giving freebies as an internet marketing strategy

Giving Freebies as an Internet Marketing Strategy As a new company, promoting one’s products and services could be a challenge especially if you are facing against the big companies. You want your product to be recognized and thus, you resort to different forms of marketing on the internet like social media marketing and search engine marketing. You know that the competition online is as tough as the real world and the only way to survive is to come up with effective marketing strategies. In addition to search engine optimization and social media sites as tools for advertising your product, you also need to keep your customers happy by giving away freebies. No one can resist a freebie. This alone can keep your customers coming back at your website and checking out the products that have freebies with it. Giving freebies may be an additional expense but if done well and smartly, it could cover up all you’re the money you spent. Valuable and Useful Make sure that your freebies are of high-quality and could be use by your customers. Many businesses want to give unique and extraordinary freebies but they are often stored away and totally forgotten. Your freebies should be a reminder to your customers about your website or brand. If you are giving away freebies that could be used for personal or around the house, there is a high probability that your customers would visit your website once they are online. Free Samples The best way to promote your product is to give free samples of it. If you are selling organic shampoo, send this free sample to the people who have visited your website. You could even hold a contest on some social media sites and the winners get to receive your samples. In giving free samples, make sure that they are not expired or defective. Social Media Sites One effective way of targeting your desired customers is through social media marketing. There are many businesses which are integrating their websites with Facebook or Twitter. Do not underestimate the power of these social media marketing since they are known as a new age of advertising. With social media sites, you can see the profiles of your fans or followers. If your target market is young adults, you can send them a message regarding your freebies. This way you would not have to waste time targeting

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Giving Freebies as an Internet Marketing Strategy

Giving Freebies as an Internet Marketing Strategy

As a new company, promoting one’s products and services could be a challenge especially if you are facing against the big companies. You want your product to be recognized and thus, you resort to different forms of marketing on the internet like social media marketing and search engine marketing. You know that the competition online is as tough as the real world and the only way to survive is to come up with effective marketing strategies.

In addition to search engine optimization and social media sites as tools for advertising your product, you also need to keep your customers happy by giving away freebies. No one can resist a freebie. This alone can keep your customers coming back at your website and checking out the products that have freebies with it. Giving freebies may be an additional expense but if done well and smartly, it could cover up all you’re the money you spent.

Valuable and UsefulMake sure that your freebies are of high-quality and could be use by your customers. Many businesses want to give unique and extraordinary freebies but they are often stored away and totally forgotten. Your freebies should be a reminder to your customers about your website or brand. If you are giving away freebies that could be used for personal or around the house, there is a high probability that your customers would visit your website once they are online.

Free SamplesThe best way to promote your product is to give free samples of it. If you are selling organic shampoo, send this free sample to the people who have visited your website. You could even hold a contest on some social media sites and the winners get to receive your samples. In giving free samples, make sure that they are not expired or defective.

Social Media SitesOne effective way of targeting your desired customers is through social media marketing. There are many businesses which are integrating their websites with Facebook or Twitter. Do not underestimate the power of these social media marketing since they are known as a new age of advertising. With social media sites, you can see the profiles of your fans or followers. If your target market is young adults, you can send them a message regarding your freebies. This way you would not have to waste time targeting different age brackets where they could find no significance with your product.

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