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  • 7/30/2019 Gorgeous Geek Xxx i x


    Gorgeous GeekChapter XXXIX: Absolute Monarchy

    Chapter XXXIX: Absolute Monarchy

    Still at the beach, Tiffany watched Monika and Tristan nearby. Monikawas busy sleeping with her back to the sun while Tristan was watching thewaves while eating cookies. They were acting too normal for comfort so Tiffanysoon grew bored of them. Faith and Cerina had already left. Standing up,Tiffany thought that it was best she went home and started on some of herhomework early.

    Cell phone? asked Tiffany out loud, feeling the vibration.Checking her cell phone, Tiffany frowned to receive a text message from

    Grim. She wasn't surprised by him doing this since he often sent her textmessages, but this was the first time he asked for any rumor or info in regardsto Jordan. How strange, thought Tiffany, he usually avoided rumors in regards

    to the Populars since he thought it was a waste of his time. He would ratherspread news on one of the less popular people.

    Why? asked Tiffany to herself while she texted the same word in themessage.

    It didn't take long before she received this reply: Just because.Suspicious, Tiffany gave the info to Grim anyways, including the one

    about Jordan quitting the basketball team. It was her job after all. The AsianGossip Girls have always worked with Grim since his freshman year. Eventhough they were in charge of spreading rumors, they needed Grim to do it ona grand scale. One of the reasons the Jin Phenomenon even occurred wasthanks to Grim and his information blog.

    What are you planning to do with that info Grim? asked Tiffany,frowning. She packed up her belongings and looked for Jennifer and Eunice.Please don't do anything reckless Grim...

    **********************************************Getting out of his car, Bo noticed the Filipino girl he was searching for by

    herself in front of tombstone. Bo approached her and sat down next to her. Shehad a blanket spread out and some refreshments in front of her. Surprised atthe sight of Bo, Joyce lowered her eyes to the ground and tried to hide thetears in her eyes.

    Yo, said Bo pleasantly.How did you...

    Your mother told me, said Bo quickly, indicating at the tombstone. Iknew beforehand that you would visit your brother but I didn't know where.

    Why aren't you grinning like always? asked Joyce in an exhaustedvoice.

    The last time I did that, you dumped me.Feeling guilty, Joyce glanced away. It's probably best... you make a

    better match with Rin Hamada anyway...Suddenly, Bo started chuckling. Joyce picked up her head in surprise. Bo

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    shook his head and had the usual grin on his face. Why was he laughing? Joycecouldn't read him at all. Then, he placed his hand on her dark head and staredintently at the tombstone. A couple of minutes went by before Bo removed hishand from her head and rubbed his chin.

    I'm not sexually attracted to Hamada-sama, said Bo clearly.

    You're not? asked Joyce weakly.Bo nodded. I'm not.But you always make those jokes around her...Obviously it's because she's so offended by them, said Bo, amused. He

    had a twinkle in his eyes that Joyce never noticed before. He didn't have itwhen he talked to her. I really respect Hamada-sama. I have never respectedany girl as much as her. It's not a good or bad thing really. I can't see myselfdoing anything perverted to her. We wouldn't work out as a couple you see?

    Joyce nodded in understanding. But Bo...Yes Ms. Bautista?You're always so respectful around me too, said Joyce with a weak

    smile.You can blame that on my gentlemanly side then, said Bo, grinning and

    glancing down at the refreshments. Why Ms. Bautista? Do you not like it?No, it's just, said Joyce, feeling ashamed of her thoughts. You're

    using that excuse towards Rin Hamada. I wonder if it's the same with me.Surprised at her words, Bo gave her one long look. Ms. Bautista?Why did you even go out with me anyways? asked Joyce weakly.Must there be a reason? asked Bo, no longer grinning. Still, he took it

    well. Actually, there was. We met through the Christian Union club right?Joyce nodded. I didn't know exactly why back then but you always look so sadand lonely. I thought you need cheering up, that's all.

    It must have been hard for you, said Joyce, trying hard to smile. I'mso sensitive and I get depressed over everything. All I do is come and cry toyou. I don't even know why you would go out with someone as sad as me.

    Bo continued to stare at her and said at last, I guess I'm attracted tothat.

    You're strange.Thank you, said Bo, grinning brightly. You're right though. You are the

    toughest girl I've ever met in my life. If I'm not careful, you would cry. If I don'tsay the right things, you would be sad for the rest of the day. I watch my wordsand actions all the time when I'm around you. It's tough.

    Tough... repeated Joyce. That's the right word.

    I liked it though, said Bo, picking up the plate of buns.You do? asked Joyce carefully, peering up at him.Because you're always so sad, whenever you smile, you make my day.Bo... said Joyce, lowering her eyes again and keeping them on her

    brother's name. Maybe I shouldn't be so moody. Maybe I should learn to lightenup.

    Maybe, said Bo, amused.Joyce sighed. I hate my name, Bo. Did I tell you that before?

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    Yes you did, said Bo immediately. You asked yourself why yourparents put the word 'joy' in your name when you're anything but that. That'snot true though. Joyce blinked and turned to Bo, shocked. You show your joydifferently, that's all.

    Is that so...

    Bo nodded firmly. I can still remember that small smile on your lipswhen you receive your report card last year. You show your joy in smallbundles, Ms. Bautista.

    You are observant, said Joyce, becoming tearful again. I'm sadagain... that we have to sit together and talk about the past like this...

    It's okay, said Bo, placing a hand on her shoulder in a comfortingmanner. Nothing can be done about the past. Suddenly, Bo started laughing.Look at me. Acting all serious in front of you, Ms. Bautista.

    Acting all serious?Yes, said Bo, still laughing. I am usually never serious with anyone

    but you. It's a side of me that you bring out every time we talk now. Joyce

    dropped her eyes as if in shame. I'm being extra cautious you see. I used tojoke around you all the time but I can never manage to cheer you up and that'sthe end of that.

    I know I haven't been very helpful, said Joyce slowly. But I do enjoyyour humor.

    You do?I don't like it when you laugh when I'm sad, said Joyce admittedly,

    turning her head and body away from Bo. But otherwise, your cheerfulness isaddicting. I like your grin and I like your playfulness. It's something I admireand love.

    Bo stood up now and held his hand out to Joyce. Did I ever mention

    that your sadness is so beautiful to me?Yes you have, said Joyce, looking up at him. Many, many times.You're so beautiful when you cry, said Bo softly. And you bring out this

    helpful and serious side of me that I didn't know existed.Why are you here Bo? asked Joyce at last, gazing at his hand.A group of people needs you right now.No, they don't, said Joyce, shaking her head. Her eyes were filled with

    tears. My brother needs me. I have to stay by his side.I heard from your mother that you have been visiting him every

    Saturday afternoon since his death, said Bo in a trembling voice. The tearsdripped down the corners of Joyce's face. He is very lucky and happy, but you

    have to remember that the rest of us want to see you too.Joyce tried hard to wipe the tears away. Even you?Why do you think I personally come here instead of calling you?At that answer, Joyce grabbed a hold of Bo's hand. I don't want to leave

    him though. I want to be with him a little longer.If you come to tennis practice now, said Bo, tugging her up to her

    feet. I swear I'll stay with you here with your brother after we're done as longas you want. Joyce's eyes widened. I don't have anything better to do you

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    see.I can't make you do that, said Joyce, hesitating.I want to, said Bo insistently. In comparison to you who come once a

    week, I can at least stay with him for one day right?Joyce gave in and nodded softly. My brother will be so happy.

    Once Joyce was inside Bo's car with all her belongings, she nearly triedto get out again before he drove off. Of course, Bo wouldn't allow her toretreat from her responsibility to the team. At first, he drove the car in silenceuntil Joyce released a heavy sigh and wiped some tears from her eyes. Shelooked like she was in pain.

    I talked to my brother earlier...Oh?I want to tell him everything, said Joyce in a sad voice. If I didn't

    have school and homework to do, I would come visit him every day to make upfor the lost time.

    Lost time? asked Bo, puzzled.

    Joyce began to cry again. I've been a horrible sister to him. When hewas still here, I rarely talked to him. We would do our own business withoutsaying much to each other. I even missed his basketball game a few monthsbefore his death.

    I'm sorry, said Bo quietly.Shaking her head, Joyce continued, I regret it ever so much. We could

    have done so much together. We could have went fishing or bug catching. Wecould have studied and watched television afterwards. Now... Joyce sniffedback the tears. We can't do any of that anymore and he left me behind.

    Ah, said Bo, not knowing what to say.I have so much to say to him but he's gone now. I can only talk to him

    like this every Saturday now. It doesn't feel enough.I know you regret all that lost time, said Bo suddenly, catching Joyce

    off guard. But everyone around you wants you to be happy, Ms. Bautista. I'msure your brother wants you to be happy too. He doesn't want you to cry overhim every day.

    How can I not though? asked Joyce, raising her voice. I was such ahorrible sister.

    It's been months now, said Bo calmly, keeping his eyes on the road.And yet, you still visit him once a week every week. I don't think you're ahorrible sister at all. All of us makes mistakes we want to take back, but whatcan we do? Bo grinned. Like how I shouldn't have smiled that day.

    I didn't mean to do that, said Joyce hopelessly, feeling awful.I was kidding.I am still grieving over my brother and making up for lost time, said

    Joyce in a lowered voice now. I want to ask you out again but at the sametime, I don't know if I'm ready. I can't stop thinking of my brother and I don'thave enough courage to move on or be with you again.

    You just need time, said Bo in the sweetest voice he could manage.Joyce nodded. That is why you need to devote more time to tennis since it

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    helps you relax.I should...I'll be happy to be with you again Ms. Bautista but not now, said Bo,

    surprising Joyce. I already told you once that I can't be with you. I feel that asa friend I am better at comforting you than as a boyfriend. I also can't over the

    fact that there's someone I can't stop thinking about.Rin Hamada? asked Joyce curiously.Bo didn't say anything for a while until he chuckled, She has a boyfriend

    and it worries me. I don't want anything to happen to her. She has lost her bestfriend recently.

    I know...I guess like you, said Bo, shrugging. I need time too. You with your

    brother and me with my queen.Joyce managed to giggle. Yeah.You laugh, said Bo, amused. I'm glad. Joyce suppressed her giggles

    out of embarrassment. One day, we'll get through this and become stronger

    people. Maybe then... we'll be able to move past our previous mistakes andimmaturity and be together.

    Protect her well then, said Joyce supportively.Bo beamed. You too.It should be the other way around though, said Joyce, reddening.No, said Bo in disagreement. Protect that devotion, Ms. Bautista.Thank you.As they drove farther away from his grave, Joyce's thoughts continued to

    linger on the brother she should have paid more attention to. Maybe he wantedher to also play tennis well in his place. She could only hope he would forgiveher for staying away from him a bit longer. At last, he would have more than

    her to keep him company later on.******************************************************

    Mother, said a dark-haired, young girl, climbing out of the moving van.Where should I drop off my box of plushies?

    I'll handle it from here, said the mother, accepting the box from thegirl's hands. You should greet our neighbors instead, Yvette.

    Okay Mother!Much to Yvette's surprise, the boys in her new community were all busy

    heading toward the tennis courts down the street. She followed them, cluelessto what they were doing. They didn't notice her either because they were toobusy talking among themselves with tennis rackets over their shoulders.

    At last, at the tennis courts, Yvette was in awe when the boys startedrallying against one another. They were good! There were two Korean boys andtwo Chinese boys paired up in a tennis match. Afraid that she would disturbthem, Yvette sat on the grass and watched them him the green tennis ball backand forth in a doubles' match. A certain Korean boy was extremely good sincehe never seemed to hit the ball to the net.

    Tennis looks fun, said Yvette happily out loud, hugging her knees toher chest.

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    After a couple of hours, the boys were done and said their good byes toeach other. They went their separate ways back home in order to wash up fordinner. The last boy who left the tennis courts was none other than who Yvettedeemed the best player from the match alone.

    You're really good, said Yvette to him on his way out. The other boys

    have already left, not even caring to give her a look. This boy was the one whohad to pick up all the balls so he came out last. Tennis is really cool!You play? asked the boy in a condescending voice.No... said Yvette, frowning and tilting her head. I don't know how...Loser.Yvette's eyes widened. She didn't say anything but the boy went on his

    way with a bag of balls and a tennis racket with him. She was furious. Who didhe think he was? The best tennis player in the world? Determined, Yvette gotup and ran home.

    That night, she unpacked her belongings in her new room. She frownedat all the plushies she collected over the years. She really liked furry animals.

    Hugging them to her, Yvette thought about the short conversation with the boy.How hard could tennis be? It looked easy to her! She could probably pick up aracket and play as well as them. With that in mind, she set out on a mission tosell all her plushies in exchange for a tennis racket.

    On a sunny day, Yvette begged her mother to take her to the tenniscourts in the park to practice after she managed to buy a racket. She chose apretty pink Prince that was within her price range. Her mother did notunderstand why she would practice at the park when they had tennis courts attheir community.

    No, I cannot practice there, thought Yvette to herself. I want tosurprise him. I'll show him who's a loser!

    While her mother sat at the bench, Yvette tried to hit the ball with hertennis racket. However, it was harder than she first though. She missed acouple of times and even hit her head with the racket once. She frowned. Whywas this so hard? Was there something she didn't understand? Soon enough, hermother left to buy her some water. She sat on the bench, trying to figure outthe problem, when she heard a loud wail.

    Rin-chan! cried a young boy on the tennis courts next to Yvette's. Helooked Korean like she. Are you okay?

    My knee, sobbed a young girl, holding onto her knee. She dropped herracket on the ground. Strangely enough, she was wearing shorts, not a skirt. Ithurts...

    The young boy smiled softly at her as he petted her head. It's okay, Rin-chan.

    I don't want to play tennis! It's so hard!You're not the most athletic person that's true...Yvette realized that the little girl was Japanese. Her eyes opened at

    this. Why was a Korean boy playing tennis with a Japanese girl? She did notunderstand. Still, she watched them. Much to her surprise, the boy picked thegirl up and carried her on his back.

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    I'll take care of you, Rin-chan, said the cheerful boy. Let's go to thewater fountain to wash that off.

    Okay... said the Japanese girl, wiping away loose tears.Suddenly, Yvette realized why she was trying so hard to play tennis. It

    wasn't because she was interested in the sports. It was because she wanted to

    make friends. In her community, those Asian boys always played tennis witheach other and left her out because she couldn't play. They always looked sohappy while playing tennis. Yvette wanted to be happy too with her newfriends. After all, she moved away from all her old ones...

    Once the two kids were back as well as her mother, Yvette went up tothem and asked after they were done rallying, How do you learn to play tennislike that?

    The boy blinked. I have a private coach...I don't know how to play, said the girl sadly.After hearing this, Yvette watched them play before she tried to hit the

    tennis ball herself. She kept trying, but at last, her mother forced her to go

    home. She wasted a couple of hours trying to learn the basics by herself.However, she didn't give up. Since her parents didn't have enough money for aprivate coach, she should just watch people and learn the basics on her own.

    Eventually, Yvette tried her hand at practicing by herself again afterwatching the boys in her community play. She didn't have any friends and shedidn't have anyone close who knew how to play tennis either. Miraculously, onthat great day, she met someone who would soon become her own privatecoach.

    Mind if we share a court?Yvette lifted her eyes up at the older man speaking to her. He had fair

    white skin and dark red hair. He was wearing tennis clothes, a visor, and a pair

    of sunglasses. He was by himself with a charming smile on his face. Eventhough Yvette knew she wasn't supposed to speak to strangers, she felt guiltypracticing on the tennis court by herself while all the other courts wereoccupied.

    Okay, said Yvette at last.While Yvette practiced hitting the tennis ball on one side of the court,

    the man was practicing his serves on the other. Yvette had never met someonewith such beautiful, fast serves before. This was the first time Yvette realizedthat there were people who were much better than that boy she met on thefirst day she moved to her community.

    Are you a beginner? asked the man when he went over to her side to

    pick up the tennis balls. Yvette was speechless so she merely nodded. Youwant some pointers?

    Sure! said Yvette loudly without thinking.The man was very kind and patient with Yvette. He taught her all the

    basics in one day without attempting to practice any more of his serves. By theend of the day, Yvette could hit the ball from one end side of the court to theother successfully, using her forehand. Her coach clapped his hands in approvalwhen she managed to hit the last ball in the basket to the other side in bounds.

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    You're a natural, Yvette, he praised.Yvette beamed. Thank you, Mister Rousseau.During the water break, Yvette asked him many questions. She felt like

    for the first time ever, she met not only a talented coach but a real friend aswell. Mister Rousseau was friendly as he answered all her questions one by one.

    If you have a tennis court at home, said Yvette, frowning. Why doyou practice in this park for?It's nice to change scenery once in a while, said he with a pleasant

    smile. Suddenly, he asked her a question, I'm curious. Why do you want to playtennis so much?

    I want to beat this boy at tennis!Laughing, he said, You're really competitive, aren't you Yvette?Is that a bad thing? asked Yvette shyly, dropping her eyes.No, not at all. I like it. I like your style, Yvette.Much to her surprise, he promised to teach her next week- same place

    and time. Enthusiastic, Yvette told herself that she must practice on her own

    everything he taught her until then. She wanted to play tennis well, not onlyfor that boy but for herself. She was starting to enjoy the sport after all.

    After a year of practice, Yvette had improved so much. She was in hersecond year of middle school now. At last, she felt that she was ready to showoff to that boy she met back then. She wanted to beat him fair and square. Shewanted to prove him wrong. Yvette Kwan was definitely not a loser.

    But he wasn't there. Yvette gaped at the tennis courts in her communityone day to find two boys playing tennis with one another. What happen to him?Yvette didn't give up though. She checked every day for a week for that boy buthe never appeared on those courts again. Sad, Yvette sat on the grass outsidethe courts, thinking to herself.

    Yvette?Yvette lifted her eyes to her neighbor David. Hello.What are you doing here? Are you lost?Not really, said Yvette honestly, glancing away.Since we live side by side, let's go home together, said David with a

    smile.Since she had no reason to be here, Yvette walked home with David.

    David lived literally right next door. Usually, David practiced tennis at homesince he had a tennis court in his backyard but today, his parents were using itso he had to go to the far ones down the street. This was the first time Yvettesaw David playing tennis with her own eyes. He was actually really good.

    There was a boy who made fun of me when I first moved here, saidYvette softly to herself more than David. He was tall and he talked down oneveryone because he believed he was the best of them all.

    Oh him, said David in recognition. He moved a month ago.Really? asked Yvette, shocked.Yeah, his father got a job at a different state.Oh, said Yvette, disappointed. She was sad now. I see...Why? Did you want to tell him something?

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    No, not exactly, said Yvette, sighing. I wanted to challenge him to atennis match but I guess I can't do that anymore.

    You play tennis? asked David, surprised. He was in awe of her now.Yvette was so disappointed that she merely nodded. That's so cool! You shouldplay against me sometime! I might not be as great as he was but I'm pretty

    damn close!I'll beat you easily then, said Yvette, smirking.Hey! You don't know that for sure!Before Yvette went inside her house, David told her to cheer up and that

    they would play tennis every day if she wanted. Thankful for him, Yvetteagreed to this and said that she would definitely show him her hidden tennisskills.

    That boy, said Yvette before she closed the door behind her. Was hepopular?

    I guess. He had lots of friends...Yvette smiled weakly and looked down. I see...

    *************************************************Before heading out to the courts, Lexi wanted to meet the person Jin

    talked about to her before. She skipped inside and greeted Grim, who wasoccupied with his cell phone. She noticed he got the latest kind with the touchscreen. He was writing a blog entry so she didn't care to disturb him further.

    Hey, so you want to eat at that Pho restaurant?I didn't bring any money on me though...Stop being so cheap, Sid.Happy, Lexi went up to the two chatting Korean boys. She was about to

    go upstairs and spied on them to see how good-looking they were. Luckily forher, they decided to come down themselves. If there was one thing Lexi wasn't

    afraid of, it was talking to boys. Even though all her freshman friends were shyaround them, Lexi had no problems expressing her interest and herself tothem. She wanted to show that she was aggressive and she would do anythingto get a boyfriend.

    Hey, said Lexi, greeting Sidney and Eugene.Hey, said Sidney with a charming smile.Hey, said Lexi, smiling.Hey, said Sidney again.Hey, said Lexi a third time.Eugene was annoyed at being left out. Sid, we should go eat already.Oh yeah, said Sidney, returning his attention to his best friend. Are

    you paying?You owe me, said Eugene, glaring.Sure, said Sidney quickly, obviously against the idea. However, he

    glanced back at Lexi who was watching them. Your name is Lexi right?Yes! cried Lexi, clasping her hands together. That's my name!Is there any girl you don't know the name of? asked Eugene

    suspiciously, lifting a lofty brow at Sidney.I didn't know her name until a few hours ago, said Sidney innocently.

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    Honestly.Lexi tilted her head and wrapped her hands behind her back. You're...

    Eugene?In a matter of seconds, Eugene went from irritated to proud. Yes, that's

    me. Sidney tossed Eugene one hard look at his change in attitude. What's

    up? Oh my God, said Lexi with bright, cheerful eyes. She leaned towardEugene, beaming. You're Eugene like I suspected! Jin told me about you!You're looking for a girlfriend right? Well, coincidentally, I'm looking for aboyfriend!

    Lucky you, said Sidney, winking.Eugene groaned. No offense Lexi but... Lexi frowned. I don't really

    know you...But, said Lexi, pouting. We can get to know one another!Splendid answer, said Sidney in an urging voice.Excuse me for one second, said Eugene with the best grin he could

    manage before he went off to a different room. Meanwhile, Sidneyimmediately started a conversation with Lexi while Eugene pressed a singlebutton to talk to the one responsible for him being in this situation in the firstplace. Jin Song!

    On the other line, Jin was busy running back and forth between hisproject and his responsibilities at home. He was making three different dishesat the same time while trying to help Jordan with the project. In the middle ofchopping salad, Jin heard his cell phone ringing. Hoping it was Jezebelle askinghim to pick her up, Jin picked up the phone in a hurry, only to get angrymessages from Eugene.

    Sorry Eugene, said Jin, dropping his head once Eugene calmed down.

    I told Lexi that you didn't have a girlfriend and that you're not that bad-looking since she wanted to date a handsome, Asian upperclassman...

    I'm flattered, said Eugene, grinning to himself. Then, he realized whyhe called Jin in the first place and that he was talking to Jin. Wait a second!That sounded wrong! I don't want to be flattered by another guy! Even thoughyou're Jin and you're nice and I think you're pretty damn fine yourself and...

    Eugene, stop, said Jin, scratching his head.I don't know anymore, said Eugene, exasperated. I'm not that

    desperate okay? Sure, I haven't had a girlfriend and Sid had like five but Grimand David didn't have any either. Well, maybe not for David or Grim anymorebut... Eugene sighed loudly. Forget it! I'm rambling! You're just too good of a

    listener and I can't stay mad at you!Eugene, said Jin in a firm tone now.Yes?I know I'm in no position to say this, said Jin, thinking about Jezebelle

    immediately. But I think you should get to know a girl before you date her...I'm sure it's the same with most couples. No matter how desperate you are...

    I'm not desperate, cried Eugene, groaning. Why does everyone saythat?

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    For as long as I've known you, said Jin, frowning. You keep saying youwant a girlfriend so I thought you really wanted one badly.

    That's just me being jealous at Sidney.Oh...Anyways, Jin, said Eugene, calming down again. Like I said, I can't

    stay mad at you and you didn't really say something wrong to that Lexi girl. Ithought you did and misunderstood you. I'm sorry pal. I'm your fan all the way.You have fun okay?

    Thanks. You too.After Eugene hung up, Jin remembered about tennis practice and that

    Eugene must be at David's house since Lexi was there too. He wanted to callEugene and asked if he knew when the girls would be done with tennis practicebut he felt bad about it. With this in mind, Jin went back upstairs to finish upthe project with Jordan. The Caucasian boy was busy with work but when Jincame back in the room, Jordan immediately sat as far away from Jin aspossible.

    Oh, it's almost done, said Jin happily, typing up what they have so faron the computer while Jordan cut and pasted paper. We should be donebefore dinner at this rate, right Jordan?

    Yeah, said Jordan shakily. Actually, I've been thinking...Er... yes?Jordan shifted his eyes around. Since you're so busy with cooking and

    stuff, I can pick Jezebelle up for you. I'll stay out of sight I swear. I'm actuallypretty good at hiding since I've been popular for a long time. I mean I did hidemy relationship with Roselle for years right?

    I understand that but, said Jin, frowning. You did most of the workon our project. I can't ask you to pick Fi up too. Besides, she's my girlfriend so

    she's my responsibility. I'll finish dinner before I have to pick her up.Frowning, Jordan lowered his eyes at his paperwork. Hey Jin. Do you

    ever feel...Feel what?Nothing, never mind, said Jordan, shaking his head and concentrating

    on their project. I'll pick up Jezebelle. I was going to drive Roselle homeanyways.

    Jin frowned. But Jordan...I'll do it, said Jordan in a louder and firmer voice than before. Then,

    he tossed Jin a shaky smile. I'll pick her up and I'll be extra careful with yourcar and everything. We don't want you to rush the cooking right? I have a weak

    stomach so I can't handle bad food.Oh okay then, said Jin, convinced. I owe you one Jordan.Standing up suddenly, Jordan laughed and headed toward the door. Be

    right back, Jin. Hastily, Jordan left the room and went down the stairs. Hebreathed in and out heavily before he stared at the perfectly clean kitchensink. I can't take this... I need an excuse to get out of here...

    Over at David's house, the girls gathered in the front yard to head overto the tennis courts together. Yvette seemed a bit uneasy walking down this

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    road even though she had do so many times before. Truthfully, she hadn'tplayed tennis on those courts for years. She had been practicing at David'stennis court for the most part. There was something unsettling about re-entering those courts she disliked so much.

    Even after Yvette set up for Roselle and Tasha to be handled by the more

    experienced Venus and Jezebelle in one court while leaving the other twoDoubles team to handle themselves, Yvette couldn't help but sigh a couple oftimes. She was sitting in the same spot she sat watching those boys years ago.Why did she remember that now? Was it because Jezebelle said some thingsthat brought back painful memories?

    I'm not perfect, thought Yvette endlessly. I have flaws in my playingstyle too...

    Suddenly, Yvette was brought back to the training in front of her whenshe heard Roselle's loud voice. Gaping, Yvette shot up at the sight of Roselleabandoning the current game she was playing in order to talk on her cellphone. In a real match, Roselle would have forfeited to the other team at

    stopping the game midway to pick up her cell phone.All right, I got it, said Roselle into her cell phone, walking around the

    edge of the courts in circles. I'll call my mother later, informing her that you'llbe picking me up and dropping me home today. Warn me earlier next time willyou?

    Roselle! shrieked Yvette, stomping over to Roselle with her hands onher hips.

    I have to go now, said Roselle, not scared at Yvette at all. HerHighness is calling for me. God, I hate her. Bye now.

    You're in the middle of a match, said Yvette irritably, snatchingRoselle's cell phone from her hands. You're not allowed to pick up your cell

    phone!This isn't a real match, said Roselle, rolling her eyes.Still, said Yvette, angry. No cell phones!It's from Jordan, said Roselle, retrieving her cell phone back. I had to

    pick up.Leave your personal business off the courts!Now, Roselle was no longer calm. What if it were an emergency huh?What kind of emergency can it possible be? asked Yvette, daring

    Roselle to answer.I don't know... like him trying to commit suicide? asked Roselle loudly

    in an angry voice. Everyone gaped at Roselle's words. Roselle widened her eyes

    at what she said and clapped her hand over her mouth. I... I...Even Roselle knows how to lie, said Yvette cruelly, ignoring everyone's

    stares.Forget this, said Roselle, running off the courts in tears. All you do is

    sit in the shade and boss us around, you meanie!After Roselle ran off, Yvette scowled and left the courts as well with her

    nose up high. Everyone began chattering among themselves instead ofpracticing. However, out of the bunch, Jezebelle gazed after the two with a

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    lifted brow. She thought about it for a moment and lowered her eyes to theground. There was something interesting going on.

    Suicide... said Jezebelle under her breath. She took a seat at thenearby benches. Why would Young out of all people lie about something likethat...

    However, Jezebelle didn't ponder on these thoughts long enough whensome of the girls started wondering why Roselle would lie somethingoutrageous like that about her boyfriend. Lexi was extremely mad right nowtoo with her hands on her hips and her racket on the ground.

    Maybe Roselle's right, said Lexi suddenly, gaining everyone else'sattention. I mean why is she in the shade while the rest of us have to work ourbutts off to 'improve' ourselves? Like Jezebelle said earlier, she's far fromperfect! What is she thinking?

    Calm down, Lexi, said Sophronia, patting the girl on the back. I amsure Yvette's only doing what is best for the team.

    Why is she the team captain? asked Lexi, moving away from her

    Doubles' partner. I mean, Tasha is supposedly the best since she's Number OneSingles right? Also, Yvette gets on my nerves every time she speaks! All she doesis boss us around and make herself look godly. She's not that great okay?

    She scares me sometimes, said Tasha softly and admittedly.Exactly, said Lexi, nodding at Tasha. We should be able to practice in

    a way that is most fitting for each of us. Why can't we play matches byourselves and keep score of our own weaknesses and strengths without Yvettetelling us off for it in front of everyone?

    Mai and May nodded. Yes...Such big words for such a tiny girl, said Jezebelle suddenly, crossing

    her legs. The other girls now shifted their attention to the girl at the bench.

    I'm quite impressed with your ability to rile the others up, Lexi.Lexi tossed Jezebelle a puzzled look. Don't you agree with me

    Jezebelle? You of all people showed signs of disagreement with our teamcaptain earlier this season.

    I'm Jezebelle Tilly, said Jezebelle, fluttering her pretty eyelashes. Idon't take sides. I make my own.

    Your own? asked Sophronia, interested.I must admit, said Jezebelle, observing the group of girls before her.

    Before I joined this team, I did not imagine you girls to be like this. I havenever met this many unmotivated, apathetic bitches in my life. Lexi was goingto say something against this but Sophronia held her back. It's kind of pathetic

    really how most of you girls are not even here because of the sport. The wholeconcept is absurd and... Jezebelle gave them a deadly smirk. Fascinating.

    Jezebelle's really scary isn't she, said Venus under her breath to Tasha,who hastily nodded in agreement. Sometimes, I wonder if she's really asophomore.

    What do you mean by that? asked Sophronia out loud to Jezebelle.Everyone was there no? asked Jezebelle, widening her eyes in

    amazement. All you girls made such amazing speeches about it too at the

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    mall. No one said anything. Jezebelle giggled evilly. Your girls are nothinglike my former tennis team at my old high school. The difference isincredible.

    What were they like? asked Tasha, afraid.It was a dog-eat-dog world, my dears, said Jezebelle, shrugging it off

    like it was nothing. Tasha jumped and hid behind Sophronia now. All the girlswould literally do anything to be Number One. We're always trying to steal eachother's positions to prove we're better. Quite an anarchy that was.

    That's sad... said Sophronia, lowering her eyes.And scary, said Lexi, biting her lip.At least, they're all motivated to be the best, said Jezebelle, lifting a

    brow. Our team captain might have liked it there. Perhaps. I would love to seethat.

    What position were you anyways? asked Venus out of pure interest.Jezebelle gasped. Me? Number One of course.I see... said Venus, not knowing what to say.

    Let's just say, said Jezebelle, getting up from her bench and picking upher racket. After I was done with them, it wasn't quite an anarchy anymore.Have you guys heard of an absolute monarchy? The other girls nodded,including the two Chinese girls in unison. Forget that. It was a completedictatorship.

    After hearing that, none of the other girls had anything to say toJezebelle. The half-Korean girl simply went over to the basket of balls, readyto serve. She picked one up and gazed intently at the now silent and unmovinggroup of girls in front of her.

    And you girls are complaining about this absolute monarchy establishedin your team, said Jezebelle amused, throwing the ball into the air and

    smashing a serve with it. The girl swore that serve must have been over ahundred miles per hour. At least, you people have a captain who cares aboutyour shitty opinion to an extent. What are you people staring at me for?Jezebelle licked her pretty red lips. You want me to take over your trainingwhile she's gone?

    I'll... said Lexi, regaining her voice and losing all her confidence invoicing out against Yvette. I'll find Yvette.

    Me too, said Tasha quickly, leaving the courts with Lexi.The other girls all muttered excuses to leave the courts until it was

    Jezebelle and Venus left. Jezebelle was busy serving to care much for Venus,but the Filipino girl kept staring at Jezebelle and trying to find the right words

    to say. At last, Venus approached Jezebelle once she was done with the basketof tennis balls.

    You made up that story didn't you? asked Venus calmly.Jezebelle shrugged innocently. I wonder...It doesn't matter though, said Venus, trying hard to smile at Jezebelle.

    I want to thank you. Knowing them, they would have broke out and foughtagainst Yvette like Roselle did. I'm glad you stopped that from happening.

    I didn't really do it for her, said Jezebelle, walking to the other side

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    with the basket to pick up the tennis balls. Lexi was getting on my fuckingnerves and I thought that it would be a crap if I had to be part of a losingtennis team.

    That's true. Yvette holds this team together after all.Less work for the rest of us, said Jezebelle, bouncing two tennis balls

    up with her tennis racket and catching them.Venus looked sad at this. She works so hard... but of course no oneknows it.

    She totally spotted my weakness, said Jezebelle, dumping the tennisballs in the basket. She took care of all of the paperwork, the dress code, andeverything else. Without seeing it, it's pretty damn obvious she's working overtime. Why? Who knows.

    She wants to be recognized, said Venus suddenly.Jezebelle frowned. Recognized?If our tennis team can win under her leadership, said Venus slowly.

    The other girls will grow to respect her and maybe even stay close friends

    with her after graduation.Wishful thinking.It's true, said Venus defensively. I have known her long enough. She

    wants to be the best because she wants everyone to respect her. Maybe then,she'll make friends. It's silly isn't it? Venus laughed while Jezebelle continuedto pick up the tennis balls. I don't know where she got that from really...

    That's why I prefer a dictatorship, said Jezebelle, admiring the tennisball in her hands with a smile on her face. Venus followed Jezebelle's longinggaze. Then, people like her and I don't need to be held back by such foolish,unnecessary weaknesses.

    You call her need to make friends a weakness? asked Venus, confused.

    Jezebelle waved her off. It's not like someone like you canunderstand.

    You made me even more curious, said Venus, frowning.To dodge Venus's curiosity, Jezebelle ignored the girl and continued to

    pick up the ball and dumped them in her basket. Eventually, Venus gave up ingetting the information out of Jezebelle so she left the courts to look forJezebelle as well. Jezebelle picked up the last tennis ball left in the corner andsmiled to herself.

    Friends? asked Jezebelle to herself. She mentally laughed at thethought. I didn't think she was such a softie. I guess she's not like me at all.Jezebelle dropped the tennis ball on top of the pile. What a shame. She's just

    another ordinary girl.Before the rest of the girls came back from their search, Jezebelle

    managed to empty the basket again for another round in no time.********************************************

    After David told Joyce and Bo that the other girls were at the tenniscourts down the street, Bo walked side by side with Joyce to meet up withthem. He was rubbing his chin in thought while she looked around for any signof the other girls.

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    I've been bored lately, said Bo suddenly.Joyce blinked twice. Why?After Jin ditched me, I can't make three-some jokes anymore, said Bo

    with a thoughtful look on his face. After Hamada-sama got together withKristian, I can't make perverted jokes around her anymore either. I need a new

    toy. I don't know... said Joyce sadly.Vance is no fun because he doesn't care, said Bo, sighing loudly. Ms.

    Bautista, you know anyone who would actually take my jokes seriously? A toy tooccupy my time with for the time being?

    I'm not sure... said Joyce, unhelpful. Then, she spotted Roselle sittingat the corner of the street by herself. Roselle?

    Oh, it's Roselle Young, said Bo in recognition of the half-NativeAmerican girl. What in the world is she doing?

    Seeing the two approached them, Roselle shot up to her feet. Joyce!You're here!

    I'm sorry, said Joyce apologetically, bowing low. I should have comehere earlier but I had to visit my brother...

    You and I shouldn't come here at all! said Roselle stubbornly, wrappingher arms in front of her chest. Yvette's being a meanie again! She keepslooking down on everyone and she refuses to practice with the rest of us!

    But Roselle... said Joyce, glancing away. The reason why Yvettedoesn't practice as much as the rest of us at school is because she's alwayswatching us play and figuring out our weaknesses before our opponents...

    Roselle frowned. You're just saying that.I'm not, said Joyce, trembling slightly. I saw her notepad before. She

    kept notes on everybody... their strengths and weaknesses... endurance and

    speed... Roselle's eyes widened. I hear that she practices tennis a lot athome too... so she's not being lazy or anything. She just wants us to make useof all the courts and time available.

    Great, Joyce, said Roselle, turning her back to them. Now I feel badfor fighting with her again! She is still a meanie though.

    You're going to apologize to Yvette? asked Bo, entering theconversation now. He had been patiently waiting for them to finish.

    I guess, said Roselle, pouting. I don't care about pride! If I'm wrongabout something, I'll go back and apologize!

    Before Roselle ran off, Bo grabbed her arm, Before you go, Roselle,may I ask you for a small favor?

    What is it Bo? asked Roselle curiously, removing his hand from her.Hamada-sama is taken now so I can't tease her anymore, said Bo in a

    sorry voice. Roselle looked sympathetic to Bo's plead. I need a new toy to playwith. Know any?

    Oh! I do! said Roselle, running up to Bo and standing on her tiptoes tobe closer to his ear. You see... Jordan has a fear of...

    After Roselle's whispers, Bo's eyes lighten up. Joyce frowned, curiouswhat Roselle told Bo in secret. Bo thanked Roselle with a wide grin on his face.

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    Roselle told him that she was sure of it so he should have fun making use ofJordan's weakness. The two of them continued on their way after Roselle ranoff to the tennis courts ahead.

    What did she say? asked Joyce, unable to hold back her curiosity.You'll see, said Bo with a wide grin. Roselle is such a nice girlfriend.

    Jordan is very lucky to have someone like her.Confused still, Joyce frowned and shrugged it off. They headed towardthe tennis courts. All the girls were already back there with Roselle and Yvetteglaring at each other. It seemed that after Roselle apologized to Yvette, theyhad another reason to fight again. However, they both stopped at the sight ofJoyce entering the courts.

    Joyce, said Yvette, surprised. Then, she noticed Bo outside. ThanksBo... Bo winked at Yvette and left the area. All right. Let's practice for realnow! Everyone cheered except for Jezebelle who was busy checking her hairfor split ends. Okay. Joyce, you're up against Tasha. Jezebelle against Roselle.The doubles team against one another. Venus and I will go around to supervise

    and advise. We'll be ready for Monday's match if we concentrate for the nexthour.

    Roselle frowned. I still don't like this...It's her last year here, said Jezebelle, coming up to Roselle. Let her

    do what she wants. Next year, try to become team captain and lead thenYoung.

    What about you? asked Roselle, lifting a brow at Jezebelle'ssuggestion.

    I have more important things in mind than lead a tennis team, saidJezebelle, still playing with her hair. Let's play a death match for once okay?

    Sure, said Roselle, smiling. Oh. Jordan will be picking us both up. Is

    that fine?I guess, said Jezebelle, sighing out of boredom. Roselle nodded and

    headed to her side of the tennis court. Actually, Jezebelle added afterRoselle left. It's perfect. Thanks a lot sweetie.

    After practicing for the next two hours, everyone was exhausted exceptfor Tasha and Jezebelle. Tasha was enthusiastically chatting about a new icecream flavor to Sophronia, who nodded and drank her last water bottle insilence. Lexi was tired so she was resting her head against May. Mai lookedslightly jealous. As for Roselle, she was complaining loudly how she was notgoing to come to practice tomorrow even if they went to her house anddragged her away. Unfortunately for Joyce, she was the one standing closest to

    Roselle so she started to cry. Venus and Yvette were checking notes together.Lastly, Jezebelle was sitting by herself in the corner with her eyes on the court.

    Why is everyone avoiding Jezebelle? asked Roselle to Joyce, ignoringthe fact that she was crying.

    I wasn't here remember? asked Joyce sadly, lowering her eyes.Hey, said Roselle, clapping her hand on Tasha's shoulder. Why is

    everyone avoiding Jezebelle? What did she do?Don't you know? asked Tasha in a fierce whisper. She's scary!

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    Isn't Jezebelle always scary? asked Roselle honestly.She's even scarier now, said Tasha, shivering and leaning closer to

    Roselle. She said some creepy things. I don't know if it's true or not but thetone she used when talking about it... it was not the same as usual...

    What do you mean? Scary-sounding?

    No, said Tasha, shaking her head frantically. I don't know how todescribe it!I do, said Sophronia, interrupting the two. The only white girl on the

    team looked troubled for once. Even though Jezebelle said some disturbingthings, she sounded... incredibly gleeful about. It was as if she was enjoyingthe whole thing.

    Roselle glared. So?So? repeated Tasha and Sophronia, surprised.Maybe she likes horror! Maybe she likes telling scary stories! said

    Roselle with a firm nod. The other two stared at each other. If I can writescary stories, I'll write them to scare my readers too! It's fun! I understand why

    she can be so happy about it.You don't understand, Roselle, said Tasha, giggling now. You had to be

    there.I agree, said Sophronia with a nod.Roselle sighed. Fine. Whatever. I don't get it okay? I'll talk to her then!

    Roselle ran over and joined Jezebelle. Hey Jezebelle! We didn't get to talkmuch on the car earlier with Wendy around! What's up with you?

    Tossing Roselle a side glance, Jezebelle muttered, I'm just thinking.About?Why Jordan would be so suicidal, said Jezebelle with a pleasant smile.Roselle lost color on her face. I didn't mean to say that...

    You're not the first to say that though, said Jezebelle, leaning againstRoselle with a seductive smile on her lips. My Wendy said the same thingbefore. I wonder what exactly you guys mean by that.

    I don't know the details myself, said Roselle admittedly, glancing away.What if I tell you that I know a way to make Jordan happy?Seriously? asked Roselle, surprised. I can't think of anything that

    makes him happy really except for books, basketball, and crossword puzzles!He really loves those!

    Interesting, said Jezebelle, smirking now.He's always happy around Jin though... said Roselle, thinking. I guess

    that's normal though. Jin is his first male friend. You weren't here Jezebelle but

    back in freshman and sophomore year, most of the boys only talk to Jordan forpopularity sake. None of them really liked him... it's sad really...

    That happens, said Jezebelle, trying hard to sound understanding.Roselle nodded. So what is it that you think will make Jordan happy

    again?According to my observations, said Jezebelle, putting on her poker

    face. Doesn't it seem like there's a single source behind all of Jordan'sunhappiness?

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    I thought there were multiple... it's usually complex like that...You said it didn't you? asked Jezebelle, smiling beautifully. He didn't

    make any real male friends because of his popularity...I thought popular people are usually happy, said Roselle, clueless.

    Suddenly, she stood up. Wait. No they're not. Roselle gasped. Jordan told

    me that before! I knew that! Wow. I feel stupid now!People wear facades depending on the situation, said Jezebelle,ignoring Roselle's outburst. She clasped her hands together and elevated hereyes up at Roselle. Jordan's the same. I didn't think he would be this type ofperson when I first met him.

    That's true, said Roselle with a nod. He's a jerk around those otherboys...

    That's why you should think of Jordan instead, said Jezebelle, layingher head on top of her clasped hands. Stop trying to get in my boyfriend'sway.

    How did you-

    You people don't think I haven't noticed that Rin Hamada, Bo Sungwoo,Jordan Greene, yourself, and a couple of other people were missing duringnutrient that day? asked Jezebelle, lifting a fine brow. While my cuddly bearwas off in the bungalows?

    You really are scary, said Roselle more in awe than fright.If you guys think you can work together and bring him back to your

    side, try it, said Jezebelle, shrugging innocently. But keep in mind that I'myour opponent and you can't win against me.

    You're not that great, said Roselle, pouting.If you really care about your boyfriend, said Jezebelle, getting up now

    at the sight of Jin's car parked outside. You should wish for him to stop being

    so popular, not my boyfriend. Believe me, dear. Jezebelle gripped Roselle'sshoulder. My honey bear can take it. Yours can't, as proven. You should thinkof the best course of action for you and Jordan.

    I left my stuff back at David's house, said Roselle through grittedteeth.

    You should hurry then, said Jezebelle, flinging her hair back. Youwouldn't want me to be in the same car with your boyfriend that long right?

    Knowing that Jezebelle was right, Roselle left the courts in a hurry. Theother girls were also leaving the courts one by one. Jezebelle was satisfiedwith what she said so she headed to the car and sat in the passenger's seatdespite Jordan's surprise look.

    I don't do back, said Jezebelle, answering his unspoken question.Where is Roselle going? asked Jordan, glancing over his shoulder at

    Jezebelle's tennis bag thrown carelessly backwards. Did she forgetsomething?

    Something like that, said Jezebelle, shrugging. You think that stupidhat can hide your face? Jordan blushed. If it doesn't work for celebrities, itwon't work for you. It's okay. You're picking your girlfriend up to. No one willsay anything.

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    You're right, said Jordan, taking off his hat and sighing.Jezebelle noticed the expression on his face. What? Did fudge dump

    you?What does 'Onii-chan' mean? asked Jordan, hiding his face now.I don't know, said Jezebelle honestly. Spring calls Asian pear that a

    lot. Spring?You know... the little girl on the JV tennis team.Oh, the cute one.Jezebelle nodded. She calls him that a lot. It's probably a term for a

    close male friend or some shit like that.Thinking now, Jordan lifted his head back up. What does it mean when

    a boy call another boy that? Jin was like... happy and... said that he alwayswanted to be an older brother or something...

    Maybe he sees you as a younger brother, said Jezebelle, not sure whatto make of this conversation.

    I... don't want him to see me that way though...Suddenly, Jezebelle started laughing loudly. You sound like those losers

    who I rejected for a date. Jordan reddened. Did you know that the best wayto say no to a guy is by telling him that you see him as a brother? It's fuckinghilarious.

    It's not the same, said Jordan, frustrated.Of course not! cried Jezebelle, smiling cruelly. Boys call each other

    brothers all the time! It's even closer than friends! This is usually the oppositewhen dealing with girls. Jezebelle stopped and gave Jordan a scrutinizinglook. Or are you saying that my boyfriend is not good enough to be brotherswith you?

    Not at all, said Jordan, sighing. It's... I don't know.Great, said Jezebelle, looking away. Just great!What's great?Knowing that stupid geek, he's probably sad that you turned down being

    his brother and clueless as to why, said Jezebelle, sighing. Jordan was stunnedby her words. Oh well. He'll just have to play some video games to cheerhimself up again.

    What have I done? asked Jordan, hitting his head several times againstthe window. I thought it'll make him happy so I did it! Now, I made him sad bydeclining it by not knowing what it is in the first place. That girl will pay.

    Drama is fun, said Jezebelle, giggling to herself. You should probably

    drive up to the house to save time for Young.Oh right.He really trusts you doesn't he? asked Jezebelle, musing on this.

    First, he left me alone with you at his own house. Next, he lent you his car topick us up. He wouldn't even let me drive his car by myself. How dumb.

    I see, said Jordan, trying not to sound delighted at this.Jezebelle sighed. You should just go along with his role-playing. I think

    if it's you, he'll be really happy. Actually, Jezebelle frowned. I'm kind of

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    jealous how close you two are. I feel like I'm left out of the fun.We're just friends, said Jordan quickly, smiling weakly.I hope so or else I'll have a problem on my hands right?Nodding quickly, Jordan shifted his attention to Roselle who slipped into

    the car with her belongings. At the sight of her, Jordan greeted her with a

    smile. She greeted him back quickly before she glanced at Jezebelle, who waspretending not to care about them. Suspicious of the two, Roselle couldn't helpit.

    You didn't do anything to her did you Jordan? asked Roselle out loud.Why would I do anything to her? asked Jordan, shocked by her

    seemingly random question. Jezebelle tossed Roselle a bored look. Are youokay Roselle?

    You're not planning to stay over at Jin's house after you're done with theproject are you? asked Roselle, uneasy.

    No... I wasn't...I'm not going to keep a secret from you, said Roselle quickly, trying

    hard to remain calm. Kristian is coming over to my house tomorrow to work onour project but I won't do anything with him with my mother around. You don'thave to worry.

    I... trust you... said Jordan, feeling awkward now.Besides, I wouldn't lie to you.I know that.So, said Roselle, glancing at Jezebelle again. You shouldn't lie to me

    either.Maybe you've practicing in the sun too long, said Jordan worriedly,

    leaning over from the back to the back and touching her forehead quickly. Youseem fine...

    I am perfectly fine, said Roselle, annoyed. She wrapped her arms infront of her chest. After you're done with your project, please call me.

    Okay, said Jordan, agreeing quickly. Anything you want.Stay out of trouble okay? asked Roselle, almost sadly now.I will, said Jordan, smiling at her. I won't do anything stupid.I'm glad, said Roselle, cheering up but still glancing at Jezebelle now

    and again. Maybe we can go on a real date in the future! That'll be niceright?

    Jordan widened his smile. Yeah. That sounds nice.Observing the two, Jezebelle was amused but she didn't say anything the

    rest of the way. She basically kept to herself while the other two talked about

    Roselle's fictional story. Jezebelle wondered what course of action Grim wasgoing to take now that she slipped up a couple of things to him on purpose.Would he purposely break them up? Would he be the selfless type and stepaside? It didn't matter to Jezebelle since she would benefit no matter what.Once she got rid of Plan A thanks to the Jin Song Phenomenon, Plan B had towork or else, she would have to resort to Plan C. Even Jezebelle didn't want togo there.


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    At home, Grim was busy typing on his computer all the informationTiffany gave him in regards to what happened at the beach today. Even thoughhe rarely typed a blog entry on Jordan, he felt like he should this time. Whiletyping the entry though, Grim stopped and thought about what he was going todo. Would he help or destroy Jordan? It could go either way with enough bias

    and correct wording to the same information.Frowning, Grim sat back in his seat and thought about the aftereffects ofwhat he was about to do. Jezebelle was right in that if he had been moreconfident and assertive, Roselle would have been with him instead of Jordan.For the past few years, Grim had been extra careful around Roselle. He madesure not to step too deep into the 'friend category' but he also made sure neverto seem like he was only interested in her. Girls didn't like boys who chasedafter them. They liked someone hard to get and Roselle was pretty much thesame way. After all that planning, how did he lose to Jordan? Grim could notunderstand this. He had studied about this. Timing was everything.

    Yet, somewhere along the way, Grim took a wrong turn. He

    miscalculated and Jordan beat him to Roselle. That was not all. From whatGrim gathered, Jordan won thanks to Jin supporting him with Roselle's motherthat day. At this thought, Grim widened his eyes and took off his glasses. Thatwas it. Jordan won not because of his looks or skills. It was because Jin wasthere to help him!

    Deleting what he typed up so far, Grim started a new entry altogether.While he typed, he thought about the first time he met Roselle. He introducedhimself to Roselle the exact same way he did to May and Mai at David's tenniscourts a few years ago. Even now, he still remembered the anger on her face.

    But all you gave me are numbers! cried Roselle loudly, stomping herfoot. What does that even tell me about you? Nothing! Nothing at all! You

    can't truly be friends with someone by numbers alone!And just like that, Roselle proved to Grim that numbers were

    meaningless when it came to friendship. Roselle didn't understand how a GPA oranything similar for the matter could tell her about people. She was a writerand she hated numbers in general. To her, she embraced personality andcharacteristics. Grim had no idea back then. For example, she didn't believethat someone with an IQ of 200 was intelligent. She only believed someone wasintelligent if they could prove it to her. That was how Roselle was and Grimbelieved he came out of his shell a lot ever since he met her.

    Still, she did not accept reality completely. Instead of admiring him forhim, she first admired his writing. She kept comparing it to hers and calling his

    superior. Of course, to him, it was the opposite. He hated his own work andthought hers was better. This did not bother Grim though because Roselleeventually learned more about him. They became best friends after all.

    Since Roselle knew he often loses paperwork if they were not kept in anorderly manner, she would spent time running over after school to thejournalism room in order to staple his paperwork for him so he wouldn't losethem. Grim thought she was very cute when she did that. Sometimes, duringwriting club, she would do the same. Someone would give him something they

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    wrote for his opinion and right before he put it in his backpack, Roselle wouldsnatch it from him, stabled it, and returned it with a smile. Thanks to him, hehad a stapler on her at times. Besides, she would often hand him her ownstapled writing for him to read over.

    Grim knew exactly why he had feelings for Roselle. People were often

    afraid of him. He was a critical person, usually criticizing others for their worksor actions. There were times when he simply didn't say anything because itdispleased people. But Roselle did not mind either. On the contrary, she bluntlystated his faults out loud and told him off often. She was not afraid of him andhe was not afraid of hurting her either. She was strong enough to take hiscriticism and made use of them.

    Finally, Grim was done with his blog entry and stared at the screen for awhile with his mouse hovering over the published button. Should he publish itor not? He thought about how Jordan ditched the basketball team for Roselle.Tiffany said she got it from Parker so it must be true. However, he also heardthat Roselle kicked him later and that he was with Wendy earlier. With all of

    that in mind, Grim published his post at last.************************************************

    When Jordan and Jezebelle arrived home, Jin bolted out of the kitchenand tackled Jezebelle into a hug, in which she slipped out of one second laterand headed upstairs without looking back. Jordan blinked after her, notknowing what to say to what he just saw happened before him.

    Thanks Jordan, said Jin happily. Do you want a hug too? Jordanreddened and shook his head frantically. I'm joking. The food is ready. Do youmind if my cousin eats with us too? My mother already left the house.

    Not at all, said Jordan, following Jin to the kitchen.Knowing Fi, said Jin, chuckling under his breath. She will refuse to

    eat dinner.Oh... said Jordan, blinking.But, said Jin, pulling out a box out of the refrigerator. It was none

    other than mochi ice cream. I will bribe her with this!What is that? asked Jordan, gaping at the tiny box.Her favorite food in the world, said Jin with a grin, handing Jordan

    the box.The two nodded before they went upstairs. Jezebelle's door was locked.

    They waited until she unlocked it. Then, Jin opened the door and rolled intothe room FBI-style, as if ready to attack. However, he was surprised to findJezebelle hugging her teddy bear on top of her bed with her back to them.

    She's not going to kill me? asked Jin, surprised.I don't want to eat, said Jezebelle in a low voice.Told you, said Jin with a nod toward Jordan. He went over and picked

    a mochi ice cream with a pair of chopsticks. Jordan was in awe. Fi! You haveto eat dinner! I made you salad with white chicken meat in it.

    Don't care.Smiling now, Jin got on top of the bed and hovered the mochi ice cream

    in front of her face. I got green tea mochi ice cream for you!

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    Mochi ice cream! chirped Jezebelle, trying to grab it with her hands,but Jin pulled back just in time. Give it to me, you sugar cane!

    No, Fi, said Jin sternly, jumping off the bed. She was glaring at himangrily. No dessert until after dinner!

    You little-

    Run, Jordan, run, screamed Jin, tackling into Jordan on the way out.The two stumbled out of the room and ran down the stairs with Jezebelle rightbehind them. Jordan, no matter what you do, don't let her get her hands onthe box before we reach the kitchen!

    I swear my life on it! cried Jordan, running into the kitchen first.Jordan placed the box on the table and offered his hand out dramatically toJin. Grab on Jin!

    Okay! said Jin, grabbing onto Jordan's hand. They managed to get inthe kitchen and closed the door before Jezebelle could get them. Okay...now... Jin was catching his breath. You open the door and when she runs inand sees me, close the door and lock it immediately.

    But it can be unlocked from the inside, said Jordan, confused.She'll stay for the mochi ice cream.If you say so...Jin nodded at Jordan. One...Two... said Jordan, holding onto the knob.Three!After a few minutes, Jin and Jezebelle were sitting on one side of the

    table with Shuijin and Jordan on the other side. They were eating in silence.Jezebelle wasn't touching her food. She was busy glaring at Jin, who simplysmiled at her. They managed to trap her in here to force her to eat dinner.

    This pasta is good... said Jordan in awe.

    And the spaghetti and lasagna too! said Shuijin, beaming.I'm glad, said Jin to them before he turned over to Jezebelle. No

    worries Fi! I'll help you burn off any calories you gain from eating dinner today.I promise. Besides, I made sure not to fill these with fatty cheese.

    You should just skip dinner and eat me for dessert instead, saidJezebelle, bored.

    Jordan started coughing since he was in the middle of drinking waterwhen she said that. Jin went over and helped Jordan before he calmed down.Jezebelle giggled evilly but Shuijin was also as concerned as Jin over theirguest. At last, Jin was back at his own seat and Jordan was trying to eat again.

    Oh Fi, said Jin happily, rubbing her on the head. You and your jokes.

    I wasn't joking, said Jezebelle, eyeing him warily.Jin spun some spaghetti around his fork and held it up to her. I'll feed

    you.I'm not a child!However, in the end, Jin spoon-fed her once before she gave in and ate

    by herself. Jordan and Shuijin were wide-eyed at what they saw. Afterwards,Jordan and Jin cleaned up the plates while Jezebelle left without another wordwith Shuijin following her trail. Jin went to the restroom next and started

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    pouring out the water.What are you doing Jin? asked Jordan, coming in.I'm making a hot bath for Fi.Jordan narrowed his eyes. Jin, why the hell are you doing that?Because Fi is really picky about her water temperature, said Jin with a

    firm nod. He was checking the water with his finger. I'm the only one in thefamily who knows what temperature she likes her night baths the most.I see...Is there something wrong Jordan? asked Jin, lifting his eyes up at

    Jordan.Nothing, said Jordan, sighing. You're a great cook. You do all the

    house chores. You take care of everything around here. It's like you're ahousewife... a househusband. I'm not used to it, that's all.

    It's fun, said Jin with a soft smile.Jordan felt uneasy and started heading out the door. Jin... we finished

    the project right? We just need to print out the papers right?

    That's right!I'm going home then, said Jordan in a relieved yet sad voice.Jin frowned. Already? You don't want to sleep over?Blushing at the questions, Jordan shook his head frantically. No... no...

    I impose myself upon you and your house long enough.We're going to a football game tomorrow, said Jin suddenly, regaining

    Jordan's attention. I think I studied enough to be able to understand the gameand talk intelligently about it. Do you think Fi will be happy with me?

    Jordan tried hard to smile back. She will. I'm sure of it.I'm happy, said Jin, closing his eyes and smiling to himself. I'm very


    I'm happy if you're happy, said Jordan, holding onto the door knob.That's nice of you to say.Did I say that out loud? asked Jordan, laughing it off. I'll be going

    now. You have fun with Fi, I mean, Jezebelle... today and tomorrow. Thanks fordinner. If I can cook, I'll cook you something!

    Jin laughed. You don't have to. That's fine. Today... Jin stopped andpicked his hand out of the water. When you asked me to be your Onii-chan, Iwas very happy. I've always wanted a younger brother or sister. I'm sorry Ishocked you earlier.

    I'm sorry I didn't understand and ran away like that too...Shaking his head, Jin had a sad smile on his face and said, No, it's

    okay.His chest started hurting so Jordan walked backwards. He didn't want to

    get near Jin. There was something wrong with him and he didn't understand it.Jordan quickly said bye to Jin before he left the restroom in a hurry. On his wayout, he saw Jezebelle watching television by herself. She was dressed in apretty, long nightgown with her long brown hair bundled on top of her rightshoulder. Their eyes met for a second.

    Bye, said Jezebelle in a monotone.

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    Bye, said Jordan in an irritable voice.This tone didn't go unnoticed by Jezebelle though. What-Before Jezebelle could ask him, Jordan rushed out of the house and sat

    on top of the steps. Then, he realized that Jin was the one who picked him upfrom his house today. He couldn't go home by himself. Frustrated, Jordan

    dropped his head and sat there what felt like hours. He didn't know what to door think or say. At last, he noticed lights.Jordan? asked Jin, peeking his head out. Jordan hid his face from Jin.

    You shouldn't stay out there. You'll catch a cold. Jin crouched down next toJordan. If you want to go home, at least say something next time. How areyou supposed to get home by yourself? Jin laughed. Let's go. I got the carkeys.

    Waiting for Jin to walk a few steps, Jordan said at last, I don't want tobe your younger brother. I'm sorry. I can't do it.

    With that smile Jordan knew so well, Jin laughed again. It's okay. Itdoesn't matter. Let's go home before your parents worry.

    Before long, Jin dropped Jordan off at his house and said good-bye. Inthe car, Jordan was too frustrated with his emotions to say anything to Jin. Asfor Jin, he went on about how they have to find a way to meet up again outsideof school. Jordan simply nodded. Jordan went inside his house, greeted hissister, and went to his room. Laying on top of his bed, he felt heavy and emptyat the same time. Was that possible? At the sight f his cell phone lying on hisbed, he remember what Roselle told him though.

    Roselle? asked Jordan after he called her cell phone number.Jordan, are you okay? You don't sound okay! Did something happen

    between you and Jezebelle? Tell me! You're not allowed to lie!Jordan frowned and sighed. I don't know why but I think... Jordan

    began to cry to himself. I hate her.

    Author's Note

    This chapter is ridiculously long and the pacing feels weird in the second half.I'm sorry if the pacing is off but I really need to wrap this day off withoutdragging it out any longer. Because I dragged out this chapter too long, I mighthave to finish Sunday in a single, long chapter. Chances are it won't happen butit will be best for my eighty-chapter count. XD I don't want to make this a one-hundred chapter story!

    Jezebelle Phoebe Tilly

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    Give my info to you? Sure, honey, if you can take it.Height: 5'7'' (I should be a model.)Weight: - (What the fuck? Never.)B-Day: September 12 (I wish I was born on a cool date instead.)Blood type: B+ (Why does it matter? It's not like I'll ever donate blood!)Closest Friend: - (Why should I make friends? And no, Wendy is not a friend.)Number of Relationships: 9 (They're all dumb anyways. Who gives a crap aboutthem?)Favorite type of music: Korean Hip-Hop (I care about my Korean roots!Actually, no I don't!)Favorite subject: Tennis (School's for losers. Remember that kids.)Favorite Word: Bitch (Best word in the world. Besides, female dogs are hot.)Career Choice: Fashion Designer (Clothes all the way, dear.)