géothermie eng


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Post on 28-May-2015




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This technique is the most suitable for an area with limited space. It is enough to dispose the minimum surface to achieve the operations of vertical drilling. The capturing of the calories with vertical detectors requires drillings spaced min. 5-10 m, realized close to the house or under it before its construction. Geothermal sensors made of polyethylene tubings in U-shaped are introduced in the wells. After the installation of the sensors the holes are sealed with a mixture of gravel or fine vibrated sand and 'Bentonite', chose to assure a good heat conduction and a good protection against possible landslides, root attacks, … Then the principle is the one of a WATER/WATER heat pump with glycol water which circulates in a closed circuit in the senors to fetch the calories present in the natural cellar. The WATER/WATER heat-pump is a standard equipment, which generates the best performance coefficient, the house-side network is a classic installation of the type of floor heating or of central low-temperature heating; which gives a quite simple installation beside the drillings which demands a precise effort and study. The yields or performance coefficients are excellent (4 and more) because, from a depth of 12 m, the ground has a relatively constant temperature of 10°C, in any season, which corresponds to the optimal conditions to use the ground as a resource of heat.