golpe de estado a honduras

Micheletti´s party: Zelaya is taking authoritarian decisions. -he is becoming the new Hugo Chavez. -The Congress of Honduras affirms that Zelaya wrote and firm a resignation letter. Claims Zelaya´s party: sharp rise in police beatings, mass arrests of demonstrators and intimidation of human rights defenders in Honduras since the coup d'état ---violations to humman rights. -Zelaya didn´t write the resignation letter. EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION

Post on 14-Sep-2014




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Micheletti´s party: Zelaya is taking authoritarian decisions.

-he is becoming the new Hugo Chavez.

-The Congress of Honduras affirms that Zelaya wrote and firm a resignation letter.


Zelaya´s party: sharp rise in police beatings, mass arrests of demonstrators and intimidation of human rights defenders in Honduras since the coup d'état ---violations to humman rights.

-Zelaya didn´t write the resignation letter.


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Authoritarian decisions

Micheletti´s party:


ordered ten two-hour cadenas conflict with large media outlets

his alliance with Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, friendship with Cuba's Raúl Castro and his adhering Honduras to the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas.

Leftist dictator

Zelaya convening the population to a referemdum to reform the constitution to allow the presidential reelection.

Zelaya´s party:

´Violations to humman rights

Informs of delegations of Amnesty International and COFADEH

12 families of people disappeared, 609 people were detained for "political scandal"

corruption reports about some kind of deviation of funds donation of the international community destinated for the program Strategy for Poverty Reduction program.


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Zelaya´s party:

Coups d´etat






•Violations of human rights

Micheletti´s party

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Micheletti´s partyThe Constitution Article 239

Zelaya´s party: OEA: the countries of America has the right to democracy and the governments have the obligation to promote it. The democracy is essential for the social, political and economic development.

Inter-American letter Article 1

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Types of disagreemets • What determinates what it is:

-Zelaya: The participation of political and economic factors linked to transnational pharmaceutical appeared today in Tegucigalpa as serious hypothesis to explain the coup d´etat led by the ultra-right sectors in Honduras

-Micheletti: Bolivarian conspiration in latinoamerica.

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• What is wished or posible • -Zelaya: must return to Honduras and take the

presidency again. • -Micheletti: Zelaya should be arrested for being against

the constitution."I think that what the whole world should understand about this country is that there is no immunity for anyone for anyone," "And, no one can be above the law."

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• What the other part express: • Both parties have the intentions to counterattack their


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Fallacies resulting from missing grounds

•Alba denied the resignition letter

•During Zelaya administration he didn´t nationalize any foreign enterprise and he promoted private investment.

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Perception of the process

Stereotyping and selective perception:

Zelaya decided to firm the Bolivarian Alliance hondurans belive that their president belongs to the communist side.

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Power Characteristics Zelaya New government in


Charisma Before the coup d’etat Zelaya had a friendship with Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega and Rafael Correa.

honduran’s rejecting position about the bolivarian movement and their consequences in latinoamerica.

Control over resources

The international comunity suspended all the international aids until the democracy will be taking up again. United nations resolution.

This party has the territory and military forces by their side.

Legitimate the power

Zelaya has the authority to reclaim his position as the president of Honduras.

To legitimate the coup d’etat, the acting government is preparing the presidential elections for november.