going beyond select, top 10 ways to use n1ql

©2016 Couchbase Inc. Beyond SELECT Prasad Varakur principal product manager, Couchbase

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Beyond SELECTPrasad Varakur

principal product manager, Couchbase

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•Data is like us, it is L I V I N G• i.e, It is c h a n g i n g -- Data is created, modified, and deleted• It serves a purpose and be useful to some body, some where, some time –

Data is retrived

•An advanced and Civilized society • Understands, nurtures and manages it• Develops all primitives and sophistication to sustain, simplify, and prosper

•And, so is N1QL, for JSON data• an expressive, powerful, and complete language • for querying, transforming, and manipulating• for developers, admins and enterprises • It is SQL for JSON (in fact, SQL++)

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Match made in Heaven

N1QLApplication Data

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1. Introduction

2. Ride with N1QL.. Beyond SELECT

3. Real world use cases

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Beyond SELECT•N1QL is much more than just SELECT•DML support• INSERT: Insert new documents• UPDATE: Update existing documents• UPSERT: INSERT + UPDATE• DELETE: Delete existing documents• MERGE: Merge two related documents with INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE• PREPARE/EXECUTE: Run frequent queries/statements faster• INFER: Discover schema of documents• EXPLAIN: Understand how a N1QL query/statement is executed

•DDL support • CREATE [PRIMARY] INDEX: Create primary or secondary index• DROP [PRIMARY] INDEX: Delete primary or secondary index• BUILD INDEX: Build deferred create-index requests

• Index Support (primary Index, Secondary Indexes, partial Indexes, covering Indexes)• Indexes can be used for all DML (with WHERE clause)

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{ "Name" : "Jane Smith", "DOB" : "1990-01-30", "Billing" : [ { "type" : "visa", "cardnum" : "5827-2842-2847-3909", "expiry" : "2019-03" }, { "type" : "master", "cardnum" : "6274-2842-2847-3909", "expiry" : "2019-03" } ], "Connections" : [ { "CustId" : "XYZ987", "Name" : "Joe Smith" }, { "CustId" : "PQR823", "Name" : "Dylan Smith" } { "CustId" : "PQR823", "Name" : "Dylan Smith" } ], "Purchases" : [ { "id":12, item: "mac", "amt": 2823.52 } { "id":19, item: "ipad2", "amt": 623.52 } ]}

LoyaltyInfo ResultDocuments




AppData Logic

Built ManuallyExpensive (dev, test, maintanance)

Not agile friendly

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{ "Name" : "Jane Smith", "DOB" : "1990-01-30", "Billing" : [ { "type" : "visa", "cardnum" : "5827-2842-2847-3909", "expiry" : "2019-03" }, { "type" : "master", "cardnum" : "6274-2842-2847-3909", "expiry" : "2019-03" } ], "Connections" : [ { "CustId" : "XYZ987", "Name" : "Joe Smith" }, { "CustId" : "PQR823", "Name" : "Dylan Smith" } { "CustId" : "PQR823", "Name" : "Dylan Smith" } ], "Purchases" : [ { "id":12, item: "mac", "amt": 2823.52 } { "id":19, item: "ipad2", "amt": 623.52 } ]}

LoyaltyInfo ResultDocuments



Built-inOptimized, No data shipping

Agile & Ad hoc

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INSERT• Insert lets you enter new documents into buckets.• There are 2 kinds. • Insert values directly. • Insert with select statement.

• Keyspace-ref is the bucket name• Returning clause returns the values of the attributes specified after insert.

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• Inserting values directly – Values-clause

• Inserting values using select statement – Select-clause

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INSERT – Values - Example

• Inserting values directly – Values-clause

• Inserting a single value

• Inserting multiple values

INSERT INTO scientists (KEY, VALUE) VALUES ("ddc", {"name":"Donald D Chamberlin", "type":"SQL"})RETURNING *;

INSERT INTO scientists (KEY,VALUE) VALUES ("efc", {"name": "Edgar F Codd", "type":"DB"}),VALUES ("ll", {"name": "Leslie Lamport", "type":"Distributed"}),VALUES ("ewd", {"name": "Edsger W. Dijkstra", "type":"Algorithms"}),VALUES ("dek", {"name": "Donald E. Knuth", "type":"Algorithms"});

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1. Submit the query over REST API 5. Query result

2. Parse, Analyze, create Plan 4. Evaluate: Documents to results (RETURNING-clause)

3. INSERT the documents

Index Service

Query Service

Data Service

INSERT INTO scientists(KEY, VALUE) VALUES ("dc", {"name":"Don Chamberlin", "type":"SQL"})RETURNING scientists;

{ "name":"Don Chamberlin", "type":"SQL"}

DCP Stream> 3. Update Index with new data

INSERT-VALUES processing

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INSERT – SELECT - Example• SELECT-clause: Inserting values using select statement• INSERT-SELECT lets you create new documents from complex queries

• The Key is created using UPPER()function on original doc key.• In general, it can be any function, to dynamically generate the key ‘k’

• The value is a dynamically created object with name and array of papers published by the scientists where type = “DB”. • Note, how easy it is to dynamically create/manipulate custom JSON objects in the



SELECT UPPER(meta(s).id) as k, {"name" : s.name, "papers" : s.papers} as v FROM scientists sWHERE type = "DB"


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1. Submit the query over REST API 8. Query result

2. Parse, Analyze, create Plan 7. Evaluate: Documents to results (RETURNING-clause)

3. Scan Request; index filters 6. INSERT the documents

Index Service

Query Service

Data Service

4. Get qualified doc-keys 5. Fetch Request, doc-keys

INSERT INTO DB_papers (KEY k, VALUE s) SELECT meta().id k, {name,papers} v FROM scientists s WHERE type = "DB"RETURNING *;

{ "name":"Jim Gray", "papers": ["transaction processing",…]},{ "name":"Sumit Ganguly", "papers": ["Data Stream Processing",…]} …

DCP Stream> 6. Update Index with new data

INSERT-SELECT processing



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• DELETE lets you remove documents from buckets.

• USE clause • Using USE KEYS expr • Using USE INDEX (index-ref)

• WHERE clause - Constrain which documents to delete.• USE INDEX can direct to use specific index

• RETURNING clause • LIMIT clause - Constrain how many documents to delete.

• In N1QL DML statements, the LIMIT clause serves as a hint. • The query engine can stop processing records any time after the LIMIT is reached. • The LIMIT is not applied exactly, which is different from SELECT statements

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DELETE - Example

• You can also use arbitrarily complex conditions to select objects for deletion using the WHERE clause and use the USE INDEX to do an IndexScan operation.

• Using a where clause

• Using an Index (Deletes 1 document)

• empty the whole bucketeletes 1 document)

DELETE FROM scientists;

CREATE INDEX deleteindex ON scientists (name)

DELETE FROM scientists USE INDEX (deleteindex) WHERE name="Foo Bar"

DELETE FROM scientists USE KEYS ["Foo Bar"];

DELETE FROM scientists WHERE ARRAY_LENGTH(papers) <= 1;

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1. Submit the query over REST API 8. Query result

2. Parse, Analyze, create Plan7. Evaluate: Documents to results (RETURNING-clause)

3. Scan Request; index filters 6. DELETE the documents with doc-keys

Index Service

Query Service

Data Service

4. Get qualified doc-keys

DELETE scientistsUSE INDEX (deleteindex) WHERE name="Foo Bar"RETURNING *;

{ "name":"Foo Bar", ...}

DCP Stream> 6. Update Index with new data

DELETE-WHERE processing



CAS protectionDelete ONLY the SELECTED docs

5. Fetch Request, doc-keys

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•UPDATE replaces a document that already exists with updated values

• Use clause - Using USE KEYS expr

• Where, Limit and Returning clauses same as above.

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•SET-clause: Change the value of a particular attribute.

• UNSET-clause : Remove an attribute from a document

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•Update-for • The update-for clause uses the FOR statement to iterate over a

nested array • SET or UNSET the given attribute for every matching element

in the array

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UPDATE - example

• Following statement adds a paper to existing array:

• In addition to selecting objects by key, you can also select them by field values, with a WHERE CLAUSE.

• Following statement removes the email attribute

UPDATE scientists USE KEYS "Sumit Ganguly" SET papers = ARRAY_APPEND(papers, "Parametric Query Optimization");

UPDATE scientistsUNSET emailWHERE  name = "Alan Turing" RETURNING *;

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1. Submit the query over REST API 7. Query result

2. Parse, Analyze, create Plan6. Evaluate: Documents to results (RETURNING-clause)

3. Scan Request; index filters 5. UPDATE the documents with doc-keys

Index Service

Query Service

Data Service

4. Get qualified doc-keys

UPDATE scientistsSET email = [email protected] name = "C Mohan"RETURNING *;

{ "name":"C Mohan", ...}

DCP Stream> 5. Update Index with new data

UPDATE-WHERE processing



CAS protectionDelete ONLY the SELECTED docs

5. Fetch Request, doc-keys

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• MERGE lets you update, insert, or delete (actions) in one bucket based on a match with the data in another.

• Multiple actions can be specified in the same query rather than separate independent statements both when a match is found and otherwise.

• It is particularly suited for merge/purge operations and batch updates.• The MERGE statement contains a source bucket and a target bucket. It needs

a join condition based on a common attribute.

• Key-clause – KEY expression• Limit and Returning clauses are the same as before

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• Merge-source

• Merge-actions

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MERGE - Actions

• Actions on destination keyspace/document – Insert, Update and Delete• Note: the limited syntax of actions. And, UPSERT is not necessary/redundant.

• Merge-insert

• Merge-update

• Merge-delete

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MERGE – Example• We have two sets of data about cars.

• Update/merge documents into cars to update the mileage.

INSERT INTO cars VALUES ("1", { "make" : "Toyota", "plate": "AAA-123", "mileage": 1000}), ("2", { "make" : "Chevrolet", "plate": "BBB-456", "mileage": 1000}), ("3", { "make" : "BMW", "plate": "CCC-456", "mileage": 1000});

INSERT INTO car_changes VALUES ("101", { "car_id" : "1", "mileage": 1030}), ("201", { "car_id" : "2", "mileage": 1040}),("401", { "car_id" : "4", "mileage": 1050});

MERGE INTO cars dstUSING car_changes srcON KEY src.car_idWHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET dst.mileage = src.mileageWHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT WHERE src.mileage > 100;

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MERGE INTO cars dstUSING car_changes srcON KEY src.car_idWHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET dst.mileage = src.mileageWHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT WHERE src.mileage > 100;

MERGE processing

Data/Index Services Query Service



Car Changes

JOINsrc.car_id = meta(dst).id





Query Result

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• In order to avoid the statement being prepared repeatedly we can do the following

• Using cbq


cbq> PREPARE findcars FROM SELECT plate, make FROM default WHERE mileage > $miles; {


"name": "findcars”,

PREPARE [ name ( FROM | AS ) ] statement

EXECUTE name | plan

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• Can PREPARE any DML statement• PREPARED statements are transiently stored in-memory only.

• Need to re-create on restarting the cluster

• EXECUTE : Using curl

• EXECUTE : Using cbq


PREPARE cc_insert FROMINSERT INTO car_changes (KEY, VALUE) VALUES ($key, $val)RETURNING car_changes;

cbq> \SET -$key "501";cbq> \SET -$val { "car_id" : "4", "mileage": 1050};cbq> execute sampleinsert;

curl http://localhost:8093/query/service -d 'statement=execute cc_insert&$key="501"&$val={ "car_id" : "5", "mileage": 1050}'

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• INFER lets you discover schema characteristics of documents in a bucket

• Based on sampling• sample_size

• Specifies the number of documents to randomly sample in the keyspace or bucket.• The default value is 1000

• num_sample_values• Specifies the number of sample values (example data) for each attribute to be

returned. • The default value is 5

INFER <keyspace_ref> [ WITH { <options>} ]Options ::= [ "sample_size" : <value> ] [, "num_sample_values" : <value> ] [, "similarity_metric" : <value> ] [, "dictionary_threshold" : <value> ]

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• similarity_metric• the degree of similarity between two document schemas to be considered as same flavor

• It is a real number between 0 and 1 indicating the percentage match attributes at the top level.

• The default value is 0.6

• dictionary_threshold• is max #of fields following dictionary pattern, beyond which they are collapsed into a single schema field and marked as a dictionary• i.e fields with different names but with the same sub-document schema. Ex: user_1, user_2• where a field (ex: ratings) has sub-fields that are key-value pairs, instead of name-value pairs.• Appears like the document has a large number of ‘fields’ since a data value (Ex: user_1) is used as field name.

"ratings": { "user_1": { "created": 1439939260000, "rating": 4 }, "user_2": { "created": 1440066307000, "rating": 3 }, "user_3": { "created": 1440044407000, "rating": 2 }, …}

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• Example: discover schema characteristics of `travel-sample` documents in a bucket

• Use Cases• Query workbench in Couchbase Web console• BI/Visualization/Analytics tools

• Cloud9Charts leverages INFER• Schema-mapping for ORM tools

• ODBC/JDBC drivers use internal Schema discovery• Developers/Admins

INFER `travel-sample` WITH { "sample_size" : 4000, "num_sample_values" : 2, "similarity_metric" : 0.75,

"dictionary_threshold" : 10 }

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• EXPLAIN shows the query plan, i.e exact steps how N1QL plans to execute the query


cbq> EXPLAIN INSERT INTO default VALUES ("1", { "make" : "Toyota"});"plan": { "#operator": "Sequence", "~children": [ { "#operator": "ValueScan", "values": "[[\"1\", {\"\\\"make\\\"\": \"Toyota\"}]]" }, { "#operator": "Parallel", "maxParallelism": 1, "~child": { "#operator": "Sequence", "~children": [ { "#operator": "SendInsert",

EXPLAIN statement

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• Create Primary Index

• Create Index

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CREATE/BUILD INDEX• Index-with Clause

• Index-Using Clause

• Build Index

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• Drop Primary Index

• Drop Index

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real world use cases

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Use Case – DELETE • Use Case : user-profile management

• Deleting stale users history based on some criteria• WHERE-clause / LIMIT-clause

• Be careful with MISTAKES • Predicate with “field_1” (with quotes””) evaluates to TRUE, and deletes all

documents• Field names are case sensitive

DELETE FROM user_profiles WHERE  (id % 10) != 0 AND    changed_by IS NOT missing AND    object_length(changes) > 1 AND    meta().id LIKE "HistoryLog::%" LIMIT  1000



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INSERT with Powerful Transformations• Use Cases

• loading data with structure and data transformations•https://catalog.data.gov/dataset?res_format=JSON•data.nasa.gov/data.json

• https://dzone.com/articles/json-files-whats-in-a-new-york-name-unlocking-data

INSERT INTO nynames ( KEY uuid(), VALUE val ) SELECT val FROM (  SELECT meta.`view`.columns[*].fieldname fields, data      FROM   datagov ) d UNNEST data d_tmp LET val = OBJECT i:d_tmp[array_position(d.fields, i)] FOR i IN d.fields END ;

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INSERT with Powerful Transformations – Sample data

• https://dzone.com/articles/json-files-whats-in-a-new-york-name-unlocking-data

"meta" : { "view" : { "id" : "25th-nujf", "name" : "Most Popular Baby Names by Sex and Mother's Ethnic Group, New York City", "attribution" : "Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH)", "columns" : [ { "id" : -1, "name" : "sid", "dataTypeName" : "meta_data", "fieldName" : ":sid", "position" : 0, "renderTypeName" : "meta_data", "format" : { } }, … ]"data" : [ [ 1, "EB6FAA1B-EE35-4D55-B07B-8E663565CCDF", 1, 1386853125, "399231", 1386853125, "399231", "{\n}", "2011", "FEMALE", "HISPANIC", "GERALDINE", "13", "75" ], [ 2, "2DBBA431-D26F-40A1-9375-AF7C16FF2987", 2, 1386853125, "399231", 1386853125, "399231", "{\n}", "2011", "FEMALE", "HISPANIC", "GIA", "21", "67" ], [ 3, "54318692-0577-4B21-80C8-9CAEFCEDA8BA", 3, 1386853125, "399231", 1386853125, "399231", "{\n}", "2011", "FEMALE", "HISPANIC", "GIANNA", "49", "42" ]…] }

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UPDATE to sanitize data

• Use Case: Fixing date format, time zone • NO Application code changes !!

UPDATE travel_schedulesSET GMT_DEP_TIME = substr(GMT_DEP_TIME, 6, 4) ||

substr(GMT_DEP_TIME, 2, 4) ||substr(GMT_DEP_TIME, 0, 2) || substr(GMT_DEP_TIME, 10),

EST_ARR_TIME = substr(EST_ARR_TIME , 6, 4) || substr(EST_ARR_TIME , 2, 4) || substr(EST_ARR_TIME , 0, 2) || substr(EST_ARR_TIME , 10),

SCHED_GMT_DEP = substr(SCHED_GMT_DEP, 6, 4) || substr(SCHED_GMT_DEP, 2, 4) || substr(SCHED_GMT_DEP, 0, 2) || substr(SCHED_GMT_DEP, 10) ;

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UPDATE nested structures

“Customer: I am wondering how I could update efficiently a fourth level nested document. For exemple, my document would look like this :”

{ "level1_Id" : "L1_ID_0", "level1_Arr": [ { "level2_Id": "L2_ID_0", "level2_Arr": [ { "level3_Id": "L3_ID_0", "level3_Arr": [ { "level4_Id": "L4_ID_0", "level4_Attr": "L4_ATTR" }, { "level4_Id": "L4_ID_1", "level4_Attr": "L4_ATTR" } ] } ] } ]}

UPDATE default d USE KEYS "TEST::1"SET k.level4_Attr = "test" FOR k IN ARRAY_FLATTEN(


ARRAY i.level2_Arr FOR i IN d.level1_Arr END, 1 ) END , 1 )WHEN k.level4_Id = "L4_ID_0"ENDRETURNING *;

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UPSERT – Maintain latest summaries

• “Customer: I want to INSERT a document based on unique key or UPDATE a counter if the document already exists”

• Maintaining latest summaries

UPSERT INTO users (KEY, VALUE) VALUES ("EAN1234567", { "productId": "EAN1234567", "counter": 1} )RETURNING * ;

UPSERT INTO default (KEY id, VALUE doc) SELECT ‘app_summary_key' as id, {"type" : 'summary' , "count" : array_agg(tmp) } as doc FROM (SELECT device, count(*) as `count` from `app-devices` WHERE appl IS NOT NULL AND appl_company = “Microsoft” GROUP BY app) as tmp;

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Real World Examples: MERGE

“Customer: I want to INSERT a document based on unique key or UPDATE a counter if the document already exists”

•Note that, UPSERT may not help here, as it overwrites whole document, instead of updating a specific field, such as p.counter


UPDATE SET p.counter = p.counter + 1 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN

INSERT { "productId": "EAN1234567", "counter": 1}) RETURNING * ;

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INFER – Query Workbench

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INSERT – SELECT for Stock Trades

• Use Cases –TaxLots• You want to join documents and

merge elements from it to create a completely new document with possibly aggregated data

• change key of the documents, so you do an insert/select with new key.

• Replicate a “temp table” functionality


• Imagine Developing an API based code..

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INSERT – SELECT for Stock Trades

Just.. Feel the power of N1QL

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Prasad VarakurPrincipal Product [email protected]

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Thank You!

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