gospel harmonies

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  • 8/18/2019 Gospel Harmonies


    Luke 3:23. Now Jesus Himselfbegan His ministry at aboutthirty years of age, being (aswas supposed) the son ofJoseph, the son of Heli,24. the son of Matthat, the sonof Levi, the son of Melchi, theson of Janna, the son of Joseph,25. the son of Mattathiah, theson of !os, the son of Nahu!,the son of "sli, the son ofNaggai,2#. the son of Maath, the sonof Mattathiah, the son of $e!ei,the son of Joseph, the son ofJudah,2%. the son of Joannas, the sonof &hesa, the son of 'eubbabel,the son of $healtiel, the son ofNei,2. the son of Melchi, the sonof ddi, the son of *osa!, theson of "l!oda!, the son of ",2+. the son of Jose, the son of"liee, the son of Joi!, the sonof Matthat, the son of Levi,-. the son of $i!eon, the sonof Judah, the son of Joseph, theson of Jonan, the son of "lia/i!,-0. the son of Melea, the son of

    Menan, the son of Mattathah,the son of Nathan, the son of1avid,-2. the son of Jesse, the son ofbed, the son of 3oa, the sonof $al!on, the son of Nahshon,--. the son of !!inadab, theson of &a!, the son of Heon,the son of ee, the son ofJudah,-4. the son of Jacob, the son ofsaac, the son of baha!, theson of 6eah, the son of Naho,-5. the son of $eug, the son of&eu, the son of eleg, the son of"be, the son of $helah,-#. the son of *ainan, the sonof pha7ad, the son of $he!,the son of Noah, the son ofLa!ech,-%. the son of Methuselah, theson of "noch, the son of Jaed,the son of Mahalalel, the son of*ainan,-. the son of "nos, the son of$eth, the son of da!, the sonof 8od.

    Luke does not say the Jesus was 30 years if agewhen he started his ministry nor did it say that hisministry started with his baptism which startedwell before. It places his baptism in the contet ofabout 30 years of ages for him that is all. Jesuswas baptising before John was put into prision andhad already been doing wonders for all to see thatis why John stated !I ha"e need to be bapti#ed by

     $ou% and are $ou coming to me&'' Luke 3:23 isob"ioulsy a flashback o"er"iew Jesus misitrystarted when he was about 30 years of age and thisis his geneology that is all it states. (atthew ):*2states that when Jesus heard that John was put inprision he went to +alilee. John goes to prisonduring ,hrist )0 days in the wilderness imeadiatlyafter ,hrist baptisim which it self was witnessedby ,hrist deciples. also see:John *:-* ,ontrastwith (atthew ):** (ark *:*2

    /ariti"e lashback Luke1. outof ,hronological etualorder 

    hew *:*. 6he boo/ of theation of Jesus *hist, the1avid, the son of

    a!.aha! begat saac9 andbegat Jacob9 and JacobJudas and his bethen9d Judas begat haes andof 6ha!a9 and haes"so!9 and "so! begat

    d a! begat !inadab9!inadab begat Naasson9aasson begat $al!on9d $al!on begat 3oo ofab9 and 3oo begat bedh9 and bed begat Jesse9d Jesse begat 1avid theand 1avid the /ing begaton of he that had beenfe of :ias9d $olo!on begat &oboa!9oboa! begat bia9 andegat sa9d sa begat Josaphat9 andhat begat Joa!9 andbegat ias9

    d ias begat Joatha!9oatha! begat cha9 and

    begat "e/ias9

    nd "e/ias begatsses9 and Manasses begat and !on begat Josias9

    nd Josias begat Jechoniass bethen, about the ti!e

    wee caied awa; toon<nd afte the; wee boughtb;lon, Jechonias begatiel9 and $alathiel begatabel9nd 'oobabel begat biud9biud begat "lia/i!9 and! begat o9nd o begat $adoc9 andc begat chi!9 and chi!"liud9nd "liud begat "leaa9eaa begat Matthan9 and

    an begat Jacob9nd Jacob begat Joseph thend of Ma;, of who! wasesus, who is called *hist.o all the geneations fo!a! to 1avid ae fourteenations and fo! 1avid

    he ca;ing awa; intoon ae fourteenations and fo! the

    ng awa; into 3ab;lon untoae fourteenations.

    ollow the 4urplefor the



    he /ariti"es of ,hrist ministry outlineabout8 39 of consolidated nariti"e tet withJesus in +alilee8-9 of consolidated nariti"e tet withJesus in Judea82 of consolidated nariti"e tet withJesus in ire 5idon 5amaria or other

  • 8/18/2019 Gospel Harmonies


    Luke *:*. nas!uch as !an;have ta/en in hand to set inode a naative of those thingswhich ae !ost suel; believeda!ong us,2. =ust as those who fo! the

    beginning wee e;ewitnesses

    and !inistes of the woddeliveed the! to us,-. it see!ed good to !e also,

    having had pefectundestanding of all things fo!the ve; fist, to wite to ;ou anorderly account% !ost e7cellent6heophilus,4. that ;ou !a; /now the

    cetaint; of those things in which;ou wee instucted.5. 6hee was in the da;s of

    Heod, the /ing of Judea, acetain piest na!ed 'achaias,of the division of bi=ah. His wifewas of the daughtes of aon,and he na!e was "liabeth.#. nd the; wee both ighteous

    befoe 8od, wal/ing in all theco!!and!ents and odinancesof the Lod bla!eless.%. 3ut the; had no child,

    because "liabeth was baen,and the; wee both welladvanced in ;eas.. $o it was, that while he was

    seving as piest befoe 8od inthe ode of his division,+. accoding to the custo! of

    the piesthood, his lot fell to bunincense when he went into thete!ple of the Lod.0. nd the whole !ultitude of

    the people was pa;ing outsideat the hou of incense.00. 6hen an angel of the Lod

    appeaed to hi!, standing on theight side of the alta of incense.02. nd when 'achaias saw

    hi!, he was toubled, and feafell upon hi!.0-. 3ut the angel said to hi!,

    >1o not be afaid, 'achaias, fo;ou pa;e is head9 and ;ouwife "liabeth will bea ;ou ason, and ;ou shall call his na!eJohn.04. >nd ;ou will have =o; and

    gladness, and !an; will e=oiceat his bith.

    05. >?o he will be geat in thesight of the Lod, and shall din/neithe wine no stong din/. Hewill also be filled with the Hol;$piit, even fo! his !othe@swo!b.0#. >nd he will tun !an; of

    the childen of sael to the Lodthei 8od.0%. >He will also go befoe Hi!

    in the spiit and powe of "li=ah,Ato tun the heats of the fathesto the childen,@ and thedisobedient to the wisdo! of the

     =ust, to !a/e ead; a peoplepepaed fo the Lod.@@0. nd 'achaias said to the

    angel, >How shall /now thisB?o a! an old !an, and !;wife is well advanced in ;eas.@@0+ nd the angel answeed

  • 8/18/2019 Gospel Harmonies


    !ute and not able to spea/ untilthe da; these things ta/e place,because ;ou did not believe !;wods which will be fulfilled inthei own ti!e.@@20. nd the people waited fo

    'achaias, and !aveled that helingeed so long in the te!ple.22. 3ut when he ca!e out, he

    could not spea/ to the!9 andthe; peceived that he had seena vision in the te!ple, fo hebec/oned to the! and e!ainedspeechless.2-. nd so it was, as soon as

    the da;s of his sevice wee

    co!pleted, that he depated tohis own house.24. Now afte those da;s his

    wife "liabeth conceived9 andshe hid heself five !onths,sa;ing,25. >6hus the Lod has dealt

    with !e, in the da;s when Heloo/ed on !e, to ta/e awa; !;epoach a!ong !en.@@

    Luke*:2;. /ow in the sithmonth the angel 8abiel wassent b; 8od to a cit; of 8alileena!ed Naaeth,2

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    ;ou elative has also conceiveda son in he old age9 and this isnow the sith month for herwho was called barren.-%. >?o with 8od nothing willbe i!possible.@@-. 6hen Ma; said, >3eholdthe !aidsevant of the LodC Letit be to !e accoding to ;ouwod.@@ nd the angel depatedfo! he.-+. Now Ma; aose in thoseda;s and went into the hillcount; with haste, to a cit; ofJudah,4. and enteed the house of

    'achaias and geeted "liabeth.40. nd it happened, when"liabeth head the geeting ofMa;, that the babe leaped in hewo!b9 and "liabeth was filledwith the Hol; $piit.42. 6hen she spo/e out with aloud voice and said, >3lessedae ;ou a!ong wo!en, andblessed is the fuit of ;ou wo!bC4-. >3ut wh; is this ganted to!e, that the !othe of !; Lodshould co!e to !eB44. >?o indeed, as soon as thevoice of ;ou geeting soundedin !; eas, the babe leaped in

    !; wo!b fo =o;.45. >3lessed is she whobelieved, fo thee will be afulfill!ent of those things whichwee told he fo! the Lod.@@4#. nd Ma; said< >M; soul!agnifies the Lod,4%. and !; spiit has e=oiced in8od !; $avio.4. ?o He has egaded thelowl; state of His !aidsevant9for behold% henceforth allgenerations will call meblessed.4+. ?o He who is !ight; hasdone geat things fo !e, andhol; is His na!e.

    5. nd His !ec; is on thosewho fea Hi! from generationto generation. 50. He has shown stength withHis a!9 he has scatteed thepoud in the i!agination of theiheats.52. He has put down the !ight;fo! thei thones, and e7altedthe lowl;.5-. He has filled the hung;with good things, and the ich Hehas sent awa; e!pt;.54. He has helped His sevantsael, in e!e!bance of His!ec;,

    55. s He spo/e to ou fathes,to baha! and to his seedfoeve.@@5#. nd Ma; e!ained with heabout thee !onths, andetuned to he house.5%. Now "liabeth@s full ti!eca!e fo he to be deliveed, andshe bought foth a son.5. Dhen he neighbos andelatives head how the Lod hadshown geat !ec; to he, the;e=oiced with he.5+. Now so it was, on theeighth da;, that the; ca!e tocicu!cise the child9 and the;would have called hi! b; the

    na!e of his fathe, 'achaias.#. nd his !othe answeedand said, >No9 he shall be calledJ h @@

    whole concept of the pepetual Eiginit; of Ma; is an egegious eo of popel;ng the sciptues. ?o one t;ing to twist the >till she had bought fouth he fist bon>an onl; the the; did not have se7 befoe *hist was bon with no i!plication thatid aftewad, is fo one inconsistent with the usage of the te! >till> which ceates the

    al conditions of the conte7t, which is se7 itself between Joseph and Ma;. f theeo se7 thee would be no point in outlining special conditions of a elationship that did

    7istCB 6his is tue because the law and Jesus hi!self define the Maiage elationshipas being defined b; se7C

    w 19:3. The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to putis wife for every cause !. "nd he answered and said unto them, #ave ye not read, that he which madet the $eginning made them male and female, %. "nd said, &or this cause shall a man leave father andr, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?  '. (herefore t hey are no morebut one flesh. (hat therefore )od hath *oined together, let not man put asunder.

    nl; is thee sciptual de!and fo the pepetual Eiginit; of Ma;, but thee is noual o bais (o even an e7a!ple) of a !aiage that is enteed into without se7ed in the !aiage at so!e point. 6o asset 6he pepetual Eiginit; of Ma; is a futleies in thinin/ing be;ond what is witten based on the tadtions of !en who cali!it; eFual o geate then the sciptue itself. 6his is tue becuse sciptue that would

    an; legiti!ante poof of authoit; fo an; >chuch leades> o doctine specifical;s.....

    thians !:'. "nd these things, $rethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and to "pollos for yourthat ye might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written,  that no one of you $e puffed

    one against another.

    !en> in this vese would efe to Joseph as well as an; !an o goup of !enng >authoitative> intepetations about a ealtionship that is defined b; the te7t itself.

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    , , ,na!e is John.@@ nd the; all!aveled.#4. !!ediatel; his !outh was

    opened and his tongue loosed,and he spo/e, paising 8od.#5. 6hen fea ca!e on all who

    dwelt aound the!9 and all thesesa;ings wee discussedthoughout all the hill count; ofJudea.##. nd all those who head

    the! /ept the! in thei heats,sa;ing, >Dhat /ind of child willthis beB@@ nd the hand of theLod was with hi!.#%. Now his fathe 'achaias

    was filled with the Hol; $piit,and pophesied, sa;ing<#. >3lessed is the Lod 8od of

    sael, fo He has visited andedee!ed His people,#+. and has aised up a hon of

    salvation fo us in the house ofHis sevant 1avid,%. as He spo/e b; the !outh

    of His hol; pophets, who havebeen since the wold began,%0. that we should be saved

    fo! ou ene!ies and fo! thehand of all who hate us,%2. to pefo! the !ec;

    po!ised to ou fathes and toe!e!be His hol; covenant,%-. the oath which He swoe to

    ou fathe baha!<%4. to gant us that we, 3eing

    deliveed fo! the hand of ouene!ies, !ight seve Hi!without fea,%5. in holiness and

    ighteousness befoe Hi! all theda;s of ou life.%#. and ;ou, child, will be called

    the pophet of the Highest9 fo;ou will go befoe the face of theLod to pepae His wa;s,%%. to give /nowledge of

    salvation to His people b; thee!ission of thei sins,

    %. 6hough the tende !ec;of ou 8od, with which the1a;sping fo! on high hasvisited us9%+. to give light to those who sit

    in da/ness and the shadow ofdeath, to guide ou feet into thewa; of peace.@@. $o the child gew and

    beca!e stong in spiit, and wasin the deserts till the day of hismanifestation to Israel.

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    Luke 2:=. Now thee wee in thesa!e count; shepheds livingout in the fields, /eeping watchove thei floc/ b; night.

    +. nd behold, an angel of theLod stood befoe the!, and theglo; of the Lod shone aoundthe!, and the; wee geatl;afaid.0. 6hen the angel said to

    the!, >1o not be afaid, fobehold, bing ;ou good tidingsof geat =o; which will be to allpeople.00. >?o thee is bon to ;ou this

    da; in the cit; of 1avid a $avio,who is *hist the Lod.02. >nd this will be the sign to

    ;ou< Gou will find a 3abewapped in swaddling cloths,l;ing in a !ange.@@

    0-. nd suddenl; thee waswith the angel a !ultitude of theheavenl; host paising 8od andsa;ing<04. >8lo; to 8od in the highest,

    and on eath peace, good willtowad !enC@@05. $o it was, when the angels

    had gone awa; fo! the! intoheaven, that the shepheds saidto one anothe, >Let us now go to3ethlehe! and see this thingthat has co!e to pass, which theLod has !ade /nown to us.@@0#. nd the; ca!e with haste

    and found Ma; and Joseph, andthe 3abe l;ing in a !ange.

    0%. Now when the; had seenHi!, the; !ade widel; /nownthe sa;ing which was told the!concening this *hild

    Luke 2:*. nd it ca!e to pass in those days that a deceewent out fo! *aesa ugustusthat all the wold should beegisteed.2. 6his census fist too/ place

    while uiinius was govening$;ia.-. $o all went to be egisteed,

    eve;one to his own cit;.4. nd Joseph also went up

    fo! 8alilee, out of the cit; ofNaaeth, into Judea, to the cit;of 1avid, which is called3ethlehe!, because he was ofthe house and lineage of 1avid, 5. to be egisteed with Ma;,his betothed wife, who was withchild.#. $o it was, that while the;

    wee thee, the da;s weeco!pleted fo he to bedeliveed.

    %. nd she bought foth hefistbon $on, and wapped Hi!in swaddling cloths, and laid Hi!in a !ange, because thee wasno oo! fo the! in the inn.

    @ef: he >irth of ,hrist

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     2. 6hen the shephedsetuned, gloif;ing and paising8od fo all the things that the;had head and seen, as it wastold the!.20. nd when eight days were

    completed for the circumcisionof the ,hild% His na!e wascalled Jesus, the na!e given b;the angel befoe He wasconceived in the wo!b.

    hew 2:*. /ow after  Jesusbon in 3ethlehe! of Judeae days of Herod the king,d, wise !en fo! the "ast to Jeusale!,

    a;ing, >Dhee is He whoeen bon Iing of theB ?o we have seen Hisn the "ast and have co!e

    ship Hi!.@@Dhen Heod the /ing head

    things, he was toubled,ll Jeusale! with hi!.nd when he had gatheede chief piests and scibes people togethe, heed of the! whee thet was to be bon.o the; said to hi!, >nehe! of Judea, fo thus ittten b; the pophet<3ut ;ou, 3ethlehe!, in theof Judah, ae not the leastng the ules of Judah9 fof ;ou shall co!e a &ulewill shephed M; people.@ @@hen Heod, when he hadtl; called the wise !en,!ined fo! the! what ti!ea appeaed.nd he sent the! toehe! and said, >8o andh diligentl; fo the ;oung and when ;ou have foundbing bac/ wod to !e,!a; co!e and woship

    also.@@Dhen the; head the /ing,depated9 and behold, thewhich the; had seen in thewent befoe the!, till it

    and stood ove whee theg *hild was.Dhen the; saw the sta,e=oiced with e7ceedingl;=o;.

    nd when the; had co!ehe house, the; saw theg *hild with Ma; Hise, and fell down andhiped Hi!. nd when the;pened thei teasues,

    pesented gifts to Hi!<fan/incense, and !;h.6hen, being divinel;ed in a dea! that the;d not etun to Heod, the;ted fo thei own count;

    e wa;./ow when they hadrted, behold, an angel ofod appeaed to Joseph in

    @ef: he >irth of ,hrist

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    ew 2:2* hen he arose%he young ,hild and Hiser% and came into theof Israel.3ut when he head thatlaus was eigning ove

    a instead of his fathe, he was afaid to gond being waned b; 8od

    ea!, he tuned aside intogion of 8alilee.nd he ca!e and dwelt in aalled Naaeth, that it !ightfilled which was spo/en b;ophets, >He shall be calledaene.@@

    Luke 2:22. /ow when thedays of her purificationaccording to the law of (oseswere completed% they broughtHim to Jerusalem to presentHim to the Lord2-. (as it is witten in the law of

    the Lod, >"ve; !ale whoopens the wo!b shall be called

    hol; to the Lod@@),24. and to offe a sacificeaccoding to what is said in thelaw of the Lod, > pai oftutledoves o two ;oungpigeons.@@25. nd behold, thee was a

    !an in Jeusale! whose na!ewas $i!eon, and this !an was

     =ust and devout, waiting fo the*onsolation of sael, and theHol; $piit was upon hi!.2#. nd it had been evealed to

    hi! b; the Hol; $piit that hewould not see death befoe hehad seen the Lod@s *hist.2%. $o he ca!e b; the $piit

    into the te!ple. nd when thepaents bought in the *hildJesus, to do fo Hi! accoding tothe custo! of the law,

    en e arose% e oooung ,hild and Hiser by night and departedgypt%and was thee until theof Heod, that it !ight be

    ed which was spo/en b;od though the pophet,g, >ut of "g;pt calledon.@@6hen Heod, when he sawe was deceived b; the!en, was e7ceedingl;;9 and he sent foth and putath all the !ale childenwee in 3ethlehe! and in

    disticts, fo! two ;easnd unde, accoding to thewhich he had dete!inedthe wise !en.6hen was fulfilled whatspo/en b; Jee!iah thehet, sa;ing<> voice was head inah, la!entation, weeping,eat !ouning, &acheling fo he childen,ng to be co!foted,

    use the; wee no !oe.@@3ut when Heod was dead,d, an angel of the Lodaed in a dea! to Joseph;pt,

    sa;ing, >ise, ta/e theg *hild and His !othe,o to the land of sael, fo who sought the ;oungs life ae dead.@@

    @ef: he >irth of ,hrist

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    sa va on-0. which Gou have pepaed

    befoe the face of all peoples,-2. a light to bing evelation to

    the 8entiles, and the glo; ofGou people sael.@@--. nd Joseph and His !othe

    !aveled at those things whichwee spo/en of Hi!.-4. 6hen $i!eon blessed the!,

    and said to Ma; His !othe,>3ehold, this *hild is destined fothe fall and ising of !an; insael, and fo a sign which willbe spo/en against-5. (;es, a swod will piece

    though ;ou own soul also), thatthe thoughts of !an; heats !a;be evealed.@@-#. Now thee was one, nna,

    a pophetess, the daughte ofhanuel, of the tibe of she.$he was of a geat age, and hadlived with a husband seven;eas fo! he viginit;9-%. and this wo!an was a

    widow of about eight;fou ;eas,who did not depat fo! thete!ple, but seved 8od withfastings and pa;es night andda;.-. nd co!ing in that instant

    she gave than/s to the Lod, and

    spo/e of Hi! to all those wholoo/ed fo ede!ption inJeusale!.-+. $o when the; had

    pefo!ed all things accoding tothe law of the Lod, the; etunedto 8alilee, to thei own cit;,Naaeth.4. nd the *hild gew and

    beca!e stong in spiit, filledwith wisdo!9 and the gace of8od was upon Hi!.40. His paents went to

    Jeusale! eve; ;ea at the?east of the assove.42. nd when He was twelve

    ;eas old, the; went up to

    Jeusale! accoding to thecusto! of the feast.4-. Dhen the; had finished the

    da;s, as the; etuned, the 3o;Jesus lingeed behind inJeusale!. nd Joseph and His!othe did not /now it944. but supposing Hi! to have

    been in the co!pan;, the; wenta da;@s =oune;, and sought Hi!a!ong thei elatives andacFuaintances.45. $o when the; did not find

    Hi!, the; etuned to Jeusale!,see/ing Hi!.4#. Now so it was that afte

    thee da;s the; found Hi! in the

    te!ple, sitting in the !idst of theteaches, both listening to the!and as/ing the! Fuestions.4%. nd all who head Hi! wee

    astonished at His undestandingand answes.4. $o when the; saw Hi!,

    the; wee a!aed9 and His!othe said to Hi!, >$on, wh;have Gou done this to usB Loo/,Gou fathe and have soughtGou an7iousl;.@@4+. nd He said to the!, >Dh;

    is it that ;ou sought MeB 1id ;ounot /now that !ust be aboutM; ?athe@s businessB@@5. 3ut the; did not undestand

    the state!ent which He spo/e tothe!.50. 6hen He went down with

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    hrist 4re>abtismal (inistryLuke 3:*.  Now in the fifteenthyear of the reign of  6ibeius*aesa, ontius ilate beinggoveno of Judea, Heod beingtetach of 8alilee, his bothe

    hilip tetach of tuea and theegion of 6achonitis, andL;sanias tetach of bilene,2. nnas and *aiaphas being

    high piests, the wod of 8odca!e to John the son of'achaias in the wildeness.-. nd he went into all the

    region around the Jordan%peaching a baptis! ofepentance fo the e!ission ofsins, 4. as it is witten in the boo/ ofthe wods of saiah the pophet,sa;ing< !he "oice of onecrying in the wilderness:B4repare the way of the Lord%

    make His paths straight.5. "ve; valle; shall be filled

    and eve; !ountain and hillbought low9 and the coo/edplaces shall be !ade staightand the ough wa;s !ades!ooth9#. and all flesh shall see the

    salvation of 8od.@ @@%. 6hen he said to the

    !ultitudes that ca!e out to bebaptied b; hi!, >3ood ofvipesC Dho waned ;ou to fleefo! the wath to co!eB. >6heefoe bea fuits woth;

    of epentance, and do not beginto sa; to ;ouselves, ADe have

     baha! as ou fathe.@ ?o sa;to ;ou that 8od is able to aiseup childen to baha! fo!these stones.+. >nd even now the a7 is laid

    to the oot of the tees. 6heefoeeve; tee which does not beagood fuit is cut down and thowninto the fie.@@0. $o the people as/ed hi!,

    sa;ing, >Dhat shall we do thenB@@00. He answeed and said to

    the!, >He who has two tunics, lethi! give to hi! who has none9and he who has food, let hi! doli/ewise.@@02. 6hen ta7 collectos also

    ca!e to be baptied, and said tohi!, >6eache, what shall wedoB@@0- nd he said to the!

    ew 3:*. In those daysthe >aptist ca!ehing in the wildeness of

    a,nd sa;ing, >&epent, fo theo! of heaven is at handC@@o this is he who wasn of b; the pophet saiah,

    gDh; then do ;ou baptiae not the *hist, no "the ophetB@@


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    falsel;, and be content with ;ouwages.@@05. Now as the people wee in

    e7pectation, and all easoned inthei heats about John, whethehe was the *hist o not,0#. John answeed, sa;ing to

    the! all, !I indeed bapti#e youwith water but Cne mightierthan I is coming% whose sandalstrap I am not worthy to loose.  He will bapti#e you with theHoly 5pirit and with fire.0%. >His winnowing fan is in His

    hand, and He will thooughl;puge His theshing floo, and

    gathe the wheat into His ban9but the chaff He will bun withunFuenchable fie.@@0. nd with !an; othe

    e7hotations he peached to thepeople.

    John *:29. he net dsaw Jesus coming towhim% and said, !>eholdLamb of +od who takethe sin of the worldD-. >6his is He of whoAfte !e co!es a Manpefeed befoe !e, fobefore me.'-0. > did not /now Hi!that He should be eveasael, theefoe ca!ewith wate.@@

    John *:32.  nd John witness% sa;ing, > sawdescending fo! heavedove, and He e!ainedHi!.--. > did not /now Hi!who sent !e to baptiewate said to !e, A:pon;ou see the $piit desce

    and e!aining on Hi!, who bapties with the H$piit.@-4 >nd I ha e seen

    ommon misconception is that the 6uote in Eohn *:32 is part of that same dayr the a flash forward to the witness of John seeing the spirit descend like alatter after not before Jesus' baptism% Hence !and John bore witness!. Lukelashes forwards but to a different e"ent% John put in prison. John is not putrison untill after Jesus was baptised before the end of the )0 days in therness and then he is beheaded. John already knew at least in part to somet that Jesus was from +od for when Jesus came with his !deciples! to be#ed hence Johns remarks Matthew 3:13.."I have need to be baptied by !ou,re !ou comin to me?## 1$. %ut &esus answered and said to him, "'ermit it to

    now, for thus it is fittin for us to fulfill all rihteousness.## John states hereese two separate days !behold the lamb of +od!. It is not clear if he fullyrstood what all this meant .../ote: John states that the do"e would indicatene who !bapti#es with the holy spirit! where Johns remarks here point to

    his is a lash orward to after ,hrist >aptsim in the narrati"e to clarify% not the chronology% but to highlsignificance in the e"ents under consideration in the nariti"es

    John lead; /new so!ething special about Jesus fo when Jesus did co!e to be baptisedhe said have need to co!e to ;ou. t is not clea e7actl; what =ohn /new and when e7cpetthat it was at his baptis! that *hist is dentified as the son of 8od not =ust the la!b of8od.

    ew 3:**. !I indeed bapti#ewith water unto

    tance% but He who isng after me is mightier% whose sandals I am noty to carry. He will bapti#e

    with the Holy 5pirit and

    His winnowing fan is in Hisand He will thooughl;His theshing floo, and

    His wheat into the ban9e will bun up the chaff withenchable fie.@@

    (ark *: baptie wate, but there standsamong you who! ;ou

    /now.2%. !It is He who% comafter me% is preferred bme% whose sandal stranot worthy to loose.''

    John *:2=. hese thindone in >ethabara beyJordan% where John wbapti#ing. 

    /otice the break in thought with the direct 6uote of John ! John saw..and said!where " 32G3) pauses with !and John bore witness!. John did bear witness but itwas not part of this day where the direct 6uote here in " 29G3* is gi"ing the 6uotefor that day and !Eohn bore witness! if refering to a time when John did indeed barewitness but not at the time of this 6uote in " 29G3* was made. his is brought out bythe fact that " 29G3* is before ,hrist >aptisim but John would not beable to bearwitness to the do"e untill after ,hrist baptisim. herfore "32G3) is Eust a nariti"eflash forward.

    Luke 3:*9.  3ut Heod thetetach, being ebu/ed b; hi!concening Heodias, his bothehilip@s wife, and fo all the evilswhich Heod had done,2. also added this, above all,that he shut John up in pison.

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    s o r s , e sen wo o s sc p es . an sa o m, re ou en ne, or do we look for another?## /otwithstanding any doubt or concern

    may ha"e passed through John the baptist mind while in prison% John does nota complete picture of what is happening% he is only doing what he was told tod his understanding was limited. His message is limited to the one whoied John with the message. It would be made clear only as e"ents proceeded.

    e accounts are after the e"ents took place and when the writers had alete understanding of what they meant. Fs such we see that the lamb of +odon of +od and (eisah are all the same thing but that cannot be etrapolatedthe C tet in and of itself ecept in the light of these narrati"es after all thes and witnesses to them are recounted.

    /ow back to the se6uence of e"entsotice &ohn is more meticulous in identifyin the events by "net day"/ "followin

    day"/ "0hird day"

    John *:3-. Fgain% the nJohn stood with two of hdisciples.-#. nd loo/ing at Jesuwal/ed, he said, !>eholLamb of +odD''-%. 6he two disciples hspea/, and the; followed -. 6hen Jesus tuned,seeing the! following, sthe!, >Dhat do ;ou seesaid to Hi!, >&abbi@@ (whsa;, when tanslated, 6e

    >whee ae Gou sta;ingB-+. He said to the!, >*and see.@@ 6he; ca!e anwhee He was sta;ing, aremained with Him thanow it was about the thour.4. ne of the two whoJohn spea/, and followewas ndew, $i!on etebothe.40. He fist found his obothe $i!on, and said>De have found the Mes(which is tanslated, the 42. nd he bought hi!Jesus. Now when Jesus

    at hi!, He said, >Gou aethe son of Jonah. Gou shcalled *ephas@@ (which istanslated, $tone).

    F common mistake made by many +ospel students is that in the (at ch)%(ark ch* Luke ,h-:- account is wheret first meets 4eter and company and or that those accounts are Eust a different "ersion of John's account here of callingsciples. hey are not the same e"ent nor are they at the same time in his ministry and as for John's accounty stays with them that one day John *:39

    es not call them at that time to any sort of ministry but does gi"e 4eter the name ,ephas this will not e"en becomeicant until later in (at *;:*=rist had not yet e"en committed to anyone John 2:2)account here is in Judea where the other accounts takes place latter in +alilee.

    t% (ark% Lukes portion of the narrati"e is after ,hrist baptism where Johns is before ,hrist baptism!he enth hour! 83G)pm in afternoon Ahere here in Lukes narrati"e about a meeting with 4eter and company it was!all night! late at niht or early in the mornin2 hese are relating totally different time frames and encounters withwho would latter be his Fpostles. hey are not discussing the same e"entsD hey are in totally different portions of theology% specifically here before his baptism where (at% (ark lukes are after ,hrist baptism again demonstrates the

    nce of details in the "arious narrati"es and what each writer considered important or memorable details nothing else. Ifne gospel contained e"erything we would not need all four.....

    John *:)3. he followin

    Jesus wanted to go to and He found hilip andhi!, >?ollow Me.@@44. Now hilip was fo!>ethsaida% the city of Fand 4eter .45. hilip found Nathansaid to hi!, >De have foof who! Moses in the laalso the pophets, woteNaaeth, the son of Jos4#. nd Nathanael said>*an an;thing good co!NaaethB@@ hilip said to>*o!e and see.@@4%. Jesus saw Nathanaco!ing towad Hi!, and

    hi!, >3ehold, an saelitein who! is no guileC@@4. Nathanael said to H>How do Gou /now !eB@

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    sa o !, a % 5on of +odD $ou areof IsraelD''5. Jesus answeedhi!, >3ecause said tsaw ;ou unde the fig;ou believeB Gou will things than these.@@50. nd He said to hassuedl;, sa; to ;ouyou shall see hea"enand the angels of +oascending and descupon the 5on of (an

    John 2:*. Cn the thithere was a weddingof +alilee% and the !Jesus was thee.2. Now both Jesus adisciples wee invited wedding.-. nd when the; anwine, the !othe of JeHi!, >6he; have no w4. Jesus said to he, what does ;ou concedo with MeB M; hou co!e.@@5. His !othe said tosevants, >Dhateve H;ou, do it.@@#. Now thee wee swatepots of stone, acthe !anne of puificaJews, containing twengallons apiece.%. Jesus said to the!watepots with wate.@

    filled the! up to the b. nd He said to theso!e out now, and ta!aste of the feast.@@ too/ it.+. Dhen the !aste had tasted the wate t!ade wine, and did nwhee it ca!e fo! (bsevants who had dawate /new), the !asfeast called the bideg0. nd he said to h!an at the beginning the good wine, and whguests have well dunwhich is infeio9 but ;

    /ept the good wine un**. his beginning Jesus did in ,ana ofand !anifested His glHis disciples believed

    John 2:*2. Ffter thisdown to ,apernaum!othe, His bothes, di i l d th di

    /ote: here in *:-* takes place before his baptism and thus before hiswilderness trip...Aonder who recorded ,hrist trip in the wilderness if he

    was alone....answer..... 5cripture ne"er stated there was no one with,hrist or no one saw him during the )0 days in the wilderness. It onlystates that he was with the wild beast% there is no reason to suggest thatno one saw any of these things at least to some etent e"en if from adistance...Mark 1:13. ...tempted by 4atan, and was with the wild beasts/ and theanels ministered to +im.

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    of the Jews was at haJesus went up to Jer04. nd He found in those who sold o7en aand doves, and the!one;changes doing05. Dhen He had !aof cods, He dove theof the te!ple, with theand the o7en, and pouthe changes@ !one; aovetuned the tables.0#. nd He said to thsold doves, >6a/e thesawa;C 1o not !a/e M;house a house of !e

    0%. 6hen His disciplee!e!beed that it wa>'eal fo Gou house hMe up.@@0. $o the Jews answsaid to Hi!, >Dhat sigshow to us, since Gou thingsB@@0+. Jesus answeed the!, >1esto; this te!in thee da;s will ais2. 6hen the Jews sata/en fot;si7 ;eas tote!ple, and will Gou athee da;sB@@20. 3ut He was speate!ple of His bod;.

    22. herefore% whenrisen from the dead% disciples rememberehad said this to themthey belie"ed the 5crand the word which Jsaid.23. /ow when He wJerusalem at the 4asduring the feast% !anin His na!e when the;signs which He did.24. 3ut Jesus did noHimself to them% becknew all men%25. and had no needan;one should testif; oHe /new what was in he statement that !he did not commit to them!John 2:2) ..It is only later that he appoints his apostles but thoese thatwed him at that time would include some of the same ones that would be his apotles latter% therfore to call them is

    les here does not mean that they had any special reconitionKplace with Jesus at this point in his ministry. sing these !with his deciples! appears to be a contetual identification that is looking back at thoese who followed him at thathat would also be part of his !deciples! latter in his ministry and not that they had the same !standing! with Jesus atme that they would latter.

    John 3:*. 6hee was the haisees na!edNicode!us, a ule of t2. 6his !an ca!e to

    night and said to Hi!, we /now that Gou ae co!e fo! 8od9 fo nodo these signs that Gounless 8od is with hi!-. Jesus answeed a

    hi!, >Most assuedl;, ;ou, unless one is boncannot see the /ingdo4. Nicode!us said to

    >How can a !an be bohe is oldB *an he enteti!e into his !othe@s wbe bonB@@5. Jesus answeed, >

    assuedl;, sa; to ;ou

    one is bon of wate an$piit, he cannot ente/ingdo! of 8od.#. >6hat which is bon

    /ote: " 22 flashes forward in time to make a point

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      ,co!es fo! and whee $o is eve;one who is bthe $piit.@@+. Nicode!us answee

    said to Hi!, >How can ththings beB@@0. Jesus answeed an

    hi!, >e ;ou the teachesael, and do not /now thingsB00. >Most assuedl;, s

    ;ou, De spea/ what Deand testif; what De havand ;ou do not eceive witness.

    John 3:*2. !If I ha"e toearthly things and youbelie"e% how will you bI tell you hea"enly thin03. !/o one has asce

    hea"en but He who cadown from hea"en% tha5on of (an who is in h

    *). !Fnd as (oses lifthe serpent in the wilde"en so must the 5on be lifted up%*-. !that whoe"er bel

    Him should not perishha"e eternal life.*;. !or +od so lo"e

    world that He ga"e Hisbegotten 5on% that whbelie"es in Him shouldperish but ha"e e"erlalife.*aptist stated that he would know who that was "ia the spirit descending like aon and remaining. It is apparent from all the narrati"es that John the >aptist himself does not fully understandthing at one time right from the beginning.

    John 3:*=. >He who bin Hi! is not conde!newho does not believe isconde!ned alead;, behe has not believed in th

    of the onl; begotten $on8od.0+. >nd this is theconde!nation, that the co!e into the wold, andloved da/ness athe thbecause thei deeds we2. >?o eve;one pacevil hates the light and dco!e to the light, lest hishould be e7posed.20. >3ut he who does tco!es to the light, that hdeeds !a; be cleal; sethe; have been done in 22. Ffter these thingsand His disciples camthe land of Judea% andHe remained with thembapti#ed.2- N J h l

    hrist >aptism

    n John 3:*) is the first allusion to his crucifiion% although it is ob"ious that it is only in hindsight that we understandJesus is talking about here% his would ha"e been true for the 7isciples as well% because it was not until shortly beforeucifiion that he di"ulges his death to them eplicitly.

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    Luke 3:2*.  Now when all thepeople wee baptied, it cameto pass that Jesus also wasbapti#ed and while He pa;ed,the heaven was opened.22. nd the Holy 5pirit

    descended in bodily form likea do"e upon Hi!, and a voiceca!e fo! heaven which said,>Gou ae M; beloved $on9 in Gou a! well pleased.@@

    ew 3:*3  6hen Jesusfrom +alilee to John at

    ordan to be bapti#ed by

    nd John tied to peventsa;ing, > have need to beed b; Gou, and ae Goug to !eB@@

    3ut Jesus answeed ando hi!, >e!it it to be sofo thus it is fitting fo us toall ighteousness.@@ 6hen heed Hi!.6hen Jesus, when He hadbaptied, came updiately from the water

    ehold, the hea"ens wereed to Him% and He saw theof +od descending like aand alighting upon Hi!.

    nd suddenl; a voice ca!eheaven, sa;ing, >6his is M;ed $on, in who! a! welled.@@

    (ark *:9.  t ca!e to pass inthose days that Jesus camefrom /a#areth of +alilee% andwas bapti#ed by John in theJordan. 0. nd immediately% coming

    up from the water% He saw thehea"ens parting and the 5piritdescending upon Him like ado"e.00. 6hen a voice ca!e fo!

    heaven, >Gou ae M; beloved$on, in who! a! wellpleased.@@

    students of the +ospels miss the fact that John also records ,hrist baptism as do all the gospels. It is often missed because it is more difficulgni#e without harmoni#ing the entirity of the +osples days% times% locations and such /ote: Jesus comes to John from +alilee to Fenon in Jud

    btised with his deciples in a part of the Eordan that runs through Judea not +allilee.

    been thrown into pris

    John 3:2-. hen thedispute between so!disciples and the Jewspuification.2#. nd the; ca!e to

    said to hi!, !@abbi% Hwas with you beyondJordan% to whom youtestified behold% He ibapti#ing% and all areto HimD''2%. John answeed a

    > !an can eceive no

    unless it has been givefo! heaven.2. >Gou ;ouselves

    witness, that said, A a*hist,@ but, A have bebefoe Hi!.@2+. >He who has the

    the bidegoo!9 but ththe bidegoo!, who sheas hi!, e=oices gebecause of the bidegvoice. 6heefoe this =ois fulfilled.-. >He !ust inceas

    !ust decease.-0. >He who co!es f

    is above all9 he who is

    eath is eathl; and spthe eath. He who co!heaven is above all.32. !Fnd what He h

    and heard% that He teand no one eceives Htesti!on;.--. >He who has ece

    testi!on; has cetifiedis tue.-4. >?o He who! 8

    sent spea/s the wodsfo 8od does not give b; !easue.-5. >6he ?athe loves

    and has given all thinghand.-#. >He who believes

    $on has evelasting lifwho does not believe th ll t lif b t th

    appears to ha"e happened right after ,hrist baptism while he goes into the wilderness both in the narrati"e as well as bysity. Jesus is bapti#ed with his disciples in a part of the Jordan that runs through Judea not +alilee when ,hrist returnsthe wilderness he goes to +alilee rom Judea. &esus is in &udea not 5alilee when his wilderness tempation ended, ina2 Flso note that Johns disciples are concerned about Jesus >apti#ing but we see here where John after ,hrist baptismowledges Jesus as ,hrist and son of +od. It is only here after ,hirst baptisim that John could recogni#e him as the sond% for it is only at ,hrist baptism that the do"e descends on ,hrist and the "oice from hea"en is heard that Identifies hime son of +od. John himself stated that that was how he would know the ,hrist.

    had they 5een and Heard&1..>ack up to ,hrist baptismew 3:*;.  6hen Jesus, when He had been baptied, ca!e up i!!ediatel; fo! the wate9 and behold, the hea"ens wereed to Him, and He saw the 5pirit of +od descending like a do"e and alighting upon Him.  nd suddenly a "oice came from hea"en% saying% !his is (y belo"ed 5on% in whom I am well pleased.''also indicates that this took place right after Jesus own baptism before John is put in prison before the end of the )0in the wilderness

    1:3(.  "nd &ohn bore witness, saying, I saw the /pirit descending from heaven lie a dove, and #e remained upon #im.I did not now #im, $ut #e who sent me to $apti0e with water said to me, 6pon whom you see the 4pirit descendin, andinin on +im, this is +e who bapties with the +oly 4pirit.# 3!. "nd I have seen and testified that this is the 4on of 5od.##

    ee this in (atthew 3:*;

    *:3) is a flash forward to what John would witnessed here at ,hrist >aptism. It is only here at ,hrist baptism that thedescending and remaining onhime...... It is during ,hrist )0 days in the wilderness that John is put into prison.see LukeFgain it is important to note John got the information about ,hrist as the e"ents progressed culminating with hissm% not all at once as is commonly if only subconsciously presumed by many students of the +ospels. Cf all theunts Johns is the most ,hronologically structured one.

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    Luke ):*.  6hen Jesus, beingfilled with the Hol; $piit,

    returned from the Jordan andwas led by the 5pirit into thewilderness%2. being tempted for forty

    days b; the devil. nd in thoseda;s He ate nothing, andaftewad, when the; had ended,He was hung;.-. nd the devil said to Hi!, >f

    Gou ae the $on of 8od,co!!and this stone to beco!ebead.@@4. 3ut Jesus answeed hi!,

    sa;ing, >t is witten, AMan shallnot live b; bead alone, but b;eve; wod of 8od.@ @@5. 6hen the devil, ta/ing Hi! up

    on a high !ountain, showed Hi!all the /ingdo!s of the wold in a!o!ent of ti!e.#. nd the devil said to Hi!,

    >ll this authoit; will give Gou,and thei glo;9 fo this has beendeliveed to !e, and give it towho!eve wish.%. >6heefoe, if Gou will

    woship befoe !e, all will beGous.@@. nd Jesus answeed and

    said to hi!, !+et behind (e%5atanD ?o it is witten, AGoushall woship the Lod ;ou 8od,and Hi! onl; ;ou shall seve.@ @@+. 6hen he bought Hi! to

    Jeusale!, set Hi! on thepinnacle of the te!ple, and saidto Hi!, >f Gou ae the $on of8od, thow Gouself down fo!hee.0. >?o it is witten< AHe shall

    give His angels chage ove Gou,to /eep Gou,@00. >and, An thei hands the;

    shall bea Gou up, lest Gou dashGou foot against a stone.@ @@02. nd Jesus answeed and

    said to hi!, >t has been said,AGou shall not te!pt the Lod;ou 8od.@ @@0-. Now when the devil had

    ended eve; te!ptation, hedeparted from Him until anopportune time.

    hew ):*.  hen Jesus wasp by the 5pirit into the

    rness to be te!pted b; the

    nd when He had fasteddays and forty nights% 

    wad He was hung;.ow when the te!pte ca!e

    !, he said, >f Gou ae thef 8od, co!!and thatstones beco!e bead.@@

    ut He answeed and said,witten, AMan shall not liveead alone, but b; eve;that poceeds fo! theh of 8od.@ @@hen the devil too/ Hi! uphe hol; cit;, set Hi! on thecle of the te!ple,

    nd said to Hi!, >f Gou aeon of 8od, thow Gouself. ?o it is witten< AHe shall

    His angels chageening ;ou,@ and, An theis the; shall bea ;ou up,ou dash ;ou foot against a.@ @@

    esus said to hi!, >t isn again, AGou shall notthe Lod ;ou 8od.@ @@

    gain, the devil too/ Hi! upe7ceedingl; hightain, and showed Hi! allngdo!s of the wold andglo;.nd he said to Hi!, >ll

    things will give Gou if Goull down and woship !e.@@6hen Jesus said to hi!,; with ;ou, $atanC ?o it isn, AGou shall woship the;ou 8od, and Hi! onl;hall seve.@ @@6hen the devil left Hi!, andld% angels came andtered to Him.

    (ark *:*2.  nd immediatelythe 5pirit dro"e Him into the


    John goes to prison during ,hrist )0 days in the wilderness which it self was witnessed by ,hrist deciples @ef: John *:-* contrast with (atth*:*2

    !ntil a Cpportune time! uese of the 4hrase !get behind me 5atan! up in

    w 17:(3.  2ut #e turned and said to Peter, "5et behind Me, 4atan8  ou are an offense to Me, for youmindful of the things of )od, $ut the things of men:33.  2ut when #e had turned around and looed at #is disciples, #e re$ued Peter, saying, "5etMe, 4atan8 &or you are not mindful of the things of )od, $ut the things of men.44

    hrist 4ost >aptism (inistry

    ack to the 5e6uence of ?"ents

    /ote that back in &ohn 1:;.  5athanaelanswered and said to #im, 6a$$i, !ou are the 4on of5od8  ou are the 7ing of Israel844 %. esus answeredand said to him, 2ecause I said to you, I saw youunder the fig tree,4 do you $elieve ou will see greaterthings than these.44 %1. "nd #e said to him, "Mostassuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall seeheaven open, and the anels of 5od ascendin and

    descendin upon the 4on of Man.## his tookplace before his baptism and thus beforehis wilderness trip...Aonder whorecorded ,hrist trip in the wilderness ifhe was alone....answer..... 5cripture

    ne"er stated there was no one with,hrist or no one saw him during the )0days in the wilderness. It only states thathe was with the wild beast% there is noreason to suggest that no one saw any ofthese things at least to some etent%e"en if from a distance...

    (ark *:*3.  KK...te!pted b;$atan, and was with the wild

    beasts9 and the angelsministered to Him.

    (ark *:*3.  nd He was therein the wilderness forty days%11.

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      .not bapti#e% but His d3. He left Judea and

    again to +alilee.). >ut He needed to

    through 5amaria.5. $o He ca!e to a c

    $a!aia which is callenea the plot of goundJacob gave to his son#. Now Jacob@s well w

    Jesus theefoe, beingfo! His =oune;, sat thwell. t was about the s%. wo!an of $a!a

    to daw wate. Jesus s>8ive Me a din/.@@

    . ?o His disciples hawa; into the cit; to bu+. 6hen the wo!an o

    said to Hi!, >How is it being a Jew, as/ a din!e, a $a!aitan wo!Jews have no dealings$a!aitans.0. Jesus answeed

    to he, >f ;ou /new the8od, and who it is who;ou, A8ive Me a din/,would have as/ed Hi!would have given ;ou wate.@@00. 6he wo!an said

    >$i, Gou have nothingwith, and the well is deDhee then do Gou geliving wateB02. >e Gou geate

    fathe Jacob, who gavwell, and dan/ fo! itas well as his sons anlivestoc/B@@0-. Jesus answeed

    to he, >Dhoeve din/wate will thist again,04. >but whoeve din

    wate that shall give hneve thist. 3ut the wshall give hi! will becoa fountain of wate sp

    into evelasting life.@@05. 6he wo!an said >$i, give !e this wate!a; not thist, no co!daw.@@0#. Jesus said to he

    ;ou husband, and co! 0%. 6he wo!an answsaid, > have no husbasaid to he, >Gou haveA have no husband,@0. >fo ;ou have had

    husbands, and the one;ou now have is not ;ohusband9 in that ;ou stul;.@@0+. 6he wo!an said

    >$i, peceive that Gopophet.2. >u fathes wos

    this !ountain, and ;outhat in Jeusale! is thwhee one ought to wo 20. Jesus said to hebelieve Me, the hou iswhen ;ou will neithe o!ountain, no in Jeuswoship the ?athe.22. >Gou woship wha

    not /now9 we /now whwoship, fo salvation Jews.2-. >3ut the hou is c

    and now is, when the

    woshipes will woshi?athe in spiit and tu?athe is see/ing suchwoship Hi!

    (ark *:*).  /ow after Johnwas put in prison% Jesus cameto +alilee% preaching thegospel of the /ingdo! of 8od,

    ew ):*2.  /ow whens heard that John hadput in prison% Herted to +alilee. 

    Luke ):*). hen Jesusreturned in the power of the5pirit to +alilee% and news ofHi! went out though all thesuounding egion.

    % .a not +alilee ,hrist wilderness tempation ended in Judea

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    co!es, He will tell us a2#. Jesus said to he

    spea/ to ;ou a! He.@@2%. nd at this point

    disciples ca!e, and th!aveled that He tal/ewo!an9 ;et no one sado Gou see/B@@ o, >Dhtal/ing with heB@@2. 6he wo!an then

    watepot, went he wacit;, and said to the !e2+. >*o!e, see a Ma

    !e all things that eve*ould this be the *his-. 6hen the; went o

    cit; and ca!e to Hi!.-0. n the !eanti!e

    disciples uged Hi!, s>&abbi, eat.@@-2. 3ut He said to the

    have food to eat of whnot /now.@@--. 6heefoe the dis

    to one anothe, >Has abought Hi! an;thing -4. Jesus said to the

    food is to do the will ofsent Me, and to finish -5. >1o ;ou not sa;,

    still fou !onths and ththe havest@B 3ehold, ;ou, lift up ;ou e;es a

    the fields, fo the; ae white fo havestC-#. >nd he who ea

    eceives wages, and gfuit fo etenal life, thawho sows and he who!a; e=oice togethe.-%. >?o in this the sa

    tue< Ane sows and aeaps.@-. > sent ;ou to ea

    which ;ou have not labothes have laboed, ahave enteed into thei-+. nd !an; of the

    $a!aitans of that cit;in Hi! because of the the wo!an who testifietold !e all that eve d4. $o when the $a!

    had co!e to Hi!, the;Hi! to sta; with the!9stayed there two day40. nd !an; !oe b

    because of His own w42. 6hen the; said to

    wo!an, >Now we beliebecause of what ;ou swe have head fo ou/now that this is indee*hist, the $avio of th)3. /ow after the tw

    He departed from the

    went to +alilee.44. ?o Jesus Hi!sethat a pophet has no his own count;.45. $o when He ca!

    8alilee, the 8alileans Hi!, having seen all tHe did in Jerusalem feast fo the; also hathe feast.

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    Luke ):*-.  nd He taught intheir synagogues, beinggloified b; all.*;. 5o He came to /a#areth% 

    whee He had been bought up. nd as His custo! was, Hewent into the s;nagogue on the5abbath day% and stood up toead.0%. nd He was handed the

    boo/ of the pophet saiah. ndwhen He had opened the boo/,He found the place whee it waswitten<0. >6he $piit of the Lod is

    upon Me, because He hasanointed Me to peach the

    l h H h

    ew ):23  /ow Jesus wentt all +alilee% teaching insynagogues% peachingospel of the /ingdo!, andg all /inds of sic/ness andds of disease a!ong thee.6hen His fa!e wentghout all $;ia9 and the;ht to Hi! all sic/ people

    wee afflicted with vaiousses and to!ents, andwho wee de!on

    ssed, epileptics, and;tics9 and He healed the!.

    John ):);  5o Jesus again to ,ana of +aliHe had made the wat

     nd thee was a cetanobleman whose sonsick at ,apernaum. 4%. Dhen he head th

    had come out of Jude+alilee% he went to Hi!i!ploed Hi! to co!e heal his son, fo he wapoint of death.4. 6hen Jesus said

    >:nless ;ou people seand wondes, ;ou will !eans believe.@@4+. 6he noble!an sa

    >$i, co!e down befodiesC@@5. Jesus said to hi!

    wa;9 ;ou son lives.@@ $believed the wod thatspo/e to hi!, and he wwa;.50. nd as he was no

    down, his sevants !etold hi!, sa;ing, >GoulivesC@@52. 6hen he inFuied

    the hou when he got bthe; said to hi!, >Gest

    the se"enth hour  the hi!.@@5-. $o the fathe /ne

    was at the sa!e hou Jesus said to hi!, >Golives.@@ nd he hi!self and his whole househo-). his again is the

    sign that Jesus did whad come out of Jud+alilee.

    his is out of Crder between (atthew ):*2 ):*3in order to line it up with Luke which has primary,hronological weight at this point.

    Notice John 4again to 8alilee> ....the !second sign! Jesus did when he ca!e out of Judeainto 8alilee. 6he e!phisis is eithe second afte co!!ing out of Judea o second in 8alilee o secondof his !insit;. 6he wo!an at well incident too/ place in $!eia, on his wa; to galilee. t too/ placeafte leaving his 4 da;s with the devil in the Judean wildeness. t see!s li/el; that John is =uste!a/ing that the feve healing was the second sign that ,hrist performed after comming out ofJudea% not nessisail; that this was the second sign he eve pefo!ed since he began his !inst;. 6hefist sign afte co!!ing out of =udea was in sa!eai with the wo!an at the well. the second afteco!!ing out of Judea was this hee the healing of the nobel!an@s son. 6he ve; fist sign he evepefo!ed was befoe he eve went to =udea, in 8alilee whee he tuned the wate to wine. Note< thewate into wine is efeenced in this conte7t bac/ in John 4

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      .year of the Lord.@@2. 6hen He closed the boo/,

    and gave it bac/ to the attendantand sat down. nd the e;es ofall who wee in the s;nagoguewee fi7ed on Hi!.20. nd He began to sa; to

    the!, >6oda; this $ciptue isfulfilled in ;ou heaing.@@22. $o all boe witness to Hi!,

    and !aveled at the gaciouswods which poceeded out ofHis !outh. nd the; said, >sthis not Joseph@s sonB@@2-. nd He said to the!, > $ou

    will suel; sa; this poveb to

    Me, Ah;sician, heal ;ouselfCAhate"er we ha"e heard donein ,apernaum% do also here in

     $our country.' '@24. 6hen He said, >ssuedl;,

    sa; to ;ou, no pophet isaccepted in his own count;.25. >3ut tell ;ou tul;, !an;

    widows wee in sael in theda;s of "li=ah, when the heavenwas shut up thee ;eas and si7!onths, and thee was a geatfa!ine thoughout all the land92#. >but to none of the! was

    "li=ah sent e7cept to 'aephath,in the egion of $idon, to awo!an who was a widow.

    2%. >nd !an; lepes wee insael in the ti!e of "lisha thepophet, and none of the! wascleansed e7cept Naa!an the$;ian.@@2=. hen all those in the

    synagogue% when the; headthese things, wee filled withwath,2+. and ose up and thust Hi!

    out of the cit;9 and the; led Hi!to the bow of the hill on whichthei cit; was built, that the;!ight thow Hi! down ove thecliff.-. 6hen passing though the

    !idst of the!, He went His wa;.

    ew ):*3.  Fnd lea"ingreth% He came and dweltpernaum% which is b; then the egions of 'ebulunaphtali,

    ew ):*).  that it !ight bed which was spo/en b; the pophet, sa;ing<

    he land of Mebulun andnd of /aphtali% the waye sea% beyond the Jordan%ee of the +entiles:

    @ef: $ear of the Lord

    he ingdom is preached by ,hrist

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      %ent, fo the /ingdo! ofen is at hand.@@

    Luke -:*.  Now so it was, as themultitude pressed about Himto hear the word of +od% thatHe stood by the Lake of+ennesaret%2. and saw two boats standing

    b; the la/e9 but the fishe!enhad gone fo! the! and weewashing thei nets.-. 6hen He got into one of the

    boats, which was $i!on@s, andas/ed hi! to put out a little fo!the land. nd He sat down andtaught the !ultitudes fo! theboat.). /ow when He had stopped

    speaking% He said to $i!on, >Launch out into the deep and letdown ;ou nets fo a catch.@@

    ew ):*

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      they left their nets andfollowed Him.0+. Dhen He had gone a little

    fathe fo! thee, He sawJa!es the son of 'ebedee, andJohn his bothe, who also weein the boat !ending thei nets.2. nd i!!ediatel; He called

    the!, and the; left thei fathe'ebedee in the boat with thehied sevants, and went afteHi!.

    John -:*. Ffter this ta feast of the Jews% awent up to Jerusalem2. Now thee is in Je

    the $heep 8ate a poocalled in Hebew, 3ethhaving five poches.-. n these la; a gea

    of sic/ people, blind, lapaal;ed, waiting fo tof the wate.4. ?o an angel went

    cetain ti!e into the postied up the wate9 thwhoeve stepped in fi

    the stiing of the wate!ade well of whatevehe had.5. Now a cetain !an

    who had an infi!it; th;eas.#. Dhen Jesus saw h

    thee, and /new that hhad been in that conditi!e, He said to hi!, >want to be !ade wellB%. 6he sic/ !an answ

    >$i, have no !an to into the pool when the stied up9 but while aanothe steps down be. Jesus said to hi!,

    ta/e up ;ou bed and w+. nd i!!ediatel; th

    was !ade well, too/ uand wal/ed nd that d

    ew ):23. nd Jesus wentall 8alilee, teaching in theiogues, and peaching the

    el of the /ingdo!, andg all !anne of sic/nessl !anne of disease a!ong

    eople.nd his fa!e wentghout all $;ia< and the;ht unto hi! all sic/ peopleee ta/en with divesses and to!ents, andwhich wee possessed with, and those which weec/, and those that had theand he healed the!.

    hese "erses are "ery generic to his wholeministry and cannot be ascribe to any specifictime frame ecept for the times specificallymentions as being in one or more of the regionsmentioned here

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    e=oiced to see M; da;saw it and was glad.@@5%. 6hen the Jews sa

    >Gou ae not ;et fift; ;eand have Gou seen b5. Jesus said to the

    assuedl;, sa; to ;ou baha! was, M.@@

    5+. 6hen the; too/ upthow at Hi!9 but JesuHi!self and went out temple% going thoughof the!, and so passe

    o! of heaven is li/e aholde who bings out ofasue things new and old.@@

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