global education network of central ohio december 5, 2012 educational service center of central ohio

Global Education Network of Central Ohio December 5, 2012 Educational Service Center of Central Ohio

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Global Education Network of Central OhioDecember 5, 2012

Educational Service Center of Central Ohio


Columbus Council on World Affairs Updates

• Events

• Newsletter

• Opportunities

National Advisory CommitteeTo ensure that we are using best practices and are in step with what is happening nationally there will be periodic consultation with a National Advisory Committee:

Kate Berseth Education First

Bill Hiller

Jennifer Manise

Cary McCall

Fernando Reimers

Martin Riant

Heather Singmaster

Amy Westby

Martha Holden Jennings Foundation

Longview Foundation

Special Advisor to the President for Council on Foreign Relations

Harvard Global Think Tank

Group President of Global Baby Care for Procter & Gamble

Asia Society

World Savvy

Working Groups

Global Scholars Diploma

Community Engagement Toolkit

Global Education Showcase

Global Education Showcase

• Partnering with New Albany Plain Local School District• Keynote speaker – Yong Zhao, Associate Dean for

Global Education, University of Oregon

June 18 Evening event for community membersJune 19 Event for teachers and administrators

•Inspiration •Resources•Examples

Community Engagement Toolkit

• The Global Report 2012

• Messages customized to central Ohio

• Support for the adoption of the Global Scholars Diploma

The Global Scholars Diploma

A combination of:

• Communication Skills• Extracurricular Activities• Contributions to the Global Community• Cross Cultural Experience• Demonstration of Global Knowledge

Task for Working Groups

• Goals

• Drafts

• Questions/issues

• Next steps

The Ohio State University

The Global Option

Dr. Esther Gottlieb

The Office of International Affairs

Global Scholars Diploma Discussion Questions

1. What are student, parent, district, and business motivations for supporting the diploma?

2. Will the proposed requirements result in increased global competence?

3. How do we balance flexibility and consistency?

4. What will schools need the most help with?

5. What are some challenges to adoption and implementation?

Joining the ONET Ning

•Go to

• Fill in the required information.

•Go to “Groups”.

•Join the GENCO group.