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  • 7/22/2019 Gospel Project Unit3 Session11 PersonalStudyGuide - Fall


    FALL 2013: Personal Study GuideEd StetzerGeneral EditorTrevin WaxManaging Editor


  • 7/22/2019 Gospel Project Unit3 Session11 PersonalStudyGuide - Fall


    2 TGP Personal Study Guide





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  • 7/22/2019 Gospel Project Unit3 Session11 PersonalStudyGuide - Fall


    94 TGP Personal Study Guide

    SESSION 11


    How often do you look back at pictures from when you

    were younger? When you do, what types of things do you

    notice? Bad hair styles? Weird clothes? Your mom and dad

    when they were much younger?

    Looking at old pictures is always fun. The strange thing

    is how much we change over time. Sometimes it can even be difficult

    to recognize yourself from old pictures. As we grow we get bigger, our

    bodies mature and eventually we show signs of aging.

    Whenever we look at pictures of our childhood, we notice how much

    we have changed. Spiritually, the longer we follow Christ the less we

    should resemble our old selves and the more we should be reflecting

    Christ. This process, called sanctification, is the means by which we are

    progressively changed into looking like Jesus Christ more and more. We

    are being transformed into the image of our Maker.

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    9FALL 2013

    1 Corinthians 1:2 To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those sanctified in ChristJesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of

    our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours.

    AS MY 8TH GRADE YEAR began to draw to an end, everyone began talking about

    which high school they were going to attend. At one point, a group of us got to take a

    field trip to the school we were to attend in order to take a tour. It was pretty exciting,

    and we even got to register for classes while being there. I remember thinking at one

    point that it seemed like the end of 8th grade was all about getting into high school

    and being ready. I had my classes picked out and I knew what friends would be where. I

    even knew when the tryouts for soccer were. I was ready. Eighth grade was followed by

    a normal summer and then the start of high school. I felt I had finally arrived. I had mynew clothes and was ready to go.

    A lot of the teenage years revolved around getting ready for the next big thinghigh

    school, winter break, college, and tryouts. When you have a relationship with Christ, it

    is something that you dont have to wait on. When Paul was writing to the church at

    Corinth he said those who are sanctified in talking about Christians. The wording Paul

    used shows us that they, in one sense, were already sanctified. In other words, it wasnt

    something that they had to wait around to happen. It meant being set apart and made

    holy. When you come to Christ for salvation, He sets you apart and declares you holy.

    Sure, we make mistakes and need to get that right, but when God looks at us, He sees

    the righteousness of Christ imputed to us and our sin to Him. But in another sense, that

    doesnt mean that as followers of Jesus, Christians dont have things to look forwardto. In fact, it is just the opposite. Everyday there is something new to look forward to

    while being in relationship with Christnew depths of love and grace and knowledge

    and personal transformation that exceeds the day before. We are set apart, but we are

    also changing and growing more into the image of Jesus everyday.


    PAUSE AND REFLECT How does knowing that you have been set apart change

    the way you see yourself? How does knowing that you have been set apart change

    the way you make decisions in your life? Does the way you live your life and the decisions that you

    make reflect one who has been set apart in Christ?

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    96 TGP Personal Study Guide


    Colossians 3:5-11Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality,impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these

    the wrath of God is coming. In these you too once walked, when you were living in them.

    But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk

    from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with

    its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after

    the image of its creator. Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised,

    barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.

    I AM NOT A FAN of mowing the lawn, and Im pretty sure I have one of the worlds

    smallest yards. But, on the day that the grass has reached so high that I can no longer

    see the house, I break out the lawn mower and trimmer. I am also pretty sure Im allergicto grass. As the mower cuts and throws that grass around, I begin to itch and itch. If I

    could let the whole yard turn brown and convert it to concrete, I probably would. Maybe

    I hate mowing my lawn because I know that in a week or two the whole process will

    have to be repeated. In short, I dread mowing my lawn.

    At the moment of salvation, God declares us to be holy and right with Him. At

    that moment, God could never love us more or never love us less. We are right in a

    relationship with Him. Our problem is that even after we have made that decision to

    surrender our lives to Him, we still sin and do dumb things. And while that sin doesnt

    cause us to lose our relationship with Him and be back on our way to hell, it does hurt

    us in significant ways.

    This is why God is working in us to make us more like Him so that we can liveabundantly in Christ. Ive never asked my yard this, but I doubt my grass likes the mowing

    process any more than I do. However, the cutting away of the weeds and when it gets

    out of control actually helps it. For instance, the weeds clog up the ability for healthy

    growth. And while it may sometimes be painful, the process transforms the yard into

    something healthy and beautifulsimilar to the kind of work that God wants to do in

    your life.

    PAUSE AND REFLECT What does Colossians 3:5-11 teach us about becoming

    more like Jesus?

    How does one clearly see Jesus in order be become morelike Him? Hint: Jesus is seen most clearly in His word.

    Do you sense that God is making any changes to your liferight now? Are you open or resistant to this work of His?


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    9FALL 2013

    1 John 3:2 Beloved, we are Gods children now, and what we will be has not yetappeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see

    him as he is.

    THERE WAS A TIME when I used to workout, but the weights got too heavy. I had this

    dream that I would become this buff and chiseled work of art. Unfortunately, I havent

    reached that point. I tried protein shakes and all kinds of supplements but never was

    mistaken for a body-builder. I am not sure why I can workout and never really get results.

    Maybe it is because I only go once or twice a month. Its hard to get motivated because

    I am not sure I believe that I will ever pass for a MMA fighter. In fact, I think I am destined

    to have chicken legs forever.

    It can be frustrating when we dont think we will ever arrive out our destination. Itcan cause us to lose our motivation and wonder if it will happen. 1 John 3:2 offers great

    comfort to us. We are called dear friends and Gods children. We are told that there

    will be a point when we will be like Him. There is a day when we will be made complete

    and perfect in and through Christ. This day will come because Christ purchased it on

    the cross. His blood was shed so that in Him I might become the righteousness of God.

    God is at work within us transforming us for that day. When He returns or we step into

    eternity, because of our relationship with Christ, we will be made perfect in Him.

    The reason it is so hard to stay motivated to workout is because I can lift hard

    one day then go home and I look the same. I want to see immediate results. Our

    sanctification doesnt work like that either. Gods final work within you isnt something

    that is complete now. Like a master sculptor and artist, God is perfecting the heartchange that has begun within you until it is complete in His presence. Until that day, we

    can take refuge in knowing that it is coming and keep our focus on Christ until then.


    PAUSE AND REFLECT What changes have you seen God perform in your life since

    the moment you trusted in Christ? What are some of the ways that God uses to create lasting

    change within His children?

    How is our transformation in Christ more of a reflection ofGods grace than it is of us?

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    Our adoption means we will be...In Christ, we are already presently sanctified in that we are nolonger under sins dominion. In Christ, we are progressively beingsanctified in that we cooperate with the Holy Spirit as we grow inholiness. In Christ, we will one day be perfectly sanctified, when wewill once again reflect God the way He intended us too. The missionof the church is to make disciples by the power of the Spirit.

    Imagine that someone were to highlight your life in abiography. In what areas would a reader be particularlydisturbed? In what ways might your life reflect the kindof dysfunction we see in the Corinthian church?

    If someone asked you are you holy? how would youanswer that question? Why would you need to gobeyond a simple yes or no with your response?

    Justification is a legal declaration ofrighteousness, as if God, the supremeJudge, acquits us and declares us notguilty. Sanctification begins with thisdivine declaration made by God. Theconcept of sanctification is derivedfrom the idea of consecration. In theOld Testament, we see certain people,places, and things being set apart andconsidered holy to the Lord.

    We define sanctificationas Gods claiming andsubsequent purifyingof the believer as his


    Kenneth Keathley

    Presently sanctified.In elementary school, children learn about themysterious wonder of metamorphosis. Insects,amphibians, and other creatures undergo afundamental transition. A tadpole becomes afrog. Caterpillars emerge from their cocoons as

    moths or butterflies. In the beginning stage ofimmaturity, the young creature barely resemblesits future form. But it is the same species. Thisreality provides a glimpse of the glorious doctrineof the believers present sanctification. Wemay not resemble who we will one day be, butwe are nonetheless already of the same orderand species. We are united to Christ and thussanctified in Him.

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    Progressively sanctifiedLike people are conformed to the image of thoswith whom they are most closely related, so areGods children progressively conformed to theimage of His beloved Son. As we reflect upon anlive according to the glorious gospel, we gradual

    yet surely become sanctified for the glory of ourgreat God.

    This idea is at the heart of what is calledprogressive sanctification. Sanctificationdoes not stop at our being set apart atthe time we become Christians. ThoughGods declaration of sanctificationis the foundation upon which all

    subsequent sanctification is built, wemust never neglect the truth of on-goingsanctification. Though in some sense weare already holy, we are, in another sensestill in the process of being made holy.

    Conclusion The gospel is a glorious reality,and our sanctification stands as an essential elementof the good news. We are no longer who we once wereand we will one day no longer by as we are now. We wilbe like Christ, conformed to the image of the One whoperfectly images our good and gracious Father.

    Discuss how God can use both positive andnegative things in your life to help make youbecome more like Jesus.

    As you look back on your Christian life up untilnow, in what ways do you notice a progression ofgrowth in holiness?

    Perfectly sanctifiedWe will eventually and surely be perfectly sanctifiedperfectly set apart, completely free from all the resi

    of sin, and fully able to enter into the joy of eternaland ever-increasing worship of our glorious God. TheFathers intention is that we might be conformed tothe image of the Son. He will providentially direct oulives to that end. This is why we can take great comfoin the promises of passages like Romans 8:28. He wiwork all things together for our good, if by good weunderstand not health, wealth, and happiness nowbut conformity to the image of Christ and the eternareward of His presence. This is our treasure. This is ougreatest good. Anything less is secondary.

    How does the progressive side ofsanctification enhance ones trustin Jesus?

    What are some areas of your life in

    which you secretly protect sin?

    Jesus tells us to take the battleagainst sin very seriously. Whatare some ways you are killing sin inyour own life?

    Do you ever feel as if Gods work in your life is neverquite finished? How does the promise of perfectionmake you feel?

    How does the promise of future perfection impactyour life now? Does it produce in you laziness orapathy or greater diligence and passion now?Explain .

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    In elementary school, you learned about the mysterious wonder of metamorphosis. Insects,amphibians, and other creatures undergo a fundamental transition. A tadpole becomes afrog. Caterpillars emerge from their cocoons as moths or butterflies. In the beginning stage ofimmaturity, the young creature barely resembles its future form. But it is the same species.

    Tis reality provides a glimpse of the glorious doctrine of the believers present sanctification.We may not resemble who we will one day be, but we are nonetheless already of the same orderand species. We are united to Christ and thus sanctified in Him. Te apostle Pauls greeting to thechurch in Corinth gives us a great example of what we mean by present sanctification.

    Te Corinthians were a mess just like we are a mess. Yet here is the apostle Paul, inspired by theHoly Spirit, calling these people sanctified saints! What gives?

    What gives is the gospel! At the heart of the gospel is the reality of present sanctification. Allwho have believed upon Jesus and experienced the beautiful work of God in salvation are sanctifiedeven nowset apart as saints for the glory of God. Tis is the foundation upon which all talk ofsanctification must begin. Sanctification starts with Gods declaration.

    We were sanctified. Tis is done, complete, finished. Tis is the ground of our confidence,assurance, and hope. In Christ, we have been presently sanctified. Any discussion of sanctificationmust begin here. Otherwise, we might spin away from the gravity of the gospel and into the spaciousreaches of despair or works-righteousness.

    2. PROGRESSIVELY SANCTIFIED (2 COR. 3:17-18; COL. 3:5-11).

    Human beings have an innate ability to take on the characteristics of things we observe. Weare sometimes like character chameleons being slowly and surely transformed by and to ourenvironment. Consider how closely your speech patterns and style of dress mirror those of yourfamily or friends. Consider how an accent often reflects your place of origin. Humanity is endowed

    with this inherent ability, often subconscious, to adjust and change based upon the objects ofattention and affection.

    Tis can work for our ruin or our restoration. By fixing our eyes on the world, we become moreand more like the world. However, God has graciously given us a new image upon which to fix our

    gaze. Te more we look at Christ in love and trust, the more we look like Christ, and the more wereflect God in the way He originally intended.

    o see Christ, to truly see Him as He is with eyes opened by the light of the gospel, is to betransformed to the image of Christ. By seeing Christ we become more like Him. Tis process andmeans of transformation is why the Bible constantly calls Gods people to look at, behold, fix oureyes upon, and consider Christ.

    Like people are conformed to the image of those with whom they are most closely related, so areGods children progressively conformed to the image of His beloved Son. As we reflect upon andlive according to the glorious gospel, we gradually yet surely become sanctified for the glory of our


    Our adoption means we will be...

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    10FALL 2013


    great God. Tis idea is at the heart of what is called progressive sanctification. Sanctification doesnot stop at our being set apart at the time we become Christians. Tough Gods declaration ofsanctification is the foundation upon which all subsequent sanctification is built, we must neverneglect the truth of on-goingsanctification. Tough in some sense we are already holy, we are, in

    another sense, still in the process of being made holy.Tis process is communicated by Hebrews 10:14. Tough some translations do not capture the

    nuance, the original Greek contains a hint of this progressive nature of sanctification leading sometranslations to render the verse, for by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who arebeing sanctified (ESV). According to 1 Corinthians 6:11, the children of God have been sanctified.

    According to 1 Corinthians 1:2, believers are sanctified. And now in this passage we see that we arebeingsanctified.

    How is this process of sanctification accomplished? It is a cooperative work between God and Hispeople. Now, cooperation doesnt mean equal partnership. Even in our cooperation, God is sovereignover the process. Gods action is always primary and initiating while ours is secondary and responsive.


    We are sanctified in Christ, and in Him, we are increasingly reflecting His image. If we stoppedthere, we might put our hands to our mouths in wonder, joy, and awe. But the Bible goes evenfurther. It promises an even greater height in our consideration of the topic of sanctification!

    As we consider the final aspect of sanctification, I am amazed at the promise of perfection. Oneday, we will be fully and finally sanctified. We will be like Him. Tis is surely great news for thoseof us who know all too well the turmoil between flesh and Spirit, the inner struggle with remainingsin. Tis is Gods promise to uswhat He has begun He will surely finish (Phil. 1:6).

    Te Fathers intention is that we might be conformed to the image of the Son. He will

    providentially direct our lives to that end. Tis is why we can take great comfort in the promises ofpassages like Romans 8:28. He will work all things together for our good, if by good we understandnot health, wealth, and happiness now, but conformity to the image of Christ and the eternal rewardof His presence. Tis is our treasure. Tis is our greatest good. Anything less is secondary.

    What God has begun, He will complete. We will be perfectly sanctified. We will be like the Son.May we rest in that reality even now as we fight against remaining sin.


    Sanctification is an essential topic for Christian life and practice. It is important that we recognizeits multi-faceted nature. Unless we recognize that sanctification is a present, progressive, and future

    reality, then we will face various dangers.When we dont properly understand the full spectrum of sanctification, we may find ourselvesrobbed of joy and paralyzed in our mission. Te gospel is a glorious reality and our sanctificationstands as an essential element of the good news. We are no longer who we once were and we will oneday no longer be as we are now. We will be like Christ, conformed to the image of the One who isthe perfect image of our good and gracious Father.