to a wide variety o e#ternal providers or

    internal cost centers!

    /oreover, the industry is structured so that airlines oten act as ta# collectors! Airline

    uel is unta#ed, however, due to a series o treaties e#isting between countries! &icket

    prices include a nu%ber o ees, ta#es, and surcharges they have little or no control

    over, and these are passed through to various providers! Airlines are also responsible

    or enorcing govern%ent regulations! I airlines carry passengers without proper

    docu%entation on an international light, they are responsible or returning the% back

    to the originating country!

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    A$rl$ne *er(onnel

    &he various types o airline personnel includeM

    =light 4rews, responsible or the operation o the aircrat! =light crew

    %e%bers includeM

    o 6ilots;4aptain and =irst icer< so%e older aircrat also re'uire a

    =light ngineer

    o =light Attendants

    In-light security personnel on so%e airlines

    Bround crew, responsible or operations at airports! Bround crew %e%bers


    o Aerospace and avionics engineers responsible or certiying the aircrat

    or light and %anage%ent o aircrat %aintenance

    Aerospace engineers, responsible or airra%e, power plant and

    electrical syste%s %aintenance

    Avionics engineers responsible or avionics and instru%ents



    Airra%e and power plants technicianso lectric $yste%s technicians, responsible or %aintenance o electrical


    o Avionics, technicians, responsible or %aintenance o avionics

    o =light 0ispatchers

    o aggage (andlers

    o .a%pers


    Bate Agentso &icket Agents

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    o 6assenger $ervice Agents ;such as airline lounge e%ployees+F o the total %anuacturing

    capacity or eer in India!

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    An In!rod#c!$on !o 7$ngf$()er A$rl$ne(

    Kingisher Airline is a private airline based in angalore, India! &he airline is owned

    by Nijay /allya o nited everages Broup! Kingisher Airlines started its operations

    on /ay 3, 5++* with a leet o 2 Airbus A95+ aircrats! &he airline currently operates

    on do%estic routes! &he destinations covered by Kingisher Airlines are angalore,

    /u%bai, 0elhi, Boa, 4hennai, (yderabad, Ah%edabad, 4ochin, Buwahati, Kolkata,

    6une, Agartala, 0ibrugarh, /angalore and Jaipur!

    In a short span o ti%e Kingisher Airline has carved a niche or itsel! &he airlineoers several uni'ue services to its custo%ers! &hese includeM personal valet at the

    airport to assist in baggage handling and boarding, e#clusive lounges with private

    space, acco%panied with reresh%ents and %usic at the airport, audio and video on-

    de%and, with e#tra-wide personali)ed screens in the aircrat, sleeperette seats with

    e#tendable ootrests, and three-course gour%et cuisine!


    &he Kingisher Airlines a%ily will consistently deliver a sae, value-based and

    enjoyable travel e#perience to all our guests!@


    &his is an overriding value! In this line o business, there is no co%pro%ise!


    In hospitality business custo%er satisaction is very i%portant and building trust,

    goodwill and loyalty o custo%ers is at pri%e ocus!

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    Kingisher seeks to build an organi)ation with people who choose to be happy, and

    will endeavor to inluence their guests and co-workers to be happy too!


    Kingisher believes "e will succeed or ail as a tea%! ach one o us %ust respect our

    colleagues regardless o their rank, and we %ust work together to ensure our %utual



    very e%ployee in kingisher will be held accountable or the successul e#ecution o

    their duties, co%%it%ents and obligations, and they will strive to lead by an e#a%ple!

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    Prod#c!= Pre$# cla(( (ea!(

    1! $leeperette seats with e#tendable ootrests! 28 seat pitch and a 15*O recline!

    =ully-adjustable headrests!

    5! Daptop and %obile phone chargers in each seat!

    9! 4o%ortable pillows and snug blankets!


    Initially Kingisher airlines didnt dierentiate between business class and

    econo%y class! ut eventually they decreased the prices o business class and

    called that seats as pre%iu% seats! =ares were very average as it had to target

    %iddle class as well as pre%iu% class people!

    Place= King isher airlines connects 59 cities like Ah%edabad, Boa, 0elhi,

    Kolkata, (yderabad, Buwahati, Jaipur, daipur, etc!
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    Narious pro%otional strategies has been adopted by Kingisher airlines like

    o &he@Power Fl&er@ a consu%er incentive oer targeted at the corporate


    o 6assengers are oered in light entertain%ent options and contests

    like7$ngf$()er fl&$ng face of !)e on!)@ anda!!rac!$%e d$(co#n!(

    o branded %erchandise!

    o er $n

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    Kingisher Airlines Di%ited is an airline based in angalore, India! It is a %ajor

    Indian airline operating 518 lights a day and has an e#tensive network to 97

    destinations, with plans or regional and long-haul international services! Its %ain

    bases are angalore International Airport, angalore, 4hhatrapati $hivaji

    International Airport, /u%bai and Indira Bandhi International Airport, 0elhi!

    Kingisher Airlines, through one o its holding co%panies nited reweries Broup,

    has ac'uired 5>F stake in the budget airline Air 0eccan and has option to buy urther

    o 5+F stake ro% the secondary %arket!

    Kingisher is one o only > airlines in the world to have a * star rating ro% $kytra#,

    along with Asian Airlines, /alaysia Airlines, :atar Airways, $ingapore Airlines and

    4athay 6aciic Airways!

    7$ngf$()er fl$e( !o !)e follow$ng de(!$na!$on( $n Ind$a=

    Agartala ;Agartala Airport people, ie! Al%ost *+F were satisied with

    the services o reservation agent!

    &his shows that reservation services provided by Jet are %ore satisactory than that

    provided by Kingisher!

    9< &I/ 4CNCIC4

    Cot at all I%p $o%ewhat I%p Nery I%portant To!al

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    7$ngf$()er 29 15 5+ 42

    9e! A$rwa&( 1+ 1> 23 42

    To!al *9 58 >3 +2?

    ut o 7* responses or Kingisher, 29 people responded that ti%e convenience was

    not at all i%portant or the% whereas %ajority in Jet, i!e! 23 people, su%%ing upto

    >*!99F said that ti%e convenience was very i%portant actor or the%!

    &hus it shows that to the people or who% &I/ 4CNCIC4 is an i%portant

    actor, preerred Jet over Kingisher!

    =.:C& =DR. 6.B.A/

    Cot at all I%p $o%ewhat I%p Nery I%portant To!al

    7$ngf$()er *2 13 5 42

    9e! A$rwa&( 28 51 > 42

    To!al +2?

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    ut o 7* responses, al%ost 75F, i!e! *2 people chose Kingisher irrespective o

    re'uent lyer progra%! Also, Jet responses show that re'uent lyer progra% is not

    %uch an i%portant actor in choosing this airline!

    &his throws light on the actor that both the airlines do not have the custo%ers

    because o re'uent lyer progra%!

    IC=DIB(& $.NI4$

    Cot i%portant $o%ewhat


    Nery i%portant To!al

    7$ngf$()er 1+ 1> 23 42

    9e! A$rwa&( 12 59 98 42

    To!al +2?

    ut o the 7* people surveyed or Kingisher, %ajority o the% i!e!23 people rated theIn-light services as very i%portant!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    "hereas out o the 7* people surveyed or Jet,98 people rated the In-light services as

    very i%portant!

    &hus In-light $ervices is also a %ajor actor or selecting the Airlines!

    &.AND ABC& .4//C0A&IC

    Cot i%portant $o%ewhat


    Nery i%portant To!al

    7$ngf$()er 5+ 51 92 42

    9e! A$rwa&( 1* 5+ 2+ 42

    To!al +2?

    ut o the 7* people surveyed or Kingisher, %ajority i!e!92 lew with it as their

    travel agentE4o%pany had %ade reservations or it!

    "hereas out o the 7* people surveyed or Jet, %ajority i!e!2+ lew with it as their&ravel agentE4o%pany had %ade reservations or it!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    2< "as price a %ajor actor in choosing the airlineL

    7$ngf$()er 9e! To!alCo >* >8

    Res 1+ +8

    To!al 42 42 +2?

    ut o the 1*+ people surveyed, price was not a %ajor concern or %ost o the people!

    &hat is 199 people had gone or the airline irrespective o the prices!

    &hus price was not a %ajor actor!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    *< "hat is your %ain purpose in taking this tripL

    7$ngf$()er 9e! To!al

    usiness 6urpose 21 98



    92 97

    To!al 42 42 +2?

    &he reasons or travelling by Jet and Kingisher were or business as well as personal

    and pleasure reasons! &here was not %uch dierence between the 5 reasons!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    >< 6lease indicate the a%ount o ti%e you waited or the ollowing servicesL

    A$rcraf! Board$ng

    7$ngf$()er 9e! To!al

    * %inutes 9+ 52

    1+ %inutes 9> 2+

    11-5+ %inutes +3 11

    To!al 42 42 +2?

    ut o the 7* people surveyed or Kingisher, al%ost the sa%e a%ount o people

    waited or a period o * %inutes and 1+ %inutes!

    "hereas or Jet, %ajority o the people i!e! 2+ people had to wait or 1+ %inutes!

    ut in both the cases, very ew people had to wait or 11-5+ %inutes!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja




    7$ngf$()er 9e! To!al

    * %inutes 1+ 111+ %inutes 98 9*

    11-5+ %inutes 57 53

    To!al 42 42 +2?

    =or oarding in Kingisher, %ajority o the people had to wait or 1+ %inutes and 11-

    5+ %inutes!

    $a%e was the case with Jet!

    "hereas only 51 people had to wait or * %inutes!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    Sec#r$!& C)eck

    7$ngf$()er 9e! To!al

    * %inutes 93 9>

    1+ %inutes 58 53

    11-5+ %inutes +8 1+

    To!al 42 42 +2?

    =or $ecurity 4heck, both in Jet and Kingisher, %ajority o the people had to wait or

    a period o only * %inutes and 1+ %inutes!

    "hereas only 18 people had to wait or a period o 11-5+ %inutes!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    4.&$R = &( $&A==

    =or Kingisher, out o the 7* people surveyed, %a#i%u% people i!e! 28 people rated

    the courtesy o the sta as very good, whereas only 5 people rated it as bad!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    =or Jet, out the 7* people surveyed, %a#i%u% people i!e!22 people rated the courtesy

    o the sta as very good! "hereas only > people rated it as bad!

    $D= A..ACB/C& = &I4K&$

    (ere we see that out o 7* people, only 28 people had %ade sel arrange%ents to ly

    whereas re%aining 1+5 people had done their reservations either through an agent or

    the co%pany they were working or!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    In Kingisher, out o the 7* people only 98 people had done sel arrange%ents

    whereas 115 people had done their reservations through agents or the co%pany they

    were working or!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    0I$A&I$=A4&IC DND

    ut o the 7* people surveyed or Jet, %a#i%u% people i!e! 39 people had co%plaints

    at the $ecurity 4heck, 55 people had co%plaints at the &icket 4ounter, 5+ people had

    co%plaints at the #press aggage!1* people had no co%plaints at all!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    ut o the 7* people surveyed or Kingisher, %a#i%u% people i!e! 7* people had

    co%plaints at the $ecurity 4heck, whereas 9> people had co%plaints at the #press

    aggage, 1> people had co%plaints at the &icket 4ounter!59 people had no

    co%plaints at all!

    6.$CCD 4/6DAIC&$

    .egarding 6ersonnel co%plaints, out o the 7* people surveyed or Jet, %a#i%u%

    people i!e! *2 people had co%plaints at the $ecurity 4heck personnel, whereas 28

    people had personnel co%plaints at the &icket 4ounter, 57 people had co%plaints atthe #press aggage whereas 51 people had no co%plaints at all!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    =or Kingisher, out o the 7* people surveyed, %a#i%u% people i!e!2* and 29 had

    co%plaints at the $ecurity 4heck and &icket 4ounter! "hereas 98 people had no

    co%plaints at all!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    6.$CAD 0&AID$

    11< "hat is your occupationL

    9e! 7$ngf$()er To!al

    #ecutive 9* 5*

    Acade%ics + +6roessionals 5+ 59

    $ales%en + +

    $ecretary + +

    (o%e%aker +2 +7

    $tudent +8 1+

    $el-%ployed +7 1*

    .etired + +1

    To!al 42 42 +2?

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    =or Jet, out o 7* people, %a#i%u% people i!e! >+ people ell in the age group o 9>-

    2*, whereas *1 people ell in the age group o 5>-9*! nly 17 people were in the age

    group o 18-5*!

    =or Kingisher, out o 7* people, it was just vice-versa! /a#i%u% people i!e!>+ ell in

    the category o 5>-9*, whereas *1 ell in the category o 9>-2*! nly 18 ell in the

    category o 18-5*!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja





  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja




    1! Kingisher should increase the re'uency o lights to the %ost co%%only

    preerred destinations ro% Ah%edabad!

    5! Kingisher should ocus on the ti%ing o the lights and should introduce early

    %orning and late evening lights specially or the usiness &ravellers!

    9! $ince Jet has its co%petitor as Kingisher, Jet should also ocus %ore on

    providing a personali)ed touch to the services!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja




    1! &he indings o this study are li%ited to the do%estic airline industry in India!

    5! &his study has not considered industry %easures to

    %easure service 'uality!

    9! "e have %easured only the custo%er preerence o service 'uality in


    2! &he survey could be done by taking the sa%ple si)e o just 1*+ people!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja




    1< &his project can also be used by Jet Airways and Kingisher Airlines or

    urther i%prove%ent!

    5< &ravel Agencies can also use this project to know the e#isting scenario a%ong

    re'uent liers!

    9< &he three di%ensions o the $.:AD i!e! &angibles, .eliability and

    Assurance are related here! ut the re%aining two di%ensions i!e!

    .esponsiveness and %pathy can also be related and studied!

    2< &his study can be urther carried on to the International Airline Industry as


    *< &his study can be urther e#tended to other airlines like Air 0eccan, $pice Jet,

    Indian Airlines, etc!

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja





    1< Seitha%l and itner ;133>

    and risk in air transportation!

    2< /arketing /anage%ent, 11th edition

    y 6hilip Kotler!


    1< &he &i%es India!;1*E+9E5++8E+9E5++8! httpMEEwww!iloveindia!co%Eecono%y-o-indiaEaviation-industry!ht%l
  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    0ear .espondent,

    &he inor%ation provided by you will be kept conidential and will only be used or acade%ic purpose!


    +G )a! $( !)e fre#enc& of fl$g)!( !aken '& &o#J

    very week =ortnightly /onthly 0epends

    ,G Plea(e ra!e !)e (er%$ce( &o# rece$%ed fro !)e re(er%a!$on agen! w)en ak$ng &o#r !ra%el

    arrangeen!( for !)$( fl$g)!D

    (ighly satisied $atisied Average 0issatisied

    9< Plea(e !ell #( )ow $*or!an! eac) of !)e follow$ng wa( $n ak$ng &o#r dec$($on !o c)oo(e A$rl$neGfor !oda&@( fl$g)!!

    Cot at all I%portant $o%ewhat I%portant Nery I%portant

    ;Airlines< departure and arrival ti%e was %ore convenient

    ;Airlines< re'uent lyer progra%Eloyalty

    ;Airlines< in-light services are better ;%eals, %ovies, light attendants, etc< Plea(e $nd$ca!e )ow long &o# wa$!ed $n l$ne8 and w)e!)er !)a! wa$! wa( acce*!a'le or not!V

    Co "ait * %in! 1+ %in! 11-5+ %in! 5+W %in!

    Acceptable"aitLRes Co

    Aircrat boarding


    $ecurity check point

    #press baggage check-in counter

    &icket counter

    4G O%erall8 )ow co#r!eo#( and )el*f#l were A$rl$ne@(G *er(onnel a! !)e a$r*or! &o# K#(! de*ar!edJ

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    Nery good Bood Average ad Nery bad

    5G .$d &o# &o#r(elf call !o ake !)e arrangeen!( for !)$( fl$g)!J



    6G If &o# were *ar!$c#larl& d$((a!$(f$ed w$!) an& of A$rl$ne@(G *roced#re( a! !)e a$r*or! &o# K#(!

    de*ar!ed8 *lea(e $nd$ca!e w)$c) area(GD

    ;Airline< ticket counter

    #press baggage check-in counter

    $ecurity checkpoint

    oarding gate check-in counter

    Aircrat boarding

    +?G If &o# were *ar!$c#larl& d$((a!$(f$ed w$!) an& of A$rl$ne@(G *er(onnel a! !)e a$r*or! &o# K#(!de*ar!ed8 *lea(e $nd$ca!e w)$c) *er(onnelD

    $ky 4ap

    &icket counter agent

    #press baggage agent

    $ecurity checkpoint personnel

    .ed 4arpet .oo% receptionist

    oarding gate agent

    =light attendant

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja



    ++G )a! $( &o#r occ#*a!$onJ



    &echnical 6roessional


    $ecretaryE4lerkEice worker





    +,G Are &o#=



    +-G )$c) age gro#* do &o# 'elong !oJ

    18 5*

    5> 9*

    9> 2*

    2> and above

  • 8/13/2019 Gp Komal Pooja
