got history and summary

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GOT History and Summary


History:Age of Dawn: Westeros is inhabited by Forest Children and Giants. The First Men invade Westeros down through the arm of Dorne, which is magically broken apart by the Children into Stepstones islands. As the Men reinforce by ship, a fierce battle ensues. Eventually the Children of the Forest call down the Hammer of the waters to shatter Westeros in two but only succeed in flooding the Neck and transform its fields into swamps and bogs. This magnificient display leads to the signing of the pact: the Children occupy the forests while the Men take over the open lands. The Ironborn settle in the Iron Islands and Crannogmen settle in the Neck.Age of Heroes: The Long Night comes and White Walkers invade from the north of Westeros. Men and Children unite to defeat them, lead by Azor Ahai who bore the Lightbringer sword. Brandon Stark raises the Wall, founds the Nightswatch, the Castle of Winterfell and the House Stark, and becomes the first King in the North. Children begin to disappear after the war. Those of the First Men who were left on the North of the Wall became the Freefolk. The 13th Commander of the Nightswatch is seduced by a white-skinned woman from beyond the Wall. He sets himself up as king of the Wall and the Night's Watch, and conducts human sacrifices. The Stark King in the North as well as the wildling King-Beyond-the-Wall, Joramun, unite to defeat him and restore the Night's Watch.The Andal invasion: Andals invade from Essos, bearing weapons of iron, and bringing with them the Faith of the Seven. They succeed in conquering most of the south of Westeros but eventually make peace with the North. The Andals kill the few remaining Children as they encounter them and the survivors disappear. They conquer the Iron Islands but the Andals over there assimilate to the original Ironborn culture and to the religion of the Drowned God.The rise and fall of Valyria: Valyrians, shephards at the peninsula of Essos, discover dragons and tame them with magic. They go on to conquer all of Essos and half of the Known World, until their peninsular stronghold is destroyed by errupting volcanoes. Most of the Valyrian dragons, who lair in the volcanoes when not needed, are killed outright. The City of Valyria is partially buried under vast amounts of ash. The Valyrian Peninsula fractures and breaks apart, and the waters around Valyria remain poisonous till the present day. Free Cities gain their independence from Valyrians. House Targaryen, one of the aristocratic families of the Valyrian Freehold, settles on Dragonstone island in Blackwater Bay, to establish a Valyrian trading outpost.The Targaryen Conquest: Aegon Targaryen invades Westeros using his secret weapon: the only three dragons known to have survived the Doom. The Targaryen Conquest resulted in the unification of six of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros:Kingdom of the North, ruled by House Stark of WinterfellKingdom of the Mountain and the Vale, ruled by House Arryn of the EyrieKingdom of the Isles and Rivers, ruled by House Hoare of castle Harrenhal. Formed when the Iron Islands conquered the Riverlands.Kingdom of the Rock, ruled by House Lannister of Casterly RockKingdom of the Stormlands, ruled by House Durrandon of Storm's EndKingdom of the Reach, ruled by House Gardener of HighgardenThe seventh kingdom was the Principality of Dorne, ruled by House Martell of Sunspear. A century later, a double marriage-alliance united the Martells with the Iron Throne: King Daeron II Targaryen married Prince Maron Martell's sister, and Prince Maron married Daeron II's sister Daenerys.Robert's Rebellion: Aerys Targaryen, the Second of His Name, was the King of the Seven Kingdoms and the last member of House Targaryen to sit on the Iron Throne. Nicknamed the Mad King, his reign became increasingly erratic and murderous. As a result, tensions between House Targaryen and several other Great Houses began to rise. The brutal fallout from Prince Rhaegar's abduction of Lyanna Stark of Winterfell saw many Houses in the realm rebel against his rule. House Stark and House Baratheon, to whom Lyanna was promised, were the first to protest Rhaegar's actions. The Lannisters support their rebellion and Jamie, who was in the Kingsguard, slays the Mad King. Rhaegar was defeated by Baratheon, who being closest to the royal blood took the Iron Throne. Queen Rhaella fled to the Targaryen's ancestral seat on the island of Dragonstone. She was accompanied by her son Viserys Targaryen, and was pregnant. Rhaella died soon after giving birth to Daenerys Targaryen. The children were taken into exile in the Free Cities by loyal retainers. Stannis went on to conquer Dragonstone and was made Lord of Dragonstone.The Greyjoy Rebellion: Lord Balon Greyjoy leads a rebellion against King Robert's reign, attempting to secede the Iron Islands from the rest of the realm. After several months of furious fighting in the Westerlands and Riverlands, King Robert's forces push the ironborn back to Pyke and storm the castle. Balon capitulates and surrenders his only surviving son, Theon, as hostage and ward under Eddard Stark.==============================Season 1---------------------------Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King to Robert Baratheon, dies (possibly murdered) and is replaced by Ned Stark. Daenerys Targareon, daughter of the original "Mad King" is married off to Khal Drogo. Jon Snow joins the Wall.Season 2-----------------------Robb Stark wants to win his independence, so he sends Theon Greyjoy to visit his father for help. Jeoffrey takes the Iron Throne and Ned is executed. Renly, Jeoffrey's Uncle, also lays claim to the throne, being backed by the House Tyrell. Stannis is also claiming the throne. Daenerys Targareon has hatched 3 dragons. The Night's Watch mount on an expedition beyond the Wall.Season 3-----------------------------Renly is assasinated. House Tyrell supports Jeoffrey and Stannis is defeated. The North falls under ironborn occupation. Robb has deceived House Frey, whom he promised alliance. Bran heads for the Wall, Arya wanders the Riverlands. Jamie is travelling with Brienne. Daenerys gets her army. Roose Bolton takes charge of Winterfell and Ramsay Snow captures "Reek". Jon inflitrates the wildlings. The White Walkers are rising and winter is coming.Season 4------------------------Robb Stark is murdered and betrayed by Boltons and Freys under the roof of Freys. Margaery Tyrell is set to marry Jeoffrey. Sansa escapes to Aunt Arryn's place in King's Landing. Arya heads there as well in the custody of Sandor Clegane, but Aunt is dead and Brienne defeats Sandor. Arya leaves for Braavos. Jeoffrey is murdered, Tyrion is accused but escapes with the help of Varys. Wildlings attack Castle Black but are prevented by Stannis. "Meesa" rules in Meereen. Bran arrives beyond the Wall, is attacked by Wights and is saved by a Forest Child who takes him to a safe place where the power that moves the Wights is powerless. He discovers that he has unlimited Sight, can transfer his consciousness (warging) and can connect with the network of old gods' trees. He meets what appears to be the god at the center of all the trees.Season 5-------------------------------------Arya is learning to become no one. Tyrion is captured, now advisor to the Queen Daenerys. Sansa marries Ramsay Bolton. Cercei arms the "faith militant". Margaery and her brother arrested, as is Queen Cercei. Jamie arrested for trying to rescue his daughter. Jon Snow, now commander of the Nightswatch, travels to meet the wildlings for mutual support and gets ambushed by white-walkers. Stannis sacrifices his daughter. Jamie is freed and takes his daughter and her fiancee home, but she is poisoned just as she was leaving. Ellaria (falsely) pledges her loyalty to House Martell. Queen Daenerys is attacked during the fighting pit tournament and her dragon returns to save her. Stannis is defeated at Winterfell and possibly executed by Brianne. Sansa escapes along with Reek. Khalisi's army returns. Cersei confesses half truth, does the walk of shame. Grand Meister has completed his project: a new member to the King's Guard. Melissandre returns to Castle Black. Jon Snow is killed as a 'traitor'.