go pyjamas for children in need


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41. Pyjamas Go Pyjamas for Children in Need Pyjamas; the very word conjures up memories of Christmas Eve presents, warm nights by a roaring fire and sleepovers. They can be comfy and cosy; they can be sleek and sexy and there is a style for everyone; it’s just a pity that they’re only for bedtime or watching Sunday morning television. What if you could wear your pyjamas out in public and raise money for charity at the same time? Blue Peter have teamed up with Children in Need to invite you all to the UK’s biggest pyjama party, Go Pyjamas. You could organise a pyjama day at work and ask everyone to pay a small fee in order to wear pyjamas (but make sure that no one takes this opportunity for a nap on their desk) or maybe hold a pyjama-themed Halloween party. Your little ones can get in on the action too, by going to school in their pjs (just check with the head teacher first), wearing their jim jams to Scouts or even, if they’re on a team, playing a match in pyjamas. They might even get a mention on Blue Peter. So, what if your jammies have seen better days? Well, never fear, Very has a fine selection of beautiful on-trend pyjamas, with huge brands from David and Goliath to Lipsy to Sorbet. They even have ones decorated with colourful cartoon characters like Big Bird, Mickey Mouse and SpongeBob Squarepants. It’s the perfect excuse to treat yourself, after all it is for charity –mostly. One important thing to remember though, it might be wise to wear your pyjamas over your work outfit just in case something should happen; wearing tartan flannel bottoms in front of thirty people all doing the same is okay but in front of an important client, not so much. Also, pyjamas are not as good as suit jackets and sweaters might be at keeping you dry in unexpected showers, primarily because it rarely rains indoors. The appeal launched last week and will run on Blue Peter until their big finale show on November 15th, the night before Children in Need. For sponsorship forms and more information, visit either Blue Peter or Children in Need. ENDS Words: 365