google apps connectorfor black berry enterprise server user setup guide

How to customize this document Google Apps Connector for BlackBerry Enterprise Server User Setup Guide Google Apps Connector for BlackBerry Enterprise Server is a Google offering that lets you access your Google Apps Mail, Calendar, and Contacts through your native BlackBerry applications . First, your administrator must set up Google Apps Connector for your domain and activate your account. After that, you can follow the instructions in this guide to set up your device. Key Features of Using the Google Apps Connector Updates Mail is pushed your device (updates every 60 seconds). Reading Messages read on your BlackBerry show as read in Gmail, and vice versa. Deleting Messages deleted on your BlackBerry are deleted in Gmail, and vice versa. Archiving Messages moved to the Archived folder on your BlackBerry are archived in Gmail, and vice versa. Starred Messages Messages moved to the Starred folder on your BlackBerry are starred in Gmail, and vice versa. Contacts Synced between your BlackBerry and Gmail. GAL Search the Global Address List from your BlackBerry for information about other users in your domain. Folders/ Labels Select which folders/labels to sync. Calendar Synced between your BlackBerry and Gmail. Device If you are switching from using Gmail for BlackBerry on your device, note that your BlackBerry consumes less power with Google Apps Connector than it did before with Gmail on your device because it needs to transfer less data. Limitations: Contacts can take up to 5 minutes to update (from Gmail to device) Memopad, Tasks and Password Keeper are local to your BlackBerry and don't sync to other devices. DN:GA-CBESUSG_101.0

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Google Apps Connector for Blackberry Enterprise Server


Page 1: Google Apps Connectorfor Black Berry Enterprise Server User Setup Guide

How to customize this document

Google Apps Connector for BlackBerry Enterprise Server

User Setup Guide Google Apps Connector for BlackBerry Enterprise Server is a Google offering that lets you access your Google Apps Mail, Calendar, and Contacts through your native BlackBerry applications. First, your administrator must set up Google Apps Connector for your domain and activate your account. After that, you can follow the instructions in this guide to set up your device. Key Features of Using the Google Apps Connector Updates Mail is pushed your device (updates every 60 seconds).

Reading Messages read on your BlackBerry show as read in Gmail, and vice versa.

Deleting Messages deleted on your BlackBerry are deleted in Gmail, and vice versa.

Archiving Messages moved to the Archived folder on your BlackBerry are archived in Gmail, and vice versa.

Starred Messages

Messages moved to the Starred folder on your BlackBerry are starred in Gmail, and vice versa.

Contacts Synced between your BlackBerry and Gmail.

GAL Search the Global Address List from your BlackBerry for information about other users in your domain.


Select which folders/labels to sync.

Calendar Synced between your BlackBerry and Gmail.

Device If you are switching from using Gmail for BlackBerry on your device, note that your BlackBerry consumes less power with Google Apps Connector than it did before with Gmail on your device because it needs to transfer less data.


● Contacts can take up to 5 minutes to update (from Gmail to device)● Memopad, Tasks and Password Keeper are local to your BlackBerry and don't sync to other devices.


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Setting up your Google Apps Account The setup requires backing-up, wiping, and reactivating your device. Although setup will take a few extra steps, the experience of accessing Google Apps through the native BlackBerry applications will include faster synchronization and enhanced battery life. If you have questions, please contact your BlackBerry administrator. Getting Started Important: Do not start these steps until you’re been contacted by your BlackBerry administrator . We must set up your account first. First, do you have any data on your phone you want to back up and restore?

● Emails stored in the native email application on your BlackBerry● SMS messages● Task lists● Memos● Themes● Settings● Photos not stored on your memory card● Passwords stored in password keeper on your device

NOTE: Do not restore contacts on your BlackBerry if you are converting to use Google Apps. If you do so, your contacts will not sync properly between your device and Google Apps. If yes, follow the steps below. If no, you can skip the first and last steps (Back up your BlackBerry and Restore your BlackBerry data). Steps for Enterprise Activation are:

● Back up your BlackBerry (if applicable)● Remove Google Sync from your BlackBerry● Wipe your data from your BlackBerry● Activate and synchronize your BlackBerry● Restore your BlackBerry data (if applicable)

These steps are described in detail below.

Back up your BlackBerry Migrating to Google Apps Connector for BlackBerry Enterprise Server requires completely wiping your BlackBerry, so if you have any data you want to save, back it up first. The following section describes using BlackBerry Desktop Manager to back up your device.

1. Download BlackBerry Desktop Manager from the BlackBerry North America support site (or the appropriate site for your locale).

2. Turn off wireless synchronization on your BlackBerry for each application you need to back up. Here are some examples:

● ContactsNOTE: Do not restore Contacts to your device from a backup. Restoring contacts will cause your device to stop syncing contacts with Google Apps.

● Tasksa. Open your Tasks list.b. Select Menu > Options.


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c. Change Wireless Synchronization to No.d. Click the back button and save.

● Notesa. Open your MemoPad.b. Select Menu > Options.c. Change Wireless Synchronization to No.d. Click the back button and save.

3. Start up BlackBerry Desktop Manager (select Start > Applications > BlackBerry > BlackBerry Desktop Manager.)

4. Connect your BlackBerry to your computer with a USB cable, or bring your computer and device to <<support>>.

5. When prompted, enter your BlackBerry password - this is the password you use to unlock your BlackBerry screen. (Your BlackBerry and LDAP passwords aren't necessarily the same.)

6. From the main menu, select Backup up now.


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7. Click Backup.


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8. To name the backup file, type your username and the date in the following format:

your_user_name-(yyyy-mm-dd) as the file name. Be sure to insert a hyphen (-) and a space after your username.

9. Click Back up Remove Google Sync from your BlackBerry You can't activate your BlackBerry with Google Apps for BlackBerry Server if Google Sync is installed. Since Google Apps Connector automatically syncs your Calendar and Contacts, so you no longer need Google Sync. If you don't remove the Google Sync application you may receive duplicate contacts and calendar information. To uninstall Google Sync:

1. On your BlackBerry, go to Options > Advanced Options.


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2. Go to Applications > Google Sync.

3. Go to Menu > Delete.

4. When prompted, select Yes to delete Google Sync and reboot your BlackBerry.


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. Wipe your data from your Blackberry Important: Make sure you have a complete backup of your device before proceeding. See the above steps. This step erases all data (but not applications) from your BlackBerry.

1. On your BlackBerry device home screen press the menu button to display all applications.2. Open the Options application.3. Select the Security Options entry.4. Select General Settings.5. Press the menu button.6. Select the Wipe Handheld option. This erases all data. You don't need to erase any applications.7. Select Continue.8. Enter "blackberry" to confirm the handheld wipe.

Activate and synchronize your BlackBerry

1. Skip the Wizard Setup by selecting either Remind Me Later or Don't Ask Me Again.2. Press the menu button to list all applications on the phone.3. Open the Manage Connections application.4. Select Mobile Network and click to enable.5. Press the back button to exit the application.6. Open the Options application.7. Select the Advanced Options entry.

Note: If your devices uses Activation Options instead of Advanced Options, see your IT administrator for alternate instructions.

8. Select the Enterprise Activation entry.9. Enter the primary email address associated with your Google Apps account. 10. Enter the BlackBerry activation password provided by your IT administrator. Your administrator might

provide additional instructions here, as well.11. Press the menu button and select Activate.

Your BlackBerry will synchronize your email, calendar and contacts with your Google Apps account. This process can take 5 to 15 minutes to fully initialize. During the activation process, you can continue to use the device. After activation, you can view your Google Apps information through your standard BlackBerry interface. A few options:

1. Checking your email: You may want to enable folder redirection on your BlackBerry device. By default


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only your inbox and sent items are sent to your device. See the BlackBerry help for how to enable folder redirection to receive other e-mail folders/labels on the device.

1. Configure delete settings: Go to setting under Options > Email Reconciliation> Delete On. By default

this is set to Handheld, which deletes messages only on the device, and not from your Gmail account. You may choose to change this setting to Mailbox & Handheld.

Restore your BlackBerry data To restore your BlackBerry data using BlackBerry Desktop Manager (available for PC only):

● Open the BlackBerry Desktop Manager and connect your BlackBerry to your computer with a USB cable, or bring your computer and device to your BlackBerry administrator.

● When prompted, enter your BlackBerry password - this is the password you use to unlock your BlackBerry screen. (Your BlackBerry and LDAP passwords aren't necessarily the same.)

● Click the Device, and then click Restore


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● In the dialog that appears, select your saved backup file and choose the device data and settings to


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● Turn off Wireless Synchronization individually on your BlackBerry for each grayed out application to which

you want to restore data. For example, to turn off Wireless Synchronization for your Tasks:a. Open the Task List.b. Go to Menu > Options.c. Change Wireless Synchronization to No.d. Press the back button and save.

● Once you have turned off Wireless Reconciliation for the applications to which you want to restore data,

select Refresh within BlackBerry Desktop Manager. These applications will no longer be grayed out.


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● To restore data to your BlackBerry, select an item in the left pane, then click the right arrow button

between the panes.NOTE: Do not restore Contacts to your device from a backup. Restoring contacts will cause your device to stop syncing contacts with Google Apps.

● When you're finished restoring data to your BlackBerry, re-enable Wireless Synchronization on your BlackBerry for affected applications.

Using Enterprise Applications with Google Apps BlackBerry delete options (email reconciliation) You have two options for delete settings on your BlackBerry:

● Delete On: Handheld means that when you delete an email on your BlackBerry, no delete action is taken in Gmail. This is the default setting.

● Delete On: Mailbox & Handheld means that when you delete an email on your BlackBerry, the message is sent to the trash in Gmail as well.

To change the email settings on your BlackBerry:

1. Open your BlackBerry's email application.


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2. Go to Menu > Options > Email Reconciliation.3. Select your desired delete setting, and then click Save.

Delete Prior Use the Delete Prior command to remove all email prior to a selected date on your BlackBerry. The command only prunes email on your BlackBerry, and will never delete mail from Gmail, regardless of your email reconciliation settings. To use the Delete Prior command:

1. Open your BlackBerry's email application.2. Select a highlighted date in the list of emails.3. Select Options > Delete Prior.

Filters By default, only your Gmail Inbox and Sent items are sent to the device. However, you can set up further filters in Gmail or on the device after your device is activated. To create an email filter on your BlackBerry:

1. Open Messages.2. Click the trackwheel or menu button.3. Select Options. 4. Choose Email Filters.

Enabling labels and folders for your BlackBerry inbox After completing Enterprise Activation for your Google Apps account, you will only see emails from your inbox and sent folders on your BlackBerry. To view email from other Gmail folders and Gmail labels in your BlackBerry inbox, enable Folder Redirection. To enable folder redirection:

1. Open your BlackBerry's email application.2. Go to Options > Email Settings > Menu.3. Select Folder Redirection. You will see a tree view of folders in your mailbox.4. Select the folders you want to redirect to the device.5. Click Save.

Changes take about 15 minutes to take effect. Once you redirect a folder, your BlackBerry receives all new messages from the folder. Messages from before you redirected the folder do not show up. Tip: To filter the email that gets sent to your BlackBerry, set up a "BlackBerry" label in Gmail. Create filters to label email you want to see in your BlackBerry mail application, and then enable folder redirection for the BlackBerry label. Archiving a message To archive a message on your BlackBerry:

1. Open your BlackBerry's email application.2. Highlight the message you want to archive.3. Select Menu > File > the Archived folder.

Managing attachments You can download and view attachments on your BlackBerry. The supported attachment formats depend on your specific BlackBerry device.


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Syncing Calendar events The amount of time it takes to sync Calendar events to your BlackBerry depends upon the type of Calendar event:

● Meeting invitations appear on your BlackBerry calendar in less than a minute.● Meetings you add to your calendar via Google Calendar appear within a few minutes.

Using Google Mobile Mail with Enterprise apps Note: You cannot run Google Sync on your BlackBerry with the Google Apps Connector. However, you can continue to use the Gmail application on your BlackBerry. If you are planning on using the BlackBerry Gmail application for email instead of the native BlackBerry email application, do the following:

1. Go into Messages > Options > Email Settings.2. Click the menu button and select Folder Redirection.3. Click on the (+) to expand the folder list.4. Uncheck Inbox, Sent Items and any other folders that you do not want redirected. 5. Click on the back button and hit save.

Do not toggle the Send Email To Handheld setting to No, as this will disable your calendar sync. Known Issues and Limitations If you find additional issues or bugs, please send them to your BlackBerry administrator.

Mail When you archive a message in Gmail, it remains in your BlackBerry inbox.

Contacts Updating contacts may be slow (up to 20 minutes).

Notes/Tasks Available only on your BlackBerry.

