draft summary australian curriculum history

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  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    , [ ]ralian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Australian Curriculum Documents March 2010

    :Australian Curriculum HistoryDraft Summary

    ( )Australia March 2010

    Annabel AstburyHistory Teachers Association of Victoria

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0Image created at.wordle net

    : .Common words in Rationale for Australian Curriculum History

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0


    is a disciplinedinquiry is futures

    :orientedenables students to

    contribute moreeffectively to

    creating the

    .future enables specificskillsto be


  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    This curriculumtakes a orldistory .approach A wide range of

    contexts are.included This will enhance


    appreciation of

    .Australian History

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    :he curriculum contributes to students understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cul

    .the nation s distinctive position in the Asia Pacific Region

    sustainable patterns of living

    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    hese are cross curriculumimensions that are integral toll subjects in the Australian.urriculum

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History



    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    : -he Australian Curriculum History K 10 aims to:evelop in each student ,nterest in and enjoyment ,of historical study for

    ,lifelong learning and work including their capacity andwillingness to be active and informed citizens

    ,nowledge understanding and appreciation of the

    ast ,and the forces that shape societies includingAustralian society nderstanding and use of historical concepts ,

    , , ,including evidence continuity and change cause and effect, ,significance empathy perspectives and contestability

    Capacity to undertake istorical inquiry, including,skills in the analysis and use of sources communication andexplanation

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er s A ss oc ia ti on o f V ic to ri aa rc h 2 01 0

    :ustralian Curriculum Historyraft Summary

    his subject is dividednto two interelated:trandsHistorical knowledge andunderstandingHistorical Skills

    istorical Inquiry isthe basis for these two


  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    Australian Curriculum: History

    Year 11 Year 12

    Stage 4: 15 18 Years of Age

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    The curriculum is for ach year level

    K 10

    The content descriptions at each:year level include

    Preface he strands : (Knowledge

    and Understanding

    )and Skills

    ontent Elaborations chievement standard

    :View it online. . .www australiancurriculum edu au

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    The curriculum is for ach year level

    K 10

    The content descriptions at each:year level include

    Preface he strands : (Knowledge

    and Understanding

    )and Skills

    ontent Elaborations chievement standard

    :View it online. . .www australiancurriculum edu au

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0


    Content description

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  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    Content laborations can be viewed via the history feedback button

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    Skills: Years K - 2 Skills: Years 3 - 10

    Historical questions and research

    Analysis and use of sources

    Comprehension and communication

    Historical questions and research

    Analysis and use of sources

    Perspectives and interpretations

    Comprehension and communication

    .kills acquired progress according to the stages of learning

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    ersonal and FamilyStories what is my story? what stories do other people

    tell about their past?

    how are stories told?

    Broad Inquiry Questions

    ersonal and familystories Generational structure The telling of personalhistories How families commemorate

    Knowledge and Understanding

    Skills: Years K - 2Historical questions and research

    Analysis and use of sources

    Comprehension and communication

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    ast and Present what happened and when? how do we measure and describetime? how can we show that the pastis different from the present?

    has family life changed over


    Broad Inquiry Questions

    ast and Present Measurements of time , ,Birthdays celebrations seasons

    Differences of family structures Changing roles of individuals

    and groups

    Knowledge and Understanding

    Skills: Years K - 2Historical questions and research

    Analysis and use of sources

    Comprehension and communication

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    Heritage why do you think the past isimportant? how can we preserve these

    signs of the past?

    Broad Inquiry Questions

    Heritage Significance of local places

    Significant events and people in.the local community

    Importance of local communitiespreserving their heritage

    Knowledge and Understanding

    Skills: Years K - 2Historical questions and research

    Analysis and use of sources

    Comprehension and communication

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    ommunity and Remembrance who lived here first?

    how has our own community

    changed over time? why do we choose to remember

    particular events from thepast?

    Broad Inquiry Questions

    ur Community Beliefs and practices of

    traditional owners of our country

    Key changes and continuities in

    region or state The significance of an important

    heritage site or a site ofcultural or spiritual

    significance in the local,community region or state

    e Remember The significance of selected, ,celebrations commemorations

    symbols and emblems National commemorations Significance of emblems andsymbols

    Knowledge and Understanding

    Skills: Years 3 - 6Historical questions and research

    Analysis and use of sourcesPerspectives and interpretationsComprehension and communication

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is to ry T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    hat was life like forboriginal and Torres Straitslander people in Australiaefore the arrival of theEuropeans?

    ho were the earlyavigators and explorers ofhe Australian continent andhat were their reasons forhese explorations? hat other explorations ofhis kind had taken place orere taking placelsewhere in the world athat time? hat was the nature of

    ontact between Aboriginalnd Torres Strait Islandereoples and early explorers?

    Broad Inquiry Questions

    First Australians &Diversity of cultures of A TSI

    peoples and social structures

    The Dreaming &Contributions of A TSI peoplesto the nation

    Early Contacts

    Early European and AsianContacts Navigators and explorers First Fleet Impact of colonisation upon&A TSI peoples

    Aspects of daily life in thecolony

    Knowledge and Understanding

    Skills: Years 3 - 6Historical questions and research

    Analysis and use of sourcesPerspectives and interpretationsComprehension and communication

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is to ry T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    what do we know about the livesof people in Australia s past?

    how did Australian colonies

    develop during the nineteenthcentury? why and how did Australia becomea nation?

    Broad Inquiry Questions

    olonial Lives Overview of development of

    colonial Australia Characteristics of convictsettlement Individuals or groups importantto colonial development

    A key event that demonstrates amilestone in colonial history for


    tories of NationhoodFederation Australia s form of government

    and how representative it was atthe time

    Australia s form of government

    compared with other nations atthe time and different stories ofnationhood

    Knowledge and Understanding

    Skills: Years 3 - 6Historical questions and research

    Analysis and use of sourcesPerspectives and interpretationsComprehension and communication

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is to ry T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    ustralia and the world how did Australia s links around

    the turn of the 19thcentury to-Britain and the Asia Pacific

    influence Australian society?

    what significant world eventscontributed to Australia s

    migration patterns?

    how has Australia evolved into a

    culturally diverse society?

    Broad Inquiry Questions

    ,ustralia The Britishmpire and Asia Significance of Australia s

    British Heritage -Australia s links with AsiaPacific Region

    Other countries perceptions ofAustralia during the early 20th


    ew Australians The development of a culturally

    diverse society from 19thcentury Stories of and reasons formigration Contributions of migrants to

    Australian life A migrant narrative

    Knowledge and Understanding

    Skills: Years 3 - 6Historical questions and researchAnalysis and use of sources

    Perspectives and interpretationsComprehension and communication

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is to ry T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    hat Was the AncientWorld? hat is history? hat are the definingharacteristics ofsocieties? ow did people live inther times and otherplaces? ho should rule in asociety?

    Broad Inquiry Questions

    :Depth Study What is History? :Overview What is the Ancient

    World? :Depth Study The Ancient

    ( World Egypt or Greece or)Rome

    :Depth Study The Ancient

    ( World China or India orAustralasia :Depth Study The Ancient

    ( ) World School developed study May be based on previous

    .contexts or other contexts

    could focus on ONE or more:of the following a, ,significant event person

    , ,group movement mystery ordiscovery

    Knowledge and Understanding








    Skills: Years 7 - 10Historical questions and research

    Analysis and use of sourcesPerspectives and interpretationsComprehension and communication

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    The Ancient World: Egypt or Greece or RomeKey Knowledge for Depth Study

    A chronological account of the significant,periods events and people

    ,The economic social and strategic importance of,the main geographical features including

    ,landforms and resources and the geographiclocation of the society in the broader region

    ,The social military and political structures of, ,the society particularly how people lived how

    they fought and how they were governed

    ,Significant developments in the areas of art, ,architecture technology thinking and literature

    , ,The important cultural practices beliefsvalues and customs and the impact on people s way

    of life

    The short and long term impact in and beyond,the region of the key events ideas and people

    of points that would have to be covered in a depth study

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is to ry T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    he Medieval World ow do beliefs and valuesnfluence people s way oflife? ow do societies interact? hy do societies change?

    Broad Inquiry Questions

    :Overview The Medieval World

    :Depth Study Medieval Europe

    :Depth Study Asian Societies :Depth Study Expanding

    Horizons The Renaissance and exploration

    :Depth Study Medieval World( )School Developed Study

    May be based on previous .contexts or other contexts could focus on ONE or more of

    :the following a significant, , , ,event person group movementmystery or discovery

    Knowledge and Understanding

    Skills: Years 7 - 10Historical questions and research

    Analysis and use of sourcesPerspectives and interpretationsComprehension and communication








  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is to ry T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    he Making of the Modernorld and Australia hat is progress? ow are societiesnfluenced by globalchanges? ow do societies understandheir indigenous past?

    Broad Inquiry Questions

    :Overview The Making of theModern World and Australia

    : ,Depth Study Technologyprogress and social changeIndustrial Revolution

    :Depth Study Asia and thePacific World

    :Depth Study The Making of anAustralian NationAustralia in the 19thcentury


    :Depth Study The Making of

    the Modern World and

    (Australia School developed)study

    Knowledge and Understanding








  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is to ry T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    ustralia in the ModernWorld why do nations go to war and how

    does war change a society?

    how do people struggle forrights and freedoms?

    how does a nation deal with its

    past and attempt to shape thefuture?

    Broad Inquiry Questions

    :Overview Australia in theModern World

    :Depth Study The Great Warand its aftermath/Gallipoli Western Front campaigns

    Anzac LegendHomefront

    Returned Service peopleThe effect of the Great Depression on.Aust

    .Origins of WW2 and Aust s role in it

    , .Significance of WW2 incl Holocaust

    :Depth Study Struggles forFreedoms and Rights

    Attempts at peacemaking gaining humanrights through organisations and

    .treaties.Effects of Cold War on Human Rights-The origins and consequences of anti

    colonial movements and civil rights(movements one of four contexts to be

    )chosen, ,Case Study of individual group

    movement and event

    Knowledge and Understanding








  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is to ry T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    ustralia in the ModernWorld why do nations go to war and how

    does war change a society?

    how do people struggle forrights and freedoms?

    how does a nation deal with its

    past and attempt to shape thefuture?

    Broad Inquiry Questions

    :Depth Study Social andCultural Influences

    The nature and type of change inpopular culture during this.century

    A decade in Australia s twentieth,century history compared with the

    ,present with a particular: ,emphasis on the following family

    , , , ,work education health leisure

    .transport and communications

    The impact on the Australian wayof life of ONE the following


    women s liberation movementsconcern for the environment

    urbanisationand ONE other significant socialdevelopment

    Knowledge and Understanding








  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    ach year level has an achievement.tandard


  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    A depth study is a loser investigationof a particular, ,topic for example the study of an ancient civilisation which

    allows time for more etailed discussion. It providesstudents with the pportunity to develop and apply theoncepts and skills ,of historical understanding to events

    , .periods people and societies of particular significance

    Depth studies commonly employ lose reading ofistorical texts , ,nvestigation of primary sources

    activities ( ),such as site and museum visits eacherxposition and student inquiries . ,It is a sustained

    concentrated - .and resource rich exercise

    finition from Australian Curriculum Website

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    Stage 1 Implementation March May 2010Consultation K 10Draft

    March May 2010

    Consultation 11- 12Draft

    April June 2010

    Trialing (Victorian



    Full Implementation inall states and territories 2013

    = , ,Stage 1 Australian Curriculum for English Mathematics Science and History

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er sssociation of Victoriaa rc h 2 01 0

    . . .www australiancurriculum edu au

    . . . .www vcaa vic edu au

    . . .www htav asn au

  • 8/9/2019 Draft Summary Australian Curriculum History


    r ep ar ed b y A nn ab el A st bu ry H is tor y T ea ch er s

    Annabel AstburyExecutive Director


    , -Suite 105 134 136 Cambridge Street,Collingwood VIC 3066

    . . .a astbury@htav asn au