gifts for all - treherne · don't wait till the last minute to do your shopping. do you. xmas...

'. I f .) ..... , k J .. , > ,.. , · . . . · . . - - . . , ' ... ! · , I.. .' ... .' .... .. •• . ... . '0 •• .. . . . ' ; . • : I. 0' .' . .., .• ' ••• ' ..••••. : •••• .••. :.':.,'. ' •••.. •••. t •. •..••. .' ...••• : •..• : •• : ••••. , •.. !" .. :',':.".': -; .•. :.··::.:.,..: ..• ·: .. ....... ;.:·,; ••..• : .•. : ••.•..•. : .•. : •... : •. ::y: .• ... ... :.· •. ...• •...••. ;C.·.i •.•. ·.. '. '. : .::.:.:; ;7;' .• :' .... ." ,: .. : i .... : .' .' •• ..; •.• ': .@ .: .•• :::. @.:: ..•.. , .. .... .:.: .. ..,:- ; .. :.: . .' .. ;. :.:' >. " .. ' .. .' ; . .'::.: .. : . " . " o .." •••••• '. ., •• .... ". ".' 0 •• , ....... ' .... •••• ". , " •• •• •• ·0. ° . '. .... . . 0 .... •• "/1 I .. ..'6. ••• , K "'., 0<1' "'41 . " "0"· '., •• •••• '10 o. '. . !t: '0 . :":v'" .... . ...... .:. ;:'::';',"" . · , '". eO '00 " v, 00 0 10 ••• 0 ••••• ' .':0 ;.:.0 •••.• _0 .\:' .... G •••••• "':'0'" .0,;" ' . .., •. c··: . . .. . . '. .. "" It. "... ' .. , I" ." • 0 " .. • • " )t: , , , . \ " . . -- , • • .' , '. . , .. , '. , . . , " . -- ....... .- •• -- . , .. Send us ··the News of your Local . ,; . . . . _ Send us the News e server --------.,' .. , \ \. .! VOL. XXIV-NO, 10, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1922 R. J, RICHARDSON. PUBLISHER, TREHERNE, MANITOB" r.rember Canadian Weekly New.papers Association SUBSC $2.00 PER YEAR. i i i i i : i i Don't wait till the last minute to do your Shopping. DO YOU. XMAS SHOPPING NOW! A smaD deposit will hold any article until Christmas, ONLY A FEW MORE SHOPPING . DAYS LEFT! We have Gifts to suit everybody from SOc. and up, JUST IN: -A new line of HEIR·LOOM SILVER PLATE-which is the best Silver' Plate wbich you can buy for the money, WATCH THIS SPACE FOR FURTHER XMAS SUGGESTIONS! i D. Jeweler TREHERNE 1!. •••• ... !e. .................................................... 4. ........................................................................................... . . . . . . .. ... .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , . . .. . . . .. . . .. ...... . . This the IS . Christmas Store • • • · Practical, Gifts for E We luive a.nice assortment of includinr, Papeteries, Fountain Pens, Silver Pencils, Farmer'. Record Book. Snapshot, Albums, BiMes, Boy's Own.Annual, Girl's Own Annual, Seals, Wrapping Cord, PO'stals, Cbristmas Cards. Onr assortment of MOiR'S XMAS CANDY is well chosen Quality Chocolate that is sure to please. Our CHINA includes many new pattdn's and Children's Sets . FRENCH IVORY and MANICURE SETS. · , _ .. ''' .. '. ... _:, ., · MIR'RORS:·r···.<Botl.ladiei' and Genls', BRUSHES arid COMBS: N!'!w, in. Quality and price right. SHAVING REQUISITES: -Include' Safety and Straight Razors, Brusbes and Mirrors, and Razor SUPPLIES: - Cigars, Pipes, Pouches. and Tobaccos. . . . GRAMOPHONES, Record., Record Cases, Harmonicas. ·FANCY·PERFUMES:-Neat Design and No.1 Quality. BALLS. and DOLLS:-A small assortment at new prices. Thermos Bottles, Thermometers, Hot Water Bottles, './ . Tre1hcerne 1P1halrRll11Bl_CY LLOYD FUMERTON, Proprietor DRUGGIST and STATIONER " . , Treheme, Man. - . ",.' ' .. , . , .. , " "p'ioneer ·Hardware· , . " " '. .", -:' -I '. ' All Set I I , .• " ' / ' . We' are weD stocked, for" and Cbhistmas tw , '. sents of,practicall .", '!, >', .: , \ " . " '/:' .... . IN SPORTING··GOODS--We have Skates Hockey ; " Sleighs, c"tc., biggest:line' in-town .. ' :.r ' ... ", i •• .: t a c,,_{' 1"\ t f. ' ' , r. .. IN XMAS GOODS-. We have Silverware, Aluminumware;' . "" '. cutlery-:-a . that Will .. , did'values , , 6>. . Gl ' ... . . , .. , . ". . , . . ... ... .. . .. .' .', THE TIMES.OBSERVE .. With tbls Issuo, the Treherne Tlmeb becomcs the 'l·unes·Ubserver, lO serv .. to lhe best of It3 ability, the rural mu, nicillllhlle3 ot SOUUI Nortolk and VIC' lOrin, lind Ule tO\\ nd or Holland, '1'1'''' heruo and Hathwell. 'l'hel'e Is honestly no desire on the. pan 01 tho publ16her to undertake coy· m'lng the Ubserver lIeld. Readers o. bOLh plLpers, however, reCluested sucl, a moyo, and 'l'reherne advertisers OL tercd to accept a higher rate for thel' advertising, leaving leaving the pub· lItihol' no alibI. \Vo have seen It com ,ng fOI' five years-the gradual at,on of small papers In Ule West, 0" ,ilg to the gre.atly Increased cost 0\ "ul/llcution. As 11 comparison of actua costs-live years ago tile 'l'rehern .. 'i'lmes cost '180 per month to publlstl. During 1922, the cosl bas been just under $500 per month. NOMINATIONS FOR REEVE AND COUNCILLORS At the annual rate·payers meeting held In Treherne Hall on Tuesday al' t"rnoon Dec. 6th the following nom· lnatlons took place. For reeve, J. R. Scott, nominated by }'rank' Scammell and Irwin Scarrow For Conclllor of Ward I, U. Scam· mell, nominated by I. Scarrow ana F'. Dosc. For councillor In Ward H. A. Adair, nominated by-Po Henso! wood and J. W. Smith. There being no other nomlnatlont they were all declared elected by tho clerk, R. J. 111 III s. South Norfolk will bo spared the expense of an election this year. , There was not nearly the number of rate payers present tbat we would like to lIave seen, as everyone should take an Interest In public affairs. Dut n fairly representative meeting tltell appointed Mr .. W. H. Spinks M L A to occupy the chair His experience In municipal business In this munl· clpallty and also on the munlclpnl committee of the Provincial Parllu· ment enabled him to be In a poaltlolu to make a practical address to tile meeting. Mr. Mllrs, U1e secl'etary· tleasurer of the municipality. for tho past 24 years, was called upon,to give a statment of the year's buslne&3 Ul' to the 30th 01 Novembet, showing the finances of the municipality to be' III a good sound condition. If It were ilOt for the fact that there Is too mucn .outstandlng In unpaid taxes, wlJlch he hoped would be remedied to a large extent by tile ratepayers before the 16th of the present month. . The reeve and 'counclllors elected were then' called upon to address tlw meeting. J.'n. Scott thanked Ule rate payers for the honor they bad con fen'ed on him . Mr. Scammell was then called upon and gave an account of Ule splendid work done In' his ward the past yeal' tt was wonderful the way he ha'l IItretched out a small appropriation \ They Cause Thousands of Farmers to Lose Hundreds of Dollars Every Year E VERY nighllhis Fall dcstrueli,'c lillie fiends will'he busy on your f .. m. They arc nlJt and dllfnpuanaturr:'s outlaws. You know them. You have onl ... 10 walk out into )lour farm yard. righl now. II) that they have been busy on Ihe Job If l'our implemenls arc lying out in Ihe wealh.r. Your disc will be eovued wilh a coating 01 red rust. The bearings will be thiekelling up. Your plow share will be eOI'eret! with green.mould. Isn't it true? The longer YOll leave them outside Ihe les. "aluable Ihey b<COffie: \\'hy? 8(eollu rfrprret'ntion immrdilltrly ulI in. It cats away the life of an implemenl. It ruins valuable machines. It·s 100 bad to think Ihal expensive machinery lasls only half a.lonl1 I1J Ii JhouMoo.bul this is unfortunalely Irue oi machinery thai is Ielt out in the weather. Ami YOII *1I0W what I,app,moo.when a frISky horse "t"rt. c .. eerinl! nround the (.urn yard on;:1 rrosty mornir.[{aaasnap J!OCS a cnstinl:: or when Ihe milk cows slart scralchlOl! their backs on Ihe binder sweeps. rs your machinery protected r II it isn't, rend what this rarmers' own Cblfe'ge has to say abnul lurlllng a heavy annual los. into !I suecesslul in\·estment. Their statement is \\,\lrth rending Jccnusc it isn't just ad\'cr. tising lalkoo·it i. Ihe Innh. Rust Ruin THE CORONA LUMBER CO., Ltd. A. J. P. ESTLlN, Manager Pbone 57 TREHERNE 'l'he 'l'lmes·Ob.lervel· will do every: thing possible to cover both Vlctorll: and l:loulh Norlolk III a thorough, un· perjudlced aud lair manner. Il> wanted trom comer ot' elLch mun· ICIPlLlIty. Advertilsers lll'e offered a clr cUlation of laUO copies each week- the Inl'geat country weekly clrculllllOll In Mnu,lOlla, outside VIrden and Nee' pawa. '1'lle combined clrculnllon 01 Lue 'l·!me!!·Observer aud tile Elm Crewl, l'lmes IS over coplca OIlCIl Wet"' •• '1'lIe I'ate for .adve.rLlslug will be twcn Ly cents p<r Inch to all. 'l'ho sul:.uCl'lP "on Ilrlc", Ilur year to nil. AI' rangelll"n,s will be lIlauo for an agenl at Hulland WIlO Will receive subscdll' l101I8. :';uu8cr,berd! \Va beg o( you t. give the new alTangoment II lair trlnl ::lee If you do nut cnjoy the 'rlmo/;· Ubesern'r week, belOre rei uslUb It. Patronize Its advortisers, Ie the> are your hUllle town merchants. It YU ... morchants don·t advertise, patroulzlo thom anyway. We don't know whether they will look with lavor on the ·I'une!!· Observer. But It Is ready tel sel've til"m If they Wish. Remember that tile pnper Is strictly Independent llud that It lias no boss nor ulCtater. It sup· I'orted Bill Spinks In the last provln· election. l( Bill does not !Johav" tlllDselr, 'watch the paper go acter him. It BUPllorted Dill Lovle In the last }'e,!· ernl election. II!.! eye Is on him too; If he gets "rnmbunctlous,"- we'll tell and repalrcd and built bridges and .-;;;.- •••••• - ••. ;;.- .. ';.-.- •. ;;;.-.-;;;.-.-;.- ••••••••• _ culverts and graded and repaired so II many miles of roads. . His untiring efforts during the year has put thc ward: In a much better condition gen· erally. I H. A. Adair then gave a ·brlef ac· count oC his stewardship In Ward 2. He lia's done -several miles of grading with -THE PUBLISHER th'e big tractor. which has only cost • • • form $26 to I $35 pel' mile. He has -With present circulation,' the also built the first cement bridge. Tlmes·Observer olters ·to advertiseI'll It wltll 10 foot span and 6 feet high with service unexcelled by any other coun· cilment fioor at a cost of only $200 .. try weekly In prairie provlncell, He. expects to grade the south road cO\'erlng, as It does, two rural'munlOi and· do some more bridge work dur I you so. . It's YOUR papel', Holland follis" I, you want It. among the people of who'm lng, the coming ·year. . I.B constant Intercourse and deal· ".",W.lth some .. lIltle .. dlscusslon 'of /lS-: '1'he' thh',d 'munlclpality/ot'Orey;- illiS§"ihenf and otlier matters Ii pleas· co.'el'"d by the Elm Creek '1'hncs: ant meeting came to a close. another link to chain, offering to fo,' oign advertisers the opportunlty,to ad· ,'ertlse In these tlu'ee old ·and well· settled municipalities with only one cost for plate, 'and on one account. 'rhey will not be slow In taking .advan· tage of It. At present, the territory WIll not be enlarged further, but Col" I espondents aro wanted In and CYllress RiveI', and the clrculatlon In thoEe two districts will bo gradually worked up, the paper growing apaco Y'lth Its patronage. 'l'he Tlmes·Obser .... ' -Readers: No matter what you:' poll· tlcs are, don't overlook Thos. Woods' sel'les of a'rtlcl!Js\ stuJ·t,·ngl fa _his Issue, entitled "'1'he Story of !;he. Old Parties." They are worth they' are alone worth the price' of the' Tllmes· Observer for a year. Don't miss tllem.· , , PIFF, PUFF, PIFFLE does not want a single' advertlsor .' nor subscriber who expects only f.:J As expected, our friend took ')BUpport the paper." Ir we cannot give exceptlon to our fall' exposition oC tho an honest dollar In service toi' each so·called "Progressives.". I have no dollar paid, 'we don't do business. '1'hI8: comment to mnlie on his Plft, purr, is the bnsls on which th'e Times hnl! I and Piffle, but leave his remarks to been conducted [or tile past five yeal'fl. the public, alwafs him 'l'he fil'm name will contlnue to he' With the old saying, thnt Insults aro "'rho 'l'reherne Times," publishers oC' not answers and thnt dirty he Is, who the 'rlmes·Observer and the Elm Oreele throws dirt." . 'rimes, and doing a generul job print- The. Treherne U. F. M .. seem alarm·. InlL,bllslness. ed, but say Innocently and humanly • • • that they go 'on record as opposed to· , ., the snld article. 'rhe writer. did not Gifts for All We will have our new line TOYS & CHRISTMAS GIFTS all on display in our store fO! December tbe 11· .... - We have tried to choose Christmas Gifts so as to give you value for your money in - some very useful articles fOl ever'y member of the family. We also have:- Automobile.Skates-in all models Hockey Sticb Curling (the famous "Fort William Broom) Pucks Skate Straps Laces Allk!e Supports THE TREHERNE FURNITURE AND . " HARDWARE STORE Phone 32 JOHN POLLON T reherll>e, Man. ,..This paper is\ particularly desirous expect anything different. 'rhey of obtainmg news I terns concerning "state further that I my statement re. ... _.. -- .... --. _. Ihe activities of U F M Locals nil, ovor gardlng a leader and a platform are "'i"ili· .. .......... · .... ·! .. ·, .. ··t· .. ····ll·ll'l ... t ....... '1.' .. 1 ..... " ... ".,,,...... '" ........ . Grey, South Norfolk and Victoria. In, Inconect. I beg. to "call their at'ten-!. n; I. 111m", :" .. 1I."., .. ,.,.,m:.l"'''" ",.".t.llI.m .... /:.\:: .. ,.::. .. :.1\ "m:;'''''i ... the. future ·tllese Items will be publish (lon to the tact tllat when tile m·t!· , GEORG E'S CAFE /H' ed In both our·publlcatlons so that all' cle was wrltton .It. contained tile' ill locals· will· be kept In touch. with tile ':"'ords ."at present" and they did not', ' actlvltles of the other locals. To. add have 11 .leader at thnt' time, . for, Mr.,. I Iii ( and NEW ICE CREAM PARLOR . to this Interest Mr. Thos. Wood"whom I Crerar had bolted and they were onl I' :. :i!. .' o\'erybody know.s· as Scotty" Is a con· In the process dr . search Ing.., for an.' :: iii Soda F ountam, Ice Cream, Sundaes, Soft Dnnks, etc. in stant contrlbutel' (al\l.l a mighty goud othor ,What did they do? ,Call MI·.·.: : m'i . FINE BOXED CHOCOLATES m one) and the provlncTal secretary, oW. 'Forke a lender. If you will but at . •. . .I! Is -.also writing nrtlcles ex':. bost,.he· Is, only temporary 'and. their:· m Meals at all hours m I for' this' paper. - MI'. 'Lovle I' renl, to be picked by a Nnt,' . Cigars,.. Tobacco Invited to make thesll columns hi' 10naI conventlcn to,be beld some time ill :: F' b Ik C d b H d ! and- ,we antlclpate"UIRt he will next summer. The .,oth·er state .ent' .ti Ill' ruds,.u an y, est orne·ma c Ice Cream !' so .. Mrs. L 0 .Walmsely,.who .looks that they had no phitf!>I'Dl, m ill Everytbing Good Prices Right Here. Ole Elm qreek' end' of our busi·. Ewered themselves, for, It Is my con· G'EO'R' GE SHING . P . 'PJ . . very: Interesting _ : that. the LI1[eral party plat· .' " ropnetor TREHERNE m and the staff Include!! a orm al)d the· Progress!ve ........ "" ..... """"" .. ru ... ,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,I! ..... "'ilI ....... "!::!I ...... ' .• ,,"',,,,:! •. t m :,"' ..... ","'"" ... ,"',.,.""'",,,.,,,,.!.,.,!.: •. n 'UlJ',,',', clever' writers. • I are Illen and the resul t Is ey ......... .. '''' .. "''''". .......... lIC1 ....... m ...... Xm."'''''.''*: .... ''''''"'''" ...,,,,,,''',,,,.:. " from Fnnnystell'.l have no leg- to stand on in our l}e'mln.., C . Ion. poUUes. - . . The . pleased to' nole of, the Progressives diplomacy, tact ask my friends which hI!. upset _their AQRICUL TU RAL Indu.try Is perhap'J the flcld In which the greatest amount of business has been donc by the Bank 'of Hamilton. Thl. expcrlence, cou· pled with the close relations with cv-. ery othcr other. productive and dlotrlb. utlng business In the Dominion, hilS . placc!! us.ln a un.lque }posltlon to con .. sider Intelligently the legitimate reo qulrements of all kinds of 'Canadian buslnes. from the St. Lawrence River to the Pacific Coast. J . .: . '. ' . ' . . ,

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Send us ··the News of your Local lllleS~

. ,; . . . . .z:,~Oh.\ _ Send us the News e server M~:r:el?~~~ourDistrict -------,::-----------------~-------------------...:.,:,-------'--..,._:__-----.,.... --------.,' l'rOvi~·---..::..::!~!ia.~ .. H_O-j~~· ~.--:-------~

, \ \. .! VOL. XXIV-NO, 10, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1922 R. J, RICHARDSON. PUBLISHER, TREHERNE, MANITOB" r.rember Canadian Weekly New.papers Association SUBSC ~ONS, $2.00 PER YEAR.

i i i i i • : i i •

Don't wait till the last minute to do your Shopping.


A smaD deposit will hold any article until Christmas,


We have Gifts to suit everybody from SOc. and up,

JUST IN: -A new line of HEIR·LOOM SILVER PLATE-which is the best Silver' Plate


wbich you can buy for the money,


i D. ~OODMAN Jeweler TREHERNE 1!. •••• ~J. ... !e. .................................................... 4. ........................................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .

This • the IS

. Christmas Store • • • ·

Practical, Gifts for E very~~dy We luive a.nice assortment of STATIONERY~ includinr,

Papeteries, Fountain Pens, Silver Pencils, Farmer'. Record Book. Snapshot, Albums, BiMes, Boy's Own.Annual, Girl's Own Annual, Seals, Wrapping Cord, PO'stals, Cbristmas Cards.

Onr assortment of MOiR'S XMAS CANDY is well chosen -~le Quality Chocolate that is sure to please.

Our CHINA includes many new pattdn's and Children's Sets .

FRENCH IVORY and MANICURE SETS. · , LAPI~~ _ ~dJi~NTS~ .. P.U~SES~.. ''' .. '. ... _:, ., · .~ MIR'RORS:·r···.<Botl.ladiei' and Genls',

BRUSHES arid COMBS: N!'!w, in. Quality and price right. SHAVING REQUISITES: -Include' Safety and Straight

Razors, Brusbes and Mirrors, and Razor St~ops. ~1\1OKERS' SUPPLIES: - Cigars, Pipes, Pouches. and

Tobaccos. . . . GRAMOPHONES, Record., Record Cases, Harmonicas.

·FANCY·PERFUMES:-Neat Design and No.1 Quality. BALLS. and DOLLS:-A small assortment at new prices. FLA~JlLlGHTS, Thermos Bottles, Thermometers, Hot

Water Bottles, './

. Tre1hcerne 1P1halrRll11Bl_CY LLOYD FUMERTON, Proprietor

DRUGGIST and STATIONER " . , Treheme, Man.

-~', . ~ ",.' ' .. , . , .. ,

" "p'ioneer ·Hardware· , . "

" '. .", -:' -I '. '

All Set for"Witite,r~ <Bri~i~esi·" • I I , .• " ' / '

. We' are weD stocked, for" 'Saso~aj,le" G~odS. and Cbhistmas tw , '. sents of,practicall 'vaiu~, .", ~: '!, >', .: ,

\ " . ~ " '/:' .... ~.. . IN SPORTING··GOODS--We have Skates ~nd Hockey S~pplies;

; " Sleighs, c"tc., et~.""':the biggest:line' in-town .. ' ~ :.r ' ... • ", i •• ;tl;~ .: t

a c,,_{' "~ 1"\ t ~ ~:,. ~,,' f. ~. • ' ' , r. ..

IN XMAS GOODS-. We have Silverware, Aluminumware;' Kniv-e~, . "" '. cutlery-:-a hundr~d . that Will make~Splen-

.. , did'values for~' ,

, 6>. . • Gl ' ... . • . , ..


. ". . •

• , . . ... • •

... .. . .. .' .',

THE TIMES.OBSERVE .. With tbls Issuo, the Treherne Tlmeb

becomcs the 'l·unes·Ubserver, lO serv .. to lhe best of It3 ability, the rural mu, nicillllhlle3 ot SOUUI Nortolk and VIC' lOrin, lind Ule tO\\ nd or Holland, '1'1'''' heruo and Hathwell.

'l'hel'e Is honestly no desire on the. pan 01 tho publ16her to undertake coy· m'lng the Ubserver lIeld. Readers o. bOLh plLpers, however, reCluested sucl, a moyo, and 'l'reherne advertisers OL tercd to accept a higher rate for thel' advertising, leaving leaving the pub· lItihol' no alibI. \Vo have seen It com ,ng fOI' five years-the gradual ellwl~· at,on of small papers In Ule West, 0" ,ilg to the gre.atly Increased cost 0\

"ul/llcution. As 11 comparison of actua costs-live years ago tile 'l'rehern .. 'i'lmes cost '180 per month to publlstl. During 1922, the cosl bas been just under $500 per month.


At the annual rate·payers meeting held In Treherne Hall on Tuesday al' t"rnoon Dec. 6th the following nom· lnatlons took place.

For reeve, J. R. Scott, nominated by }'rank' Scammell and Irwin Scarrow

For Conclllor of Ward I, U. Scam· mell, nominated by I. Scarrow ana F'. Dosc. For councillor In Ward ~ H. A. Adair, nominated by-Po Henso! wood and J. W. Smith.

There being no other nomlnatlont they were all declared elected by tho clerk, R. J. 111 III s. South Norfolk will bo spared the expense of an election this year. , There was not nearly the number of rate payers present tbat we would like to lIave seen, as everyone should take an Interest In public affairs. Dut n fairly representative meeting tltell appointed Mr .. W. H. Spinks M L A to occupy the chair His experience In municipal business In this munl· clpallty and also on the munlclpnl committee of the Provincial Parllu· ment enabled him to be In a poaltlolu to make a practical address to tile meeting. Mr. Mllrs, U1e secl'etary· tleasurer of the municipality. for tho past 24 years, was called upon,to give a statment of the year's buslne&3 Ul' to the 30th 01 Novembet, showing the finances of the municipality to be' III a good sound condition. If It were ilOt for the fact that there Is too mucn .outstandlng In unpaid taxes, wlJlch he hoped would be remedied to a large extent by tile ratepayers before the 16th of the present month. . The reeve and 'counclllors elected

were then' called upon to address tlw meeting. J.'n. Scott thanked Ule rate payers for the honor they bad con fen'ed on him . Mr. Scammell was then called upon

and gave an account of Ule splendid work done In' his ward the past yeal' tt was wonderful the way he ha'l IItretched out a small appropriation


They Cause Thousands of Farmers to Lose Hundreds of Dollars Every Year

EVERY nighllhis Fall dcstrueli,'c lillie fiends will'he busy on your f .. m. They arc nlJt and dllfnpuanaturr:'s outlaws. You know them. You have onl ... 10 walk out into )lour farm yard. righl now. II) discol'~r that they

have been busy on Ihe Job If l'our implemenls arc lying out in Ihe wealh.r. Your disc will be eovued wilh a coating 01 red rust. The bearings will be thiekelling up. Your plow share will be eOI'eret! with green.mould. Isn't it true? The longer YOll leave them outside Ihe les. "aluable Ihey b<COffie: \\'hy? 8(eollu rfrprret'ntion immrdilltrly ulI in. It cats away the life of an implemenl. It ruins valuable machines. It·s 100 bad to think Ihal expensive machinery lasls only half a.lonl1 I1J Ii JhouMoo.bul this is unfortunalely Irue oi machinery thai is Ielt out in the weather.

Ami YOII *1I0W what I,app,moo.when a frISky horse "t"rt. c .. eerinl! nround the (.urn yard on;:1 rrosty mornir.[{aaasnap J!OCS a cnstinl:: or when Ihe milk cows slart scralchlOl! their backs on Ihe binder sweeps.

rs your machinery protected r II it isn't, rend what this rarmers' own Cblfe'ge has to say abnul lurlllng a heavy annual los. into !I suecesslul in\·estment. Their statement is \\,\lrth rending Jccnusc it isn't just ad\'cr. tising lalkoo·it i. Ihe Innh.

Rust Ruin


'l'he 'l'lmes·Ob.lervel· will do every: thing possible to cover both Vlctorll: and l:loulh Norlolk III a thorough, un· perjudlced aud lair manner. ~CWll Il> wanted trom ~very comer ot' elLch mun· ICIPlLlIty. Advertilsers lll'e offered a clr cUlation of laUO copies each week­the Inl'geat country weekly clrculllllOll In Mnu,lOlla, outside V Irden and Nee' pawa. '1'lle combined clrculnllon 01 Lue 'l·!me!!·Observer aud tile Elm Crewl, l'lmes IS over l~uU coplca OIlCIl Wet"' •• '1'lIe I'ate for .adve.rLlslug will be twcn Ly cents p<r Inch to all. 'l'ho sul:.uCl'lP "on Ilrlc", ,~.UU Ilur year to nil. AI' rangelll"n,s will be lIlauo for an agenl at Hulland WIlO Will receive subscdll' l101I8. :';uu8cr,berd! \Va beg o( you t. give the new alTangoment II lair trlnl ::lee If you do nut cnjoy the 'rlmo/;· Ubesern'r week, belOre rei uslUb It. Patronize Its advortisers, Ie the> are your hUllle town merchants. It YU ... morchants don·t advertise, patroulzlo thom anyway. We don't know whether they will look with lavor on the ·I'une!!· Observer. But It Is ready tel sel've til"m If they Wish. Remember that tile pnper Is strictly Independent llud that It lias no boss nor ulCtater. It sup· I'orted Bill Spinks In the last provln· election. l( Bill does not !Johav" tlllDselr, 'watch the paper go acter him. It BUPllorted Dill Lovle In the last }'e,!· ernl election. II!.! eye Is on him too; If he gets "rnmbunctlous,"-we'll tell

and repalrcd and built bridges and .-;;;.-•••••• - ••. ;;.-.. ';.-.-•. ;;;.-.-;;;.-.-;.-••••••••• _ culverts and graded and repaired so II many miles of roads. . His untiring efforts during the year has put thc ward: In a much better condition gen· erally. I

H. A. Adair then gave a ·brlef ac· count oC his stewardship In Ward 2. He lia's done -several miles of grading with

-THE PUBLISHER th'e big tractor. which has only cost • • • form $26 to I $35 pel' mile. He has

-With It~ present circulation,' the also built the first cement bridge. Tlmes·Observer olters ·to advertiseI'll It wltll 10 foot span and 6 feet high with service unexcelled by any other coun· cilment fioor at a cost of only $200 .. try weekly In ~he prairie provlncell, He. expects to grade the south road cO\'erlng, as It does, two rural'munlOi and· do some more bridge work dur I

you so. . It's YOUR papel', Holland follis" I,

you want It.

pailltl,e~, among the people of who'm lng, the coming ·year. . I.B constant Intercourse and deal· ".",W.lth some .. lIltle .. dlscusslon 'of /lS-: '1'he' thh',d 'munlclpality/ot'Orey;- illiS§"ihenf and otlier matters Ii pleas·

co.'el'"d by the Elm Creek '1'hncs: I~ ant meeting came to a close. another link to chain, offering to fo,' oign advertisers the opportunlty,to ad· ,'ertlse In these tlu'ee old ·and well· settled municipalities with only one cost for plate, 'and on one account. 'rhey will not be slow In taking .advan· tage of It. At present, the territory WIll not be enlarged further, but Col" I espondents aro wanted In Druxelle~ and CYllress RiveI', and the clrculatlon In thoEe two districts will bo gradually worked up, the paper growing apaco Y'lth Its patronage. 'l'he Tlmes·Obser

.... ' -Readers: No matter what you:' poll· tlcs are, don't overlook Thos. Woods' sel'les of a'rtlcl!Js\ stuJ·t,·ngl fa _his Issue, entitled "'1'he Story of !;he. Old Parties." They are worth they' are alone worth the price' of the' Tllmes· Observer for a year. Don't miss tllem.· , ,


~er does not want a single' advertlsor . ' nor subscriber who expects only f.:J As expected, our friend Scott~ took ')BUpport the paper." Ir we cannot give exceptlon to our fall' exposition oC tho an honest dollar In service toi' each so·called "Progressives.". I have no dollar paid, 'we don't do business. '1'hI8: comment to mnlie on his Plft, purr, is the bnsls on which th'e Times hnl! I and Piffle, but leave his remarks to been conducted [or tile past five yeal'fl. the public, alwafs I!~qualntlng him 'l'he fil'm name will contlnue to he' With the old saying, thnt Insults aro "'rho 'l'reherne Times," publishers oC' not answers and thnt dirty he Is, who the 'rlmes·Observer and the Elm Oreele throws dirt." • . 'rimes, and doing a generul job print- The. Treherne U. F. M .. seem alarm·. InlL,bllslness. ed, but say Innocently and humanly

• • • that they go 'on record as opposed to· , ., the snld article. 'rhe writer. did not

Gifts for All We will have our new line ofiG~~~~~i:~~~~~~ TOYS & CHRISTMAS GIFTS all on display in our store fO! Sat~rday, December tbe 11· .... -We have tried to choose Christmas Gifts so as to give you value for your money in -some very useful articles fOl ever'y member of the family. We also have:-

Automobile.Skates-in all models Hockey Sticb

Curling Bro~ms (the famous "Fort William Broom)

Pucks Skate Straps Laces Allk!e Supports


HARDWARE STORE Phone 32 JOHN POLLON T reherll>e, Man.

,..This paper is\ particularly desirous expect anything different. 'rhey of obtainmg news I terns concerning "state further that I my statement re. ... _.. -- .... --. _. ~.

Ihe activities of U F M Locals nil, ovor gardlng a leader and a platform are "'i"ili· .. ·~·"'l!··,,·,,·t··~"' .......... · .... ·! .. ·, .. ··t· .. ····ll·ll'l ... t ....... '1.' .. 1 ..... " ... ".,,, ...... '" ........ • . Grey, South Norfolk and Victoria. In, Inconect. I beg. to "call their at'ten-!. n; I. 111m", :" .. 1I."., .. ,.,.,m:.l"'''" ",.".t.llI.m .... /:.\:: .. ,.::. .. :.1\ "m:;'''''i ... :::lo:",r.;;~'''ir;;':!i:;mi:im:mm;;il: the. future ·tllese Items will be publish (lon to the tact tllat when tile m·t!· , GEORG E'S CAFE /H' ed In both our·publlcatlons so that all' cle was wrltton .It. contained tile' • ill locals· will· be kept In touch. with tile ':"'ords ."at present" and they did not', ' ~ actlvltles of the other locals. To. add have 11 .leader at thnt' time, . for, Mr.,. I Iii ( and NEW ICE CREAM PARLOR . to this Interest Mr. Thos. Wood"whom I Crerar had bolted and they were onl I' :. :i!. .' o\'erybody know.s· as Scotty" Is a con· In the process dr . search Ing.., for an.' :: iii Soda F ountam, Ice Cream, Sundaes, Soft Dnnks, etc. in stant contrlbutel' (al\l.l a mighty goud othor ,What did they do? ,Call MI·.·.: : m'i . FINE BOXED CHOCOLATES m one) and the provlncTal secretary, oW. 'Forke a lender. If you will but at . •. . .I!

Is -.also writing nrtlcles ex':. bost,.he· Is, only temporary 'and. their:· m m:'~ Meals at all hours m I for' this' paper. - MI'. 'Lovle I' renl, to be picked by a Nnt,' ~l." . Cigars,.. Cigaret~es Tobacco

Invited to make thesll columns hi' 10naI conventlcn to,be beld some time ill :: F' b Ik C d b H d ! and- ,we antlclpate"UIRt he will next summer. The .,oth·er state .ent' .ti Ill' ruds,.u an y, est orne·ma c Ice Cream !'

so .. Mrs. L 0 .Walmsely,.who .looks that they had no phitf!>I'Dl, m ill Everytbing Good Prices Right Here. ~ Ole Elm qreek' end' of our busi·. Ewered themselves, for, It Is my con· G'EO'R' GE SHING . P . 'PJ

. . very: Interesting _ artlcll)~ : ~enUon' that. the LI1[eral party plat· . ' " ropnetor TREHERNE m f~,I~ ~~.?~n!!~;: and the staff Include!! a orm al)d the· Progress!ve pla~form ........ "" ..... """"" .. ru ... ,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,I! ..... "'ilI ....... "!::!I ...... ' .• ,,"',,,,:! •. tm:,"' ..... ","'"" ... ,"',.,.""'",,,.,,,,.!.,.,!.: •. n 'UlJ',,',', clever' writers. • I are Illen U~al and the resul t Is ey ......... """""."""'''''''''''''~n .. '''' .. "''''". .......... lIC1 ....... m ...... Xm."'''''.''*: .... ''''''"'''" ... ,,,,,,''',,,,.:. "

!:ri~~~~II'jil:~:~ from Fnnnystell'.l have no leg- to stand on in our l}e'mln .. , =~i~~~ii~i5~~~~~ill~]E~:ii~iiiii== C . Ion. poUUes. - . . The . pleased to' nole

of, the Progressives diplomacy, tact ask my friends

which hI!. upset _their AQRICUL TU RAL Indu.try Is perhap'J

the flcld In which the greatest amount of business has been donc by the Bank 'of Hamilton. Thl. expcrlence, cou· pled with the close relations with cv-. ery othcr other. productive and dlotrlb. utlng business In the Dominion, hilS

. placc!! us.ln a un.lque }posltlon to con .. sider Intelligently the legitimate reo qulrements of all kinds of 'Canadian buslnes. from the St. Lawrence River to the Pacific Coast.


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~WO~F a~d '~'K~,NK I have an excellent 'demand for these fur., and-can pay you the very best prices. Get busy, but-be .ure to lIet my prices before selllnll. You will be money ahead. . " , ,

Hide,s .. and Tanning I am stili paying the beat'prlces for Hides, o'r I can have

them tanned f.or you Into ',. , LASE LEATHER, RAWHIDE, HARNESS LEATHER or'ROBES

e Write or call me up 'for prlce~. . -,


: .• : .• : .. : .• : •• :'.: •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : .. : •• : •• : •• : •• : .• : .. : •• : .. : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• :--:..:..:+)e:..: ...... : •• ~).:.<.(.< .. :.( .. :-< .. :.-: •• :.-:.., I.' __ ':'

~ Excursions . i ~: :~( y • -i' ............... " .... "... IV .~ ...................... ft" """~ ...... ~ 'iI'

'l -;. •• tr...

=i= r To PACIFIC COAST =~ :i= Dec. 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 2i, 26, 28. Jan. 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18.23, 2S ~ ::: Fe~. 6, 8. Good until April 15th ' '.~ -,' .. ~~ To EASTERN CANADA ~ :} Daily, December lst to January 5th Good for three month. ::: :i: 'IV = ... = - ...... .......... ... ...... ", ...... =\"'= " ..................... , ~

• 1. Full information re Fares, Sleeping cars, Stop-overs, Transit .1. I I ::: Limits etc., from :f y y


--~ .: .. : .. : .. : .. :.-: .. : .. : .. :-.: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :": .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :.( .. : .. : .. )

'Reach Out for' Business Don't sit down and Bawl about Hard Times

There -are merchants in the world still, who, when times tighten up, think they can do with less advertising. Experts in business declare that exactly the -reverse is true: . that a, qaiet time iD balmell-is the time to .timulate basiDell by me .. s of m­li,eDt .dnrtiliDr. '

DOESN'T IT SOUND REASONABLE? When busines~ is good, (',ustomers are Rocking to your

etore; when they stop coming-that's the time to induce them to come with a live ad. ...... -:. ,

'Give y~ur Ad a Chance (

Many business men payout good money for advertising, and never spend five minutes a week considering material for their ad. The consequence ,is that in about six' months, th-ey say their ad not pay them-' "Cut it OUt I" .. . .' ,

Paym, for' .. 'ad aDd tileD Dell~clinr to apply,ood copy' is like buyin, a padlock aDd forretlin, to ask for the key. "

Adv.::rtising eillers into the scheme of organization in every up-to-date business establishment. If you are neglecting it, you are hurting yourself and the wholesaler that you represent Ask your jobber or wholesaler. ' They'coiisider this',so important that they spend time and money preparing .a service 'for their, retailers. . , , ,

I ~:. j (

, '.

Another thing; If newspaper advertising is ever worth while, it is when q4iet times come, and everyone has time'to read their papers from cover t,o c,cwer .. Your ad, appearing week by week in the local paper, is a reminder. each . ~eelt to the buying public, that you are on the ,job to serve them in your specicil'line:' The fellow that drops out-well: that's .inference·that goes around. , _ " :-" -;,'

. ",

" ". '.,X .. . . . .... : . , ,

.. '.. .. •

• , • •

' . • The ilDle .. O~se"er, Trehtme, Man.-$2.00 per Year, • : THE HOME PAPER FOR VICTORIA

-----T~H-E--T--IM-:~~E~·S-.O--B-S-E~R~V-E--R~-----o-r-d-er~,-to--f-u~rt-h~e-r---th-e~l-r-'-c-o-,o-p-e-r\-t-I~~e-~'-;;;;;~ ........ ~~~~iiiliiiiiililiiiii;i .. ~~~~iiii~ : •

R. J.

,( ,.

Trehern •• Manitoba Elltabllshed 18911

$2.00 per Yeu. Rlchard.on • , .... Editor


-I hadn't .tlmo last week, or I should certllinly' have used the ballle axe on Ule Editor becauSe of,hls friendly attl· tude towards the Moderation League. I don't like to see my (rlends develop-

schemes. they used ~the word. "Toree" I as a pass·word. The, word. being traps· means "give me!" E"entua1ly the two "ee's" were eliminated. with thtl sub, stltutlon oC "y" In the singular lind "ies" In the plural. In this ammended form. the name was' applied to the en· tire distInguished gang.

The routine work of this famous col, Icdlon Of Aristocrats 'was as follows: ' Whcn an unfortunate traveller hap· pened to pass near Ulclr hiding plllcc. he WIIS Intercepted by some of the party crying out '''l'oree!'' Very few of the travellers could withstand su-:h a gentlemanly nppenl, but Ule few who were obdurate were neve known to refuse a second solicitation.

(To be' Continued)


a tllirst, and wns nbout to give Borne good advice about keeping

away from that thirsty bunch. I was En vcd the trouble, howe\'er. My good friend, Mr. Stewart, smote him hlp nnd thigh, and when I was reading his let· tel', I could see him In my mind's eye, standing with a trusty two·odged clay· mOI'e, rendy to do battle WIUI any num· bel' of booze fiends, or devils, If you Ilke. Just Imagine, dear Ed., If YOUI' Did Mr. M. E. Staples wish to start

something? I[ so, I would Imagine he eldest son came home from a meeting hIllS succeeded beyond h is wildest of so·called Moderates, and when you drenms. remonstrated with him, you get a With the editors permiSSion, we will crack on the jaw, and Mrs. Editor got proceed to examine the logic and tl'lllh onother, It might chango your outlook 01 this wlerd and uncnnny reasoning, on lICe. The worst o( the Moderation lot, they think they al'e only modernte In the /lrst place, the Progresslvo

movement Is entirely different frol1l drinkers, but to some of us who only the old.tlme parties. It cnn best bd drink whon we are Ullrsty, 'and water desClibed as a popular movement, and nt that, It seellls as If a cow would have like all great movements Since the cr,,' a hard time getting away with as IIlllch atlon, It was brought Into belnl,; as some of them do. But I don't be· through - sel/lshness, falseness IInli lIeve you are even a Moderote. You faithlessness of those who held tllU are just fond of on ar[rument. I am content to leave "ou to 1\11'. Stewart. reins of power. Promises which wero

, mode to us by lIog·wavlng orators III He will smooth you out. flowCl')' language; promises which, ha,j

-SCOTTY they been kept, would have lightened -Just a minute, Scotty, and my good our burdens, made life more endurable friend Stewart, too You would hal'e and taken some of the tl'llgelly out. of us believe thnt the edlto\' Is In favor our hard and joyless existence. Pro. of unstlnted Irrigation. Such Is not mlses which were made to us In all sol . the case. The editor favors prohlbl- emnlty and seeming faith were broken tlon that 'prohibits, or toleration that ns Ilghtly as the promise of a child. regulates. The present laws are nel· \Ve were simply the stepping stones by ther. Treherne school boys are not which these nmbltlous liars climbed to infrequently seen dl·unlr,. There I power-a power they used to thwart us booze at every dance. Booze Is here nnd our ;perfectly sane and \'easonable for anyone that wnnts It. Its at Hoi, requests by evel')' rule of the game. land" Rathwell, St. Clnude, Elm Had these promises been kept, the Creelt 'AND Wlngham. Portage jail whole country would ha\'e benefltted Is overflowing-three guests for ev many millions of dollars,; the poople ery two they have nccommodatlon~ would have been more prosperous and for, making potential criminals of a contented, and the Progre~lvo move, lot of men and boys who under SANE IIHJDnt would In nil probability never liquor laws would be considered law have entered the polltlcnl nronn. Mr. abiding citizens. lIa ve you, either of Staples, quoting the Free Press, stntes you, been In jail recently? If so you It takes money to educate the people. would know, as the editor knows' '1'here Is equal h'uth In the quotation, that a sll'etch up the rlver'is not a "Experience Is a very good teacher. cure. It only adds to any crlmlnau We certainly are long on experience. tendency thllt may exist In the unfor· We have been there. We have had tunate that Is shut up here. Any con, some. We hnve gl'llduated through dltlon that fills our jalls Is n bad con· Its rough but thorough school, f( not dltlon. And that, Scotty and IIII'. with honors, at least well grounded In Stewllrt, and MI'. Prohibitionist Ev, the knowledge that the promise of II erywhel'e, Is the condition at presen politician must be regarded as lightly In l\Ianltoba. Prohibitionists 'like Ie as a bubble In the air. _ Both of them yell about "tile liquor bill of Quebec look nice when the sun shines-both of and BI'ltlsh Columbia for 1921." Suro. them are the creation of wind and they are the ~nly two provinces who8e mean about all much, Iquor bill we know anythlnll about. The desertion of Tom Crerar (It such

we may term It) does not detract a THE STORY OF TH OLD PARTIES particle trom the justness of the cause

(By Tho •• Wood) 'or the necessity Cor the movement. The Inftdellty of'an Archbishop would

Ever Since I read that "hopeless not mean that the Christian fal!Jt wa' helpless' stuff written by my good to blame. Its Ideals are stili the same friend Melville E, Staple~have been -unalterable and unchnngeable as the obsessed by an Idea that he might be flight of Time. The Progrosslve move. /lounderlng around looking 'Cor InfoI" ment must not stop here. Its obJoct Is mation, and well knowing there' aro not yet 'attained. Take' co'overative number of good Progressives eager to ling, ,for Instance.. If a bunch of educate him along volltical lines, he boiled antedeluvlans had but IItU' threw out the hopeless, helpless rub died their country'll Interest Instead blsh In order to dl·aw. some real slln· of their own petty advancement, mil sible Ideall that later on he might uso lions would have added to the wealth as his own. . ,of the country,

Arter considerable thought, I agaill Mr. Staples says the Progre8slve~ decided to ask' my friend, Dr. Dutler have no platform. The Lora keep them "who has spent many days on earth: flom building or attempting to stand Ilnd made good use of his political fac. on such a rotten and flimsy structure ultles," what he thOUght about tbe as 13 usually erected to camouflage th' matter. Arter he had filled his pipe real purposes of the fossilized partiell and got It going good, he' said, "Well, we have known In the past. Scotty, there should be sometlling done P,!!rh'aps Mr. Staples Imagines that a to alleviate such profound ignorance on course of law Is necessary to qualify [he lIart of our mutual friend. Have for a 'posltlon as law maker In thlp

a note book?" On producing tlie country. If It Is necesllary for the real l'equlred article. he Inlformed me thill meaning of a law to be ,hidden behind he had twenty minutes to spare, ann a screen of "whereas' and whereoro" he propoded to give me an outline O. ond If It Is highly Important that said [he origin, growth and peculiar devel law· should be capable of bearing ten "Illllent o{ the two old·tlme Canadian or twelve different meanings. then J l'olltlcal organizations. ,I now pro, agree that a special training Is necess· l,ose to make a,contlnued story of tb" ary to construct such a tangle of worde lILove'subject. U{ couroe, the Idea ,III and phrases. The Progressive move· vlew'ls the ,education, edUleation 'anu' mEmt must not die. If 'It should, In Its general wising up of the autho\' oC thl.. grave would be burled the budding IIUPtlIO~S, helples~ IlUnSeUde we laugheu hopes of thouRands of, Canada's lll:ler,SI al. I provo~e to stllrt OIl whh lhe ~Oll of the soli. 'The elevation of a Laurier ~CI'VlLlI~e PlLrlY /lI'St; and aClter delallng, 01' a Lloyd George means nothing to a willI' It for a few nation unless: nccompanled by -a dill· n dedtll'latlori ot the position to further the alms and .gen,

. , S.ctlon A-Con Iml prosperity of the nation all a whole ,This bulwark of "the \ British Emilire N:o, 1\11', Staples, , you are stili In thf'

has ror, Its' bade or foundation SUPPO\'l lawyer stage,' Do not arrogate to your-[he Uock 'or'lo'al 'of. self the position of judge,.

To,use your own beautiful collec:t1on ot the Queen's English, Jilted, jolte,l and Junked we ,have certainly been sInce the .dawn time. Many pro.

~·~!~~~·I~~:::~":i,=:iVt~~~:1~~~ have arillen and 10n.ab'le;~ far-off day, and their I ;i:;;;;~:i~ti~iiJn:~·~tl:~:~::::;~iririi:~~~~ many and varied names are forgotten.

The bones'of.thelr now mlnglp 'they dhl

lIir.,rt.", 011 bo • day did not

; It ftlters down and today, hu·

t by .I No


Cry for Fletch.r'. , 4

Fletcher's Castoda is Itrictlya remedy for Inf/Ultl; and Children. Foods' are IIpecially prepared for babiell. A babY'1 medicine II even more essential for Bilby. Remedies primarily prepare4 for grown-ups are not interchnngenble. It was the need .. a remedy for the common ailments of Infanta and Childrell that brought Castoria before the pubUc after years of researdi, and no claim hu been made for it that its use for over 10 years has not proven.

What is -CASTORIA? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, PIlI.,._"

Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pl.uant. It contam. neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic sublltance. ... age is its iUarantee. For more than thirty years it .... been in constant use for the relief of Coutipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allayini Feverlehne. arillal therefrom, and by reilliatini the Stomach and Bowelll, aJdI the assimilation of Food; gfvini healthy and natural lIMp. , The Children's Comfort-The Mother'S Friend.

GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of

In Use For Over 30 Years TH. C.NTAU" CO .... ANY. Haw YO"K CITY

_. ____ E=L

, '

UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all

Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for

. Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain

lJudy ''Dayer'' bollee of 12 tablet_Also 1Iot\11IlI 01 24 and lOO--Druggiata. Mptrln I. the trade mark (re«t.terrd .In Canada) of Bayer M.nufacture or llano ..

~ acetlcacldeeter of SaHcYlIc.cld. While it u ...... no •• that AIP'rln me.". Da,er manufacture. to ... Iat the public ••• tnlft 'mltatlon .. tb. Tablet. of na,er COmpeD,. wUI be Itamped wltb tbell" .enera. trade mark. tb. "na,..r ero ....

A Busines. Training obtained at the SUCCESS COLLEGE, WINNIPEG


is a' Thorough ,Trainiag " THE IUCCEI. II the Le.dID, BUlla .. COU.,. I. W ..

C.D.d.. Ita pre·.mlneDc. II due to: uceU.nt location. Ideal pre.I .... Iplendld orllulutlon. compl.t. equlpmlllt. mocl.1'Il eomprllllDlh'. eour ..... lIpert It.1r ud .ctiy. Employm.nt Dtp.rlm.nt. No oUlII' BUlin •• School w •• t of the Great J...II: .. can compare willa TH& IUCCE8I1Jl llae •• !mportaDt partlcul.,..


, . .

CLERICAL, SECRETARIAL" DICTA. ~~.~_!.~~~l~tn"r bUBlnelll couroe.. ,Th ••• 8qulp,10UU"peolI1.

. ,



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tHE HOME PAPER FOR SOlJ.lll NORFOi..K The 'times-Observer, Treherne, Man.-$2.00 per Y~ar , " THE: HOME PAPER -FOR VIETORIA •

-, • • M-:--~...c-M M-xoo)oX·(-»O:+Ooo:--:+CooXOO:-*'"

i SMITH'S STORE NEWS ~ ~ , The House of Qyality :::


-Mr. Tobias Unlac, an oldthner In this part and now of Suskatchewan paid a visit to his friends and rela, tlves here last week. .

• • • • t ~: ~ _Po Kune was UP from the city IllS',


_AUCTIONEER-As your Auctioneer I can make you

money. As agent for three ~aranteed car dovlces, I ,can save. you money. SOM E GOOD PROPERTY 'Oft SALE



DR. J. LAURIE LAMONT, B.A., Man. M.B. Ch. B., Edinburgh Physician and Surgeon

Provincial' Coroner

-:FOR BABY:­Bootie. Stocking' Doll Teddy


Blh Bonnet


_:FOR SISTER:-Silk Scarf Glove;

Silk Braulere Handkerchief Silk Hose Spat. Hallr Ribbon

Silk Camisole Slipper.

_:FOR Pipe

FATHER:­Neck Scarf

Sweaters Braces

Hose Gloves Tie



-:FOR BROTHE'R:-Sweate Tie

Silk or Cashmere Hale Neck Scarf Glo\les Slipper. Braces


_:FOR MOTHER:-Handkerchief

Sweater Slippers Blouse Spats Gloves

Cashmere Hose China Silk Scarf

I ~: '1' ): .1. T.

t * -;" X ".

week, • •• -1111'. Dbles who was usslstunt ugent hel'e nine years ago returned Dec. Jst to lake Ul> night opel'lltlon us Mr. lIlc 1.'al'lane IInds duy and night Ollerat· Ing too much for 111m. • •• -MI'. and Jllt·s. I.armour motored u" [rom Winnipeg on Thursday. They round tho ronds In fall' condltloln with the excelJion of the last twen~~ nllles. • •• -Mrs. D. Ca~well and Mrs. oC Winnipeg ure spending a at the Caswell home. '

• ••

liolan(1 Mlldll)'

-Several hunteI'd are trumping arounel out north but success hus not y~l COlUe their way. • • •

•••• '" -We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mr~, ::: A II llyley and family who moved to ;:. Winnipeg recently. 'rhe farm Is b, :a: ing taken over by MI'. and Mrs. Saun .1. deI'S und II. family of foul'. l. .. •• ). I ,I. -Thoro wus quite II. rush to the tra n .1. Wednesday evening and while It slOp, ::: ped for water the YOUng folks boarded

Phone 39 ;:. the express und 1)11 ell rice and can· -;" grutulutlons on MI'. and Mrs. .Tucll -;: Steele on their honeymoon trip. They

Smith Brothers Rathwell, Man.

~ certainly golu good sendott. ~.e-~~(.~.:..:.~.(..:..:-.:-(t>.:--... :-.:-< .. : •• :.-:.-:.-: •• :. ':":":-':-':'(M:'':'':'('':'':'':-':''''.:'':.':-.: •• :'':f . • • •

-A Chrlstmlls concert and dance will bo held In I.ees school on FI'lday Dec. 151h starting al 7.30. , Admission 25c, Ladles bring lunch. Dance 25c extr.

Do you Like It? Do you like the·"littl'e··paper? Is it ftill of news? Is if"free,,·,,'·of venom?-- Is it nicely printed? Clean? Fair? A cred­it to the district? If it is all these, APPRECIATE its correspondents, PATRONISE its advertisers, ADVER­_TISE your' business and PAY your subscription.

• • • -Mr. Frank llumsey who wns taken to Cannan Hospital on Friday for an opelVlllon Is convalescing' nicely.



JIll'. E. n. Cain of llalhwell hudtiie m.sfortuno of losing his house by fire eurly JIIonday morning. The fh'e stUI'l ed In the upper ceiling and ha'il too much headway 10 be overcome by our ancien t IIre·flgh ling aparatns. Prac' Llcully all the furniture was tallen out before there was any' dangel' 01 cllapse, 1\1 1'. Cain has now been pl'e sented with our jail, an Institution that bids ralr to become only a mom ory In our law·ubldlng dl>ltl'lct, and Teddy will be a jnll bird ror the win tel' at leasl. • '


Sermon topic Decem bel' 10th,' The Glory nnd-lhe Going Out. '

Sundayschool al llathwell 11 n. m" Indlanford, 2' p'. ,Ill. Let US gather for the· study of 'the wonderful' LHe,

This Fruit Medicine Always Gives Relief

017 Doltlox Sr" l\IOln-m:,\L. , I suffered terribly with D)'5pepsia. I hnu I t for yenrs and all the mctli· cines I took did not do lIle lUI)' lIood.

I read s!llllnihing about "Fruit,a, ti,es" being (food for all St,rnnch TriJllblc and Di.rorderJ of Digestiun, so I trll,d them.

After finishing a few boxes, I v;n.q

en lirely relieved of the D)'spepsilluud my general heallh WilS restored i and llun wri ling 10 tell YOll that .1 oll'e my life to "Fruit-n·lil·es"


We a box, 6 for $2.50, trilll siz(l2~c. At dealers or sen t postpaid by Fruit.·a·lives LimiLeu, Ottuwa,


-On Sunduy a week ago 6 horses were kliled on the tracks between Ladysmith anll Lavenhum. This 13

getting to bo quite a common occllr ance as 18 horses have met their rate In this milllner so far this year,

_ Phlllp \Voodward shot an eagle n sh,ort time ngo, which meaHul'ed fran, tip to till of wing 7 ft., 8 Inches.

-JIll's. Robert Cain reports she h:\(1 pnnsles blooming In the gnrden on the 28th of November.' A few ari) still In bloom.

-Roht. Pullman hns bunt a nr-w house on his homestead, moving Into It Inst week. --Cecil Calt hilS built a new house and Is now building II new barn. He expocts to occupy the house soon.

AUCTIONEERING! I guarantee satisfaction. Sal'Js can·

ducted unywhere. Call on reverse ticl,et. Farlll lunds COl' sule, W. E. STAPLES Treherne

Licensed Auctioneer

LICENSED AUCTIONEER Dates lIlay be arranged at the 'l'hues

Olllce, 'rreherne, 01' by telelillono all reverse tlLilet. I gual'llnlee sullsl'uc, lion. W. TURNER Holland Man.

LICENSED AUCTIONEER I CHumnlee s11Usfuction. Sales c')n·

dUCtC1d anywhere. DatOd cun be ar· mnged at my shop.

Phone 16

Jas. Sharpe Rathwell

AUCTIONEER . H you aro conshlel'ln~ huvlng n snle,

01' deHll'e lo Hell your [a 1'111 , seo me, I wlll rct'el' you to any nwnber or suUs· lied 11Iltrons. Phone on Reverse Ticket, 40, Rathwell. Auctioneer Real E~tate


D. S. PHIL Ll P S Well-Drilling

We Drill Wells-that's our Business, We will be glad to drill one for you.


•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,BLACKSMITHS & FARRIERS

-J11lss JIIartha Cain who hilS been Ill, MacGregor all summer returned home last Saturday.

Poor Equipment is False Ec­onomy. Let us keep your Equipment in Perfect Order. Our Motto is:, "SERVICE!"


lImce Doyne St. Phone -4

DR. J. A. CHRISTILAW Physician and Surgeon.

Manitoba Medlcul Collego Ol'llUURte. Olllce:' Grllllth St. Phon.! 1:11


Graduate North·we~lerIl University, Chlcngo.

Office: Myles Block.

OR. G. A. BOWMAN V.S., B.V. Sc. Honor Graduate '1'oronto Unlvel'slty

OJllce In SlIIlth's Livery Stable, Broadway, 'l'reherne, Man,

nesldunce 1'hono No. a3 ------------


R. C. PARSONS, B.A, Durrlster, etc.

Olllces: Hallway AI'O" 'l'rehorne. Man. Swllcllol' 1'01' tho Canadian Banl{ at COlllnllJrCe, Bunk of 1I11l11l1lon, and tho Municipality of South !>.'I.lrColk

F. H. MITCHELL, B.A. Barrister, etc.

DilANCII OI,'FICE at Alfred Martin's Agency

Broadway _ - Trahorna

PAUL KANE, B.A, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc.

Phone A7701 34 C. P. R. Building Winnipeg, Man. Rathwell Agent for Ontario Loan 4

Debenture Company Money to loun at 8 1101' cent. on 1m· provod l~arlll Proporty. At Rathwell on WlJdlle~dllY of overy week.

STAPLES, HALL &. SCHWEITZER Barrister, Solicitors, Notaries Public

Head Office: Elm Creek Bl'Itnch Olllces: -'I'l'eherne, Hathwell

Oalll'lIle and Sl. Cluude, Melville E. Staples, Ll.B.

Spoclal I~xamiller 111 the Klllg'~ Deneh Gavin Allan Hall, Ll.B.

Valmar Eric Schweitzer, B,A., Ll.B.

-Roy Call WIIS manled at North Daltleford on Nov. 11th II Is learned, Of course there was l\ young Wall" an Implicated In the a[fah', but we have not loarned her name. All wish the hUI1PY pall' success.

-The river Is frozen over and teallls are crossing.

Phone 2 Treherne

-Philip Woodward, Clarence and Cal'l ,Dobbin lire away norlh seal'ch lug for the elusive deer and the reo t1ve beal'. 'l'hey will doubtless IllC~ with success as all are mighty mp.I~ and good. Woe bellde the' urlrortu· nule beastie that ralls aroul their t!'Us­ly llIuskets.

, lY.;

• •••••••••••••••••••••••••


MORRISON &. POPP Barristers, Solicitors, et~.

403405 Huron &. Erie Bldg. WINNIPEG, MAN.

J. W. Morrison, LL. B. W. V. Inglla John Popp, LL. B.


J. COULTER , . .....................................................

The social ut the' Manse. under the auspices of the C G I T was well a tended.. A series or such galhel'lngs " ,Ii', w1l1 hell> us, spend ·,Ii profitable winter ,'; .. r i ,. senson. .. \,


Watch this paper for dates, or' 'phone 1 1 0 Fire l~suI'unce .Agont

Issue)' of Murrluge Llcensll8

, . ,A Petition for

Beer and Light Wines

Believing that a majority of the voters of the Province are utterly dissatisfied'; with conditions as they exist today under the Manitoba Tern­pe~ance Act and that there is a widespread d~sire and demand for some lOch reasonable modification of the law as will assure for it the respect and mpport of aU fair-minded citizenl!, the Beer and Wine League of Mani­toba has commenced circulation of- a petition to the Legislature praying ror certain amendments'to the present Manitoba Temperance Act.

The Petition is accompanied by a draft Bill setting out the amend­ments proposed and asks the Legislature for the submission of same to the voters of the Province by way of a referendum to be held as soon as pos­sible, In ~rder that voters may understand the exact purport and effect of the proposed amendments and know exactly what they are signing, a ,brief summary of the essential points is given herewith, The Bill provides for: " " ,

The sale of Beer and Ught Wines in licensed hotels, but only with meals In the Dining Rooms of such hotel/f and only for con-sumption on the premises. '

., The sale 0; Beer by duly lic~nsed' brewers direct to the indi-vidual, for delivery to his home.· , !,

r-----~--~--~~ \'" ..... ,.. \N"~"(' "t\-\' N~\~~Oo;tS '(0 ~Q"~, ')~"'1'. S'(tI.'it"(' eO~~C'IN\~ '{\4~\Q. ~""~~ Q.EG\."~'. NU'(I-\\t-.\' "4~ I!C.\~ 00 'u.. GI'f 'f""I;\Q. e.c","('

.. 1:

A.NN Q.U\C,Y.\:.1t. \,

MIGOSI-', 'f 0\I0J1:; I.. ,

I'\0\I0J.)'" ~ ","P,'f

""~ ... ~.


T C.Stinson Treherne

.......................... CE.~!~J!P.!~L

The best accomodatlon along the Line. Just the place to get a Good, Square Meal and' a Comfortable Bed at a' Moderate Rate,


All Kinds of



H. C. DAY Proprietor


ALFRED MARTIN neal E~tate, lIlol'tgage am.! Insurance

Agent. ncprescnUng sevoral of the best LoaD nnd !nsul'llnce C011lilllnloM. Com11lls· sloner. OP]j'iCE Broadway.

W. J. WALDON Agent for lIlulual LlCo AMMurance Co.,

of Wuterloo, Onl., and British America Insuranco Co.

Merchants' Cusuulty Co,. Winnipeg

The Farmers' Mutual Flro Insurance Company of Portage la Prairie

[01' tho VlIInge of TrehcI'ne Ilnd north • also for the Villuge of HUlhwoll and 8uIToundillg district. Enquire of

JAMES HIRD Line 71, Ring 5 Agent Treherlll

J. J. FAUCHERE Phone 13 Trehernl 'l'he Great \Vent L1(£, AS8urnnce Co. Porlago Mutual ]j'iro AsslJrance Cu.

See Me for Photectlon. -Money to loan on farm property­

No delay, Lowest Rates



Meets Friday on or boCol'e the full U100n at tho Musonlc lIull, 'l'reherne. Visiting Brethl'cn cordially welcome. U. W. Dro. John Coulter, Secretary'

H. A. Adulr, W. M. "

t, ,


, "

TheaicOhol content of beer to' be restricted to 4% of alcohol ~y weight and the alcohol content of wines'to ,be 'restricted to 14% of alcohol by weight, thus keeping both within the limits of bever-

I h~ve opened up the black­

smith sh~p next Smith's Liv- Phone 1111


'rreherne Lodge No. 44 meetll 10 lha ,'i Musonln Hull every Thursday eveolnll:: " n t 8 Ii.' In. All OddCeliowa - In loed atandlng are welcome.

. ,


•• • • • .o.o •

ages generally regarded as mild stimulant&., ' , ';, .-,'; Sale fi, prohibited to minors (pel'8Ons under 21 years of'

age), Intenllcts, persons to whom the "Indian Act'! applies, and ,Kenerally~toau pel'llOlUI who should reasonably be prohibited from:

" ,'purchase or consumption •. ' ~ , , .:'o"

Provision for prOper license fees: for a',duty:',to' be 'pAid Into' the P~vi~cial TnuUl'Y byb~wers on alI'"beer sold; for striet ' regulatlon and 8u~rWdon ~f brewedes and hotels and for adequate· enforcement of all p ...... IllUOas under the Ae~ uilder,heavy'penaity for infraction'of'the law.', ' , .. -:,,' ,:;'" I , •• , ',.,.:' ','"

, . .' ~. ' , " '. ',\ .. r~.~: .;".- :' , ... .' .... :.,.,··!:~~:·):.:L~, I ...... : ., '. ".,',; .

Special attentionJa'dra~nto the fact , that the' }:'·,r(j'1 )()8E!d

. 00 NOT, provide for any sale ofapirita'such' ~~' i~~i~~~~ for be1.'er,lure "'~.- ....


• (II ." •

~. . .G, '., .:'

" . • , .

• . ' .~ .. • • • . . .,

- , ' :ery, where I ,am:·~ow ready . , \ . ., .... ,

for busin.... Give me a trial ~ . . .


A. F. BOWLES' , ,

, ,

,' ............. ~ ............. -" ..... "" " .


LiverY Stable , .

, A first-clnss Livery and Feed, Business: good and roll able Horses: 'ityllsh Rigs: every­thing up-to·date.

, ~.: J'rompt and obllglnr: !'orv.!ce. , . Special'atlention toCommer- '


Phone 117 , ,

.-' , .".,. '. ",' '. '

'. • .. •

S. Drooklng, N. G. H. A. Adulr, Sec. ,


Meets In lIIasonic Hall 1II0n<!ay OD or befgrll full moon, al 8 'p. ID. Vlslt1nl Grolhrl'n always welcome. '

Chief, Ranger, ) ,,~ , .J, ;Corbett

DOVE RE&EKAH LODIlE, NO; 82 ' . lIIeeta the 2nd nnd' 4th Tuesday of

eacll monUI In the lIIallonle Hall at' , '

8:p. m. Vlslt1l1g brethren and .Iitera alwaY8 wei como. :.. ,'.' .. '

J. A; Richardson; N. 0.'..: Mrs. ,.. E. Smith, Sec'retillT.

A , ' ' , • >' " ,-' t ~I" •

"L. O. L. No. 1730,

.'". " . '. ; Month;' In tha', . ." '( ,',"'.'

• MASONIC HAL( . , , "Robe.~t 'Tr.U8l!dal .. ,!,W. 11.,,'

Vlsltinl brethren, welcome., ' • .' • • •


, , .. • • , , .', .'

" I ~

, , .. ... ' •• :. 1


, . , .

, . : ': .... :~!

.: .... , .... ,.'.: . .. . '. . .'. . .' ..... .. .. .... ". .


. " ~

" , 1'.

,. .


. , "

• .....

. '

" .' , ' . (,


•• j

Central Store News

Christmas Gift Suggestions HOLLIDA Y SHOPPING has commenced with us, and when you consider that onlv two short weeks are left till Chrisimas you will be well advi~d to start now and gather up your intended Gift Purchases. We would suggest any of the following:-

SUITABLE GIrTS FOR DAD:-Comfy Slippers in brown kid or nice, warm felt. ' Cosy brushed wool Mufflers-a nice variety in stock. A nice pair of Mocca Mitts or Gloves make a very useful gift.

SUGGESTION'S FOR MOTHER: ~ Pretty Kid Boudoir Slippers in rose, green, royal and black, are handsome and thoughtful gifts. You will make no mistake if you decide on a B!ouse Length of Crepe de Chene or Silk.

BROTHER WOULD LIKE THESE:­Handsome Neck Ties in fancy boxes.


Silk Neck Scarfs-all new slock, and nifty. Arm Bands, Braces and Garters in Christmas boxes. Linen Handkerchiefs with initials embroidered. Sweaters, Caps and Sox are all Xmas Remembrances.

SISTER WILL WANT:-Dainty Handkerchiefs with colored borders. Others witl fine lace edg:ng. Spats are in great demand, and we have them. Plain. three-buckle and lace fronts in the most popular shadt;,s. Nice warm Heather Hose, in all shades.

SATURDAY GROCERY SPECIALS:- \ Seeded or Seedless Raisins, IS-oz. pkgs ............. 20c. each. Cocoanut, ........................................................................ _ .. 30c. per lb. Prunes, in 5-lb. cartons ................................................ 90c. each Jelly Powders ................. , .................................................. 3 for 25r


The 'Central Store- Phone' '137 - .Treherne , . .

3. ___ _ .. ____ s ________ ~_-~. ___ ._~ ____ _


. 'CANADA'S LOVELIEST CHlLD~l'rS PORT~~;l'rc : FOR ::~HE m , , • .. QUEEN ill

. , '

" Princess Marie Louise isoderi~g fifte~~" cash piize~ for m I photograplls of Canada's lovliest children. That these prizes are fu

I .. ' valuable is evidenced by the fact that the 6th prize is $100 in, t.~ gold.. ill

! .

lI! , You think YOUR child is Canda's lovliest. Have its pho- !;

I~:. tograph taken and, enter it in the contest~ Full particulars ~ay, '.' be had here. . .;

i i A. A. SANDELt.. Photographer ., Treherne H;

iHI; •• !I!!IIIII***ilIW.!j;!I!iII!I!!Ii;liil!lIIlII!l!il!ll!milm!iI!!I!*;Ii;Iim:iiiliimliil!mil!ilmi;v.ililli!Hr,~~rniimli:!!m

F argu'son Grain ~ Cleaning Machine CleaDs and Gradel all kinds of Grain in ONE OPERA TION-do­

ing the lame as either machinel will do in TWO operations. , You can only harvest the kind of grain you sow. Here

is a machine that w:llgive yC!u absolutely clean seed of best quality. .

It wonfust place :,in competition with 28 other varietie~ , at Minneapolis in 1919. One of our machines recently cleaned 5,000 bushels perfectly in a non-stop test at Kipling, Sask.

BuUt of highest grade materials in several sizes, and. if the strongest machine on the'market. ' Belt. and Pulley driven:

, No chains, , Sold at extremely low prices. Write for particulars.

. " (, ..

.. · . './ ... .• •


The Times.-Obscrvei; Trchernc, Man,-$2,OO per"Year TilE HO~lE Pi\PEH FOI~ VICTOnI,\ to do a w·ay ,vlLh Lhe prosen l Temper'-- ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;5;fb~;';¢;I=;!';;;";M;S;';;;;;;;;#;8;.;;;;;;n~!F!!I;;";;;;!~II;r;ss;';;=;;r; .... ~""_


\ -c. Bullied of Holland spent a faw dnys Inst week lit the home oC his bro­ther, S. Bullied.

• •• -E. Kearns returned home on Sat\lr­day, al'ter having spent some ~llIIe at Heuvers, Sask.

ance Act at all, but to amend it so as to legallze the sale of beer nnd Ilgh t wines only, "Hnrd stuff" wOllld be as much under the taboo as it is sup­posed to be now, but beer and IIgh! wines would be sold under proper reo strictions in hotel dining-rooms only, and the man who wants something at home would have the privilege of buy­ing beer direct from the brewer, 'l'he

• • • 'theory of the Beer and Wine League -1\Iiss Gertie Malloch spent a Cew is understood to be that the man who oays In the city last week, returning asserts hIs Inalienable right to the IIS(' home on Saturday, 0 or some IItimulant refuses to abide by • • • • . any law'that denies it te him, but lilUt -Mrs. McLachlan of Elm Creek Is vls- he weuld be satisfied with beer ann Illng at the h0111e of her daughter, an occasionai g;a55 of light wine. ThIR, Mr3. A. McMillan. it Is believed, would practically do

• • • y with the abuses Ulat prevail un--Mrs. Ruston was a passenger to Cy del' the present law. press on JIlonday's train. • • •

• • • -Llllss M. ,WI'Ig-ht spent the week-enl III the city, retul'lling Monday.

• • • -Mr. Curtis returned from 'Vinnipeg Monday morning. '

• •• -Mr. and .Mrs. Jno. English of Hal· land spent the weele-end at the for­mer's home. ,vlth MI'. and 1II1·s'. C, l'lohnes and family.

• ••

-Buss Wlechlllan ant! Charll'Y Sycr have returned rrom their hlg- h",u' hnt. The bem's all escaped bt II was n tel'l'lble time 1'01' bush rabbits.

••• F. Geabault and his slstel' Louise

spent IL few davs In Hie cily this week l'etUl'nlng on Thursday .

• • • -Everybody gets a rl'ee skate at tho rink on 'ruosday evening. No ad IIIlsslon without tickets on Saturday

-Mrs. C. 1I0hnes was a passenger te. afternoon nnd night. Senson tlcket~ the city on I"rlday night's tmln. now on sale at.1·r. A. Adair's store nnd

• • • , at the rink on Snturday night. -1IIlss Ames spent tho week-Pond II • • • Winnipeg, arriving home on lIIondav ssMrs. John Dietrich has !'Geelvo.1 -Mrs. Mc1~arlane of Hath well speilt wOI'd of the safe arrival 'It Santa Mon-Monday III Troherne. Icn Cal., of her daughter, Mrs. Pran1

• • • Robinson nnd family. Pansy wlll be -MI·s. 'rrncy or Rllthwell spent 111 on- .1 CaUrornln resident Ihls winter. day at the H. }~lIlcoller homo. ' •••

• ••• -J. n. Palmer and P. 'l'. Johnson went to 'Vlnnlpeg lIIondny evening. · . ~ -1\I1s8 n. Curry returned to Ifer hom(~ In the city on Friday evening after an enjoyable time spent at the homo a hl:\' brother, G. T. CUI'I·y'

• • • -Jack Harvie returned fro III the cltv on 'Vednesday. .

• • • --Miss Annie, McC"eaJ'y spent a few. duys In the cIty retuJ'J\lng Wednesday

• • • -Miss N. Marlatt of Rathwell is vIs­Iting this week at the home of MI'. and JIll's. J. Carter.

• •• --Hugh and Dilly MacEwing retuJ'l!\lcl [rom a city ylslt on Wednesday.

• • • -MI'. lind Mrs. G. Dobbin and family returned on Tuesday after spending the Pllst month In "'Innlpeg.

• •• -DI·. HIII·ton will be at his dental par· lol's, 'l'reherne, from 'Tuesday, Der.. ]8th to Saturday, Dec. 23rd lit. 11 a.111'.

• •• -A llIeeling of llie Ladles' CUrling Club will be held In Ule Bank of Com· merce pllrlO!' on 'rhursday, Decembpr 14th at 8 il. Ill, for the purpo&e of re­organizing and it Is requeste!l, ·that nil ladles Intending, 'to curl this' S(:I\son endeavor to be 11resent. ,

• • • " , -'l'he libmry undel' the ausllices or the IT P W M will hy the kindness of !l11',·Hnrvlo be. In his stol'e ullI:rng tho wip.ter mont!1~. each Satlll'duy, from 7.30 to 9 p. m. Anyone Is welcome to the books, limo limit two weeks, artnr which a fine of 'one cent a !liuy will be clllu·ged.' i: .' , . •..• . . -H pays to advertise. A yo'ung wo,

·-Dabtlste Morllu lind young Kennelly arc out of jail after servlnlg IIbout n month of their three. Owing to the ncllvilies In tholr behalf of val JOU~ 'r,'eherne rolks and they wel'l) enablm:. I'ecelve II shortenlnllg of their sen­tnces, for ~hlch the boys lire very grateful. ,

• • • -Don't forget the Hockey Boys' Whist Drive nnd Dance on the 15th of De­cember. The boys have stlll·ted to practice for the coming winter, and need your encouragement. Admlssloll I~ only $1.00 pel' couple nnd 50c. 1'01' extra Indles-hllH or' what you pay 1U

sec a trush~' r~JIld show.

,.' ss _____ _


The annual meeting of the TI'l1-herne 10cIII U },'!It WIIS held In the rest room 011 November 28th. A "lJJ'y nice crowd attended and an cntlilml­aslic meeting followed. Heports 0' tile Cal:nlan conventIOn ,,"ere g!\'en by the delegates and as always since inception of these convcnllon~ Lhe~' are proving a groat benoflt La the '·U· I'll I population of tho couqtl'Y.

If the I'e is la person who wishes (Il

cI'iLlcl7,c this movement and who wiil attend the convimtlon as a visitor at least they cannot help but soo tho great work of education thnt Is be­Ing can'led on lind the benelts deril'-ed therefrom. ' '

The officers' [01' the coming yea~ wore elected aud c\'erythlng bills fall' 1'01' another ,IH'osperoos yea I'.


llIan of pleasing IllJpeRrnnCe got off The regu:111' 1lI0nthly De\'oliomll the noon train on Wedne~day In IIn- meeling of the Guild was held IIlH. swel' to MI" Harry FleUl'Y's ~lllthellc Monday evening. Miss Ames occuple,l appeal published a ~ouple 01, weeles the chiliI'. At'tel' the usulli opunlng ex­ago and came to the rimes office, 0"-\ erclses, the topic was anllounced to b'l neetlng to find him here. She gave "Perfect Childhood." lIIl·. ::;t!lw,lI'[ hel' pame as, Mlss MillOY Rota!,Q', hIt") gave an Intel'esling talk 011 the subjec'. of COllllng-through-the-Rye. Hac1~, on· which was conclUded by FJ'llllk Pan lIe­Tyne, Englnnd. H 1,8 prosumed that baker: A solo was sUllg !)y Miss gl'IlIU Harry and theh young lady have by RQ3s. this lime made some satisfactol'y Ill'· Next Monday's ,m~eUng will bc Lit-mngelllCllll_ e\'llI'Y. '1'he lll'ogmm will con~lIst of 11 • • • -Joe Hnire I'ocelyed, word on ,D~c. 4th of the death of his [ather, MI'. ,Joseph Haire, lit his ,home neal' Belfast, Ire· IlInd, on November 16th. 1\11'. Haire was 111 but II short time, 'nnd' is sur­"ived'by nine children (three of whom reside In Canmlll) lind a willow. ' Joe lust saw his fllther In 1918, before reo turning 1'1'0111 service overSCIlS,

, .. '. . -The'annual Christmas TI'ce and',Con­cart of Wilson Glen will· be ,held In thfl srhool, Fl1day evonlng, December 15. Lunch will be served. Adults, 35n., chlldrenfree.

• • • I"

-BeUlel Christmas TI'ee and Enter, talnment will bo ·held on Wednesday evening, December 20th at eight ll:m. In the church., A good p'rogrnm will, be given and lunch will be served. Adults, S5c .. children 15c. Lndies plense,brlng cako 01' sandwlches7{ , , ,;':'~'~.:. ' :

lecture on poetl'y by '1\11'," Curtis. Also Bu!tllble muslclIl ItOIllS etc. c;vuI'yonl' Is cordllllly Invited to ullend.


'rhree years ago the'Masonlc Grand Lodg.l decided, at the request of till? Grand 1\IlIster, tlie Duke of CQlmaught, to \'lIise a fund of ono mllllon pounds, for'the buildIng and upkeep of attrac­tlvo headqual·tel's, as a mOlllorlal to those members who lost their Itve In the Great Will'. The Masonic Pence Memol'lal Fund Committee wJII. ma ItO II decision at the December meellng of Ule Grand Lodge. , Mnny ,brethren feel that the opportunity should be taken to secure a site In a-lI1ore pronllnent position Ulan lhe one now occu\lied In Great Queen Street, where 1\ structure could be raised which ,yould lll''l\'e lin ornament to English Freemasonry. Mnny sites have beon '_Investigated, but the one finding special raVOI',

ADAIR'S FOOrViEAR for Men, Women, Children


Practical Gifts Why not buy your Presents NOW and get the

choice of our range,

Money is Scarce. We have nothing but necessi­ties-Gloves, Mitts, Sox, Sweaters, Mackinaws,

;."""" Cc "Coals, Caps, Skating Shoes, Carpet Slippers for : men',"women and children-all at prices that you , cannot beat when QUALITY is considered. ,


For a Gift. See our line-the best in the World. We carry nothing but "CLARKE1S" Moccasins, Mitts. and· Gloves.

' ...... "Ai~~ '''TURNBULL'S'' best All-Wool Underwear.

A full line of Clark's Mitts and Gloves; and Turnbull's "Ceetee" Underwear at prices that surprise you when you see the quality.

12% OFF ALL MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS This means a saving of from SOc. to $1.25 on Clvery pair.

-Its Cash at Adair's---but Cheaper!


Phone 60 Treherne

Royal Household Flour "BeSt in the WeSt'"

Baking Essentials Common Sense, a Good Oven and

Royal Household Flour



_. ___ ~ ___ .= ___ '. _.u

• •


~I .. . m iii' '., Real Estate is Agam on the Move !~ ill 1 ;:: In m . (jj Come in and see my I:st of FARM LANDS at re- iH !:: duced prices. I have some very aLtractive bar- ~! III gains in IMPROVED FARMS. I' m m If you have any CITY PROPERTY to exchange !~ iF on land, caU on me. ill

ij1 Several oUhe best Loan Companies represented, I~ m I would advise placing your applications NOW, IH n\ when the crops are at their best. After harvest. W ~J may b:! too late as it was last year; money could l~ M! not be had because of the rush of applications. il' m Now is the time tQ place your HAIL INSURANCE I~ ffi I represent the MANITQBA MUTUAL; IH

'I: : Also the G. G. G. W.

I J. G.<caIrIrOlnn I I ,< ,T.~eherne, Man., -' ill ••• lI!IIIlIHt!lIiiI!iliiliHiil!lIHlffiiiliilliliill!l!illillillilliliiilil!m:.lI'.l!:Jiiliiruliiililmnlliliillll!iI!illillillilllIIlIIUlII: •

stands immediately on thc south of the _______ ...


.: ~': .• :t,:- '.:.""'.~'::'" :"''''~~~''f ,: ,~ -Thnt 'Times' Adlets',do', the busIness y .. us "agnln .. demonstrnted·, ltUt~ wl\ek, when R. Hastie came ,to. TrcllEii'ne' to Ibcover' two" hOI'ses that Iinll been 'as­tmy for several weelca: The'Tloles '(1~, •

, 'I:0ye" ,1I10re teJ'\'ltory th/ln any

Strand, w!th th e 'Em b an k m en t G Ill" '''II~li;tiill!ililli;~:*' iii' im.~;Ii,,;!;;mmiii:iliiliiii;ilm,l'*i;iiiii::iil,miiiimiiliil:;ilimilill!iimliiliiill,i1i;I~lIIlIEiII.illi~ dens, between it and the rl\'el·. " .. ,', .'

.. -'

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.:.:~ .... .. . ~..... . , .. ... .... • • , '. . . .....

• • • fl··.· '.' .... '. . • '. .0' G . .'

• . . • • •

I ' • • • /

F~rg~son'& C()~ " , , stock elm cover. ',,' '<: ..: , ....;p •••. '".. .. .' .

, • y' ) • 1'.(,"' • ,

-~f1rs,'.Laf. : Darling, who'ls'ln':(he Will' ,G,eneral Hospital; is'" getlln!!' riicely; but wllf· be;thf:l1'o' for some

Tho bo\~ler hat, has 'actually' 1'0-tUl'Dsd to Its glory! , The. King. ,tilp , Prince. or Wales and his' brothers' all weal" 'thEt bowlel', ' nnd' ,Iii any other enrls, baronets lind titled Dlisters. Am­ong the 'illt~ y.ou'· nmy IIIJ)d the bO,,,:ler

T~;~::EI1'ERN E , I.~ .. "'<FI~ur, ~' .. Mill

'j' lOlS"PACIFIC AVE:: " . I ,/ ~. '

.·,~'1TO,b" : a.:,---~l~:v.r-.'.·, .

. .. 'Ill

• II' ..

. '.

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.. ' .. ~ .. '.

,;i.,' '.'

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•• • • . ' .

. ' ,


BRANDON, MAN;· .. ~. ," •• : --l. .... :'


time yet.,' '''. . ',0" :,''../ ".... ' r • , .,"" ,

;,''J,,,.} : I •• ~ ••• t* . ''',. 1 ,,' " .. ~. ., ",'

,The Methodist Ladies' Aid nnd Choir will hold' their, Dazaar 'nnd TOll In' the U.F;w'.M,' ROst' Room on' Snturda)', :Do, cembel' 'IGtli', iit "3 p.m. ' 'sewln'l' lind fancy work; nlso ' ..

sUIll'erne.'-;, : . ~ ,,', t •

'" •• • , I , , • I, , .

Dr. Cherrington;- Ohio, secretary 0: ',World "Lengue Alcoholism,

a g,l:eater"na"y au, ... ""Clovenlmilint 'now'. poss'esses,

gnlnt,sJ'Eltarullllg army;than we '

~:;.:I~:~~::~~'~A~~-}~::,';I;,:0]tl~;~'~\~t~I;:~;H~~~~i!~~!i:~~ stop ··i,lIquor \ being ncross· ''.the· International so long~n's 'countries' on tho

Ide of. the border are not IS)'lI1imtl~y with'

t1o,a :;I~OllICY. I;:)

• ·:'0 ........... : : •• ~ ~; •• ; ~ •• J . ~. :" .. '.: ...... :. . " • • eo. ." eo • •

• · '.... ,',.;.: • • .' t : • 0'. '

~ e. • .


, • .'. •• r' • 'iJw" We'are ,again' making 2g'racles of 'Flour. Our first grade, or Purity Patent, is second'to none. In addition to, the above, we have another grade

" ',our ~t.raigl{t grade. Both varieties' are of pre-, ,:,,: \y~(q~a,lit~. " ~ of.· < . .

We are always in the, market for ,wheat. , We are gristing every day: Bring in your wheat in quantities an~ '~¥e y~ur..Aour'~s:you. reqUire it: ' ':, ", , '

,. . .. , .. ~ : '. ' , .

.. .. • .. -.

• • • ,.iII • •

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mE HOME PAPER' FOR sOtrrH NORFOLK: . . '- . , '.

: -The Times-Ohserver; T reheme;'.M.,..-;-$2.Q,O per Ve~ THE HOME PAPER FOR VICTORIA·

. ~ .

CORNS" Lift Off \Vith Fing<::rs,


Uoosn't burt ~ Dltl Drop a IIttl. Freezone on an aching corn, Inltantl,. that corn stops hurUn~, tbeD Ibortly you IIrt It right off with lingers. Truly!

Your Drug~lst sells a Uny bottle of Freezone ror a rew cents, lumelent to remove that hard corn, sort corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal· lUi", without 10reneBI or irrltaUon

Job Printing



With typewriter type Etc. Etc.

Jimes P.rintlhop T reherne, Man.




No More Dread' 0 .. ,THE' DENTIST CHAIR • III_~. till CIIup of ..., ...

.... In , ........ Craft IIIcII . Every modern Bclontlllo equip.

ment la In this modern eatabllsh· ment, In the hands of .kllled den· tlsts-to make the work painless.

Our work I. Incomparable In ftnlsh Ilnd appearance. Have you been drelldlns to hllve your, den· tal work dono? No need of It; we have 8cores of IIIlllsftod tlonts ",ho 'Will tell you we

"DID."!' .VII'l' '''.-.w.'' Aro you dillsatlllllod with lhe

III of your artllloial teeth? If 10, try oUr .a"" D .. 1Ile .IUIUoa 1'1Ileaalh .la'... . , -.vN8Bloa ~, ... tRa ... ,'111,00 Gol4 a~ .... IIlI. '.o'IIl ..... ' . ,.DO

, Gol4 -ft4W •• 0~ __ 1I8W \4NUa '.00 • on.lala a~o ......... ,.. '.G!I .on.lala _del.. W.__ '

IMI' tootla. • ••• ~ •• ~. •• •• ".00 Palnle.B, of leeth

Oold FllllnS8, FlUlns ... Sliver and Alloy " Every rlc8 the

• 0 .. .: ... ••••

eo " • . . . ..


Last' Friday evening the pupils of the Holland High School 'staged b

really lIue concerl. 'I'he spacious aurl· itorium was packed [ull, and consld· erable dll!lcully was exporienced In finding room for all who attended. Miss Vandecar, the asslslant princlplll occupied the chair In a very able man ncr nnd had the program nicely I hanll ali the time. Many of the small er pupils took part In tile proceedlngb and thoy held up their end or the enler· tainmenl well. The Len little nigger boys, the part where lho lilLIe boy. [,lItl girls of the junior room cllIlle out and sang a sweel IitLie song and then ducked down behind .. curtain, each putting up their hands with a pall' ,ot hoes on them and marching around In a oircle, malting believe that' they werQ walking around on lhelr hands, Lhe piece In which ·slx boys and foUl' girls took part, In which young mas Ler Mills tooit the leadlIig part In the singing and (our o( th'e other boys acted the hOI'ses while the remaining boy carried the Mills lad on his shoulder wh!le lhe (our glris each rolled a parasol, Imllating wheels, wns really splendid. 'fhe recltntion by Irene Stephenson was weli received. Mr. Clark, princilllli of the school, was as usual very good In boLh nun. bel'S he gave, In fact did so weI that he had a hard time to keep ofr the platform, so persistent was, th~

MOTHER! Move Child's Bowels with

"California Fig Syrup"

nurry motherl Even a sick child lovcs tho "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" and it never fails to open th~ bowels. A teaspoonful today may prevent I\, sick ehild. tomorrow. If con· stipated, bilious, feverish, fretful, has cold, colic, or if stomach is sour, tongue call lcd, breath blld, remember a gllod cleansing of the little b~wels is often all t.lal is necessary. ' .

Ask vour drugl(ist for Renuine "Cali· fornia 'Fig Syrup" wllieh hilS directions for babies and children of all ages prInted on bottle. Mother I You mus' 81ly "Californ ia" or you may get aD imi· tatioiiili sYriiP,

audience that hp return and give them "IDLE THOUGHTS OF some more. 'I'he two piays, "Neigh AN IDLE FELLOW" bors," and "Wanted, a Confldentiai Clerk" took well with the audience. This ULle I once read, came back to It would indeed be hard to say whlcb me very (orclbly as I read Mr. Staples' \\'as the besL. 'fhe pupils o( the discussion on' the Progressives. Know. school and their teachers are to be ling Mr. Staples' politics, and his party congratulaLed on the splendid progr~1ll having been completely routed at tho that they provIded. 'fhey deservod, last Federal election, It Is only natural Lhe paLronage of Lhe public which that some o( Jhe loliowers of that party they recel\'ed, nnd !Should they I with the long name should have a lot any lime Imt on It similar conceIt or surplus steam. And now that Mel­Ihey arc assured of a larger audience 'Ville has the polson out of his system, than ever. 'fhe funds 'wlll be used Lo hI) would be an easy convert. I know help furnish the audltorluin. Meivllle well. 1 am sure this Is his

way of breaking the Ice to receive aL InvitaUon to good society.

VICTORIA NOMIN"TIONS I here. and now Invitle you, Melville, to the Farmers' Annual Convention, at Brandon, In Janual-y of the coming

The nomina Lion meeLing for Reeve year, for which I will personally see and lWO councillors for the Munlcilllll· to It that you get a written· Invitation, ity of Victoria was held In Turner's and later, to Miss McPhail, lady Pro­Hai! on Tuesday afternoon. One of gl'esslve membel' for Grey, Ontario tile Inrgest gatherings of rale·payero Canada, having at Ule present time that ever came out to a nominaLion tour Farmer provincial governmenls,. meeting ·attended. MI'. John Cum· and past experience to them being not mlngs was elected Councillor fQl' Ward like the stern lights of a ship, only II One by acclamation. In 'Ward Three, luminlng the path over which the ves. M I'. A Gal·d1.nOl·, was brough t (ol'Ward sel has passed, I feel we are entering and he will be opposed by J. Y. Camp' Into a new prosperity. bell, who Is at Ilrysent sel'vlng on thl.! Melville, you having no case, It I council. MI'. Camllbell will also Impossible {or' me to ague with you; oppose Mr. Wesley Down {or Reev.:l, and I submit to the jury that the Pro, IC he does not. withdraw (rom either I'JrreSISII'e movement Is here to slay. nomination, In 'all·probability be will atch U. Grow." only run {or one office, either reeve 01' Councillor. The eleclon will be held on 'l'ue~day, December 19t11 ..


r .. ·· .. · ....... -.-.. · ... -.... ·-·.-· .. ·· ..... -·.·. ,




. ,

TIMES' ADLETS' l ......... • ..... ·~~w.·· .. w.·····~·w. .. ~·· .. ·· II

. POSITION WANTED A capable person desires a' position

to do domestic work 1,0 01' near Tre· heme. Apply Dox 48.

'FOR SALE Second·hand Lighting Plants: Delco,

Fall·banks·Morse, etc., 'WIllI and with­out battery; ,alllo generator and switch· board (or atta'chlng' to any gasoline engine. These can be purchased rlght. neplaced by JIYllro at Elm Creek.

Times Office

FOR SALE A number of nhode Island ned cock

erels Ilt ·1.50' eacii'; If taken lit once From good laying strin. Apply

Adllm Forbes, lOP nathwell


.. :I


!if iii! , ~ W.

m hi m

I:· '1

: ;

I·' .. .. : . :

The E. 'h o( 31-8-9, ,320 acres 6 miles .. north o( Treherne. About 70 acres of fai! rye, and 80 aci'es summerfallow :: ready for wheal. Balllnce o( about 90 acres stubble; abouL 30 acres of good WOOd. Abundance o( clear spring wa· ter;:good frame bU!ldlngs. Tel'ms very .. easy .. Apply to

J. S. Palmer, Treherne ..

_.. FOR SALE 'One Model 866 850·watt Delco·Llght

Plant complete with 16 cells of 160 .: ampere hour. Delco,1.Ight Datteey. : Price $400.00 F.O.B Elm Creek

Anyone wishing. n snap on R good IIghtin plant will get one by buying the-above.

The Season of

Remembrance YULETIDE-Christmas and the last days of the old year-is a season of remembrance. We remember first that Christmas is the birthday of the Saviour of of the world. Then, we remember our friends and all thme who make our lives worth living. I~ modern times, the Christmas card and New Year's greeting card, are the most useful forms of remembrance. They not only express sentiment between friends but are marks of appreciation for service, patronage and good will in the world of business. It is now time to place your order for Christmas Cards.

Ask us to show you om samples.


Also, one Model 105 32,voit DII'oct Current Delco·Light Water System. This piant is in IIrst·class shllpe. Price $250.00. Apllly to

C. A. Shaw, Elm Creelt, Man.

Continued complaints arc made that parties harbor strayed live stock with· cut advertising. Through this negloct lhe owners of the stock are put to much Inconvenience and loss' of time in travelling o\'er the district hun ling (01' their animals. The cost of an ad·

Aged Three and Homeless! FOR SALE

Thlrty-nve 2·year old White Wyandotte hens at

vertisement Is small, and no OWllel' of pure,br&:! an animal objects to paying It.

if taken soon. 9P

$1.00 each

Oeo. V,r. Wlllott ..... STRAYED

Dlaclt broncho with haller, weight about 1100 Ibs. Has while still'. on face and one while hind (oot. Phone Informatation regarding same to Phone 44·1·3,

, , 1:' Mrs. C. Wooley

FOR SALE . Double comb White Wyandotles, at

'2.00. Apply to lOP Mrs. D. A. McLart'1l

FOR SALE' Evergreen Xmas trees, all sizes.

Place your order with Claude Grogan Phone 44·21 -Wanted, by married couple with ~ smalt"" children, job on (arm. Doth good milkers, and experienced farm help. Would/consider a- job for all year. State wages In first letter ,.' . Write:'box 112, Trehenie

'. " FOR SALE Pure bred Plymouth Rock Cockerel~.

1.60 each. Apply , Mrs. J: A. Hamilton,

Phone 94·6, nathwell

I'll Tell the World IT Wat in

the Ipirit of "pall the word a10111" that Frank

E. JoIm., a well·known Montreal trlveller, pmned

UI the rollowina letter: ' , "Now I am., .. to_,ive JGU an tIftMI·

leW lOotilnoniol. Heret.'". I ha .. hod • prof.und c_ ,.. ...._ _die •• portilululy ~11ed lin ......... One da, loot ,.11 .'te. • hard do,'. _ in tho .1"",,. I dov.lopod ... .,. poin ill DIY loP .nd like • man ..... boo _ hod onytl ..... """" wilb bion ph,.ical.,. I _loin ... rotINr ooiot., .... I,. Th ...... Ii .... wi/o .Y.: '1 will rub ...... with -.. liniment! 'Go aheed: I .. id. jUit to b ........... - Well. in .... __ with • .., ..... 1 MINARD'S ODd ... .....,. ...... poin dioop __ in. low .in_, .... ,... aD loll tIoo _101 I aid .. ,'. 18

Her parents had and walhed their Marjorie.

separated, anrt hands" of little

She was left with neighbors, who were unable to keep her, because there wasn't enough food to go around.

But the found a happy.

Children's Aid Society home for her, where she

To make Children happyl

To save cruelty! for that?

them from neglect and Can you spare something

Send It to the "--

Childrens' Aid Society Of Winnipeg

A Provlnce·wlde OrganizatIon G Alexander Ave. E. WINNIPEQ

_. Holland readers will please noh that not. until ,Monday did the publish 01" know {or certain whether or nol. the Holland Doard' ot Tmde wIshed to purchase the mailing list and good will or the Observer, consequently 11(' 'has not yet been able to arrange t get the news {rom the var:ous parts ol lhe 'municipality. You may reSl assured,' however that the Tlmes-, Obscrver Is a pcrmanent IrI~tltution nnd that Its £lrst consideration each week will be to supply the ncws 0 Its district, from Hathwell to Cypres!< River, . and north and ~outh to. th~ municipal borders, and ALL the new.

• LOST "-;;;;;;-"l>iall~dUy -;'-;;~;t;i~ "::r.eri hand wombat fur driving gauqt· how to dye or tint any wOI'n, fad~d gar let betweeD Indlantord and Matchett· ment or drapery a new rich color that yllle about Novmber 16th. Finder ,\'iII not streak, spot, fade, or run. l'er please leave at Times Office or call feet home dyeing is guaranleed witl: PhoDe 91·4, Treherne. Diamond Dyca even if you have neVel' 13P E. A. Clarl:.



CASTORIA For Infants and Chlldrell

In U .. For Over 30Y&u. Alwa,.. bears ~s:'


-Jack Sinclair returned (rom Winni· peg on Saturday. \,

·-e ••

-We nrc glad to repOl·t that satlsfac· tory arrangements have been mado;) between the rink management aud Ihe Hockey' Club OffiCials, and tluit lhere will be hockey here this winter, The .Holland team Is better IIxed fo~ players than ever be (ore, . and we are assured o{ ~rst·clas8 hockey this sea· son., , . .. ' .. '

-Mr. Dave Shaw Is'vlsltlng with his brother In Winnipeg. ' ~ .. '. '-. .. ' . ,. -.. -The. Holland Community .Club held

social evening last Monday In Tur· Hall. Music, Il1'mes etc. PI'ovlded

amusement (or the' ,whole evenIng: Lunch was served during the evening and all 'declare it was an A1 alTair. ,,1 " • ' .• '. •• . • .

-:-Mrii; Arthur'ilarrlson ',was taken to Winnipeg lallt week'BulTerlng from sto· mach troutile. While, In., the' bospltal It Is learned that pneumonla'developed and at--the time 'or writing, ber·condl· tlon is reported' as serious. '

,) ... To m~k~ ~n ae~pi~~e fly

to move It at a ,'. 'l~.,.,!,.

before. Just tell your druggist " FOR' SALE OR TRADE whletiller tile malerial you wish to dyl' is wool or, silk, or whether it ·i8 linen, 6 hOM\l·i'owel· gas engine. Apply,. ,cotton, or mixed good.. For IIfty·one ' J. Arbuthnott yellrs million8 of women have becn, using SALE "Diamond Dy .... to add years of wear FOR -to ,thcir old, shabby WAists, skirt., . A few young BulT Orplngton Cock· ,I reSSel, coats, s"eaten, 8tookingll, ,dr .. · erels at ,1.60.each. Apply at once to periCH, hanglngB, cYilrythilllC I. ., Mrs. Fred Sanderson .

8lcn.~~~e of ~&4

-Times Liners do tbe business-three times tor '1.00.

"kT ,. I 'I:, . : .. " 'D . L. W· he" ·1!4;~al" ~y.~()stBaIflY It roup

" Hils' D~pen~.!~~!'on·~·'·Dr;, Chase's M~dicines for 2S Years

" ~; ',~ 'I • -, ,'- _... '-__ ~

ThiaJ ..... from.ufa;. ... 11lOmpeo. '8i:veayou iome iilea of why M) many thousands of people depend on ift·;tJae hour:of " '", . . . ' ,'. " ": .

--,,', ~'? - •

., ,Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and 'Turpentine has a p~rmanent place in the

" grea~ majority of Canadian homes be­cause it is the most certain relief from

,'Croup,' -Bronchitis, Whooping Cough ; and Asthma., '


" , Mrs. Alell. Thompson. Whitb, Alta., writes:-"When my 'first baby wiu born. I think she would hilVe,:died from croup

':boeh"e 'we' could reach a doctor. if it had not been for. ,n~lghbo'r who had 'a bottle of Dr. Chase's Linseed and Turpen'­",'," . ..,',_" the' house. 'This relieved' her almost' immediately. That

years, ago, and Dr:-Chases have been friends " ~'e';er: since." : '! f

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Only two more weeks-or 12 more shopping

days after this week. The mild Fall has made us

:CHRISTMAS GROCERIES: We can supply your wants. Our .Groceries are

alwaYI fresh and tuty.

A very pleaSant evening was spent at the evening of Mr. Robt. McGinnes on Friday, November 24th . when a sho1\'er was given for Miss Jean Gil christ. About 35 ladles were present. Four young ladles were presented with grips. with a costume In each, anu were told to' dress .as ·.qulckly as possl· ble, and -to go up the back stairs nnd down the front ones. The first to com', down was the brlde·to·be and ahe was dressed In a bridal costume. She found a crib full of benutlful presents nwalt· Ing her. She thanked them all for thl lovely gifts, and wns kept busy opeu· Ing the parcels for some time. The remnlnuer of the evenlng wns spent h. music nnd gnmes. Grent credit nnd thnnks ure due Mr. and. Mrs. McGln· nls for their hospitnllty anu the sump tuous supper provided for the I guc"ta. We all wish Miss Jean much success nnd happiness In her new sphere o. life.

, forget that it is so close.

Dates, per pkg ..... _ .............. ______ ._ ..... . _._15t. Raisins, seeded & seedless, per 15-oz. pkg., 25c . Currants, per lb ....................... _ ............... ___ ._. __ .. 25c.



Do not delay-We have Gifts for all, such as Handkerihiefl, MufiJers (wool and silk) Gloves, Slippers, Silk Shirtl, Neckties of ,all kinds, Fancy China (it will pay you to look over) Sweaters, T OYI for the kiddie, and numerous other goods' fluitable for gift purposes, such as Ladiel' Wailts in silk and crepe de chene, Aannel Dressel, Silk HOliery, HoUse Slippers, Boots and Shoes, Ska­ting Boots anCl numerous articles of everyday wear, which are most acceptable gifts this year.

- I Lemon and Orange, per lb .... __ .. __ .......... ..I,50c; Citron, per lb. .. ............... _ .. _I ........... _ .... ·_ .. ·_·...'75c. All three kinds; mixed, per lb .................. _ .. 60c. ,

Corn Starch, .......................................... 2 pkgl. for 25c. Finest shelled Walnuts, per lb. ._ .. _ ....... _ ...... _90c. Finest shelled Almonds, per lb .................. .' ...... 75c. Cranberries per lb. . ...................... _ ...... _ ... : ............. 25c. Finest Mixed Nuts in shells, per lb ............ _ ... JZ5c; . These are all No. I, including the finest Jumbo Peanuts. Not filled w;th small peanuts, as the average supply· is. . .':

A quiet wedding was solemnlsed nt Calvin church mnnse on \Vednesuar. December 6th at 4.30 p. 11J., the Rev. Jas. Flemming officiating, when HII da, third e1aughter or Mr. and MI'H. Duncan "MacRae of Rathwell. was un· Ited In marriage t.o James Clark Win· ram of Pilot Mound. The brIde was

attired In a suIt of brown tt1mmed with beaver, the

~oat opening over a blouse of shel. pink georgette trimmed wIth fillet lace, and wore a string of pearls, the girt of the groom.

Arter the ceremony a ualnty lunch wa~ served at the Fort Garry hotel. Come 'in and look over 'our Stock.

Among the guests were Mrs. C .

Phono~ graphs and Records, Sheet·Mu­si~ etc.

Treherne Cash Store Henselwood of Treherne, Miss Jessie McRae of Roland, sisters of the bridE'. and relatives of the groo~.


w. J. RUSTON, General Merchant Sermon Subjects for Sunduy next.: Mornlng:-::-"The Kingdom of Goel,

and Its Growth." Phone 52 / TREHERNE Evening: "Who Cares for My Soul 1" Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening.

r •

Every . Ear, Recognizes the TOIial Beauty of. : 'tbe Gourlay'

Surely nnd Instinctively even the ordinary ear appreciates the out· slanding charm, the unassailable purity or tone that enriclles every Gourlay. 'I'he benuty or every theme will" echo in your heart once you possess yourself or the Gourlay Piano to awaken it.

- Vibrnnt with sweet resonnllCC!, .the tone or the Gourlay is recognized even by the untrained enr as some'

. thing. indescribnbly different. . Hear the Gourlay-its enthralling beauty will convince you." .


. . : '-. : .". '-' ~ -. , "

THE RINK The rink opens tonight, Friday .

Free to all. There will be NO admission without tickets after to­night. The local on inside page is

an error. Season ticl<cts-Adults over 18

$6.00 16 and 17, $5.00 14 at;d 15, $4.00 II, 12 and 13, $3.00 7 to 10, $2.00 Family tickets to '5, lOpe off above. Over 5, 15 pc off. Single tickets under 12, 15c. all oth­ers 25c. 2 to 4 any .ilfternoon 1 ~c: Skating stops 10 Hockey practice 7 to 8, Monday I . \Vedne:;day and

Friday. Season tickets not good for hockey matches and carni\;il!s~ . .

... ", ",'


Studies In the Book of Revelations.

TURKEYS Duckai-(leese - Fowl - Chlck ... ,s'll

QUICKLY f you wish to tulte full advantage resent market conditions,

poultry at once, as we il!e;~port orders to fill amI must

Ive- It; particularly turlteys, to grade, pack and reship

gn markets for the strllUS!iI!

~~·~.,~"nE!rlence shOWS that Turlte~ . are usually highest b{

{w,,,m Nov. 20 nnd Dec. ]6. We be that Turltey prices wl\1 bl after December' 16 as It will

en be rllther late for reshipment outside markets. ".

a' limited number of Tu be sold In Winnipeg, anu unleSI

'Rurmu,.- stocks can be' inli',,,.. markets In time for .l\.Il~aSl!!

I' will sell at SW 2'7.7.10,. 5 miles ".I'II.ue. a drop will In all probability

S W or'TreilCl1le, on Thursday, Dec. follow... Today's' prices ar( . Igher thlln we had expected. Un

14th, at usual credit tEn'ms the roll OW you wish to sepeculllte on YOlll Ing valuable property- .. ;,.; -. ,- . '.""uu, try, we believe .. ~

. Bay mare,: 6· years amI bay' marc ~ ~:ears, wt 1450' each. 2. sorrel mal:es Will Make No Mistake In Ship 12' years' ellch.. ,..' . ping now; \'

2 s'ets double work harness, set o[ ,_EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES-'" uouble driving 11I1I:nes8, set single: dri\ shipments of No.1 poultry Ing harness.'. by us af Winnipeg betw

Baln w'Ilgon.ari(I'box, set trux, 2 hay . to Dec. 13th Inclusive. I',lcl(s, dray bollom,' 2 . sets ... slelghs, Delay Further-Ship Now! 11h hp gasoline engine, buggy; 'culli' YOIl dress' your poultry""'kl11 b} \'ator, 5 rt' mower, 5 sec' .harrows, 20 eedlng throu'gh the moutll-do nOi shoe drill, gang plow' 'sulkey plow, head, feet or entrails-dry wlllking plow, water trou'gh, 'cuttlng . chl11 thoroughly (do nOI boX;, grindst'one, pump jacks' and· VIII . before packing for shlpmelll lous tools. . ' secUl'ely--put your' nallle am . 2 cows, 3 helfel's, A .sprlng' calves, olfice nddress on outslde.'am 2sprlng steers. ... 'of packnges, and senti a pos·

FOR. CASH"-Stnck or bEnrdless card or leller to us, advising UE barley sl1en\·os. kltchen'rnnge. kitchen shIpment. cP.blnet, dining tables buffet, 7· dlnlng 'cbalrs, Diuslc 'cablnet, desk,' dresser NO,- f-ALIVE arid. Btand, 5 Iron beds,. springs and nmttresses, 'eoal heater, sewing 'mach Ine, crenm 'separator, power washer" cllllrn and -various' -oUler bOUll'~ ihoil

.:' :: .. .' .. :.' .. :: ... ~, .. <:.~ .. ' ',0 • ·.eO~. .,''' '? •••••

~ • ••••• •• D.' •

DO •• 4.0

• , .' • . - . ~


Make Them Happy

~ 52

When you make others happy, you find happiness your-self.

Our store is now abaze with beautiful Christmas goods and Christmas G.fts. Come in and you will go out with what yo~ need and desire.

Christmas 'Specials Watch 'the dates on this ad.

December 11 & 12-Men's Overcoats up to $50.00 for $25.00 December 11 & 12-Men's Mackinaw Coats at only ............ $5.00 December 11 & 12-Boys' Sweaters' up to $4.50 for .... $3.00 Derember 12 & 13-Men's Felt-Lined Leather Boots .... $4.95 December 12 & 13-Ladies' Pullover Sweaters-just the thing

for skatin~. Up to $7.50 for ............................. J ........... $4.95 December 13 & 14-25 boxes Ontario Apples at ................. :$2.25 December 14 & 15-10 per cent. Discount on all Fancy Dish!!3 December 14 & 15-' Ladies Black Cashmere 1·lose,

regular $1.45 for ............ !. .......................................................... 95c. December 15 & 16-Ladies' Navy Blue Brushed Wool

Mitts" regular 6Oc. for ........................ ~ .... ..:. ................................ 50c. December 15 & 16-9 plugs of-MacDonald's Light

Chewing for ......................... : ........................... : .......................... $1.0Q December 15 & 16-3 lin:s o~ Men's and Ladies" _

Wool Scarfs at ...................................... 95c., $1.45 and $1.75





Your Battery Ha'~!just ~b~ut finished its work. for this season •

. " --

I will recello:e pr~mpt ,attention If you send them to us. It·s the lame any

It will need expert at­tention during the win­ter or it will deteriorate rapidly. If left in your car all winter it will be ruined •.

. . : time.' whether you are' alone or have i\

Illarg'e family. we 'are ~aiways 'ready to serve you' courteously and carefu'lIy,

,paying careful attention to· eve'ry de· , . . Aboufyoul' ·,attery;; .• .; furniture' .,.. . .:' -,. '125 ,he~s:- 6: ducks: ~.' i'. ERNEST BROOKING, Prop. ... _ .... .Lo,.clJ! tall of your order. We have ~ man CD the

,. }.' "'.) ":r"'> , 'i •• ,',. I.,:" ,~f 'J:"'\ ".,1 '

, We can give' you the SA:MESATISFAC-" .. .~ , ;., \ ..;:'

. ,TION in' 1923 ~as'·w.e did iii ~'22~-8' m' .0,ll1tbS , • • • . ~, ~ ~.' _ , "" ,. t •. \

. ,'. guarantee: on' dry~st'ore' bat~eries: ~,' :.' . , ~ . ~

, , .. ' ," :'.,.",. ~ ~ ,

W. E .. S.TAP,LES.,Auc~loneer :. '" . • '''' ".... . .",,, . >. ',--1'5'

\ . METHODIST CHURCH':" '. . Morning'. Subject:-' {'Many '--,,,",,,,

but F.ew Chosen." .Evenlng-.

WE' EXTEND· XMAS GREETINGS who knows bauer-to ,all our .patrons. ~.nd ali' invitation to come ,here during ~J1e ~cw for ~es-.•. h,C)W to repair them

'. 'CHO!C~~:~~TS' and.:store t' them, how to ....

" - f .' .', <:harge them and how .. JOE: HAIRE·:, to.d,eliver·them red h~t

Phone 1[02' . -. ·:C·": DI k and: ready. for . another .. , urry ~ oc ! ." f" d k ., .' ':', leason.· o. goo . wor

==:==========. =. =~ and·satisfac.tion. ===~#~~~=~., Whe~ yo~ a~e' through

with your car for the .winter, raise it off the tir~s, .. dr~jn radiator and cr~~~~~a'l,e, ,~ Ii d bring

'battery to ua '. .'. '. ':.. • <t: ,v' C ,~

., •

• .

1!l!J •• ~1';f.! • :~1l :~ .

, '1.~ , . ,,'

'. ~, t

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