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  • 8/10/2019 Geotechnical Testing Methods I_AS



    Geotechnical Testing Methods I

    Ajanta SachanAssistant ProfessorCivil EngineeringIIT Gandhinagar

    Geotechnical Engg StructuresBuried right Under your Feet!!

    Hiding World of Geotechnical Engg!!




    Soil Exploration

  • 8/10/2019 Geotechnical Testing Methods I_AS



    You pay for soil

    investigation whether you

    carry out or not.

    Infact you eventually pay

    more without a soil


    Leaning Tower of Pisa

    Our Blunders become

    Monuments !

  • 8/10/2019 Geotechnical Testing Methods I_AS



    Unfortunately, soils are made by nature and not byman, and the products of nature are always complex

    As soon as we pass from steel and concrete to earth,the omnipotence of theory ceases to exist.

    Natural soil is never uniform

    Soil Investigation is unique for each soil site!

    Terzaghi says:

    (Father of Soil Mechanics)Karl Terzaghi (1883-1963)

    Typical Geotechnical Project

    construction site


    ~ for testing

    Design Office

    ~ for design & analysissoil properties

  • 8/10/2019 Geotechnical Testing Methods I_AS



    Purpose of Geotechnical Testing?


    Can the soils Support the structure?

    What is the impact of Excavation or


    Are the earth and rock Slopes stable?

    What type of Foundation is best suited

    for the structure?

    How will the site respond to

    an Earthquake?

    Is the site Contaminated?

    Determine potential problems

    andAvoid surprises!!

    S : Solid Soil particle

    W: Liquid Water (electrolytes)

    A: Air Air




    VVoid ratio,

    Three Phases in Soils

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    Grain Size Distribution

    In Coarse grained soils ... By Sieve analysis (Dry/Wet)

    Sieve Analysis Hydrometer Analysis

    soil/water suspension


    stack of sieves

    sieve shaker

    In Fine grained soils ... By Hydrometer analysis

    Soil Groups

    Fine grain


    Coarse grain


    0.002 200(300)


    2.36(4.75; IS code)


    Grain size (mm)

    BoulderClay Silt Sand Gravel Cobble

    Granular soils orCohesion less soils


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    Rounded Subrounded

    Subangular Angular

    Sand and Gravelparticle size > 75 mm

    Clay particle size < 2 mm

    Soil particle shapes & sizesSilt particle size = 75-2 mm

    Typical Geotechnical Testing Plan

    Borings: No. of bore holes, spacing

    Ground Water Monitoring: measure the ground water level

    Soil sampling: sampler (split spoon sampler, Shelby tube),Specimen (undisturbed, disturbed)

    Laboratory Test: Index properties, Consolidation, Shear strengthproperties, Relative density, Permeability etc.

    Field Test: In-situ dry density, Shear Strength, Plate Load Test

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    Borings: Number & Spacing No hard and fast rule

    Some guidelines IS:1892-1979

    For small projects

    On plane site 4 or 5 borings sufficient

    On uneven site add 1 or 2 more borings

    For large projects: 50-100 m spacing in grid pattern

    It is important to conduct borings as close as possible to columnlocations and strip footing locations.

    Depth ofExploration

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    Other Exploration Techniques Test Pits: Unlike boring, soil can be visually observed from the sides of

    the test pit. Pit is made by excavating ground (typical size =1.2mx1.2m)considering sufficient working space.

    Trenches: Trenches are long shallow pits. They are more suitable forexploration on slopes than pits.


    Test pits suggested if required exploration depth = 2-4m

    Trenches suggested for slopes (small)

    Boring suggested for exploration depth > 4m

    Indentifying the Weak Plane: Boring

    Estimated Slip Surface

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    Boring Techniques Auger Boring

    Wash Boring

    Rotary Boring

    Percussion Boring

    Use depends on

    Nature of soil

    Water table Depth

    Sample Disturbance

    Accuracy of soil exploration

    Auger Boring for soils which can stay open without casing or drillingmud. It is not possible for sands below water table.Good for Highways, railways projects where small depth of soilexploration is needed.


    Auger Boring

    Push and rotate the auger untilannular space of auger fills up

    Withdraw the auger and clean it Repeat the process



    1. Hand Auger for shallow depth (3 - 5 m)

    2. Power Driven Auger for larger depth

    3. Sand Bailer Heavy duty pipe with cutting


    Lifted and then left to fall freelyunder self weight. Additionalweight (sinker) may be added forease of sinking

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    4. Hollow Stem Auger

    Auger Boring


    Wash Boring

    A casing pipe of 2-3 mlength is driven into thesoil by a heavy drophammer.

    The soil inside thecasing is removed bymeans of a chopping bitattached to a drill rodwhich forces water athigh pressure.

    Soil mixed with watermoves up in annulargap between drill rodand casing.

    Samples are obtained atcertain depth byremoving drill rod andpushing a sampler


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    Rotary Boring

    Boring is done by rapidly rotatingdrilling bits attached to bottom ofdrilling rod.

    Soil/rock cuttings removed bycirculating drilling fluid

    Samples are taken a certain depths byremoving drill rod and placingsampler.

    Mud Rotary Drilling: Hollow drillingrods are used to flow mud slurry(Bentonite) to check caving in of thematerial (soil) at bottom.

    Core Drilling: Core barrels withdiamond bit are used.

    Design similar to wash boring

    Useful when soil is resistant to auguring or washboring

    Percussion Boring

    Dry boring or water circulated to removeloose soil

    Heavy drilling bit or chisel is dropped whileinside the casing to chop the hard soil.

    Percussion drilling rods may be replaced bycables.

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    Bore Hole Stabilization

    Drilling Mud Use of Casing

    Ground Water Observation

    High Permeability Soils

    Bore hole/Observation wells

    (Observation time = 24 to 48 Hrs)

    Low Permeability Soils

    Casagrande Piezometer(when water level in bore hole does not get stabilize inPiezometer is recommended)

    Piezometers may be installed in bore hole for seasonalvariations in High permeability soils. Chemical analysis ofground water may be performed if its constituents can be

    damaging to foundation.

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    Shelby Tube(Thin-wall) Sampler

    Thin wall (1/16in = 0.0625 in)sampling tube

    Sampler pushed into the groundhydraulically

    Sample extruded from tube andUndisturbed soil sample is obtained

    Sealing ofSampling Tube

    After removing the samplerfrom ground, it is sealed on

    both sides using melted waxto preserve moisture

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    Laboratory Test: Index Properties Index Properties of soil:

    Basic soil properties such as(a) Specific gravity (Gs)(b) Grain size distribution (dry/wet Sieve test, Hydrometer test),(c) Liquid Limit (LL), Plastic limit (PL)(d) OMC, Maximum Dry density(Compaction/Proctor test)(e) Permeability (Constant head/Falling head)(f) Relative Density (Minimum & Maximum density for cohesionless soils)

    More tests for Problem soils:(a) Shrinkage Limit, Free swell, Swell pressure for Expansive soils(b) Pinhole test, Crumb test for Dispersive soils(c) Chemical Test (PH, Sulphite, Chloride, Iron etc) for soils (may affected withindustrial waste or some other waste)(d) Furnace test for Organic Soils (peats etc)

    Representative Disturbed soil samples are used to perform these tests.

    Laboratory Test: Engineering Properties

    Engineering Properties of soil:

    Consolidation Properties (Oedometer setup)

    (i) Must to perform for Clayey soils;(ii) Soil parameters obtained: Cc,Cv,Cr, OCR, k

    Shear Strength Properties(i) Direct Shear test (for cohesionless soil)(ii) Unconfined Compression test (for cohesive soil)

    (iii) Triaxial test (for all soil types; cohesive, cohesionless)

    Dynamic Properties(i) Cyclic Triaxial test(ii) Cyclic Simple Shear test(iii) Resonant Column test

    (iv) Bender Element testUndisturbed soil samples are used to perform these tests.

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    Consolidation Test: Oedometer Test

    Input: Vertical Load, VerticalDisplacement

    Output: Consolidation parameters(Cv, Cc & Cs); void ratio Vsoverburden pressure curve

    Direct Shear Test(Recommended for Cohesionless soils)

    Input: Vertical Load, VerticalDisplacement, Lateral LoadLateral Displacement

    Output: shear strength, friction angle (f)

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    Unconfined Compression Test (UC test)

    (Recommended for Cohesive soils)

    Input: Vertical Load, VerticalDisplacement

    Output: Shear Strength underUndrained Conditions (Su)

    Triaxial Test:

    Measures shear strengthparameters of soil(shear strength properties:cohesion, friction angle)

    Loading conditions :Static loading(compression is common)

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    Triaxial Testing Setup

    Soil specimen

    Triaxial setup



    Input: Vertical Load, VerticalDisplacement, Porepressure, Cell pressure

    Output: Shear Strength properties of soil underUU, CU, CD Conditions: friction angle (f), cohesion (c)

    Triaxial & Cyclic Triaxial

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    Soil Properties Monotonic Loading (Shear strength properties of soil)

    Angle of Internal Friction (f)

    Cohesion (c)

    Dynamic Loading (Dynamic properties of soil)

    Shear Modulus (G)

    Damping Ratio (D)

    Dynamic properties of Soil

    Shear Modulus, G = .VS2

    Shear wave velocity = VS (m/sec)

    Mass density = (g/g) (Kg/m3)

    Unit weight of soil = g (KN/m3)

    Acceleration of gravity = g (m/sec2)

    Damping, D = decay in energy

    Shear Modulus (G) is measured in KN/m2 & Damping (D) in %

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    Dynamic properties of soil Low Strain Amplitude test

    For strains (10-6% to 10-4%)

    Frequency range: 10 Hz to 200Hz

    Vibratory loading (Rotating Machinery etc)

    High Strain Amplitude test

    For strains (10-4% to 10-2%)

    Frequency range: 0.1 Hz to 2 Hz (in general)

    Blast loading, Earthquake

    Dynamic properties (Lab test)

    High Strain Amplitude test

    Cyclic Triaxial Test

    Cyclic Direct Simple Shear Test

    Low Strain Amplitude test

    Resonant Column Test

    Bender Element Test

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    Cyclic Triaxial Test (High strain amplitude test)

    Dynamicproperties ofsoil using CyclicTriaxial system:

    1. ShearModulus (G)

    2. Dampingratio (D)

    Cyclic Triaxial Test


    dStressDynamic aStrainAxial

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    Cyclic Simple Shear Test (High strain amplitude test)Digitally controlled Electro-mechanical actuators are usedto apply the stress or straincontrolled loading

    Output: Shear modulus (G),Damping (D)

    Cyclic Simple Shear Test



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    Resonant Column Test

    (Low strain amplitude test)

    The basic principle of the resonant columndevice is to excite one end of a confinedcylindrical soil specimen in a fundamentalmode of vibration by means of torsional orlongitudinal excitation.

    Once the fundamental mode of resonancefrequency is established, measurementsare made of the resonance frequency andamplitude of vibration from which wave

    propagation velocities and strainamplitudes are calculated using the theoryof elasticity.

    The Resonant Column Test provideslaboratory values of Shear modulus (G)and Damping ratio (D).

    Resonant Column Test(Low strain amplitude test)

    (a) Specimen is excited at the bottom and the response ispicked up at the top (velocity or acceleration)(b) Driving force is applied on the top. The response

    pickup is also placed on the top

    With known value of theresonant frequency it ispossible to back-calculatethe velocity (vs or vl) of the

    wave propagation andthereby G or E

    After measuring theresonant condition, the drivesystem is cut of and thespecimen is brought to astate of free vibration.Damping is determined byobserving the decay pattern

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    tiCt e)(



    Resonant freq.f1


    Sample Geometry


    End restraint


    Wave equation (torsion)

    ( 2

    1220 2




    Resonant Column Test:

    Determination of Shear Modulus of soil (G)

    Resonant Column Test:Damping properties of soil (D

    D = 1/21

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    Bender Element Test (Low strain amplitude test)

    Bender Elements(made by Piezoelectric material)

    Bender Element Test (Low strain amplitude test)

    Piezo-ceramic elements distort or bend when subjected to a change involtage.

    Two Piezoelectric bender elements are placed opposite one another andinserted a small distance into a soil sample. One bender element work assource and other as receiver.

    The voltage in one element is varied creating shear waves through thesample, which are received by the opposite element. The input voltage,(created using a function generator) and the received signal are recordedcontinuously using an oscilloscope, allowing the travel time of the shearwaves to be measured from which the dynamic elastic shear modulus (G)can be determined.

    Bender elements provide a reliable, cost effective alternative to undertakinglocally instrumented stress path triaxial tests and can be readily performedon unconfined samples in the laboratory.

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    Thank You