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Public Relations | Crisis Management | Public Affairs| 248.325.8731

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Post on 13-Nov-2014




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  • 1. Public Relations | Crisis Management | Public| 248.325.8731

2. Session 5: LEGISLATION & GOVERNMENTRELATIONSLEARNING OBJECTIVES1. Discover the broad scope of the legislative process.2. Identify the regulations related to lobbying and political actions.3. Acquire knowledge of effective advocacy tools.4. Recognize the importance of membership involvement in the government relations field.5. Determine how the organizational structure relates to the government relations programming.6. Realize the importance of government relations to your associations mission. 3. Daniel CherrinENGAGED STRATEGIC SOPHISTICATEDCREATIVE UNIQUE PERSPECTIVE 4. Public Relations | Crisis Management | Public AffairsOrganizations often find themselves navigating a complex environment that requiresdealing simultaneously with litigation, governmental and regulatory actions, mediascrutiny and public perception. NorthCoastStrategies is focused on developing meaningfulrelationships, through insight and advocacy, to protect & enhance the reputation oforganizations in the public eye.DANIEL CHERRIN, founder15-year media relations, crisis management, government relations & public affairsFormer Communications Director City of Detroit & Press Secretary to MayorAssociation Leader MSAE, MPLP, State Bar, Urban League, MS SocietyFormer lobbyist Detroit Regional ChamberAttorney + MediatorMarried + Dad (2 girls, 1 boy) 5. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE 6. Session 5: LEGISLATION & GOVERNMENTRELATIONSLEARNING OBJECTIVES1. Discover the broad scope of the legislative process.2. Identify the regulations related to lobbying and political actions.3. Acquire knowledge of effective advocacy tools.4. Recognize the importance of membership involvement in the government relations field.5. Determine how the organizational structure relates to the government relations programming.6. Realize the importance of government relations to your associations mission. 7. Discover the broad scope of the legislative processAdvocacy Lobbying Public AffairsGovernment Relations Procurement GrantsEarmarks Appropriations Issues Management Super PACS CampaignFinance Candidate Committee Leadership Committee 527 8. the legislative process - explained 9. what do lobbyists do? 10. lobbying within government 11. influence 12. Session 5: LEGISLATION & GOVERNMENTRELATIONSLEARNING OBJECTIVES1. Discover the broad scope of the legislative process.2. Identify the regulations related to lobbying and political actions.3. Acquire knowledge of effective advocacy tools.4. Recognize the importance of membership involvement in the government relations field.5. Determine how the organizational structure relates to the government relations programming.6. Realize the importance of government relations to your associations mission. 13. Why there are laws 14. Laws Governing Lobbying Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 House and Senate Ethics Rules Federal Election Campaign Act The Honest Leadership and Open GovernmentAct of 2007 Internal Revenue Code Foreign Agents RegistrationAct 15. LDAA lobbyist is A person who:- At least two lobbying contacts;- Spending more than 20 percent oftheir time engaged in lobbying activities -Over a six-month period 16. LDA Lobbying contact Any oral or written communication; To a covered legislative or executive branchofficial; With regards to the formulation, modificationor adoption of federal legislation, regulationor rules. 17. LDA Lobbying activities All lobbying contacts(oral, written or electronic); With a covered official; In connection with the formulation, modification oradoption of any legislationor regulation (including a grant, contract orappropriation); Including research, planning andpreparation for lobbying. 18. What is not lobbying A request for a meeting or otheradministrative requests Testimony given before Congress or submittedfor the record Information provided in writing in response toa request or to the Federal Register 19. What is not lobbying Grassroots activity and state lobbyingdo not have to be reported. Organizations that engage only in grassroots lobbyingwill not be required to register its members unless itmeets the threshold requirements for directlobbying. 20. Resources ASAE - www.asaecenter.og/advocacyoutreach Clerk of the House -- Secretary of the Senate -- House Ethics Committee Senate Ethics Committee -- 21. Session 5: LEGISLATION & GOVERNMENTRELATIONSLEARNING OBJECTIVES1. Discover the broad scope of the legislative process.2. Identify the regulations related to lobbying and political actions.3. Acquire knowledge of effective advocacy tools.4. Recognize the importance of membership involvement in the government relations field.5. Determine how the organizational structure relates to the government relations programming.6. Realize the importance of government relations to your associations mission. 22. Toolbox 23. TOOLBOX A Story To Tell Make it relevant Tied to a broader agenda A Board Key ContactProgram Strong Leadership Information Poll/Research Media Relations Social Media Collateral Advertising PoliticalAdvocacy Events Monitor the processtestimony tours Publications/BlogsAwards Relationships 24. TOOLBOXStrategy Identify the key contactsCreate the messaging and platformMeet with key contactsEstablish ourselves as thought-leadersAdvocate an agenda 25. TOOLBOXOverall Plan Build the infrastructureCreate the networkFind contacts The Champions, The Leaders,The Influencers, The Rising LeadersCreate the agenda - why are we doing whatwe are doing 26. The Road AheadIdentify key goals For example: Become a leading voice in Become a reliable partner with key associations Seek appointments Identify any opportunities to present testimony Set up meeting.. Create the speaking platform 27. The Road AheadDevelop relationships while expanding our network - Identify keycontacts and organizations to become engaged in:Identify and become involved with influential organizations and workgroups to help drive the discussion in Michigan.a. We are targeting champions, leaders, influencers and rising stars.b. Invite lawmakers for special briefings and tours (look to partner on briefings)c. Encourage regular visits to Lansing and DC for meetings, briefings and supportd. Identify ops for Testimony 28. The Road AheadCreate the agenda or priorities - Identify legislative priorities (ISSUESPOTTING)a. Review Issue Matrixb. Monitor legislation and see what is relevant. Dont take a position but remain available as a resourcec. Identify challenges to bring to lawmakers and regulators while identifying solutionsd. Use election to educate candidates and start the discussion of your key issuese. Primary Concern have potential to impact bottom line, hot issue is lots of momentum, think we can help influence the issue through advocacy. Then MW lawmakers and join coalitionsf. Major Concern not critical to bottom line but important. Therefore work with othersg. General Interest While important not critical or time sensitive. Therefore monitor and will involve or when appropriate.h. In General make issues relevant to governor/legislators agenda, make issues timeline and newsworthy, identify key influencers to support our efforts. Create a key contact program, actively monitor issues and activity, actively participate in coalitions 29. Session 5: LEGISLATION & GOVERNMENTRELATIONSLEARNING OBJECTIVES1. Discover the broad scope of the legislative process.2. Identify the regulations related to lobbying and political actions.3. Acquire knowledge of effective advocacy tools.4. Recognize the importance of membership involvement in the government relations field.5. Determine how the organizational structure relates to the government relations programming.6. Realize the importance of government relations to your associations mission. 30. Thank You! Daniel @dancherrin