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Global SAP Roll Out


  • 5/24/2018 Global SAP Roll Out


    SAP Rollout ProjectSAP Rollout Project

    Opatija, June 4, 2002 Mirko Slovjak

    Iskustva u vodenju globalnog projekta

  • 5/24/2018 Global SAP Roll Out


    n As a global company, we have a critical mission to

    undertake: we must successfully meet the rising

    challenges and complexities of business world.

    n To get there, we need an integrated system that delivers

    the right blend of functionality, flexibility and


    n Moreover , we need a comprehensive solution that

    optimises and supports all of our global business


    n To achieve this goal we need:

    a reliable strategy to analyse our businessoperations and new opportunities and

    an integrated information system

    Project ApproachProject Approach

  • 5/24/2018 Global SAP Roll Out


    Project approachProject approachCase studies show that most of the successful SAP implementations arebusiness-driven from start to end

    Successful com panies realise from the start the importance of business-driven SAPimplementation and secure that the business focus is never lost through out the process.

    Successful com panies realise from the start the importance of business-driven SAPimplementation and secure that the business focus is never lost through out the process.

    Dif ferences between IT-dr iven and b usin ess-dr iven SAP imp lementat ions

    IT-driven implementationsIT-driven implementations Business-driven implementationsBusiness-driven implementations

    Replacement of old IT systemsthat are difficult to maintain andsupport

    Increase accuracy of data

    SAP regarded as an IT solutionto all business problems

    Replacement of old IT systemsthat are difficult to maintain andsupport

    Increase accuracy of data

    SAP regarded as an IT solutionto all business problems

    Reengineering of businessprocesses in alignment withcorporate strategy

    SAP regarded as an enabler to

    change the way the business isrun

    IT structure and businessprocesses are aligned

    Reengineering of businessprocesses in alignment withcorporate strategy

    SAP regarded as an enabler to

    change the way the business isrun

    IT structure and businessprocesses are aligned


    IT department

    Todays IT users define systemrequirements and architecture


    IT department

    Todays IT users define systemrequirements and architecture


    Senior management, includingIT manager

    Requirements based on futurebusiness needs


    Senior management, includingIT manager

    Requirements based on futurebusiness needs

    Key decisionmakers duringimplementation

    Rationale for

    using SAP

  • 5/24/2018 Global SAP Roll Out


    Project approachProject approach

    Complexity driversComplexity drivers

    Global business issues Global data standards

    Global/standardised processes

    Global products

    Global business issues Global data standards

    Global/standardised processes

    Global products

    Geography and cultural issues Cultural differences between international sites

    Communication challenges and local acceptance (buy-in)

    Geography and cultural issues Cultural differences between international sites

    Communication challenges and local acceptance (buy-in)

    n Complexity drivers for multi-site, multi-national SAP implementations

    The complex i ty increases signif icant ly for glob al SAP implementat ions - putt ing m any potent ial

    pi t fal ls and r isks on the map to project success.

    The complex i ty increases signif icant ly for global SAP implementations - putt ing m any potent ial

    pi t fal ls and r isks on the map to project success.

    Multi-site, multi-nationalSAP implementations

    International team structure and project organisation Internationally balanced teams

    Distributed support over regions

    Coordination of rollouts in multiple countries

    International team structure and project organisation Internationally balanced teams

    Distributed support over regions

    Coordination of rollouts in multiple countries

    Diversity within regional IT systems in use More complex configuration management

    Variations in regional IT infrastructures

    Difficult definition process for standardisation through multipleviewpoints

    Diversity within regional IT systems in use More complex configuration management

    Variations in regional IT infrastructures

    Difficult definition process for standardisation through multipleviewpoints

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    Project approachProject approach

    Global ASAPGlobal ASAP

    Provides Global Strategy definition before startingimplementation project

    Approach driven by global business processorientation

    Opportunity to integrate business reengineering

    and value chain improvements Opportunity to align business processes across

    international borders and realisation of significantcost reductions and enterprise-wide benefits

    Opportunity for SAP programs across all enterprisesites, product lines and international divisions

    Ideally fit for big multi-national enterprises toprepare for the challenges of global markets

    Provides Global Strategy definition before startingimplementation project

    Approach driven by global business processorientation

    Opportunity to integrate business reengineeringand value chain improvements

    Opportunity to align business processes acrossinternational borders and realisation of significantcost reductions and enterprise-wide benefits

    Opportunity for SAP programs across all enterprisesites, product lines and international divisions

    Ideally fit for big multi-national enterprises toprepare for the challenges of global markets

    Global ASAP is especially designed to fit the needs of mu lti-site, mu lti-national enterprises and tohelp them implement glob al business operat ions, based on SAP.

    Global ASAP is especially designed to fit the needs of mu lti-site, mu lti-national enterprises and tohelp them implement glob al business operat ions, based on SAP.

    Project complexity

    Size of company


    Clear local focus of SAPimplementation

    Process optimisation on locallevel

    Benefits on local level

    No business process


    Clear local focus of SAPimplementation

    Process optimisation on locallevel

    Benefits on local level

    No business process



    n Characteristics of Global ASAP methodology



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    Global ASAPGlobal ASAP

    Global ASAP methodology will not substitute experience and

    necessary skills, such as:

    Business acumen

    Project management

    Business process know-how

    SAP know-how

    IT architecture know-how

  • 5/24/2018 Global SAP Roll Out


    Rol l Out ASAP Roadmap

    Global ASAPGlobal ASAP

  • 5/24/2018 Global SAP Roll Out


    2 41 3

    Business Bluepr int Real isati onProject Set-up

    Where we

    want to go

    How to get





    in to logical


    of R/3functionality

    Maintenance & Support




    Global ASAPGlobal ASAP

  • 5/24/2018 Global SAP Roll Out


    Global ASAP PhasesGlobal ASAP Phases



    Define globalstrategy

    Set up globaltemplate project

    Define globalstrategy

    Set up globaltemplate project

    Global ProGlobal ProjectjectSetSet--UpUp



    GlobalGlobalMaintenanceMaintenanceand Supportand Support

    Prepare template

    Define globalbusiness processmodels

    Develop globalBusinessBlueprint

    Prepare template

    Define globalbusiness processmodels

    Develop globalBusinessBlueprint

    Configure andconfirm template

    Define globalsystemmanagement

    Perform finalintegration test

    Execute rollout

    Configure andconfirm template

    Define globalsystemmanagement

    Perform finalintegration test

    Execute rollout

    Support local sites,subsidiaries

    Perform post-rolloutactivities

    Ensure continuousimprovements

    Support local sites,subsidiaries

    Perform post-rolloutactivities

    Ensure continuousimprovements


    Quality Assurance

    Change Management (Training, communication, team building, motivation, and so on)

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    ProjectSet-up activitiesProjectSet-up activities





    Prepare proPrepare projectject(template/rollout(template/rollout


    Set up globalSet up globaltemplate projecttemplate project

    Opportunity andreadiness assessment

    Strategy Study

    Risk Assessment

    Business Case

    Review and sign-offof Global Strategy

    Opportunity andreadiness assessment

    Strategy Study

    Risk Assessment

    Business Case

    Review and sign-offof Global Strategy

    Detailed projectplanning

    Project procedures

    and standards

    CCC implementationstrategy

    Sign-off of high-levelproject plan

    Detailed projectplanning

    Project procedures

    and standards CCC implementation


    Sign-off of high-levelprojectplan

    Global template projectcharter

    Project scope

    Project plan

    Project team

    Template-specificstandards andprocedures

    Review and sign-offof Project Charter

    Global template projectcharter

    Project scope

    Project plan

    Project team

    Template-specificstandards andprocedures

    Review and sign-offof Project Charter

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    Strategy StudyStrategy Study





    Enterprise ScopeEnterprise Scope

    Scope of sites, countries

    Scope of processes

    Information and process flowsbetween enterprises

    Graphical representations ofeach organisation and mapping

    to SAP organisational hierarchy Listing of all high-level

    functional gaps and potentialsolutions

    Policy statement on how gapsare to be resolved

    Scope of sites, countries

    Scope of processes

    Information and process flowsbetween enterprises

    Graphical representations ofeach organisation and mapping

    to SAP organisational hierarchy Listing of all high-level

    functional gaps and potentialsolutions

    Policy statement on how gapsare to be resolved

    Global Strategy forSystem Architecture

    Global Strategy forSystem Architecture

    IT-system topology

    Network overview

    Instances: number, locations,relationship, and so on

    Analyses of distributedapplication alternatives

    IT-system topology

    Network overview

    Instances: number, locations,relationship, and so on

    Analyses of distributedapplication alternatives

    Implementation ApproachImplementation Approach

    Implementation approach

    Outline of configuration strategy(how, where, configurationaccess, and so on)

    Outline of development strategy(how, where, developmentaccess, and so on)

    Overview of rollout strategy

    Outline of CCC concept

    Implementation approach

    Outline of configuration strategy(how, where, configurationaccess, and so on)

    Outline of development strategy(how, where, developmentaccess, and so on)

    Overview of rollout strategy

    Outline of CCC concept

    Project ManagementApproach

    Project ManagementApproach

    Overview on overall Project

    Management Approach

    Organisation structure

    Roles & Resposibilities

    Overview on overall Project

    Management Approach Organisation structure

    Roles & Resposibilities

    Change ManagementChange Management

    High-level Change

    Management Strategy

    High-level training strategy

    High-level Change

    Management Strategy High-level training strategy

    n Key deliverables of Strategy Study

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    Business ExpectationBusiness Expectation

    n Enabling better PLIVA position

    n To build an Integrated IS on group level

    n To improve communication between PLIVAs


    n Real time and standardise reporting systemn To standardise and optimise business


    n To increase level of efficiency

    n To improve customer servicen Perform C&V activities according the Project


  • 5/24/2018 Global SAP Roll Out


    Project BenefitsProject Benefits

    n Cross application

    Accuracy of data

    Cross company data availability

    Elimination of double work processes

    n Finance & Controlling

    Accurate Cash Management Group credit limits monitoring

    Shortened period of reporting

    n Sales & Distribution

    Increased inventory turnover

    Reduction of Customer complaints

    Better stock controlling and sales forecasting

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    Project BenefitsProject Benefits

    n Product Supply

    Increased inventory turnover

    Reduced planning cycles

    Reduction of cycle time

    Shortened order availability check

    n Quality Assurance

    Decreased GMP deficiencies

    Standardisation of QA data, documents and


  • 5/24/2018 Global SAP Roll Out


    Project AssumptionProject Assumption

    n Key team members must be full-time on the project

    n Scope must be controlledn Where possible existing solution in PLIVA Zagreb will

    be sought

    n Business change will be driven by SAP

    n Complexity must be kept low

    n Identification of master data must conform to globalstandard

    n Team members are empowered to make decisions

    n Core team will work closely with Country teams

    n Organisational structure will be frozen

    n Standard reporting will be utilised where possible

    n Top management involvement and quick decisionsmaking process

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    B u s i n e s s P r o c e s s

    C ont r o l e r s

    C o u n t r y t e a m K r a k o w

    P r o j e c t S p o n s o r

    C o u n t r y P r o j e c t M a n a g e r

    C o r e t e a m

    C o u n t r y P r o j e c t M a n a g e r

    S A P I n t e g r a t i o n M a n a g e r S A P C o o r i d i n a t o r s

    B P M - F I ; I n t e r n a l C o n s u l t a n t - F I B P M - F I

    B P M - C O ; I n t e . C o n s u l t a n t - C O B P M - C O

    B P M - S D ; I n t e . C o n s u l t a n t - S DB P M - S D

    B P M - M M ; I n t e . C o n s u l t a n t - M M B P M - M M

    B P M - P P ; I n t e . C o n s u l t a n t - P P B P M - P P - P I

    B P M - Q M ; I n t e . C o n s u l t a n t - Q M

    C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t

    M a n a g e r

    C & V M a n a g e r

    B u s i n e s s S p e c i a l i s tE x t e r n a l C o n s u l t a n t s

    S i t e U s e r sE x t e r n a l C o n s u l t a n t s

    - E n d U s e r S u p p o r t

    - T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o nI T S u p p o r t

    S A P C o o r i d i n a t o r s

    B P M - F I

    B P M - C O

    I n t e gr a t i on t e a m

    F I t e a m

    M M t e a m

    C O t e a m

    S D t e a m

    P P - P I t e a m

    Q M t e a m

    C h a n g eM a n a g e m e n t t e a m

    C & V t e a m

    B P M - S D

    B P M - M M

    B P M - P P - P I

    B P M - Q M

    C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t

    M a n a g e r

    C & V M a n a g e r

    S i t e U s e r sE x t e r n a l C o n s u l t a n t

    C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t M a n a g e r

    B P M - Q M

    C & V M a n a g e r

    P r o j e c t A s s i s t a n tC o u n t r y P r o j e c t

    S p o n s o r C o u n t r y P r o j e t

    S p o n s o r

    - E n d U s e r S u p p o r t

    - T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n

    - B C- A B A P

    - T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n

    P r o j e c t M a n a g e r

    I m p l e m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t T e a m

    C o u n t r y S C C o u n t r y S C

    C o u n t r y t e a m B r n o

    Project OrganisationProject Organisation

  • 5/24/2018 Global SAP Roll Out


    Implementation ApproachImplementation Approach

    n The main effort during the Business Blueprint phase

    will be develop global template

    n Its possible that some business processes will beoptimised during the project, due to better practice

    either in PLIVA Krakow or PLIVA Lachema

    n The term rollout project refers to the process of

    repeated activation of one or more templates.

    n One of the areas in which there can be no SAPstandard is the mo t ivation for c ol laborat ion between

    local and g lobal levels

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    Implementation ApproachImplementation Approach


    IMG structures

    and settings


    Developments Organizationalstructure

    Master Data




    Global andintegratedprocesses



    GlobalTemplate LocalRequirements

  • 5/24/2018 Global SAP Roll Out


    Implementation ApproachImplementation Approach

    n Global A process is global when it is integrated

    throughout the enterprise

    n Standard A process is standardised if it must be

    executed in the same way in the enterprise

    n Local A process is local if it is not possible or it

    makes no sense to define as global or standardised

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    Availibility ofresources to supportthe Project activities

    Existing SAPinstallations

    (SAP know-how)Geographical scope

    Complexity of extended


    Number of sites andbusiness units involved

    Degree of readiness

    (preparation status, previousinternal experience)

    Functional scope ofimplementation

    Duration of theDuration of theSAP RollSAP Roll--outout


    Timeline ImpactsTimeline Impacts