geo location mobile social networking

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  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    Presented by Jodi Gersh

    Content Manager, Gannett ContentOne

    Geo Location andGeo Location andMobile Social NetworkingMobile Social Networking

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    y Rise of Mobile Social Networking


    Geo Location and Location BasedServices (LBS)

    y How We Can Utilize LBS

    y Revenue Opportunities

    y Q & A

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    MobileMobileSocial NetworkingSocial Networking

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  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    Growth of social networks and forecast into 2014

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    Logic statement:

    If the popularity of social networks has grown


    The use of mobile phones has grown


    Mobile social network usage has grown

    Mobile Social Networking

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    Mobile Social Networking usage has grown exponentially

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  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    Wh at is GeoWh at is Geo- -Location?Location?

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    Geo Location &

    Location Based Services (LBS)

    A location-based service (LBS) is aninformation and entertainment service,accessible with mobile devices through themobile network and utilizing the ability tomake use of the geographical position of themobile device (GPS)

    - Wikipedia

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    These services have been available for a few yearsnow.

    Geo Location &Location Based Services (LBS)

    Where To?

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    Phones/devices to support location servicesforecast large growth

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    y Years ago a few companies created the ability tocheck-in at a location using your mobile phone.y Brightkite was founded in 2007. Users "check in" at

    places by using text messaging or one of the mobileapplications and they can see who is nearby and who hasbeen there before.

    y The Check-In isnt widely adopted at this time

    The Check-In

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    E nter gaming dynamics

    Foursquare was founded in 2009y Pointsy Badgesy Mayorshipy Tips and To-Dos

    Mobile Location Gaming

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    Nearby LocationsPoints for Checking In


  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    y Offers /DealsSocially savvy local

    businesses decide tocash in

    Location Gaming E volves

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    Local Deals and Offers

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    Restaurant Owner Increases Sales by 110% with FoursquareSwarm Badge Party

    Last week, restaurant owner Joe Sorgeattracted 161 Foursquare users at thesame time to his burger joint in Milwaukee,

    AJ Bombers (pretty impressive considering there are approximately only 300-400 total Foursquare users in the area). Even moreimpressive is the fact that the restaurant more than doubled its typical Sunday sales, with an increase of 110% that day.

    Cashing In?

    Source: MarketingToolsCentral

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    y Gowallay Loopty Whrrly Brightkitey MyTown

    Beyond Foursquare

    Foursquare just passed 1 million users

    Gowalla ~250k, Loopt ~25k, Whrrl 100 million

    Facebook > 400 million active users

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    y Trips

    y Items

    Gowallas Take on the Location Game

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    Closer Look at Gowalla

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    Foursquare is first in this area. The Headlines:

    y Bravo And Foursquare Are T he Mayor Of Your TV y

    Foursquare's New Frontier: Newspapers (Canadas Metro News)y Harvard on Foursquarey BAR T Checks In on Foursquare for Mass T ransit Promotiony Foursquare and SPIN Magazine T urn SXSW Into Musical Scavenger

    Hunt y T he New York T imes and Foursquare Partner for the Olympicsy Financial T imes Goes After Young Guns With New Foursquare Deal y M TV , V H1 Ink Deal With Foursquarey Foursquare Snags A Deal With T he T oday Show

    B usiness Partnerships

    Pop Up

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    Brightkite T eams Up With Starbucks For Deals & Badges

    Others Start Partnerships

    Gowalla Partners with National Geographic and Washington Post for Branded T rips

    Gowalla Follows Foursquare's Lead with Real-Life Incentives

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    Serendipitous Deals For All

    y Rather than only rewardingMayors, Gowalla is testing themore random reward.

    y When a person checks inthrough Gowalla at any U.S.-based Best Buy or Apple Store,theyll automatically have achance to win a free 4 GB E ye-Fi card.

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    Loopt Star Deals

    y Loopt Star is all about gettingrewarded for going out andexploring the world with your friends.

    y Check In twice to any Gapadult store on Loopt Star and

    instantly receive 25% off your purchase.

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    H istorical Contenty The History Channel created

    tips on Foursquare that sharehistorically significant facts with

    users when they check into alocation of note, for instancethe first building that bought anOtis elevator.

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    H& M Virtual Goods

    y H&M partnered with LocationGame MyTown and offeredvirtual goods to users withinthe vicinity of H&M stores.

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    Gannett Jumps In

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  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    Location andJournalism

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking

    31/46 recently published a post called7 Ways Journalists Can Use Foursquare

    1. Finding T argeted Contacts2. Breaking News3. Sourcing Information From T ips4. Learning About People Youre Profiling 5. Discovering and Monitoring T rends6. Publishing and Distributing Content7. Crowd sourcing News and Rewarding Readers with Badges

    Lets take a closer look at a few of these

    W ays Journalists Can Use L B S

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    B reaking News

    Zach Seward,

    T he Wall Street Journal outreacheditor, said that Foursquare works particularly well

    for breaking news that is specific to a location.

    Can we use L B S for

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    WUSA9 Digital Correspondent Checking in on Foursquare

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    Publishing and Distributing Content

    y News organizations are using location tips to link tocontent. Frequently, this takes the form of dining tipsconnected to restaurant reviews. Followers can click on alink to get more information about the restaurant.


    Individual journalists can provide similar value by offeringtheir expertise in tips and linking to content that they haveproduced for more information.


    Can we use L B S for

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  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    Crowd sourcing News & Rewarding Readers with B adges

    Can we use L B S for

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    Photo courtesy of Flickr: borman818

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    Statisticsy Ten percent of the cell phone owners surveyed

    use mobile location services at least once a

    week.y Sixty-three percent of Apple iPhone owners use

    location services at least once a week.y Adults ages 25-34 are frequent users of location

    services, with 22 percent using them at leastonce a week.

    Luth Research Results, April 2010

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    Location and Advertising

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    y Sell businesses into location based appsDeals/Coupons

    y SponsorshipsInclusion in Trips

    y Branded badge/sticker campaigns

    y New modelsPay Per Check-in?

    Location and Revenue

  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking


    y Gannett Social Media SharePoint sitehttp://sps.gannett.gci/areas/ContentOne/SocialMedia

    y Subsite specifically dedicated to Geo/Location

    y Jodi Gersh, [email protected] ,@jodiontheweb

    y Gannett Monthly Social Media newsletter (if you dont already receive it, email me and I will add youto the distribution list)

    Gannett Resources

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  • 8/9/2019 Geo Location Mobile Social Networking
