genre unittttttttttttttt


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Post on 25-May-2015



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Page 1: Genre unittttttttttttttt


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What is genre

A genre is a ‘type’ of film, for example a romance film will always be about love and a horror will always be about death or have something to make you feel “scared”. film genres can be categorized in several ways. Some films have a couple of genres in there such as Shaun of the dead has horror but also has comedy. They put two genres together to attract different audiences. The genre is what is the setting of a film it also as a emotional affect on the audience. To make a certain film you need to put two genres together, such as if you want a alien you need to put in sci fi. Genre is very important because its easy for the audience to identify weather or not they like the film and can make a instant decision weather to go and watch it or not.

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Comparing genres The two genres I have picked is horror and animation, horror films attract the audience of people 15+ because it is scary and normally can frighten younger people. The exorcist is a classic horror, it came out in the 70’s and was a big hit, it is about a girl who gets possessed, it scared the world because it is based on a true story. Throughout the film deals with the possession of a 12 year old girl and her mother trys to win back her child through an exorcism conducted by two priests. The idea of a horror film is to scare you, it always includes death, normally it’s the good one who survives and they ones that do things like drugs exc die first, horror films always try to make you jump.

Toy story was world hit when it was realised, it is about toys that come alive and go on an adventure, it captured the imagination of children. It went on to earn over 191 million in the united states and Canada, reviews were very positive, they praised the animation. Animation films are films that are animated, done computerised. The word “animation” is like “animate,” which means to bring to life.

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Conventions in a horror film

Conventions are very important because they help you attract the audience you want, horror films normally put there characters in a place where there is no one else to help them, woods, summer camp, ghost town exc. Normally in horror films there is always death, blood or a curse or even something worse and the characters seem to put it out of their mind. Always in horror films the serial killer always cuts out the lights. Also everyone's phones or phone lines have stopped working. People see there friends dead or injured and when they hear a noise instead of running they go towards it. Every horror film the vehicle don’t start, it suddenly stops working, also there is always a fake scare, a friend will jump out and scare them for a joke. Most of the time when a group of friends are going somewhere they take a “short cut”. At night time in a horror film it is always raining, also when someone is about to die they have music playing In the background. The final girl is always in a horror film, it is when the final person is alive in the film.

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Conventions in a animation film

Conventions in a animation film are very different to a horror film, animation film are mostly targeted at a younger audience or a family film. The word “animation” is like “animate,” which means to bring to life. Its cartoony, animation films always have a happy ending. It is drawn out, not really detailed. Anamorphic, which is when you take something that is innominate and make it human. Normally the films have a sense of humor what makes young children and families laugh. It gets in the mind of a child. It brings children's attractions to life such as toys, cars exc.

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This film is called “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” you can notice straight away that this is a horror film. It has a man standing with a chainsaw with a woman hanging in the background. The writing of the title is in red, that is the colour of blood. The rhetorical question “who will survive and what will be left of them?” is telling the audience that there will be lots of death, “what will be left of them” is telling us that it will be gory with a lot of blood. Before even watching the film or trailer the audience can tell that the film is about a killer with a chainsaw that catches people and chops them up.

The audience for this film is 18+ because there is a lot of blood and young people shouldn’t be watching it. Also the people watching it will like horror films and will be okay with seeing blood.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre posterThe headline is a rhetorical question, this is because it is a cliff hanger because it is asking you a question that you have to watch the film to know who will survive

The sub heading of the name of the film is in red, this connotes death and aggression. However the denotations of red are bright, bold and eye catching. This text has been capitalised to jump out first from the page and emphasis the importance of the ‘CHAINSAW’.

The picture is showing that men are more powerful than woman, the woman is hopeless and powerless. The film is targeted at males, but it can also be watched by females because it is unisex colours, red, black and white.

The poster has no barcode this means that you cant buy it.

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Toy story 2

This film is an animation film, you can tell because it is something that has been brought to life. bright colours, cartoon looking, its by Disney who specialists in animation. the two main characters are on the poster of the film, also the names of the people doing the voices are on there as well, this is because they are well known names so it will attract fans of the actors. the most likely people to watch this film is families, this is because it is an animation film so children will want to watch it because its about toys, it is also a family film so it will attract families to go and watch it together. the only characters on the poster is woody and buzz, it tells the audience that they will be the two main characters. Also this is a second film so people will be used to the main characters they love so it will attract people who liked the first one.

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Toy story 2 poster

the two main characters are on the poster of the film, also the names of the people doing the voices are on there as well, this is because they are well known names so it will attract fans of the actors.

the only characters on the poster is woody and buzz, it tells the audience that they will be the two main characters. Also this is a second film so people will be used to the main characters they love so it will attract people who liked the first one.

the headline of the film is an animation film, you can tell because it is something that has been brought to life. bright colours, cartoon looking, its by Disney who specialists in animation.

The poster has no barcode this means that you cant buy it.

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The texas chainsaw massacre trailer

The Texas chainsaw massacre trailer is a classic horror movie, it has the “final girl” this means at the beginning of the trailer al of the friends die apart from one girl and she carry’s on in the trailer trying to fight the cereal killer, the trailer is very full on and frightening, it leaves the audience with cliff hangers and makes the audience want to go and watch it to find out what happens, the audience for this film is 18+ because there is a lot of blood and is very scary and young people shouldn’t be watching it.

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Toy story 2 trailer

In the first 10 seconds of the trailer it shows the production company this is because Walt Disney is the best known for animation films, you know from the first scene it is a animation comedy, this is because it looks cartoony and there is comedy involved. Toy story attracts the child audience because they have seen the first one and it wouldn’t be the same without woody, and in the trailer it shows woody being kidnapped so people will want to watch it to see what happens. It has cliff hangers the whole way through the trailer because it makes people want to find out what happens.

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ASAProvides teachers with a education resources set for the classroom, supplying them with tools for teaching about how advertising is under control and it should be regulated.

You can complain to the ASA if:-you think there is something wrong with the advertisement you have heard or seen about.-have trouble getting goods or getting your money back on items on items from the mail or on shopping channels-if you think a special offer or prize has been unfairly run.-if you want to stop companies texting, post or faxing you.-if you think there is something wrong with the marketing on someone's website or the companies website

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BBFC The BBFC are the people who choose what the film will be rated and why it is rated that.Different films are rated different. they look at things such as discrimination, drugs, horror, bad behaviour, language, nudity, sex, sexual violence, theme and violence. They also look at how underage viewers will watch them at home. A U film should be suitable for audiences aged 4 years and over. PG stands for Parental Guidance. This means a film is suitable for general viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for younger children. A PG film should not scare a child aged around 8 or older. 12A means that anyone aged 12 or over can go and see the film without a adult. The A stands for being with a adult. No-one under 15 is allowed to see a 15 film at the cinema or buy/rent a ‘15’ rated dvd. Films rated 18 are for adults. No-one under 18 is allowed to see an 18 film at the cinema or buy/rent an 18 rated dvd.

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Texas chainsaw massacre trailer This is the first thing you see, you can tell it’s a horror film because the music in the background and there is a scary person standing there with a running chainsaw.

You see the killer in the first 7 seconds of the film, this shows the audience the killer and what he looks like so every time you see him you know something bad is going to happen

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Texas chainsaw massacre trailer

The girl is in a coffin, being buried alive is a classic horror theme, also coffins are used for people who are dead. She is not being heard by anyone, this is a classic horror story plot.

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Texas chainsaw massacre trailer

The end of the trailer ends with the “final” girl running, this leaves us on a cliff hanger, the girl is running through a woods which is a traditional setting for a horror film. This will attract the audience because they will want to know how the girl escaped and if she gets away or not.

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Toy story 2 trailer

In the trailer they added the production company because everyone knows that they make the best animation films. They show the production is shown for about 3 seconds.

This is a upsetting time of the film because the audience think something bad is going to happen to woody, it leaves us on a cliff hanger. The audience knows the toy is alive but the humans in the film don’t so the toys have to act like toys.

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Toy story 2 trailer This is a comedy part of the film when misses potato is packing his “angry” eyes to go and find woody. We know this is animation because humans can just make there eyes angry and not have to switch them around

This is a sexist scene because all the woman and children stay at home while the male toys go out and find woody.

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Toy story 2 trailer Everyone knows that pigs are for stacking money, the pig in the film falls over and all his money falls out, this Is making real life situations into a comedy animation.

The villain of the film fires out sponge bullets, you can tell from the start to the end that this is a comedy animation. In real life sponge does not hurt you but in a animation film they are classed as “dangerous”

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Toy story 2 trailer

This is the end of the trailer, they have added the main characters names of the people doing the voices. This is because they are big names and it will attract a audience.