get ripped in 7 day1.docx

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  • 8/14/2019 Get Ripped in 7 Day1.docx


    Get Ripped in 7 Days

    Nutrition and training tips to lean out fast

    by John Alvino

    How to Do It:Perform the exercise pairs (marked A and B) as alternating sets, resting the prescribed amount of time between

    each set. So you'll do one set of A, rest, then one set of B, rest again, and repeat for all the prescribed sets. Perform the remaining

    exercisesas straight sets, completing all the prescribed sets for one exercise before moving on to the next.

    Weight: Unless otherwise noted, use the heaviest weight that allows you to complete all the prescribed repetitions for a given set.

    Day 1Click Here for Training

    Day 2Click Here for Training

    Day 3No weight training today. Perform cardio at the highest intensity you can maintain for 30 minutes straight (for example, a brisk

    jog). Do cardio after your weight training or at a different time of day.

    Day 4Click Here for Training

    Day 5 & 6Do not weight train but practice tensing each muscle group for a 20-second count. Simply squeeze your thighs, biceps, chest, etc.

    It only takes a few minutes.

    Day 7Rest

    Get Ripped in 7 Days: Day 1by John Alvino

    1 Squat

    Sets:3 Reps:8, 6, 6 Rest:120 Seconds

    Set up a barbell on the supports of a squat rack. Step underneath the bar, squeeze your shoulder blades together, and let the bartouch your upper traps. Grab the bar with your hands as close together as is comfortable. Nudge the bar off the rack, take three

    steps backward, and stand with your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart and toes turned slightly outward [1]. Take a deep

    breath and bend your hips and knees, lowering your body as far as you can (try to squat to where your thighs are below parallel to

    the floor) [2]. Explode back upward to the starting position. That's one rep. Perform drop sets: complete one set of eight reps, and

    then immediately reduce the weight by roughly 10% and complete another set of six. Reduce the weight again for a final set of

    six, and then rest. Perform this pattern twice more for three total drop sets.
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  • 8/14/2019 Get Ripped in 7 Day1.docx


    Get Ripped in 7 Days: Day 1by John Alvino

    2 Alternating Lunge

    Sets:3 Reps:12-15 Rest:90 Seconds

    Hold adumbbellin each hand [1] and step forward a few feet with one leg. Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the

    floor [2]. Push off from your front foot to return to the starting position. Repeat with the opposite leg. That's one rep.

    Get Ripped in 7 Days: Day 1by John Alvino

    4A Standing Calf Raise

    Sets:2 Reps:20-25 Rest:30 Seconds
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    Use a standing calf raise machine, or hold adumbbellin one hand and stand on an elevated surface, such as a box (as shown here).

    Lower your heels toward the floor, knees slightly bent, until you feel your calves stretched to the limit [1]. Hold the bottom

    position for a few seconds, and then drive the balls of your feet into the surface, lock your knees, and raise your heels as high as

    possible [2]. That's one rep.
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  • 8/14/2019 Get Ripped in 7 Day1.docx


    3A Back Extension

    Sets:3 Reps:15-20 Rest:45 Seconds

    Lock your legs into a back extension apparatus. Allow your torso to bend forward so that your hips are bent almost 90 degrees

    [1]. Extend your back so that your body forms a straight line [2]. Lower your torso back down. That's one rep.

    Get Ripped in 7 Days: Day 1by John Alvino

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    3B Hanging Knee Raise

    Sets:3 Reps:15-20 Rest:45 Seconds

    Hang from a bar as you would to do a pullup and bend your knees 90 degrees [1]. Contract your abs and raise your knees up to

    your chest [2]. Lower your knees to the starting position. That's one rep.

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    Get Ripped in 7 Days: Day 1by John Alvino

    4B Swiss-Ball Crunch

    Sets:2 Reps:20-25 Rest:30 Seconds

    Lie back on a Swiss ball [1]. Tuck your chin to your chest and crunch your rib cage toward your pelvis [2]. Lower your body

    back to the starting position. That's one rep.

    Perform cardio at the highest intensity you can maintain for 30 minutes straight (for example, a brisk jog). Do cardio after your

    weight training or at a different time of day.

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  • 8/14/2019 Get Ripped in 7 Day1.docx


    Get Ripped in 7 Days: Day 2by John Alvino

    1A Dumbbell Shoulder Press

    Sets:3 Reps:8, 6, 6 Rest:120 Seconds

    Hold a pair ofdumbbellsat shoulder height [1]. Press the weights straight overhead [2], and then lower them to the starting position.

    That's one rep. Perform drop sets: complete one set of eight reps, and then immediately reduce the weight by roughly 10% and

    complete another set of six. Reduce the weight again for a final set of six, and then rest. Perform this pattern twice more for three

    total drop sets.
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    Get Ripped in 7 Days: Day 2by John Alvino

    1B Reverse-Grip Pulldown

    Sets:3 Reps:8, 6, 6 Rest:120 Seconds

    Sit at a lat-pulldown station and grab the handle at shoulder width, palms facing you [1]. Pull the bar down to your collarbone [2],

    and then reverse the motion to return to the starting position (but don't allow the weight you're using to rest on the stack). That's

    one rep. Perform drop sets: complete one set of eight reps, and then immediately reduce the weight by roughly 10% and complete

    another set of six. Reduce the weight again for a final set of six, and then rest. Perform this pattern twice more for three total drop


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  • 8/14/2019 Get Ripped in 7 Day1.docx


    Get Ripped in 7 Days: Day 2by John Alvino

    2A Dumbbell Bench Press

    Sets:3 Reps:8, 6, 6 Rest:60 Seconds

    Lie back on a flat bench holdingdumbbellsat the sides of your chest [1]. Press the dumbbells straight up, squeezing through your

    pecs as you push [2]. Lower the weights back to your chest. That's one rep. Perform drop sets: complete one set of eight reps, and

    then immediately reduce the weight by roughly 10% and complete another set of six. Reduce the weight again for a final set of

    six, and then rest. Perform this pattern twice more for three total drop sets
  • 8/14/2019 Get Ripped in 7 Day1.docx
