glenelg shire council position title: community

GLENELG SHIRE COUNCIL Specification of Duties & General Conditions of Appointment Position Title: Community Development Officers - Casual Introduction The Glenelg Shire Council currently has two vacancies for casual Community Development Officers. These positions will be based in the Community Development and Active Communities units within the Community & Culture Department and primarily located at the Portland Customer Service Centre. In this role the successful applicants will be required to liaise with and support community groups, assist with youth projects including Freeza events and recreation initiatives, develop and implement a range of partnership projects. A post secondary qualification in a relevant field or significant experience applicable to the position, together with demonstrated project management and communication skills are required. Proficient information technology skills are essential. There may be a requirement to work weekends and evenings to assist with the delivery of events, forums and programs. The successful applicant will be required to supplement existing staff during peak periods and/or during periods of staff leave. There are no guaranteed or regular hours of work. For enquiries contact Ian Moody, Community Development Manager on 03 5522 2220 or Ann Kirkham, Active Communities Manager on 03 5522 2230. Applications will be received until 2 PM on Friday 17 July 2013. Organisational Structure The successful applicant will be responsible to the Group Manager Community & Culture, or their nominated Officer. Enclosures a) Standard Conditions of Employment b) Position Descriptions c) Privacy Statement d) Entitlement to Workers’ Compensation Form e) Organisation Chart Application Procedure Applications should be returned in a sealed envelope marked ‘Confidential – Position Vacant – ‘Community Development Officer - Casual’ and addressed to the Organisation Development Manager, Glenelg Shire Council, Portland Customer Service Centre, PO Box 152, Portland, 3305.

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Page 1: GLENELG SHIRE COUNCIL Position Title: Community


Specification of Duties &

General Conditions of Appointment

Position Title: Community Development Officers - Casual


The Glenelg Shire Council currently has two vacancies for casual Community

Development Officers. These positions will be based in the Community

Development and Active Communities units within the Community & Culture

Department and primarily located at the Portland Customer Service Centre.

In this role the successful applicants will be required to liaise with and support community groups, assist with youth projects including Freeza events and

recreation initiatives, develop and implement a range of partnership projects.

A post secondary qualification in a relevant field or significant experience

applicable to the position, together with demonstrated project management and

communication skills are required. Proficient information technology skills are


There may be a requirement to work weekends and evenings to assist with the

delivery of events, forums and programs.

The successful applicant will be required to supplement existing staff during peak

periods and/or during periods of staff leave. There are no guaranteed or regular hours of work.

For enquiries contact Ian Moody, Community Development Manager on 03 5522 2220 or Ann Kirkham, Active Communities Manager on 03 5522 2230.

Applications will be received until 2 PM on Friday 17 July 2013.

Organisational Structure

The successful applicant will be responsible to the Group Manager Community &

Culture, or their nominated Officer.


a) Standard Conditions of Employment

b) Position Descriptions c) Privacy Statement

d) Entitlement to Workers’ Compensation Form

e) Organisation Chart

Application Procedure

Applications should be returned in a sealed envelope marked ‘Confidential –

Position Vacant – ‘Community Development Officer - Casual’ and addressed to

the Organisation Development Manager, Glenelg Shire Council, Portland

Customer Service Centre, PO Box 152, Portland, 3305.

Page 2: GLENELG SHIRE COUNCIL Position Title: Community


Specification of Duties &

General Conditions of Appointment

Position Title: Community Development Officers - Casual


E-mail to: [email protected]

Applications sent via email will receive an e-mail reply acknowledging receipt of

the application. If you do not receive an e-mail acknowledging your application

within two working days please contact Sian Ruis, Human Resource Coordinator, on 03 5522 2358.

Council will not be responsible for documents that are corrupt and cannot be

downloaded for processing.


Hand deliver your application to the Front Counter of the Portland Customer Service Centre, Cliff Street Portland.

All applications need to arrive before the closing date, as stated in the advertisement for the position. Applications are dealt with in the strictest

confidence and in accordance with the Information Privacy Act. Details contained in your application will not be conveyed to any person not directly

connected with processing your application without your permission.

Canvass of Councillors or Officers, either directly or indirectly, will automatically

disqualify the applicant.

I look forward to receiving your application for consideration.


Group Manager Community & Culture

Page 3: GLENELG SHIRE COUNCIL Position Title: Community


Specification of Duties &

General Conditions of Appointment

Position Title: Community Development Officers - Casual

1. Salary

The salary offered is a Band 5, which currently has an hourly rate of Band 5

Level A $33.72 to Band 5 Level D $40.10, inclusive of 25% loading in lieu of

annual leave, sick leave and public holidays.

Salary and conditions of appointment will be in accordance with the Glenelg Shire Council Enterprise Agreement No. 5 – 2010, or successor


2. Superannuation

The Shire is required to make a statutory contribution to the scheme for the

employee’s benefit. The employee may also make a contribution. From 1

July 2002 the statutory contribution is 9% of the annual salary.

The Council’s Enterprise Agreement provides that:

‘35.1 The Council shall be a participating employer in the Vision

Superannuation Fund, the Defined Benefits Scheme and/or LASPLAN,

and shall participate in accordance with the provisions and

requirements of the Trust Deed under which the Local Authorities Super

Pty Ltd operates.

35.2 The Council shall contribute to such fund(s) in accordance with the

Superannuation Guarantee Act 1992, on behalf of each employee.

35.3 The Council shall provide each employee, upon commencement of

employment, with membership forms for the LASPLAN and shall

forward the completed membership form to the Local Authorities

Super Pty Ltd within 14 days, provided that where the Trust Deed

provides for a new employee, who is an existing member or former

member of the Local Authorities Superannuation Fund Defined

Benefits Scheme, to be re-admitted or continue to be a member of

that Fund, this sub-clause shall not apply.

35.4 Each employee shall be a member of the Vision Super Fund’.

3. Termination of Employment

Either party giving the required notice in accordance with the relevant

Award may terminate the appointment.

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Specification of Duties &

General Conditions of Appointment

Position Title: Community Development Officers - Casual

4. Eligibility to Apply

To be eligible to apply for any position with the Glenelg Shire Council

applicants must be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or have Permanent

Resident Status or have a valid Working Visa.

5. Normal Hours & Days of Work

The primary purpose of this casual position is to supplement our existing staff

during peak periods and/or during periods of staff leave. The terms of

engagement will be on a casual basis, where the successful applicant may

be engaged in intermittent or relieving work of a casual and/or unexpected


There may be a requirement to work weekends and evenings to assist with the delivery of events, forums and programs.

There are no guaranteed hours of work and there may be long periods when you are not required.

6. Salary Sacrifice

Salary sacrifice options include superannuation, employee’s children’s

attendance at Council’s Childcare Centres and membership at the Portland

Leisure and Aquatic Centre. Exclusions apply and applicants must adhere to

the terms and conditions contained in the Salary Sacrifice Policy.

7. Medical, Police Check & Working with Children Check

Applicants may be required to have a pre-employment medical, by a

medical practitioner nominated and paid for by the Council and will be

required to have a satisfactory Police Check and a valid Working with

Children Check card.

8. Annual Leave & Sick Leave

Employees will be paid 25% loading in lieu of annual leave, sick leave and

public holidays.

Page 5: GLENELG SHIRE COUNCIL Position Title: Community


Specification of Duties &

General Conditions of Appointment

Position Title: Community Development Officers - Casual

9. Commitment to Training, Development & Multi-Skilling

Our Council is committed to providing on-going training and development

for all employees to achieve multi-skilling, increase flexibility, enhance

productivity and performance, achieve and maintain competitiveness, and

to minimise the need to employ relieving staff.

10. Smoke Free Environment

The Council premises and vehicles are smoke free environments.

11. Equal Employment Opportunity & Human Rights Charter Compliance

The Council is committed to providing a workplace free of all forms of

discrimination and harassment. It aims for equality of opportunity for all

employees and is consistent with our policy of merit-based selection and fairness.

Council continues to have four trained Equal Opportunity Contact Officers

and use its formal induction process for new employees to emphasise the

importance of the Policy and the commitment of Council to Equal Opportunity principles and Human Rights Charter compliance.

The Glenelg Shire Council is an equal employment opportunity employer.

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POSITION TITLE: Community Development Officer (Casual)

REPORTS TO: Community Development Officer

DEPARTMENT: Community Development

DATE APPROVED: 2 July 2013




This position is subject to the Glenelg Shire Council’s Enterprise Agreement.

The Glenelg Shire Council is committed to the Human Rights principles and responsibilities of

freedom, respect, equality and dignity. We will act compatibly, as far as practicable, with The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities by taking human rights into consideration when

making laws, setting policies, providing services and to give human rights proper consideration in


1. Position Objectives

a) Support the development of place based community plans and assist in the facilitation of their

implementation. b) Assist in the development of strategic partnerships and projects in accordance with Council

strategies in the social, health and community wellbeing areas (e.g. Youth Strategy, Positive

Ageing Strategy, Municipal Public Health Plan).

c) Support the development of local volunteering and not for profit community groups to provide

sustainable and diverse activities for community benefit and wellbeing.

d) Facilitate and support the development of relationships across and between community

groups and the Glenelg Council to enhance the capacity and sustainability of the groups.

e) Assist in the administration of Council’s Community Grant Program.

2. Key Responsibilities & Performance Standards

The key responsibilities and performance standards may be modified from time to time to ensure

that the desired outcomes are in accordance with the Annual Plans which seek to achieve

Council’s stated goals as identified in its Council Plan. Without limiting the above, the key

responsibilities and the performance standards of the Officer will include:

Community Building

a) Liaise with and support local community groups develop submissions and applications for

funding to assist with their long term viability and their ability to provide projects and programs

of community benefit. Focus is on initiatives that promote health and wellbeing, inclusiveness,

community capacity building, community safety, and lifelong learning.

b) Work with the community to build their understanding and involvement in community planning through communication, education, sharing information and resources, building relationships

and networks and working collaboratively.

c) Work with communities to develop and action Community Plans including the identification of

possible funding sources and supporting the achievement of positive outcomes.

d) Contribute to the development, implementation and monitoring of relevant Council policies,

strategies and community planning processes.

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Page 2

2. Key Responsibilities & Performance Standards continued:

Project Management

a) Facilitate, monitor and evaluate defined community development projects on Council’s


b) Support, provide advice and general information to local community project steering

committees and groups.


a) Provide general support and advice to Council’s Volunteer Advisory Group, community volunteer agencies and community groups based in the Glenelg Shire.

b) Participate in regional networks and initiatives that strengthen and support the growth of local volunteering and non profit sector.

c) Identify and develop practical ways of encouraging and supporting volunteer participation across the shire.

Community Relationships

a) Develop positive, collaborative relationships with relevant local community groups and


b) Participate in local, State and Commonwealth networks and forums that inform the

development and implementation of community planning and community strengthening


c) Develop and maintain relationships with appropriate government departments such as

Department of Planning and Community Development, Vic Health, Department of Human Services, and the Commonwealth Department of Transport and Regional Services.

d) Represent and promote Council professionally with a clear understanding of the Council Plan

and relevant policies and strategies.


a) Participate in appropriate Council cross functional working groups. b) Act a champion for the process of enhanced community engagement with other council

officers and across the organization.

The Manager may direct the Officer to carry out such duties as are within the limits of the

employee’s skill, competence and training, provided such duties do not promote a narrowing of

the employee’s skill base (Clause 14 – Victorian Local Authorities Award 2001).

The position will require the achievement of performance standards and indicators determined on an annual basis and subject to ongoing review.

3. Confidentiality

The Officer must not, whether during or after the Officer’s employment with the Council, make any

improper disclosure or use of:

a) Any information or trade secrets of the Council; b) The position of the Council or of any Councillor or Council Officer on any confidential matter; or

c) Any other information whatsoever, the disclosure of which may be detrimental to the interests

of the Council or of any other person who has provided it to the Council on a confidential basis,

unless the Officer is required to disclose the information by law. The Officer must use the

Officer’s best endeavours to prevent the improper publication or disclosure or use of any such

information by anyone else.

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Page 3

4. Organisational Relationships

REPORTS TO: Community Development Manager or their nominated Officer


INTERNAL LIAISONS: Chief Executive Officer, Managers, and Councillors

Other Council Staff, as required

EXTERNAL LIAISONS: State and Federal Government Departments/Agencies

Peak Community and Industry Bodies

Professional Consultants and their organisations Media representatives

Community groups and organisations

Individuals seeking volunteering and other information

5. Accountability & Extent of Authority

a) To provide specialist advice to Council, other staff, community organisations and individuals on

development of funding submissions, project management, community development and engagement and community building practices.

b) To undertake policy development affecting the growth and well being of the Glenelg Shire

community. This will require policy formulation that is investigative, analytical and creative in


c) Whilst the work generally falls within specific guidelines, scope exists to exercise initiative in the

positive application of established standards and procedures.

d) Undertake allocated tasks in a timely and proficient manner. e) Deliver projects and outcomes in accordance with budget allocations and strategic priorities.

f) Accountable to the manager for meeting established performance objectives.

g) Accountable for ensuring that all work is carried out to a high standard and within the required deadlines.

h) Required to have a good knowledge of relevant statutory and Council procedures appropriate

to the responsibilities of the position to enable the employee to select the appropriate course of

action in any particular case, sometimes without guidance from others.

i) The extent of authority for the position is in accordance with Council policies, procedures and delegations.

j) The Officer is required to report regularly (as required) to ensure achievement of goals and

objectives of the position;

k) The Officer is accountable for the effective facilitation and promotion of the Shire to

community groups and organisations.

l) The freedom to act is governed by policies, objectives and budgets including the maintenance

and preparation of performance reporting systems.

m) The Officer will have input into the development of policy within their area of expertise. n) The Officer has the freedom to act on all day-to-day matters within responsibilities under their

control, within the areas of their professional qualifications and expertise, in accordance with

directions of the Manager.

6. Judgement & Decision Making

a) The position will be required to research, develop and implement comprehensive strategic policies, guidelines and projects, in relation to community development. This will necessitate a

high level ability to provide and make detailed recommendations to the manager as well as

responding to suggestions and proposals from the Manager and members of the Glenelg Shire


b) Ability to provide expert advice to community groups and organisations and make

commitments on behalf of Council in situations where guidance or established procedures will

not always be available.

c) Ability to determine the best route to ensure the resolution of an inquiry.

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Page 4

6. Judgement & Decision Making continued

d) Ability to judge the relative importance/urgency of requests and tasks to Council.

e) Provide written and verbal advice to community groups and organisations based on analysis of the issues and the options available.

7. Management Skills

a) Ability to manage time and prioritise plans and goals.

b) Highly developed organising and planning skills. c) Strong communication skills.

d) Well developed project management skills.

e) Excellent report and submission writing ability.

f) Planning and project management skills. g) Creativity and problem solving skills, including conflict resolution and negotiation skills.

h) Flexibility and time management skills.

i) Networking and meeting skills.

j) Ability to make decisions.

k) Proficient in software used within Council, especially the Microsoft Office suite of software

applications, including Word, Excel (including graphs), Outlook, Power Point etc.

l) Ability to exercise initiative, to be innovative, adaptable and flexible.

8. Specialist Skills & Knowledge

a) Broad knowledge and understanding of community development principles. b) Demonstrated understanding of community consultation and engagement.

c) Facilitation and negotiation skills to maximise outcomes through community consultation and


d) Good understanding of State and Commonwealth policy directions and funding programs.

e) Thorough understanding and appreciation of the role of local government.

f) Understanding of the issues and challenges of rural and regional communities.

g) Ability to develop and manage consultant briefs and projects.

h) Exceptional networking skills.

i) Ability to work independently and harmoniously within a team environment.

9. Interpersonal Skills

a) Ability to analyse and solve problems, both within and outside the organisation.

b) Excellent verbal communication skills (including effective listening, clear interpretation and

presentation skills including public speaking). c) Ability to gain cooperation and assistance from all levels of Council staff and a broad cross

section of individuals and groups in the community.

d) Ability to liaise effectively with counterparts in other organisations. e) Ability to deal discretely and tactfully with confidential and sensitive matters.

f) Advanced skills in written communication, including the ability to write reports, prepare internal

and external correspondence and discuss and resolve issues.

g) Energetic, self motivated with lateral and forward thinking skills.

10. Qualifications & Experience

a) Tertiary qualification in community development, social sciences or a related field is essential.

b) Demonstrated project management and communication skills

c) Experience in working with communities and interest groups in the development of human

service initiatives

d) Demonstrated submission and report writing skills is essential.

e) Experience and confidence in speaking and presenting to various groups of people is essential. f) Current drivers licence is essential.

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Page 5

11. Risk Management Responsibilities (including OHS)

The following items are the duties of each employee:

a) To take reasonable care for their own safety and the safety of others affected by their acts or


b) To co-operate with their employer in relation to any action taken to comply with the OH&S Act;

c) Not wilfully or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of health and


d) Not wilfully place at risk the health and safety of any person at the workplace e) Report all safety hazards and risk exposures, including theft and property damage, to their

supervisor f) Maintain physical security of all property, equipment and buildings within your jurisdiction and


g) All staff are required to actively reduce Council’s exposure to losses related to security, public liability and professional indemnity and reporting areas of concern.

12. Key Selection Criteria:

a) Relevant tertiary qualification is essential. b) Excellent communication, negotiation and public relations skills.

c) Ability to manage time and set work priorities and objectives.

d) Demonstrated relevant experience in the planning, development and implementation of

community development programs.

e) Demonstrated relevant experience in community engagement and consultation.

f) Excellent interpersonal skills.

g) Current drivers licence.

13. Signed

.............................................................................. ...........................

Employee's Signature Date

.............................................................................. ...........................

Group Manager’s Signature Date

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Page 6


POSITION TITLE Active Communities Officer – Recreation (Casual)

REPORTS TO Group Manager Community & Culture

DEPARTMENT Community & Culture


APPROVED BY Group Manager Community & Culture




This position is subject to the Glenelg Shire Council Enterprise Agreement.

The Glenelg Shire Council is committed to the Human rights principles and responsibilities of

freedom, respect, equality and dignity. We will act compatibly, as far as practicable, with The

Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities by taking human rights into consideration when

making laws, setting policies, providing services and to give human rights proper consideration in


1. Position Objectives

a) To assist in implementing Council’s Recreation and Open Space Plan.

b) To work with and provide information to the general community in their utilisation of Council

recreational facilities and in encouraging equitable recreational participation.

c) To plan and facilitate special events which relate to recreation development in the Glenelg


d) To facilitate access to funding for community groups.

e) Assist with administration of licences and leases for use of recreation facilities by community groups.

2. Key Responsibilities & Performance Standards

The key responsibilities and performance standards may be modified from time to time to ensure

that the desired outcomes are in accordance with the Annual Plans which seek to achieve

Council’s stated goals as identified in its Council Plan. Without limiting the above, the key

responsibilities and the performance standards of the employee will include:


In consultation with Active Communities Manager:

a) Develop, promote and deliver a range of recreational programs across the Shire, including

holiday programs, Portland Aluminium South West Games and Water Safety Week. b) Develop and implement a Community Recreational Events Calendar.

c) In conjunction with relevant community groups assist with the development, promotion and

delivery of a diverse range of recreational opportunities across the Shire.

d) Develop and maintain an inventory/database of existing recreation facilities and services within

the Shire and include Community & Culture Department service mapping.

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Page 7

2. Key Responsibilities & Performance Standards (continued)


a) Assist in the negotiation, preparation and management of Crown Land lease and licences,

including facility inspections, for all user groups occupying council managed and owned

recreation reserves.

b) Liaise and work with user groups in developing sustainable improvement programs for facilities.

c) Assist with the development of a list of capital budget and maintenance items for sporting and

recreation facilities as identified through user group meetings.

d) Assist in the implementation of a playground strategy and the development of a relevant

community engagement plan for the design, development and construction of new


e) Deputise for Active Communities Manager on Asset Management Committee as required.

Special Projects

a) Assist with the implementation of Recreation Plan strategies.

b) Co-ordinate club development opportunities including seminars on risk management,

responsible serving of alcohol, access for all grants information and development


c) Map funding opportunities offered by other levels of government and funding bodies for

recreational upgrades and programs, and promote them to community groups, d) Work with community groups to develop appropriate projects and assist in the

development of funding submissions.

Administrative & Communications

a) Assist with the promotion and coordination of Council’s grants funds including Minor

Recreation Grants, Public Hall Grants and the Glenelg Junior Sports Trust.

b) Develop appropriate information on recreation facilities and programs for inclusion on

Council’s website.

c) Contribute to the development, monitoring and dissemination of recreation information

throughout the shire communities.

d) Assist in the facilitation of, assess to and allocation of recreation services and Council

services for community and special events.

e) Assist in the development of protocols and a booking system for all Council managed

recreation reserves. f) Contribute to the development of a positive working relationship between community

groups and staff.

The Manager may direct the Officer to carry out such duties as are within the limits of the employee

skill; competence and training provided such duties do not promote a narrowing of the

employee’s skill base (Clause 14 – Victorian Local Authorities Award 2001).

The position will require the achievement of performance standards and indicators determined on an annual basis and subject to ongoing review.

3. Confidentiality

The employee must not, whether during or after the employee’s employment with the Council,

make any improper disclosure or use of:

a) Any information or trade secrets of the Council;

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Page 8

3. Confidentiality continued

b) The position of the Council or of any Councillor or Council employee on any confidential

matter; or

c) Any other information whatsoever, the disclosure of which may be detrimental to the interests

of the Council or of any other person who has provided it to the Council on a confidential basis,

unless the employee is required to disclose the information by law. The employee must use the

employee’s best endeavours to prevent the improper publication or disclosure or use of any

such information by anyone else.

4. Organisational Relationships

REPORTS TO: Active Communities Manager or their nominated Officer

SUPERVISES: Volunteers

INTERNAL LIAISONS: All relevant Council staff

Community & Culture Department

EXTERNAL LIAISONS: Community Groups, Recreation Groups, Schools, State/Federal

Government Departments, Recreation Reserves Committees of

Management, Sporting Clubs, Regional and State Sporting

Associations, Koori Organisations, Regional LGAs

5. Accountability & Extent of Authority

a) This position is accountable to the Active Communities Manager to complete its key

responsibilities and duties. It is also accountable for ensuring that any legislative or statutory

requirements and industry standards associated with these responsibilities are met.

b) The incumbent of this position is accountable for the quality, effectiveness, cost and timelines of

the recreation programs and projects that they are delivering, and is responsible for the safety

and security of the related assets and facilities.

6. Judgement & Decision Making

a) The incumbent is responsible for making decisions and problem-solving using procedures and

guidelines, professional/technical knowledge and/or experience.

b) Requires the ability to research issues and identify trends to enable continuous improvement of recreational development and delivery.

c) Guidance and advice is usually available within the time required to make a choice.

8. Management Skills

a) Ability to set priorities, organise time and meet objectives.

b) Understanding of and ability to comply with human resources management practices including

Equal Employment Opportunity, Occupational Health and Safety and Risk Management. c) Ability to coordinate and work with volunteers. d) Ability to achieve objectives within a prescribed schedule and budget. e) Ability to prepare agendas and conduct user group meetings.

f) Good oral and written communications skills, including report writing, presentation and public

speaking skills.

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9. Specialist Skills & Knowledge

a) An understanding of project management principles

b) An understanding of the role of local government in the provision of recreational project and


c) A knowledge of Community Development principles and practices.

d) Ability to conduct research and analyse data. e) An understanding of Native Title and Indigenous Cultural heritage requirements.

f) Knowledge of public liability insurance requirements. g) Ability to network with key industry stakeholders. h) Submission writing, project planning and development skills.

i) Ability to support and work with community groups and organisations.

10. Interpersonal Skills

a) Ability to gain co-operation and assistance from organisations and other Council staff. b) Ability to communicate and relate to a broad cross section of individuals, organisations and

community groups.

c) Energetic, self motivated with an excellent customer service focus.

d) Ability to work harmoniously within a team environment and work with a team focus.

e) Ability to display a positive “can do” attitude. f) Ability to be flexible, adaptable and optimistic.

11. Qualifications & Experience

a) Relevant tertiary qualification, e.g. Bachelor of Sport and Recreation management or similar

qualification and/or relevant experience is essential.

b) Knowledge and understanding of the various Government and Private Sector resources and

opportunities available to community sporting and recreation groups.

c) A current Victorian driver’s licence is an essential ongoing requirement for this position.

12. Risk Management Responsibilities (including OHS)

The following items are the duties of each employee:

a) To take reasonable care for their own safety and the safety of others affected by their acts or omissions;

b) To co-operate with their employer in relation to any action taken to comply with the OH&S Act;

c) Not wilfully or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of health and safety;

d) Not wilfully place at risk the health and safety of any person at the workplace e) Report all safety hazards and risk exposures, including theft and property damage, to their


f) Maintain physical security of all property, equipment and buildings within your jurisdiction and


g) All staff are required to actively reduce Council’s exposure to losses related to security, public liability and professional indemnity and reporting areas of concern.

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13. Key Selection Criteria

a) Bachelor of Sport and Recreation Management or equivalent qualification and/or experience relevant to the position is essential.

b) Experience working with community clubs and groups.

c) Understanding and commitment to community development and community wellbeing


d) Demonstrated understanding of current trends and challenges within the region’s sport and

recreation sector.

e) Developed verbal and written communication skills with demonstrated ability to effectively

communicate with a broad range of groups and individuals. f) Awareness of relevant local and state government legislation and policy frameworks.

g) Demonstrated proficiency in the use of IT skills (Microsoft PC software i.e. Outlook, word, excel,

access, dataworks, etc).

14. Signed

.............................................................................. .........................………….

Employee's Signature Date

.............................................................................. .........................………….

Group Manager’s Signature Date

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POSITION TITLE: Active Communities Officer – Youth (Casual)

REPORTS TO: Group Manager Community & Culture

DEPARTMENT: Community & Culture

DATE APPROVED: 2 July 2013







This position is subject to the Glenelg Shire Council Enterprise Agreement.

The Glenelg Shire Council is committed to the Human rights principles and responsibilities of

freedom, respect, equality and dignity. We will act compatibly, as far as practicable, with The

Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities by taking human rights into consideration when making laws, setting policies, providing services and to give human rights proper consideration in


Glenelg Shire Council is committed to ensuring that the young people of the municipality

experience a community in which they feel accepted, supported and encouraged. Such

community development is an investment in our young people and hence an investment in the stability, growth and success of the future of Glenelg Shire.

1. Position Objectives

a) Contribute to the ongoing implementation and review of the Glenelg Council Youth Strategy.

b) Develop and maintain partnerships between youth community groups, youth agencies and


c) Assist in the analysis of data, policies and issues that have an impact on young people and the

preparation of relevant reports to the Glenelg Shire Council.

d) Assist in the development and implementation of policies and procedures relating to young

people in the Glenelg Shire.

e) Encourage participation of young people from a range of socio-economic, cultural

backgrounds and all abilities in Youth Development projects.

f) Work with young people to develop, plan, implement and evaluate projects and events.

g) Promote the positive aspects of youth culture, their vitality and vibrancy so that young people feel they belong within the Glenelg Shire.

h) Actively encourage and work with young people to become involved in the life of their

community and the decision making processes within it.

i) Actively encourage, support and advocate to young people and those services groups and

agencies that provide resources for the young people of the Glenelg Shire.

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2. Key Responsibilities & Performance Standards

The key responsibilities and performance standards may be modified from time to time to ensure

that the desired outcomes are in accordance with the Annual Plans which seek to achieve

Council’s stated goals as identified in its Council Plan. Without limiting the above, the key

responsibilities and the performance standards of the Officer will include:

Development of Partnerships

a) Represent Council and participate in relevant Local, State and Commonwealth networks and

forums, including the Glenelg Youth Network (GLYN) and the South West Regional Youth


b) Work with community agencies and educational facilities throughout the municipality to

develop programs and activities to address the needs of young people.

c) To liaise with Council departments to ensure young people’s needs and issues are appropriately

considered and actioned.

Capacity and Resource Building

a) Work with young people to plan, implement and evaluate projects they develop, including but

not limited to:

• Freeza events

• Our PlaYce Youth Leadership Programs • Musical Equipment Project

• YPAP projects

• National Youth Week Programs

b) Work with young people to develop youth strategies/plans and promotions resources required

to successfully stage nominated events and activities.

c) Work with young people to incorporate their needs into Council and other community

organisational plans and decision making processes.


a) Work with the Active Communities Manager to effectively inform and market the Glenelg Shire

Youth Programs to the community

b) Work with young people to promote a positive image of young people in the Glenelg Shire

c) Assist other Council officers to advocate to relevant authorities for effective services and infrastructure for young people, including employment, transport, training, health and welfare



a) Assist with the formation of Council objectives, policies and plans to meet the needs of young


b) Assist with the provision of reports to Council related to the youth community as required c) Participate in the development of grant and subsidy applications to assist and resource young

people (e.g. Youth Week, Youth Participation and Access Program)

d) Prepare performance and evaluation reports and assist with financial acquittals in accordance

with funding agreement requirements with relevant authorities

e) Undertake correspondence and deal with enquiries associated with Council’s youth services f) Participate in appropriate Council cross functional working groups

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2. Key Responsibilities & Performance Standards

The Manager may direct the Officer to carry out such duties as are within the limits of the

employee’s skill, competence and training, provided such duties do not promote a narrowing of

the employee’s skill base.

3. Confidentiality

The Officer must not, whether during or after the Officer’s employment with the Council, make any

improper disclosure or use of:

a) Any information or trade secrets of the Council; b) The position of the Council or of any Councillor or Council Officer on any confidential matter; or

c) Any other information whatsoever, the disclosure of which may be detrimental to the interests

of the Council or of any other person who has provided it to the Council on a confidential basis,

unless the Officer is required to disclose the information by law. The Officer must use the

Officer’s best endeavors to prevent the improper publication or disclosure or use of any such

information by anyone else.

4. Organisational Relationships

REPORTS TO: Active Communities Manager or their nominated Officer

SUPERVISES: Young people



INTERNAL LIAISONS: All Council staff

EXTERNAL LIAISONS: Citizens / ratepayers

Young people

Government and non-government agencies

Funding bodies

Contractors and consultants

Schools, education and training organisations Youth, community and health organisations

5. Accountability & Extent of Authority

a) Accountable to the Active Communities Manager for the performance of the key

responsibilities as detailed above

b) Comply with Glenelg Shire Council’s policies and procedures c) Under the guidance of relevant staff, responsible for ensuring that all requirements of OH&S,

EEO and other legislative and regulatory responsibilities are observed by contractors and staff

engaged by Council and under the supervision of the Active Communities Manager

d) Has the authority to provide specialist advice and information to the organisation concerning

youth issues

6. Judgement & Decision Making

a) Ability to promptly respond to changing circumstances and make sound decisions to ensure

the ongoing efficiency and effectiveness of the delivery of activities and initiatives for young


b) Ability to apply a flexible approach to working with groups of young people, individuals and stakeholders.

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6. Judgement & Decision Making continued

c) Ability to apply the principles of Community Development in all aspects of their work.

d) Ability to seek guidance and assistance from others in areas where the officer is not specifically


e) Guidance and advice in the position will be provided by the Active Communities Manager and

will usually be available within time to make a choice.

7. Management Skills

a) Ability to manage time, establish priorities, plan and organise own work

b) Ability to set and achieve specific objectives in the most efficient way possible and within set


c) Ability to work alone and in a team environment.

d) Ability to ensure outcomes are achieved.

e) Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of Equal Employment Opportunities and follow Occupational Health and Safety practices.

f) Acknowledge ability to be pro-active and demonstrate initiative.

8. Specialist Skills & Knowledge

a) Demonstrated experience and understanding of youth related issues and the ability to relate to

young people.

b) Understanding of Community Development principles. c) An ability to effectively meet with groups of young people and work together to help them

achieve their goals.

d) An understanding of effective ways to work with young people in groups. e) Experience in needs assessment, project planning and evaluation with young people would be

an advantage.

f) Ability to build and maintain partnerships with youth and stakeholders across education, and

welfare sector and community organisations and groups.

g) Mediation and conflict management skills. h) Knowledge of government infrastructure networks and funding opportunities for community

based activities.

i) Ability to write grant submissions would be an advantage.

9. Interpersonal Skills

a) Developed communication (verbal and written) skills. b) Integrity, trustworthiness and professionalism.

c) Ability to work with people of differing backgrounds and abilities. d) Ability to establish and conduct positive relationships with individuals and groups particularly

young people.

e) Demonstrated ability to work actively and cooperatively as part of a team.

f) Demonstrated ability to liaise with peers in other organisations to discuss specialist matters.

g) Demonstrated understanding of, and ability to maintain confidentiality.

h) Have a positive and proactive approach i) Professional presentation

j) Be committed to effective, quality customer service.

k) Have an ability to work effectively and successfully with a wide range of people from diverse

backgrounds and groups.

l) Demonstrated empathy with community needs and expectations.

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10. Qualifications & Experience

a) Tertiary qualification in community development, youth development, social sciences or a

related discipline with some experience OR lesser qualification with relevant work experience is


b) Demonstrated experience in a community development or youth development role would be

considered and advantage.

c) The position is aimed towards an individual with demonstrated confidence and ability in

working with community groups and individuals especially young people. The candidate may have had previous experience in establishing a community group or working to establish a

community group plan.

d) Valid Victorian Drivers Licence is an essential ongoing requirement.

11. Employee Risk Management Responsibilities (including OH&S)

The following items are the duties of each employee:

a) To take reasonable care for their own safety and the safety of others affected by their acts or omissions;

b) To co-operate with their employer in relation to any action taken to comply with the OH&S Act;

c) Not wilfully or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of health and


d) Not wilfully place at risk the health and safety of any person at the workplace; e) Report all safety hazards and risk exposures, including losses to their supervisor; f) Maintain physical security of all property, equipment and buildings within your jurisdiction and


g) All staff are required to actively reduce Council’s exposure to losses related to security, public liability and professional indemnity and reporting areas of concern.

12. Key Selection Criteria

a) Experience working with youth is essential. b) Tertiary qualification in community development, youth development, social sciences or a

related discipline with some experience OR lesser qualification with relevant work experience is


c) Ability to act as a team player.

d) Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and written.

e) Be able to gain cooperation and assistance from a broad cross-section of individuals and

groups within well defined activities. f) Ability to prepare routine correspondence and reports.

g) Ability to use Microsoft software, especially Word, Excel, E-mail and Outlook is essential.

h) Ability to project a mature and professional approach.

i) Ability to drive a mini bus is essential.

13. Signed

.............................................................................. ...........................

Employee's Signature Date

.............................................................................. ...........................

Group Manager’s Signature Date

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Making an application for this position requires that you consent to the collection,

use, storage and destruction of personal information, including details of your

referees. This information will assist us to select the best applicant for the vacant


Under Information Privacy Principle 1.3 of the Victorian Information Privacy Act

2000, the Glenelg Shire has an obligation to explain how it will use all personal information that it may collect, to whom the Glenelg Shire may disclose the

information, and how you can access this information. Access to the information

can be arranged by contacting the Council’s Privacy Officers:

Ms Debra Clark

Governance Coordinator

Privacy Officer

Telephone: 03 5522 2305

Glenelg Shire Council, PO Box 152, Portland 3305

At all times during the recruitment and selection process, the Chief Executive

Officer will treat personal data in a highly confidential manner. All documents will

be in secure storage and available only to members of the selection committee

for the purpose of selecting the best person for the position.

In line with the Victorian Public Records Act 1973 and Equal Opportunity Act 1995,

all unsuccessful applicants’ documentation will be permanently destroyed 12 months after the end of the recruitment process. Please do not send originals of

documentation with your application, as they will be destroyed.

Successful applicant details become employment-related information and will be

placed on the successful applicant’s Personal File. The Glenelg Shire may release this personal information to third parties such as Vision Super Fund Pty Ltd, Victorian

Workcover, Centrelink and the relevant Local Government Union for employment

related purposes.

By receiving this form you acknowledge that the Glenelg Shire has made you

aware of its policy on the storage of personal information, the purpose for its

collection, and how to contact us to gain access to stored personal information.

Page 22: GLENELG SHIRE COUNCIL Position Title: Community



Name of Prospective Employee: ___________________________________________

Proposed Position: Community Development Officer - Casual

Pursuant to Section 82 (7) of the Accident Compensation Act 1985 as amended by

Section 23 of the Accident Compensation (Miscellaneous Amendment) Act 1997;

1. You are advised that the nature of the position you have applied for with the

Glenelg Shire Council will be as follows:- (description of job duties)

As per Position Description

2. You are requested to disclose all pre-existing injuries and diseases of which

you are aware and that you expect may be affected by the nature of the

employment as so advised in point 1 above.





Please note that Section 82(8) of the Accident Compensation Act 1985 (as

amended) will apply if you fail to disclose the information requested or if you

make a false or misleading disclosure.

According to Section 82(8), any recurrence, aggravation, acceleration,

exacerbation or deterioration of any pre-existing injury or disease arising out

of or in the course of or due to the nature of employment with the Glenelg Shire Council does not entitle you to compensation under the Accident

Compensation Act 1985 (as amended).

I acknowledge receipt of this document.


Dated the .................................. day of ....................................... 20....

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